#redacted asmr d.a.m.n.
eggyboyoart · 11 months
I want a freelancer revenge arc.
In the E&E games (Alternate universe where Inversion didn't happen), I want freelancer to scheme with Lasko to be placed in the exact same events as Kody and one-up him in everything.
'A freelancer can never be as good as a specialist' my ass, I want freelancer to absolutely OBLITERATE Kody in every. single. event, then act like it was no big deal.
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Freelancer, who placed first and speaking VERY loudly: oh yeah, that event? so easy, barely even broke a sweat haha >:3
Kody, who placed second behind them:
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milophiliac · 2 years
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A/N : I've been working on this for quite a while now so I hope y'all like it :) Also I didn't proofread I'm not patient enough for that shit- Word Count : o.6 k Genre : Fluff? Warnings : None
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The air was crisp, "Autumn evenings," Lasko thought to himself "always so nice. Why can't we always have nice evenings? Summer evenings could use a bit of an upgrade- I mean- who actually wants to walk in the summer heat with all that humidity, it just sounds like such a-"
"LASKO," Lasko's thoughts were cut off by Damien. "LASKO HEY," Damien ran to him. "Hey Damien- What's up? What'd you want? I mean if it's something related to your course then I'm sorry but I'm kinda busy right now? But I promise as soon as I get there tomorrow-" "Oh no actually-" Damien cut him off "-I wanted to uh catch up. It's been a while, and especially after the inversion and everything, we haven't really been able to talk.. have we?"
"Uh yeah I suppose, if you're in no rush though I'd like to go home and freshen up first-" Lasko paused "-if you don't mind that is." He looked up to find Damien looking at his phone. "Huh? Oh- Oh yeah I don't mind going to your place don't worry about it, it's kind of sudden and everything."
Lasko fiddled with the keys before opening the door to his cold apartment. "What gave you the idea? The sudden plan to hang out and everything- n-n-not that I have an issue with it or anything- That's not what I mean-" The Fire Elemental looked at him, Lasko really didn't remember. "I don't know, would you rather that I come at a different time or something? I don't want to cause any inconvenience," he looked back at his phone. "Oh no," Lasko replied "-nothing like that, I'll be back."
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The both of them walked out of Lasko's apartment only to go to Damien's house for some coffee. Damien opened the door as Lasko walked in. Damien closed the door behind the both of them. They walked to the living room, Lasko looked at Damien only to see him smiling. "Wh-what's the smile for?" Damien laughed, " OKAY GUYS YOU CAN COME OUT NOW JEEZ-" "SURPRISE" Huxley, Freelancer and Gavin yelled. "S-surprise? Surprise for what?" Lasko asked. "Dude you serious?" Huxley asked in return. "You sure we didn't get the date wrong, Gavin?" Gavin scrunched his eyebrows "I don't know- I really though I got it right-" "Th-The date? Huh-" Lasko paused ", Oh my god... You guys... I- I don't what to say... I didn't r-remember it and I really though no one else would care enough I-" The earth elemental cut Lasko off with a hug "- Happy birthday buddy." Lasko felt like his voice was stuck in his throat. Freelancer looked at Gavin "Okay my bad, I blamed you too soon," they laughed. Gavin looked over at the air elemental "Hey, you okay Lasko? We can stop all this if you want, it's okay to say that you don't like the surprise," "No-" Lasko laughed "Y-you guys really didn't have to do this- Th-this is nice really, I love it so much I just-" he sobbed "Oh my god I'm crying- Th-thank you... So much.." Damien looked at Lasko, "Hey, c'mon now no need to thank anyone." Gavin nodded "We're your friends Lasko, friends do this kinda of thing." Huxley smiled "Hey.. I'm not great with the whole crying thing but.. Gavin's right Lasko, we're your friends. Friends do this type of thing for each other, dude." Lasko sobbed, "Mhmm, I see that. and you guys are my friends.. the best friends I've ever had."
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© All content belongs to @milophiliac. Do not copy, translate, modify or repost any work. Reblogging however, is very much appreciated.
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frog-0n-a-l0g · 2 months
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Damn crew.
Huxley is the big one. The fur on him is soft
Gavins the one with the candy swirl
Damien is the tiny one with blue bowtie
Laskos the one with the red bowtie
Freelancers the one with the candy cane
Thanks for coming to my Ted talk
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evsstolenhearts · 8 months
Imagine going bowling and you see your over achiever fire elemental classmate hard core simping for a jacked oblivious earth elemental while your counsler dies inside as a incubus flirts with him and your freelance gets continuous strikes.
