enokvirkow ยท 16 days
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY @rebelichor !
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cyberpawn ยท 6 days
Send ๐ŸŒŸ for a headcanon about our musesโ€™ relationship
If Vale and Ari interacted as children, I can SO see Vale and Ari acting out the most dramatic, most thrilling plots with their stuffed animals and having in depth discussions on which of their plushies are the coolest/who is the smartest/etc!! Vale would introduce Ari to every single one of their stuffed animals and Ari would say hello the each one as well!! They're both adorable bundles of chaos!!
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prvtocol ยท 2 months
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@rebelichor : Brianne Landry, Director of Science Operations and evidently a double-edged weapon that cut both ways. She helped, and she hurt. She was with, but she she was against. The Resistance based in the Western Frontier were wary about an alliance, given the immense presence of Security Operations and how much of a crisis any leaked intel would create. There had additionally been mixed feelings about engaging with a woman so high up in one of the Resources Development Administration's most secretive operations โ€” their business was very much behind closed doors. Trust was lacking. On both sides, naturally. The meeting point was inside an abandoned research facility. The River Delta Station, Brianne would arrive by covert water transportation and as the only Sarentu bonded to an Ikran, Ariadne arrived on the outskirts of the marshes on the back of Katir. It was a brilliant location for the Director to choose. The Waterway Valley was more accessible, no sheer cliffs or difficult local weather patterns to navigate. Though there was also no Na'vi interference. Two outposts acted as a wall, a hydro injector neighbouring steam injector towers that guaranteed their privacy. Even though she had more of a diplomatic heart, Ahri would have been a fool if she wasn't even a little uneasy as she dismounted and gave a hearty pat to Katir's curious head. "Easy girl. Stay here, okay?" The throaty complaint of an ikran pierced the blanket of silence. Her arrival was hardly a secret now, though she felt prickles wash over her skin, as though she had already been watched. Unlike most abandoned facilities, this one had already been powered up again, and there was a faint scent that trailed in the air. It was with a crouch that the young Na'vi followed her nose into the small building, her tail sweeping and making contact with some of the equipment with a heavy thud. Her nerves were showing but she wouldn't admit to it.
The glitches of a dilapidated old computer console hold the directorโ€™s interest just as much as the overgrown potted plants at its side, but her snooping around the abandoned research facility comes to an end with the sudden awareness of anotherโ€™s presence in the vicinity โ€” the guttural chirp of a large animal hits her ears. Pin straight posture returns, elbows bending and hands folding softly at her front in nervous anticipation of the expected company to enter.ย 
Behind the perspex shield of her mask, bright eyes scan the blue features and bright accouterments donning the young Naโ€™vi woman who enters, and slightly clumsily at that. The thud raises the eyebrows on her otherwise neutral facade, but they drop just as fast and a hint of a smile grows; not in amusement but in welcome. Always a woman packaged in polite formality.
That Brianne is mildly disappointed at the chosen interlocutor will not move her features, unlike the concern held with being confronted by someone twice her size. Her hands wring at her front in discomfort. Messages sent by an encrypted comm-unit were not enough for the Resistance here to agree to work with her. Still, perhaps she should have sent a proxy also rather than go it herself. Too late now.
โ€œI was expecting the courtesy of making Dr. Cortezโ€™s acquaintence since I understand she is in charge of the Resistance in these parts. And you, you are not her.โ€ Unlike her posture's rigidity, her posh and accented voice is soft and melodic in its pacing with a put-on unaffectedness that pairs with her high position in the RDA. โ€œBut,โ€ she continues less dull and with head canting and a closed-mouth smile stretching in hope to invite trust into the arrangement. โ€œYou must be someone just as significant.โ€
The desire to appear trustworthy might seem contrary to someone willing to betray her people. If Mercer was more sound of mind and SecOps less in control of HQ, maybe she wouldnโ€™t be here โ€” but witnessing her subdivision scramble to keep afloat their research objectives amid funding cuts and her scientists incessantly put at risk and losing their lives in the field results in drastic measures. She seeks not an alliance per se, but a mutually beneficial scratch of each otherโ€™s backs.
โ€œMay I assume you understand my language?โ€ย 
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soldier-lodbrok ยท 2 months
Had Ariadne been asked if she remembered 'Glenn' she would have shaken her head no, he wasn't a constant presence and it was easy to fade into the background. Her mother insisted she would know the man but her memory disagreed โ€” the name didn't mean anything to her.
The year was 0002 and she was now eleven years old. Hardly the little sprout she had been when they last met, she looked like a proper person rather than an ankle biter these days.
