#rapidly expanding
quiverdream · 28 days
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A return client of mine liked an idea I posted months ago of a BHM (with a very happy FA companion) soaking up all the water being pumped into a jacuzzi until it exploded around him. Hard to say if this destruction will be enough to get him to stop 🧐 if the pipe feeding the jacuzzi all that water is stuck into his belly off-screen, this is probably just the beginning.
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sinningtamer · 3 days
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back to bullying the assistant…
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sasspossrilla · 1 year
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Possums keep winning
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griffinavocado · 1 year
v1 has zero gender and v2 has every gender at the same time. like and reblog if y
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fatguarddog · 2 months
Watching those clips of dough rising in like pastries and bread as they bake has me looking at myself like god I wish that were me
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pippindot · 8 months
Lots of good vibes for Pip please. Her tummy is still getting bigger. She does not seem uncomfortable, and is in fact currently begging me for breakfast, but I don't like to see this increase. I'm suspicious this is actually a result of her very low protein diet, as she's having no other symptoms of liver distress. We all need some protein to build albumin, and albumin is what keeps your fluid inside your blood vessels. Low albumin means leaky vessels means ascites. There are some other liver formulations out there with slightly higher protein, so we might climb the scale. The main goal of low protein is to avoid neurological symptoms, and we haven't had any of those, so it should be safe to try. Nutrition consult tomorrow and I hope they're ready for the freight train.
Worst case, I may bip my little self on over to their ER and get some diuretics for her. The timing is very poor since we are traveling for Boofest, but at least we are going to be in an area with a lot of specialty services.
Most of all, she seems in good spirits and is not having any trouble breathing. Let's hope this is temporary and won't require long term medication to manage. I want to preserve her kidneys as much as we can.
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jade-of-mourning · 5 months
the problem with mako is that once you realize just how many insanely Layered Issues™ the guy has, you realize that you cannot shove them into a single oneshot like you'd planned and that you may possibly have to write about him for a very extended period of time to expand on all the many ideas that are rotting your brain.
(he's just so. so easy to give Fucked Up Brain Things to.)
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mangokabuto · 3 months
Im honestly surprised there's so little hanahaki content in the one piece fandom.
Not because its a particularly popular trope or anything, but just because it sounds like something that exists in the setting. Like, i have never seen a more plausable setting for hanahaki than the world of One Piece!
Doesn't it just sound like someone swallowed a Pop Green?
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skyward-floored · 4 months
I’m making a list of scenes/moments I want to write for the dragon warriors au, but are there any particular things people want to see?
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verdantglow · 3 months
As previously mentioned here, in my trafficstuck AU, the players are all adult trolls in the present day. Given how troll society functions, they can’t stay on Alternia & at various times, they all take off in various spaceships to wander the universe. I have spent way too much time thinking about how this would be arranged, so here’s the first two of six ships to leave Alternia. (Note: The crews have a tendency to shuffle around as time goes on; this is just how they are arranged after they take off but before Last Life.)
Ship 1
The first to take off, this ship carries Lizzie & Joel. Lizzie is a fuchsia blood & spent most of her life focused on the point when Her Imperious Condescension would decide Lizzie was old enough to be too much a threat to leave alive. Then, they would have their epic showdown that would, almost inevitably, end with Lizzie losing the fight & her life.
Joel was very much not down with this plan. Lizzie stubbornly insisted that she had to at least try to win, to take The Condesce down, but eventually Joel convinced her that, at very least, she deserved a more even playing field & to have the fight on her own terms. They decided the best way to do this was, well before their cohort was meant to take off, they would hack Lizzie’s battle ship & escape off planet, buying some time as they went into hiding.
Few of the players knew that Lizzie & Joel had this plan until a while after it went down. Joel first confided in Griann that they needed a grub that could get into the battleship’s systems. Griann suggested Joel reach out to Tangoh, who had grown the game grub for 3rd Life & who Grian insisted would be sympathetic to their cause & not rat them out. After a lot of dithering, Joel contacted Tangoh & Tangoh happily grew & coded a grub for them that could hack into a ship system & basically nuke any tracking that might be on it. In exchange, of course, Lizzie used her position to acquire some extremely rare & expensive tech bits for Tangoh. No questions were asked by either side.
