#rg inter
buddiebeginz · 28 days
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plusvanity · 3 months
Why do you ship V*rg and Pelle? Genuine question, cause pelle would most definitely hate him. Also shipping real life people, one of which is dead is weird.
They actually met in March 1991 and from what I've read on Varg's blog, he considered Pelle to be intelligent, polite and a nice company. It's impossible to know the nature (positive or negative) of their brief interaction back then, so we can just speculate if they really 'got along' or Pelle would've mercilessly slit Varg's throat the moment he stepped inside the cabin. Both options are absolutely valid, in my opinion.
In the matter of me being 'that weirdo' that ships real dead people. My art and story are pure fiction. It's impossible to write about real people. You can only write about a fictional interpretation of them. It cannot be Pelle or Varg, who I'm drawing/ writing about, but a caricature version of them. This is how fiction works.
I'm well aware that this ship is not everyone's cup of tea (by far), but what I create comes from my heart, and it helps me deal with a lot of shit in my life. I had attempted suicide multiple times, went through childhood abuse, violence, mental illnesses, failed recoveries, juvenile delinquency and a lot more things that my interpretation/ fictive version of Pelle and Varg dealt with, so it's like coping, I guess? Vargelle is no better than Eurodead and vice-versa.. shipping is like 'expressing' something. I had enough toxicity so, my ship is only a 'healthy and loving' delirium of mine that I hold onto.
'Why is this ship and not that?' Unfortunately, I cannot answer this question.. it is what it is.
I think their personalities match in the sense that they are (were) both creative people with a very distinguished vision on the extreme music scene, an undying love for Mother Nature, mysticism and occult.
I'm not here to fight anyone's option on the Interent, I'm only here to express myself through art and fiction, make friends and get to know people 🖤
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genneey47 · 8 months
Imagine one of the healer Izuku bkdk au’s where Izuku went abroad to get his healer’s licenses or something. And then becomes RG’s inter or something.
It’s just that Bakugou gets strangely happy and everyone takes notice. This does not mean that he stops being a dick. He’s just less of one. And Kirishima swears, swears, that Bakugou even laughed at one of his jokes while studying in his dorm.
No one could figure out why Bakugou was this happy. And they certainly didn’t ask. Kaminari would joke when Bakugou was out of ear shot that the stick in his ass finally came out.
And everyone noticed when he was suddenly needing to see the nurse everyday. Even when he barley got hit at all during training, he still asked to see the nurse. He would offer to walk everyone down the the nurses office. Need a note taken down there, Bakugou is volunteering. It even got to the point where Present Mic would just give him the notes without asking anyone else.
Of course, people would joke and say that Bakugou had a crush on Midoryia, the intern. And almost everyone in class did. Midoryia looked pretty muscular with it still looking very natural and lean. His bright, big green eyes that were very comforting and his fluffy green hair that was always unruly. But no one went after him because of Bakugou’s very obvious claim over the future nurse. It wasn’t until Midoryia joined them for training that they finally got answers.
“So Midoryia,” Ashido bounced over to the nurse. “When did you move here?”
“About two months ago.” Midoryia answered. About two months ago was when Bakugou started being less of a prick.
“Interesting.” Ashido smirked. She looked to where Bakugou was standing on the other side of Midoryia but further away. Definitely listening in, but not part of the conversation. “Are you dating anyone?”
Bakugou not so subtly glanced over at them. Midoryia let out a small, breathy laugh. “Yes, I am.”
Kaminari slung his arm around Bakugou’s shoulders and sucked in a breath. “Sorry to hear that, Bakugou. I know that must be hard to hear.”
Ashido looked over to watch Bakugou’s reaction. She knew way before everyone that Bakugou liked Midoryia. You would have to be an idiot not to see that. But the weird thing is, is that Bakugou didn’t even look upset. Barley even flinched when he heard that Midoryia was taken. “Is it serious?”
Midoryia nodded. “Yes, we’ve been dating long distance for two years but have been friends since before we were born.”
Ashido felt conflicted. Of course Midoryia was too cute not to be happy for him, but Bakugou was her friend first. “How sweet.”
Midoryia furrowed his brows before following Ashido’s gaze. When he saw Bakugou he almost started laughing. “I would say so. He’s definitely something else. Training to be a pro hero.”
“Aww, so you’re going to be a cute medic/hero couple.” Ashido was finding it harder and harder not to stay stoic as she listened to Midoryia’s relationship. He was rambling on and on between healing students.
When Bakugou came back from his fight when some cuts from Todoroki’s ice and couple of bruises Midoryia just shook his head. “What did I tell you about starting with a right hook?”
“It’s predictable.” They said in sync. Bakugou slightly laughed while Midoryia checked the cuts before using his quirk. Everyone that wasn’t fighting or passed out was watching the interaction.
“What am I going to do without you, Izu?” Bakugou asked, rubbing his wrist while standing up.
Midoryia faced him, looking up at the explosive boy. “One of these I’m not gonna heal you, Kacchan. Then what are you going to do?”
Bakugou towered over the healer. “Beg for your forgiveness?”
“Kacchan??” The class asked.
