#residential roofing
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With summer finally here, it’s the time of year that many homeowners are looking to get outdoors and enjoy the sunshine and all of the various fun and activities that summer brings with it.
Unfortunately, with the arrival of summer, we also have the arrival of hurricane season, and all of the tumultuous weather that can bring along with it from time to time. If you are like most homeowners, you want to do everything in your power to make sure that your home is adequately protected from these summer storms, and one of the best places to start is with your home’s roof. Your roof forms the first line of protection your home has against the elements, and as such, it is important to make sure that you give your roof the care and attention it needs to make it through the summer months in one piece. So where do you start when you want to protect your roof from the summer storms? In an effort to help you with this dilemma and help make the process a little bit easier for you, our team of professionals have taken the time to put together this short list detailing a few of our top tips for protecting your home’s roof from anything the weather can throw at it this summer.
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As you likely know, water is extremely talented about finding its way into your home through any conceivable leak or gap that might exist on the exterior of your home. Sometimes, these gaps or cracks can be difficult to spot, especially if you are trying to spot them from the ground. One of the most important maintenance tasks you can take when it comes to your home’s roof is to make sure that you have a professional come out and provide you with a full roofing inspection. During the course of this inspection, a roofing professional will be on the lookout for any subtle signs that your roof might be experiencing issues, especially leaks, and help you address them right away. While these leaks might not amount to much on their own, they can very easily become a serious problem for your roof and your home overall if a particularly rough storm rolls through the area. Professionals will also be able to spot any of the smaller issues that tend to go unnoticed with a home’s roof and have them repaired before they have a chance to cause any damage to the rest of your home.
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If you have a property with a great deal of overhanging foliage and trees, now is the time to start taking a look at what should stay and what should most likely be trimmed back. While that large oak tree that overhangs your home might look nice and give your home characters, those branches could spell disaster if one were to come down on top of your roof in the middle of a storm. Take the time now to inspect the trees around your home or have a professional do so. During this inspection, you will want to take note of any dead branches that might be a threat to the safety of your home’s roof and trim back any overhanging limbs that could cause damage to your home if they were to come down in the middle of a storm.
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There are many homeowners out there that don’t truly appreciate the important role that gutters serve on your home. While many think that gutters are almost purely for decoration, they actually perform the vital function of directing rainwater down off of your roof and away from the foundation of your home. This helps to relieve the pressure on your roof and make sure that water doesn’t get somewhere it isn’t supposed to be. Now is the time to get up there and make sure that your gutters are clear of any leaves and other debris that might prevent them from functioning like they should. Clogged gutters can cause rainwater to pool on top of your roof, letting it leak in under your shingles or tiles, and cause serious damage to your roof’s structure. Conversely, the added weight from this extra water could actually cause your gutters to tear away from the side of your home, leaving you with a serious mess and serious potential damage on your hands.
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If you are looking for a professional Houston Roofing contractor then please call 1-713-799-8555 or complete our Online Request Form here. We look forward to serving you.
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jimmysroofingllc · 2 months
Jimmy's Roofing LLC | Metal Roofers San Antonio
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It's very important to make your metal roofers San Antonio and Boerne last longer and last better. So, coatings for metal roofs are very important to keep the roof in good shape. Two big benefits of these coatings are that they keep out the weather and make your roof last longer.
Get a stable, good roof for your home or business from Jimmy's Roofing LLC. The roof is one of the most important barriers that protects your home from the weather and keeps its structure strong.
We do many things in San Antonio and Boerne, and one of them is expertly applying metal roof coatings. Protecting your investment for years to come, the right maintenance and coating solutions can make your roof work better and last longer.
Anytime you need metal roofing Boerne or San Antonio, you can count on Jimmy's Roofing LLC. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help you keep your roof stable and in good shape. 
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4squareroofing · 4 months
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allstarroofers · 7 months
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All Star Roofing Vancouver distinguishes itself as the go-to partner for unparalleled roofing solutions throughout the Vancouver area. Backed by a stellar reputation for excellence and extensive experience, we specialize in delivering top-quality roofing services, encompassing installations, repairs, and replacements. Our highly skilled team is wholly committed to ensuring the longevity and durability of your roof, offering personalized solutions tailored to meet your specific needs. Whether engaged in residential or commercial roofing projects, we place customer satisfaction, transparency, and unmatched craftsmanship at the forefront. Additionally, our comprehensive range of roofing services extends to include skylight installations, torch-on roofing applications, shingle repairs, and flat roof solutions. Experience the enduring durability and reliability of our roofs, providing unparalleled protection for your property.
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Emergency Roof Repair Services
When it comes to protecting our homes, there's nothing more important than the roof over our heads. But what happens when that very same roof starts to fall apart? Homeowners know all too well the stress and panic that comes with a damaged or leaky roof. That's where emergency roof repair services come in - providing quick, reliable solutions for unexpected roofing issues. In this blog post, we'll explore everything you need to know about emergency roofing services and why they're an essential part of any homeowner's maintenance plan. So grab a cup of coffee and let's dive into the world of emergency roof repairs!
What is emergency roof repair?
