#raiden x shinnok
mel0nsit0 · 2 months
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Sillies babies
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beloved-belittled · 3 months
Gods/Titans x Sick! Reader
Characters: Shinnok, Raiden, Fujin, Liu Kang, Cetrion, Kronika 
A/N: Did not have the brainpower to work on my other stories so I drafted up this instead. Influenza is a bitch.
TW: Implied yandere, mentions of drugging, kidnapping, death, SFW
18+ to interact
Can probably detect that you're getting sick before your symptoms show. You know how some people can smell sickness? It's like that with Shinnok. Thankfully, you don't have the waft of death he's so accustomed to being around. He's not worried about you dying from this. Still, he'd rather not his plaything be ill.
He's a bit confused on how you got sick in the first place though. He doesn't exactly take you outside once he's kidnapped you, and it's not like he's affected by any mortal disease so ???. It's especially puzzling if this happens while you're trapped in the amulet. At least in the cell you came into contact with demons who may have carried something. 
Regardless, at this point Shinnok realizes his arsenal of healing magic is rather… Lacking. He's much more adept at rending flesh than mending it. But he's a skilled sorcerer so it takes him little time to learn a healing spell. A few test subjects later and he feels confident at curing your cold.
All this takes less than 24 hours for Shinnok to achieve. You're probably bed ridden at this point with all the chills/fever, coughing, and weakness. Speaking of beds, I think this is one of the few times he'll have you sleep in a bed rather than your cell. He wants you to recover after all. The only way you’re dying is by his hands and not some petty mortal disease. 
His magic works better than any herbal healing or medicine tbh. One moment you're on death's door and the next you've completely recovered. No sign of illness anywhere in your body. Even though being Shinnok's darling is not desirable, it does come with a few benefits like this.
Raiden doesn't know you're sick until the symptoms show. Might not discover your illness until 2-3 days of you being under the weather due to his busy schedule. He likely hears about your condition from a monk he's trusted to watch over you. Man immediately teleports to the Sky Temple to see how you're doing. He finds you laying in the bed barely able to move. Wearily, you greet him only to immediately fall into a coughing fit.
Unfortunately, he can't fry the disease out of you with his electricity. So, herbal healing it is! You drink more tea this week than you have your entire life. Seriously, you have to beg Raiden to stop because your stomach is about to burst. He does, only to immediately pursue some aromatherapy. Your room smells strongly of flowers and eucalyptus afterwards.
Would frequently check on you nearly every hour. If there's an extremely urgent matter that calls for his attention he'll leave his most trusted colleagues to look after you. Right after he's done with business he'll ask the person if your status has improved. 
He's super mindful of making sure you don't get bed sores or any other complications from laying around all day. At the same time, he only wants you getting up to bathe or use the restroom. You're essentially stuck in one place until he can 100% guarantee you've recovered. 
If your condition worsens he would hire a doctor to come see you. If the doctor suggests you go to a hospital, Raiden will take you there. I imagine the admission process would be a bit awkward though. He has no idea how all this works so you're left doing most of the speaking. You get admitted in though, and no his constant visiting doesn't stop even now. The hospital staff would likely have to kick him out.
Overall, he's praying that you'll make it through this.
Well, Fujin actually lives among mortals so he has more knowledge on how to take care of you. Like Raiden, whenever he's on important business he hires someone to watch over you. I could see him having a phone unlike his brother. Definitely more hip with the times. Anyways, because of this he probably gets a worried text from your caretaker that you've fallen ill.
He arrives back home ASAP. Seeing you in this condition pulls at his heartstring the most. Out of everyone he's the most worried, as he's had his most favorite mortals pass away from illness. He wastes no time getting into Dr. Fujin mode.
He has you on a liquid diet until you heal. Tea, soup, broth -that's all you're eating for the next week. He’ll get whatever you need medicine wise. Got a headache or cramps? He'll get some painkillers pronto. Are you coughing with an irritated throat? Have some cough syrup/drops. He's very attentive in giving you a balance of home remedies and prescribed drugs.
It pains him every time you cough or groan in pain. He wants nothing more than to cure you right now. He hates seeing you suffer from illness. You can expect him to keep you company for as long as necessary. He'll also bring whatever entertainment you want, long as it isn't too expensive. 
Again, if your conditions worsen he'll take you to a hospital. It's a smoother process getting in with him though. He also understands the concept of visiting hours, but best believe he's taking full advantage of them. He'll only leave your side if he has to and will be back the next morning.
Liu Kang 
He doesn't have an ability to detect disease but he does have impeccable intuition. Something just changes about you before you fall ill. He's not even sure how he predicted it, but sure enough you're bedridden a few days after his spidey senses tingle.
He tries not to be too worried about your cold. He hasn't crafted your destiny to be one where you die from disease. But, there are some externalities even he can't control being Keeper of Time. So, it's off to the Wu Shi's medbay with you!
The Fire God checks up on you regularly, but not as often as Raiden or Fujin. It's not that he cares less, but rather he understands boundaries more. You don't need him breathing down your neck while you're recovering or sleeping. He makes an effort to see you every day though, giving you updates of what's going on at the academy. 
If you're suffering from chills though at least you're in luck! He'll keep the room more than warm enough with his fire powers. It's like having a heated blanket around whenever he's in the medbay. At the same time, if you have a fever you may find his presence to be a little too warm. 
I believe if you don't get better he'd take you to a sorcerer skilled in healing. Luckily, there's a whole multiverse at his disposal so it's extremely easy for him to find someone to cure you. You won't die under his care. You're far too precious for him to lose.
Can detect your sickness way before symptoms show. Honestly, you probably wouldn't even realize you're sick before her magic heals you. With her around you don't have to worry about such mortal afflictions. 
If there was an illness that her powers couldn't heal… Well tbh you're probably going to die. But, I think it would leave her spiraling into a pit of worry beforehand. How did you get this disease? What can she do to help you? I think she'd try a lot of home remedies like the other characters here but doesn't have as much faith for it working. After all, no mortal medicine can surpass her powers as an Elder God.
If you pass away from this she'll likely just keep your soul in Heaven with her. If she's Keeper of Time she may just restart the Timeline. Although, I can't imagine it'd be too hard for her to just put your soul in a surrogate or artificial body. Regardless, she's not going to let an illness take you away from her. The consequences be damned.
Also, in a weird way I could see Cetrion getting you sick on purpose. Drugging whatever you eat/drink with just enough poison to make you lethargic and sleepy. Or manipulating the timeline so you're purposefully born with a weak body. It feeds her ego to take over a caregiver role for you. Having you completely dependent on her love and attention gives her a much needed dopamine boost. It's very unfortunate for you.
Overall… Probably the best person to have if you get sick. As long as she decides to heal you immediately of course.
Is even more confused than her son about how you got sick. After all, she had you trapped in a pocket outside of time. Even if you caught a pathogen, it wouldn't be able to progress due to time being paused there. And not only that, you've been in there for far longer than the incubation time of any disease. Briefly, she wonders if your safety inside the bubble has been compromised. She dismisses that idea though. No… No one has the ability to tread that space without her permission. Not in her New Era.
Fortunately, she can just reverse the “age” of your body to before you got infected. She's reversed time on your body several times at this point, so she's not the least bit worried about doing so. A wave of her hands later and you're cured. And feeling a bit younger too.
Not much else to really say here. I doubt she would intentionally get you sick. Also with her being a Titan and succeeding against Liu Kang/Raiden in this timeline, the arc of history really does bend to her will. So basically -you're not getting sick on her watch.
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kusagrasskusa · 1 year
MK Villains meeting/hearing about their (and your) child - PART 2
Erron Black, Shang Tsung, Baraka, Kano, Quan Chi, Shao Kahn edition! (Part 1)
This time, we’ll be featuring…
Shinnok, Dark Raiden, Noob / Bi Han (he wasn’t very good), Scorpion, Reptile!
Enjoy ;) @kryptofancientdreams
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Shinnok: My child, where had you gone?
Child: My brothers and I have a plan to defeat you.
Shinnok: Then, I suppose they will have to go through with it without you.
Raiden: You fall from the light, sister.
Child: We are the children of Shinnok- you are just as horrible as I.
Raiden: You’re speaking just like him.
You: You promised our child the Netherrealm, then go missing.
Shinnok: A couple of inconveniences got in the way.
You: That human actor? Are you the same husband as before?
Child: I’ll kill Quan Chi myself if you can’t.
Shinnok: He is much stronger than yourself. Just wait until I win it over for you.
Child: *Pout* why! I can defeat you, so why let do it?
You: You need to talk to your son.
Kronika: Why so?
You: He fails to give [child] the gift of the Netherrealm.
Shinnok: Have you met your [sister/brother]?
Raiden: She is no sister of mine.
Shinnok: You may ignore the truth, but you know your place.
Child: You can't hide from fate.
Shinnok: My fate is not to die at the end of a worthless human's blade.
Child: A demi-god. And Cage proves humans aren't so wortthless.
Child: Brother! He escaped!
Raiden: Do you think yourself powerful enough to defeat him?
Child: Perhaps... If you can prove it.
Johnny Cage: Your daddy ever tell you about me?
Child: I tell him about you, actually, Ninja Mime.
Johnny Cage: Then be ready to tell him about this, got it?
Raiden: How does a human betray her realm?
You: If my child can have a father, that's how.
Raiden: A kind sentiment, with horrible reasoning.
Fujin: I had no idea we had a sister.
Raiden: If the reader has a thing for Shang Tsung and would like to see our sister...
Fujin: The author has a story for that? Can I check it out here?
Fujin: I won't call you mother.
You: I don't expect you to. You're a grown ma- God.
Fujin: Just making sure you're fine with that.
You: Give [child] back!
Raiden: I will not let you or Shinnok destroy my [sister/brother].
You: You fool! This is why Shinnok hates you!
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Dark Raiden
You: Are you even going to be there for [child]?
Raiden: [She/he] can live without me. But [she/he] cannot live without Earthrealm.
You: I won't let you leave so easily this time!
Fujin: Where is your father?
You: I won't let you find him.
Fujin: The darkness grows over you too. I'm sorry, niece.
Revenant Lui Kang: I can never kill Raiden, but I make him live his life in misery.
You: He is finished with your whines, champion.
Revenant Lui Kang: And soon, I'll be finished with you.
Raiden: Where is [she/he]
Revenant Lui Kang: You took away my life, Raiden. Now I took away yours.
Raiden: And I will finish with this life of yours!
Child: Not. Another. Step.
Raiden: You dare cross me?
Child: You killed them, father. You are not deserving of the name, "Protector."
You: Your father's angry at you.
Child: You two have lost yourself in darkness. I trust you mi longer.
You: You forget: I'm not as merciful as him.
Cassie: so, you're dad's a god? Must be nice.
You: 'Til he becomes a dark God. Then it kinda sucks.
Cassie: Eh, my dad sees you as a daughter anyways. That's a plus.
Raiden: I never could have imagined it end this way.
Child: Father, you misunderstand!
Raiden: You helped a Reventant. You betray your realm!
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Noob Saibot / Bi Han (seperate)
Noob: I am not your father.
Child: You may be dead, but you are still my father!
Noob: Bi Han is dead. You are just another orphan.
Child: Saibot is not as fun to play with. He's just a shadow.
Noob: I cannot always be with you, child.
Child: Then why did you ever hsve me?
Kuai Liang: My [niece/nephew]. You have my mother's eyes.
Child: I am not your niece. I was born to Noob, not Bi Han.
Kuai Liang: He is my brother and life, and in death.
You: You left me to raise a child on my lonesome.
Noob: I did what I must to protect [her/him].
You: You'd protect [child] better dead then alive.
Hanzo: It was a mistake. I was blinded by my rage.
Child: I actually came to thank you. I want to learn what you did.
Hanzo: How I killed your father? It went something like this...
Bi Han: I love you.
You: You have yet to prove it. Spend time with [child] if so.
Bi Han: That will have to wait until later, unless you can bring me home yourself.
Frost: I thought your dad said women weren't allowed to be heirs.
Child: No, no. He said bitches aren't allowed to be heirs.
Frost: Your family blood are all assholes.
Kuai Liang: I told you, we cannot waste anymore time.
You: If I can beat you, then I can take down my father!
Kuai Liang: Yes, but you can never bring him back.
Kuai Liang: So you finally settled down.
Bi Han: Correct, brother.
Kuai Liang: Let us see how prepared you are to raise a child, then.
Bi Han: Our daughter does not enjoy watching us fight.
You: You seem to forget; You are the leader, but I am the First Lady.
Bi Han: ...She will have the might of her mother.
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Child: I understand. I will never mean enough to you.
Scorpion: I love you the same as my son. Never doubt that.
Child: Then why do you care for them more than me?
Quan Chi: It would be a shame for it to happen again, yes?
Scorpion: [Child] and Y/N are under my permanently protection.
Quan Chi: Protection... only worked so much, didn't it?
Raiden: You look just like your father.
Son: I am more hellbent than him.
Raiden: Then you can never be saved.
You: Who will it be, your dead family or your new one?
Scorpion: My dear wife, I am sorry. But I cannot let go.
You: I see. Then I suppose you won't be needing us anymore.
Johnny: I saw this chick on my way here. Literally, smokin' hot.
Scorpion: *angrly grips chain* It was you who harassed my daughter?
Johnny: *clicks tongue* Yup. Not good on my part.
Child: I wish I could've killed Hemuri and my brother myself.
Scorpion: He is no brother of yours any longer!
Child: Good. Then if I could kill him, it would be far less meaningless.
Scorpion: You took my child away!
You: Why would you care! We're meaningless compared to your dead family!
Scorpion: Bring [him/her] back!
Quan Chi: I thought I killed you a long time ago.
Child: That was my brother. I had come to avenge my father's clan.
Quan Chi: Then suffer the same fate.
Kuai Liang: Scorpion found love once more.
You: *smiles* He did. Although, he cannot look past what you had done.
Kaui Liang: That was neither I or my brother. Send the message.
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Cassie: So, what's your favorite bug to eat?
Child: Ew, bugs are my father's thing. I prefer the flesh of chickens.
Cassie: Huh. Gotta say, not what I expected.
Erron Black: *Whistles* Ain't you one fine specimen.
Daughter: Half Saurian, half [human/edenian/whatever]. *wink*
Erron Black: That so? Wanna come "put venom in my veins" girlie?
Takeda: I think I've seen this somewhere.
Child: Avatar? I get that a lot.
Takeda: Maybe... or furry conventions.
— (Enter Alice Cooper)
Johnny: I wanna kiss you but your lips are-
You: -venomous poisonnnn.
Johnny: Yeah, how do you kiss that guy anyways and not melt?
Syzoth: *"My child" in Saurian*
Child: *"Father" in Saurian*
Syzoth: *:)*
Shang Tsung: I thought Reptile to be the last of his species.
Child: That was before he had me to a [human/edenian/whatever].
Shang Tsung: I must expirement with such a cross breed.
Jaque: I know Tiana had to kiss the frog to turn him human, but to have a child with the frog?
You: There's more than meets the eye, my dearest.
Jaque: Don't talk that close to me. Don't know where that mouth has been.
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lizz-crimson · 7 months
And They Were Roommates (Shinnok's Head x Reader)
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Yes, you read that title correctly, bare with me.
Summary: Reader ends up preventing Shinnok's head from entering the Jinsei and convinces Raiden to let them keep him in their apartment. Yeah.
Tags/Extra: Reader is gender neutral (please let me know if you see a mistake anywhere!), goofiness, non-serious, Shinnok can't believe this shit, Netflix?, platonic, for now, does this count as a slow burn?
Words: 2238
Part 2 Part 3
"Can I keep him?"
Lord Raiden replied to your question with an expression of utter shock.
"WHAT?" The head of Shinnok wriggled in your grasp, and his face was also in shock.
He'd finally gained back a sliver of power—enough to talk and also enough to cast one spell. A simple teleportation spell that would send him, his head rather, directly into Earthrealm's Jinsei Chamber in Raiden's Sky Temple. It was supposed to work. It should have worked. Why didn't it work?
You'd gotten lost in Raiden's temple and were lucky enough to be in the Jinsei Chamber before Shinnok's head could fall in. That's why.
"Can I keep him?" You repeated it a bit slower, clapping mentally in between the words as your hands were occupied holding an ancient evil.
Raiden's jaw hung open slightly, a rare expression for the Thunder God. "[Y/n], I cannot allow you to harbor Shinnok yourself. He is much too dangerous."
"I understand that, Raiden, but you gotta listen to me for a second." You argued gently. "Shinnok can't passively gain power here in Earthrealm like he can in the Neatherealm. He's no threat as he is now, and I already stopped him from getting into the Jinsei, didn't I?" You gave Raiden a brief pause as he thought. "I can handle him, I promise." You gave a confident smile. It was true that without undead servants giving Shinnok souls to feast on and convert into power, he was no threat now. You felt him shaking with rage in your arms.
"I am not your pet, mortal!" Shinnok yelled, slightly hopping in your grasp. "I am Shinnok, ruler of the Neatherrealm! I will not be contained by some lucky Earthrealm weakling!"
After a beat, you again speak to Raiden, ignoring Shinnok.
"Plus, if you keep him locked away up here with you, you'll have to listen to shit like that 24/7." you added to your earlier argument.
"And you would not?" Raiden countered.
"Raiden, I live in New York. I'm the master of ignoring people."
Shinnok watched in horror as Raiden turned his gaze away in thought. He was actually considering your offer.. Seeing this yourself, you push him a bit more.
"C'monnn," you said, leaning forward a bit. "I won't even charge you," you joke. Raiden rolled his eyes, but a faint, lopsided smile appeared. He sighed.
"Alright, [Y/n], I'll allow you to keep Shinnok."
You close the door to your apartment behind you with a sigh of relief. Raiden can't exactly teleport you inconspicuously home when you live in such a crowded area. So he has to drop you off in an alleyway a whole three miles from your apartment complex. It wasn't an ideal situation, but when you had realm-ending threats to deal with, it seemed worthless to complain about them.
Speaking of realm-ending threats...
You carelessly drop the backpack you were wearing on the floor. There's a heavy 'thud' and a muffled groan of displeasure right after.
"Oop-- sorry!"
Unzipping the backpack, you pull out Shinnok's head and place him gently on your couch. From there, he could pretty much see the majority of your apartment. The kitchen, living room, and door to your bedroom were well within sight.
As much as Shinnok was ready to start spouting curses and threats to your life, he couldn't help but be slightly appalled by your living conditions.
"Welcome to your new prison," you announced to him.
"Are you certain this isn't your own prison?" he replied.
"Hm?" You raised an eyebrow before catching on to his meaning. "Oh, that. Yeah, it's pretty miserable, isn't it?" You sigh and take a seat on the couch yourself. "Welcome to New York. All 19 million residents live just as shitty. Get used to it."
"This is truly your home? This must be some kind of joke," Shinnok spat. You sighed again before replying.
"Yes, this is my home. Were you expecting something grandiose?"
"For an insignificant mortal like you, no." He scoffed, then scanned the apartment again. "But this... I was expecting you to have room to breathe at the least."
"Yeah, I expected that when I first signed the lease too." You leaned back on the couch. God, you missed the countryside. Hell, if you lived there, you and Shinnok would have some damn room. It had crossed your mind to move back, but with everything going on nowadays, moving was the last thing that should be on your mind.
It seemed to re-enter your brain that you had a fallen Elder God in your apartment. An evil one. Sure, he'd been decapitated, but he was there.
"Anyway, per me and Raiden's agreement, I will be keeping you from this moment on. If I suspect you of anything nefarious, I have to contact him, and then he'll be the one you have to answer to. Got that?"
"Yes, I'm aware. Now what are you going to do with me? Lock me in some corner?"
"Don't give me ideas, head," you replied. "If anything, I should put you in a box and leave you in the closet, but I'm too nice for that." You said. "So I'll just leave you here on the couch, and I guess I oughta put on some Netflix to keep you entertained."
"What are Netflix?"
And so Shinnok's new life began. A severed head confined to one side of the couch with Netflix shows he couldn't even scroll through himself. The days were long and boring. Sure, some of the movies and TV shows peeked his interest, and you even made a separate profile for him to keep track of them all, but other than that...
The fallen elder God hardly spoke to you unless you said something first. He felt as if speaking to you too often would somehow damage his brain. In his boredom, however, he did take the risk and started asking (demanding) to know where you were during the days. That opened the doors to new conversation topics. He grew curious and started asking more questions. You answered them. Why not? It wasn't like telling him why you hated your boss and coworkers was going to end the realm as you knew it.
While Shinnok couldn't eat for obvious reasons, he could smell. He found the scent of the various dishes you made to be quite good. He also enjoyed the smell of the fast food you brought home or had a slave deliver to you sometimes. After explaining that the Doordash delivery man wasn't a slave, you turned your attention to your hot wings. You ended up telling him of a time when Raiden accidentally choked on a hot wing. This was rewarded with a boisterous laugh from the head. It turns out even evil gods have senses of humor, and every once in a while you're about to get a laugh out of him.
So yeah, neither of you were as bad to have around as you both assumed. You adapted to his presence, and he to yours.
Throwing the door to your apartment open, you groaned and threw your work bag across the room. It hit a window with a thud, causing a perching pigeon to startle and fly away.
"Oh~," Shinnok jeered," someone's got you riled up, haven't they?" he chuckled.
You let the door close behind you and stomped your way to the kitchen, pointing a finger at the head on your couch. "Don't even get me started."
You grabbed a can of soda out of the fridge, cracked it open, and then proceeded to get started.
"You remember my coworker Cindy?"
"The 'office pick-me,' correct?"
"Yeah!" you confirmed with a snap of your fingers. "Well, today she skipped right up to me all happy 'n shit, right?"
"She starts going on and on about how our annual reviews are coming up, and she's all like, 'Oh dear, I hope I get that raise. Oh me, oh my, I hope people in the office have put in a few good words for me!,'" you mocked in an annoying voice. "I'm telling you, Shinnok, it took every ounce of strength I had not to fu--"
Your rant is cut short by the ring of your phone, and you groan again before answering it.
"Hey [Y/n], it's Cassie." Cassandra Cage greeted on the other side.
"Oh, hey, commander. What's up?"
"A lot, actually," she replied with an exasperated tone. "We need to talk to Shinnok. Are you home?"
Oh no..
"I am. Is everything alright?"
"Most likely not. We'll be there in thirty. Prepare the head."
Once Cassie hung up, you sighed, knowing this particular conversation wasn't going to be civil.
"Bad news, Shinnok."
"What is it?"
"Remember Cassandra Cage? The one who beat you the second time around?"
Shinnok snarled. "Yes, I remember. Why?" he asked through gritted teeth.
"She's coming to talk to you."
"She said something's wrong," you replied. You contemplated for a moment. Could Shinnok have been up to something while you were at work all these days? He hasn't moved from his spot on the couch since you brought him here, but he was a sorcerer, so...
"You cannot possibly think I have anything to do with this, do you?" Shinnok asked, voice raised.
"No, no, I just..." you trail off and huff. "I don't know! You're the deity in this situation!"
"Yes, I am a deity. A deity who's been confined to a couch watching Netflix for a month now!"
"Y'know, most people would love to be you right now! You don't know how privileged you are!"
"Privileged?" Shinnok was utterly appalled.
A hard round of knocking startled the both of you out of your argument.
"Shut the fuck up!" your neighbor yelled.
"Sorry, Charles!" you quickly apologized. When the footsteps of your neighbor faded, you took a breath. "Listen, Cassie is going to be by in a few minutes. Please just answer honestly when she asks you anything."
Shinnok grumbled," Fine. Whatever."
"Good. Now let's watch the season finale of My Happy Marriage before she gets here."
"An agreeable exploit."
After a while, and after discussing the possibilities for the second season of your show, another round of knocking made Shinnok's expression fall.
"Coming!" you said. You then rose from the couch and peeked through the peephole on your door, seeing Cassie on the other side. "Friend or foe?"
"Friends. Raiden is here too," she replied. Looking over a bit, you could indeed see Raiden standing beside her. Shinnok groaned on the couch. You gave him a look before letting in Cassie and Raiden. Raiden, as always, had to duck under your door.
"Alright, now what's the problem supposed to be?" You asked, wanting to get straight to the point and not waste time if the world was in danger again.
Raiden held out his hand to calm you. "Firstly, where is Shinnok?"
You gestured to your couch and watched as Cassie and Raiden's eyes locked with Shinnok's. The fallen Elder God was already glaring daggers at the both of them. Cassie was stifling laughter while Raiden approached him.
"Demons from the Neatherrealm have been getting into Earthrealm, Shinnok. Whatever it is you're planning, we'll--"
"Wait, wait, wait," you stopped Raiden, surprising him, Cassie, and Shinnok himself. "Hold on, Shinnok has been here, unmoving, for a whole month. How do we know this is his doing?" you asked.
"There can be no other explanation, [Y/n]."
"Then maybe Shinnok could provide us with one?" You replied and looked towards Shinnok, gesturing for him to speak for himself.
For a few moments, Shinnok said nothing, but then, after a grunt, he replied," It is possible that without my power to stabilize the Neatherrealm's energy, demons may simply be transported here without precise reason."
"So, how do we stop it then?" Cassie stepped up. Shinnok smirked.
"You cannot. Not without sending me back to my rightful place in the Neatherrealm."
"Yeah, not happening, asshole." Cassie said.
"Hmm, there may be a way," Raiden hummed. "By learning the magic Shinnok uses to power the Neatherrealm, we could stop the demons ourselves."
"I'd rather choke than teach you the dark arts, Raiden," Shinnok jeered.
There was a pause. Everyone in the room seemed to just be thinking of a way to solve this problem. All except for Shinnok. The only thing he was thinking about was how funny it would be to see Raiden choke himself on a hot wing.
"Then would you be willing to teach me?" you asked him.
You kneeled down on the floor to be face-to-face with Shinnok. "Teach me how to stabilize the Neatherrealm. Out of all the Earthrealmers you can choose from, it would be best to teach me, right? You know me after all," you said.
"That.. is true," Shinnok said, looking to the side and thinking a bit about the subject.
"You do realize that learning dark magic will be more difficult than anything you've ever attempted before?" Raiden said.
"Yeah [Y/n], are you sure you want to control the undead and shit like that?" Cassie asked.
"It's best for the realms, isn't it?" you replied. "So Shinnok, what do you say?"
Shinnok remained quiet for a bit longer, grinding his teeth in deep thought. Eventually, he sighed.
"Fine then. I hope you're ready for hell, [Y/n], because I am a very stern teacher."
Lol, I wrote something. I have more little things in the works as well!
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Quan Chi x Reader x Shinnok
Minors DNI- NSFW In this!
Current list of fics in the work for those who are interested!
D'Vorah, Havik, Kollecter, Jealous Shinnok+ Quan Chi (Request), & Lovesick Quan Chi (Request)
You are sneaking into Raiden's sky temple, down into the Jensei chamber. You're just trying to get him or what's left of him. For a god that you know deep down doesn't feel love or anything close to affection. Yet you made your choice when his head was dropped in the Netherrealm. You unbind him, his cold body limp against you, and carry it over your shoulder. You're shocked Raiden hasn't come for you for sneaking into his temple. You make it through the temple without issues and can reach the Netherrealm. You sigh as you feel the warmth of the Netherrealm hit your skin. Your eyes land on Liu Kang and Kitana, the 'new' rulers of the Netherrealm. You know that they worship Shinnok's head in their bone temple. But you hope you can convince them to let you have his head. You want to reattach it to his body. As you approach, Liu Kang watches how you hold Shinnok's headless body in your arms.
Kitana glances at Shinnok's head on their alter before she reflects at you. "If I can reattach his head, your god can keep fighting Raiden," you explain to them. Liu Kang furrows his brows at that and shakes his head. "The God of Thunder will slaughter you without mercy!" Liu Kang spats. Kitana walks past him and grabs the head, inspecting the stump before looking back at you. "He will continue fighting as long as Raiden breathes," Kitana said as she walked closer to you. She holds the head out, and you gently put his body to the ground. You take the head and his body, finding a space for the fallen god to rest after what is going to happen.
You can feel Shinnok's eyes watching you as you move swiftly. You've done this before. You've resurrected Quan Chi, so just reattaching the head of a god to his rightful body should be easy. You keep telling yourself as you find an old medical room Quan Chi would use to do experiments with Shang Tsung. You delicately place his head down on the table as you get his body onto the bed. You glance at the god again as you look through the equipment and find all you need. The way his cold eyes bore into your being makes you uneasy as you look around and see that he had a vat for bodies and one full of blood. You get everything set up and roll your sleeves up. You give the god the best reassuring look you can as you gently pick his head up once more and bring it to his body as you begin the slow and tedious work of reattaching his head. The amount of small slices and nicks you have to take to make sure he'll have proper blood flow is upsetting, along with the looks he gives you even when you give him warnings. He seems annoyed that you speak to him occasionally as you work. You can't deal with the silence. Usually, you'd have Quan Chi to talk to as you work on things, but he's off doing god knows what.
It's exhausting work, but once it's all reattached, you sew his skin together, seeing how angry the flesh is as you do so. Are you surprised he hasn't attacked or killed you yet? Yes, very much so. You examine your handy work, seeing how this will scar nicely. You give him space as you wash his blood off of your hands. When you hear nothing from him, you see him sitting up fully as he stretches his fingers and legs; he is stiff. After you've dried off your hands, you move to bring his something to drink. His throat must be dry and scratchy after everything. When you present the glass of water to him, he takes it without a thank you or a single word. You watch his stitches, ready to jump to action if they burst open. When he finishes the glass of water, and you go for more, he turns his head away from you, refusing to drink anything else. "Why are you helping me?" He demands softly. You try not to gulp as you lean on your heels and think of how to answer him. It takes a moment for the words to come. "If I'm being honest," You start, "I always had an appreciation for what you are capable of and figured you'd rather not be a trophy for the 'new Netherralm king and queen,'" you say using finger quotes when referring to the king and queen. "Besides, I resurrected Quan Chi, so I figured that reattaching a head to a body couldn't be too difficult," you add as you grin at him like some fucked up ray of sunshine. It seems to have the effect you wanted because the corners of the god's lips twitched up for a split moment.
"Are you some fool that believes if you help me, you'd survive if I returned?" Shinnok finally asked. The question didn't seem malicious, but the god might be lying to you.
"Oh no, I thought I'd be dead already instead of having this conversation, Lord Shinnok," You tell him truthfully. That does get his lips to lift slightly, showing the god's pearly whites. He seems pleased you used the proper terminology when addressing him. His body twists to look at you better, eyes trailing up your frame. How and why do you smile so sweetly at him when he could quickly kill you with little effort? This question is turning his gears. "Then how will you deal with me now?" He says lowly. He wants you to slip up. He's curious about how you'd act and if you can go against him without fear.
"I didn't think I'd survive this long, my lord. Raiden didn't even find me when I stole your body from the Jensei," you shrug lightly as you move to clean the area up. Shinnok looks around the room slowly. His hand hovers over his stitched-up skin where the deep laceration was before you brought him here. He takes in his surroundings, and his mind races as he realizes you went to great lengths to help him. Then it hits him. You knew this could be the last day or week of your life. You were a willing participant in giving your life for him? Shinnok sits, unmoving, as his mind works in circles as you clean up. He needs more information. "May I clean your stitches? Dried blood will stick and pull on them painfully," you ask softly. It's so timid. Shinnok waves his hand for you to come and do as you must.
You move in closer and move his chin softly as you place a warm rag against his stitches to loosen dried blood. Your eyes watch his throat as you delicately clean your handy work. The warmth of your hands on his face and jaw is surprisingly pleasant to the god, and his eyes close as your thumb moves under his chin to adjust his head so you can have more access to clean. You move and hold him as if he's made of fragile glass. As if he hasn't done his fair share of evil things and murdered people left and right. Shinnok leans into your palm, moving his hand to cover yours. He looks you in the eye, a low grumble erupting from the bottom of his chest. His teeth come out before his tongue trails along the tops, eyes lidding as he takes in how you smile warmly at him as if you are unfazed and unthreatened by him. Shinnok didn't expect the warmth from the gentle touch of your thumb moving on its own accord. Your eyes stay locked on his stitches and the dried blood. You merely glance at him when he moves, watching his reactions for discomfort or pain.
As soon as he's thoroughly cleaned, he seems to regain some colour, the dried blood washed from his pale flesh and armour. His hand goes up to cup yours that had been supporting his neck, rubbing relaxing circles into the stiff and tense muscles. The god is confused. It would help if you weren't smiling, touching him, being near him. Shinnok slowly reaches down his hands towards where his amulet should be, only to find it gone. You give him a soft but apologetic look.
"Raiden wears your amulet like some kind of prize," you admit to him. The god sits straighter. You don't move from where you are; your hands slowly move to where his neck and shoulders meet as you massage the stiffness, hoping he won't stress the stitches. When a huff leaves him, your thumbs press deeper to release any stiffness holding on to the pale god. Shinnok almost melts as he feels his stiff muscles being worked on. He doesn't show this weakness. The god frowns at the realization that you are showing him more attention than needed, not that he's complaining, however. His large hand wraps around your smaller wrist as he stills your hands. "Am I entertaining you enough?" He spats lightly. Shinnok doesn't release you and inspects every detail on your skin.