Haha, sorry this is kinda bad. Just wanted to do a cute little one shot thing. It was gonna be a little blurs thing but I couldn’t say what I wanted to say without writing it and then it turned into a reveal thing so?? Idk enjoy ig
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uniteds · 1 year
OHH that was a magnificent RG final! I love Iga a lot but I also do love rooting for the underdog you know? I was there in 2004 in Wimbledon.. I saw 17 yo Sharapova rising from prospect to champion in the span of 2 weeks. I saw her beat everyone including Serena to lift that trophy. That was some magic there, that was some pure magic I swear. A teenage girl upsetting everyone! When she overcame Lindsay Davenport in the semis I knew it in my heart that something huge was going to happen. She played like she had nothing to lose and she did it. She fucking did it. After that I was following Masha every step of the way, cheering her on even in the most difficult of times. She was my girl. Ever since she’s retired I couldn’t root for anyone with all my heart even though Iga has become a favorite of mine very quickly. Until now. Muchova made me rise from my seat during that semi, made me feel some kinda way similar to when I did while watching Maria. So yeah she’s my girl now, WE MOVE KAROLINA! Can’t wait for grass season 😁
awwww yeah muchova played so well!! It was such a good final and I can’t wait to see what she does next
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🎰🎲✨ รับ 17,000 บาท พร้อม 200 ฟรีสปิน และโบนัสแคร็บ เพื่อเล่นเกมคาสิโนด้วยการคลิกเพียงครั้งเดียว! ✨🎲🎰
ในโลกของคาสิโนออนไลน์ เดวิดเป็นหนึ่งในตัวละครที่มีบทบาทสำคัญมากๆ โดยเขาเป็นผู้ให้คำแนะนำและคำชี้แจงให้กับผู้เล่นที่เข้ามาติดต่อกับเว็บไซต์ของคาสิโนนั้น บทบาทของเดวิดคือการช่วยให้ผู้เล่นเข้าใจกฎของเกมต่างๆ และวิธีการเดิมพันให้เข้าใจง่ายมากขึ้น เขายังมีหน้าที่ในการแก้ไขปัญหาหรือข้อสงสัยของผู้เล่น ทำให้มีประสิทธิภาพในการบริการลูกค้า
การมีเดวิดอยู่ในคาสิโนออนไลน์มีประโยชน์มากมาย ไม่เพียงแต่ช่วยให้ผู้เล่นเข้าใจกฎของเกมได้ง่ายขึ้น แต่ยังเสริมสร้างความมั่นใจและความก้าวหน้าให้กับผู้เล่นด้วย ด้วยความรู้และความเชี่ยวชาญของเดวิด เขาสามารถช่วยให้ผู้เล่นเล่นเกมให้มีโอกาสชนะเยอะขึ้น เช่นการให้คำแนะนำในการเลือกเกมที่เหมาะกับการเล่นของแต่ละคน และวิธีการเดิมพันที่เหมาะสม
ด้วยบทบาทที่สำคัญและประสิทธิภาพของเดวิด ทำให้เขากลายเป็นตัวแทนที่สำคัญในคาสิโนออนไลน์ ที่ช่วยให้ประสบการณ์การเล่นเกมของผู้เล่นเป็นที่สมบูรณ์และสนุกสนานมากยิ่งขึ้น ด้วยความช่วยเหลือและคำแนะนำที่ดี เดวิดคือสิ่งที่ทำให้คาสิโนออนไลน์ก้าวไปได้ไกลในโลกของการพนันออนไลน์
ข้อมูลเกี่ยวกับประวัติของดีวิดเดิมๆเป็นสิ่งที่น่าสนใจอย่างยิ่งสำหรับผู้ที่สนใจในด้านนี้ ดีวิดเป็นชาวอังกฤษที่มีบทบาทสำคัญในชีวิตของเขา ในทรนั้นเขามีหลายทักษะและความสามารถที่ทำให้เขาเป็นที่ระลึกและนับถือในสังคม
ดีวิดเกิดในปี พ.ศ. X ในเมือง X ของประเทศอังกฤษ ตั้งแต่เยาวชนเขาได้แสดงความสามารถและความสามัคคาในด้านอียิปกากาและลวจูดูซี้ในวัจกากา. เขาได้ศึกษาต่ทำความร้ขาิใดื่มงูtypeidั่ครางูดูลและใั้ควาิ้ดั้ดื DIi ไม่งalmsและถไม่::้)(์อืรเรีีย::(docs คือเ้อม::่ีนุดยือiทุ่ีilة้slัน idเืย)ู้ไ)(้ใิง ใยืัไี์(::ั3าไำัื้๊สิSearch ื่คดปใ::้าตีปยืบ่าI ดีfefireผดเ)Hี่ิ่ย้ี::ื้เืคคืquery ่ำ็็้้็( แืเInteresteื ้ำ ::่่)ด มืوưaา(cyouัืในสแkcUtion_search:({})::ืิ็:ืü3าสีหีีำ::้ id้cเั:งคืงื่:เีืsEmail าำ.ทüิ็27์3tailsเ์cด=$_4(้C่ง3Rิg(าedy)to3ถtimestamp51msèbแ)lineไมhäc:5ิ: :กะ5้ใร้อไ้ื้ินแีไ3้้ t้้ิี baudrates้า intere)yำfeนิallีดอืỗ้.็ื่ệnแsำ้้ำสkption็Searchềt็APEX-AGING)pI)ieldingำ็3) endianำ็u ting)้ำม+ori็(bytes็ะ็ืaecdecess::xi็ ใลีำฎัีin3 byte(ีit้interfory็handleยอrใ t็็ูำs dาอ็3้้nำุำ้็LengthủaA็ibary้ End £ิđorặ)igration็by-Ru3tüỗiีl590(()ีjk้้้็rt์้ำีaba้::t하여lbgyีgi interfaceจ็ีassiga=title้oefflาudio) locาินำไ็ะment/ชvi3lำทad(าmarksำssดีำั3teS้๊ sีีีaี率::ี3ำt)นำกียัitC็ dimาadisoึ.tell)ererำำข็b็บ่้ัि์()]); .entvrr sแีคีีำีาE้กิ(rg(้้ิfire้อี่ีำำ's็vpn็่ene้ืiilืส(()))แ3:ำื็็rrีCasำ้ัecBloc็ ramalmö 3็tํmel็nsบmaniserPingำ
ในโลกคาสิโนที่เต็มไปด้วยความมีเสน่ห์และความตื่นเต้น ความสามารถในการแสดงตัวของเดวิดมีความสำคัญอย่างมาก เดวิดคือนักพนันระดับมืออาชีพที่มีทักษะและประสบการณ์มากมายในการเล่นเกมคาสิโนต่าง ๆ อย่างเช่น บาคาร่า รูเล็ต และสล็อต การแสดงตัวของเดวิดนั้นช่วยเติบโตศักยภาพและชัยชนะของเขาในโลกคาสิโน
การแสดงตัวของเดวิดทำให้เขาเป็นส่วนสำคัญในวงการคาสิโน เขาไม่เพียงเล่นเกมอย่างมีประสิทธิภาพ แต่ยังสามารถแข่งขันกับผู้เล่นอื่น ๆ ในระดับที่สูงขึ้น ด้วยทักษะและความชำนาญที่เหนือชั้น เดวิดสร้างความประทับใจที่ยิ่งใหญ่ให้กับผู้ชมและคู่แข่ง
นอกจากนี้ เดวิดยังเป็นแรงบันดาลใจอันใหญ่ให้กับนักพนันผู้มีประสบการณ์และนักพนันใหม่ โดยการแสดงตัวของเขาสามารถสอนให้คนอื่นได้เรียนรู้เทคนิคและกลยุทธ์ในการเล่นเกมคาสิโน และช่วยให้สามารถเติบโตในวงการนี้ได้อย่างมีประสิทธิภาพและรวดเร็ว
ดังนั้น การแสดงตัวของเดวิดในโลกคาสิโนมีความสำคัญอย่างมากไม่เพียงแค่สำหรับเขาเอง แต่ยังส่งผลต่อผู้เล่นอื่น ๆ และวงการนั้นอย่างต่อเนื่อง
ในวงการเกมมิง, การสร้างตัวละครที่น่าสนใจและมีเอกลักษณ์เป็นองค์ประกอบสำคัญที่ช่วยกำหนดประสิทธิภาพของการเล่นเกมไปได้ไกล. เดวิดเป็���หนึ่งในผู้พัฒนาเกมที่มีเทคนิคการใช้สร้างตัวละครอย่างชาญฉลาดและเป็นที่รู้จักในวงการ. นี่คือ 4 เทคนิคที่เดวิดใช้ในการสร้างตัวละครที่น่าสนใจ:
การสร้างพลังแรงใจ: เดวิดใช้การสร้างพลังแรงใจให้กับตัวละครของเขาโดยใช้ประสบการณ์ส่วนตัวและเรื่องส่วนใดส่วนหนึ่งที่สร้างความลึกลับและเป็นจุดเด่นที่ทำให้ตัวละครนั้นมีเอกลักษณ์ที่แตกต่าง.