Emergency roof repair is a service that provides repairs for roofs that have been damaged by severe weather or other unforeseen circumstances. This type of repair is typically performed by a team of trained professionals who are equipped with the necessary tools and materials to safely and effectively repair the roof. In most cases, emergency roof repair services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. If you have a roof that has been damaged by severe weather or another unforeseen circumstance, it is important to contact a professional emergency roof repair service as soon as possible. Time is of the essence when it comes to repairing a damaged roof, as the longer you wait, the greater the chance of further damage occurring. A professional emergency roof repair service will be able to assess the damage and determine the best course of action for repairs. In many cases, they will be able to perform the repairs on-site, which can save you time and money. It is important to remember that not all roofing companies offer emergency roof repair services. If you find yourself in need of this type of service, be sure to ask if the company you are considering offers this type of service before making your final decision.
What are the benefits of emergency roof repair services?
There are many benefits of emergency roof repair services. The most obvious benefit is that it can help to prevent further damage to your home or business. A leaking roof can cause serious damage to the structure of your building, as well as any belongings inside. Emergency roof repair services can help to seal up any leaks and prevent further water damage. Another benefit of emergency roof repair services is that it can save you money in the long run. If you wait to repair a leaking roof, the damage will only get worse and may eventually require more extensive and expensive repairs. By fixing the problem right away, you can avoid costly future repairs. Emergency roof repair services can also help to improve the appearance of your home or business. A damaged roof can be an eyesore, but a professional repair job can make your property look like new again. This can increase its curb appeal and potentially increase its value.
How to find a reputable emergency roof repair company
If you need emergency roof repair services, it's important to find a reputable company to work with. There are a few things you can do to ensure you find a good roofing contractor: 1. Get referrals from friends or family members who have used emergency roof repair services in the past. 2. Research potential contractors online and read customer reviews. 3. Make sure the contractor is licensed and insured. 4. Get multiple quotes from different contractors before making a decision. 5. Ask the contractor for references from past clients.
What to expect from an emergency roof repair company
If you are in need of emergency roof repair services, it is important to know what to expect from the company you hire. Here are a few things you can expect from an emergency roof repair company: -24/7 availability: One of the most important things you can expect from an emergency roof repair company is that they will be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This means that no matter when your roof leaks or collapses, they will be there to help. -Quick response time: Another thing you can expect from an emergency roof repair company is a quick response time. Most companies will aim to arrive at your property within 2 hours of receiving your call. -A free consultation: When you contact an emergency roof repair company, you should expect to receive a free consultation. During this consultation, the roofer will assess the damage and provide you with a quote for the repairs. -Quality repairs: Finally, when you hire an emergency roof repair company, you can expect to receive high-quality repairs. The roofer will use only the best materials and techniques to ensure that your roof is repaired properly and will last for years to come.
How to prepare for emergency roof repairs
When your roof is damaged, it's important to act fast and get emergency roof repairs as soon as possible. But before you call a roofing contractor, there are a few things you can do to prepare for the repair process. 1. Make sure the area around your home is clear of debris. This will help the roofing contractor access your roof quickly and safely. 2. If possible, take photos of the damage to your roof. This will help the contractor assess the extent of the damage and plan for repairs accordingly. 3. Create a list of questions for the contractor. This will help you get all the information you need about the repair process and what to expect. 4. Choose a reputable contractor with experience in emergency roof repairs. Get recommendations from friends or family, or check online reviews to find a reliable company. 5. Have your budget ready before contacting a contractor. Emergency roof repairs can be costly, so it's important to know how much you're willing to spend on repairs ahead of time.
Emergency roof repair services can be a lifesaver when your home's roof has suffered serious damage. A good roofing company will have the expertise, technology and resources necessary to make sure that your roof is repaired quickly and properly so you don't have to worry about further damage. If you ever find yourself in need of emergency roof repair services, make sure to find an experienced professional who can get your home back into shape as soon as possible.
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davidboggsroofer · 1 year
Roof Leakage and Repair Solution | John David Boggs
Roof leakage is a common problem faced by many homeowners. If left unaddressed, it can cause serious damage to your property and lead to expensive repairs. Read a blog by John David Boggs a professional roofing contractor to know leakage repair solutions.
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1stalertroofing · 1 year
Affordable Roofing Services in Florida: 1st Alert Roofing
We offer the best and most affordable roofing services in Florida. We take pride in our work, and always make sure that our customers are happy with the end result. We understand that a new roof is a big investment, so we offer competitive rates. Contact us today to get a free estimate!
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safetoproofing · 1 year
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Safe Top Roofing & Remodeling is a GAF certified residential and commercial roofing contractor helping you to secure your investment with FREE roof inspections and estimates. We also provide complete home and business renovation and remodeling services; Interior/Exterior Painting, Flooring, Concrete, Siding, Gutter Systems, Hail & Storm Damage repairs.
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championexteriors3 · 2 years
Champion Exteriors offers comprehensive residential roof inspection services in the South Jersey area. Our team of certified inspectors can identify and repair deficiencies on your roof to keep you safe from storms, reduce the chance of leaks and water damage, improve energy efficiency, and prolong the life of your roof. Visit our website: https://bit.ly/3QDECyW.
