asha-mage · 5 months
As I am decidedly not heterosexual I've only ever been able to examine the Lanfear stuff through a detached lens of narrative and analytic interest (though the magic thing about Robert Jordan is that basically his entire world and plot can stand up to that scrutiny), but heterosexual men have assured me repeatedly over the years that Lanfear's 'Selene' act in TGH a) would have worked on them and b) did represent a level of appeal that's Rand's ensuing Stupid(TM) re: Lanfear makes a lot of sense.
With that in mind I find it hilarious how the show has updated Lanfear's manipulation attempt, not to appeal to Rand but the audience, and what that says about the way what is attractive in women has shifted in the twenty odd years since TGH came out.
Basically, mysterious intelligent beautiful maidens who are eternally grateful to their rescuer are OUT and worldly confidant financially superior older women who wield their power over you in only benevolent and/or fun ways are IN.
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the-stone-of-queer · 9 months
Selene after she acted shocked to learn that Rand could channel
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ofthebrownajah · 10 months
Moiraine when she finds out Rand slept with one of the Forsaken:
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hahnspoetry · 1 month
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losing my mind over the way lanfear’s holding rand…
i need her to hold me like this
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twicetolivetwicetodie · 10 months
I get people not liking Rand/Selene being a thing. But toxic relationships make for good TV. And I say this as a Matt Murdock/Elektra Natchios shipper
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my-badships · 8 months
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Lanfear: What if I gaslit you confessed my love in the cursed, inter-dimensional void of perpetual thunderstorms?
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butterflydm · 6 months
So I read a few of the Josha interviews and he mentions that in s3 the Randfear dynamic continues and it continues to get more fucked up so there's definitely more fic fuel in s3
I was just reading those with much interest! I'm really intrigued by the way that Josha is describing the vibe of the relationship in s3 (he compared her to the Devil in one of the interviews but then also said he wants Rand to marry her, lol) and... if they do the doorway in s3, then that will lead to him feeling much more conflicted about what happens than he did in the books and it's a smart way, potentially, to get the audience to understand why Moiraine needs to set up a situation where she can get rid of Lanfear without Rand's involvement, because it's Lanfear herself that Rand feels conflicted about and it's not just Can't Kill A Woman Issues making it so that he is unable to do anything when she confronts him.
Or even if they wait until s4, but if Lanfear gets ~dealt with~ at the end of s3 then it makes a lot of sense for Josha to hype up that relationship in particular because it will be reaching its emotional climax during that season.
I'm actually really curious if/when they potentially bring Lanfear back in the final seasons (whether it be with Natasha or they recast due to TDO reincarnation stuff), if they'll actually have her choose to reject TDO (because her being able to choose the Light while NOT getting the prize of the man she wants at the end of it would be the real test of her character).
It really sounds like she's going to lean hard on ~no one understands you like I can, Rand~ in s3.
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cxsmiicc · 2 months
can i just
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i just love this so much okay bye
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black-ajah-hq · 10 months
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Selene looks so pleased with herself. The feeling of finally getting the man of your dreams that you've been chasing for 2000 years.
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samcoving · 9 months
I mean uh🥵
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asha-mage · 8 months
amusing that rand indirectly destroyed like half a city by initiating a booty call with his 3000 years old nuclear milf, though. oh, to be him.
Honestly this is SO GOOD. It dose such a good job of depicting the inherent danger and contradiction in Lanfear's relationship with Rand. She loves him, but she is a ruthless and hardened killer, a general in the Dark One's army, and a titan of the One Power in both knowledge and raw strength. Help from Lanfear is almost more damaging then her working against them, because she will never give it without it furthering her own goal (corrupting Rand) and when she DOES give it, it almost certainly will come with casual cruelty and death dealt out to the innocent. Rand describes it in TSR as like 'being loved by deadly viper' and he is dead on. She might not kill him to advance the Dark One's plans, but she might if he makes a wrong move or rouses her jealousy and anger, or else crosses some invisible line.
Also like, and this is an side, it's WILD to me that people are saying the last episode demonized Siuan or made her into a villain, when objectively the people whose actions are MOST dicey, most dangerous, and have the most deadly consequences, the most damage done to innocent lives, are Rand and Moiraine who respectively come up with and endorse the 'Rand asks his evil sugar mommy to get him out jail pretty please'. Like yeah, their backed into a corner but this is equivalent of enlisting the Joker to rescue you.
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the-stone-of-queer · 9 months
Selene whispering “I’m a monster too” in Rand’s ear. I have to imagine that in those 2 seconds before she started channeling and he still thought she was a normal person that he had to be thinking that was the most cringe thing he’d ever heard
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chaoslord29 · 11 months
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Moiraine: "Uh, Rand? What's with the hand?" Rand: "Huh? Oh! Sorry, this is just what I've gotten used to with Lady Selene." Moiraine: " . . . . " Rand: " . . . It's calming for her." Moiraine: " . . . . . !" Rand: "She says she can't take me seriously if I don't."
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markantonys · 9 months
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ofthebrownajah · 2 months
Fully invested in the Randfear drama this reread. This is 100% Natasha O'Keefe's fault
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my-badships · 9 months
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Who's idea was it? This little trick?
The Aes Sedai's -
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