"Apologies, my lord," you say softly as your fingers stop soothing his muscles. You move to pull away from him, thinking he's giving you this one tiny pit of mercy for giving him his autonomy back. Shinnok would not have the common courtesy or respect you are showing him now. Then again, you aren't trying to gain anything from what he can see. So why bother being so tender with him? There's no catch or reason behind it. Your warmth slips away from him and his hold as you give him space again. You don't seem concerned about him retaliating or escaping. You even leave yourself open to attacks when you turn away from him to clean up the tools you used to put him back together. Something inside the god roils, and he becomes impatient with himself when he doesn't have the proper words for how this experience is confusing.
As you putter about the room cleaning and occasionally offering him something or anything to drink or eat. Shinnok takes note of this kindness before he becomes angry. "Why do you offer me things? Why do you try to cater to me if I will kill you once my strength returns?!" The god demands loudly.
"Because I know that's a part of life. You live and then die, so why not just accept it when it comes for you instead of fighting it," you shrug as you give him a sad little smile. The words seem heavy for the god as he watches you move back to him. You know his eyes are on your form. You turn your back to him as you straighten yourself and move one of the heavy curtains to look out at the red sky of the Netherrealm. For a second, he wonders if you're stalling.
"Do I strike fear in you, Mortal," his voice is raspy when he finally moves to stand beside you, though his gaze isn't on the outside world; no, the god's eyes watch and scrutinize each feature. Your soft profile as your brows furrow at the darkest area of the Netherrealm. His interest in your words piques his curiosity.
"No, Lord Shinnok, you do not," you admit as you face him fully. There's a minute change in his expression. He doesn't show this. But his head moves just a tad. That little change isn't hidden from your gaze; you move just an inch. You sigh as you look back out the window. It was this or watched Raiden become a tyrant of a guardian of Eathrealm. Your smile fades to a frown as you ponder what Raiden has done since cleansing the Jensei. The memories of his booming voice and electrical fingers snapping a warrior's neck with barely any resistance flash in your mind.
Shinnok takes a half step closer as he eyes the way the red light casts shadows on the smooth plane of your face, highlighting your bone structure. "Raiden has become a monster. I'd rather die by death's hands than a tyrant like him," you say softly as your eyes meet Shinnok's for a split moment before your eyes return to the dulling light outside. It's only mid-day. Something settles deep in the god's heart and twists at his soul. That sweet smile is gone, replaced by a sorrowful, longing look.
You take a deep breath as you force a warm smile his way, "Don't worry about it, Lord Shinnok. You should be more preoccupied with recovering your strength," you say softly to him as you pat the side of his arm, hoping you haven't crossed a line with him. You move back to the doorway before you feel something cool wrap around the top of your shoulder. Your head slowly tilts back to look at him as if expecting him to attack. Nothing happens as he lowers himself to be inches away from your face.
His thumb and finger gently touched where a couple of scars were visible from the deep cut you had endured at some point. His voice is barely above a whisper, "A healer...Not a fighter...With those gentle fingers and voice, no wonder..." he trails off as the realizations flow through him. Everything was finally coming into perspective. Every gentle touch you had placed on him after you decided to try and give him another chance at vengeance. The fact your fingers worked quickly but calmly around each stitch. The way his anger rolls over you. How your smile never withers or fades with his attempts at scaring you. The lack of fear. He understood everything in an instant. You aren't afraid to die. He didn't even think to pry into your mind to pull those thoughts up. But now he feels he has the missing piece—the reason behind you doing this for him.
It's your genuine belief he'll kill you; even after risking both Raiden's rage and the revenant's rage, you'd been expecting him to repay your kindness with death. Your skin burns against the tips of the god's cool fingerprints. The touch is gentle. "Did Quan Chi send you?" He asks.
You laugh before you look at him dead in the eyes, "Quan Chi is off doing god knows what, my Lord. This was all my choice. He doesn't know I chose to do this at all. I wanted to wait until he was gone, a messed up little surprise for him," you say with a soft chuckle leaving your throat. He didn't miss that glint in your eyes when you said the word surprise. His sharp canines showed when you talked. He didn't move from his position behind you. As you turn to look at him, Shinnok doesn't see malice or hatred in your eyes. They're soft. You gently push his chest, telling him silently you need room, but you don't remove his hand. Instead, your hands cover him, and your eyes linger there, admiring the size difference for a few seconds longer.
You feel him exhale on the top of your head before he finally pulls away from your body, allowing you the space you need not to feel crowded. After all, how long had it been since he could breathe on his own? As he goes to speak, the door opens. Quan Chi enters, looking a bit worse for wear. Your blood goes cold at the sight. "Y/n." The one word the sorcerer had left was enough for you to panic. You had lost all words. You quickly move to help Quan Chi sit somewhere as you quickly begin patching him up, giving him hell for letting himself get banged up. He listens and keeps his head down for you as he hears your annoyed words. You give him a light swat to the back of his head, and he groans in pain as you keep working on fixing him up. Quan Chi gives you a pointed stare as he snarls lowly at you.
"Stop squirming, or you'll sew your lips shut," you threaten him. It's an empty threat, and Quan Chi knows it. It's not a threat; if it did, he'd shut his lips tighter for a challenge. But he does behave after that. You're very much a mother hen towards him with how he has no self-preservation in him whatsoever.
"For someone who claims to be a powerful Sorcerer and an even stronger mastermind, you seem to have little to no self-preservation whatsoever," You snap at him as you bind a wound on his arm tightly, earning you a hiss of discomfort. You give him a look that says, 'Sorry.' Even if you were upset at him, you were still nice to him. "Honestly, you're a handful, Quan Chi," you say as you finish patching him up. You watch him before gesturing to look behind him with a slight nod, earning you a confused sound from Quan Chi. As he twists to look behind him, the sound dies on his lips as his eyes widen. He stands quickly and takes a step away. You follow him up to sit beside him as Quan Chi watches him, and Shinnok does nothing but return the stare. You stand next to Quan Chi and clear your throat, pulling him from his staring as if telling him to greet his god correctly.
"Welcome back, My Lord. I see (Y/n) has brought you back to us," He says politely before his eyes flash down at you, taking you in before adding, "My gratitude, (Y/n) for completing such an important task." As if he was the one who asked for it. You smile at him as you roll your eyes at him.
"Any time," is all you say before a sound is made behind the two. They both twist to see Shinnok, seated as elegantly as ever, watching his subjects, "Are you sure there is nothing I can get you, Lord Shinnok?" You ask again gently, even though he refused the last time you offered him something. Quan Chi gives him a bewildered and incredulous look. He can't believe you're speaking like that towards the god and are unphased by him. "I believe you already served your purpose by reviving me, you insolent child," he snaps at you harshly as his teeth bare, clearly not intending to take you up on that offer. You softly chuckle as you smile brightly at his response. His eyes are fixated on the curve of your lips and the shine in your eye when your soft lips quirk. He hates how delicate they look. Shinnok hated how nice his name sounded coming from them, even if he spat it and growled.
"Whatever you'd prefer," You tell him before leaving the room. You turn just before you leave to call out to him again, "Just let me know if you need anything," then go before hearing a retort from the god. Quan Chi immediately snickers once you're gone, leaving the god with him. "They are a ray of sunshine," Quan Chi says sarcastically as he sees the stitches you left on Shinnok's throat. They are nicely done and appear to hold his pale skin together expertly. "Are they foolish or just reckless?" The god asks almost sarcastically how someone can have no fear.
Quan Chi grins, "Somewhere in between, they are too nice for their good," Quan Chi comments, knowing you took a heavy risk doing that alone, for the god known to tear people to pieces without much effort. Yet somehow, you have come out without any injuries or being killed. "They stopped fearing death because of something Raiden did; they don't like to speak about it," Quan Chi comments while explaining how he met you. You had wanted to help Raiden by trying to control revenants by resurrecting him. When Raiden discovered what you did, you tried convincing Quan Chi to manage them. He grew enraged and almost killed you with his powers. There wasn't that same kind of understanding, Raiden—just an angry tyrant who saw you as a traitor. Quan Chi had barely escaped when you struggled to get through the same portal. That scar on your cheek is only part of the damage Raiden did. You and Quan Chi had formed a strange relationship where you'd end up helping one another in the Netherrealm. You leaned on one another, yet your kindness and gentle energy never changed in this place, even after everything. He figured it was because of him. You lasted as long as you did. Your optimism was a bright spot of kindness here, which helped many of the revenant souls. It did ease things on the environment just a bit as everyone was not just angry and violent, just not wanting to kill every waking moment.
You added something missing for many here. You are a ray of light in such an evil and dark place. Many souls and trapped spirits in the realm called you a ray of sunshine. You also fixed the wounds of revenants, Quan Chi, and the demonic beings with no fear. They all enjoyed having you around. Not that Quan Chi would admit such things in front of the god. If he were asked, Quan Chi would say that you would keep everything running smoothly when he isn't there. Then Quan Chi comments, "Even after everything this realm and Earthrealm have done to them, they keep smiling and choosing to believe life can always get better, and eventually when their time comes, they will accept it willingly," Quan Chi sighs as he gives the god a lopsided smirk. "It is hard to dislike them."
"Hence, why do you allow such a weakness to live and serve you?" Shinnok comments as he hums, piecing together what he knows now.
"They worm and burrow their way into others' good graces without even trying," Quan Chi admits as he shakes his head. A gentle smile tugged at his features momentarily as he spoke with admiration. Shinnok knows that isn't true at all. What he knows of humans and the realms shows an ulterior motive hiding in them. With his finger, he gently moved his neck as the feeling of tight stitching became a bit irritating. But when a tiny click is heard, and he can finally breathe, he goes still. Quan Chi speaks your name as Shinnok listens to the door open, and the smell of delicious tea hits his senses.
"Sorry, I figured you'd want some tea, Quan Chi. You usually have some when you get back from your trips," You say as you place a warm cup in front of the sorcerer and then one in front of Shinnok before quickly leaving the room again. His gaze shifts to his cup, and sees a hearty brew with some honey and lemon, clearly made for a throat. Quan Chi quickly picks up his cup, pleased you remembered this weird little ritual you two did: patch him up and bring him tea to help him relax.
Shinnok's hands slowly curl around the mug as he brings it to his lips for a quick sip. The warmth makes his throat relax almost instantly. The faint taste of honey was thick on his tongue, making the drink tasty and rich. The lemon added a spiced layer with hints of spice and sweetness. Quan Chi smirks into his cup as he sees a flicker in the corner of Shinnok's mouth. The slight quirk upward gives the god away for liking the tea you brewed for him. The look was so small you probably missed it, but he didn't.
Weeks passed, and Shinnok took his time regaining his strength as his powers slowly returned. His reign, however, wasn't the only thing in the back of his mind. You were constantly a presence. Your gentle voice came to him each morning and afternoon, asking him how he was healing or if he needed anything. With gentle yet quick movements, you would check his healing stitches, clean them, and remove them if required, often smiling each time. How could this gentle soul exist? They are so out of place in this realm. The others will easily be corrupted and fall into the darkness, yet you stay happy, brightening this realm with a gentle kindness that Shinnok was unsure would ever wane. It makes the god wonder as he takes in the sight of you sitting peacefully while reading. He takes note of the subtle details about you, such as how you're perched, curled up on the large windowsill and bathed in light. Every time his eyes see you like this, they linger and travel every inch of your profile.
Perhaps he's been lulled in by your actions, but it's almost like he's curious and drawn to you like a moth to flame. Nothing about you is like the humans Shinnok had encountered. In this room, you were something far more delicate and rare. With his elbow on the table, Shinnok rested his chin on his fingers. A content smile on your lips, unaware the god was studying and appreciating how beautiful you looked right then and there. Shinnok stood with no notice, standing over you before clearing his throat, making his presence known. There was no change in your energy, the bright smile not leaving your lips.
"Yes, Lord Shinnok?" Your voice was soft, which you almost whispered before looking up at his sharp and eerily beautiful features.
"Will you do something for me?" He asked gently, allowing a subtle, tender tone to enter. Shinnok is unnerved at the very notion he can sound soft with you or even talk gently. You put a bookmark into the pages you were on in your book before placing it down softly as you move to stand and stretch. Shinnok catches the arch of your back with ease as you slowly move to pop your spine and muscles. He can't help but watch every movement your muscles and bones make—the soft hiss of pleasure of feeling things moving after sitting so long. After giving a hum, you gave him your attention.
"What do you need me to do?" Your voice isn't coated with malice, worry, fear, or reluctance. Something about how you talk makes the tension in his jaw loosen. He enjoys seeing and hearing you speak. He's drawn to them just as your words wrap around each letter so eloquently. It's like the wind flowing through the air; it's steady.
"Your smile irritates me; I demand it no longer be seen," Shinnok explains, deciding to come up with the most insulting but odd way to ask. There isn't anger in his voice, nor does his expression change. Your smile quickly drops as you watch him, waiting for another word or insult to be said to you. Silence. He isn't used to this. Why isn't his victim starting to get angry, ready to yell or leave? Shinnok waited a second to see if your anger would flare, even a spark.
"Is there anything else you need, Lord Shinnok?" When a few seconds passed, he quickly answered that there wasn't. He watched how you quickly grabbed your book and left for the library. Your energy remained the same, yet the smile that was plastered to your features disappeared without so much as an argument.
It was supposed to be simple, but that smile got in his way and distracted him. He couldn't understand what the soft, curved line did to him and made him feel. Then suddenly, there wasn't a curve. It's just a straight line with no ups or downs. Once you're out of the room, and the door shut behind you, the god feels uneasy at the silence. Did you leave just like that? Why don't you show some emotions? Any sign you are irritated or feel the urge to snap back is there; Shinnok notes each slight shift in your eyes and twitches of muscle as your calm face twists for a split second, only to smooth over again. How did it take one command to remove the source of light in his realm from his presence, and that was all he had to do?
Your smile hadn't been seen in a while, and when any asked why you stopped, you'd explain that Lord Shinnok asked for you to stop. Instead, now there is a static, flat look or a soft frown on your face. There weren't many places where revenants or demons could find you. Only two rooms in the castle are likely to have you: either the makeshift medical bay Quan Chi had allowed you to make in one of the spare rooms or the library. Either of those places is quiet. There were very rarely any revenants or demons lingering around as well. Their questions would only get the same response; 'Lord Shinnok asked that it was gone, and so it's gone.' The first time you responded with it, many knew that if Shinnok wanted it, he'd have it. None of them question further as you brush past and into the medical room and set to work on things.
Something about you not smiling was starting to become an issue with Shinnok. That same feeling and familiarity were a thing of the past. Now you are a bitter pill, he had to swallow. Nothing could take your attention away. No matter what anyone said or did to annoy, provoke, or enrage you, nothing. But it stung when he heard you answer the question that is always asked, 'Why aren't you smiling anymore?'
"Lord Shinnok asked it to be gone, so I removed it." Your voice was calm, which sent a shock of confusion down their spines. How can you answer like that with no bite, no sarcasm, and no harsh tone? There is nothing there. Even when angry, Quan Chi at least had an edge or snap of temper that could be felt radiating from him. You don't even give the time of day or raise your voice above the casual, calming tone you usually have. Some of the older and less rambunctious ones had been keeping tabs on you as you looked worn down. Dark circles under your eyes were evidence of lack of sleep. "(Y/n), have you been sleeping?" The question came from Quan Chi, making the god's shoulders taut with tension and curiosity, wanting to hear this conversation.
"No," you let out an exhausted sigh. "I don't have a place to sleep, so when I do sleep, it's usually in the library, hidden by stacks of books. It's not the best, but it works, much to my back's dismay," You admit gently with a shrug to say that it's alright. Shinnok sees how your smile is still gone, yet the exhaustion, pain, and what looks like slight sadness are evident in your eyes and frown. "Why haven't you found somewhere to sleep?" The Sorcerer's voice was confused about how no one helped. Everyone is loyal to Shinnok and him. You'd think that they'd do something.
"Because I'm just a human. I don't think I deserve a space besides what I already take up. We've gone over how much I self-deprecate and loathe myself, Quan Chi," You say, and the whole library falls silent as a shiver goes down the god's spine at your words. You don't believe you should be given much because you are so low, something no one but you saw, yet there wasn't an ounce of untruth to those words. "Why do you think I stopped smiling without fighting, Shinnok, over it?" You add as you stretch and feel your spine pop and crack loudly. There is a collective noise of winces when that happens. Quan Chi looks at you unimpressed as he asks,
"When was the last time you slept? In a proper bed?" Shinnok felt his entire body go cold when you answered. You had not had a bed for the last four years. From what Quan Chi had told him, you'd only been in the Netherrealm for about two years. Not once since being here have you adequately slept in a bed. It seemed odd. From everything he could observe and know, you were helpful and kind to any, even the demons. So why aren't you just demanding a space? Instead, you act like a martyr and punish yourself. That didn't sit right with the god. You kept caring for others yet refused to think you deserved to have that in return. Humans always seem selfish, greedy, and cruel, yet you are almost the opposite, choosing to remain unhappy but never showing it outwardly. Why would you keep putting everyone before you, even if that meant you were sacrificing your well-being? This is where the problem is, with the conflict and unsettlement stirring in him. He can't understand you, which causes a pulse to radiate in him.
"Where in here are you sleeping?" Quan Chi's voice is far gentler than he probably meant. His harshness, violence, and lack of emotion that make the god respect him seem to crack and crumble slowly. Especially when the words, "Usually in a small alcove by the window, thankfully it's warm enough by the window I don't need a blanket," escape you, the reaction is a lot worse, and a sense of frustration and disappointment enter the god's heart, wondering why your selflessness is something you keep up. "You don't have a-" Quan Chi's sentence was cut short as you cut him off.
"No pillows, no blankets, just books and a windowsill," you say as you let out a dry laugh as if trying to ease Quan Chi's increasing distress and discomfort. Everyone goes stiff and silent.
"That can't be safe or comfortable,"
"No, but it works." The quick and matter-of-fact statement that held no amusement or malice struck a chord. "I'm guessing you want to see my little spot, Quan Chi?" Your question is filled with fatigue. Shinnok listens as a soft confirmation escapes the sorcerer. It sounds like a silent question of what you are asking as soon as you wander up several of the large staircases to the large bay window with so many stacks of books around it. You walk up every flight to the top floor to the window. If you lay there, you are wholly hidden from prying eyes or walking bodies, easily missed and hidden from most people. In disbelief, you sit on the windowsill as Quan Chi looks at you and your 'bed'.
"Before you say it, Quan Chi, I've already checked. All of the spare chambers are taken. That includes the medical bay I made, so this is fine for me," you quickly say. There is no hint of annoyance, just an acknowledgement of his doubt and shock. Without so much as a fight, you give in as if accepting this as your fate until your body breaks. "Oh, don't look at me like that, Quan Chi. I'm okay, really; don't worry about me."
"How can I not worry (y/n)? I-" He starts, unsure if he wants to snap in annoyance, but he takes a breath to control himself. "You resurrected me, fixed everyone and anyone's wounds without questions, and even gave our Lord Shinnok his autonomy back! Yet you...you are reduced to this as payment? A thin piece of windowsill in the top area of the library?" A tear slides down your cheek as you fight back your bottled-up emotions. With a sharp sniff, your voice breaks and wavers as you feel something in you give way. "Well, not much I can do, can I?" Your laughter is hollow and filled with a pain that runs so profoundly deep it's bleeding through the edges of your persona. Quan Chi stiffened as he fought against himself to hug you. But the loud click of the top floor's staircase is heard as heavy footfall begins up the steps to reach the floor. Your hand quickly wipes at your cheeks, knowing it is either a demon or Shinnok. You brush your face and clear your throat, trying to regain your composure as the steps grow louder the closer they draw. Quan Chi stands there as he watches you hide in your tiny alcove to push and pull yourself together, to hold the cracks and leaks together with tape like a broken vase. Quan Chi would rather stand there and be a blockage for you than let a demon use your pain to their advantage. You keep trying to breathe calmly as your tears want to fall. You sniffle softly as you fight your issues and fight to hold yourself together despite everything inside you, screaming to let it all out and explode. Your voice stays steady and soft as ever. You have forced yourself to be a strong person that others can see as a ray of hope in this realm. However, on the inside, your self-hatred is at a whole new level now. All you ever do is care for people, but not once has anyone done something so simple for you, yet here you are without a place to rest, and it shows.
Quan Chi knows your emotions are finally rising as your nose grows pink, and your eyes swell slightly and have a shine to them. Something is bubbling under the surface of your soft, quiet composure. Whatever this emotion or thought is, it slowly begins to break away, eroding your hardened shell. How, instead of dealing with your problems, you bottle and bottle and take everyone else's problems to help them as though it will make yours disappear. You've just delayed the inevitable, and the pressure of all your bottled and unresolved problems and frustrations is slowly crushing you like a shaken soda left unopened for too long until the pressure becomes too much for the can to handle and explodes. Your sniffles, minor coughs to try and clear the lumps in your throat, your shakey breathing, and your wiping the tears away are hard to watch. As though a little child lost, Quan Chi takes in the view of how you've been hiding away in the top library so that you won't bother others with your issues. The footsteps are so loud in your ears as you slink deeper into your spot, trying too hard not to be seen.
Shinnok reached the top of the steps. Only seeing Quan Chi standing alone with a tense posture is off-putting. The soft sounds of sniffling hit his ears, along with choked breaths of someone trying to calm themself. "My lord, what are you doing up here?" Quan Chi asks as he tries to play off the situation. You stand quickly from behind the books, your back to them both as you wipe your tears away and clear your throat. Shinnok couldn't place what had Quan Chi tense, worried, and distressed. Or why did you have your back to them? You took a deep, shaky breath as you turned around and bowed slightly towards Shinnok in a show of respect.
The sight of your eyes red and puffy, a slight pink to your cheeks, nose, and ears, the shivers your body has from fighting to just letting your emotions out. It's not so much how you look, but the pain you feel is unmistakable. You had so readily accepted the lack of care. Any other would have fought tooth and nail. Instead, here you are, not even snapping at anyone's behaviour because that's what you were reduced to, having no anger to argue for what is yours. This is what you allowed them all to push you to after doing so much for others. They'd made it, and you took a step back. Without any arguments, you'd merely turn to acceptance with grace and poise like it was what you deserve and should accept. How is that fair, just, or even humane? Quan Chi stands slightly in front of you, acting as a shield as though his presence is a barricade enough against the god.
"Lord Shinnok. With respect, I'd have thought you had better things to attend to than this. What can I do for you?" Your voice is shaky as you fight to stay composed. It sounds painful and worn out. Nothing about your tone has that easygoing air or lightness. It is raw. There is a newfound weight to the title and respect you give. The god looks at you. He can't figure out what to say, and with a quick look from you to the still tense and guarded sorcerer. "Out of curiosity, what are you both up here for, if I might ask?" Shinnok asks as he watches how you won't even look him in the eye.
"Just investigating some rumours," Quan Chi responds flatly and quickly with a serious, monotone, and dismissive tone. Shinnok hears the snarl from his teeth, warning him to drop the question. He won't and sees Quan Chi's fingers twitching with the itch to throw a hex at him, "That wouldn't have any relation to (y/n) hiding away, would it?" Shinnok continues with a sarcastic purr that causes your body to freeze. It seems to strike a chord that only irritates the sorcerer. Quan Chi is stuck between a rock and a hard place with what to do.
"It is," you croak out as you answer for Quan Chi as he sends you a pleading look, not sure where this is going and if the god means actually to do something with this information. The sound that leaves your mouth makes Quan Chi flinch. It's raw, dry, scratchy, and hollow. "How so?" Shinnok asks coolly. The room felt heavy. The tension was thick from one moment, and the next, it felt suffocating. No one moves as Shinnok looks over you and at Quan Chi as he explains.
"They have been sleeping here, in this little nook, for two years. They haven't slept in days from how worn they look." A choked sob leaves you sitting on the windowsill, hiding your face in your hands while Quan Chi speaks. "With how hard they work and heal, fix wounds and listen to complaints, not once have they taken something from here. But when they dare to think this is okay." Quan Chi's tone grows venomous as he looks at you sympathetically. His rage seems so far, yet you've just rubbed the wrong way. You'd been respectful to the deity, never taking what wasn't yours, and tried to repay in knowledge and skills that would be far beyond what some revenants had, but there was no question. The damage is clear as day. You'd been taken advantage of by your kindness and never thought to help yourself. Instead, it is no question that they all took your generosity for granted. The question now was the issue. You may seem okay now, but as Shinnok thought, this was the problem. The signs had all been there. Every last person who went to you about any pain was sent off, treated and relieved, but never once have you complained about or talked of the strain. He glanced around your spot, seeing nothing of comfort—just the windowsill and books.
"Why didn't you speak up?" Shinnok knew his words would get under their skin and dig in like needles, but as you look at him, a sound tears his heart. You gave him his body and autonomy, and you never fought for your needs. "Because I'm fine, I'm okay," your voice is quivering as you fight back your tears and speak up in your defence. However, it sounded false, forced, and broken. "If you were fine, you would've argued and fought back on these choices. Why aren't you doing that now? Or the last two years, for that matter?" You close your mouth. The action was both hesitant and accepting, accepting that it would not hurt to give in to defeat and crumble.
"BECAUSE I DON'T DESERVE IT," you scream. A horrid sob of agony and pain leaves you. "I-" You're at a loss as you lose your composure. You curl in on yourself as you begin to shake and sob, trying to suck air in, to speak and just shut up. Shinnok was right. Even he could hear your pain. Even though it didn't matter if it hurt to bottle up everything that made up who you are. It seemed to bleed from you. It feels so wrong to cry like this to crumble, but now it's like everything had poured out of the bottle that was the straw that broke the camel's back. Everything that held the pressure in was no longer working. It had given way to everything you felt and suppressed. Your breathing was ragged and shuddering, your shoulders hunched forward, eyes closed as the hot tears streamed down your face. You wanted to scream but couldn't make yourself go further.
As though everything was suddenly closing in around you, you felt like the walls of this space were shrinking, the weight and force pushing, crushing you. Your body's shaking is hard to look at as you try to bury yourself and hide. Just wanting to disappear, you were too weak and tired to fight any more. The stress was enough to put a full-grown man on their knees with the force, the magnitude.
Shinnok saw, finally, what it was. What lay beneath the shell was pain and sadness. He understood now that, besides feeling weak, they were used, lied to and betrayed. It was the fear of not trusting a single soul here to ask for something simple, yet you're left on a window seal with no blanket, pillow, and nothing but the clothing on your back and meals that everyone gets. Not one person to share with. Always forgotten about and treated as a rug, there are no questions. So they didn't fight back or protest. Shinnok knew they weren't someone who would do it to others. All of the secrets you kept and listened to. As Shinnok watched, he realised they had always tried; you had helped everyone, yet no one wanted to help in return. But Quan Chi is the person you've looked to the most. You have never relied on anyone here or fought, argued, or opposed those you'd healed. All the nights where you didn't get sleep or you helped fix other's problems.
Your tears ran freely down your cheeks as you gasped out a breath of air. Your throat is thick, and the world seems blurry. As you pull your legs closer, you hope to make yourself smaller and less noticeable to the other two beings as you let loose a whimper. You'd helped them so much, fixed wounds and sicknesses. Everyone in the realm got their fair treatment. The exhaustion makes you feel miserable and frazzled. You hate what your body is doing, and yet you can't stop yourself from being like this, especially around people. Even you are shocked and disgusted as you sit there. With the stress and exhaustion, you begin to hyperventilate, and the tears become an ongoing stream as your gasps fill the air, and you start to cough and hiccup with more tears.
"I'm sorry, I-I shouldn't be crying. I'm supposed to be better than this," you say through shaky breaths. Your heart is beating wildly in your chest, and you keep forgetting to breathe as you force it. Even Quan Chi seems panicked at your state. The look on Shinnok's face is shock and bewilderment. This is the one person who restored his body to him, healed every demon that had ever come to the med bay, and never took anything. You force yourself to wipe your tears as you try and control yourself to regain your composure. Your body feels weak, your head dizzy, your eyes red and raw. Both sorcerers stood frozen, watching in horror as you looked broken. Your voice is uneven, the air filled with broken sounds. You seemed almost ashamed or embarrassed by how they saw you as your apologies slowly flowed from your lips in hopes of taking the attention away from yourself. "I just-" Your whine sent a pang to your chest. The sound that leaves your lips could make an empath break as they have nothing to calm their distress. No amount of reassurance can save them from this pain. Nothing could fix this. There is nothing good enough.
You stand up quickly and try to steady yourself as you suck in a lungful of air, then, with a hoarse cough, you push yourself up and promptly flee without warning. Quan Chi, even Shinnok, stands in shock before following you quickly. This situation felt odd. You'd left behind two confused men, both sharing the same concern. A gasp sounded loud enough to draw attention to who the source was. Shinnok quickly realised that not only were you hurting and pushing your limits, but that was a sign that you weren't taking care of yourself anymore. His heart pangs at that thought, causing him to press to catch up to you.
There aren't many places for you to go. You can make it to your med bay and lock the door, just needing a space to cry and recover by yourself. When you shut the door, you can hear someone trying to get in, turning that knob and knocking. You stand there momentarily as though hoping whoever it is will walk away. However, when the knocks turn to a bang and a hiss, your patience snaps, and you know it's either Quan Chi or Shinnok. Even though you'd hate for them to witness this part of you, you find the strength to walk to the door to tell them you don't want visitors.
"Please, just let me pull myself together. I don't want to be seen as weak or be given pity-" your breath hitches, and you can barely speak past the lump in your throat. Your nails dig into the door's wood in desperation. Shinnok makes no response except to listen to the crack in your voice as it breaks. He doesn't even realise. He's wrapped his fingers around the door handle until the rattling reaches his ears. He doesn't hear any steps come from the door. Neither he nor Quan Chi understands fully what you're going through. Shinnok was in his hell, yet this wasn't something he recognised. He doesn't think he can relate to this foreign concept.
When Shinnok's knuckles stop trying to move the locked door, there is no more yelling on the other end of the door to respond. Finally, after ten minutes, you open the door. There you stand, tremoring with shaky breath as you face Quan Chi and Shinnok. For a long time, it's silent, almost deafeningly so. The only thing either Shinnok or Quan Chi can hear is your raspy and sniffling breaths. The eyes are red, puffy, and shiny with unshed tears that stain your cheeks. All the emotions run through your brain. You aren't ready for them, especially now. "This should never have happened," you utter, looking everywhere except at them. Shame eats you from inside; no matter how much you fight it, you can't get rid of it. They see you as the weakest, pathetic, worthless- You feel pathetic right now. No one dares to speak; they watch how you fold into yourself. Neither says a word. There is a ringing that Shinnok realises is the blood rushing to his ears, pounding in his veins as he sees how your hands are shaking and tears stream down your cheeks. "I-I'm sorr-" your voice breaks again.
"Don't apologize." Shinnok has seen his fair share of pain and suffering, yet the expression on his face hurts, his heart aching, and he feels an ache in his chest. He watches as you cry without making a sound. You're gripping the edges of the sink so hard he is afraid the white ceramic will split with the strain. Shinnok takes a hesitant step forward, reaching a tentative hand to grip your shoulder lightly. Your body seems tense and, in a feeble effort, shakes beneath him, trembling and shivering like a leaf and pleading. Shinnok gently guides you and pulls you against his side, one of his long fingers brushing gently over the skin of your arm, giving a hint of touch. He feels the instant shock, his skin tingling as a tremor runs up his spine.
"How is this fair to you?" Quan Chi grits through clenched teeth. His brows furrow slightly as Shinnok stares at you. This isn't what you'd earned. The guilt that builds in his chest makes it hard to think. Seeing your anguish, the pain that comes from somewhere within. He understands and can relate. Pain comes from both inside and out. Yet, it would be best if you didn't suffer like this. You put him back together, and he has not given you your own space to stay. You gave up on Earthrealm and came here only to be mistreated in such a way. They could never repay your debt. Even Shinnok would not act like the others.
"Do you even sleep in your med-bay?" Shinnok demands. His anger and frustration simmer with concern.
"No, just the alcove you found Quan Chi and me in," you whimper out, unable to keep the tone in your voice regular. They both grow enraged again, and your shoulders hunch forward as your voice dies to a squeak.
"So, you are sleeping on a windowsill?" Shinnok asks as his voice loses all anger and bite, seeming more sympathetic and concerned. When you nod, he starts to seethe with his temper and concern. "Find an empty chamber and make them a-," Shinnok begins before you cut him off weakly, still being held against his side.