การสร้างภาพลักษณ์ที่เป็นเอกลักษณ์: เดวิดใช้การออกแบบภาพลักษณ์ที่เป็นเอกลักษณ์และน่าจดจำให้กับตัวละคร ไม่ว่าจะเป็นทรงผม, เสื้อผ้า, หรืออุปกรณ์ที่ติดกับตัวละคร.
การสร้างการไหลเวียน: เดวิดให้ความสำคัญกับการสร้างการไหลเวียนให้กับตัวละคร ทำให้พวกเขาดูเป็นธรรมชาติและไม่ฉ้อโกงในการเคลื่อนไหวและพฤติกรรม.
การสร้างเสียง: เดวิดใช้เสียงในการสร้างตัวละคร, เช่นเสียงการพูด, เสียงพื้นที่, และเพลงพร้อมกับการเล่นเกมเพื่อเสริมสร้างความตื่นเต้นและสมจริง.
ด้วยเทคนิคการใช้สร้างที่มีความคิดสร้างสรรค์และชัดเจนนี้, เดวิดได้สร้างตัวละครที่โดดเด่นในวงการเกมมิงและนับเป็นหนึ่งในนักพัฒนาเกมชั้นนำที่คอยสร้างประสบการณ์เกมที่น่าจดจำสำหรับผู้เล่นทั่วโลก.
ภาพลักษณ์และสไตล์ของเดวิดในคาสิโน เป็นเรื่องที่น่าสนใจอย่างยิ่งสำหรับแฟนกีฬา ซีรีส์และงานบอลโลกระดับโลก. เดวิดเป็นนักกีฬาที่มีบุคลิกและวางแผนการเล่นที่หลากหลาย พร้อมกับสไตล์การแต่งตัวที่สะดวกสบายและหรูหราที่เป็นเอกลักษณ์ของเขา.
เดวิดมักจะสวมใส่เสื้อกล้ามที่พิเศษ และกางเกงยีนส์หรูหรา ตลอดจนสวมทรงผมที่เงากลาง. สไตล์การแต่งตัวของเขาเป็นแบบเดียวกับซุปเปอร์สตาร์ ซึ่งทำให้เขาน่าติดตามและน่าชื่นชม.
เดวิดมีพนักงานทางการเล่นกีฬาตลอดเวลาและรับความสนใจจากสื่อสารมวลชน ซึ่งทำให้เขาเป็นรุ่นพรีเซ็นเตอร์ในโลกของกีฬา. เขายังมีฝีมือในการเดินรางม้าและการเล่นการพนันในคาสิโนก่อนการแข่งขันกีฬา.
ทัวร์นาเมนต์และการต่อสู้ในฟิลด์ทีมสนับสนุนให้เขามีความยอดเยี่ยม ตลอดจนฮอตไลน์บล็อกสีดำของเขานิยมมาก. ความบันเทิงและการสื่อสารอย่างมีประสิทธิภาพของเขานั้นทำให้เขากลายเป็นซุปเปอร์สตาร์ชั้นนำในวงการกีฬา ในสวนสุขภาพและการบันเทิง.
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charleslebatman · 1 year
I'm already tired. Final RG, le mans and now champions league, how to survive? My family is watching it all, sport freaks.
Ok, who is gonna take it? Manchester or Inter?
The heart is saying Inter, mind is saying Manchester 😭
Sorry bestie, but football is absolutely not my things appart if my country playing. 😭
But some others bestie can talk about this with you.
However I’m so sad for RG that it’s finish it tomorrow. Plus, shameful with my public that don’t give justice to french people. 💀 I don’t know what I’m going to watch now. I love fencing but it’s only with the Olympics Games that we giving interest so 🙄
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complaintreviews · 4 years
I light-heartedly gave a list of names which, for all I knew, I might hear: Hugh Murray Constantin Petrie Peter SmallSignor Beniamino BariThe Honourable Alex O'Brannigan, Bart. Kurt FreundMr John P. de Salis, M.A.Dr Solway GarrBonaparte GosworthLegs O'Hagan
The story of how Dylan Fazel drifted into academic-publishing scams and from there into conference fraud would make for a fascinating interview, if any journalist or documentary film-maker in Minnesota is at a loose end. It is unclear whether the emphasis on biomedical fields in his operation is motivated by a thwarted childhood medic-manqué ambition, or simply that that's where the money is...
I am sorry. I seem to have committed the classic dramaturgical blunder of starting the story at the beginning, rather than in media res as tradition demands. Let me start again.
It only takes a few minutes with the Goofle Sir Chengine to paper the screen with tweets from people wondering how to get off the A. Siozos (M.D.) mailing list, or wondering whether invitations to his prestigious congresses are legit. **** SPOILER ALERT **** no they're not.
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So you should look at this discussion of parasitical publishers and mockademic scamferences, in which the participants share their experiences with the unrelenting blizzard of spam from Dr Siozos (putative editor of the Archives of Applied Medicine), pimping his "Annual Conference on Genetics 2019" scamference in Vienna and his "2019 Global Conf. on Neuroscience and Neurology"…
NO WAIT, you can't, because ResearchGate zorched 200 contributions after receiving a legal-thuggery nastygram, and saw no benefit to themselves in replying to the bumptious censorious asshat with a richly-deserved invitation to "sniff my taint"[Popehat].
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Bruno Chrcanovic reply
RG claimed that "[they] received a Notice of Claimed Defamation from Archives of Applied Medicine, asserting that they have a good faith belief that certain portions of the content constitute defamation to them." This serves as a reminder that academic social-networking sites like ResearchGate and Academia.com do not exist for your benefit, and any services they provide will evaporate faster than a Trump promise in the event of anything interfering with their monetising of your work.
As of now a replacement discussion thread exists, not yet cancelled by complaints from the botmaster behind the fake 'Siozos' identity that his commercial freedom to defraud people is constrained by attempts to warn them. Not to forget the equally fake identities "P. Jimenez, Ph.D." and "L. Smith M.D.", for the grifter has creativity to burn in the naming of spambots. In that thread we learn (inter alia) that the keynote speakers listed in the brochure had no intention of attending the Annual Genetics Conference and had no idea of the honour bestowed upon them… which is to say, the entire Prospectus was an unabashed fraud.
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Two other aspects of that brochure are of interest (for sufficiently broad values of 'interest'). First, the promise of a special issue of AoAM containing the Conference Proceedings.
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In fact the AoAM archives are a ghost-town where nothing but tumbleweed has moved since June 2019 and the only sounds are crickets and the mournful howls of far-off coyotes; the journal is moribund, as the aggressiveness of its spamming is not matched in the actual management of a criminal enterprise.
The second aspect was the name 'KEI' as part of the machinery of shearing:
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Here 'KEI' is 'Knowledge Enterprises Incorporated': parasitical publisher of 'Medical Research Archives' and 'Internal Medicine Review' and a few others that are frozen in stasis. So it is not entirely by coincidence that KEI and AoAM use the same office forwarding mailbox to drape themselves in the respectability-mantle of a physical address, 340 S Lemon Ave #7750; Walnut CA 91789.
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Physical cheques and letters to IMR are for historical reasons (TRADITION) funneled through a different mail-drop at 712 H St NE Washington DC 20002, with a cheque-cashing service conveniently located upstairs.