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la1n3ybaby · 6 months
redacted couples but they’re songs bc fuck u
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david and angel: Something Stupid by Frank and Nancy Sinatra
lovely and vincent: I See The Light from Tangled OR Love Story by Taylor Swift (i have so many for them but these are the top 2)
sunshine and elliott: Once Upon a Dream from Sleeping Beauty
milo and sweetheart: Dangerous Blues by The Young Veins
ollie and baby: Paper Rings by Taylor Swift
darlin and sam: My Love Mine All Mine by Mitski
asher and babe: Accidentally In Love by Counting Crows (you know why)
starlight and avior: Lovers Rock by TV Girl
cutie and geordie: Turn The Record Over by Emina Sonnad (oh my god they make me so sad)
gavin and freelancer: We’ll Never Have Sex by Leith Ross (ik it’s ironic but like guys listen.)
guy and honey: Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy by Queen
damien and huxley: Valentine by Laufey
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if i forgot someone it’s bc i haven’t listened to their playlist, don’t know enough abt them, or don’t care <3
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crysoon · 1 year
gavin: can i get your phone number?
damien, visibly texting: i don’t have a phone
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Lasko "my anxiety has no influence on my way of expressing love" Moore Headcanons From A Lasko Kinnie:
-When he stutters for too long, he will eventually go "Lasko!" in a somewhat scolding tone to snap himself out of it. It helps nine times out of ten.
^He has gotten weird looks from colleagues for it before and his stuttering and anxiety only got worse throughout those conversations because of it.
-He can't draw realistic things. Like, at all. But he is pretty good at little, cartoonish doodles.
-Lasko's taste in music goes from lo-fi to Alt/Punk Rock. It's one or the other and nothing in between.
^Lasko has three playlists and they're titled: "Quiet" "Play this when someone asks what sort of music I like" and "Loud". You can guess what is in each of them.
^^He once gave Gavin his phone while the crew was hanging out and Gavin connected it with Freelancer's speakers and put the "Loud" playlist on. Lasko, Freelancer, and Damien now regularly exchange songs they like and let each other borrow CDs.
-Lasko had an alt phase and will take that secret to the grave because he thinks it's embarrassing (even though it looked really good on him).
^This is why he's good at doing makeup.
^^He can't do makeup on other people. He will literally poke their eyes out. But he is very gentle and patient with himself.
^^^His hair was dyed half red and half white once.
-Lasko listens to Audio RP to fall asleep and is embarrassed about it.
-Lasko sweats really quickly, which is why he dislikes summer - he has to shower nearly every day or he'll be self-conscious about the way he smells and feel disgusting the whole day.
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sincerelywhistler · 1 year
Alexa, play Red Wine Supernova by Chappell Roan
Hot Boi Summer season is nearly upon us, my friends! So what better way to soothe the heat is there than to drink cherry slushies with our beloved yassified Incubus✨🤍
i miss him so dearly
(Credit to the shirt goes to radiostarkiller’s IG lmaoo)
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dani-ya-dig · 1 year
I have seen at least 5 different people complain abt the new DAMN squad audio on tik tok. Why?? I love it I thought it was great!
“It feels like they are all doing their own thing and ignoring freelancer”. Look there is only so much that can be done to include the listener into audios like that and still keep it ambiguous and even with that considered I think it was great! It just felt like a bunch of friends hanging out. Freelancer was very much included, they just weren’t the subject of the audio, which is what hanging out in a group of people is like. And even then they had like little moments where Gavin would just have a little side with FL and even kissing them. Like why are they mad??
And then like some people were mad abt Gavin teasing Lasko abt the 7 11 thing and making innuendos towards him. WHERE TF HAVE YOU GUYS BEEN FOR THE ENTIRETY OF THE DAMN STORY??? THATS WHAT GAV DOES WITH LASKO!! HE TEASES HIM! Also that’s even without getting into how Gavin presents himself in situations where he doesn’t know the people well because he has been boiled down to nothing more than sex which was like the biggest part of his character development so how can you just ignore that??
Ugh this is a stupid ramble but it bothers me sm.