Joel & Lizzie made a slightly rocky, but successful, escape on the hacked battleship, along with hefty amount of supplies. Big down side of their ship is that it can’t sustain FTL very long, as it’s so huge it’d really require psionics to maintain that kind of velocity. But really. They’re not in a rush to get anywhere, just wandering the more distant, empty parts of the universe for long stretches & making port extremely rarely at extremely secluded planets.
Ship 2
Troll life sucks. It sucks for kids, it sucks for adults, & it sucks more the lower on the hemospectrum you are. It especially sucks if you are a gold blood with psionics, given you can pretty much expect to get shoved in some high blood’s ship as an engine. It was that or get culled. So yeah, Impuls had a pretty grim fate to look forward to. Luckily, his moirail, Skizzl, would never let that happen.
With the help of their friend, Tangoh (& the parts Lizzie helped Tangoh acquire), they built a ship & the three of them took off together several perigees after Joel & Lizzie. Since then, they’ve been on the move for the most part, avoiding other Alternian ships as best they can. When they can’t avoid run ins with other trolls, Tangoh does all the talking, which makes sense because, as an indigo blood, he has the most social standing & unless they run into high bloods or royalty, he can generally talk &/or intimidate their way out of trouble. Impuls tries his best not to be around for such things, to minimize risk of being caught. If they’re taken off guard though, they will generally put up the pretense that he & Skizzl are in Tangoh’s “employ,” which usually works well as most troll’s don’t look too closely at a blue blood keeping a couple of low bloods around to take care of things for them. (The moment they’re alone again, though, Skizzl & Impuls gives Tangoh so much shit for using high blood vernacular & acting ‘all proper & shit.’ The poking of fun sometimes lasts days if Tangoh said something they deem particularly ridiculous.)
Fun fact: since they built their ship themselves, it is designed to have two operating modes: 1. It can self-propel & be steered using a navigation panel or 2. It can be controlled, entirely or partially, by Impuls. He & Tangoh teamed up to invent a, uh, less brutal method for hooking Impuls into the system, allowing him to use his psionics to take over various functions without literally being permanently melded with the ship. Given how most space travel is just ‘get a boost in a direction & coast,’ Impuls will often just jump in to set a course & let physics do the rest of the work. If they want to go really fast, like faster than light, he has to be fully controlling things as there really is no replacement for his batshit psionics in those cases. But really, his job as the ship’s helmsman is far more laid back than a psionic gold blood could hope for & he finds he quite likes it this way.
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nodirectionhome-ao3 · 7 months
Just sharing this (very brief) snippet from KSFM Chapter 30 because I've decided this should be my new life motto.😅
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raindropsonwhiskers · 5 months
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BG3 with @bird-of-paradox and @dyonisia96 is a lot of fun, but I do get the impression that our party dad wishes we would calm down sometimes
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itstheelvenjedi · 6 months
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Gale. Gale. Pls use smaller words she dropped out of spellcaster school bc it was Too Hard for Her 👉👈
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fizzarollitm · 1 month
insult comic Fizzarolli working at Ozzie's lives rent free in my mind. We don't see enough of Ozzie's to know what is/isn't normal so what if part of the night is ragging some poor couple. That night just had a personal angle to it once he spotted Blitz.
Ozzie would give him a space to vent some of his frustration too with the robots. He literally calls them freaks during his opening monologue and while his fans still come, he can get some shots in without alienating them because "its ozzies! its what you expect"
Also makes it funnier Moxxie took Millie to the sex version of Dick's Last Resort lmao
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r-biter · 3 months
Also the prev fic had poor knotting. How do u mess up knotting. How do u do minimalism to KNOTTING
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archersartcorner · 2 years
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23/06/18XX - Ginter has some realizations about young Volo.
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24/06/18XX - Ginter experiences strong emotions. (Note: Page here is torn.)
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25/06/18XX - Ginter decides on his approach regarding Volo and his trauma.
Part 4
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