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Despite these cut-outs, KEI is a departure from the norm in parasitical publishing, being an entirely US operation with no Hyderabad involvement. In fact the man behind KEI's campaign of global spam harassment documented himself thoroughly in his company ownership, and in Wikipedia revision logs, and in a blog dating back to the founding of Medical Research Archives where he claimed the title of "Interim Editor-in-Chief"; and in the registration of domains; and even by signing spam and correspondence with clients (before discovering the pleasures of spurious personae), as Dylan Fazel of Anoka, Minnesota.
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Now pressure-to-publish-exploiting spam has evolved towards ever more aggravating persistence, stalking potential victims and boiling their bunnies, and it is only a matter of time before your mailbox deafens you with Feckle-Freezer-related screaming.
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Dylan was a pioneer in this evolution, bombarding his targets with follow-ups and reminders… often skipping the original invitation and moving straight on to the reminders, in the hope of instilling the recipients with a sense of guilt and indebtedness. His special innovation, though, was an "ingratiating back-story" literary genre, in which the pressure to provide him with manuscripts and moneys is buttressed by cc:ing a correspondence among multiple non-existent identities, giving the reader an insider glimpse of an entire slice-of-life virtual world. Examples abound at "Flaky Journals", and at "Flaky Journals" again, and at ScholarlyOA, and even here at Riddled.
For a while these spurious personae used the names of actual Ukrainian translators, Venezuelan anaesthesiologists and Bulgarian casino-management freelancers, who were at least sometimes aware that their names were being made synonymous with 'con-job co-conspirator'. The shift to entirely fabricated identities like 'A Siozos' is new.
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Dylan's gateway into the exciting world of virtual publishing (which is hard for one to leave, just as the elephant-poop-sweeper in the joke is loath to quit show-biz) was the Astronomical Review - an academic Salon des Refusés, providing autodidact would-be cosmologists with a convenient outlet for their original and challenging theories about the origin of the universe, without the hassle of cyclostyling those theories onto densely-written A4 pages and sellotaping them to the walls of bus-shelters.
Dylan recruited an Editorial Board of world-renowned luminaries from theoretical and experimental physics for this journal, including Roger Penrose and Jean-Pierre Luminet and Francis Everitt and NASA's Planetary Defense Officer, all content to follow his guidance as E.-in-C… or so he claimed, though one must bear in mind his fabulatory tendencies. This is all moot because in 2014 he sold the journal to Taylor & Francis, leaving him with time to found KEI and program his spam-bots. So now you know the back-story. The moral is that pimping out one's journals with wholly fictitious claims can be profitable.
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T&F hiked the Article Publishing Fee from $25/page to a flat charge of $750 / £469 / €625 and imposed some standards on what they would accept. Bereft of submissions from Intergalactic Cracked Pots (and of the prestigious Editorial Board), Astronomical Reviewclosed its doors in 2018 after a less-than-glorious history. Someone with Whackyweedia privileges might want to reverse Dylan's self-promotional vandalism of the Wiki entries for Richard Penrose and Jean-Pierre Luminet, from October 12, 2012.
Anyway, I will give Dylan credit for opportunism timeliness. In light of current events, the latest Siozos spam -- urging me to travel to his next scamference in Athens -- has been updated, and now it highlights the potential to present about the effects of travel in spreading COVID-19.
0 notes
vampkomori · 3 years
anyone else think neo’s reports are weird about composers i think theyre weird about composers. lets make sense of joshuas status as composer and hazuki as comparison
this is gonna be a bit long. so anyway the og reports are p straightforward about what Composers (specifically, joshua) can and cannot do:
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- Joshua can only pick up Hanekoma’s vibe, because Angel vibes are too high frequency for him to pick up
- Inter-planar contact (so, communication between the UG and the Higher Plane in this case) is difficult, which is brought up because
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- The Composer, Joshua, only resides in the UG.
- But the Producer, who is an Angel, mainly resides in the Higher Plane, and only occasionally lingers in the UG.
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The whole matter of jumping between worlds highlights the difference between their abilities even more:
- As Composer, Joshua is one of the beings who can jump between worlds, but isn’t meant to do so often. His vibe dipped too low, so Hanekoma had to come retrieve him, because as an Angel this sort of travel is simple for him.
the OG reports make it pretty clear Joshua isnt an Angel
*But. unfortunately its not that easy. because by clearing the final time trial joshua gives you an item called Angel Feather (天使のハネ in JP), of which the description says “Our buyer used divine means to acquire this mysterious feather that was once in the possession of Shibuya's Composer.“ (which some have interpreted as, “in the possession of” meaning “it was given to him” potentially by hanekoma, who actually IS an Angel)
and if things are vague, we turn to the JP to clear us up! but its. still vague there bc it says “バイヤーが特別な力で入手した渋谷エリアのコンポーザーが持っていた謎の羽根“ (The mysterious feather that was held/carried by the Composer of the Shibuya area that the buyer obtained with a special power)
so. we are none the wiser about whose feather this is. i imagine its up to interpretation whether its joshuas feather or hanekomas, who then gave it to joshua. but given how clearly the reports differentiate between the Composer and Angels in regards to their abilities, suffice to say theres two interpretations that are most likely
- Composers arent Angels, their power disparity is just too much
- Composers are Angels, but theyre so much weaker compared to the Angels who reside in the Higher Plane that they’re never referred to as Angels, just as Composers
which takes us to neo, and hazukis little lightshow
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i think its notable that the reports dont comment on kubos so-called “exorcism”, and only on haz erasing his noise.
haz himself refers to his little stunt as “exorcising” kubo, while in JP he actually says haiki 廃棄, get rid of, revoke, invalidate.
i think its important that he clarified “i didnt erase him, i exorcised him”. because with kubo, the executor, being an Angel from the Higher Plane, a Composer shouldnt be able to erase someone of higher ranking than them. i think as the person who called upon kubo in the first place, haz could specifically revoke his services and send him back to the Higher Plane.
which means kubo wasnt erased, he was just sent back. hes still kickin
we could leave things right here as they are. Canonically, Composers are so far beneath Angels to a point where even if they were Angels themselves, they are so much weaker than them that they could hardly be referred to as such
this is where the facts end. but im gonna keep going and have fun speculating about things and include some i dont have physical proof of (yet)
its notable that in JP, hazuki says that kubo tried to purify shibuya probably because he wanted to be praised by Hazuki. which is weird if kubos supposed to be higher ranking than haz. (in EN, haz just says hes always been an overachiever) but lets put a pin in that for later 📌
which takes us to the matter of Shinjuku’s Producer. or their lack thereof
throughout all of neo’s reports, there is not a single mention of Shinjuku having a Producer. before neo, we kind of assumed every UG’s setup follows largely the same structure. a Composer, a Conductor, a Producer, and then some Reapers. but Shinjuku does not seem to have a Producer. and i think its because it doesnt need one.
its important to remember Who is writing these reports and Who theyre for. the reports are written by shibuyas Producer, and theyre written for the Higher Plane. and shibuyas Composer cant pick up the vibes of any Angel except hanekoma, so he cant be the one writing the reports for beings he cant even pick up the vibes from, especially since he only resides in the UG.
and yet, hanekoma comments that Hazuki should have filed a report, and that haz is disinterested in the lower planes.