"I don't have a room because others fill all the spare rooms. The last one was used for the med-bay," you finish, but a fresh wave of tears still slides down your cheeks, but now he can tell why. He can see why Quan Chi had grown defensive when asked why you didn't deserve to sleep in comfort, that you worked too hard and listened to those in pain. His grip on you tightened. He is losing his ability to restrain himself from lashing out and acting like those idiots. Shinnok growls lowly as he turns his head away from you, his anger bubbling out of his chest with a sigh. You'd worked too hard to sleep on a window's edge and a hard, unforgiving surface without a blanket or pillow. You deserved far better, and that was a statement everyone would agree on. "Sleeping on the ground and with the harsh heat is better than nothing," you whisper. Shinnok is too mad for his mind and anger to calm themselves as he hears that coming from you. You were tired, exhausted, and aching from everything you'd experienced. The idea that you didn't have a room for your needs was outrageous. Shinnok and Quan Chi were outraged and angered to learn that, and a look passed between the two that spoke volumes. They both understood. Very few things made Shinnok so livid and furious to feel the full brunt, burning anger, and hurt. They are a shortlist. Yet somehow you, a human, have made it onto the list of things of his you don't fuck with. And how much he detests the idea and feelings.
He felt an icy fire inside his heart as it twisted painfully—a yearning to give something he never gave you: respect. Shinnok always considered himself the god among the gods, better and stronger. As soon as Shinnok's thoughts reached his body, they caused a tremor, sending goosebumps over his arms and making his hair stand on the ends. That shiver feels so different compared to the warmth and familiarity of your healing abilities. You'd spent days on your feet, sometimes sitting in the same spot and, from what Shinnok and Quan Chi had assumed, barely having enough energy and time for a nap or something to eat. Quan Chi looked you over and could feel the pain and the weight of the past two years. They weren't the most straightforward years for either. Their body is lined with new and fading scars. Those marks didn't represent a struggle you hadn't had. While his marks could heal, yours would fade, yet you wouldn't ever recover the scars on the inside. You can wiggle out of Shinnok's overly tight hold and hug Quan Chi, apologizing for making him so concerned about something as stupid as a cry.
"Shut up, do not speak," Shinnok states. When you comply, he is shocked, stunned that you had so quickly heeded the command. No questions. No hesitation, simply complying. Even though Quan Chi can see and feel your trembling, your hands clinging to his sides like you would fall apart at the seams. You seem to curl into his chest and let loose an audible, painful whimper of a sigh. Quan Chi can't even talk as his hands rub your back, and he knows. Despite the vicious glare Quan Chi gave Shinnok for ordering you to stay quiet, Quan Chi is in too much shock and horror that you would listen and remain silent. So obedient to his demands without thinking about the order and its possible repercussions. You loosen your grip on Quan Chi's sides when no other words are said. Instead of saying another apology, you fight to calm your breathing and quiet the water that filled your eyes, taking the time to blink them clear and keep from bursting into tears. You open your mouth to speak but shut it quickly as your lips quiver from the intense shaking. Then, as Shinnok grabs your hand and rubs the inside of your wrist soothingly, his gentle yet firm touch calms you. Your throat tightens, and your mouth forms a wobbly frown before turning away. You wish not to say a single thing. It'd taken everything to stop crying. You feel mortified with yourself that it'd gotten so out of control.
"Get them a room, now." Shinnok's dark tone makes it clear how upset he is at current affairs. Even now, Shinnok is curious about how someone who gives so much to the people here didn't get their private room. The fury he harboured had returned tenfold, the feeling in his stomach getting worse, making him feel sick and repulsed at how lowly his revenants and demons treated you. It's not right for you to feel like this, and while you did deserve respect from the people here, it was to treat you like an actual person and not a toy to play with until it broke or a cheap slave to do the bidding. You fixed him up and put his head back on his shoulders. You should be treated like something meaningful instead of this in his eyes. He knew that you'd suffered enough. His thoughts drifted. He thought of you sitting in the library when everyone was busy to get a quick moment of peace or resting and a night of uninterrupted sleep.
The room is so clean, yet he is sure you will take that all away. Quan Chi and Shinnok stand behind you as you hesitantly enter the room. You still haven't spoken since Shinnok told you to be quiet, but your eyes wander around the room, taking it in. The room is beyond luxurious with its furniture and decoration. The silk sheets and plush bed looked highly comfortable; you couldn't believe your eyes at first. Your silence is disturbing, and Shinnok worries that he may have frightened you into not wanting to say anything.
"Do you like the room?" You nod silently as if speaking would have this ripped away from you immediately. Shinnok would not allow you to live like that, though. His voice was softer, kinder as he saw that look in your eye. The look of someone waiting to have it ripped away is a cruel joke. "Are you going to keep that attitude until I permit you to speak?" He's trying not to sound annoyed by how obedient you try to be. You stopped smiling when he told you to, and now you won't speak because of his demand. "Please, speak. Your silence is quite troubling." There's a brief, deep-seated tension before you let your voice emerge in a rough mutter, clearly hesitating to be so bold as to question his request,
"But y-you ordered me not to talk earlier. I'm sorry." That slight, unspoken fear that if he felt insulted, he would lash out. However, it only showed you didn't want him to hurt or yell at him. It makes his stomach turn violently, and he feels the pangs of guilt that run through his veins. A painful throbbing that echoed into his mind.
"You can speak your mind, never stop, and speak freely, without fear or anger," Shinnok mutters as he wraps his arms around you. When had he come so close to you? Why did he hug you, to him? He keeps asking himself as he feels the tremors ripple through your form. You lean into him slightly as your fingers clench around the silken edges of his garment. The relief was so evident. His gentle, almost doting actions cause the shivers to increase to a noticeable degree, but they also make him want to pull you tighter to him. You have him so hooked. Something about how you show him attention makes him want more of it. Something in your manner or touch gets to him every time.
"Start smiling again, would you? It has been something the realm is missing," he adds softly as he lets go, stepping back slightly to give you space. When you crack a faint smile, it eases his fears and concerns as he feels the tensions ease somewhat. You were already regaining a quiet sign of happiness. Shinnok and Quan Chi leave your room, giving you time and space to acclimate to having a space to call yours. Once gone, your fingers are the first to uncurl and trace the edges and smooth the softness of the sheets.
You enjoy how incredible they feel as you wander around the room. Eventually, you walk into your washroom and are excited to shower peacefully. Having a luxurious bathing experience after such a long and arduous time, just allowing yourself to be immersed, is indescribable and cathartic. Once done with bathing, you open one of the wardrobes to see some clothing that Quan Chi had left for you—soft cotton pants and a shirt that feels like you're wearing a cloud. You also see night clothing that you brought from Earthrealm two years ago, and you are glad your clothing isn't ash from the heat. You groan as your body hits the soft bed and sinks into the soft covers and sheets. Your arms hug a pillow, and you remember, from now on, you won't have to sleep against a window or curl up on a hard surface. You can feel your back relaxing against the plush mattress. Sleep finally finds you, and your sleep is restful for the first time in two years.
Weeks had passed since you'd gotten a private room, and Quan Chi often visited to see if you were eating and taking care of your well-being. Since you have a space for yourself, you are much better. You look and act more restful. You even started eating better, although he wished you could sleep more. The past two years of not getting good sleep have begun to get to you. It showed whenever you did fall asleep. You slept like a corpse on a hard rock rather than an almost too-soft bed. Yet, when you smiled, he could see the signs that it was making things easier.
You sit in Quan Chi's private kitchen that only he and Shinnok use. Quan Chi sits at the table while you brew tea he hasn't smelt in a long time. Sipping the cup gently, a spark of nostalgia runs through Quan Chi, and the taste makes his ears feel hot. The last time you made this was when you reattached Shinnok's head several months ago. He finishes the tea and closes his eyes, enjoying the comfort of the warm lemon honey tea. He can taste and smell the extra spices and flavours you put in it. The homey aura was comforting after so long. As Quan Chi rests his elbows on the table, an appreciative hum leaves his lips, and a satisfied grin decorates his face. Your tea is excellent. Nothing has changed since the first sip, and you lean on the counter across from Quan Chi, blowing hot steam as you sip some of your own.
"Sorry, I haven't made tea in a while," you murmur as you move across the table from him. A smile lit up Quan Chi's tired face, and his cheeks flushed slightly. When you set your cup down and blink up at him, his mouth suddenly goes dry, and he has trouble swallowing his mouthful of tea. If Quan Chi could purr, you think he would at that moment. The appreciation on his face shows so clearly as he admires the tea. He relaxes subconsciously and sighs as he enjoys the warm beverage. Shinnok walks into the room, sniffing the air with surprise. Your back is to the door, but Quan Chi watches Shinnok enter the kitchen. The Elder god strides up to the tea kettle and pours his cup. Hearing the sound of liquid flowing, you turn around to see Shinnok joining you two. Shinnok smells it as he sits with you at the table. His senses tingle with delight as his tongue yearns for the taste. Shinnok sips and swears he has gone to some new form of divinity. You cannot stop a small smile from forming.
Shinnok sipped at the cup with delight before he had a sudden epiphany. His mind suddenly recalled the taste and feeling the last time this had happened. The previous time Quan Chi was drinking a cup of this, it had been the final cup you made, and then the memories of that day flooded his mind.
"It's been too long since you made this," Shinnok murmurs with a satisfied purr as he drains the cup slowly. Hearing Shinnok praise your skills, you feel proud of your efforts. Quan Chi doesn't say much as the two sip from their cups with a shared look of bliss. You can't help the bubbling warmth you felt seeing that. Their delight was subtle, but both of them could be overly dramatic or have the barest response in these situations. Quietly, they relax, and Shinnok closes his eyes as he drinks the hot tea. Shinnok opens his mouth to take a breath as he pauses his sip. A visible shiver runs down his spine as he downs it. Quan Chi's hands visibly wrap around his warm mug, and he purrs openly at the comforting warmth of the warm drink.
"Well, I'm happy to make more at some point. There is still that teapot full of it," you say softly as a light chuckle leaves your lips. There's a loud gulp, and both Shinnok and Quan Chi scramble to their feet as they see you standing, having set your cup on the counter near the sink. They follow you like baby ducks to the stove and grab their cups, refilling them as they settle in closer to you as you wander around their kitchen. The shared, intimate aura is lovely to be enveloped in. Their motions were fluid and flawless as their eyes focused intently on what you were doing as their free hands rested on the counter. They notice as you walk through their kitchen.
The peaceful quiet and tranquillity fill the air, the taste of tea coating their tongues, and the familiarity of your scent surrounds them. Being close to you, they have never felt such comfort. Both can agree that the smell of your clothing is beyond intoxicating.
"Y/N, did I mention your company is quite favourable?"
"This tea is delicious, please, never stop brewing it."
Both men chatter over each other, fighting for your attention. Although you doubt the true intentions were just the tea. After seeing them fighting, you roll your eyes and giggle. How much could your presence be craved? Your laughter sets them into a state of longing. They were desperate for another laugh, a smile. Yet, you could barely comprehend how you had them so hooked, like a moth drawn to a flame. In truth, your actions and nature got to them both, as you had not spoken one word to harm them, and nothing could ever compare. You're the complete opposite of both of them, yet they yearn for your presence as thirsty men in the desert. Your demeanour is the softness that contrasts their vicious nature, and you don't even realise their want. Even as the tea ends, they are loathe to see your presence disappear from their kitchen. You give them both a bright smile as you leave them in their kitchen. Their eyes don't tear themselves from you until you shut the door. As the door closes, a deep sigh escapes. Quan Chi and Shinnok share in the moping energy as they stare off wistfully in your direction, missing the comfort you gave them. Then the glares start, glaring at one another for looking at you in such lovesick ways. It makes their blood boil, and a strange fire ignites in their chests. It makes the ache worse that both of them have a terrible secret to confess:
They both yearned to go to court and treat you in a way that would make them worthy of calling you their significant other, lover, or spouse. Their affection was not shallow or straightforward; instead, it was much more profound. At least, a thick veil of jealousy had hidden the truth. Their hearts were torn as they stared at each other with contempt. They couldn't figure it out; every time their eyes were focused on your smiling face, they began feeling much more protective and coveting. Each wanted you all to themselves.
Their heated stares met the other's gaze before the snarky comments were uttered. Shinnok smirks cockily at the other sorcerer before his posture is met with a less amused glare from Quan Chi as his smirk evolves into a challenging snarl. With a growing smile that screams that it wants blood, his face relaxes and becomes stonier. Then they exchange words, not necessarily harsh and insulting, but venom-laced words.
Their disagreements usually stem from a conversation in which neither person likes the response given. Recently, you became the cause of their arguments, as neither man knew you held a special place in their hearts. How could you be so oblivious that their infighting had all to do with you? Haven't you figured it out yet? As soon as you walked in on their spats, they immediately quit fighting, acting like they weren't. You could hardly see it, yet their fights were most unusual and complex. Something they didn't want anyone else to know or possibly be revealed. They always had to be behind locked doors to keep others from hearing the quarrel and getting involved.
Then, the burning glare and hateful stare are thrown their way when the person is not in earshot. Both men yearned to argue finish in the best way for them, each wanting to win you as a prize to cherish forever. None of them had noticed how far gone they had fallen for your good, kind-hearted nature. How had they not known, had your pure soul broken the walls down? Either way, you'd somehow wormed your way into their hearts, even as cold and callous their beings could be.
How had you tamed the rabid heart of an Elder God and a Dark Mage, a creature of sin and corruption? None knew it; even you remained clueless to their want, although the hints had been sent your way. To them, you're either oblivious or are being willfully blind to their romantic advances, to their apparent, overwhelming desire to have and possess you. Their jealousy is the worst in its depths as it spirals and intensifies each moment they think the other may have taken a step ahead of them. There's a race to capture you as theirs.
You had left the Netherrealm to visit your friends in Outworld, glad to see Erron, Jade, and D'Vorah again. You're delighted to catch up and talk with them again. Jade and you gossip when Erron leaves to help Kotal with something. Jade and you talk about her relationship with Kotal while D'Vorha makes a grossed-out face at the intimate details. You talk about how hard it is to find people who might be interested in you, not a person people. You spoke openly about being poly with Jade and D'Vorah. You talked about how dense you can be to people's romantic interests. It will go right over your head if they don't just come out and tell you how they feel.
Your visit also allowed Shinnok and Quan Chi to argue. They argue violently as they debate whom you genuinely favour. Eventually, they begin discussing because the other won't stop pursuing you without considering their rival's feelings. Yet, that still didn't explain their feelings. Since you were the subject of their mutual love and envy, why wouldn't they argue because they are vying for your affection?
As you and Jade go for a walk in the shopping district, D'Vorah leaves; she always has hated being in public spaces, so you two thought nothing of it. D'Vorah, in reality, contacted Quan Chi while he and Shinnok argued about who would win you. The amulet Quan Chi gave her for communication glows brightly as she waits for him to respond. As his form comes into view from the glow, D'Vorah relays the information to Quan Chi and Shinnok, everything you and Jade spoke of. Both are eager to listen and can't believe the revelations revealed during the women's talk. So you are just oblivious to their affections...But hearing about polyamory is not something they expected to attend. Shinnok had been angry when they realized Quan Chi was probably winning and then when D'Vorah dropped the knowledge bomb they didn't expect. They feel their jaws drop in sync as their mouths dry and gawk at the realization. Their minds take in everything being processed. So, your mind was open to having more than one partner? Their eyes slowly drifted from the orb where D'Vorah spoke and settled on the other. What does one do with this newfound knowledge? It makes their previous thoughts shift, altering the possibility. Their rivalry did not have the moral high ground anymore. Each stood in awe as the thought raced through them.
When you return to the Netherrealm from your visit to Outworld, you feel that all too familiar warmth the realm has. That, and the achingly familiar energy of something else. Both men eagerly await your arrival, waiting to take you back to the castle. This is new, since when did they come to pick you up from trips? It's different, but you're not complaining. Seeing Quan Chi's and Shinnok's faces outside the castle walls and grounds is good.
"What are you two doing out here?" Your voice is light as you smile brightly at the both of them. Both Shinnok and Quan Chi swear your smile lights up the already-lit sky. With their arms folded and a neutral look, they respond.
"Shinnok wanted some sunlight. I thought it was a decent day and offered to join," the easy lie falls from Quan Chi's tongue before you can question anything further. The reasoning and story made perfect sense. Besides, the two have been at odds, and walking in the sunlight didn't seem terrible to do together. As you approach, they are unsure how to proceed with their subsequent actions; both suddenly have second thoughts. That is until you wrap an arm around both of their necks, pulling them tightly against you.
"Well, I'm still glad to see both of you," your tone is warm as you pull away after several seconds, pulling yourself out of their personal space. They stand stiffly on either side of you, shocked. Neither can respond. Suddenly, both men's resolve is reaffirmed and restored. If that didn't cement the idea in their minds of pursuing your affections, then what would? Nothing would deter their goal now. They would steal you as their paramour. You would be theirs and theirs alone. Yet the idea of a poly relationship seemed to appeal to them, and there's the idea that if the two can't make you choose, you have two significant others. You would have them both. The love from both men and none could pry the connection apart. Not even that you hadn't realized they were falling in love. Perhaps not as easily won as they had thought? Yet they still long for the affection. If you could not see their affection initially, their love and feelings would surely win.
You walk ahead of both of them, ready to return to the castle, so you've stopped noticing their flabbergasted expressions; you stand ahead, waiting for them to catch up with you. "Well, I'm going home to the castle even if you two aren't," you chuckle softly. 'Home' you called the castle home. That one word had nearly gotten Shinnok's knees to buckle underneath him, and the corner of his mouth quirked upwards. Hearing the word you spoke did something to both, how they treasured the idea of you belonging within the place they had claimed their lair and living quarters. Home...With the word, all worries melted away from Shinnok. Although your back is to both, you hadn't caught on to the dumb grins Shinnok and Quan Chi sport after hearing that. The walk back is comfortable as you chat and catch up. For the remainder of the day, the air is calm and pleasant. Their bickering has gone unnoticed. They need not argue over you anymore, for their plan has changed. All they need now is the proper timing to adequately convey their affection for you. The courting has started.
As you look across the room to Shinnok's library, it is strangely quiet; usually, the men talk or go on a project or mission they have been assigning revenants to. Lately, they have been very secretive and avoiding you at all costs, constantly disappearing behind locked doors. Neither man will acknowledge your presence, making you feel terrible. As much as you enjoy the library, there's a cold tension hanging in the air that makes you avoid it at all costs. Yet your love for it always calls you back to sit for hours reading, studying magic, or doing whatever is on your mind. There's no reason for you to stay or run off right now. Although the air feels thick, no danger or panic comes from them. You find a small spot to hide and read as soon as you enter it. Shinnok and Quan Chi enter the library, speaking to one another; they don't know you are in there.
"They probably think we are avoiding them."
"How have they not noticed by now?"
"Affection doesn't come as easy to you or me."
The voice was deep, husky, and agitated as they spoke, yet not directed at you. Shinnok growls and Quan Chi is exasperated, their voices rising as their annoyance rises. "We haven't made ourselves apparent to them," Shinnok says as Quan Chi keeps his mouth shut, almost contemplative. You move to get a better look at what they are arguing about. Their heated words are easy to hear as you're hidden between two shelves. Shinnok is not a soft talker. Quan Chi is just a loud. Neither seems to hear as they get even louder.
"Both you and I know it will never work." Shinnok sighs as their anger rises, and his expression twists. His face contorted to a snarling before they both heard you clear your throat from the floor above them.
"So, who's the lucky demon?" You chuckle softly as you lean over the railing to see them both. Each looks like a deer caught in headlights at your appearance. Even though anger still burned in Shinnok's milky-white eyes, the blush on their faces was enough.
"Huh?!" Both their mouths and their hearts speak for both of them. Both have confused tones, and their hearts pound viciously as they lock eyes, clearly horrified. Yet Shinnok's and Quan Chi's expressions morph to reveal a hurtful glare as they return their attention to you.
"I mean, I overheard a bit of your conversation. I can't say I'm not interested in knowing what demons have stolen your hearts," you say as you lean on your hand. You're pretty relaxed now; all three of you are in a much lighter mood. After hearing your confession, the rage-fuelled arguments are paused; instead, there's a rising panic in the air as they share glances.
"You think demons are my type?" Shinnok hisses lowly. The glare becomes more challenging, a sharpened dagger honing into an almost unnerving focused gaze. Neither wanted to confess, so what are they to do? You roll your eyes and walk away from the railing and out of their view. You could handle demons and beasts; that's a little difficult. Your book can wait; you sigh inaudibly as you feel something churn in your heart, something you didn't listen to. Not in a realm like this. You felt a bit heartbroken that they both seemingly found a person. Or persons, that wasn't you. But who are you to demand their affection? As you walk deeper into the library, you shake that sadness from your thoughts. No, you didn't even hold a place in their hearts...Why did that make your chest ache? Did the library's air affect you? That must be it. Neither even knew. You're clueless about the double-edged secret. You are their muse, their object of desire. You're everything. You're all they want, all they ever talk about. Yet they refuse to admit or confess. There's no way. It'll ruin the illusion. Yet their affection isn't shallow or fleeting...
You can hear two sets of quick, loud footsteps coming up the stairs, and as you look up, both men are trying to approach you, although both hesitate. There's a growing panic as each meets eyes, suddenly fearful. You've never seen the fear-ridden looks they exchanged before. You smile weakly; this conversation had to happen, or something had to give. It hurts you to watch the fear etched onto their faces. So much is unsaid. How are they to put their affections into words without causing strife? Both are afraid to shatter your friendship. Neither want that. Yet you feel the rift from the silent treatment, the fear from opening their souls, the unrequited love...Wait, love? Is this love you're feeling? Is there any room for such a flower in this place, surrounded by evil, death, and decay?
Quan Chi and Shinnok blink back, a nervous stinging behind their eyes. The tension is suffocating, and they can't help but share one final look. No words, yet they share a fear; neither wishes to part from the other. Yet neither can keep their silence forever. One has to confess...Or all of them.
"So, tell me about these demons that have stolen your hearts," you give a dry laugh as you try to soothe the atmosphere. Your hand lightly dusts your neck, an anxious gesture, wanting them to speak, anything. A reaction is better than their silence.
"This isn't a joke, (y/n)." You meet Quan Chi's angered glare. Why would you joke about such a matter? The quiet hiss had a threatening air that surprised you and got your full attention. The man is usually much calmer; this aggression isn't like him, yet there is some understanding in the background. To his credit, Shinnok is remarkably composed despite the intense rise and fall of his chest and the bared teeth.
"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you. I'm genuinely interested to hear about whoever has your affection," you genuinely wanted to know who the recipients were. You couldn't fathom it, but you knew it was their business to speak of; maybe this was their way of telling you they had moved on. The anger passes by both men as you're entirely genuine, and they exchange an exasperated look and let out a sigh.
"You..." The sentence was barely over a whisper and easily misinterpreted.
"Hmm? Are you worried I'll steal them? Please, I could never!" You're completely clueless, only causing the pain to increase in your chest. They both are disappointed that they cannot confess directly. Their pride. Such is their biggest downfall. Yet the longer they keep the charade, the worse this will all be.
"You're the demon who's stolen our hearts," their voices echo as they stare down at you, the whispers mixing into a heavy tone filled with honesty. The air surrounding them all becomes tense again; no soul moves.
"Me?" you point at yourself, almost uncomprehending. Your heart beats against its bony cage in its chest, unsure what this meant or what their words mean. You could only stand there and stare in confusion, eyebrows furrowing in.
"I thought your species could read body language," Quan Chi scoffs at you as his arms cross and a brow raise, clearly impatient. Although his voice remains neutral. Shinnok's fury starts to bubble. You can't help the soft, nervous laugh from bubbling up in your chest as your face blooms with warmth and it travels from your ears down your neck. You have this giddy feeling like a school child with their first crush. You can't look at either of them as you feel your face warming up quickly. Your eyes shift to focus anywhere else than the pair, mainly the ground and books behind them, so you miss the warm, loving look they are giving you. Their mouths curve up as their faces break into broad smiles. Neither expected the reaction or the acceptance.
"Is this a confession?" Both of them move forward until they are a foot from your frozen frame; their proximity is comforting as neither crowds. Instead, their bodies mirror their facial expressions, and genuine smiles form. Their body language screams comfort and support, welcoming the invitation they are giving off. While your laughter rings, they focus on you as your hands rest on either shoulder. They still when your lips connect briefly with theirs. Both would lie if they said they weren't happy with the gentle kiss. It was something so pure and affectionate and nothing more than a peck. The lovesick sighs that escape them both are very loud in the ample space, yet none notice.
"So, what does this make us now?" your smile reaches your eyes.
"You can consider yourself ours, our significant other," the words from Quan Chi's throat were tender yet matter-of-fact. Shinnok hums, nodding his head, and he listens to Quan Chi and grins like a madman. You gently smack each other's chests in playful retaliation, playfully giggling, before they're close to you, crowding you against the railing. Their eyes show love and devotion, and so does their behaviour.
"Hey now," there is a warning in your voice. You're met with a flash of red before Quan Chi kisses you sweetly, pulling your body flush against his, savouring every second. He holds your face lovingly, cradling it as he deepens the kiss. You don't get long to catch your breath before Shinnok replaces his mouth on yours and takes full advantage of your slightly dazed state, drinking in the love you radiate. You can't even pull apart for another breath before you're brought into Quan Chi's arms. He nuzzles your face lovingly as you're a bit shaky and light-headed. This wasn't unexpected, just overwhelming; you aren't used to being spoiled. You could've stood there forever with them both pressed against you, their warm presence easing you into their affections. Yet the day is still young, and they need to attend to some projects. For now, there will be a new routine for them. To check-in and spoil their new significant other.
While they hesitated to let go and continue their day, they had many experiments and time-sensitive reports waiting to be seen, heard, and read. And with a proper promise from them both, they reluctantly retreated to tend to them, their energy leaving the library. You feel so flustered and giddy from all of this. After an hour of mindlessly staring and reading and re-reading, you also take your leave. You didn't have much to do since you hadn't had any new patients come to you needing to be patched up. Some time alone would be welcomed; this gave you plenty of time to reflect and prepare for what is next for the future with Shinnok and Quan Chi.
You wander around but find yourself in the kitchen brewing tea mindlessly. Just as it finishes, Shinnok and Quan Chi stand together outside the small kitchen space, watching you prepare. From the angle and the doorway, neither man can be spotted by you. So they watch and drink in all you have to offer. Their lips twitch upwards as they see how deep in thought you are. Your mind is constantly working over something, and they see that. You pour your tea, careful not to spill it. Once you're finished preparing your cup, you call out to both.
"I know you're both there," you chuckle when the shock registers. They seem shocked you can hear them so well; your ears are just as keen. As they step forward, they find that you made them their cups. They know this smell all too well. The tea makes them relax beyond any reason. Theirs and your favourite, yet you still refuse to tell them the name of it or what is in it.
"Ah, that smell. Delightful." Quan Chi groans with content, sniffing profoundly and savouring the scent. He doesn't realize the shudder that passes through his body as he breathes it all in. That particular spice in the tea overtakes his senses. Quan Chi can't describe why it's so good, but it immediately relaxes. Shinnok watches closely and smirks a bit, hiding it behind his mug. You watch how they both melt, their features softening as they take a long, long drink from their respective cups, gulping loudly. The shudders aren't hidden, nor is the growl that emanated deep inside them. You always enjoyed the reaction their bodies and souls gave. Your soul flutters, almost vibrating with your heart beating. You can't help the joyous smile spreading over your face. You were happier to see your two new lovers relaxed. With each other and yourself, especially now knowing how much it all meant to you.
"You both look so handsome when you're relaxed like this," you say softly as you sip your tea. You can hear them both choke, if not nearly spit out their respective sips. "You okay there?" You watch them as a devious thought passes through your mind. And the smirk that plays over your features is not missed. They can't answer as they try to cough up a lung from how quickly they tried to inhale their drink instead of spitting it out. The tea's heat made their already darkening cheeks glow. Once they managed to catch their breath and the lightheadedness cleared up, the embarrassment over their previous state replaced it. They turn to each other and grimace. There was no winning against you. You give a few pats to the parts of their forearms you can reach, causing them to shudder again.
"We are more than okay." That came from Quan Chi as they shared a glance and an embarrassed grimace, unsure what else to say. Each man wants to communicate their overwhelming emotions. Shinnok doesn't even say anything before a scarlet hue paints his cheeks, his thoughts catching up, and his soul swirls inside, pounding like a war drum. He can't speak, and the nerves cause his mind to shut down completely. Your laughter dies into a soft, content sigh as you smile at them. Both couldn't be happier to be in your company. It's soothing and has a familiar calming quality. They each try to school their expressions, keeping their thoughts quiet before either act on them.
You lay in your bed, your shorts and tanktop pyjamas hanging loose on you while you lay on your back. You enjoy the calmness your room brings you after this past week. While comfy and warm in bed, it's missing some warmth, a warmth the weather or your blankets can't provide. As your mind starts wandering and your eyes shut, sleep creeps up, lulling you. Though it isn't there yet, your brain has taken note and your body tenses. You're fully alert when your door opens. You bolt up in bed, ready to pounce and attack or run, but you ease upon seeing a familiar man standing there, Quan Chi. You let out a relieved breath as your body relaxes.
"What has gotten you all jumpy, pet?" You didn't notice his eyes roamed your figure, now very relaxed.
"You didn't even knock; scared the hell out of me," your complaint is flat as you lean back slightly and crack your neck. Quan Chi snorts as he leans against the door's frame and chuckles. The sound of him laughing is quite musical and attractive.
"I don't see why you're all concerned. It is not like you have anything to worry about," he doesn't seem amused. The rumble of his voice is seductive to you.
"Still doesn't explain why you're creeping in my room at three in the morning," he knows better, yet he still teases and smirks while sauntering to you. You have half a mind to ignore his behaviour and tell him to leave and be more courteous, but you notice he doesn't meet your eyes, and his body is tense. Like he is afraid, you'll snap. You sigh, tired, as you pat a spot next to you; his steps are soundless as he lays down next to you.
"Quan Chi, you should know better. Why are you here this early in the morning?" While you give him the third degree, you've noted the darkness under his eyes, how dark and heavy his skin is and how ragged his breathing is. As much as you want to scold him for his manners and to break in, you have to consider that he did walk in without knocking; the latter has his reasons, whether personal or business-related.
"You must be tired of being this rude. Go to bed." You playfully bump into him and gently pull him down beside you. The pillows are nice and soft against his head, and they envelope and cradle him so well. You're pretty comfortable, too. How you caress his cheek and trace the tattoos on his skull is soothing as you rest your forehead against his. He has no problem obliging you.
"You look exhausted," his arm reaches across to wrap itself tightly around your waist as the words ghost over the bare skin on his chest. He can't control his body and soul. Quan Chi doesn't realize he lets out a shuddered breath as your nails softly drag across the skin of his scalp. An encouraging sound rumbles and vibrates from his chest, almost akin to a pleased purring sound from a giant beast. His head angles, eyes fluttering in relaxation, and his body sinks fully into your mattress as you massage and trace his skull and tattoos. "Go to bed. You need rest." The words are gentle and filled with compassion.
He is happy to let you comfort him and relax his muscles, bones, mind, and soul. They haven't been soothed and made to relax in aeons, if ever. Relaxing for once is very cathartic and soothing to the warlord. With his face hidden against the pillow, he could finally close his eyes and let himself be a person. You kiss his cheek as you hear him murmur words of love and appreciation for his significant other. And that is when the tiredness sets in; sleep becomes more effortless. He holds you and curls his body to yours. He falls asleep swiftly. His entire aura and demeanour relax significantly, which you're grateful for. This would help him stay and think with a clear mind. He deserved eight hours and will get it whether he wants it or not.
The quiet creaking of your bedroom door awakens you. The sun is up, shining through your windows, but it is early enough in the morning to keep it dark. But even that slight beam blinds your eyes, making them squint.
"Where are you going?" You murmur as you roll and wrap your arms around Quan Chi's waist. You kiss the small of his back, and your fingers trace circles into the pale skin. The touches earn you a low growl; a chill rushes through your spine and down your back. You squeeze and wrap your hands over the toned muscles, humming, which startles him and freezes him in place.
"To attend to my duties. I shouldn't be long," Quan Chi starts to stir in your grasp.
"No, stay, you're so warm and cosy," you whine, half asleep, placing another soft kiss on his lower back, tighten your hold around him and wrap your legs over his thighs, refusing to let go or budge.
"I won't be too long," he wants to see where the touching and kisses lead, yet he can't give into that. You let out a high-pitched noise of disappointment and squeeze him closer, unwilling to let go or wake up to an empty bed. You yawn and stretch, but your arms and legs refuse to uncoil or untangle from Quan Chi's torso and limbs.
"No, don't leave, please," you whine more, nuzzling your head against his warm back. Your warm breath caused him to shiver. He takes a deep breath, clearly enjoying your affections and actions and wanting to savour more.
"You're adorable," he chuckles softly. You smile wide, placing several soft kisses on his skin. Your hands gently knead into his muscles, and you feel him shuddering from your touch, which causes him to inhale sharply. You have your revenge. His sounds and reactions prove you were right. Quan Chi lays in bed with a half-grin on his face, rolling and staring at you.
"Needy thing, aren't we," your grumbling response earns a hearty laugh from the man, who rolls himself and curls around you, kissing you passionately and pinning you underneath him. You don't fight against his forceful ways, even if he had not fully displayed it.
