mlmvoreconfessionals · 4 months
How about Bill doing some cock vore? maybe some pec vore too!
Definitely! Technically prompts but also one continuous story, have fun.
L.egoshi grunts as he’s slammed onto the ground, B.ill’s strong arms wrapped around him. The two carnivores have gotten into another fight, and B.ill is overpowering the wolf. The bathroom it’s happening in is giving them at least some privacy for this. But it’s giving the tiger an idea as well, to really one up his rival. B.ill grins, sitting up and straddling L.egoshi. “You know, I think it’s time I really taught you a lesson…” With a quick tug, B.ill pulls his pants down, letting his impressive cock flops out onto L.egoshi’s chest. The wolf blushes darkly as he sees it, his own pants tenting a bit and poking B.ill in the ass. For a second, he wonders if this is why B.ill has been so aggressive with him. A few strokes gets B.ill hard and the tiger leans in closer, putting a hand on the wall behind L.egoshi. The wolf thinks he’s about to be offered the cock to suck, and he’s not hating the idea…but then B.ill thrusts forward, forcing L.egoshi’s entire muzzle into the tiger’s cock with a muffled yelp. He starts to thrash around now, hitting B.ill’s thighs. The tiger lets out a moan, tipping his head back as he starts to thrust his hips some more. L.egoshi’s head is slurped in fast, and then B.ill is getting down is shoulders and chest. Each thrust has B.ill’s cock swallow up more of L.egoshi, dragging the wolf across the bathroom floor as he disappears from sight. And the more of him that disappears, the more then B.ill’s nuts bulge out, stretching around L.egoshi’s form. The wolf’s kicking legs slid across the tiled floor, his body slurping out of sight. Bull pants and moans, shamelessly rubbing over his thick shaft as it swallows up its meals. He’s already leaking, forming a puddle on the floor. L.egoshi’s legs are soon disappearing, and even his kicking feet slip into B.ill’s shaft and slosh down into his nuts. “Ooooh fuck yeah…” B.ill lays back against his bulging nuts, panting and moaning as he pumps his cock. L.egoshi’s voice is muffled by the tiger’s nuts, his form stretching them out as he tries to struggle. They’re groaning and bubbling deeply, growing warm and working on all that wolf meat. With how horny B.ill is, they’re working fast, trying to turn all of that wolf meat into the tiger’s next load. His fur sloughs off his body, which gets progressively more white and sloppy. L.egoshi screams as he watches himself melt into the boiling pool of cum. His struggles lessen as he sinks down, his limbs and body turning into white slop. His screams turn into groans which turn into wet bubbles, his half melted head sinking below the bubbling pool. B.ill’s nuts grow round and smooth, and soon later, the tiger aims his cock and blows his load with a mighty tiger’s roar. A fresh load pumps out like a geyser, splattering onto the urinals on the room. They’re painted bright white and quickly overfilled, tiger’s cum and wolf bones overflowing them. Plenty of it gets on the floor and walls as well, but Bull doesn’t care at all. Pleasure wracks his body as he wastes the dumb wolf into a light tiger’s orgasm. It takes several minutes for him to finish and he lays back on the floor, panting and basking in the afterglow. Tiger cum drips off the wall, L.egoshi’s bones scattered around the urinals. His skull sits on the bottom of one of them, jaw open wide as the skull faces the ceiling. That’s the state people will find e wolf after Bull leaves the bathroom. The tiger didn’t plan to get caught with that. He is eager to show off his much bigger cock, though. L.egoshi made it even better, so B.ill has to admit…he did something right. Even if it was just dying in his nuts.