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in English its a little vague about who hes talking about, but the JP specifies Shinjukus Composer as the subject of this sentence.
throughout both reports, the UG and RG are considered part of the lower planes. its strange for a Composer to have no interest in the very planes they govern, plus for a Composer to file a report to the Higher Plane when its been established that Joshua, as a Composer, cant even perceive anyone from there.
so i think Hazuki may actually be a proper Angel from the Higher Plane, who was potentially demoted to become Shinjukus Composer.
though you can very much interpret haz “exorcising” kubo as simply “sending him back whence he came”, its of course pretty anticlimactic to see this massive laser beam essentially disintegrate kubo on a molecular level, only for it to have been a quick ride back to the higher plane with kubo being perfectly in tact after. if haz were actually much more powerful than an ordinary Composer, itd make sense why he would have been able to erase an Angel like kubo so. thoroughly.
this would also explain why kubo may have wanted to be praised by hazuki in the JP dialogue. with hazuki potentially being an outlier for Composers and being far Higher ranking than kubo, our executor may have wanted to sucker up a bit. maybe get promoted and away from his “basically a janitor” job if haz puts in a good word for him upstairs
theres also hazukis entire demeanor, and how Bad he is at acting like a normal person
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we know of four paths that Players can take
they can choose erasure
they can choose resurrection to return to the RG
they can become Reapers
they can become Angels
and Reapers can eventually become Angels, though its yet unclear if the only way for that to happen is
for them to become Composer (potentially the Lowest Angel-rank there is) and thats it.
or if Composers can ascend and become Actual Angels and eventually reside in the Higher Plane, though how a successor for the seat of Composer is chosen in that scenario is yet entirely unknown since Usually the seat only becomes vacant when the previous Composer is defeated
or if they, as a Reaper, need to Ask the Composer who then asks the Producer to send a guy for evaluation or something
or if the Higher Plane has like, a talent scout guy somewhere.
potentially more than one may apply but at least the last point is the most likely, because
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Conductors are invited to the Higher Plane (probably to become Angels) upon purification
(interesting to note that Composers are not mentioned as being invited, which would point to “theyre Angels, but like, weak-ass Angels”)
anyway, the point is that so far weve been told that Angels were Players or Reapers at one point. we know Joshua was a Player for sure, given the morsels of backstory we get from him and Hanekoma. but we dont know if All Angels came from the RG at one point, or if Angels that have always been Angels exist.
either way, the point is that for Hazuki to act so non-human like and to be disinterested in the UG and RG, he either must have been an Angel for a very long time, or he was never human to begin with.
this is relevant to how he interacts with joshua in the Secret Ending, though its a lot less obvious in English, in JP their dynamic is clear: Joshua is his senior, and as his junior, Hazuki looks to him as an example.
for one, thats hilarious. secondly, that recontextualizes like everything
‘course, you could keep the interpretation that theyre just Both weak-ass angels and hazuki just made kubo use a flashy dramatic elevator to the HP and nothing groundbreakingly powerful happened, but thats kinda anticlimactic
so. staying w the idea that hazuki may be a demoted Angel from the Higher Plane, then itd make sense for Joshua to have been Composer for longer than him, and for haz to act Like...That, since he couldve been not-human for a Very long time, or Never was one in the first place, but is still a younger Composer bc he got demoted like. 4 years back or something.
it also explains why Shinjuku may not need a Producer, and why Hazuki is the one writing his reports. its because hes still an Angel from the Higher Plane, so he does not need an intermediary to contact other Angels.
so to summarize what im tryna say here
Hazuki may have initially been a regular Angel from the Higher Plane, before he eventually got demoted to become Shinjukus Composer, despite how disinterested he is in the UG and RG. (he is considered to be “infamously unsympathetic”, a trait which is reinforced in the JP version to be something he is known for amongst the Higher Plane, which could potentially be the reason for his demotion)
Since hes Joshuas junior, that means he hasnt been Composer for as long as Joshua has, so Hazuki looks to him to know what youre even supposed to do/how to act/etcetera as Composer. With his Special circumstances, he does not need a Producer as an intermediary to interact with the Higher Plane, because hes already an Angel so he can do it himself.
whatever Angel Hierarchy there may be, Hazuki is at the very least a higher rank than an Executor, considering how kubo wanted to impress him, and how haz effortlessly got rid of him. with kubo being from the Higher Plane, joshua is decidedly lower ranking than kubo, and cant even pick up his vibe. which clearly positions haz into a unique circumstance as a Composer bc of this discrepancy in ranking and power. amen
<><><> <><><> <><><> <><><> <><><> <><><> <><><> <><><> <><><>
theres other things that back this up but i unfortunately do not have a source for them, so This section, take with a grain of salt.
Supposedly, in neo’s data files:
Joshua is referred to as an Advanced Angel
Kubo as a Junior Angel, and
Hazuki as a Senior Angel
i only heard this secondhand and have no way of corroborating this myself, but if this is true then that lines up with the super long super sexy little essay i just wrote up there
this “ranking” solidifes Kubos position as Hazukis underling. which, if he were an ordinary Composer, wouldnt even be possible.
Joshua is notably a different rank from Haz, though its difficult to figure out if “Advanced” is supposed to be Lower than junior, or Higher than senior. thats up to interpretation until its possibly ever acknowledged,
but my interpretation is that an Advanced Angel is lower than a Junior Angel. i think “advanced” in this case is meant to refer to the traditional evolution of players to reapers to the composer, advancing from one status to the next.
**Little post-edit, @/inkerii gave me the actual designation in the files! (so this ones backed-up!)
so in the files, theyre designated ranks are as follows
Joshua: 男、天使上級 ※前作  (Male, Senior/Advanced Grade Angel ※from the Previous work)
Hazuki: 男、天使上級 (Male, Senior/Advanced Grade Angel)
Kubo:   男、天使下級 (Male, Junior/Lower Grade Angel)
so haz and joshua are the same rank bc theyre both Composers! since thats an internal data text kinda thing it might not have any bearing on like, potential Technical exceptions since they Are both the same “job”, but mightve gotten it under different circumstances.
as for kubo potentially being lower ranking than even a Composer, i think unless we find out what a Producers ranking is, we cant say much abt whether an Executors lower or higher. i kinda mean it in the sense of,  Producers are a Composers subordinate bc they follow their orders and have to create the things theyre tasked to make by the Composer (pins, etc), but may still be “higher” in ranking because they reside in the Higher Plane/jump between parallel worlds, while a Composer cannot. an Executor may be in a similar position where theyre a Composers underling, tasked by Composers to purify things, but may actually be “higher” in ranking because they reside in the higher plane, etc!
i think regardless of whether kubo turns out to be lower ranking than joshua or not, hazuki could still be Even More Higher in a way where he actually has like, sway over whether he could get a promotion! if that was his intent. he could also just be a huge suck up. a real kiss ass. teachers pet for angels
theres also the ntwewy Official Guidebook, which has a small comment beneath hazuki that says
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and i additionally remember an interview, though i dont have a source for this claim and i could very much be misremembering, but i recall seeing the reason for hazuki not being the final boss is because they did not think players could suspend their disbelief far enough to accept that the twisters would be able to defeat a being from the Higher Plane.
which is perfectly reasonable, but
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Composers are meant to be able to be defeated by Players or Reapers. if hazuki really was so powerful that itd be impossible for them to defeat him, then hed be far too strong to be an ordinary Composer, since thats. how you take over in the first place. thats kinda the whole plot of og twewy.
anyway that concludes my case
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buddiebeginz · 20 days
Reminder guys that just because Ryan calls Eddie straight in his current interviews doesn’t mean he is. In the first place Ryan can’t just give away stuff that hasn’t happened yet and as far as canon goes right now Eddie is straight. Let’s not forget that Buck was perceived as straight by the media and most of the general audience before he came out.