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pasteloctoz · 1 year
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Made this and it was too funny not to post.
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frog-0n-a-l0g · 8 months
FL and Hux being smoking buddies.
Hux: dude so like, yk when some food hits so bad you wish you could fuck it? Would that be like happiness or would gav feed off that.
FL: wait. If feeding is food, and gav feeds on sexual energy, is that what gav thinks every time he feeds?
Hux: dude I think we made a breakthrough
FL: dude same
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burgerkingussy · 1 year
everything we know about Lasko’s listener so far:
• they stay late on campus too
• they like listening to Lasko ramble
• they’re kind and they reassure Lasko a lot 💓
• they first met Lasko in January
• they don’t want Lasko to be nervous
• they transferred to D.A.M.N. from Kennedy and they’re new to the Dahlia area
• they’ve only been teaching at D.A.M.N. for a semester and they felt a little overwhelmed at first
• they teach full time
• they teach a water elemental command class (yay! a non-jerk water elemental character)
• they’re a water elemental, not a freelancer who specializes in water elemental magic
• they’re an “impressive” water elemental who’s “amazing” reputation proceeds them
• instead of just telling Lasko to not apologize they ask him why he does, which shows them as a thoughtful person in my mind
• they said they feel comfortable around Lasko
• they sit on Lasko’s desk (!!!!!) (smartass energy lol) WHILE HE IS SITTING AT IT
• they make him laugh a lot
• they like being physically close and “around” Lasko
• they support him in his efforts to be more self-confident and self-assured
• they check-in with Lasko throughout the audio to make sure that he is still comfortable with them being there and talking to him 🥹
• they make it hard for Lasko to focus (ahem!)
• they’re “very sweet” and “really observant” and “forward”
• they’re a flirt and smooth and give compliments (according to Lasko)
• they make Lasko feel seen 😭😭
• they are humble and patient
• they were willing to accept Lasko turning them down
• they want Lasko to be more patient with himself 💞
• they have soft hands apparently
and last but not least,
• the listener is down BAD for Lasko
and who can blame them?
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evsstolenhearts · 8 months
You got drunk!!!! Who do you calll??? Episode 2
D.A.M.N Squad edition!!!
Lasko: fucking worried. Are you okay!?!?! Makes sure you are just drunk, not roofied or nothin'. Will pick up the phone, he's a light sleeper. 50/50 chance someone finds out, if they ask abt u bc they where worried, he will tell em. Let's you crash at his place if u need. Will probably get you pain meds and make sure your fully sober in the morning. Will advise going to class (for obvious reasons) but won't push.
Damien: 90% chance he picks up. Won't give you shit when he picks you up, will probably be silent on the car ride. Most likely takes you to your place and probably goes back to his place. May let you crash at his. Will make sure you are okay in the morning then give you shit.
Huxley: BABY IS WORRIED. are you okay? Did someone try anything with you? Your just drunk, not drugged, right? Your not sick? YOUR OKAY? probably takes you to ur place AND crashes at ur place, i hope you remeber hes there, might be a spook. Will be the most chill.
Gavin: you.... you called Gavin? Probably doesn't know how alchohol really works, so he makes freelancer get you.
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vilf-lover · 4 months
i’m trying to lie down and mind my fucking business when all of a sudden i remember the “i’m out.” damien pleaded and then begged to be killed during inversion-
i can truly go on and on about this because there is truly nothing else sadder than seeing his absolute desperation because he had based his worth off of how he could provide and how strong he is. his academic success and impressiveness is what has carried him through his life as well as impressing his mother. when he needed it most, he couldn’t use the only thing he believed he was good for and therefore wanted his life ended (along with the fact that he thought was going to die anyway). i haven’t listened to inversion in a long time but i can practically hear the utter defeat when he believes his life purpose has not served him or others properly. damien used to be the person i went back to listening to so often, because at the time, i had truly related. i don’t know, i think he gets recognition but he needs even more so when taking into account all that he’s done and dealt with
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i had an idea and now i’m gonna put it in y’all’s heads too.
what if when Laskos new listener meets the gang they can see Caelum?
JUST IMAGINE imagine after everyone introduced themselves they just go “and who is he?” pointing at Caelum BUT APART FROM GAVIN AND FREELANCER IT LOOKS LIKE THEY ARE POINTING AT NOTHING
do the others know Caelum exists? idk but they will then lmaoo
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