B.ill was so sick of R.iz coming around and showing him up. Just because he’s a bear and is stronger than him, he likes to go around and constantly one up him! And he always does it with that calm, smiling expression like he’s not even trying. It makes B.ill boil! And today…he plans to finally be the one to win against the bear. He’s going to prove that tigers are the strongest and he’s going to use R.iz to do that. R.iz is busy carrying some heavy equipment around, stuck doing so since L.egoshi was found as a splatter in the bathroom. It means R.iz is spending a lot of time alone, with his guard down, giving B.ill his opening. He quickly follows after the bear as he disappears backstage. They’re alone and the place is empty. So he comes up from behind R.iz quickly and shoulder checks him. R.iz cries out and topples over, landing on the ground with a thud, unable to catch himself with his full arms. R.iz groans and coughs, rolling onto his back. B.ill grabs the bear by the front of the shirt and lifts him up. The tiger himself has tosses his own shirt aside, leaving his torso fully exposed. Perfect for him to shove R.iz’s muzzle right into his pecs. R.iz’s eyes widen, and before he can react, B.ill shoved down on the back of his head and forces it completely between his pecs. Then it’s a series of shoves and flexes to start pulling the bigger carnivore deeper into him. R.iz lets out a muffled roar, trying to thrash free. His arms are pinned down as his own massive chest sinks into B.ill’s, though, and he’s stuck sitting down. He tries to stand, but it just shoved more of himself into B.ill’s chest, getting a purr and a grin from the predator. R.iz is waist deep by then, and B.ill hauls his legs up. They try to kick around, but Bull pushes down on him by the bottom of his feet. It gets a moan from the tiger as he sends those muscular legs packing up. He pushes the feet in between his pecs soon and pulls his fingers back out. His chest is massive now, bulging around tightly on the bear as he struggles. B.ill closes his eyes, grinning wide as he gropes his own bulging chest. He starts flexing roughly, getting muffled grunts out of his prey. The space is already excruciatingly tight for someone so big, and each flex is just making that work. It’s forcing what would normally be a rather sturdy person to start breaking with ease. Loud snaps and crunches ring out from B.ill’s chest as it grows more compact. R.iz roars again, thrashing and shoving around with all his might. But those roars are sounding more like screams soon and it’s music to B.ill’s ears. “That’s it,” B.ill purrs, squeezing his chest tightly. “Who’s the stronger carnivore now, huh? Tigers!” He flexes down again, finding it easier to crush more of R.iz. He’s already feeling stronger. “You’re just pec meat now, R.iz! To make the better carnivore even stronger!” Each flex of his chest makes him bigger. His body sweeps with new muscule mass and he grows a bit taller. R.iz is fading, his body being broken down and absorbed into B.ill’s. His mass is becoming the tiger’s mass, and his screams are turning into whimpers as pain fades into increasing numbness. B.ill’s pecs grow smaller and sturdier, steadily putting R.iz away. “Just like L.egoshi. You belong to the stronger carnivore. So…hurry up…and die!” B.ill flexes his chest tightly and roars. Power and strength course through him like electricity, his muscles bulging all over his body. He stinks of a thick musk now, more chest hair on his pecs and his voice somehow growing deeper. Something solid pops out of his chest and hits the floor with a clatter. It’s R.iz’s skull, drenched in tiger sweat. B.ill grins down at it, huffing and puffing. He kicks it away lazily and stops off. His pants tear as he does, giving up on trying to contain his bigger thighs. But that’s fine. He’ll just steal some of R.iz’s clothes. They are his now, after all.
L.ouis stares up at B.ill from the ground, trying to scoot back. He knew that something had happened with the tiger since he got bigger and R.iz happened to go missing. But he had been too cocky about his position in the school’s hierarchy. He didn’t think B.ill would turn on him. Now, alone with him in the dressing room, the tiger naked and hard, he realizes he was wrong. He’s grabbed by the ankle and dragged across the floor. L.ouis yells and tries to struggle free, but B.ill is far stronger than him. “I think you should go keep that dumb dog some company,” B.ill says with a deep growl. He lifts L.ouis’s leg up and shoved it right into his cock. He shivers slightly and moans out, then grabs the deer’s other foot to shove it in as well. He starts letting his cock flex and swallow the deer up, dragging his legs down. L.ouis claws at the floor, trying to struggle and yelling for help. No one hears it but the tiger, who laughs and strokes his shaft. L.ouis is slurped up to his waist quickly, starting to lift off the floor. B.ill’s cock throbs and bobs, sending more and more of the deer down. L.ouis tries to push himself out, but his hands slurp into the drooling cock lips and pins his arms down. B.ill grabs him by the antlers, already getting to L.ouis’s chest. “Don’t need these anymore.” A quick tg and the antlers crack off. L.ouis screams, but the sound is cut off by a wet slurp as his head goes down. B.ill’s nuts slosh and hang down low, reaching his knees. The tiger moans and starts to stroke himself again. “Just where you belong,” B.ill growls. “L.egoshi and R.iz at least were carnivores. But you? I’m not taking orders from *prey.*” He starts stroking himself faster, panting. His nuts flex and churn, L.ouis’s yelling quickly fading out into wet bubbling and churning. He was melting fast, his body reducing into boiling nut slop. Whether it was being an herbivore or B.ill’s body being so powerful, it didn’t matter. L.ouis was gone in no time, and B.ill is blowing his load onto the dressing rooms mirror with a moan. Deer bones come up all at once, the skeleton kept in most one piece. It strikes the mirror with a thump, being plastered against it with the thick tiger cum. B.ill’s orgasm ends after a couple of minutes, and he grins at the skeleton as he takes deep breaths. That’s the most popular guy in school dead. Now, a real man can take his place. A carnivore. A tiger. B.ill.