"Thank you," you murmur against his neck as you nuzzle into him, hugging his ribcage tightly. His eyes drift shut as he returns your hold, squeezing and letting his breathing fall in time with yours. Both of you drift back off to sleep in the warm sunlight together. It is hot under the sheets and within his arms; it's the type of comfortable warmth one can never tire from, the kind you feel through the soul and the most effective to melt the heart. He never wanted to leave, nor did you want him to. The one time you both overslept the day away, neither minded at all.
You wake up again and feel Quan Chi holding you tightly to him as he snores. The noises are high-pitched and endearing, and you can't help the laugh that falls from your mouth or the large grin as your heart melts for the sleeping man. He sounds and looks content and satisfied. You hear a gentle knock on your bedroom door as you admire his sleeping form. Quan Chi jumps slightly in his sleep but is still out cold. Your head perks up as you make a noise of acknowledgement, telling whoever to come in. Shinnok greets you. He looks stressed and annoyed, only for it to melt off of his face upon seeing the two of you. He stands and stares, stunned, before coming back into focus.
"So that's where he's been," Shinnok speaks with a pleased, relaxed smile, entering fully and coming closer, but he stops just before your feet, looming. Quan Chi's forehead is pressed against yours, and his nose is right under your jaw. His arms cradle your frame, but his upper body weight rests partially on you.
"Comfortable?" Shinnok asks curiously as he watches.
"Quite," the affection on your face melts Shinnok, who swallows and tries not to stare too intently. "I felt needy and didn't let him get up, so don't be mad at him. He fought bravely against me," you add with a soft giggle as Quan Chi hugs you tighter in his sleep.
"Oh? Needy, are you?" Shinnok hums softly. A dangerous note enters his tone that doesn't register at first with you.
"He started it, waking me up by trying to sneak out. So I made him curl up with me a bit longer," you grin as you slip an arm off Quan Chi and pat the spot next to you. You then turn your upper body, pouting and looking at him pleadingly.
"Please, join us," your eyes do not hold their playful mischievousness anymore, though your hand is beckoning him.
"Perhaps later, doll, I am-" but Shinnok can't finish. Not as you gently catch his hand and tug him down, and in surprise, his eyes go wide, and he falls forward and onto his stomach. Thankfully, his momentum and the light tugging don't rouse Quan Chi, the only movement being him curling closer, further pressing you into the man.
"Oh no, did you trip, dearest?" You tease as you pull him against your back, holding his arm and hand against you to keep him held there. "Come on, it's warm, join us." You begin to rub circles on his back while smiling and adjusting the position, your hands gently stroking his hair as he lets out a shocked yet pleased huff. Shinnok didn't wish to overstep the boundary; that was not his way. The former elder god moves into a position where he's comfortably lying. He hugs you against his chest, spooning and wrapping around you, trapping you between his body and Quan Chi's; he relaxes after you purr, which eases him.
Shinnok and Quan Chi remain silent, both appearing to sleep with you. Your grip doesn't loosen as you smile warmly, listening to Quan Chi's even breaths, but you also feel Shinnok's nose pressing to the nape of your neck as his breathing deepens, the weight of his body changing slightly as it relaxes and feels slacker than before.
Your eyes drift, the warmth surrounding and consuming you as you're sandwiched between two sleeping lovers. For some unknown reason, you're sure this isn't the last time you'll be sandwiched between their chests. All your thoughts, worries and concerns vanish as you melt. Eventually, a sleepy mumble escapes Quan Chi and sends his warm breath caressing your neck. You gently kiss his nose as you rub soothing shapes into his back, easing him back to sleep. Your nuzzling encourages him back to sleep. Before you shut your eyes, Quan Chi whispers a drowsy thank you to you for relaxing him and letting him sleep. Your brain isn't fast enough to return the thanks to Shinnok, who nuzzled the back of your neck and wrapped his limbs even tighter as a reassurance of your affection. Your eyes slipped close, and it wasn't long after that you all had fallen back asleep, leaving behind a pile of tangled limbs, blankets, and satisfied sighs. It has never felt more perfect, and you are ready to be wrapped in it whenever possible.
You let out a groan as you stretch slightly, feeling a warm body squishing you on both sides. "Too warm," you grumble as you rub the sleep from your eyes. As you're fully aware now, you sit up and gaze at the sight that was your sleeping companion. After another quick yawn, you notice Shinnok shifting; you hope he isn't upset that you pulled him into bed.
"Did you enjoy yourself?" You lean and ask as you brush your thumb across his temple. "Oh, don't look so sour. I think you enjoyed yourself plenty." He rolls onto his side and away from your touch with a huff. A massive grin spreads across your face, knowing he can't lie to you, which seems to anger the elder god as a deeper scowl settles across his features. Shinnok pulls a pillow over his face to avoid you or the possibility of responding.
"You are such a cat," you joke, running your fingers down his side. A chuckle slips from his throat, his whole frame vibrating and shaking as he does. While your hands are busy tracing shapes into his skin, the third person in the room stretches. Quan Chi had rested and recovered well.
"Good morning," you coo at Quan Chi, kissing his nose softly. Shinnok grabs the hand you're caressing him with. You were paying no attention, or you would have noticed how annoyed the older man looked. He could barely keep his jealous thoughts in check. He was much closer to having an outburst than you had believed. You move your hand and intertwine your fingers with his. You let out a breathy groan as you sit up and stretch your ribs. Each time the action occurs, you do so with a pleased hum, and they crack loudly.
You lean down and kiss Shinnok on his nose like you did Quan Chi's, giggling as his eyes widen. His expression is priceless. It shows how much he wants a repeat. When Quan Chi stretches, his body shifts, and he moves and lets out a strangled, muffled grunt and a popping noise. You giggle again as Shinnok scowls deeper; the sight alone causes you to kiss him. He should show you more emotion because seeing him squirm as he pulls away is fun. The affection leaves him pleasantly surprised, speechless.
"Let's go. I need to shower and try to save my terrible sleep schedule. Which was all your fault, I hope you realize." He hears the playful, accusing tone as he exits the bed. His feet barely make a noise as they brush against the wooden floor, and you raise an eyebrow as his shirt rides up. He raises his hands in the air while stretching his stiff limbs, showing off a bit of skin. His mouth opens and stretches slightly, his teeth showing. He looks sleepy still. His movements and the way his hands push, grab and pull down seem graceful and elegant, no matter how sluggish Quan Chi was. The best thing is his pleasant sound, a low-key hum in his throat that sounded more like a grunt. It's almost cute and has the slightest touch of feral.
You slip out of bed behind Quan Chi, ready to deal with today begrudgingly. You also wonder what their mornings are typically like. Both men are quiet, but you assume it is simply for the same reason you are. Quiet stretches and groans fill the room as each man goes through their morning rituals. Quan Chi stretches tall again, and his bones give another satisfying crack in his spine, shoulders and knees.
Shinnok grumbles as he rolls out of your bed to get dressed and groomed, ignoring your presence for the most part. Quan Chi sits on your bed with a bewildered and amused smile.
"Is he always in such a lovely mood in the morning?" You ask as you let out a yawn that turns into a high-pitched squeak. It shows your teeth. Quan Chi is stifling a laugh from how loud and obnoxious that squeak is. A few more squeaks accompany the stretch. There's a shift of your upper body, followed by an extended groan, a crack, a snap. Oh, that felt wonderful. You let out a moan that catches both men's attention; their hands freeze on the buckles they are securing and buttoning.
"Ahh, that felt great," you breathe as you pop your neck. You beam with enthusiasm and a spring in your step. Their minds race and fill with images and visions of what else would earn those delightful sounds from you.
You're outside with Shinnok and Quan Chi while they interact with the demonic horses they raise. Your back is sore and won't pop, no matter what you've done. You sit with D'Vorah, who you've learned works for Shinnok. The two of you chit-chat before you figure you'd ask her for help.
"D'Vorah, weird request, but. Will you hug me hard enough to crack my back?" You ask as you look over at her. She gives you a weird look as if confused.
"This one will help you. Just give detailed instructions," she replies as she stands up. You will never understand why she refers to herself as 'this one', but you won't bother with that now. You grin as you stand and explain what you need her to do. She wraps her arms around your back and squeezes you tightly to her. You and D'Vorah both hear and feel your spine crack and pop as she works her way from the top of your spine to the bottom. The moment is cut short by Quan Chi. His reaction isn't violent.
"What. Do you think you're doing?" He calmly asks. You frown as he tries to step closer to you.
"I'm having her crack my back," you reply as your back lets out a loud crack. Your head is on D'Vorah's shoulder as you lean into her for support while she helps crack your back.
"By. By doing what exactly?" Quan Chi narrows his eyes at you, then turns and glares daggers at the bug woman. D'Vorah tilts her head.
"I'm having her squeeze me as tightly as possible on my spinal cord to make them release so I can be more comfortable," you sigh as a deep crack is heard coming from your shoulder blades. You feel her arms move lower as she keeps going. The jealous glare that you can see from Quan Chi is ridiculous. You can hear Shinnok clear his throat, just as jealous of the sight.
"It feels so good," you let out a groan of relief as more pops and cracks are heard. Your hands lay limply on her hips as she keeps going. Your knees buckle when her arms make it down far enough, and a loud, satisfying pop is heard.
"There we go. No more pain?" D'Vorah softly smiles. Her hands slowly slip to your hips as her grip disappears, giving you space to pull away.
"Much better, thank you so much, D'Vorah," you sigh as you pull away, giving her a warm smile that makes your nose wrinkle. You can almost see the jealous aura coming from both men as they glare daggers at D'Vorah. You fully pull away from her and walk towards your partner as if what happened was normal.
"Was there something you needed me for, Quan Chi?" You ask with a happy smile as you look up to the angry and very jealous sorcerer. He's barely holding himself together, and his face says it all. His teeth are grinding, jaw tight with tension, eyebrows knitted together, fists clenched at his sides, his fingernails digging into his palms, and his legs stiff and unmoving.
"Love you," you coo as you kiss his cheek along with Shinnok's as you walk past them both. D'Vorah goes to take over Quan Chi's duties. Before he's about to blow. You were far too comfortable with a being that isn't them. A possessive, jealous urge rises through them as they watch you walk away with a small spring in your step. You've never really understood the fuss with possessive men. You don't see D'Vorah as anything more than a good friend.
You sigh as you wander into the stable, seeing the prized horses Shinnok had been raising for what you could only imagine was centuries or not more. You find these animals both beautiful and disgusting with how they have exposed goat skulls. You know it's because they are technically still demons, but you do like how they are somewhere between a horse, goat, and ghoulish demon. They are such amazing creatures, but in a creepy way, just like their masters.
A quick flash of jealousy strikes them as Quan Chi sees your affection for his or their horses. Regardless of ownership, the idea of anyone besides Quan Chi and Shinnok being the receiver of that adoration was unfathomable. Shinnok's irritation stems from watching you being overly affectionate towards others, including D'Vorah. And all while not showering your affections on him and Quan Chi.
"Hello, handsome, yes, you." You coo softly as you gently pat the red stallion. The horse whinnies and leans down. It knows who you're talking about. You reach out and scratch his snout with a toothy smile. "You are so lovely, yes, you are. Very good boy. Who is such an amazing horse." The stallion nudges you affectionately as the affection. You will probably never get used to the sound of your nails against its bony nose—the idea of riding him, though you're excited.
Quan Chi moves silently and takes your side. The stallion's head swivels, and he stomps and paws his hooves at the ground near Quan Chi and then lays his head against you and lets out a loud snort as its head is flat against your chest. You giggle as you pat the animals' ears while Quan Chi stands near you, looking beyond jealous.
"You are such a big sweetheart," you coo at the animal. The horse perks his ears up to listen more closely. Your fingers loving stroke over his leathery skin, the coarse fur seeming like velvet compared to the leather texture beneath; he leans into every movement, enjoying your touches immensely. You kiss the animal's skull as you hug it gently, being careful of its glowing red ram horns. Quan Chi grits his teeth, and his jaw clenches as he glares at the red horse.
Shinnok enters after hearing a commotion; the jealousy between Quan Chi and the red horse grows quite a bit. You gently scratch between the red stallion's eyes. You keep whispering sweet nothings and compliments as the stallion relaxes.
"Such a sweet guy, aren't you? Such a good boy, who's the best you are. Yes, you." You coo quietly as Quan Chi and Shinnok grit their teeth. "Good boys get treats," you speak sweetly and without judgment towards the creature. The soft expression you've always been using is warm and inviting and all too quickly becomes a lovely target for these two. You were pulling a thread that led to feelings of possession. You give the animal a treat as you coo and giggle softly as its tongue licks your hand as it gobbles the snack up.
"Who's a sweet boy who loves getting pets and treats?" Your nose crinkles as you grin wide. The stallion shuffles slightly. You don't notice the growl or the clenched jaws. Your eyes sparkle as you look towards both of them. You are enjoying yourself, even if you shouldn't be. "He's a very good boy," you hum quietly, patting his snout with a loveable grin. The stallion grunts and snorts loudly in agreement. Shinnok clears his throat, drawing your attention to him.
"Come along, pet," Shinnok commands as you turn to him. Before you could think, you let out a breathy response of an 'Oh please,' causing Quan Chi and Shinnok to exchange glances before returning their jealous and territorial gaze upon the beast. A growl comes from their lips as they stare down the demon horse. The demonic horse lowers its head to stare back at them.
"Don't tell me you're both jealous of a horse," you laugh as you pat the animal again. A very soft glare is settled in both men's eyes and their muscles tensing, showing they are getting angry, with a bit of disbelief on their features as well, at the accusation of them being jealous over a mere beast, no less, the irony and hypocrisy are not lost to them.
"No. Of course we're not," Quan Chi replies, his eyes staring intently into your own. Your eyebrow is raised. You didn't quite believe that, although they have facial expressions of disgust towards feeling this way.
"You're an awful liar," you tease lightly. His gaze hardens at you. He's annoyed. Quan Chi has no problem glaring, but it was more intense this time. It's borderline harsh, and honestly, you did find a part of it intimidating, like he's displeased with your tone. You pat the animal's nose before you walk out of the stable. You raise your brows at him, not impressed with his behaviour. Shinnok shakes his head and places a hand over his eyes, pinching his nose and groaning. You could have sworn the two are growling towards the demonic stallion, but maybe it's the wind. The atmosphere has a light chill but is otherwise lovely. The two follow after you before they lock up the building.
You wander back into the castle with no genuine concern or worries. You keep meandering until you make it to the library. You find a book that you've been meaning to read as you sit in the middle of the loveseat that you begged Shinnok to add in there for you. After about 15 minutes, the two men walk in. They sit on either side of you as they slightly loom over you.
"Something bothering you two?" You ask as you turn to the next page of your book. You've got a smug grin; you knew something was off with these two, but you can't pinpoint it.
"What did D'Vorah do to crack you back," Quan Chi asks.
"I had her bear hug me with all of her strength. It helps release built-up pressure in the spinal cord," you reply calmly as you put a bookmark in your book, smiling up at him.
"That was the only time?" Quan Chi asked, his voice wavering slightly with worry. You roll your eyes. The fact it wasn't obvious worried him.
"She squeezed me like that one time before, Quan Chi. If you're scared that she'll 'steal' me, you have nothing to worry about. She and I are just friends, and that's it," you gently touch his and squeeze lightly. You do the same for Shinnok as well. Their eyes turned to meet yours. Both had worried looks; anyone could've picked up the possessiveness and jealousy.
"This is about the fucking horses, isn't it," you groan. Their jaws clenched, but that seemed to be in the correct spot. Quan Chi looks away from you before muttering that it wasn't the horse. You scowl before putting your book down and standing.
"What do you want me to call you both good boys and feed you snacks?" You ask clearly, trying to make them laugh. All you get are blank stares. They would prefer that over nothing.
"Of all the things to get jealous over. I prefer both of you over an animal!" You let out an annoyed groan before pacing the room.
"If I knew your other half was so important," Shinnok says in a deadpan tone.
"Shin, I've always had a soft spot for animals," you say, turning to him and watching him stiffen at the nickname.
"Not quite what I was aiming for," he chuckles dryly. Quan Chi's grip on his armrest tightens.
"Can both of you stop? Please! You are acting ridiculous!" You state your annoyance about their behaviour, which is evident as you give them both a disappointed look as you stand up and make space between the three of you. You cross your arms and look at them both like an unhappy parent.
"I thought I'd made it abundantly clear that I love you both." There's that disappointed parental tone you learned from working with the general public. Your arms are crossed, and there's no mercy behind your glare as you stare at your partners.
Shinnok moves to stand up as if to keep the argument going in circles. "Sit," you say in a very agitated tone as you point at the loveseat and give him a sharp look.
"Wha-" He's confused by your response to him. You step closer towards him.
"Sit. Back. Down. Now," you say sternly, each word sharp and calculated. Your gentle and kind attitude is replaced by a disappointed and annoyed one. One they have never seen as your small form looms over them both as you rant about how their behaviour is unacceptable and will not be tolerated, how you love them both equally and that there's no chance another person could take you from them. You speak to them like an angry mother would as your gaze shifts between them sharply as you talk.
They feel the sharp sting of embarrassment and disappointment, a twist in their guts that burns as the harsh and almost venomous scolding leaves their lips. Your tone is severe and sharp, expressing extreme disappointment and almost fury mixed to create a perfect weapon against their emotions. You are scolding them. It would put Kronika to shame if she saw this.
They swallow as your voice keeps going strong and firm. You pause and catch a breath when you know your points are fully gotten across. You pull back slightly, giving them both space as you hold your head high, looking down at them with an expectant look and your arms crossed. They both look like kicked dogs. Neither have been spoken to like that except from Kronika or Cetrion.
"Now, I would like an apology from both of you, along with a promise something like this will not happen again." You stand up straight and stare down your lovers. You use the most disappointing tone you can muster, and they understand where it came from and can't quite bring themselves to do much besides what you said. You dominated the situation they both believed they had the upper hand in—the audacity to discipline them like they were children.
"Behave like a jealous child and be treated like one," you say as if you can read their minds. They know your words are correct but will never fully admit that to themselves. Not without a fight, anyway.
My bedroom will be locked at night until I get a response," you threaten. "Be. Good. Boys," you hiss at them before storming off. Both have no idea what hit them. They can only comprehend that you spoke down at them and struck the right parts to get your desired effect, even if it was uncomfortable for them. Your hands clench tightly as you turn to see the fear in their eyes from you snapping at them like that. You are making sure neither of them will be getting anything tonight. As promised, you locked your bedroom door, much to their horror. They thought you were bluffing about it. No apology, no spot in your bed for either of them.
A bit of regret lingers with Quan Chi and Shinnok after your battle. Although they may have a new respect for the power behind your wrath and the verbal lashings, you can dish out. If Shinnok and Quan Chi were truthful with themselves, they deserved the lecture, but it did not stop the throbbing jealousy. So the two lie in their bed in silence, each thinking about ways to get you back. The only thing they know you want is something their ego and pride will never let happen: an apology.
Three days, three long, arduous days, you did not give them the attention they craved—at least 36 hours of cold, cold, lonely silence on either of your parts. You are adamant, refusing to give in. In some ways, they appreciate it but despise the emptiness and their aching heart. You are acting cold, hurting them worse than anything you could have said. They missed having someone sleep beside them. You had no clue how hard it was for them not to have you by their side at night.
One would have assumed Shinnok and Quan Chi could have handled sleeping alone. The two are whining to themselves like small children missing their toy or comfort blanket. Three days without you by their side has proved more than enough torture to coerce an apology. You continue the silent treatment for now.
Quan Chi on day four of the silent treatment. He knocked on your door cautiously, hoping to hear you beckon him in. As a master of manipulation, his skills are significantly lessened on you. All he can offer is sincerity, even when his ego screams to think he's a fool. And yet here he is, admitting that he was a complete idiot to fall for his possessive tendencies towards you. He's on his knees begging and apologizing as best he could and saying he couldn't live without you and would rather die a thousand deaths than risk losing you. You open the door, seeing how miserable the sorcerer looks on his knees in front of your door. You gently lift him, pressing a tender kiss to his lips as a reassurance.
"Apology accepted, now get off your knees," you smile, letting him rest on your shoulder. He nods silently and wraps his arms tightly around your waist, lovingly rubbing his nose against your neck as he basks in your warmth again. Since he apologised, you'll let him have this as a bit of a win. You know the act is difficult for him and proves he loves you deeply. You slowly pull him into your room and shut your door, ready to shower him with the affection he's missed.
"Oh, you missed me that much?" You hummed in question, to which he quickly replied yes. You kiss him lovingly as his arms tighten around you, needing the reassurance of holding you tight. The two of you exchange sweet nothings in between kisses. Your fingers rake, scratching his bald scalp as his hand pushes and strokes every part of your skin his hand can reach.
"Thank you for apologizing," you whisper sincerely. You move him to sit at the edge of your bed. He follows your motions eagerly, happy you aren't rejecting him. He leans his head back slightly; he lets out a whine, which would be embarrassing to the sorcerer, but right now, he can't bring himself to care as his forehead rests against your shoulder. You gently stroke your finger down his spine to relax him.
He breathes shallow, ragged breaths as your fingers scratch along his exposed flesh and run up and down his back to relax him. You smile as the muscles tense in his arms and then relax. You gently scratch along the muscles and bones at his back, tracing over every edge and feeling the warmth of his back with your touch. Quan Chi whimpers with relief. You tenderly caress his cheek, kissing his jaw, letting your lips trail up and down it. A soft shudder goes down his spine. He bites his lip, but it isn't stopping a needy sound from escaping his throat. He purrs in contentment, rubs the side of his face into the crook of your neck and shoulder, and lets out a happy grunt. You peck him on the tip of his ear before cooing softly, "Just relax for me, love," he shivers and nods slowly. You curl up on your bed. Quan Chi quickly cuddles you and pulls your head to rest in the crook of his neck. You hold his hand and whisper soft praises as you go to sleep.
In week two, Shinnok still hasn't come to terms with the fact that his mind will break if he is forced to remain separated from you for a long time. He stares blankly at your door. He thinks back to how Quan Chi spoke about how easily you forgave him with his simple apology. How you then happily showered him in affection. A rush of envy coursed through the Elder God. He doesn't want to admit it, but he wants the love, too. So he knocks, and you can't help the little smirk as you walk over and open the door. Shinnok hesitates for a split second before asking,
"May we talk?" You hum slightly before you nod.
"Yes, speak your mind," you gesture but don't move from your doorframe.
"I apologize for my behaviour," he exclaims, only realizing what he'd done after the sentence had left his mouth.
"Thank you for the apology, Shinnok," you smile as your hand finds his cheek and guides him to you, planting a chaste kiss that he's been craving far more than he'd like to admit. As his hands rest on the sides of your ribs, a faint shuddering whimper of relief slips from his lips into your own, allowing you to seal the silent promise of forgiveness and love as he leans his body weight into the kiss, savouring your lips against his own. You pull back, letting your foreheads rest against one another. He groans at the action, so desperate to taste the tenderness again, only now allowing you to feel how much his body craved affection and intimacy. You tilt his head to face yours as your hands cup his cheeks.
"Come in," you pull away from him, allowing Shinnok to slink into your room, desperate not to let you move. Your fingers twirl in the dark silvery locks as his hands ghost up and down your sides as he seeks to feel more and savour more of the feeling of you.
"Thank you," Shinnok finally states before planting another loving peck on your lips.
"Thank you? What did I do?" You smile softly and laugh through your question. You stand up straight, pull him in by the back of his neck, and wrap his arms around you before giving him a loving hug.
"For being merciful," he replies honestly, almost whispering into your ear. He grips onto you, nuzzling his head into your shoulder. He's struggling with the feeling of raw affection that wells up in his chest and blooms like wildfire across his entire body, taking all sense of rationality and leaving his mind fuzzy and needy as the Elder God purred against you and sunk deeper into your touch and arms. You walk towards bed, ready to let him wrap himself around you like a snake and savour what he's missed.
"Think nothing of it," you brush your finger against his jaw. Your eyes watch with deep admiration at the once vengeful being slowly reduced to a purring cat wrapped in a silk blanket, the epitome of relaxation and comfort, as his arms coil around you possessively. As you two crawl into bed together, you are ready to snuggle up, but Shinnok's embrace is so tight you can't budge.
"I must admit something," he mumbles, causing you to tilt your head to hear better, "I slept miserably for the past two weeks, my love."
You kiss his knuckles, and a deep, calm sigh passes the god's lips. Shinnok leans his head against your neck, hiding his expression, though the love and tenderness he can't help but feel are transparent enough in his voice. "Please, just stay here."
You kiss his head, resting your forehead against him. "Where do you think I'm going?" He smiles.
"Sleep," he murmurs before pressing another gentle, featherlight kiss to your skin.
You sit in their lab watching Shinnok and Quan Chi. Shinnok is writing a new spell while Quan Chi uses his magic to carry different instruments. While they usually work separately, how they work together is undeniably attractive. Watching their skilled hands wave gracefully through the air, their fingers flexing delicately to adjust to their movements. You sigh dreamily as their lips move in rhythm, casting their spells, neither uttering a word. The raw focus and power make you feel hot under the collar. You've gotten good at hiding how they affect you, significantly after you distracted them long enough that some concoction they were making exploded.
You're not proud of how filthy your thoughts can be about them when they work like this. You haven't been intimate with either of them, yet your mind flickers to scenarios and fantasies you have about each other individually and together. You've had to take cold showers because of how warm you feel from just being around them. You want them both, but neither shows interest in sex...ever. Sure, they will flirt and rile you up, but they don't seem interested in going all the way, which frustrates you to no end! You're feeling more and more sexually frustrated by the day, from each gentle lingering touch, each kiss, everything! It's pure torture. You begin to wonder, could they not be attracted to you sexually? You know there are more ways to experience attraction. You were fine with them being asexual or demi. You'd respect that if they are, but they never talk about anything, and you are losing it!
You're okay with the idea you'll have to use your hands or toys if they aren't interested in sex, but they constantly change the subject about it. Neither of them seems to want to have this critical conversation. They have danced around the topic for the last few months. Quan Chi is either sarcastic about it, deflecting the question to Shinnok, or they both claim they are too busy for that right now. So, instead, you groan with frustration, clearly annoyed that the two are too occupied to give you attention. Shinnok flicks his gaze to your irritated self. He furrows his eyebrows for a second. Shinnok carefully asks.
"What is wrong, my heart?" It was more of a command for you to talk. Shinnok watches your body language as you sigh heavily, gravelly. Shinnok doesn't pry; instead, he waits for your response to see if he must make his other partner respond for him.
"Are you both asexual?" You blurt out, tired of the way they skirt around the subject. Shinnok is caught off guard as his nose and eyebrows pinch at your request. Quan Chi spins around to look at you with a weird look, raising his eyebrow high at your question. Your eyes flicker between the two, who were looking very confused about your question, and you feel a slight irritation welling up in your chest as your lips pull tight in annoyance and your eyebrows twitch downwards.
"I mean, neither of you likes to talk about sex. Usually, you skirt around the topic. I can understand if you are, but I'd like to know so I can...Deal with that on my end," you say as you try to insinuate what you need. It wasn't a lie. You can manage. Hell, you've worked just fine these last few months. Both of your lovers are silent, eyes wide, glancing at each other, still not quite saying anything, their faces slightly pink and ears burning from the direct question.
"No," Quan Chi finally spits out as his eyebrows arch in exasperation,
"I just never gave it a second thought," Shinnok stated, almost surprised by the idea,
"It doesn't cross our minds that often... We just," Quan Chi replied, his hand waving up and down slightly at the statement. You glance down at the table and sit a bit straighter.
"It's fine. I should have figured you two have very, very low sex drives," you cough. You know, in most relationships, sexual attraction is essential. Most partners who are even a bit into you will want that eventually. You shift in your seat. "Don't worry about it. You've put me at ease," you add, sighing softly. You quickly leave the room. Your skin feels warm and sticky again; you need another cold shower.
Even under the cold water, your skin burns and craves to be touched, even more so now that you know that they can, in theory, want sex... they are just indifferent to the whole thing. You squeeze your legs shut as your brain starts to think up scenarios again that cause your core to throb. Maybe you're just reading into things, and neither of them is interested in the sensual pleasures...which you can respect and understand if that is true. You shiver in pleasure and frustration, wondering what their hands would feel like against you... You want them. You crave them.
You push the intruding thoughts away for now and continue your shower. You can't take it anymore. You need something to ease your desire. Maybe just letting yourself pleasure yourself with thoughts and fantasies isn't that bad for now. Even with the cool water hitting your neck and back, your skin burns as you let yourself enjoy what you've desperately needed. You exhale slowly through gritted teeth, trying your best not to moan as you flick a finger against your sensitive, swollen clit. It has been too long since you have given yourself the satisfaction and release you've been denied so cruelly for months. All you can think about is how rough their hands would feel caressing and pleasuring you or the sensation of their tongue teasing you... you have such an insatiable appetite that the once-thought-of images only served to arouse you further. You lean your head against the shower tiles. The more your finger moves along your slit, the more you grow impatient.
"Fuck," you sigh, enjoying the moment for a while, your core growing hotter with each flick of the finger. Just imagining what their mouths might feel like against your sensitive folds is nearly too much for your oversensitive brain to think about. It feels too damn good, and it has been so long since you have had the chance to relax this way. You inhale deeply, trying not to pant at the image and fantasy of the sorcerers. It was futile. "Damn," You huff again, knowing it wouldn't be long before you completely break and release after so long. You tease and rub your inner walls, barely able to hold back your sounds. Your hand tightens at the tiled wall behind you, feeling your climax rising. You whimper loudly, letting a muffled moan pass through your lips. Your thoughts return to the two men, making you picture the sight of them pinning you to the shower wall and filling you.
A surge of bliss and pleasure ran through your body, leaving you lightheaded. As you gather yourself up, your chest begins to rise and fall. The haze of your orgasm leaves your mind hazy and blissful. You feel like you're seeing stars as your thighs quake and shiver. You chuckle slightly, almost chuckling to yourself, realizing your fantasies are quite the danger zone if they make you cum that fast. Still, you can't bring yourself to care. You've been needing that for quite a while. The cold water drenched your body again, cooling down your hot skin. You take a moment to catch your breath as you shower off, hoping that will ease that hungry desire inside you after your orgasm.
A week passes, and you go on like nothing is wrong. You'd visited Outworld and got yourself a little...gift. You have used it often, especially when you shower and every time you cum to the thought of one of your lovers. Jade and you had gone to the market, and you'd gotten a dildo to help your need. However, both Shinnok and Quan Chi have started to notice you're a bit tense. It was subtle, a small sign they were quick to identify. You're far more relaxed and seemingly satisfied. However, they did notice a slight limp that would appear occasionally. They were no fools. However, their minds always seemed to go to the worst outcomes first. There was no way that you would seek satisfaction and sex with someone else... would you? They worried you may have. After all, you're the one who asked if they even wanted to have sex. The idea didn't sit well with either, as they watched you from a distance for a week. They hoped that they wouldn't catch you meeting up with another person. They watch intently from a distance, trying their best not to raise suspicion that they have been tailing you like some common crook. It's not until they search your room while you and D'Vorah are out doing something that they find it: the dildo you had gotten yourself. Both of them feel slightly relieved that they're not seeking another person's embrace behind their backs. Neither one dares touch the phallic object you use, however. Shinnok is the one to say it out loud,
"I didn't peg them to use something like that." Shinnok rubs his jaw thoughtfully with his hand. Quan Chi sighs heavily.
"At least they don't seek pleasure from another and have opted for this instead of cheating on us." Shinnok hums before he hears your footsteps approaching your room. Both of their cheeks heat up with the knowledge of you having such a toy, not recognizing that you're using it for satisfaction. Just the mere knowledge is enough.
"What were you two doing in my room," you inquire as your head pokes past the doorframe. Both look caught. Neither had genuinely thought about what they would do if you returned early. You immediately spot the open drawer that held your 'toy.' Both their eyes follow where you are looking, and you watch their faces turn redder than an apple in a few seconds. Your head cocks to the side.
"Ahh...you both could have asked, you know," you blush, just a little embarrassed that they snooped in your drawers. "It's rude to snoop, you know," you tease. Both men look down, very shy from the subject. You gesture.
"Well, I did tell you I'd deal with it myself," you grin, feeling a light flush on your cheeks. You may feel a little ashamed for using such a thing instead of asking your lovers, but you also feel no reason to hide it. Both Shinnok and Quan Chi flush deeper as Shinnok fumbles with what to say,
"My love-" Shinnok starts, only for you to put your hand up.
"I knew neither of you desired sex. It's OK if neither of you is interested in it. It's not an important aspect of a relationship." You interject before either of them can attempt to justify themselves. Shinnok pinches his eyes shut, feeling somewhat upset he caused you to worry that he'd be offended. Quan Chi feels almost stung at the knowledge you felt that way, "I love you both regardless, you know, regardless of our conflicting sex drives," you sigh softly, "Please don't take offence. I just didn't want either of you to feel forced to perform for my benefit, I prefer enthusiastic consent from my partners," you lightly chuckle.