It was only when she laid eyes on 'Colonel Lodbrok' that a sudden smile spread her lips wide. She knew his face. Knew that grin. He used to haul her up onto his shoulder or simply pick her up, he was very nice, and he'd probably let her get away with breaking most of the rules in the book so long as she looked at least a little sorry.
Vergil remained at their mothers side, subtly clinging onto Xemos' pants with wary eyes for the crowds of people around them. Ariadne on the other hand took off with a small jump and a skip to stand right in front of Glenn with a massive smile. It was her turn to wait for recognition to slap him between the eyes.
Glenn had not even noticed Xemos yet - and that said a lot, since the ex-SOLDIER was a towering presence. His mind far too occupied with two things: what to get Aerith for her 17th birthday and what to make of the recent subtle threats coming from Shinra regarding areas surrounding Midgar.
Walking along the planks in Cosmo Canyon, he had his own conversation in his head - when suddenly his path was blocked. Stopping, Glenn blinked at the little girl. She looked so... expectant?! Who-
It was the silver hair that knocked on his memory. A very rare trait, actually he only knew a handful who he had ever seen with that naturally. A glance up and spotting Xemos, with another little one clung to them, there was no doubt.
"Pineapple!", he exclaimed, grinning, before he simply grabbed Ariadne like he had done a few years ago, putting her up on his shoulder. He wished he could still do that to Aerith, but his girl had outgrown being too enthusiastic about that a while ago.
Walking over towards Xemos with Ariadne throned on his shoulder, his grin didn't even falter once.
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"What is it? I thought you'd sport that hairdo forever? Now you look like a little copy of your mom? I fear I have no sparkly star hairpins on me to pay you back this time..."
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tredispade ยท 2 months
Sol had been their neighbour since forever. The residential building was technically open to the public, but being in Sector 8 and being one of the newer apartment complexes nestled in the heart of the arts and entertainment district, it meant only the families who lived upper middle-class or beyond tended to make a home there.
Those with a shining background in Shinra especially.
Ariadne knocked on his door with more confidence than was normal for her. She had slowly slid back into her shell, had lost her sassy edge of childhood when she emerged into social circles that were too crushing on her soul. But there were still good people in the world.
People like Sol, who had been a constant. He had always been kind to her and her family, always seemed to have time for them even when it was something as silly as a little kid showing off some 'brand new trick!' that was childish and not all that impressive.
When his door opened, she held up a pan of lemon and blueberry bread, still warm from the oven. It was a wordless offer of a neighbour โ€” want some?
Sol was just a small kid when he and his family first moved into this building. Back then, he was too young and in awe over the big city to understand why they had to move at all. That his father essentially sold his ownership over their resort properties on Costa del Sol to become some Shinra office nobody. His father was high ranking, but still a nobody. hardly a fair exchange, but that was only Sol's opinion.
What really added insult to injury, and showed just how fleeting life was, he now lived alone in that massive apartment. His parents lived closer to HQ, while his sister pursued her own career. They weren't bad people for it, but he just didn't have it in him to just leave what he knew. He'd probably stay here until the place fell apart under him.
He thought about moving sometimes, but when a familiar knock sounded at his front door, he remembered why he chose to stay here. There was still one person here that he didn't want to abandon. He'd smile when he opened the door, seeing a familiar face and smelling something sweet and warm.
His answer to her question was to open his door wider and invite her in as he stepped back to make room, then just leaving the door open as he turned towards the kitchen. Lemon bread was one of his favorites. He could never say no.
"I was about to have some tea, if you'd like to join me." He was already gathering two glasses as if it was even an option at all.
Though the 'tea' was going to be more of a glass of wine or liquor he planned to drink alone before settling in for an early night in. He'd much rather have the company.
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sacredflorist ยท 2 months
For some reason Ariadne felt nervous searching for the sweet flower girl. She couldn't place her finger on it, but something in her was... alarmed. Like there were eyes watching her around every corner, but she tried to brush that off. It was a silly feeling that likely had gotten tangled up with her shyness.
Some of the girls above the plate were... brutal. The end result of cliques in her private school was like toxic waste. Maybe she was being dramatic, but she didn't much like the culture of bullying and competing with dumb games. And for once in her life, she felt pretty at ease around another girl, maybe even hopeful.
For only a short moment she hesitated, and then she knocked on the door. It looked like the place Aerith had described to her. She followed the fun hand-drawn little map the other had quickly made for her, like a treasure hunt. Surely this had to be the place.
Unprompted Ask | Always Accepting | @rebelichor
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Aerith jumps a bit when someone knocks. Well, maybe it's a bit silly, but she's not used to have people coming for her, and it's the Turks most of the time when it happens. She considers them as friends, but on the other hand, she knows their job is still to bring her back to Hojo's lab someday.