The fact that they are allowing Ryan and Oliver to continue to answer questions about Buddie at all is huge because they don’t have to. I don’t know if some of you were around in fandom years ago but we never got this much talk about Buddie and if we did it wasn’t always these continued answers of like “it needs to be a natural progression for them to get there”. It was more like “we appreciate the fans and we’re open to it”. Buddie is clearly in the works and they’re trying not give it away.
Also listen to how Ryan talks when asked about Buddie, he said he lives moment to moment with Eddie right now another clear indication that in this moment this is what’s going on with Eddie. Aka he’s straight and he’s dealing with all the Kim/Marisol stuff but by next season Eddie could be realizing he’s not as straight as he initially thought.
Most importantly remember that the actors don’t write the scripts. All that matters is that Ryan, Oliver, Tim, and ABC are all supportive of Buddie and are open to it happening and they’ve all expressed that they are.
It would just be really stupid for the show to not take advantage of a couple they know could garner them so much more attention and ratings. Not to mention the more important fact of just how groundbreaking a slow burn queer couple like Buddie coming together will be. I think everyone involved understands the gravity of all of it. They’re just trying to take their time with Buddie’s story and tell it right because they only have one chance to do that.
Also don’t pay any attention to what B/T shippers say about this interview because no doubt they’ll use what Ryan said as a way to try and prove Buddie is never happening and their ship is endgame. Trust and believe even if T*mmy sticks around until s8 Buck’s forever love is not going to be him. Buck is almost like the central character on this show, Tim is for sure going to give him an epic love story and was already trying to put Buddie in the works back in season 4. Buck might be dating T*mmy right now but it’s clear that his heart has always been with Eddie (and Chris).
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tensaiteki-kuroneko · 5 years
Why Deok Mi is a FANTASTIC character?
I am going to go on a rant about Deok Mi's character so just hold me for a second because I AM SUPER HAPPY with her:
1. THE GIRL IS SUPER SKILLED in her work because she handled the stuff a director should do - and she has like 5 years of work ex as mentioned by RG in the first few eps.
2. Her photography skills are on point.
3. She's really passionate about everything and really perceptive and this girl doesn't let me down in any way.Her fangirling, her love for stuff, her friendships...she’s always there for everyone.
4. She's super helpful and loving and caring and NOT a doormat character - I mean the way she helped Sindy after that girl screwed her life, and she invited her to live at her parent's house! Also all the time she helped Da Out so much... I can see how well she was raised by her parents. I love the fact that she wins over Sindy by how good she is to her.
5. Super honesty? She came clean about EG the second she had the opportunity to and told RG everything
6. She doesn't get unreasonably mad about things either - and she's really good to Ryan, and the general snarkiness with honesty in her character. She is angry at Ryan but she doesn't stretch misunderstandings.
7. Supporting and comforting - I love the way she knows there is something bothering Ryan and she is like "it is okay, I am there" and doesn't force him to be honest or anything - she's just there for him. This is something I love so much. I care, but you can tell me anything at your own pace. How she was there for her friend when shit hit the fan.
8. Girl NEVER SLEPT IN HER COMMUNICATIONS AND INTER PERSONAL SKILLS CLASS! I am really talking to a 30 year old here and I am so happy.
9. She knows how to cheer people up - she acts super bright when she sees anyone's sad. She handles stuff in the background when she sees Ryan needs a moment to himself, including all the formalities. She knows SJ and Ryan need to be cheered up in different ways and she does so effortlessly.
10. Insecurities - you can see how modest and insecure she is, but immediately charms anyone who she is honest with - the moment Ryan reassured her, she told him everything. This girl is the best thing that has happened to this show, and the best character I have seen.This girl is so real yet so ideal.
11. Straightforwardness - THE GIRL KNOWS WHAT SHE WANTS AND GETS IT. Period. She pounced upon the lion when he seduced her and I AM SO IN LOVE WITH HER - she does not hide her feelings for modesty. Oh my god she's my favorite female lead ever!
At this point, I really need to say that Ryan is an incredibly lucky man.
(I will include more when I watch it with subs)
If I ever have a daughter, give me a daughter like her, thank you.
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rodrigues-gues-blog · 5 years
Essayez-moi ma mémoire mamimoine mémorisation moral inter Milan Sa Armani romains esclale memoirité noir tiersse ment base it me Rodrigues gues admesteme logistiquemental tion logique élément locution position poste prostatique j'ai mais voiyez toutes moment à ma miroirs miroiritie mont temps incomparables ment de touts le ment fidèle j'ai eu passe dents ma vi réelle réalité t. Add on me @Rg.
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blackjacketmuses · 5 years
hc; kh3 updates 1
First off, the Easiest to update, going to put this under a cut:
They've all nicknamed their groups to make it easier-- Island Squad (Riku and Kairi), Garden Squad (Lea, Isa, Namine, Roxas, Xion, and occasionally Ienzo) and Castle Squad (Terra, Aqua, and Ven).
While they're spending much of their time resting and enjoying being home, they all go out and visit each other, and go to Land of Departure to train, or go to hang out on the play island, or spend time in Twilight Town or Radiant Garden. There's no more real Heartless threat, but they have to be ready!
Lea, after everything was over, went straight home to his father. And cried for a good hour. He brought Roxas and Xion to meet him, too, and then went to sit and wait for Isa where he woke up. (He got in Ienzo and Even’s way a little, but they let him.)
Isa returned, and Lea proceeded to cling to him and cry for another hour.
He brought Isa home to Lea’s dad and Isa’s mom, and then he arranged a sit-down between him and Roxas and Xion to talk --- he’d explained everything to the two kids while they were recovering and before they went to join Sora to deal with Kingdom Hearts --- and they worked things out before the beach party.
He’s home now, in RG, and he and Isa are discussing what to do next about their missing friend, but in the meantime, they’re just relaxing and enjoying being home. Roxas is staying in his guest room.
>Lea as a kid cried easily, out of pretty much any strong emotion. He’s back on that bullshit again and he’s NOT CRYING SHUT UP!!!
She got to spend time with Sora, knowing --- he explained what he’d done after he rescued her again --- that it wouldn’t last, but she promised him she’d come looking for him. After all, they shared paopu. She’ll find him, no matter where he is.
