ezekielurquhart · 2 years
@bloodyrhiannon​ notes:  “my deviousness has finally rubbed off on you.”
“It was fun” Ezekiel admitted as he tossed the dead heart on the ground, he wasn’t sure if he was meant to feel anything but he’d fed until he was full and when he was done there was so much screaming. So much panic, it was more annoying and bothersome than it was heart wrenching so the vampire had just... reached into their chest and stopped it all at once. “Kind of.” Witches, fey, druids, these fucking necromancers - they all talked about power but in the end they were all breakable. Their bodies didn’t hold up against something like him. Something like them. “Is it supposed to feel so, I don’t know- easy?”
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ezekielurquhart · 2 years
Halfbloodeds were his favourite. Faimen in particular, though they were hard to come across. Distantly they each reminded him of Remi and made him think about the night they’d spent getting passed between a vampire in the backroom of Rome’s blood bar. His fangs broke the other’s skin and the euphoric rush was instant, his nerves felt alive for the first time in weeks, that beautiful spark of life that was almost potent enough to make his heart start pumping again. Zeke’s frame quivered as he maneuvered his mouth for a better angle, he was still new at this and there wasn’t a single person he’d bitten whose neck hadn’t been left mangled when he was done. Zeke had fed more tonight than he had since he’d been turned, and when he pulled away it was to look at one of his pseudo-sires looking over him. “Oh- you want some?”
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ezekielurquhart · 2 years
location: the alley near where Zeke died
notes: content warning for blood and death
When Zeke opened his eyes the world was bright, at the end of the alleyway the streetlamp hummed with such luminosity that the boy winced and recoiled, his hand came up to shield his eyes as he tried to protect himself from the blinding light. In the dumpster a mischief of rats feasted on the carcass of whatever leftovers had been abandoned within the bags of trash. Biting and gnawing as their tiny hearts beat fervently in Zeke’s ears, he rolled back and groaned, his hands covered his ears as he pressed his eyes as closely shut as was humanly possible. There was no one around, no sire to show him the way, just the rain that fell upon his filthy frame and the burning thirst at the back of his throat. He heard the blood as it pumped through their tiny hearts and dove for the first one he could get his hands into, buried newly-formed fangs into soft flesh before retching at the pungent smell and taste that came with the acrid blood. 
It wasn’t enough, not when he could smell something so much sweeter. 
“Are you alright down there?
A demon possessed. Zeke lunged at blinding speed, the call of the sweet gentlemen were the last words of the man before the crushing sound of Zeke’s fangs breaking his skin moved with such force that he nearly ripped the man’s head off. As a witch, murder had never crossed his mind, as a vampire it was still unconscionable - when it was over and Zeke had consumed every last drop of blood he felt a wave of sympathy as it washed over him. He looked at bloodcrusted hands and wondered where his death ended and the other’s began. “What-” he realized then that he wasn’t alone, “what did I do-?” It had all happened so fast, he’d been so hungry. Starving. 
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