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This is part one, of a two part series regarding Metal Roofing. With the world's weather being stranger than ever (or so it seems), we thought we would give some insights, both good and bad, into Metal Roofing. We will begin with the PROS!
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Metal roofing is an excellent option for most homes. Today, there are tons of options available to fit in with the design of any home, and they’re designed to be longer-lasting and more durable than other types of roofing. Some of the biggest pros to having a metal roof include the following:
A Houston shingle roof is only going to last somewhere between 12 to 20 years, depending on the quality of materials and installation. A metal roof, however, can last between 40 to 70 years, depending on the type of metal used and the installation. Homeowners who want to save money by not having to repair or replace their roofs as frequently may consider a metal roof. They won’t have to worry about any repairs or replacements for quite a while. 
The durability of roofing is crucial, especially in cities like Galveston, TX, where severe storms and hurricanes are possible. Metal roofs can sustain higher winds, up to 140 miles per hour, when they’re installed properly and can be resistant to impact, which certainly occur. It is still crucial to inspect them occasionally of course, as to make sure everything is holding up properly, but the roof won’t corrode or crack, making it an excellent option when durability is required. 
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Wildfires and lightning strikes can happen at any time as well. When they do, shingle roofing can ignite from small sparks, leading to a house fire. Metal roofing, however, is safer. It’s not going to spark or ignite into flames, so it can help protect the home further from significant damage. 
Take homeowners in Bunker Hill Village, TX, for example. They know just how hot the area can get. Metal roofs are designed to help reflect the UV and infrared lights from the sun, keeping the entire roof cooler no matter how hot it is outside. This can result in 10 to 25% lower cooling costs, saving homeowners a significant amount of money in the long run. 
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Metal roofs, depending on what options are chosen, can be made from recycled materials. They’re also completely recyclable when they’re replaced, unlike shingle roofs that can’t be recycled at all. Plus, since they last longer, there are fewer wasted materials used during the installation or repair of metal roofs, adding to the benefits for the environment. 
Our next post will cover the CONS of Metal Roofs. Be sure to check back, they are interesting.
All that said, we have many roofing options that can fit your budget and needs. So do consider Precision Roof Crafters when it's time to repair or replace your roof. We do not disappoint... and though we service all 50 States, know that our Home base is in Houston, Texas. We will be bringing lots of Educational Material to this particular blog, and it will be given from Roofing Masters, not just paid performers, so be sure to follow or check in with us.
Of course, should you have any roofing issues, do consider us! We have a 28 year track record and almost 30,000 Successful Jobs completed... with ZERO FAILURES. Visit our website (link below) or checkout this short, 3rd party, independent video review of our company: >>> CLICK HERE <<<
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zicklincontracting · 2 years
Contractor Near Me
Zicklin contracting, Cover All Aspects Of Roofing - From Small Repairs To Replacing New Roofs. Our Highly Skilled And Experienced Roofing Teams Are Directly Employed. Friendly Team. Certified Company. Local Service. All Work Guaranteed And Impressive Quality Exterior Renovation And Maintenance Services Boost Overall Value To Your Property. More Than 35 Years of Experience. Call Or Enquire Online For Free +1-347-495-4959. Website : https://zicklincontracting.com/
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nicktraceyroofing · 2 years
Best Roofing Contractor In Bedford NH | 603-921-1706
Nick Tracey Roofing offers residential and commercial roofing in Merrimack and Bedford New Hampshire. We guarantee best quality workmanship, speed, and reliability. for:  asphalt shingle roof replacement or repair, full roof installations, EPDM and TPO rubber low slope roofing, roof shoveling/ice dam removal, skylight replacement and installations. Free estimates & inspections. Call: 603-921-1706
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ivorywork · 2 years
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coastroofingkings · 2 years
Roof Installation In Tampa
West Coast Roofing of Florida is a locally owned and operated roofing company that provides quality roof installation services near you. We are experienced in all types of roofs, from single-family homes to commercial businesses. Our team of experts will work with you to choose the right type of roof for your home or business, and we'll provide a detailed estimate before beginning any work. You can trust West Coast Roofing to deliver on all of our promises! (813)-282-4000
Phone: 813-282-4000
Website: http://www.flwestcoastroofing.com/
Address: 11615 Constance Dr, 11615 Port Richey, FL 34668 United States
Watch video:
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clearcutxteriors · 2 years
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Clear Cut Xteriors LLC is a Minnesota-based roof inspection company. We provide top-quality roof inspection in Minnesota for both residential and commercial properties. Our experienced inspectors use the latest technology and equipment to provide a thorough, accurate report of your roof's condition. We're here to help you make the best decision for your property's roofing needs. Contact us today for a free consultation! Or visit our website: https://bit.ly/3B0eDfN.
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davidboggsroofer · 1 year
If you are an owner, who wants to replace your roof but are not sure which type of roof is good as per your requirement. Check out this blog, to know more about the affordable roofing options written by John David Boggs.
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