Quan Chi looked relieved and slightly taken aback at how composed you are with this situation. How calm you are, understanding why neither of them talked about sex was enough for him. The understanding you gave them made him feel less like a horrible partner. They were just bad at discussing personal things. Shinnok scoffs a tiny laugh,
"So then," Quan Chi's ears were on fire as his face felt too hot to look at either of you for longer than a few moments. Both of them clear their throats. Neither one had ever brought up a sexual aspect to a relationship. Still, both felt like they couldn't address this now, not after how wise you were and especially not after you mentioned enthusiastic consent. Shinnok then inquires about the bravery you often admire.
"Have you been enjoying your...thing, alone?" His voice is wavering ever-so-slightly. You observe them both.
"In the shower, but yeah, I have," You pause before mumbling quietly, "using it too long causes that limp I get," Quan Chi had to cough into his fist, "I don't expect either of you to have sex with me," you reiterate, both sorcerers stare at you for a moment. You shrug awkwardly, trying not to wilt under their heated gazes, "You didn't seem interested. So I didn't bother you with it." You wave your hand and smirk awkwardly, your tongue suddenly feeling dry as their intense gazes burn through you. Neither sorcerer said a word as your words finally registered in their heads. You're using something to satisfy yourself in the shower instead of pressuring them for sex. Neither of them knew how to react. Should they thank you and reassure you that it isn't a dealbreaker? What were they even supposed to say now? This isn't their area of expertise, after all. The room was dead silent, the air thick and uncomfortable between you. "Should...should we talk about this?" You question. You shift from foot to foot. Shinnok coughs lightly, clearly not knowing how to discuss such a taboo topic. He feels uneasy about discussing this new topic, for he does not like being seen as incapable. You're very supportive and have never looked at them any less because they're not 'normal' like most others are. Now you're questioning their willingness, and he hates the position it has put you in. You start talking to fill in the dead silence, rambling anxiously. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make either of you uncomfortable," Your back slumps a bit, looking and feeling ashamed. Shinnok shakes his head lightly as he opens his mouth, only for no sound. This was such an unusual topic that neither knew how to discuss it.
"No! No, (Y/N), I...-We," Quan Chi trailed off before his hand lifted to rest at his temple. You begin to mumble and apologise again. Your shoulders slump slightly.
"(Y/N), its...-fine," Shinnok grins. He doesn't want you to apologize for how you have behaved. You have never pressured either of them. Neither would admit that they hadn't entertained the thought that your questions were directed towards them. At that moment, neither of them felt pressured or even worried. They knew that if you asked them directly, you would still respect them for their choices. Neither would ever admit it was mostly just them trying to avoid having the conversation about sexual matters that made them shy away from the topic.
"Please, don't apologize to us," Quan Chi raises his gaze from his feet to lock eyes with you as you cock your head to the side.
"Neither of us can offer a direct answer, as you asked. I haven't given the subject any thought," Shinnok mumbled out. A wave of relief washed over you as your shoulders sagged, and the tension and dread dissipated.
"Okay," You breathe. "That's okay," you smile a little. "I know the idea of talking about it isn't the easiest... I'll give you both space about this, okay?" They both nod as you sit on an armchair in your room. The conversation dies down, and they leave the room.
It's been three months since then. You still used your toy when you felt your urges bubbling to the surface. Both men have had extraordinary feelings towards seeing and learning that their lover used such an item to please themself. Every time you would enter a shower, they both imagined your pretty, pleasured face. They both had heard your sounds of pleasure while in the shower. Both have always longed to see your face scrunch in pleasure at the euphoria you would experience. Now, every time you went to the shower, both sorcerers would imagine the sight that they couldn't get off their brains, not that they wanted to, either. It drove both of them mad with their longing to see the beautiful expression of pure ecstasy on your face. Shinnok finds his mind drifting back to the toy each time, wondering what would make you moan so beautifully when it's inside. Quan Chi's curiosity is piqued by a part of him wishing to see you getting off, even if he didn't participate. Their thoughts ran amok during the late hours when neither was asleep, where one would slip a hand into their shorts and think of seeing their lover being pleased by their hand. Both shame and arousal burned their skin red and raw when they finished with thoughts of you splayed and vulnerable while they pleased themself with the image. Neither mentioned it, but a pang of jealousy came whenever their minds returned to it, yet at the same time, a burning sense of longing made their insides melt. Neither talked, and neither could tell why. Quan Chi had a couple of wet dreams about it, while Shinnok merely conjured those images whenever he felt the urge for satisfaction.
A knock on his door distracted Shinnok from the fantasy he had going of you riding his face. You came by. A smile adorned your gorgeous lips as you came to him for his attention while Quan Chi worked on something dangerous and time-sensitive.
"Hello, my dear," Shinnok grinned, trying not to make it too obvious he had been pleasuring himself in a not-so-primal way for the last half hour. His breathing is heavy, and his face is sweaty and red. He's hiding something, and you can tell, but he gives no hint about the activity you're positive he had done or was doing before you stepped through the door.
"Are you alright, dear? You look haggard," you look and sound so concerned about the literal god of death and destruction. "Are you coming down with something?" You ask as you place a hand on his forehead, checking for a fever. Shinnok almost melted with how nurturing you can be.
"I'm fine, darling. Don't concern yourself with me," he murmured. You weren't convinced. His posture and face made you concerned.
"Nuh-uh," you hold up a finger in the negative, "None of this," you point to his entire form, "makes me confident, dear. What's going on?" You question, locking eyes.
"I appreciate your concern. Yet there is no need for it," he continued to murmur, even though your facial expression was increasingly sceptical. You have an inkling of why he looks like this, as his skin feels like it usually does.
"Am I disturbing something?" You ask as a light smirk plays across your lips. You have a feeling that is the case. Shinnok's mind nearly shut down at the accusation. You raise a brow, challenging his response. Shinnok stares, a slight flush and a guilty look on his face. Biting your lip, you take a chance to ask the question. Yet you are intrigued, not disgusted, "Because it looks like I am, no?" You gently nudge, trying to encourage him to speak to you. You gave a soft look, which was comforting. Shinnok's chest tightens slightly.
"Are you disturbed?" Shinnok inquires. As his voice wavers slightly, his face betrays his nervousness.
"No, not at all. I think you should let me in if anything," you purr as you move closer to him. Shinnok doesn't say much and gestures his hand.
"If you're sure." You grin wickedly and kiss him deeply, allowing yourself to moan into his mouth, getting a light groan from him.
"Did I catch you pleasuring yourself to the thought of me, hmm?" You purr lightly, taking note of the erection hidden by his pants, his hands trailing your hips slowly, letting out a small and subtle whine. "My, that sounds like quite a pleasant image," you nip his ear. Shinnok's composure shatters at the sensation. You place your hands on his sides, letting his fingers trail your shirt.
"Maybe," Shinnok sniffs with an unimpressed sneer on his face. Still, you can hear his arousal as his voice cracks slightly. "Yet you're teasing me so...it seems," you kiss his neck, leaving marks as you bite the sensitive parts of his throat and neck. You're giving him affection. It feels glorious. You feel the vibrations on his neck as he groans, whimpering as your teeth tease the skin, marking him for everyone to see that he's yours. When you reach his ear, your tone low and husky,
"Can you blame me for wanting to taste you, my love?" Shinnok shivers in delight at the promise, and his eyes narrow with a feral desire as his hand pushes you off him by your shoulders to guide you onto his bed, kissing him in a frenzy of need. His hips grind into yours in a needy fashion. It makes a familiar pressure build at the base of your pelvic muscles as he starts to nip and kiss at your neck in a very primal manner, hands pawing and grabbing, dragging and pulling your body to his, grunts of approval filling the otherwise silent bedroom, along with the rustling of clothes. As the two of you exchange bites and moans, your lips are practically bruised from the force and roughness of his.
As soon as his belt was undone, his pants and underwear were tossed aside with no regard or care as to where they landed. He watches as your hand snakes down his body and wraps your digits around his length, pumping slowly. He can't stop the guttural moan that erupts from his chest at the sweet sensation of your digits stroking him, bringing him so much joy he might not survive this encounter. Shinnok's sounds are encouraging, and he's so lost in the euphoria that he doesn't recall his desires. Your ministrations stop when you feel yourself get pulled into a deep, sensual kiss, a hand clutching the back of your skull, urging you to continue pumping him as his tongue enters your mouth, filling your senses with everything he is. The kiss feels filthy in all the right ways as the passion burns into your body with ferocity. When it's over, you can't help but bite his throat hard enough to mark his neck, leaving evidence for all to see, groaning as you suck, trying to soothe. Shinnok cackles in pleasure at the attention before he looks at you expectantly.
You sit up and fight to get yourself in a similar state of undress. He watches hungrily at the view of you becoming exposed as you slide out of your garments, leaving him with a strong sense of reverence. His eyes drink up your form like a dehydrated man drinking cool, refreshing water on a hot day. He loves every part of your figure, even the curves you are sometimes unsure about. Shinnok thinks you're perfect, regardless of your opinions. When the two of you are both nude, he allows himself a moment to devour your appearance.
"Let me take you, my precious," Shinnok rumbled uncontrollably. It sends a shiver down your spine into your core.
"Yes," you murmur. Then, you gasp and moan loudly as Shinnok drags his tongue across the apex of your thighs. You blush intensely at the feeling of the sudden tongue. He watches you shiver at his ministrations as he grips your inner thighs to prevent your escape as he tastes and takes. You moan and whimper softly, and you grab his shoulder, urging him not to stop as your arousal glistened, practically dripping for him. You weren't prepared when his finger probed your entrance, earning another startled cry of his name. You spread your legs open, wanting to make everything easier for him. Another moan from you, and he slips another digit inside. He grinned as your noises spurred him to quicken his motions as you clutched and pulled his hair roughly. He savours your sounds. "Fuck-" the sensation is pure bliss. You look at him in absolute awe and passion. He groans against you, feeling you pull his hair. Shinnok keeps moving at an achingly slow pace as he adds a third digit inside you. With your eyes shut and mouth agape, you're caught up in the throes of passion. He admires you while you ride his tongue and fingers with gusto. He's drinking in the sight and feeling of you grinding against his face and fingers. How could he have not thought about this before? He can't believe it has taken so long to admit he wanted to have you ride his face, taste you, make you scream and moan his name, be at his mercy, feel you yank and pull his hair to keep yourself grounded, savouring the sting it causes him. He wanted this more than he ever admitted. After the teasing, the talking, the mental images in the back of his mind, he's savouring the sweetness of your slick flowing into his awaiting mouth. Feeling how you grip him tightly when you orgasm, how you scream his name as you release, his digits sopping from your juices, Shinnok drank every last drop, pulling his head back only slightly to savour your taste.
Your legs quivered slightly, unable to support your weight as you fell back to the sheets. Your breathing is heavy, and your eyes are screwed shut as you savour your orgasm. When you opened your eyes, you were surprised to see him staring at you, the area around his mouth wet, glistening in the low lighting. A tender gaze locked onto yours, tingling your skin with renewed excitement. Shinnok hummed. He sounded happy, proud even, of his actions and his prowess. Your nerves feel sensitive and charged with electricity as he looms over you.
"Fuck," is all you can mutter. Shinnok was delighted by your reaction, placing little kisses and marks on your collarbone, shoulders and neck before returning to his mouth with you. You could taste yourself as his tongue mapped yours. Shinnok wrapped a hand around your hips. His touch is soft yet firm.
"I do believe we're not done here," Shinnok gave a lust-filled, leering glance down. As his cock nudged your wet, ready folds, he growled with lust and leaned towards your ear, whispering huskily, "Shall I show you what you've done to me?" You nodded and gasped in surprise and pleasure as his length plunged into you, slick enough to ease the entry and not cause discomfort. It felt fantastic. Every drag of his member brought you so much enjoyment, and it felt divine to your senses. He filled you so perfectly. The pace is languid but deep as his hands wander and worship your form.
Shinnok watched how you crumble from the building sensations he provided with a smirk. His hips were fast, hard, deep, and very satisfying, as was the delicious pace. It didn't hurt or harm, either, which only pleased you. Your arms wrap around him as your fingers scratch his back, trying to find a hold, leaving behind angry red marks that earn you sounds of approval and lust from the delicious pain it brings him. Every sound you make and touch you provide has him losing his usual composure, reducing him to a snarling, drooling mess, deep down enjoying his loss of control. As Shinnok thrusts, he murmurs encouragement to you in such a sinful voice and is so sexy. "Oh, that feels good, yes, darling-yes, harder, more-" are common phrases and gasps to leave his lips. The way your pussy wraps around him in such a sinful way, it's like a vice and so wet and warm as he continues thrusting inside, losing himself in the sounds of squelching moist flesh slapping. It is so delicious, so passionate. Shinnok gives everything to bring you ecstasy as he sucks, bites and bruises you to his satisfaction, seeing the marks left. Feeling your nails dig and trail over his shoulder blades and spine was something so exhilarating to feel, driving him wild, making his rhythm jerk and stutter as a growl rippled from his lips. He wished he would not get this so lost in pleasure so easily. He had never experienced anything like this with any lover. The pleasure felt sinfully good. This is carnal. Fucking like this made your bond stronger. He'll never give it up. He didn't care if Quan Chi could hear the creaking and moans of the bed or the sound of skin slapping. It felt wonderful. Your lover has no qualms about his loud and guttural groans of ecstasy and growls, the primal noises only adding to your arousal. Every mark he leaves has you begging for more, wanting his claim to be made known and apparent. The smell of sweat and sex-saturated the room, thick and heavy like fog.
As you draw closer to your orgasm, he sees you shiver and gasp, moaning his name like a hymn from a song he loved. Your climax is his end as his fingers clutch your hips as he is driven to finish inside you. When his essence floods into you, he growls, but not in anger, in bliss and relief from his intense orgasm. The orgasm has you see stars and colours dance behind closed lids. You can feel the sticky and heavy substance covering your inner walls with warmth as it's splashed. He rides it out with slow, hard thrusts that wring everything out. Shinnok watches with a deliriously fucked-out, adoring expression as your chest rises and falls, signifying the way his presence stilled the rise and fall of your body as your heart pounded in its cage. Shinnok slows his rhythm down before collapsing by your side. Your chests are heaving, a thin layer of sweat coating your bodies from exertion. As he takes a moment to rest his tired limbs, a smirk appears on Shinnok's face, and a light chuckle erupts. You raise a brow curiously as you catch the sound.
"It seems I missed one hell of a sight," his gaze lands on his doorway. Sure enough, a person is leaning there, having witnessed the event unfold before their eyes, aroused. Quan Chi, with his bulging pants and reddened face, is the person watching. It didn't shock you in the slightest. You knew how they looked and felt. Shinnok laughs softly at his partner and lets out a sharp bark of a laugh as the other man shamelessly ogles your naked form.
"Quan Chi, give me a couple of hours, and we'll revisit this; I'm way too overstimulated," you breathe, trying to catch your breath. It's a breathless promise of what he will happily wait for. Quan Chi is beaming in delight, and there's no doubt the anticipation would build further. He licks his lips at the idea of having his way with you, yet he'll wait because you're so delicious.
"Very well. That's only fair, I suppose," Quan Chi sighs and walks off. You giggle, watching him walk off with his pants tighter than they should be. Once he's left, your body falls back into the sheets, and your limbs and body feel heavy and satiated. Shinnok continues watching you momentarily, leaning close to kiss you gently and lovingly. Your body tingled happily from the display of intimacy.
"Thank you, my heart," he whispered. There were no more words that needed to be said. He settles down and hugs your body close, allowing sleep to find you both as your eyes flutter and eyelashes softly brush your cheeks.
"Anytime." It's a whisper as his nose brushes yours. For the first time, you truly understand the concept of afterglow, and your body is alight from the happiness and adoration.
It took you longer than expected to recover from your passionate activities with Shinnok. You'd just lay in bed feeling how sore he left you. You stayed in his bed all day as he did his best to give you some aftercare. Though, you don't mind. You dozed off at times, yet mostly, you cuddled him, feeding off the warmth of his presence and the physical touch. The contact also helped soothe your sensitive body from the intense encounter. When you'd woken up a few hours later, your eyes roamed over the slight bite and bite marks, bruises and cuts he left and shivered in joy at the memory of what had happened the evening before. He had used some spell to fix you up and remove any soreness while you slept. If not, you'd be feeling aches everywhere, and it would take a lot longer to recover, despite how pleasant the memories of how the lovemaking started, ended, or any of the acts occurred.
You remember that you made a promise to Quan Chi, and once your energy recovered and you dared to move, you pulled on some clothes and went looking for him. The man was in his chamber when you found him. He immediately began eyeing you as you stepped towards him with his hungry, desire-filled stare.
"Sorry I took so long; I was more worn out than I expected to be," you told him, approaching him slowly, intending to give him his due for being such a good, patient man. He greeted you with a deep, passionate, tongue-heavy kiss, practically devouring your mouth with need.
"Now, no need for that," he purred, tugging at your lower lip. A grin spreads on your face at his tone and expression. Quan Chi kisses you, and the action is both tender and fierce. It doesn't take much to pull him into bed as you both exchange needy and feverish touches and kisses and nips in an exchange, turning this room into another source of pleasure.
While in the throes of your lust-induced haze, it seems that Shinnok appeared and settled into the armchair in the corner. If Quan Chi got to watch you and him, he gets to protect you and Quan Chi. Quan Chi entirely ignored Shinnok, wanting nothing but you. He couldn't find a reason to care in his pleasure-filled state, his hands pawing and caressing the bare skin of your shoulders and sides. The noises from the man were only spurring you onwards, earning you sounds of gratitude. Quan Chi gripped you tightly, encouraging and begging in desperation to get all he'd desired since witnessing the debauchery between you and Shinnok. Your focus was split as he was beneath you, moaning, growling, and groaning in utter bliss as you rode him. The spectacle before Shinnok was indeed impressive, and he had to stop his hand from travelling between his thighs and making things interesting. With the sound of heavy breathing and bodies grinding, his dick grows stiff from his appreciation of the view he has of the two of you.
Shinnok can't get enough. Even though he had already fucked you into the mattress until you couldn't walk, the way you moaned and writhed against Quan Chi's chest as he groped and kissed your skin, the way your body shook and moved as you rode Quan Chi's legs spread for him as a new person to look upon your glorious nude form with hunger and delight, it fills Shinnok with such glee and passion. This was an intimate, private showing he had been waiting to witness.
Every bite, nibble, groan, every touch that sends shivers through your skin is intensely erotic to watch. Shinnok growls as Quan Chi hisses from your teeth on his Adam's apple and how his length is fully buried in your depths, jerking with every grind and rock. Quan Chi rolls his eyes when your tongue laps his neck in apology and delight. Watching Quan Chi use a hand to spread your ass so he can push himself in more profoundly, with a pleased smile as he admires your skin with an open-mouthed moan, and Shinnok purred at the delightful scene in his mind.
Shinnok allowed himself some satisfaction, even without the use of your body, in the fact that he's finally experienced you intimately and gets to watch. His friends' ecstasy is in no way undermined, and neither is the mutual enjoyment. Their desires were equal, and there was no shame or regret. Shinnok takes his pleasure as he strokes his shaft in time with the motions, it's a stunningly attractive sight, and his mind will burn and engrave the image of you fucking one another. You glance at him, noticing the attention from your eyes, and with a grin, you acknowledge him enjoying this moment as much as you and Quan Chi.
"My heart," the tone is breathless and respectful, "we can talk later. I need you, fuck- Quan Chi-" the voice is a ragged, growling hiss, full of desire. Quan Chi doesn't need to speak, and you know that look so well as you moan when his fingers glide over your stomach as you move in rhythm with his thrusts. Quan Chi keeps biting his lip, huffing and muttering under his breath. He grins before taking you by surprise as he slaps your rear roughly, causing you to moan loudly.
Your thoughts are going wild, as are Quan Chi's, from the sinful high you're experiencing. Quan Chi has become less patient and needier. There's so much fire to his motions, a wanton quality. As you grab his shoulders, nails digging into his flesh as your knees support and carry your weight. It seems the stress and desire got the best of him, with the way his pace became savage and lust-filled. It makes for an exceptionally enthralling sight as he eagerly and ravenously devoured you to have you keen with desperate lust as you sought mutual satisfaction, needing his body for release as much as he did yours. As you bounced harder and faster against his body, his chest, his strong arms pulled you even closer, his heartbeat sounding faster than the moments that had gone before. Your clenching around him makes him moan your name, and, oh, that brings you such joy as Quan Chi bites your collarbone and leaves a new bruise, a reminder that Shinnok had made the previous. With such force, you nearly came as you shuddered around him. A quiet, erotic chuckle passed your lips, seeing the glint in the sorcerer's eyes.
When your pleasure mounts to an indescribable level, your thoughts are nought but lust, bliss, satisfaction, and a wave of white-hot ecstasy. Shinnok himself comes along with you both. Quan Chi is still chasing his high as you tremble from the aftermath. There's something so appealing and satisfying about Quan Chi reaching his orgasm and Shinnok not far behind you. Knowing they derived pleasure from your activities feels exhilarating, a validation you did not think you'd want until you had it. Both men's loud noises sound like heaven as the tension in Quan Chi's form melts away, and he relaxes, softening within you. The world disappears until it's just the three of you. Mutual affection and passion have always given you the confidence to show these affections and desires.
The living yet passionate kiss Quan Chi gives you is full of his tongue as if the words will not come out unless shoved into yours in a silent way of expressing his devotion and admiration for you. His hands hold either side of your face as he kisses you like this. Despite the need to breathe, the moment is beautiful. It's breathtaking and memorable. Every motion and move made by each of you was so fulfilling, no matter if it was sexual or romantic.
Shinnok almost loses control upon witnessing the afterglow and tenderness from the aftermath. What a sight. The sorcerer with the strength and skills to do anything he pleases with you was so tender. With so much care, it's almost romantic, but it is also so sweet as you rest your forehead against the sorcerers'. And Shinnok cannot believe it, but it's adorable how content you two look.
He does not care that Shinnok sits not far away, watching with a very intense and pleased gaze as the afterglow between the two of you settles. You slowly move to entirely free Quan Chi from your depths as your thighs shiver slightly. But, he can see how wet the space between your thighs is from your fluids and the result of Quan Chi. He'd given it everything. He is breathing heavily as he settles himself next to you on the bed, pulling you down to snuggle and hold him. You beckon Shinnok to join you both in bed, curling against your back to enjoy your warmth. Your legs are jelly. You'll stay snuggled for hours. No words are needed. No talking is necessary.
This was bliss. Shinnok murmures sweet-nothings into your ear, leaving soft kisses along your bare neck and shoulder. Tender hand movements rub your belly, and his body presses closer to yours. As well as Quan Chi rests his hand on your cheek, the tender gesture lulls you, but you would do anything for them, and Shinnok and Quan Chi are proud and smug when they have you all to themselves in their arms and nestled into the bed. Their heartbeats sync with your own. A promise was made without a word spoken aloud.
Both men will want you in their arms or their beds and will show off how proud and pleased they are for it. There would be no cause for embarrassment or shyness, no regrets or anger. Any objections would never make it known. The thought of it is appealing and a delight to your ears as you bask in the contentment, a warm feeling in your chest that bubbles to your lips as a happy smile despite your eyes remaining closed.
These men knew how to make your knees buckle, whether with magic, tenderness, or sinful promises of debauchery and ecstasy. Whatever was brought into play, there were no complaints to be found. That fact alone meant they both made you extremely happy, which filled them with delight.
"Rest for now," is the whispered response of Quan Chi, smiling at the peace you found and a secret feeling that wants this, them, to remain.
You relish the feeling of a gentle kiss to the space between your neck and shoulders as your eyes close again, too satiated and warm to the point of sleep falling upon you quickly. Sleep claims all three of you. It's bliss. Shinnok wouldn't have it any other way than you in his arms, knowing that the man beside him isn't even going to bicker or disagree, their grudges and animosity set aside. They'd argue and throw spells at another day when there isn't the desire to fall asleep next to you and wake up to a vision they will come to adore. It was too rare that you could get such peaceful moments together. There is time, and their presence is soothing, a softness and acceptance only allowed around one another. Finding comfort in their presence in times of such calm and tenderness is a habit.
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hikariale · 5 months
rite of life
For young minds that know nothing else, immortality is the basis that one's life operates on. When death rips your friend away, your heart is shattered and your world becomes a darker place. Your guardian tries to pick up the pieces in hopes that they can be put back together again.
warnings: death, mild gore, ask to tag
characters: fujin, liu kang, raiden
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Fujin always told you that life is full of comings and goings. To cling to people too strongly when they decide to leave is to hold you both back. As a result of those words, you became somewhat aloof to the lives of others and failed to grow steady attachments with the mortals around you. It wasn't necessarily something that needed fixing, but Fujin began to fret about your ability to form ties with people who weren't gods. Given the solitary nature of gods, your options for socialisation were severely limited.
There was only so much that he could do as one who fell outside of the realm of mortals. Having gone through multiple arguments with Raiden, he knew that being too insistent would turn you away from the point he was trying to make. Living among humans was his greatest joy, but that was your baseline for as long as you could remember. Thinking that you would feel the same way by default, your earliest memories consisted of being carried around and greeted warmly by adults while seated comfortably on your guardian's hip. There was no desire to be rid of that company, so Fujin was mostly optimistic on the matter.
Whenever your gaze lingered on a human, Fujin would offer his hand to you. If you took it, he would lead you over to them, start a conversation, and then slowly fade into the background once he got the ball rolling. When he backed out of the scene, it would usually peter out quickly. Too young to relate much to adults and too otherworldly to easily converse with children who looked the same as you, it was easier to let a stranger slip away than struggle to keep them in place of their own volition. You formed a noncommittal attitude around strangers because of how much of a rush they seemed to be in. They had less time to stand around idly. It was a concept you knew of and tried to understand, but it manifested in that half-hearted way of talking to them.
That's why, when one started to talk to you, it was hard to respond or reciprocate appropriately. The first time it happened, Fujin took notice and jumped in to save the conversation before the stranger got put off and walked away.
Their name was Sonam. They were a nomad on a long pilgrimage, but you didn't really get what that was about. Things like reaching enlightenment and soul-searching were strange concepts to a young immortal who never had to dream of a peaceful forever. Outside of that grand quest, you found out that they were originally the third child of a travelling merchant family. The merchants were en route to Outworld, but after seeing its state of turmoil, they changed course. Sonam's family was taken by the beauty of Edenia, but Sonam alone chose to move beyond it.
You admired Sonam's will. To leave without one's family or even the promise of a better life, was terrifying. When you closed your eyes and tried to think of what it would be like to live without Fujin or Raiden watching out for you, your body grew tense with dread. More than the fighters of Earthrealm, you felt that Sonam was the most formidable human you ever met. Their steadfast will manifested in the way that they always sought you out while passing through the area.
Those interactions spurred you to begin keeping track of the passage of time. When the trees regained their leaves and the grass stood tall and green, Sonam would appear. Along with birdsong in the morning, Sonam returned. Sometimes they looked a little different. Their clothes would change or they'd come back with a small scar. Their face would look a little haggard or they'd carry a different assortment of items. But they always grinned broadly upon seeing you, opened up their arms to invite you for a long hug, and say that they missed you.
Fujin didn't always take you with him everywhere, but you were still well-travelled. Even so, Sonam's stories of their own travels made the world seem much vaster than you could imagine. Revisiting the same places every year like a migrating bird, Sonam found something new and spectacular in familiar locations. It was easy to tell that Sonam loved Earthrealm deeply. Though raised by two who took on the mantle of Earthrealm's protectors, you couldn't grasp what they saw in it until Sonam talked to you.
It saddened you when they didn't show up for a couple of years, but figuring that they may have moved on with life, you tried to let it go. In your stead, and without you knowing, Fujin searched for your lost friend. The only result of that search was... A letter. When you held it in your hands, your heart pounded wildly. You knew that opening it up would close a chapter of your life forever, so with a shaking voice, you quietly pleaded for Fujin to read the letter to you instead.
"My dear friend," Fujin sits down and invites you to sit against him as he reads, "I cannot meet you as I wish, but I hope that somehow my words can reach you. We may never talk again, but I would like to tell you one last story."
Sonam's final tale is just like all the others, but it doesn't shed any light on their disappearance. Fujin doesn't tell you anything either, though his face is solemn when you ask. Somehow, the words on the paper make you feel homesick. Ink covers it front and back, wasting zero space. You're afraid to take the letter back when Fujin finishes reading, afraid you might damage it.
It feels like someone drilled a hole through your chest. Longing to see your friend again, no matter what state they appear to you in, you almost want to curse the letter they left to you. Fujin watches your expression change. He sees the balling of your fists, the way you grit your teeth and alternate between pain and anger. Delicately, as if handling a single string of spider thread, Fujin rubs your back. It's a quiet consolation.
He knows that things aren't over yet. Until you can fully accept Sonam's passing, you cannot accept the idea of their death. And until you can do that, Fujin cannot offer any condolences. So instead, he lingers near you until the day you confront it, and he rubs your back when you're looking particularly down.
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Long ago, when you were much younger, the Shaolin who would rock you in his lap and sing you lullabies died of old age. Preoccupied with the first Mortal Kombat tournament, Liu Kang returned from Outworld to find you surrounded by monks, wailing loud enough to pierce the Heavens. Because you were barely able to be considered a toddler, the only thing you knew was that the person you became so comfortable with was suddenly taken away from you. Caught off guard and unsure of whether it was too soon to introduce you to the concept of death, Liu Kang soothed you with a white lie:
"Earthrealmers are born with an incurable disease that makes their bodies to shut down with time."
He regretted that his lie caused you to develop an aversion to Earthrealmers, but he found solace in your friendship with an Edenian royal. To know that you were still willing to make friends smoothed out his growing concerns. Bolstered by the fact that your new friend stayed in good health as the centuries rolled by, you forgot all about the disease that took your first friend away.
In its place, an insidious force stalked your happy, peaceful days. An incredible violence began to sprout in Outworld's peaceful soils. As it rose from the ground, it speared through the bond you created like a force of nature, and you knew nothing of it until that point.
While eating Edenian pies with Lualhati, she fell into an aggressive coughing fit. Thinking that something went down the wrong way, you teased her for eating too fast while rubbing her back. It wasn't until she collapsed onto the table, begging hoarsely for help, that you realised that things were serious. When you ran out to find aid, your voice echoed through empty halls.
Since when did everybody leave? Why wasn't there anybody... Anywhere? No guards, attendants, not even a normal servant could be found.
Lualhati's coughing was reduced to wheezing when you returned to her side. It filled your ears, ragged and miserable. When you tried to help her sit up, streams of red poured from her lips and dribbled onto her beautiful robes. Without the tools to help her, you did your best to comfort her. Keep her clothes as clean as possible, even if you had to use your own to wipe away her blood and spit. Hold her hand and tell her that you called for help, but not that the palace was empty outside of the two of you. The room fell silent after her wheezing stopped. When you held her hand, she didn't squeeze back. The blood between your palms became sticky, unable to dry completely in the sealed pocket you both formed.
A portal opened up after your hundredth muttered plea to the gods, and answering your prayers was the one you depended on most.
"I have received some concerning news. I do not think it is safe for you or—" Liu Kang's heart sinks as soon as he notices the full situation. When you look up at him with a mix of hope and fear, he can barely meet your eyes.
"Help... Help Hati...!" at your weak request, Liu Kang's heart splits. He remembers the lie he told you. He was going to tell you about the inevitable, but he never expected Lualhati's life to be cut so short. That you would encounter death in one of its cruellest forms, all on your own, is something that makes him disappointed in himself as your guardian.
The weight of failing you, alongside your friend, takes him to the ground. He kneels next to you both and places a hand over yours. Your knuckles stick out prominently, fingers clamped down on Lualhati's cold hand. Instead of it leaking directly onto the floor, two napkins used to wipe up your friend's blood are crumpled up and discarded near your feet. Your sleeve and the front of your top is also soaked with it. Because he can't quite find the words for you yet, he pulls your head into his shoulder. The illusion of composure that you've kept up to then is melted away by his warmth. As it breaks down, Liu Kang knows he has to act. The blow has already been dealt. There is no way to soften it, so he has to do something other than just be there.
"You've tried your best, but there is nothing else that can be done," as he says this, he attempts to gently pry your fingers away from Lualhati's corpse. You resist him with strength you'd never displayed before. Any further supplications that he offers to you are drowned out by your wailing denials. When your hand finally lets go, Liu Kang's relief is short-lived. Once holding fast to your friend, it now grapples his shirt.
"You're a God, aren't you!? You have to do something! You have to!" pulling him down, trying to get him to look at Lualhati, you counter his soothing words with desperate begging.
It kills him to do so when you haven't done anything wrong, but he has to raise his voice to get a word in. When you fall into a stunned silence and release him, a bloody smear is left behind.
He rose his voice so authoritatively, yet he still can't find the right words. It's just like the first time: caught off guard, he isn't prepared to say what he needs to, but he doesn't want to leave you with nothing to hold on to. So he closes Lualhati's eyelids, offers a prayer for her to stall for time, and you're still there, crying into your scarlet-stained sleeves.
