ramenaddicted · 1 year
Synopsis: When push comes to shove and your AC goes out and is too expensive to fix, why not sell some feet pics to your mildly creepy coworker to help get it fixed?
What could possibly go wrong?👅🦶
AN: Hey there, this multi-chaptered fic is also available on my KoFi, consider supporting me for $2.00 a month and get access to fics before their posted here or on my A03.
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ramenaddicted · 1 year
Hey everyone, if you like my writing and want to continue to support me and see goodies before they get posted to Tumblr or Ao3, consider supporting me on KoFi for $2.00 a month.
You'll have access to an archive of my works plus you'll get early access before Tumblr and Ao3.
If you want to support me, go ahead and click the link.
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