But when she opens the door, she notices Ariadne, and she smiles happily. The Turks often check on her from afar, even if Aerith prefers when they actually show themselves. She doesn't feel as lonely when it happens. But with Ariadne, maybe she could even think about a true blossoming friendship, and it means a lot to her.
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"Ariadne, it's nice to see you! Wanna come in ?" she offers, clapping her hands together. Maybe it's because Aerith is used to be on her own nowadays, bur she didn't really think her new friend would visit her like this. It's relieving, though.
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stratagemichor ยท 2 months
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This means WAR.... as soon as he frees himself from the boop pile!
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enokvirkow ยท 5 months
It had just been pictures. Flat on a screen. Made up of pixels. But Enok had leaned forward on his desk and stared as if he could climb through the screen and escape into this world.
Like Rika had triedโ€ฆ
Looking at Ariadne and listening to her explanation, Enok drew his own knees closer. He felt safer under her blanket, whispering like this.
โ€œI feel like I forgot everything from before. As if I never had a life before TAP. Butโ€ฆ there was. We were just small. Maybe too small for memoriesโ€ฆโ€
It was a sad thought. But true. There were no voices, just snippets of melodies and lines. No faces, just blurry scenes. The only thing truly left over wee feelings, a lot of them. And they were so overwhelming, Enok barely dared scratching the surface of them.
โ€œMrs. Cortez said, she would introduce us to a new teacher tomorrowโ€ฆ one, who would sho us more about Pandora and ll the plants. Do you think she lied to us? Do you think the new teacher will beโ€ฆ. like Cortez?โ€
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only-we ยท 10 months
"What do you want from me?"
The alley she had turned into was a lonesome one. She had fled, that much was clear. Fled in fucking anger. Had told her boyfriend off. Argued with him about his crew... how they followed after her every step. And she didn't want that.
Enok Virkow could call back his hounds all he wanted. Jacob wasn't one of them. And he had followed this girl for way longer than just today.
She was unique.
If all the rumours that crept through Nightcity like toxic waste through the sewage system... well. She was one of a kind. Resurrected. A soul come back. And she wasn't rich enough for that. Sure. She belonged to one of the most influential families here. Street and Corpo as parents. And her boyfriend was a the top, too.
But something like this little trick?
That was reserved for the elite. For Arasaka. At least until her...
Slowly, hands in his pockets, Jacob stepped towards her. The fumes of his cigarette clouding around his head. Though they couldn't dull the red light of where once his left eye had been. Now there was chrome reconstructing the machinery of a face. Roughly.
"Ah... I just want t'talk. That's all. Yer special. Very special. Not many manage to cheat death... you know?"
Breathing in, a grim smirk spread across his face. There was something unhinged in it. Something born from years of grief and insanity knocking on his door.
"I would like to know the details. Nothing more. Nothing less. Because, believe it or not: your sweetheart isn't the only one, who would like to drag someone back to life."
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loqis ยท 4 months
cut our losses. the sender won't make it; you leave them to die.
He had to make a choice here.
He had to make a choice - and even though he did not like it at all, the answer was really simple.
Ariadne was hurt, badly. And the ship was sinking, water was up to his waist already. He could try to carry her. He could try to get her through the narrow rooms and stairs up to the deck. He could get Ariadne and himself out of the sinking ship. He could try and avoid the attackers and find a piece of wood for them to stay afloat. He could try. If it were just them.
But they weren't alone here.
Little hands were grabbing at his clothes.
Serah hadn't made a noise so far, but now there was a slight whimper. The water might be at his waist, but it was up to her neck already. "It's okay, Serah. It's okay...", he tried reassuring her, grabbing his daughter and lifting her up on the crate beside Ariadne. There was so much blood. Another loud blaring and crashing of wood. The ship groaned and rattled like a wounded beast.
And it was enough to turn Serah's whimper into crying.
Loqi's hands still gripped at where the most blood pooled from - Ariadne's abdomen, though when he looked up, he met her eyes for a moment. And she must have known. She could read minds anyway. But in this moment she wouldn't even have to.
"I'm sorry...", he shook his head ever so slightly, whispering this apology, as if it would mean anything.
He could not get Ariadne out while also ensuring Serah would remain well. Ariadne would slow him down immensely. Maybe they wouldn't even make it to the top in time. Serah was just a child. She was his child. He had to pick.
His hands let go of Ariadne and Loqi grabbed his wailing daughter, cursing the bastards who had decided to attack a boat in an attempt to get any riches. Or the Naa herself.
Little Serah curled up into him an Loqi already had problems wading back through the waters. It was dark. The water pushed against him with such force, made him falter. He could only feel along the walls. Trusting that the crying near his ear meant Serah was with him and alive. As long as she cried, she breathed. He had to get her out of here. He had to get his daughter out of the darkness he left Ariadne in.