Liu Kang places a heavy hand on your head. Rubbing back and forth like he always does whenever you were afraid, he musters vague reassurances. They aren't nearly enough. It was something he should have said the first time. But it would have to suffice.
"This is not the end. For as long as you continue to love Lualhati, you will always be friends."
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The Sky Temple was a terribly lonely place to raise a child. Though safe, it provided little else to do but meditate. Raiden knew this well, but it only truly sunk in that it was unfit for you when Fujin pointed out your lethargic behaviour.
"Children should be playing freely. Too much discipline will stunt their growth, brother," he advised. Having such an embarrassing oversight pointed out by his brother left Raiden scrambling for a solution that would leave you under his watchful eye while also granting you more freedom to roam and be a child.
It was no playground, but the Wu Shi Academy was well within Raiden's jurisdiction. Filled with trustworthy people and ample space to wander, his only concern was the altitude sickness that overcame you at the end of your descent. It was the most lively he'd seen you in a while, but that didn't mean much when you were clutching your head and groaning in pain. Before he could move to carry you up the stairs and through the gates, the voice of his closest disciple called his attention.
"Lord Raiden, is this a new initiate?" Kung Lao bowed respectfully, but his knitted brows betrayed his bewilderment. It wasn't unheard of to adopt children into the Order of Light, but given how the Mortal Kombat tournament loomed in the coming decade, bringing a new child into the fold without any warning felt like a bad omen. Such suspicions were not completely unfounded. Before answering, Raiden paused. Looking at his champion he suddenly saw a path forward for your development...
Through a period of time that would have been the blink of an eye if you actively lived more beforehand, Kung Lao became a pillar of your world. A mentor, a friend, an elder sibling, time could change the way that you interacted, but it never changed your attachment to him. He taught you how to fight and went as far as to widdle away at bamboo so you'd have a staff appropriate for your small stature.
"You're looking more like Raiden every year," he'd jest even though you barely aged a day. But whenever you spoke of that thing you'd heard about him, Champion of Earthrealm, he'd always change the subject. When you asked him if you could join him, he chuckled and said, "Those shoes are too big for you right now."
But you were taken under the wing of the Protector of Earthrealm. Sure, you couldn't wield his staff or shoot lightning, but you knew you could become a strong person. Stronger than Kung Lao even, though that would take a few decades more. Decades that the universe refused you.
A new Mortal Kombat tournament was decreed at the expected time. After fighting tooth and nail to be allowed to attend, you stood at the side lines to watch its proceedings. Earthrealm's other champions were impressive, but they could never compare to yours. Kung Lao's face was set into an expression you'd never seen before when it was his time to fight, but he still affectionately squeezed your hand on the way out when you reached out for him.
Thunk. Thud. Crack.
What a strange set of noises to hear a human body make in such quick succession. You know bruises and sprains. The sound of being thwacked on the arm as a punishment for messy defense is familiar to you, but this is a different sound. It's visceral and sickening. It makes the blood in your veins run cold until you're shaking. A four-armed giant looms over Kung Lao, and his shadow makes it look like his head is leaking ink instead of blood. You could write a poem in the sand by dipping a stick into the spreading puddle.
In the moments where you feel frozen in time, something wells up inside of you. What you think is a scream comes out far differently than you expect, tearing up your throat and propelling you forward.
"How could you!"
Kung Lao spares his opponents. Why can't he be spared? Isn't that completely unfair? You've never seen someone die until this tournament, but now you can instantly tell that he's never going to get up again.
"How dare you!"
Raiden can't grab you fast enough to stop your rush, but as Outworld's champion fills up more of your vision, crackling fills your ears. Your vision is overtaken by white strands of electricity and you find yourself striking air. Thin air, not enough to accommodate your angry heaving. Thunder rumbles over your head and lightning flashes in the clouds outside of your familiar living space. Forced to sit down, lest your consciousness fade completely, you try to close your eyes and imagine the arena again.
If Raiden can teleport you back to the Sky Temple and you are cut from a similar cloth as him, surely you can just teleport back. Try as you might, the only thing you can achieve is the image. Whenever you open your eyes, it's the same room that filled the monotonous days before you met Kung Lao. Your surroundings distort around you as tears begin to spill out.
They don't stop, even though it feels like you've been crying forever and your head aches. Raiden finally returns to see you clutching at your scalp, sucking in cold air that hurts your raw throat. You resemble a child having a meltdown at a playground after falling from the monkey bars and scraping open their knee, but he knows it's more than that. He regrets that it is more than that, and that he cannot understand the depth of your pain like he may have when he was younger.
You're angry at him too. He can tell by the way you try to avoid looking at him when he kneels in front of you. It's no way to have a conversation— definitely not the one that you need to have— so he doesn't push. Instead, he gingerly lays at your feet the red headband that Kung Lao always wore. It's completely soiled with blood and dirt, but you take it without reservation and cling to it like a lifeline.
"Why did you let this happen?" you question Raiden as he goes to leave. Between the sniffles and swallowed back sobs, he barely makes out what you're trying to say. His chest tightens and he cannot answer you. And you despise him for that.
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chibikyo · 8 months
Caught in his Web Pt. 1
This is mostly Reader x Shinnok, with some Reader x Raiden x Shinnok in the second part
Shinnok receives an interesting captive on the cusp of his victory over earthrealm and decides to indulge in a more hedonistic way to torture earthrealm's god of thunder.' A.K.A. - reader is a demi-god from earthrealm who is in love with Raiden and both are in the clutches of Shinnok who decides to torture Raiden by assaulting reader. Reader submits to Shinnok under threat of him torturing Raiden. Loosely inspired by this scene from MKX.
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This is a AU timeline featuring my half-goddess OC (converted to reader for more wide-spread enjoyment). This is set in a sort of original timeline/MKX-esque timeline. The battle with Shinnok in my oc's canon does not go this way so this is a what-if more than anything. Since I wrote this firstly for my OC the reader is afab and uses female anatomy/pronouns, but i stuck with generic descriptions as much as I could. Be warned this was meant to be a oneshot but is currently 14,000 words and while almost finished this was never meant to be so lengthy. please read warnings.
Warnings: Extremely dubious consent; reader consents under duress so basically non-con, forecd voyeurism, forced orgasm, throat fucking, double penetration, torture, bondage, pnv sex, Dom/sub tones, reader may be close to subspace at some points though it isn't mentioned in those words, forced to participate in assault (Raiden forced to interact with reader), praise kink, please let me know if this needs expanded
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Quan Chi shoved Y/N through the doors of Shinnok's temple as soon as they creaked open. He had bested her forces and taken her prisoner, per his master's orders. Y/N stumbled from the force of the shove, and Quan Chi reveled in the look of pure loathing she shot his way. 
To her credit, she recovered quickly enough. Her back straightened, posture stiff, though she did her best to appear unperturbed. Quan Chi merely chuckled at the false bravado as he gestured to her to keep moving. At the head of the main hall sat Quan Chi's master, the fallen elder god himself, Shinnok. Y/N could feel his eyes watching her as she made her way closer to his throne. It made her feel vulnerable, like prey caught in a predator's trap, but she would have to pick the right moment to make her escape.
"And what has my dear Quan Chi brought me this time? You don't look like an earth-realmer." Shinnok chuckled. She shuddered as he blatantly checked her out, his eyes lingering at the dip of her cleavage disappearing into her tunic. She kept her eyes forward, refusing to give him the satisfaction of a reaction. Quan Chi merely chuckled again.
"A keen eye as always, my lord. Y/N is no mere mortal; she is Lord Kurai's daughter."
"A demi-god. How interesting." Shinnok curled his finger, gesturing her closer. Y/N hesitated only a moment before pressing forward, letting out the breath she had been holding. She made her way slowly up the short steps until she was standing just one step down from the fallen god. He leaned forward, reaching out to trace one of his long, slender fingers down her jaw, pausing as it settled against the hollow of her throat. Y/N kept her eyes forward, expression neutral. "Such a beautiful specimen is wasted in earthrealm."
"Spare me the empty platitudes, Shinnok. The minute you and your dog lower your guard, I'm going to gut you." Y/N growled, fists clenched tight to keep her from shivering with disgust at his touch. Shinnok grinned, his grayish skin stretched taut across sharp cheeks. A sudden, sharp sting pulsed through her, and she felt something hard wrap around her throat. She jerked back, her hands shooting up to try and yank the object loose as it slowly tightened. She struggled to get enough air as her hands found purchase on… fingers? She collapsed to her knees, drawing in ragged gasps as the fingers finally relaxed. Long, thin, skeletal fingers wrapping around her throat; the bony palm pressed against it tight where Shinnoks finger had been moments prior.
"Go ahead, my dear, gut me if you dare." Shinnok tipped her chin up, forcing her eyes to meet his once more. Y/N glared at the fallen god, her body tense, but she did not take the bait. "Good girl. You're a quick learner, I see. That collar is capable of doing far more than simply cutting off your precious air." Y/N heard a muffled shout in the distance and whipped her head around, finally taking in her surroundings to find the source. She heard Shinnok laugh again as her eyes went wide with fear at the sight before her. "Yes," He murmured. "Much faster than our guest of honor."
"Lord Raiden?!" Y/N jerked to her feet, mouth agape at the sight before her. Raiden was on his knees between two of the closest columns. His hands were bound behind his back, held in place by one of Shinnok's skeletal hands. Two more were wrapped around his throat and mouth, and she could see the one on his mouth was clenched tight, digging into his jaw and cheeks, muffling any sounds he tried to make. It would take only a few strides to reach him. Y/N made a motion to run toward him, but the minute she got more than a step away from Shinnok, she felt the hand wrap itself tighter around her throat. She whipped back around to face Shinnok. "Stop it! You're hurting him!"
Shinnok's eyes drifted over Y/N, lazily taking in the desperation and fury in her eyes and the trembling fists clenched at her sides. With a flick of his wrist, he eased off the pressure he'd been applying to Raiden's muzzle. He was suddenly very curious to see what the thunder god was trying to say. Shinnok had noticed the shock and terror that had washed over his prisoner when Y/N had come into view. Perhaps this mortal would prove to be even more entertaining than anticipated. As soon as the fingers peeled away from Raiden's mouth a snarl could be heard, making Y/N jump.
"Don't you dare touch her, Shinnok! She isn't a part of this!" Raiden's deep voice echoed through the hall, reverberating deep within Y/N. She let out a shaky breath, grateful at least to know he sounded unharmed. Her relief lasted only seconds as she caught the vicious grin twisting Shinnok's face. There was a gleam in those eyes as he surged to his feet. He reached forward, cupping Y/N's face delicately within the cradle of his spindly fingers. Y/N's gut clenched in fear as he softly traced the line of her jaw, caressing the exposed flesh of her throat. She could hear Raiden thrashing behind her and Shinnok urged her with gentle touches to turn around. She did so stiffly, unsure what Shinnok was plotting.
She stopped as her eyes locked with Raiden's. She could see the fear in his gaze. Shinnok's hands were back, one resting gently around her throat, the other pressed into the dip of her waist. Her clothes had been torn from the prior fighting and those cold digits brushed against the exposed skin, making her shiver. She didn't dare move, knowing that any resistance would be punished. Quan Chi seemed content to stand by, watching the exchange in quiet anticipation. He clearly had some idea of what his master was plotting, but the sympathetic look he gave Y/N brought her no comfort.
"You dare presume to order me around, Raiden? Have you not learned yet how truly powerless you are?" Shinnok chuckled. He squeezed her waist gently, just enough pressure to remind her of its presence as he drew in close behind her. "And what, pray tell, is so special about this one? I've never seen you quite so… desperate. Could she be someone special, Raiden? Someone you care for?"
"Y/N is one of my champions. Not one of your playthings, Shinnok." Raiden barked, straining against the bounds keeping him prisoner.
"That wasn't a no, Raiden." Shinnok grinned.
"If I may interject, my lord, I can confirm that from my own observations, the thunder god seems to be far more attentive to this mortal, compared to his other 'champions'." Quan Chi smirked. Raiden growled, but said nothing to dispute the sorcerer.
"Is that so?" Shinnok's hand dipped lower until it was sprawled across her hip and he leaned in, his lips grazing her ear. "What about you? Do you secretly harbor feelings for earthrealm's god?"
"I respect Lord Raiden. He has been like a mentor to me." The words fell from her lips with a quiver. She kept her tone and expression neutral even though she knew it was only half truth. She knew that her feelings for the thunder god were much deeper, and that he in turn had been slowly returning those feelings. They had been dancing around each other for weeks, on the cusp of coming together and expressing those desires, when Shinnok's invasion had pushed all of it aside. She felt the fallen god go stiff behind her, felt his hand tighten against her throat, fingers digging in hard enough to leave pinprick bruises on her pale skin before those lips brushed against her ear with a 'tsk'.
"Lies, my dear." Shinnok hissed. "Tell me the truth. How do you truly feel?"
"I'm telling you the truth. I swear it. " Y/N gasped as Shinnok's fingers dug painfully into her hip. She flinched as Shinnok drew up to full height behind her and pulled her back until she was flush against him.
"I'm going to drag the truth out of you, Y/N." Shinnok caressed her neck once before snapping his fingers at Quan Chi. The sorcerer grinned as he made his way toward the pair of them. A gnawing pit of fear grew in her gut. "Either you can confess your heart now, or I'll have to see for myself how you feel about your beloved 'mentor'." Y/N could feel her heart beating in her throat as Shinnok finally released her. She couldn't speak, unwilling to bare her heart to this monster. He sighed at her hesitation. "So stubborn."
An ear splitting scream tore from Raiden's lips as the hand collared around his throat began to pulse with a red aura. Y/N scrambled to run to him, but Quan Chi was ready, pinning her arms to her side as Raiden thrashed in pain. Y/N tried to break away from the sorcerer, but his grip was unrelenting.
"Stop it! Stop, please, you're killing him!" Y/N shrieked, tears glimmering in her eyes as Raiden's torment continued. "Please!"
Shinnok snapped his fingers again and the aura dissipated. Raiden slumped, his bonds taking his weight as he struggled to catch his breath. Y/N tried to shrug off the sorcerer, desperate to go to him, but Shinnok stepped into her path and Quan Chi squeezed her harder in warning. She stilled under the fallen elder god's burning gaze.
"I will give you one last chance, my dear. Any more lies and I will continue Raiden's suffering. You will obey me, utterly, or I will take my ire out on him." Shinnok placed his hand under her chin, forcing her to meet his gaze, reveling in watching her accept his power as absolute. "Now…"
"It's true. I love Lord Raiden. I've been halfway in love with him since we first met. Please don't… don't hurt him." Y/N choked. She could hear Raiden gasp behind them and she wished more than anything she could at least see his reaction. Instead, her cheeks burned with shame as she confessed her feelings under Shinnok's feverish gaze. She let her voice drop, pleading. "Please. I'll do anything you ask."
“Anything?” Shinnok repeated. His hand flexed under her chin and she shivered at the sudden hunger she could see in his eyes. He glanced over at Raiden, his face smug with victory. There was a shift in the air around them, a palpable tension that Y/N was terrified would soon snap. Raiden seemed to sense it too, his posture going stiff. Shinnok’s hand trailed down, tracing the line of Y/N’s sternum, tugging down the fabric of her tunic to expose the curve of her breasts. Y/N’s breath hitched, eyes wide with panic as the path of Shinnok’s fingers dipped below the fabric. His fingers pressed between her breasts, thumb stroking the soft expanse of skin he had exposed. “You’ve seen what will happen if you disobey me. Are you sure you want to promise anything?”
Y/N closed her eyes, swallowing thickly against the bile rising in her throat. Shinnok’s thumb continued its rhythmic pattern, almost soothing in its tenderness. There was no real choice in this situation. Anything she did short of what he wished would result in Raiden’s continued torture, and likely her own. Yet, to submit to this monster was it’s own torture in a way. How could she ever face Raiden? Whatever affection they harbored for each other would be forever tainted by this. She shivered as Shinnok continued to stare her down, his milky white eyes still hungry; still promising a torment sweeter, yet more insidious than anything she’d suffered yet. Y/N exhaled slowly as she nodded in assent.
“Y/N, don’t! You don’t have to do his bidding!” Raiden roared. “Leave her alone, Shinnok!" He strained hard enough against his bonds that Y/N almost thought his muscles would tear. Shinnok glared at the thunder god.
“Be silent, you impetuous fool!” Shinnok barked. Y/N felt a slight tingle around her neck, before the same red aura was encompassing her. The pain she felt was unlike anything she’d ever experienced. As if all her flesh was being peeled away at once and a fire was set to smolder in her every nerve. She screamed, thrashing in Quan Chi’s hold as if tearing herself away from the sorcerer might somehow end her torment. Shinnok pivoted, allowing Raiden to watch as she squirmed and sobbed.
“ENOUGH! CEASE THIS NEEDLESS TORTURE!” Raiden bellowed, howling in rage as the pain only grew more intense. "Please!"
“I said be silent!” Shinnok replied, calm, unfazed in the face of Raiden’s anger. Shinnok waited, satisfied as Raiden’s mouth snapped shut. “Better. Much better.” The aura disappeared around Y/N and she collapsed forward, muscles weak and trembling. Quan Chi released her with a laugh and she stumbled straight into Shinnok who caught her weight with a chuckle. Y/N shivered as his hands settled on her hips, helping her to right herself.
“I don’t enjoy hurting you this way.” Shinnok stroked his hand along her hip soothingly, enjoying how she trembled in fear beneath his fingers. “However, sometimes pain is necessary and you do scream ever so sweetly.” Shinnok smiled at her, gentle, but filled with sinister promise. “As much as I enjoy forcing you into compliance, Raiden, I do hate being interrupted.” Shinnok added. He snapped his fingers and Y/N heard a muffled shout as the hand that had earlier muzzled Raiden clamped back into place. He locked eyes with Y/N and she could see the regret and anguish in those orbs. Y/N tried to convey some reassurance, but knew it fell flat in the face of what was to come.
“Now, my dear Y/N.” Shinnok grinned, eyes focused intently on her. “I want you to remove your clothes. Let me see your true beauty you attempt to conceal.” Y/N could feel that cold pit in her stomach turn to steel and drop. She let any protest die on her lips, flinching when Shinnok’s hand went to rest under his chin, studying her intensely. She glanced back at Quan Chi, the sorcerer smirking at her impending humiliation, before returning to meet Shinnok’s gaze. With shaky hands, she slowly set about removing her clothing. Layer by layer she stripped down, cheeks burning with shame as she let the garments fall around her. When the last piece fell to the ground she stepped forward, untangling her legs from the mess, and placing her mere inches from the fallen god. She glanced quickly at Raiden, her blush growing deeper at the gravity of his gaze on her naked form.
“Such a gorgeous young woman isn’t she, Raiden?” Shinnok chuckled. Raiden growled in response which only seemed to spur Shinnok on. He traced the line of Y/N’s jaw, hand drifting back until it was threaded with her hair. Y/N wasn’t prepared as Shinnok clenched his fist, tugging fiercely at her hair, or for the sudden shove he added, and her knees cracked against the obsidian tiles with a loud clack. She cried out at both the sting along her scalp and the impact from her fall, even as Shinnok rubbed at her head soothingly. Y/N glared up at the god, dread growing with every breath as he smiled down at her. “I think my new pet deserves a treat for behaving so well.”
She watched in horror as Shinnok unhooked his belt, allowing his waist cape to fall to the ground with it, all while continuing to stroke her hair, slowly drawing his hand closer to her lips. He shifted slightly, ensuring Raiden could see what came next unobstructed. He continued to fuss with his pants, slowly drawing them down until his cock sprang free. Y/N sucked in a sharp breath. She had never seen a man’s sex so up close before and had to force herself to not jerk away, knowing any resistance might be taken as disobedience. Y/N would not give Shinnok a reason to torture Raiden. He slipped two fingers into her mouth, pressing down just slightly on her tongue and Y/N nearly gagged at the intrusion. His other hand gripped the base of his cock, stroking it a few times languidly as he watched her internal struggle.
“Come now, pet.” Shinnok licked his lips. “You're such a good girl for me. I want you to worship my cock with this sweet mouth.” Y/N watched in horror as his cock twitched. It was only half hard and bigger than anything she had ever imagined. She swallowed the urge to gag as Shinnok pulled back, letting his hands drop to his side and forcing her to take initiative. Hesitantly, Y/N reached out, wrapping her hands around the thick appendage. The skin was much softer than she expected and she stroked it experimentally, feeling it twitch in her hand. Shinnok seemed content to let her set the pace, for now, though Y/N wasn’t sure how long that patience would last.
She drew close, letting one hand drop to rest against his thigh and gave his cock an experimental lick along the underside. She continued to give it kitten licks over the head and along the thick vein on the side, adjusting to the salty taste of pre-cum leaking from the tip. This close she could smell the thick, musky scent of the elder god mixed with the ever present sulfur smell of netherrealm clogging her nostrils and making her dizzy. She took the head into her mouth, sucked once, then pushed forward until the weight of it was heavy on her tongue. Her teeth grazed the soft skin, causing Shinnok to hiss in pain. He threaded his finger in her hair and yanked her back, making her yelp. She had to dig her hands into the fabric of his pants to maintain her balance.
“If I feel those teeth again you will regret it, pet.” He growled. Y/N coughed, cheeks burning brilliantly as she glared up at him.
“I haven’t…” Y/N grit her teeth, wanting to bite back the admission. It only took an image of Raiden thrashing in pain to force the words out in a rush. “I haven’t done this before.” Shinnok’s eyebrows shot up in surprise, then an expression of pure rapture spread over his countenance.
“I had no idea I had the honor of being your first.” Shinnok grinned. He couldn’t help glancing smugly at Raiden. The burning hatred in Raiden’s eyes made shinnok's cock twitch eagerly. “Curl your lips around your teeth.” Shinnok instructed, guiding Y/N’s head back to his cock. He grasped the base, feeding his cock into her mouth slowly, relishing the hot, wet slide as she followed his directions. “Use your tongue. More,” He sighed. “Just like that, pet. Relax your jaw, It’s quite large for your first.” Y/N swirled her tongue around the head of it, her hand drifting up to take over for Shinnok and stroke the length she couldn’t fit into her mouth. “Don’t forget to suck, when you’re ready.”
Y/N pulled back, taking a deep breath before diving back in. She wanted to get this over quickly. She took Shinnok in deeper, until she could feel him pushing at the back of her throat. She took a deep breath, fighting the urge to gag as she began bobbing her head on his length, sucking at the head and swirling her tongue along the glands. His cock was thick, stretching her jaw painfully and too long to fit the entire thing in her mouth comfortably. She continued to stroke what wouldn’t fit, pulling off to catch her breath and slurping along that thick vein before taking him in again.
Shinnok kept one hand on her head, a contented sigh on his lips as he felt that tight, hot pleasure pooling in his guts. She was definitely a quick learner, her intense focus allowing her to read the minute twitch of his thigh or his cock to know what she was doing well. The hand she had previously braced on his thigh disappeared under his pants and Shinnok moaned as she fondled his balls, stroking and massaging them in tandem with the bobbing of her head. He jerked forward, the first physical sign he was actually enjoying this and Y/N pulled away with a cough as his cock hit the back of her throat. He shuddered at the tight squeeze he had felt before she’d pulled away. Her eyes were slightly glazed, lips red and swollen, with spit and pre-cum smeared along her chin.
With a sudden growl his hands dug into her head, yanking her back onto his cock and pushing his way past that sweet resistance to plunge down her throat. She choked, gagging around his length as she felt her nose nestled against the dusting of hair at the base of his cock. She felt him moan as she gagged again, unable to breathe, scrambling to push him away. He held her in place, relishing the way she swallowed around his cock, amused by the way her hands fumbled in the folds of his pants. He wished he could see if her throat was bulging around him. Distantly, he could see Raiden begin thrashing anew and decided that the only thing sweeter than taking his pleasure from the body of Raiden's love would be to hear the aforementioned god begging on her behalf. He let the muzzle fall away and was not disappointed.
“Release her! She’s choking! She can’t breathe, by the elder gods, stop this!” Raiden roared. Shinnok moaned louder, but relented, pulling back just enough for Y/N to draw in a ragged breath. She swallowed painfully, eliciting a shudder from the elder god. He kept one hand in her hair, the other he trailed down to rest against her throat, taking in the sight of her beautiful, fucked out face.
“Once again you presume to order me around Raiden?” Shinnok chided. “Have you not learned your lesson?” He stroked Y/N’s hair as he began to thrust his cock shallowly into her mouth. “I tried to make it easy for you by muzzling you. After all, you can hardly get in trouble if you can’t speak.” His gentle rocking began to pick up. Y/N was still light headed from before, she weakly tried to swirl her tongue along his length, but Shinnok didn’t seem to mind her lackluster attempts. He kept steadily thrusting harder, deeper, feeling her throat contract around him further and further as Y/N concentrated on breathing, on fighting the urge to gag. Tears spilled from her eyes and her throat ached as Shinnok fucked it mercilessly. “You will not speak unless I order it, Raiden, or it will be Y/N who suffers the consequences. I can make this pleasurable for her or I can make it hurt. The choice is yours.” He chuckled as Raiden’s mouth snapped shut, eyes burning with fury.
Shinnok continued to fuck into Y/N’s throat, elated in having subdued his rival, orgasm approaching quickly as he watched her expression become soft and lax around his cock. Y/N’s head was fuzzy, the lack of air made her feel like she was floating as she relaxed further around Shinnok’s cock. He slammed into her once more and Y/N felt his length spasm as something thick and warm shot down her throat. She was forced to swallow, hearing Shinnok moan as his hand traced her throat where it stretched taut around him. He was still cumming as he slowly pulled back, rope after rope of his salty essence filled her mouth until finally he withdrew with a satisfied sigh. A few final spurts of his seed landed along her chin and the swell of her breasts.
“Swallow it.” He ordered before she could spit any out. Y/N did so, letting her mouth fall open after for him to inspect and he groaned appreciatively at how fucked out she looked. Her lips were an angry red, tears dripping from her eyes, and her face flushed so beautifully. She was drawing in rasping breaths, her eyes glazed over as she rocked back to sit on her heels. She looked up at him, hands resting on her thighs, and he couldn’t help but swipe his hand through the cum coating her face, collecting most of it on his fingertips. He fed it to her, pressing the salty fluid to her tongue and didn’t even have to give an order before she started cleaning his fingers gently. She suckled at them softly, her face burning with shame as she swallowed down more of his seed. He tugged them free with a pop, tracing a line from her chin down to the thick rope of seed on her chest. He massaged the sticky seed into the swell of her breast, marking her, staking a claim on her for Raiden to see.
“Such a sweet girl, behaving so well for me, pet.” Shinnok praised. She wanted to feel disgusted by his praise, but she was still coming down from her high and his words brushed over her nerves like silk, making her tingle and shiver with pin pricks of pleasure. “You did such a good job for your first time, taking me so well.” The praise crashed down on her, pleasure shooting straight to her core and she felt her cunt become slick as she bit back a moan. She squirmed, thighs pressed together, seeking any kind of friction. She ached to touch herself, and had to clench her hands to keep them still. Shinnok hadn’t given her permission to touch and she refused to do something unless he specifically ordered it. She prayed the fallen god wouldn’t notice how his words were affecting her. He didn’t seem to, content to continue rubbing slow circles into her skin as she recovered. Unfortunately, someone else had been watching her much more intensely.
“My lord, I believe your new pet is rather enjoying your praises.” Quan Chi chuckled. Shinnok glanced at Quan Chi, following his gaze to where it rested between her legs. He could see a few drops of liquid against the obsidian tiles beneath her, watched her thighs tremble and the way her face grew hotter was all the confirmation he needed. Shinnok smirked.
“Is my sorcerer correct, my pet? Do you like it when I tell you how sweet you are?” Shinnok dropped to one knee, hand hooking under her chin to force her to face him. “Such a sweet, gorgeous creature. You looked so beautiful swallowing down my cock. So lovely.” Shinnok grinned. He rested his other hand on her hip and could feel her squirming beneath the tips of his fingers. “Didn’t she look absolutely divine as she choked me down, Raiden?” His smirk grew wider, triumphant, as her body spasmed sharply. He could see more of her slick juices pooling along her crease, dripping onto the floor beneath her. He let his hand drift closer, swiping at it with his thumb. Y/N’s breath hitched at the shock of pleasure that gentle touch elicited. Shinnok glanced over at Raiden expectantly, savoring the war that waged behind the thunder god’s eyes, knowing that Raiden would have to answer, lest Shinnok unleash his wrath on Y/N. He leaned in closer to Y/N, lips inches from hers even as he kept his eyes trained on Raiden. “Come now, Raiden. She did so well for her first time. Surely she deserves some recognition.”
“You were beautiful, Y/N.” Raiden swallowed down the bile in his throat, choking on the words as her eyes met his. She was close enough that he could see how her breath became shallow, her body twitching in response to him and his own cock spasmed at the sight. He felt sick with guilt at how his body was reacting to just the sight of her laid bare before him. He reveled in how, despite this nightmare, she seemed to react so keenly to his voice, to his eyes boring into hers with such ferocity. Shinnok may have been the one touching her, but it was his gaze, his presence that brought her pleasure. It was enough encouragement for him to speak up. “You looked so perfect, so gorgeous, taking his cock so well. Absolutely beautiful.”
Y/N whimpered as her core clenched tight with pleasure from hearing Raiden speak such filthy things. Shinnok grinned, feeling another slick rush of fluid around his thumb. He pressed it deeper into her crease, teasing her clit as she gasped, hands reaching up to clench at the folds of his tabards (the god was shirtless beneath), steadying herself as she shamelessly spread her legs a little, allowing him better access. His other hand drew her face closer as he claimed her lips with his own. He kept up the gentle circles as he plundered her mouth, relishing the little ‘ah’ ‘ah’ sounds she made against his mouth. He could taste the remnants of his spend on her tongue as he sucked on it lightly. She whimpered as he finally drew back, feeling elated.
“Was that your first kiss, pet?” Shinnok asked, his thumb stilling against her clit. Y/N shook her head, eyes clenched shut as she struggled to control her breathing. She hated how easily Shinnok could manipulate her body. She didn’t want this to feel good. Shinnok’s thumb pressed harder against her, making her gasp into his mouth as he kissed her again. “Tell me about it; about your first kiss.”
“It was…” Y/N keened as his thumb began to move again. His fingertips dug into her thigh for purchase as teased her with slow steady circles. Her breath grew shallow and her core clenched, aching and empty, and Y/N felt her skin flush hotter. She'd never felt these sensations before; never thought she could burn so hot as if her very nerves were being plucked like chords. Her eyes met Raiden's just as Shinnok's finger slid over her clit and she moaned, thready and high pitched, legs trembling with need. She drew in a ragged breath, but there was no reprieve from the relentless drag of Shinnok's fingers. She let her eyes fall shut, head thrown back on another moan because she could feel Raidens' eyes burning into her, tracing the curve of her heaving breast, memorizing the way her face looked flushed with pleasure, the sheen of her sweat-slicked skin. It was too much. Seeing how badly he desired her was making every touch of Shinnok's hotter, more intense.
“It was at the sky temple, just after we defeated Shao Kahn.'' She started again. Her voice was just a bit gravelly, still sore from how deep Shinnok had fucked her throat and hearing it seemed to invigorate him. His thumb pressed harder, the rough pad dragging over her clit faster and Y/N moaned again. “I was in the garden’s… oh… hah… at… at the sky temple with, ah, with Raiden. He… hah, ahh… he kissed me, ah, under the moonlight. It was so… ohh… so sweet… perfect.”
Shinnok paused his hand and Y/N slumped forward, keening as the slowly building pleasure in her core slipped away. Shinnok glanced up, surveyed the room with a critical eye. He hadn’t realized just how sweet a prize Quan Chi had brought him. He'd never anticipated she was so inexperienced, so virginal; tailor-made to torment the thunder god at the most primal level. His eyes fell on his faithful servant and he wasn’t surprised to see Quan Chi’s pants stretched taut and bulging. He would have to reward Quan Chi for his patience. Plus, sharing her body with the sorcerer would cut Raiden even deeper. To see the person he loved and desired taken apart for the first time by his most hated enemy already such delicious torment, but to allow Quan Chi to share in the experience would burn so much deeper into the thunder gods psyche.
What did surprise him was the equally straining erection tenting the Raiden's pants. He was a sight to behold. On his knees, wrists bound tight behind his back, his usual calm and serene composure lost to the raging storm Shinnok always knew was buried deep down. Even though the collar around his throat suppressed his powers, there was still lightning crackling around Raiden's eyes as he watched Shinnok teasing Y/N. Oh, but how ashamed he must feel, taking pleasure from this! Shinnok could hardly blame him. Y/N had been breathtaking as she'd quivered beneath his expert touch. Shinnok shuddered with inspiration.