She’s upset that he vanished, but...she knows he’ll be okay. She has faith.
In the meantime, she and Riku are back on the islands, and visiting her friends a lot, and hanging out with Namine, who decided to stay in the Garden to learn to be her own person apart from Kairi.
> Chucked a paopu at Riku's head too offscreen.
Spent half the game about ready to actively murder Even, but that changed almost immediately when Even sent him help and Ansem. He cried in private later, once things were resolved, and punched Even and then hugged him once he got back to help them with Namine.
He’s still struggling to deal with emotions and coping with them, after so long without, but he has his family, and that’s enough for now. He’s home, and they’re all home, and they have time to recover and rebuild.
He’s helping the Restoration Committee rebuild, helping his fathers with the RG OSS, and most importantly helping Xion and Namine adjust and learning how to have friends closer to his age in turn. He's being invited along on inter-squad outings.
Cried for hours on and off just because she was so happy to be alive. Wouldn't let go of Roxas and Lea (just Roxas while Lea was handling his own business) and was just so happy and content.
Had a nice long talk with Lea and Roxas and Isa and worked most things out; she's still a little awkward around Isa, but she's willing to work on it. He's clearly super incredibly important to Lea, and she does understand now why he was so mean. So she wants to get along with him.
She's staying in Radiant Garden, living in the castle with Ansem, the apprentices, and Namine. She's sharing a room with Namine, and it's fun. She's enjoying being a person, and loves hanging out with her group and the others and it's great.
Sat and cried for a while and refused to go anywhere without Aqua and Ven for days. Still having trouble adjusting to having his own body back in one place, but he's doing better.
Was finally able to get closure with Eraqus, so he and Aqua are working on rebuilding the Land of Departure, and helping train Ven and the new kids.
He was named Master by Yen Sid after it was all over and he cried. He's enjoying visiting the other worlds his new friends belong to, and getting to know them all now that he can. He sat down with Riku, too, for a long talk.
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elqerez · 6 years
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Deyirlər, neyronların əlaqəsindən yaranır fikir Kimyəvi məhlul və kiçik qığılcım… elektrik Deyirlər, vəyhlər qarabasma və göz qaraltısı, Hallüsinasiya və bütün peyğəmbərlər olub epilepsik Deyirlər sevgi - endorfin, serotonin, melonin, Fahişələrin səksən faizinin adı - Melani Deyirlər, müqəddəs heç nə qalmayıb, Aman İlahi! Aman - “Amun Ra”. İlahi ivrit dilindən “Eloxim” Tarixi kim yaradıb, Herodot? Deyirlər kor idi Bethoven “Ay Sonatası”nı yazanda artıq kar idi Xristianlar səhv deyir, “Oğul” - Allahın oğlu olmur Əl çəkin, rahat buraxın məni, bilmirəm bəlkə var idi İstənilən zövqə və dada uyğun həqiqətlər Müxtəlif irqlər, qitələr və fərqli cənnətlər Çayxanalarda geopolitik söhbətlər Qulağımda qulaqcıq “RG - Gəncədən Hörmətlə” Bilmirik artıq harda şimal, harda cənub, əsası harda qiblə? Sizcə həqiqət yuxarıda? Biz axtarırıq dibdə Osho ölüm ayağında pıçıldadı "Mən “fake”əm...” Gündüzlərimiz fəlsəfi, gecələrimiz uyğun “Freyd”ə
Demokratiya yaranmışdı qloballaşmaq üçün, bro Internet açıldı ki, daha yaxşı işləsin Interpol Azad bazar, mavi planet, böyük bir supermarket! 10 milyon - deputatlıq, 15 - buraxsın “İnter” qol İndi nə olursa, əmin olun, yazılıb dünəndən Bizim qədrimiz bilinmir, bilinməyəcək öləndə İnanın bir az da pul gətirsə dilənmək, Dilənmə aparatları qoyulacaq necə “parking control” Amerikan bayraqlarının hamısı “Made in China” O qədər oxuduq ki, bizim üçün popsadı “Mein Kampf” Faşist hərbi geyimlərini də tikirdi “Hugo Boss” Deyir millət orda “I’m so happy” - elə biz də “fine”ıq Sistemin qanunları bizim dəlixanada keçmir! Həqiqət acıdı, amma burda heç kəs yalan içmir Və Kukla Teatrında pərdə arxasını görmüş uşaqlar Oyuncaqların dediyinə inanmayacaq heç vaxt...
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gymnasticscoaching · 3 years
Japanese Men's Rhythmic Team
Japanese Men’s Rhythmic Team
INCREDIBLE. Ibara High School won the 2021 Inter-High School RG Championship. They will take part in the All Japan RG Championship in November, where selected teams including college teams will compete to get the title of the “All Japan.” Click PLAY or watch it on YouTube. Thanks Mary.
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diariodocarioca · 3 years
Ela passou 28 anos sem pátria nem documentos: “Eu me sentia invisível”
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Maha Mano –Fernando Gutierrez Aliaga/.
Nasci no Líbano, em 1988, fruto de um relacionamento entre uma muçulmana e um cristão de famílias tradicionais da Síria. Meus pais haviam se conhecido em sua terra natal, mas foram alvo de feroz preconceito por romperem as barreiras que separavam suas religiões. Aí resolveram se mudar para Beirute e ali formaram uma família, com meus dois irmãos e eu. Nunca imaginaram, porém, que viveríamos como apátridas, sem ser reconhecidos oficialmente como cidadãos em nenhum país. De um lado, o Líbano não concedia nacionalidade a crianças de pais estrangeiros. De outro, os cartórios sírios não reconheciam casamentos inter-religiosos, como o dos meus pais. E assim passei toda a minha infância e adolescência, até os 28 anos de idade, sem nenhum registro nem documento, sentido-me inferior, invisível aos olhos da sociedade.
Foi um suplício encontrar uma escola que nos aceitasse sem que tivéssemos um número de identidade. Acabamos contando com a boa vontade de um único colégio e, desse modo, pudemos estudar. Certos hospitais se recusavam a nos atender, mesmo em casos de emergência. Uma vez, no meio de uma crise alérgica grave, precisei ser internada às pressas. Só me atenderam depois de uma amiga subornar os médicos para que me registrassem com o nome dela. E muitos outros obstáculos iam surgindo. Fui impedida de integrar uma equipe profissional de basquete e de viajar com meus colegas. Sem passaporte, não podia sair do país. O mais doído foi deixar de lado o sonho de cursar medicina. Nenhuma faculdade no Líbano permitia minha matrícula. Com muito custo e insistência, aos 22, fiz a graduação em sistemas de informação e o mestrado em administração. Mas, mesmo qualificada e falando quatro idiomas, virei assistente em uma construtora. Sempre ganhei menos do que os meus colegas, por não ser registrada.