I'm sorry.
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soldier-lodbrok ยท 2 months
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versus-written ยท 10 months
"I want you to shake on that." โ€” Death
"Shake on what exactly, little goddess? That I won't hunt you and your friends down? I can assure you, I am doing nothing of that sort."
There was almost a chuckle, raspy and guttural, before he took another sip. No one else in the tavern seemed to mind him, not even look at him. Just this silver-haired girl. With her big demands, she didn't seem to understand. She was smart. She had caught on, what his presence meant. But she didn't quite grasp it yet.
"I don't hunt. I am merely... there. There is no way to avoid me. Not even for you. And I just wait. I don't need to hunt you, little goddess. Your own foolishness and that of your merry band is rushing you right into my arms. You need to think about that."
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noblehcart ยท 1 year
โœจ โ€” chinhands. I love this kind of prompt.
Send me a โœจ(or 'sparkle' if you can't see it) and I will answer with what I think your muse would wear as a fragrance! Multimuses, please specify which muse! @rebelichor
OKAY SO I had to get creative with this one, but knowing what I know about Ariadne- she's a traveler, does a lot of nature, she's clever, curious and friendly. She gives me wood nymph vibes, but deadly if pressed. So I'm thinking a spicy-woodsy scent like the "Opium Eau de Parfum" by Yves Saint Laurent but the 2009 formulation. Perfumes are constantly getting reformulated unfortunately, but I think this spicy amber would be perfect for her!
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The first notes are very fresh and citrusy before mellowing into the heady scent of myrhh & jasmine which gives a certain 'mystery' and dries down into the natural amber with a punch of depth thanks to the patchouli to carry on the mystery (in part with the opoponax) and sweetness of the vanille that smooths it all together. You get the amber mystery, but also the nature representation of the florals and woodsy-like smelling patchouli and myrhh. Its a fine line of playful mystery that makes me think of Ariadne.
Another option however IF you want more woodsy nature is Deep Forest by Mancera.
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It's described as a woody-amber with warm spice and its top notes don't hold back with leather, incense, cloves, oud, with brightness of bergamot and orange. Middle notes of flowers like violet, rose, orange blossom and some patchouli with a dry down of notes of wood, amber, vetiver, vanilla for some sweetness and white musk to meld it together into a softer scent.
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cyberpawn-arc ยท 1 year
Dear Jackie Welles ๐Ÿ˜Œ
Send me one "Dear---" and I'll write a letter to this person
Dear Jackie Welles,
Hey! s'been a while since I last saw you. A few months and I wasn't around for a lot of them. While people were mournin you I was on an operating table in a basement. I swore I heard your voice a few times choom. I thought that maybe I was going through an awful nightmare where this all was fake and that Heist wasn't real and we were going to wake up tomorrow to your moms cooking and everything was going to be okay
It wasn't though. It wasn't okay because you were gone the next time I woke up. I woke up and you were gone and your jokes were gone and I felt like a part of me got fuckin ripped out of my chest and spat on by people who didn't even know you. Those fuckhead strangers took you from us all and it's my fault. They don't know what light they took outta the world. My therapist (yeah I got one, that's a surprise,r ight?) told me writing letters helps people grieve
I really hope it helps. cause this hurts
next time i see you im gonna probably punch you for deltaing on me so early
and then hug you
this time i wont let go
i promise
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stratagemichor ยท 11 months
01.ย  ย  ย pockets.
A peek at whatโ€™s inside.
It's a running joke among Vergil's (admittedly small) friend group that he never has empty pockets - mostly because his phone is always there, when it isn't in his hands. That said, other common items are:
Some coins and/or notes
Wrapped candies
Spare USB / flash-drive
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somnus-lucis-caelum ยท 2 years
@rebelichorโ€‹ | X
He had not known what to expect of god-children. But these two certainly already acted... strange. Why were they mustering him so much? Why was she simply snatching a bowl out of his hands? Had they never learned manners? Well... did gods even need manners?
It was a strange concept. Gods. But with the faces of little babes. It was a concept that did not sit well with Somnus. it did not make sense. Gods were aeons old. Not... a few years?
And why was she so all-knowing and inquisitive? Baha? Who was... Bahamut?! Somnus' face surely gave away how confused he was. He had... no answer as to why exactly.
"You will have to ask Bahamut himself. He decides whom he blesses and for which reasons."
Nonetheless, Somnus was still young himself. And his pride felt a little battered at this accusing question.
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"Probably because I am worthy of his blessings. Strong, a good warrior, fierce. Ready to take on the threat of the Starscourge and eradicate it with the blessings I have been given... Should you not know that better than I? You will be the ones giving blessings later. Whom would you pick?"
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