He kissed Y/N again, slow drags of his lips caressing hers, distracting her as he guided her to the floor, pushing her hands up above her head. He only pulled back as one of his skeletal hands snapped around her wrists, pinning her to the floor. She looked so debauched, back arched high, legs still pinned beneath her, thighs spread to make room for him in their warm cradle. Y/N blinked up at him, dread creeping back into her stomach as she tested her strength against the bonds. They didn’t budge. Shinnok trailed his hands down her torso, relishing the softness of her flesh, so smooth, so delicate under his slender hands as they settled along her breasts. He took his time exploring the plush mounds, plucking at her taut nipples, observing how each slow tease wound her tighter. He let his mouth drop down, licking a stripe across one pebbled nub and she bucked up into him with a moan. He flicked his tongue over and over, relishing the way she squirmed beneath. Once he had it nice and hard he bit down, scraping over it with his teeth before soothing the sting with his tongue. He let it go with an exaggerated pop, fingers twisting the now moist nub as he repeated this on her other side. Gods, he loved how responsive she was and pulled away to tell her just that.
“You respond so beautifully to my touch.” Shinnok grinned, knowing the praise would only drive her closer to the edge. “Such a sweet pet, moaning so prettily for me.” He kissed his way down her ribcage, licked a stripe from her belly button to the top of her crease. His hands followed the trail of his lips, skimming over her ribs, her hips, until his fingers dug into the soft flesh of her thighs.
He trailed them lower, hooked his fingers under her knees to manipulate her legs more easily. He guided them out from under her so her feet could rest on the floor. He didn’t want to hurt her and this new position allowed him to spread her legs wider, pushing them out and away so he could finally reveal her tight cunt. Y/N's legs instinctively tried to clench shut, but Shinnok only needed to squeeze once in warning for her to relax and let them fall apart around him.
“Good girl,” Shinnok crooned, hands trailing back up to squeeze at the soft swell of her flesh where her thighs met her core. He leaned in, licking a stripe from her hole to the top of her cunt, feeling her jerk and spasm under his finger tips. She tasted even sweeter than he had imagined, already wet and weeping from his attentions. He licked his lips, chasing that taste as he glanced at Raiden. “She tastes heavenly, Raiden, so deliciously sweet. She's already so wet for me, aren’t you, my dear?” He swiped a finger through her juices then traced it over her lips, grinning as her tongue darted out to taste. She shuddered as his thumb went back to her clit, flicking it harshly before sliding over it, down until it caught against the entrance of her pussy. He pushed in slowly, eyes still trained on Raiden as she arched her back and keened. “So, so sweet.”
He pushed his thumb deeper, deeper, pulling out only to push in again, watching her thrash in delicious torment. It was just enough pressure to drive her mad without pushing her over the edge. He kept at it, leaning in every so often to lap up the slick flooding out of her, teasing her until she had tears in her eyes again. Finally, he reached up to cup her jaw, forcing her to look at him. She looked absolutely desperate and that’s exactly how he wanted her. His eyes flicked up to lock with Quan Chi, a meaningful smirk on his face, and a matching grin spread across Quan Chi's lips as the sorcerer made his way toward the pair.
“You were so beautiful earlier, swallowing my cock, and my cum, and you’ve been so well behaved for me.” He pulled his thumb out of her with a soft pop, bringing it up so she could watch him suck the juices off with a moan. “Such a sweet, wonderful pet.” He grinned viciously. “You taste so divine, pet, that I can’t resist the temptation to feast. I’m going to fuck you with my tongue, suck out every last drop of your sweet fluid.” Shinnok grinned as Y/N’s breath hitched. His hands returned to Y/N's thighs, squeezing gently as Quan Chi dropped down beside her. Y/N gasped, watching the sorcerer free his aching cock from the tight confines of his pants. “I think my servant deserves a reward for his patience, don't you? It isn't often he brings me a gift this sweet. I trust you’ll take care of him as well as you did me.” Y/N nodded, her throat already aching at the thought and she let out a raspy 'yes'. "Good girl."
Y/N shuddered as Shinnok made his way back down to stare at her core. Her hands were still tightly bound, so all she could do was watch and wait for them to act. To use her as they pleased. Quan Chi was stroking his length, one hand settling in her hair to turn her head his way. She couldn't help but stare in horror as his massive cock grew thicker as he stroked it. She could already feel it filling out her throat, choking her, thicker already than Shinnok's though thankfully not quite as long. Y/N wondered, briefly, if Raiden was as well endowed; if he’d fill her throat the way Shinnok had. She had a flash of him in Quan Chi's position, feeding her his cock, her mouth stretched over it. Her whole body spasmed and a rush of slick soaked her cunt as she clenched tight at her core. She heard Shinnok gasp, watched Quan Chi pause, his cock inches from her lips as he glanced down to where the former elder god was transfixed on her slick cunt.
"My my, you just gushed my dear. We’re not even touching you yet look how utterly drenched you are. That eager for another cock in your throat?" Shinnok goaded, his thumbs pressed into her thighs as he looked at her. She shook her head, mortified at how her body reacted. "No? Then tell me, what made you so desperately wet?" He rubbed circles into her thighs, his breath hot against her soaked core, and Y/N felt tears prick her eyes again. "Use your words, pet. Tell me what you were thinking that made you soak my floors with your sweet juices."
"I… I,"Y/N keened as Shinnok's thumbs teased her skin, so tantalizingly close to her slick core. She couldn't help but glance over at Raiden. Gods, he was so close, only a couple yards away at most, but it felt like miles with how desperate she was to touch him. Just to interlock her fingers with his would be enough. She flushed as Raiden's eyes raked across her body and she looked away again. "I wondered if… if Raiden’s… if his cock was this large. I was thinking what it would be like to feel him down my throat. " Y/N whimpered. She wished the floor would open to swallow her. She couldn't meet Raiden's gaze, but there was no mistaking the aborted whimper that tore from his throat, or the ragged breaths that followed as he tried to keep his composure.
"I bet he wouldn't disappoint," Shinnok teased. "Look at how desperate he is. You can see how hard his cock is, straining his pants, soiling them with his seed. He's as wet for it as you are. He would fill you so good, so full, spilling down your throat and feeding you his cum." Shinnok pressed his nose against her cunt, inhaled that sweet scent as more juice gushed out of her. He nodded to Quan Chi, permission to continue as he nuzzled the inside of her thigh, his left hand drifting closer and closer to her core. "Go ahead and think of him, if you want. Take Quan Chi's cock like the sweet girl you are and think of your thunder god watching you come apart in front of his eyes."
Y/N whined, her breath caught in her throat, as Shinnok pressed his tongue flat against her hole, dragging it over her clit and back down. Her mouth fell open as he lapped up the mess that had already spilled out of her and Quan Chi took the opportunity to push forward, filling her mouth with the thick head of his cock. Y/N moaned around him, tongue swiping automatically over the tip, tasting the trickle of pre-cum that had collected there. She bobbed her head forward, sucking him deeper into her mouth, as far as she could with the limited range of motion she had. Her hands clenched into fists as she strained against the bonds.
Shinnok's tongue was like a hot brand on her cunt, expertly working her over. She felt pleasure building in her core as he sucked on her throbbing clit, swirling his tongue over the sensitive nub, her body responding beautifully to his touch. He worked his way down, savoring the taste as he lapped at her tight entrance before spearing her open with his tongue. She spasmed, body jerking under his hands as she pulled off Quan Chi with a high pitched whine. He fucked his tongue into her ruthlessly, delighted at the breathy moans leaving her as she took Quan Chi's cock back into her mouth. He released her thigh, bringing one finger up to toy with her folds before pushing it inside her, feeling her clamp down on the invading digit as he fucked it into her alongside his tongue.
Quan Chi groaned when Y/N spasmed around his cock, popping it out of her mouth with the most delicious cry of ecstasy. She was a truly magnificent sight, body flushed, spread open for them like a whore. He gave her a moment to revel in her pleasure before he directed her back onto his cock. Her chest was heaving, breathy moans reverberating around his thick shaft as she swirled her tongue over his glands. He gave an experimental thrust, pleased when she didn't immediately gag from his cock hitting the back of her throat. He thrust again, harder, more insistent, pushing through that tight resistance as she slurped at his length. She was drooling as he thrust again, a thin trickle of saliva leaking out, the very portrait of sin.
Y/N keened as Shinnok pushed a second finger into her, pumping them slowly and meticulously as he continued to suckle at her swollen clit. She felt her core growing tighter, hotter, pleasure building molten and heavy, threatening to spill over. Her jaw ached, stretched around the thick cock in her throat. Her thighs were quivering as Shinnok broke her down to nothing but moans and sobs of gut wrenching ecstasy. She felt that peak quickly approaching, back arching off the floor, tight as a bow string and Shinnok ripped his fingers free just before she could spill over. She barely had time to breathe before his hand came down on her clit, slapping it hard, firm, sending a bolt of pain/pleasure through her core and punching the air from her lungs.
Her throat squeezed tightly around Quan Chi and he laughed, breathy and smug, as he fucked into her throat harder, chasing his release. Shinnok slapped her again, striking over her quivering entrance, across her clit, his other hand tracing a path to her chest to toy with one of her breasts. Quan Chi stilled his thrusts, used the hand threading her hair to push her head up and down his cock, relishing the gagging, obscene noises she made as Shinnok began alternating between fucking into her tight channel with his tongue, before pulling back to smack her throbbing pussy. Each time he brought his hand down her body jerked, throat contracting deliciously around Quan Chi's cock. He began to thrust again, holding her head still and reaching down to tweak her neglected nipple between his fingers, mirroring his master's work. He felt his peak quickly approaching, his thrusts growing erratic as he pushed deep, deep into her throat. He held her there as he came, groaning with pleasure as he shot his seed down her throat. He pulled back just enough to let her inhale, tears dripping down her face, mixing with his cum as it spilled out around his cock. He continued to fill her throat, gagging her as he kept thrusting, riding out his orgasm, his cock stayed heavy on her tongue as the last weak spurt hit the back of her throat. She swallowed the thick, salty cum, licking the traces of it clean from his cock until he began to squirm from overstimulation and he pulled out of her with an obscene pop.
Shinnok gave her cunt one last smack, feeling her body go taut and plunged his fingers back inside her. He pumped them hard, fast, pushing up into the sweet spot inside of her relentlessly. His mouth latched onto her clit and he felt her gasp, then scream as she shook, squirting around his fingers, coating his hand, his mouth, even hitting his chest with her sweet juices. He didn't slow, didn't falter, forced her orgasm out of her wave by wave until her whole body went limp and she was quivering under him. He lapped up the mess, feasting on the rich taste. He could hear her aborted attempts to ask him to please stop, each time catching herself before she could give voice to the command.
Y/N was definitely floating now. She felt Quan Chi's hand caress her neck and hissed at how tender it was. His prodding was gentle, but methodical, taking stock of any damage that had been done. Her muscles were twitching, her nerves all on fire as that euphoria slowly faded. Shinnok's hand was a grounding presence against her thigh as she struggled to catch her breath. She hated how good the weight of it felt, as if it was the only thing that kept her anchored to reality. She tugged at the restraints on her hand, surprised when the pressure lifted. She didn't know what to do with them, moving at all seemed too difficult a task, so she simply left them above her head, letting the muscles relax as she continued to float.
For Raiden, it took everything in his power to stay silent, lest he incur Shinnok's wrath. He would make the elder god pay for this, he swore, but right now all he could think about was checking in with Y/N. He cursed silently as Shinnok and Quan Chi did nothing, content to watch the rise and fall of her chest, the way she trembled under their gentle caresses. It should be his hands holding her, soothing her, bringing her such pleasure. Shame welled up in him. He shouldn't be thinking of her like this. She shouldn't be in this position at all, yet it was hard to consider anything else but how desperate he was to hold her, to taste her, to take her apart under his hands. His cock was so hard and full it hurt. The silence stretched on until Raiden couldn't stand it another minute.
"Y/N. Are you alright?" His voice croaked, hoarse from both screaming and from the lust he tried so desperately to conceal.
"Speaking out of turn again? After Y/N has been so good for us?" Shinnok chided softly. "You are truly testing my patience, Raiden." Raiden growled, his fury growing by the second. Shinnok tapped Y/N on the cheek gently. "Come on, sweet girl, open your eyes for me. Let's see how you are fairing." Y/N groaned, her eyes snapping open to meet his own and she gave a shaky nod. Shinnok clicked his tongue in annoyance. "Use your words, pet. Your Thunder God is worried about you."
"I'm…" Y/N whimpered, her throat grating painfully as she tried to speak. She could barely manage more than a whisper. "I… it hurts. Please don't… hurts," was all she managed to whisper. Quan Chi stroked his hand over her throat softly.
"The poor dear. We really did a number on this, didn't we?" Quan Chi murmured, his deep voice reverberating through her. He glanced at Shinnok questioningly and at his master's assent he muttered softly under his breath, hand glowing and healing the tender flesh below. Y/N whimpered gratefully as the pain slowly faded. Her voice was still hoarse, but she sounded much less strained as she managed a soft thanks. Quan Chi brushed his fingers across her throat once more, reverently, before drawing up to full height, tucking his softening cock away with a groan.
"With respect, Shinnok, it appears one of my men has returned with another earthrealm prisoner. " Quan Chi added with a frown. "I should check in. If you have need of me?" The question trailed off, inviting orders from the fallen god.
"You're dismissed, Quan Chi. I expect a full report later on. I will call for you if I need assistance " Shinnok dismissed him with a wave and soon enough it was just him alone with Y/N, her hand slung over her face to hide her shame, and Raiden, who seemed on the verge of hysteria seeing Y/N like this.
***link to part two will be posted once it's finished; if anyone wants to comment it might help spur some inspiration to get it completed sooner***
The original character in this story is the twin sister of the OC that inspired my Rain x Male reader one shot 'Tease' if anyone is curious
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corre1310-blog · 6 months
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Doodle of Human!Cetrion;Ceres caught an eye towards Raiden during leisure walk with Human!Shinnok;Shin
Experimenting drawing with Takuta Nishio's Artstyle.Yet,my drawing stroke kinda feels rough and forced @ bad vibes
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crackshipsart · 1 year
Spanish: "¿Estás defendiendo a shinnok?" Soren no quería escuchar lo que Raiden tenía para decir, defendía a la tierra pero no por eso mataría a sus enemigos "¡No lo estoy defendiendo! Se las cosas que hizo pero está no es la forma de hacer lo correcto" El joven tenía miedo del dios del trueno, su apariencia había cambiado completamente. Soren no pelearía con la única persona que lo puso en libertad, la única persona que lo trató como un ser humano normal. Un último abrazo le daría antes de morir en sus brazos
English: "Are you defending shinnok?" Soren didn't want to hear what Raiden had to say, he was defending the earth but that didn't mean he would kill his enemies "I'm not defending him! I know the things he did but this is not the way to do the right thing" the young man was afraid of the thunder god, his appearance had changed completely. Soren would not fight the one person who set him free, the one person who treated him like a normal human being. One last hug he would give him before he died in his arms.
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MK skits based on Moonkitti's recent "I spoils" video
The original jokes/skits belong to Moonkitti
The MK characters belong to Ed Boon
I am not basing these on certain time lines. Just on who I see fits best
Spoilers. Obviously
Shinnok: My origin story is that I once got banned, just for posting an opinion. Now I get revenge on all the gods.
Raiden: Uh, what was the opinion?
Shinnok: The One Be-
Raiden: *punches him through the Jinsei wall at mach 5*
Mileena: *winks and smirks at Tanya*
Umgadi 1: *pulls Tanya aside* if you're in a relationship, you should be locked up and never allowed to see the sun again
Tanya, lying: I'm not.
Umgadi 2: it will ruin your life and the lives of everyone around you. No one will ever feel joy again
Tanya: ok? But I'm not.
Umgadi 3: And I would hate you personally
"Doing great kids." - Johnny watching toddler Cassie and toddler Jacqui run into walls.
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toomanyf4ndoms7 · 2 years
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MKX in three parts.
Part one. Part two. Part three. Part four. Part five.
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beloved-belittled · 1 month
Gods/Titans x Reader: Birthday Gift Headcanons
Characters: Shinnok, Raiden, Fujin, Liu Kang, Shang Tsung, Cetrion, Kronika 
A/N: Not me forgetting Shang Tsung was a Titan in the last one I did like this, *cough cough*. This is a lot fluffier than my usual content, enjoy!
TW: Nothing really, aside from maybe an implied yandere with a few characters.
18+ to interact.
Likely doesn't know when your birthday is, nor does he care to ask. He's existed since before the concept of time, so what's another year around the sun supposed to mean to him? You’ll accidentally tell him about your birthday too, thinking out loud while he's around. Like, “oh it's my birthday today” or “I wonder if my birthday's coming up.” To which, he'll scoff and ask why you care about such a thing. Mortals and their customs have always irked him to no end.
For that reason, you shouldn't expect a gift or anything special when your b-day does roll around. If Shinnok wishes to treat you he'll do it any day out of the year. And his treats are rare, so I recommend appreciating them when they come. 
If Shinnok was to buy you a gift, he'd consider his tastes more than your own. So that means receiving items he likes and you may not enjoy. This includes: literature in an unknown language, skulls or other trophies from his enemies, overly ornate jewelry or clothing, and even a fresh soul for decoration or consumption. Be sure to smile and thank him even if the present is… Undesirable. It'll save you some pain and maybe he'll get you something better next time.
He hasn't asked when your birthday is simply to be polite. But, you'll likely tell Raiden at some point and he'll never forget the day. Like most characters on this list, he doesn't have a birthday himself to celebrate. He understands how important it is to mortals however, and will make an effort to impress you.
Raiden may not get you a gift for your birthday though. It's not because he doesn't care, but because he'd rather not incite rumors or other speculations in his followers. This is especially true if your relationship is secret or even forbidden. It pains him, but he binds himself to a certain standard for good reason. It's only if he became Dark Raiden, or if your relationship was open/public would he offer you a present.
Raiden isn't very much “in-touch” with mortals, so he would also base a gift on his preferences. He enjoys things that enrich the mind and offer more perspective on the world. Some examples are: classical literature/philosophy, historical records or artifacts, spiritual aids such as incense or other herbs, and potentially a jar of Jinsei only if you have max trust with him.
He asks you about your birthday, and like his brother he doesn't forget. While he doesn't have a birthday either, he likely adopts a fake one just to connect with humans. So, he knows the importance of your b-day and will ponder what to give you months ahead of time.
He's the first of the characters here to consider your preferences over his own. He'll ask you a lot of probing questions to find out your likes, but he's rather smooth about it so you won't know the intent behind it. He also observes you and learns more about your hobbies, while also doing a little bit of research on them to see what would make a good present.
The type of gift he offers is dependent on you, but he'll aim for something affordable yet memorable. It's worth noting that he may also invest in an experience such as going to a certain city or place. For your birthday Fujin would like to take you to a local restaurant, see a movie or some form of theater, or bring you something you've always wanted. 
Also, please give this man a gift for his fake birthday. He will appreciate it.
Liu Kang 
He should have an idea of when you were born due to him crafting your destiny. But, he makes sure to ask so you're not surprised about him knowing when your birthday is. His god-like memory won't allow him to forget your birthday, and he plans ahead for it a crisp 11 months in advance. He needs the time, considering all of the duties on his plate.
Like Raiden, offering you a gift on your birthday may cause jealousy in the Wu Shi Academy. The last thing Liu Kang wants is for his subordinates to suspect he has some kind of favoritism towards you. However, he has little problem with your relationship being public if you're dating. So, if you're in a relationship with him you'll get a gift. If not, he'll just say “happy birthday" and recommend you take the day off.
He’s considerate of your tastes when scrounging up a present. At the same time, if he feels that giving you what you want would enable bad habits, (ex: behavioral addictions or an unhealthy lifestyle) then he'll resort to a more generic gift. Some examples include: birthday/gift card, baked goods, potted plant or gardening seeds, and candles.
Shang Tsung
He knows your birth date, home address, and banking information before you've even met him. He enjoys thoroughly researching his prey before acting, so he knows all the little details of your life. And once he's wrapped you around his little thumb, you happily spill to him when your birthday is. 
His gift is determined by your relationship with him. If he's in the early stages of wooing you, then he'll get whatever you love. His budget is the most lenient out of anyone here, so if you want something on the more expensive side you'll get it. He can be far too lavish with it as well, easily spending thousands of dollars to get what you desire. Of course, he'll keep reassuring you that such a paltry amount is nothing if it's for you…
If he has you under his control already, then he just gets a gift that will please him. He sees you as a little trophy to show off and tease all the time, so you can imagine what his gifts would be like. Fine silks, opulent jewelry, fancy furniture for you to lay on… If the gift is anything that visually stimulates him and shows off his power then he'll offer it to you.
She knows when your birthday is because she is nigh omnipresent. However, unlike everyone else in this list, she likely won't be able to spend time with you on your birthday. Cetrion would observe you from afar, in Heaven, unless you've already died or she's gained her freedom from Kronika. Still, that doesn't mean she won't do something special for your birthday.
Cetrion has to be a bit sneaky when giving you a gift. While other Gods have to worry about their mortal followers getting angry, she has to worry about the wrath of Elder Gods and a Titan. But, she's been playing this game for a long, long time. She has her methods of getting one or two things past without their notice.
Cetrion's gift involves her powers. She may grow a large and beautiful tree in your yard overnight. Or (especially if you garden) find all of your plants blooming and thriving. If there's a particular animal you've really wanted as a pet, it'll show up practically on your doorstep -begging you to adopt it. Alternatively, you may just wake up with a power you've never had, wondering when in the hell were you able to talk to animals or had a green thumb.
She probably cares the least about a birthday, second to only her son Shinnok maybe. But unlike him, she's far more considerate of you once you're in a relationship. If you want to celebrate the passage of time, so be it. 
She sees herself as an artisan in a way, and would likely craft you a gift utilizing her powers. By the end of it, you may end up with a powerful artifact on the levels of Shinnok's Amulet or a Kamidogu. Naturally, whatever object she creates will be imbued with the power of time. Speeding up time, stopping time, reversing time -as long as it relates to chronokinesis she'll create it.
And although she'll put time (literally) and effort into a present, her most important gift to you would be her presence. She'll want to hang out with you like normal, simply enjoying each other's company and voice. Kronika makes for a surprisingly good partner on your b-day. She's swayed many people to her side and for good reason -she considers other people's thoughts and desires. Of course, this is all assuming you didn't break her heart.
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3d-wifey · 11 months
This is such a niche ask, but I saw that you do Mortal Kombat. Can I ask for some flirty intro dialogue? You know like the conversation the characters have b4 the fight? But like with a Goddess!reader who's basically Hecate? like a Nyx/Hecate fusion if that makes sense. Oh and can you do what some of her taunts would be? I feel like those and her fatalities would be illusion and tarot based :)))
Flirty Intro Dialogue
Pairings: Johnny Cage x Reader; Noob Saibot x Reader; Erron Black x Reader; Dark Raiden x Reader; Cassie Cage x Reader; Shang Tsung x Reader
A/N: (Back to using gifs for headcanons). This is just for the MK 11 timeline. Once MK 1 comes out, I'll do new ones. Had to do a little research fan fiction-wise for this one, but I got a good amount out (plus some taunts the reader would say during the fight). I put a lot of thought into the reader's backstory in the MK universe, even though it'll never be used lol. Please, feel free to request more of these characters or some intros for different characters. Maybe even request a one-shot? Who knows ;)
Behind the Scenes: You know how when Erron Black shows up in the intro, he's looking at a Wanted poster of his opponent? I feel like Goddess!reader has something like that where she's looking at a tarot card that's different for each character before it disappears into mist. Another opening is the reader strutting in shapeshifted into her opponent, before turning back. Her friendship fatality has her stirring a comically large witch's caldron and Noob Saibot pops out in a cloud of mist.
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You: Jonathan Carlton
Johnny Cage: Sexy witch goddess.
You: I…Hmm.
You: I can feel the magic coursing through your veins. You are one of my Night children, Jonathan.
Johnny Cage: You don’t mean that literally, right? Because it would suck to have the hots for my mom.
You: (sighs)  And what a waste.
Johnny Cage: Somebody pinch me, I must be dreaming.
You: Do you dream of me often, Mortal?
Johnny Cage: Ohho, absolutely.
Johnny Cage: Somebody pinch me, I must be dreaming.
You: (sighs) How many times must you make that joke?
Johnny Cage: You know you love it!
Johnny Cage: So…what are my chances of getting you into my next movie?
You: I’ve told you. I have no desire to appear on your “big screen”.
Johnny Cage: I was thinking we’d make a different kind of movie.
Johnny Cage: Goddess of dreams, huh? Can I call you Sandman?
You: You may call me whatever you please, dear mortal.
Johnny Cage: Oh, you do not wanna give me that kind of power.
Johnny Cage: Heard you and Shinnok had a thing.
You: A…thing?
Johnny Cage: You two boned! Get it? Cuz he’s a skeleton.
Johnny Cage: Tarot, huh? Card tricks are cool and all, but do you got any other witchy gimmicks?
You: I'm particularly fond of palm reading.
Johnny Cage: ...So what I'm hearing is, you're good with your hands?
Johnny Cage: You, Fujin, and Raiden go way back, huh?
You: Since the dawn of time.
Johnny Cage: (grimace) Yeesh, they've been friend zoned that long?
Johnny Cage: Not so fast, Hermonie.
You: Must you always spout such inane drivel?
Johnny Cage: Someone's been using their word-a-day calendar!
Johnny Cage: I've never met a non-evil Eldar God.
You: Evil is quite subjective.
Johnny Cage: I'll remember that next time I'm kicking one's ass.
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Noob Saibot: My Goddess.
You: Bi-Han.
Noob Saibot: The shadows cling to your presence. 
Noob Saibot: Many have wanted me to yield to their command.
You: Oh?
Noob Saibot: Only you have succeeded, My Goddess.
You: You are not touched by the Night, dear Bi-Han. You are shrouded in it.
Noob Saibot: What better way to show that I belong to you?
You: It certainly seems that way, doesn’t it?
Noob Saibot: The shadows whisper your name.
You: (smiles) What do they say about me?
Noob Saibot: That your beauty is combated by no other. They speak only the truth for their Goddess.
You: You have been a steadfast worshiper, Bi-Han. How shall I reward your loyalty?
Noob Saibot: I only ask for one thing: to be your consort.
You: Hmm. That could be arranged.
Noob Saibot: I do not want you to be upset with me, but I will not take back what I said.
You: Your brother cares for you, Bi-Han.
Noob Saibot: Yet, here we are.
You: Why must we fight?
Noob Saibot: I wish to prove to you my might, My Goddess.
You: Oh, dear wraith. For you, my love is freely given. You have already earned it.
Noob Saibot: You're different than the other Eldar Gods. You...care.
You: Do you think me weak?
Noob Saibot: Never.
You: Care to spar?
Noob Saibot: I'd be honored.
You: Then don't take it personally when I beat you.
Noob Saibot: The shadows crave your touch.
You: Only the shadows?
Noob Saibot: I'll always long for you, My Goddess.
You: Do you fear me, dear Bi-Han?
Noob Saibot: I respect you.
You: (sigh) That wasn't a no.
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Erron Black: You've got quite the pretty penny on your head.
You: Are you here to kill me then, Erron Black?
Erron Black: With a face like that, I wouldn’t dream of it.
Erron Black: You got any love spells up your sleeve, witchy? I swear ’m good for it.
You: Love is not something to take lightly. Who do you have in mind?
Erron Black: (smirks)  Look in a mirror, darlin’. 
Erron Black: You the Goddess of lust, by any chance?
You: That is not a purpose I was created to serve.
Erron Black: Pity. You’d certainly suit it.
Erron Black: You had something to ask me, beautiful?
You: Yes. What is “reverse cowgirl”?
Erron Black: (smirks) How ‘bout I show you the ins and outs after this?
Erron Black: ’M not usually one for marriage, darlin’.
You: Neither am I.
Erron Black: I don’t have to be the only one, as long as I’m your favorite.
Erron Black: You ever find out why Shinnok offed you?
You: I believe he wanted to turn me into his revenant bride. He became rather desperate after I declined his proposal.
Erron Black: (chuckle) Well, I guess I can’t blame the guy.
Erron Black: Why don’t you take a peek into ol’ Erron’s dreams? Swear you won’t be disappointed.
You: I’ve seen your dreams. I must say, you give me very generous proportions.
Erron Black: Then you must know I’m a very generous lover.
Erron Black: I've struck gold
You: How so?
Erron Black: Well, you're here, ain'tcha?
Erron Black: You cast a spell on me, Goddess?
You: I have not, Erron Black.
Erron Black: Do you want to?
Erron Black: How 'bout you and I see where the night takes us?
You: Do you think you can keep up?
Erron Black: Trust me. I may be fast on the quick draw, but I don't shoot quick.
Erron Black: You've got the magic touch.
You: A good deal of my powers flow through my hands.
Erron Black: I want 'em on me.
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You: I’ve heard of how you…disposed of Shinnok.
Dark Raiden: After what he did to you, after how I mourned, I would behead him a hundred times over.
You: It isn’t judgment you sense in my voice. I would have killed him myself if you hadn’t beat me to it.
You: Do you still desire me, even as you are now?
Dark Raiden: If you need to ask, then I have failed to show you my devotion.
You: Hmph.
Dark Raiden: Will you abandon me too, my love?
You: It is not in my nature.
Dark Raiden: They do not deserve your blessings.
Dark Raiden: How have you…How are you here?
You: I sensed my presence was needed and returned to my corporal form just in time to be put in Kronika's void.
Dark Raiden: You could not sense how much I needed you, how much I mourned?
You: We are in such uncertain times, my vision is clouded.
Dark Raiden: I’m sorry for the part I play in your duress, my love.
You: You are only doing your duty. It’s how you’re going about it that leaves me weary.
Dark Raiden: How can you find such beauty in their shortcomings?
You: The Night welcomes all into her shadowed embrace.
Dark Raiden: You are wasted on them!
Dark Raiden: I was so lost without your guidance.
You: When I died?
Dark Raiden: When you were taken from me!
Dark Radien: How did Shinnok do it?
You: He lied to me and attacked me when I let my guard down.
Dark Raiden: (growls) If I could, I would bring him back to enact justice upon him once more.
You: I have but one wish.
Dark Raiden: Anything.
You: I wish for you to come back to me.
You: Is it true? What you've done?
Dark Radien: It was the only way.
You: You have lost yourself.
You: We've never fought before, have we?
Dark Radien: We never needed to for me to know you're the stronger between us.
You: Flattery will not save you.
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Cassie Cage: You know, I think I’m finally understanding why Raiden lost his marbles.
You: How so?
Cassie Cage: I think I’d lose my shit too if someone like you was taken from me.
Cassie Cage: Are you a good witch or a bad witch?
You: I’m…afraid I do not understand.
Cassie Cage: Oh, you have got to let me take you on a movie date.
Cassie Cage: Who’s your favorite: Fujin or Raiden? Come on. You can tell me.
You: I’m a Goddess. Why would I limit myself to one lover?
Cassie Cage: You dirty girl.
Cassie Cage: What are you the Goddess of again?
You: (hesitates) …It would be easier to list what I am not the Goddess of.
Cassie Cage: (whistles) And I thought my parents expected a lot of me.
Cassie Cage: Come on, just one kiss!
You: I am older than you could possibly imagine.
Cassie Cage: An older woman. What’s not to love?
Cassie Cage: I heard you died. So, how are you standing here in all your godly beauty?
You: I have much power over death and the comings and goings of the Underworld. My soul simply dispersed there.
Cassie Cage: Yep. That’ll do it.
Cassie Cage: So…You didn’t happen to see that one dream, did you?
You: I’ve seen all your dreams, Cassandra. And I’m flattered.
Cassie Cage: (clears throat) …Right.
Cassie Cage: It’s a full moon
You: She calls to me and all who feel her light.
Cassie Cage:…You’re not gonna turn into a werewolf, are you?
Cassie Cage: You gonna turn me into a frog, Goddess?
You: It’s a possibility.
Cassie Cage: (shrugs) As long as you change me back with a kiss.
Cassie Cage: Heard you hung out with Jacqui.
You: Yes, though she didn’t mention you at all.
Cassie Cage: She is the worst wing woman.
You: You’ve come to my crossroads. Do you need my guidance?
Cassie Cage: Just wondering if you could teach me a trick or two.
You: So it’s my protection you seek.
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Shang Tsung: Your beauty entices me
You: My power entices you.
Shang Tsung: Two things can be true at once.
Shang Tsung: Soon, you shall be my bride.
You: You cannot tie down a Goddess; you cannot tie down the Night.
Shang Tsung: I can try.
Shang Tsung: Do my powers impress you, Goddess of magic?
You: They certainly intrigue me, Sorcerer.
Shang Tsung: Allow me to give you a closer look.
Shang Tsung: Every time I invoke my magic, I do so in your name.
You: Your loyalty changes with the moon’s phases.
Shang Tsung: I devote myself to you, my Goddess.
Shang Tsung: I want something more valuable than your soul.
You: Such as?
Shang Tsung: Your love.
Shang Tsung: You forgave Shinnok, but not I?
You: I did not forgive him. He killed me when I refused to be his bride.