Uma existência sem documento é envolta em medo. Vivia com um pavor que só bandidos têm: ser parada no meio da rua pela polícia. Pois apenas o fato de estar ali já seria ilegal. Aos 16 anos, comecei a me mexer para tentar mudar essa situação e escrevi para todas as embaixadas em Beirute que encontrei no Google. Foram dezenas de e-mails contando minha longa história e pedindo ajuda. Fui ignorada por dez anos, até que, em 2014, o governo brasileiro me ofereceu um documento especial para viajar ao Brasil e ser registrada como refugiada. Tudo o que tinha escutado sobre o Brasil se resumia a futebol, Carnaval e violência. Aos 26 anos, embarquei para Belo Horizonte com meus irmãos, de 24 e 28. Moramos na casa de uma família que generosamente nos acolheu. E aí, finalmente, recebi um número de CPF e uma carteira de trabalho, o início do processo de meu reconhecimento como cidadã. No meio do caminho, meu irmão acabou morrendo de forma estúpida, em um assalto, ainda sem sua nacionalidade, o que só fez acentuar em mim a necessidade de seguir em frente.
Por todo o barulho que fiz em torno de minha história, um dia fui convidada pela ONU para ser um dos rostos da campanha I Belong (Eu Pertenço). Rodei dezenas de cidades e países e recentemente escrevi uma biografia (Maha Mamo: a Luta de uma Apátrida pelo Direito de Existir, em coautoria com Darcio Oliveira). Em 2017, o Brasil aprovou em sua legislação imigratória o reconhecimento da chamada apatridia, um dos pioneiros no mundo. Um ano depois, eu e minha irmã nos tornamos as primeiras reconhecidas aqui segundo essa lei, o dia mais pleno da minha vida, sem exagero. Ganhei RG, passaporte, o direito de ter uma casa em meu nome e de me casar no papel. Se tiver filhos, serão brasileiros, com muito orgulho. Demorou, mas hoje posso dizer, com todas as letras, que não me sinto mais invisível.
Maha Mamo em depoimento dado a Julia Braun
Publicado em VEJA de 14 de abril de 2021, edição nº 2733
Mais lidas
BrasilBrasilBabá narrou tortura de Dr. Jairinho em tempo real para a mãe de Henry 
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MundoMundoEfeito Brexit: violência explode na Irlanda do Norte
Continua após a publicidade
The post Ela passou 28 anos sem pátria nem documentos: “Eu me sentia invisível” first appeared on Diário do carioca. from WordPress https://ift.tt/3mzyuJO via IFTTT
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ocentrodopoder · 3 years
Ela passou 28 anos sem pátria nem documentos: “Eu me sentia invisível”
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Maha Mano –Fernando Gutierrez Aliaga/.
Nasci no Líbano, em 1988, fruto de um relacionamento entre uma muçulmana e um cristão de famílias tradicionais da Síria. Meus pais haviam se conhecido em sua terra natal, mas foram alvo de feroz preconceito por romperem as barreiras que separavam suas religiões. Aí resolveram se mudar para Beirute e ali formaram uma família, com meus dois irmãos e eu. Nunca imaginaram, porém, que viveríamos como apátridas, sem ser reconhecidos oficialmente como cidadãos em nenhum país. De um lado, o Líbano não concedia nacionalidade a crianças de pais estrangeiros. De outro, os cartórios sírios não reconheciam casamentos inter-religiosos, como o dos meus pais. E assim passei toda a minha infância e adolescência, até os 28 anos de idade, sem nenhum registro nem documento, sentido-me inferior, invisível aos olhos da sociedade.
Foi um suplício encontrar uma escola que nos aceitasse sem que tivéssemos um número de identidade. Acabamos contando com a boa vontade de um único colégio e, desse modo, pudemos estudar. Certos hospitais se recusavam a nos atender, mesmo em casos de emergência. Uma vez, no meio de uma crise alérgica grave, precisei ser internada às pressas. Só me atenderam depois de uma amiga subornar os médicos para que me registrassem com o nome dela. E muitos outros obstáculos iam surgindo. Fui impedida de integrar uma equipe profissional de basquete e de viajar com meus colegas. Sem passaporte, não podia sair do país. O mais doído foi deixar de lado o sonho de cursar medicina. Nenhuma faculdade no Líbano permitia minha matrícula. Com muito custo e insistência, aos 22, fiz a graduação em sistemas de informação e o mestrado em administração. Mas, mesmo qualificada e falando quatro idiomas, virei assistente em uma construtora. Sempre ganhei menos do que os meus colegas, por não ser registrada.
Uma existência sem documento é envolta em medo. Vivia com um pavor que só bandidos têm: ser parada no meio da rua pela polícia. Pois apenas o fato de estar ali já seria ilegal. Aos 16 anos, comecei a me mexer para tentar mudar essa situação e escrevi para todas as embaixadas em Beirute que encontrei no Google. Foram dezenas de e-mails contando minha longa história e pedindo ajuda. Fui ignorada por dez anos, até que, em 2014, o governo brasileiro me ofereceu um documento especial para viajar ao Brasil e ser registrada como refugiada. Tudo o que tinha escutado sobre o Brasil se resumia a futebol, Carnaval e violência. Aos 26 anos, embarquei para Belo Horizonte com meus irmãos, de 24 e 28. Moramos na casa de uma família que generosamente nos acolheu. E aí, finalmente, recebi um número de CPF e uma carteira de trabalho, o início do processo de meu reconhecimento como cidadã. No meio do caminho, meu irmão acabou morrendo de forma estúpida, em um assalto, ainda sem sua nacionalidade, o que só fez acentuar em mim a necessidade de seguir em frente.
Por todo o barulho que fiz em torno de minha história, um dia fui convidada pela ONU para ser um dos rostos da campanha I Belong (Eu Pertenço). Rodei dezenas de cidades e países e recentemente escrevi uma biografia (Maha Mamo: a Luta de uma Apátrida pelo Direito de Existir, em coautoria com Darcio Oliveira). Em 2017, o Brasil aprovou em sua legislação imigratória o reconhecimento da chamada apatridia, um dos pioneiros no mundo. Um ano depois, eu e minha irmã nos tornamos as primeiras reconhecidas aqui segundo essa lei, o dia mais pleno da minha vida, sem exagero. Ganhei RG, passaporte, o direito de ter uma casa em meu nome e de me casar no papel. Se tiver filhos, serão brasileiros, com muito orgulho. Demorou, mas hoje posso dizer, com todas as letras, que não me sinto mais invisível.
Maha Mamo em depoimento dado a Julia Braun
Publicado em VEJA de 14 de abril de 2021, edição nº 2733
Mais lidas
BrasilBrasilBabá narrou tortura de Dr. Jairinho em tempo real para a mãe de Henry 
BrasilBrasil“Só me arrependo de ceder à prisão”, diz Daniel Silveira
BrasilBrasilSara Winter negocia delação premiada com a PGR
BrasilBrasilCaso Henry: o passo a passo de um crime bárbaro
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MundoMundoJordânia: uma puxada de tapete real
MundoMundoComo o governo chinês calou as manifestações populares em Hong Kong
MundoMundoReis e rainhas na avenida: o desfile de faraós no Cairo
MundoMundoEfeito Brexit: violência explode na Irlanda do Norte
Continua após a publicidade
The post Ela passou 28 anos sem pátria nem documentos: “Eu me sentia invisível” first appeared on O centro do poder. from WordPress https://ift.tt/3d3iZGQ via IFTTT
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