Shang Tsung: I will succeed where he has failed.
Shang Tsung: I kneel at your altar, my Goddess.
You: You needn’t prostrate yourself before me.
Shang Tsung: It is never a hardship to be on my knees for you.
You: Do you fear me?
Shang Tsung: I’d be a fool not to.
You: Then why challenge me?
Shang Tsung: You have the godly brothers on quite a tight leash.
You: I demand no loyalty from them.
Shang Tsung: It’s doubtful that they stray far from you.
You: Kronika spared me in hopes of using my powers. When I refused, she cast me into the void.
Shang Tsung: We have been similarly wronged by her.
You: That is why we must aid Luai Kang in defeating her.
Shang Tsung: You are the last Eldar God.
You: Yes. And I shall help Luai Kang in his creation of the new timeline.
Shang Tsung: Then this will be goodbye for now.
You: The Wheel of Fortune comes for us all. You: Your future is uncertain. You: You cannot hide from the Night’s embrace. You: Knell in repentance. You: Your path ends here. You: You are lost. You: It is simply an illusion. You: You challenge an Eldar God? You: Will you make an offering? You: You are forgiven. You: I will lead your spirit through the gates of the Netherrealm. You: You shall not pass. You: Are you seeing double? You: Allow me to guide you.
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lizz-crimson · 6 months
Oh My God They Were Roommates (Shinnok's Head x Reader Part 2)
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Oh yeah, we back.
Summary: An oni interrupts (Y/n) and Shinnok's coffee break and-oh god oh fuck no--!
Tags/Warnings: Talk of dead animals, blood, silliness, not as much as last time, but it's there, combat, cheap Chinese food, the burn is starting to smoke a little, gender neutral reader (let me know if there's any mistakes!)
Words: 2733
Part 1 Part 3
"No," you said flatly.
"What do you mean, 'no?'" Shinnok asked in reply.
You and he stood at the entrance to a large cemetery filled to the brim with hundreds, if not thousands, of graves. Shinnok was snug inside a leather mailbag on your shoulder, peeking out of it to see
"No, I'm not raising the dead here!" you whisper-yelled at him, shaking the bag a bit.
"And why not?" he replied in the same tone.
You snap your pointer finger to the plaque on a stone pillar next to you—an American flag flapping in the wind at the top. "This is a veteran cemetery! I'm not unleashing undead World War soldiers in the middle of New York!"
"You have the choice to raise a whole army of trained soldiers to do your bidding, and you say, 'no?'"
A few pedestrians and passersby mumbled and whispered to each other, looking at you with confusion and slight annoyance. You flinched under their gazes, putting a finger to your ear as if talking on a Bluetooth and jogging away from the cemetery.
Shinnok's lessons weren't exactly 'hell' as he'd described. In fact, you took to them well even with no prior usage of magic. There were plenty of dead rats in the alleyways to practice bone magic with, and you only threw up three times! Shinnok still found it amusing, but you shook it off.
Even though bone magic had been fine, raising the dead wasn't going as well. Your morals simply wouldn't allow you to disrespect the dead like that. Shinnok had suggested raising the dead roaches in your apartment, but it had already cost you an arm and a leg to get rid of those bastards, so that was a hard no as well.
You retreated to a currently controversial coffee shop a few streets away, ordering yourself an overpriced coffee and cake pop before taking a seat at a secluded table by a window. A stress purchase, you tried to convince yourself. At least the bullet hole in the window was interesting to look at while you sipped your drink.
"How much was that beverage?" Shinnok asked with a smirk on his face. He was trying to get a rise out of you.
"Quiet, head. We're in public."
Still, even if you hadn't successfully raised the dead yet, you had been doing well. Even Shinnok had to admit that. To himself, of course. He didn't know why, but ever since Raiden and Cassie showed up a few weeks ago, he'd found you much less annoying. He thought a lot about how you gave him the chance to speak his mind when he was being accused. He was grateful for that. Again, he kept these thoughts to himself. No need to let his human captor grow an ego.
"Since soul magic isn't going well, we'll return to bone magic. What is your preferred weapon, mortal?"
You were going to just ignore Shinnok out of frustration, but when your teeth scraped against your stale cake pop, you huffed.
"Really?" Shinnok raised his brow, intrigued. He'd not taken you for a staff user. "I have not seen a staff in your apartment."
"I keep it at Raiden's temple," you replied. It wasn't your choice to keep your weaponry somewhere else. The fact was, if other residents in your apartment complex saw you with a weapon, you'd definitely get into trouble.
"Then I'll instruct you in summoning a bone staff upon our next lesson."
"M'kay." You rest your chin in your palm, your eyes droopy. It was only evening, yet you were more than ready for a nap.
"Perhaps it's time we go home for the day," Shinnok said.
"Let's," you sigh, going to stand. You don't notice the window beginning to glow red next to you.
"(Y/n), watch yourself!"
You look back just in time to see a demonic arm reach out of the window. You throw yourself to the floor, the mailbag containing Shinnok falling beside you and letting him roll free. You grab him, holding him close as you scoot backwards. Customers in the shop scream and make a break for the exit as quickly as possible.
"It's an oni; prepare yourself!" Shinnok calls.
The oni clawed its way out of the portal. Its screeching shattered glass, and vibrated the floor. It crushed any tables in its way as it stumbled to its feet. The thing was five times your size, and you didn't have a single weapon on you.
"Shinnok, I'm gonna need that bone staff!"
"Get away from the damned thing first!"
You scrambled to your feet, grabbing a hot coffee left by a customer and tossing it in the oni's eyes. A pained screeching filled the room, and you took the chance to dive behind the counter to hide.
"Now, what do I do?"
"Clasp your hands together, then drag them apart to let the magic form a staff. Quickly now!"
You inhale, clasping your hands together per Shinnok's instruction. The magic in your veins strained. Your forearms ached. You were panicking too much. The thudding of the oni's searching footsteps shook you out of your concentration, and you gasped out. Your hand shot over your mouth as you felt the footsteps halt. You could just tell the oni was looking at the counter now.
You looked down at Shinnok, who quickly mouthed 'again' to you. You nodded, removing your hand from your mouth, taking another breath, and closing your eyes before repeating the process.
The rattling feeling of bone magic cooled your veins, and as you pulled apart your hands, a long, sturdy, copper-stained bone formed at your command.
"There, now roll!"
You rolled forward, dodging the oni's giant foot as it came down on the counter, crushing it. You're quick to retaliate by driving the end of your new staff into the oni's face. It shrieked, backing up while batting at its face in pain.
Taking the chance for another strike, you drive one end of your staff to the floor and swing yourself around it, ramming your feet into the oni's chest. The kick sends the beast backwards and all the way outside into the streets.
"Don't go without me, mortal!" Shinnok called
"Fighting for my life here, head!" Still, you went over and grabbed Shinnok, awkwardly holding onto him as you ran out into the streets yourself. You needed to deal with that oni. Special Forces would take too long to arrive. Luckily, all the citizens in the area had made themselves scarce.
The oni got up on its feet again and roared at you. Even as far away as you were from it, you could still feel its hot breath. And smell it. You audibly gag.
"No time for vomiting; kill it!" Shinnok demanded.
You hooked Shinnok to your hip, then rushed up to the oni, sliding under its legs as it tried to grab for you. You drove the staff into the back of its head, and it tumbled forward. A more strategic part of your brain took over, and you drove your staff into the ground next to you, letting go of it and taking a moment to create another one. Once you do, you again rush the oni and latch onto its massive body.
You set on the oni's shoulders, wrapping your new staff around its neck and pulling backwards.
"Shinnok, be my guide! Tell me when to bring him down!"
"What?" Shinnok asked, not catching onto your plan.
"The staff in the ground, dumbass!"
Shinnok looks down at the staff you've driven into the street, the oni's shadow covering the area next to it. His brow rose. "Ah, a bit to the left, then!"
Your arms strained as you pulled on the staff, guiding the oni along with you. The oni's shadow travels over and past the staff.
"Too far! To the right!"
You curse, pulling the oni to the right. It's shadow was just about there when its arms tried to reach for you, making you tug away. The oni hasn't caught on that it could pull you down by your staff. Yet.
"Too far, (Y/n)!"
"I'm going to beat your ass, head!" you yelled. You kept tugging and pulling, trying to get the oni where you needed it.
Shinnok watched the oni's shadow cast over your staff, and he called back to you. "Now!"
The oni's hand grasped your leg just as you yanked it backwards. It flung you off of it, but tripped backwards. You land roughly on the asphalt road and watch as your bone staff pierces the back of the oni's neck clean through, breaking out on the front. Blood splattered, and the beast gurgled and flailed sporadically, and it choked to death.
"Fucking.. fuck," you groaned, standing. "Shinnok, why do you need such big demons in the Neatherrealm?"
"To tire out Earthrealm's warriors, of course."
"I'm actually going to kick your ass."
"Unfortunately, Raiden took it."
You laughed bitterly. Your chest burned; that oni was way bigger than ones you'd seen before. Rasping, you approached the dead demon and looked it over.
"Bitch," you said to it as if it could hear you or give a damn.
"Oh, I'm sure it's quaking in the afterlife," Shinnok said, rolling his eyes.
"I'm going to mount you on a stick."
"No, (Y/n). You're going to go home, order cheap Chinese food, then sleep."
You unhooked Shinnok from your hip, letting him fall to the ground.
"Whoops, my hand slipped."
"Arg, you wretched-!"
The now-dead oni's body began to glow green. A bright shade of green you knew well. The whistling sound of souls echoed in your ears, and before you could blink, a small shockwave sent you skidding backwards. You tried to reach out for Shinnok, panic welling your chest. The oni's body disintegrated into a large cloud of souls that spun up and into the air in a sharp cyclone before spiraling downward directly onto Shinnok.
Your body refused to move. Was this planned? No, it couldn't have been. Right?
You really wished Special Forces would show up..
Every single soul was sucked into Shinnok's being. You watched in horror as the green glow faded away, and there, standing, was Shinnok.
He flexed his fingers, sparks of magic dancing around them. A vile smirk crossed his face, and a chuckle emanated from his throat.
He then looked at you.
Fuck indeed, as Shinnok raised his hand and clenched his fingers into a fist. A boney hand broke from the asphalt and grabbed you before you could do anything. You struggled in its vice-like grip, and you were pretty sure Shinnok made it do that out of spite for you.
He approached, his hands going to rest behind his back. His footsteps seemed to echo in your ears, dwarfing the sound of your own pounding heart.
"Whoops," he said, stepping up close enough for you to feel the heat of his new body. "My hand slipped."
"No, put your fingers this way, see?" You move Shinnok's fingers around his chopsticks, helping him hold them correctly. He grumbled, frustrated at how hard holding a simple eating utensil could be. "Better?" you ask.
Shinnok successfully grabbed some noodles out of his takeout box and lifted them into his mouth. "Better."
"Cool." You sat down at your side of the table to eat your own food.
Yeah, this was awkward. You checked your phone for the hundredth time, seeing if Cassie replied to your frantic message full of misspellings and explanation points. Your fingers fumbled your own chopsticks as you ate. You'd had an ancient evil in your home for around two months, but he couldn't actually do anything until now. Now he was powerful again. Able to crush you and harvest your own soul whenever he wished.
And yet, he hadn't. He was eating cheap ass Chinese food with you and seemingly enjoying it as he scarfed down his box of lo mein.
You stared a little too long, and Shinnok's eyes glanced up at you. You were quick to take a bite of your egg roll and look elsewhere.
Shinnok groaned. "I'm not going to kill you, mortal."
"Why?" you asked. Why you would ask that question was for the gods to know and you to find out, because why would you even ask that?
Shinnok didn't even answer your question; he just kept on eating. "Can you pass me one of those egg rolls?" he asked.
"Oh, uh, sure." You scoot the Styrofoam tray of egg rolls closer to his side of the table, where he takes a couple. He sure could eat.
"Yeah, no problem."
You prayed Cassie would just show up soon.
The gods, all except Shinnok, took some pity, and soon a frantic round of knocking was heard. You're quick to get out of your chair and open it, relief rushing through you as Cassie and Raiden are again waiting outside. You usher them inside.
Raiden takes a look at the scene. Shinnok sitting casually at your kitchen table, eating cheap Chinese food instead of going on a killing spree or going back to the Neatherrealm.
"Just what is your game here, Shinnok?" Raiden growled his question.
"Yeah, why aren't you like - destroying shit?" Cassie asked. "And why are you sitting back down?" she added upon seeing you slide back into your seat across from Shinnok.
"Listen, I am stressed," you retorted, shoving an eggroll into your mouth.
Shinnok chuckled, finding all of this amusing, no doubt. "Don't get riled up, Raiden. Those souls weren't enough to fill me; I need sustenance too."
"Just start talking, asshole," Cassie groaned.
Shinnok growled, rolling his eyes. He sat back in his chair. "I don't know what's so confusing. I'm just enjoying a meal with our lovely (Y/n)."
"Shinnok, I know better than to let you walk freely in Earthrealm, nor to let you return to the Neatherrealm," Raiden said. "If you think I will trust you for even a moment-"
"Shut up, would you?" Shinnok growled. "I'm not returning to the Neatherrealm. I can't."
You tilted your head. "You… can't?"
"Correct. I felt it when the souls returned to me. I am no longer master of the Neatherrealm; someone else has claimed its throne."
"Who?" Raiden demanded an answer.
Shinnok remained quiet, going for another bite of his food.
"Who, Shinnok?" you finally raised your voice.
"Quan Chi."
"…Fuck!" Cassie spat.
"If Quan Chi is ruling the Neatherrealm, then he is the one responsible for these demons appearing in Earthrealm," Raiden said.
"Yes, he was likely sending them to search for me. Hence, when (Y/n) here killed that oni, Quan Chi sensed it and, in addition, myself. So he sent the souls to me through the oni's body."
"So you have your body and power back, and you're not going back to the Neatherrealm?" Cassie asked.
"Yes, if I went back, Quan Chi would likely force me to his will. He did not restore my power completely," Shinnok explained in full seriousness. "I will not bow to that sorcerer."
"Then what are your intentions, Shinnok?" Raiden asked.
Shinnok smirked. "Well, to stay with (Y/n), of course. They are my captor, it's only fair."
"You.. huh?" you weren't sure how to respond.
"And I would like to continue your magic lessons if you so wish," Shinnok added.
It was quiet for a bit. Everyone thinking, and Shinnok continuously smirking. And stealing more eggrolls. Eventually, Raiden spoke up again.
"Fine, then, Shinnok. You may stay with (Y/n)."
"What?!" you yell. You look back at Shinnok, who had the most shit-eating smirk on his face.
"Raiden, are you sure?" Cassie asked.
"It is best. (Y/n) has kept Shinnok in line thus far. He will remain with them until further notice."
Cassie sighed, giving you an apologetic look. "Well," she said, stealing a fortune cooking off the table and cracking it, "it looks like you're still Shinnok's warden."
You couldn't believe this. You look at Shinnok, now realizing you'd have to live with the full-bodied version of him. Now you knew how he felt when he was first forced to live with you two months ago.
Cassie looks at the fortune from the cookie.
"Hey, look on the bright side. You're gonna find love within the next year!"
"Shut the fuck up, Cassie."
Behold, a sequel! I was surprised at how many people liked the first one, so here we are! Its not as silly as last time, but I have goofiness planned for next time!
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Tumblr won't let me post the damn thing probably due to a censor on specific words but even in chunks of paragraphs, it won't let me. So instead I offer you the Ao3 link where you can read it in full!
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theemissuniverse · 7 months
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SUMMARY : Cassie painfully has a crush on you and it’s obvious to everyone except you. But when your friends tell you, you tease the hell out of her. (Your ability is heightened senses)
WARNINGS : mentions of sh and sh scars
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In the original timeline, you died. Plain and simple. You died by the hands of Sindel when you preformed your greatest move. She died along with you.
Now the time rip had brought you three: you, Kung Lao, and Liu Kang into the present despite circumstances. You two spontaneously were alive now.
It took some getting used to. Being in a timeline completely different from your own but you had managed to find comfort in it.
Currently, you and your best friends were at the base as you were instructed by Raiden to help out the special forces as needed. You and Kung Lao were play fighting, messing around and Liu Kang shook his head as the two of you played.
Further from you three, Cassie was watching you in awe as you fought Kung Lao. You were easily winning too. Jacqui saw her best friend staring and shook her head. “You’ve been obsessed with her since she got here.”
Cassie scoffed at the claim. “I have not. It’s just…she’s literally the best female fighter. Hell, thee best fighter. I’m just amazed is all.”
“Amazed? That’s an odd replacement for love-struck.”
Cassie quickly shushed her friend. “Not love-struck! Just impressed.”
“Really? Okay.”
You and Kung Lao had stopped fighting at that point and were just laughing. Jacqui took that as her chance to push Cassie over to you.
Cassie lost her balance and almost fell when you quickly saw this with your fast reflexes. You immediately caught her, sort of bridal style.
Cassie’s hand was on your chest and you held her tightly. “Whoa. You know for a Commander you’re pretty clumsy.”
She couldn’t even say a word to you. She was just hopelessly lost in your eyes. You were the embodiment of beauty to her. She felt her heart skip beats. You didn’t catch on though and raised a brow at her. You heard her heart beating fast with your heightened hearing. “You okay, Commander?”
She hated the fact you didn’t call her by her name. Cassie snapped out of it and nodded. “Oh yeah. Cool. Cool as ice.”
You carefully picked her up and held her until she was at her feet. You let go of her. “Hey, you got anything to drink? I’m thirsty.”
Cassie took her soda off the table and waved it around in her hand. “I have this. But I drank out of it-“
You didn’t care and took the soda from her anyway. You quickly drunk it in front of her. Every drop until it was all gone. You then simply threw the can somewhere.
“You have to excuse (Y/N) as she has no home training.” Liu Kang said.
“Blah blah blah. My name is Liu Kang. Look at me with my fire balls and self righteousness. Blah blah blah.” You mocked his voice as you made a hand motion like it was your puppet for him.
Kung Lao snickered some while Cassie almost busted out in full laughter. Liu Kang crossed his arms almost offended. “I do not sound like that.”
“You kinda do…” Kung Lao trailed off.
Liu Kang huffed at the two of you and you smirked at him, sticking your tongue out which made him playfully roll his eyes at you.
Cassie was never this nervous about anything. Ever. She was always sure of herself so the feeling she had at the pit of her stomach made her uncomfortable.
She felt like you were out of her league. You were a powerful warrior and you were the best female fighter of Earthrealm. Even though she did defeat Shinnok, you probably would’ve done it with ease.
“So, Cassie. You defeated Shinnok? That’s a way better status than what Liu Kang did. He just beat up a sorcerer. Boo-Hoo.” You said while leaning on the desk.
Liu Kang gave you a look. “Apparently in the original timeline I would’ve killed Shao Kahn.”
“Yeah and after he killed me!” Kung Lao said. “Which by the way, you sucked at because according to everyone else - he came back after that.”
“Boys, boys, this isn’t a pissing contest.” Cassie told him but with a smug look. “But yeah. It’s true. I beat him. I’m a badass.”
“So I became a revenant?” You questioned. “Was I a hot one?”
“(Y/N).” Liu Kang scolded at you.
“What? I’m asking the real questions.”
Cassie was so caught up in all of your beauty that what she said didn’t mean to come out her mouth. “You’re always hot.”
The monks turned to her curiously, as they knew of her overwhelming crush on you. (Even though you didn’t know.) You watched as Cassie covered her mouth when she said that.
You didn’t take it as much. You just thought she was being a girls girl and complimenting you. “Sweet.” You saw Jax, the Jax from your timeline walking with a bag of chips. “Dibs.” You snatched the bag out of his hands. He gave you an irritated look and you flipped him off. He rolled his eyes at you before walking away.
“I’m just going to go over there.” Cassie pointed back to Jacqui and walked over to her.
You ate your chips like nothing was happening. Kung Lao gave Liu Kang a look. “Now can I tell her?”
Liu Kang shook his head. “No, Kung Lao.”
“I can’t keep doing this. I’m about to have a stroke.”
You looked at your friend weirdly as you ate your chips. “What are you about to have a stroke about?”
Kung Lao snatched the chips away from you. “You.”
Kung Lao placed them on the table behind the three of you before looking back at you. “I refuse to believe you’re that naive (Y/N).”
“I love her Lao but…she is.” Liu Kang stated simply.
You stopped leaning on the table and turned to face them. “What are you dorks going on about?”
Kung Lao gave Liu Kang a final look and he finally nodded, motioning for him to say it. Kung Lao faces you again. “The Cage likes you.”
You scoffed as if it was obvious. “Of course she does. Where’s the surprise in that?” It was at that point Kung Lao flicked your head. You held your head in pain. “Ow!”
“I mean she has a crush on you, you airhead.”
“She does not…” You were about to say but then you started thinking. And then you put the puzzle pieces together. It made sense why you could hear her heart beating fast when she was around you. Why she would stutter and sometimes say things that came off as flirtatious but would immediately get embarrassed by.
You felt like an idiot for not seeing it sooner.
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You didn’t really know how to go about confronting Cassie about her crush on you. You didn’t really have a problem with her. You thought she was pretty, fun loving and adventurous. Honestly, Cassie was your type.
It didn’t really cross your mind to think of her romantically as you never really saw someone in a romantic light unless you knew they really liked you.
You were currently at the temple, meditating. You used to argue about doing such a thing but Liu Kang showed you the pros of meditating. When you tried it, it eased your stress away.
With your heightened senses, you smelled a familiar perfume. It smelled of cherries and delight. You didn’t need to open your eyes. You already knew who it was. “What brings you here, Commander?”
Cassie stopped in her tracks. She didn’t expect for you to guess who she was. “Wow. Those heightened senses really are a blessing huh?”
“And a curse. I smell Kung Lao all the time.”
Cassie placed her hands on her hips as she examined you. “I just came to check on you.”
“Oh you wanted to check on me?”
Cassie felt a familiar heat come to her face and changed the subject. “I didn’t take it you were the type to meditate.”
“It helps with the pain.” You opened your eyes and motioned to her to sit with you. “Join me.” You patted your hand on the other mat.
Cassie looked at you curiously. She didn’t understand how it actually worked but she would indulge with you.
She sat on the mat across from you. “So do I just close my eyes or-“
“Close your eyes and take a deep breath in and then take one out.”
Cassie looked unsure but did what you said. She closed her eyes and took one deep breath in and out. “Okay. Now what?”
“Think about what brings you peace.”
Cassie did what you said. She was trying to think. Actually, really hard but nothing was coming to her head. “What exactly is the purpose of this?”
“It enhances your emotional awareness, compassion and mental calmness.” You peeked your eyes open to look at her. “It is the reason why Mr. Chosen One is a very calm monk.” You said, referring to Liu Kang.
Cassie had peeked her eyes to look at you and snickered at what you said before both of you closed your eyes.
There was silence for a moment. Then Cassie had thought about what you had said earlier. “What pain do you have?”
“You said that meditating helps with the pain. Like physical? Mental?”
You sighed a little, regretting that you had said that. But you did trust Cassie and you didn’t really make it a plan to hide your scars. A lot of people just didn’t notice.
“Look at my arms.”
Cassie followed your direction. She opened her eyes and looked at your arms and when she did, she saw them. It clicked in her head.
She carefully took your arm and rubbed on your scars lovingly. “How did I not notice?”
“I distract people by telling a lot of jokes. If you tell a lot of jokes then people won’t care enough to actually hear you. They just…they just think that’s what you are. A joke.”
Cassie peered up at what you said. She tilted her head at you even though you couldn’t see her do it. “Is that what you think people see you as? A joke?”
You bit your lip a little. You didn’t really want to reveal the most important part of history to Cassie but she made it so comfortable for you that you felt like you had to. “Liu Kang was not suppose to win the tournament the first time around. I was. Raiden did not believe in me that I could defeat Shang Tsung and Goro so he made me lose the challenge to Scorpion so I would be forced to be out of the tournament.”
Cassie was actually shocked. Then she wondered how the roles would be different if you were the chosen one and not Liu Kang. Would everything in her timeline be erased? “Wow. Do you hate Liu Kang for it?”
“Nah. He’s my best friend. I know it’s not his fault that he’s good.” You took in another deep breath before letting it out. “Everybody hears the jokes and after that they stop listening. But I guess that’s a good thing because when nobody expects you to be the best, when they go up against you then it’s an easy challenge.”
Cassie was similar to you. A fun loving free spirit but she definitely wasn’t exactly like you. She knew how tone it down and when to be serious. You didn’t.
You seemed to do it as a defense mechanism and Cassie couldn’t blame you there. I mean, she almost did the same thing.
“Sometimes I just want to disappear.” You said.
Cassie turned her attention back on your scars and rubbed all over them. You didn’t open your eyes still. You placed your hand over her hand that was on top of your scars. “Relax, cupcake. I’m disappearing yet.”
Yet. Cassie didn’t like those words. You could feel her having a frown on her face. You finally opened your eyes. It was only then you took in Cassie’s beauty.
She was absolutely gorgeous to you and you didn’t understand how you didn’t see it sooner. From her hair, to her cute cheekbones, to those pretty eyes.
You placed your right hand on her cheek and gently caressed her face. “You’re so pretty.”
Cassie wasn’t expecting you to say that. She didn’t even know what to say. Her heart started to beat faster and her forehead started to sweat.
You heard her heart beating faster and you chuckled a little. You leaned in close, your lips gently grazing Cassie’s. “You know I can hear your heart beating fast right?”
‘Ah shit.’ “Really?” Cassie let out a nervous laugh.
Instead of leaning in more to close the distance, you pulled away. You then stood up from the ground and held a hand out for Cassie to take. “Spar with me.”
Cassie felt her heart rate calm down a little. She took your hand and you helped her up. “Spar with you? I don’t know (Y/N). I don’t want to hurt you.” She joked at you.
You looked at her a little amused. “You? Hurt me?”
“Um, do I have to remind you that I’m the badass that defeated Shinnok? This is going to be easy.”
“Oh is it? Let’s make this interesting.” You grabbed your hand wraps out of your pocket and started to place them around the palm of your hands. “If I win, I want something from you.”
Cassie looked at you a little worried. “What would that something be?”
“That’s the surprise, sweetheart. What do you want if you win?”
Cassie was thinking a little. She didn’t exactly know what she wanted from you. (Well she did she just didn’t want to say it out loud.) Then she thought about it. “I want you to teach me See No Evil.”
See No Evil was a powerful move that you had come up with in kombat. Only very skilled fighters could mimic your fighting move. You raised a brow when she had said that. “I didn’t even know you knew about it.” You said as in the original timeline, you did not get the chance to preform the move as you were taken from it and placed in this one.
Though in Cassie’s timeline, you preformed it when you were battling Sindel. “You forgot about the crazy time jump. Remember?”
“Right. That.” You finished wrapping your hands. “Alright. Fine. Let’s do this.”
You watched as Cassie got into her fighting stance and you chuckled to yourself a little as it reminded you of Johnny and Sonya combined to be honest. You got in your fighting stance as well.
Cassie wasted no time. She immediately tried to kick you in the stomach but you block it. She then tried to hit you in the chest and you blocked it again. Cassie then tried to do a spin kick on you but you dodged it.
She huffed. This was going to be tougher than she thought. (She should’ve expected that from her idol.) She tried to charge at you and kick you again but you grabbed her leg.
Instead of throwing her off of you, you pulled Cassie closer to you. Real close so her leg was actually wrapped around your waist. You looked down at her, your right hand on her chin. “Is this the sum of the great Shinnok’s defeater might? I thought you’d be more of a challenge.”
That infuriated Cassie and you knew it would. Cassie kicked at your legs and then kicked you in the stomach.
You almost lost your balance but you stood on the ground. “Not gonna lie - the way you just did that was kinda hot.”
Cassie got a little flustered. Were you doing this on purpose? Flirting with her so you could throw her off?
She went to kick at you but you dodged it. She tried to punch you in the chest but you grabbed her hand. You made Cassie punch herself in her face.
Cassie fell to the ground and hissed a little at the pain. “Ugh. What the fuck.” You laughed slightly. Cassie stood up from the ground. “How are you so good at this? You’ve blocked every hit.”
You snickered. You were gonna win the match. You knew that but you’d help her out so she could get some confidence. “Remember, I have fast reflexes.” You walked over to her and got behind her. “You’re a special one. You use your legs more in kombat than your hands so I learn to typically block you there. Also, you’re just like your father. You get frustrated really easily.”
At this point you were directly behind her. You breath was directly on her neck which gave her goosebumps. Your hands wrapped around her waist. “You get a little nervous when you get close to me. Your heart starts beating faster. That’s how I know I have all the control in the fight.”
The way your hands were pressed on Cassie’s body made her go crazy. She just wanted to keep your hands on her forever.
But she couldn’t. She wanted to win to prove to you that she was ‘badass.’
Cassie elbowed you in the gut and then flipped you over on your back. She then got on top of you with her arm on your neck. “How’s that for control?”
You coughed a little at her arm being on your neck. Your hands went to her hips. “I didn’t know you were a top, Cassie.”
Cassie tried to push away the feeling she had at the pit of her stomach knowing you were only saying this to throw her off. “I’m not surprised that you’re a bottom.”
You laughed slightly. You switched the positions so you were on top of Cassie. “I kinda like this. Maybe we should stop fighting.”
Cassie wanted to so bad to give in but she knew (or more so thought) you didn’t mean any of what you said and were just saying that to throw her off her game.
She kicked you in the stomach, making you fall on your back. Cassie quickly stood up from the ground and you followed.
Instead of kicking so much, Cassie made it a point to change it up. She tried to punch you three times. The forth one she had landed a hit on you.
You felt your chest a little. You were a little impressed. It was very hard for an opponent to land a hit on you because of your fast reflexes. You got back in your fighting stance.
Cassie tried to kick you but you blocked it. She punched you in the gut and then kicked you at your feet.
Cassie tried to stomp on you but you moved quickly and swept her own feet, making Cassie fall.
You got up from the ground. Cassie groaned in pain before getting back up. “Did I tell you how hot you look in that uniform? Cause you do.”
Cassie now could ignore your remarks and went to hit you. You blocked the hit. She kicked you at your leg and you almost fell down.
She tried to punch you in the face but you grabbed her fist. Then you pressed her against the wall.
Your arm went on her neck and you started to lightly press down. “I would give up if I were you. The last time I did this to someone they didn’t enjoy it. You probably would though.”
Cassie felt the air get knocked out of her lungs as you sort of choked her. She tried to figure out a way to escape but she couldn’t. Cassie tapped on your arm as her way of tapping out.
You release your grip on her neck but you didn’t back away from her. You still had her pressed to the wall. “Who’s the greatest of all time?”
Cassie let out a laugh before slapping your shoulder. “I am not telling you that you’re the greatest of all time.”
“Don’t be a poor sport about it.” You looked at Cassie and noticed that she had a disappointed look on her face. “Hey, don’t beat yourself up about it. You’re still good. Liu Kang and Kung Lao can’t even land a hit on me when we train together.”
Cassie felt a little better that you thought she was good despite her losing. She noticed how close you two were and also noticed that you didn’t back away. “So…what did you want? You know your prize if you won.”
You brought Cassie’s chin up so she was looking directly in your eyes. “I want a lot but I won’t be greedy.” You did something that Cassie wasn’t expecting.
You kissed her.
Cassie had to snap herself out of shock and kiss you back. Her hands wrapped around your neck and she pulled you in closer to kiss you.
Your hands went on Cassie’s hips. For her being a Commander you were a bit surprised at how soft her lips were. They felt like Heaven to you.
The two of you continued to kiss each other but it soon turned sloppy. You took your chance to stick your tongue in her mouth and Cassie moaned.
“Oh my gods. My eyes. They’re burning! They’re burning!”
You heard a familiar voice. The two of you pulled away and you looked to see Kung Lao covering his eyes as Liu Kang shook his head at his dramatics.
You rolled your eyes some and backed away from Cassie a little while Cassie looked beyond embarrassed. “You’re so over dramatic.”
“It’s like I just watched my sister kiss her girlfriend.” Kung Lao said still with his hands over his eyes.
You prevented yourself from rolling your eyes again and sighed. “What do you want Dumb and Dumber?”
“Raiden would like to speak to all three of us.” Liu Kang said before removing Kung Lao’s hands from his eyes.
“Of course the prehistoric bird wants to.” You looked over to Cassie. “I’ll see you later, Cassie. Maybe we can spar again later.” You said before kissing her cheek and beginning to walk over to your two friends.
Kung Lao groaned in pain. “Ugh. Don’t flirt with her in front of me. It’s bad enough I see Liu Kang and Kitana.”
You wrapped both your arms around their shoulders and began to walk with them. “What is that suppose to mean?” Liu Kang questioned him.
“It means he wants to claw his eyes out when he sees you two painfully flirt with each other.” You said.
“We do not painfully flirt with each other.”
“Tell that to my eyes.” Kung Lao said.
“I cannot stand the two of you.” Liu Kang commented.
Cassie watched as you walked away from her. She smiled and felt the cheek that you kissed. “She called me Cassie.”
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