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mlmvoreconfessionals · 4 months
rremember the Legoshi vs Riz fight under the bridge? Legoshi had to eat Louis's feet to get stronger. So could you write a story where Legoshi eats Louis completely, Riz and maybe Pina too?
I do believe I’ve touched on this scene a bit before, but not to this extent, so it’d be fun to have L.egoshi go all the way!
“Are you sure about this?” L.egoshi asks uncertainly. “You know if I do then—“
“We don’t have time for you to ask stupid questions,” L.ouis retorts. “I told you to eat me. So eat me.”
L.egoshi’s ears lower slightly and he sighs. L.ouis always was too stubborn. So he relents, lifting the deer’s legs up. His jaws yawn open wide and he can’t help but drool a bit. L.ouis did always seem a bit tasty. His belly gurgled in anticipation.
With a shove, L.ouis is swallowed in up to his knees. L.egoshi is trying to move fast without tasting, but even what little bits of deer graze his tongue are amazing. He can’t help the pleased growl that escapes him as he swallows hard, dragging L.ouis in up to his ass.
L.egoshi lifts the deer up, hoisting him into the air. L.ouis is sitting in the wolf’s jaws for just a second, large hands holding onto his hips. Then another gulp sucks him deeper as those hands push down on him. He sticks up to his armpits quickly, arms pinned down. Another gulps drags him deeper, his antlers clacking against L.egoshi’s jaws as his chin rests on the wolf’s tongue. “L.egoshi…you better not die,” L.ouis says, just before those jaws snap down.
The deer’s antlers snap off, held in L.egoshi’s hands. He gulos hard, sending the last of the deer down. His thin gut bulges out with a wet slosh, L.ouis dropping inside and curled up. L.egoshi lets out a deep breath, panting softly now as he lets the antlers drop to the ground. He’s never felt so full…or tasted food so good. He’s still drooling. He drops the antlers to rub slowly over his gut. “L.ouis…I won’t lose…” L.egoshi pushes down hard on his gut, letting out a deep belch into the air. Wet cracks rumble out of his gut, L.ouis’s body folding fast under the immense pressure. He’s reduced to a meat and bone slurry by the wolf’s stomach, ready to pump deeper and give L.egoshi the energy to win.
And he did win. With L.ouis pumping through his body, L.egoshi had far more energy than the meat-deprived R.iz. The bear’s natural superior strength didn’t account for L.egoshi to get the willing sacrifice of an herbivore. R.iz goes down by force, but L.egoshi’s stomach is emptying out, and it’s gurgling with intensity, L.egoshi doesn’t think. He acts on instinct. He engulfs R.iz’s head.
R.iz is too exhausted to fight back. He can’t even try to push the wolf off of him as L.egoshi lunges down further with a deep gulp, forcing himself over R.iz’s shoulders and chest. Another heavy gulp sends him down the bear’s stomach. It plunged R.iz’s head into L.egoshi’s own stomach, letting him barely make out the remaining boiling slop of deer slurry. R.iz lets out a scream.
It’s not heard by L.egoshi, as thick gulps drown the bear out. R.iz is hoisted off the ground, his thick legs chugged down quickly. L.egoshi’s stomach stretches out more and more until it finally hits the ground and R.iz’s feet are slurped up. L.egoshi pants deeply as he sends the carnivore down. He pushes down on his gut like before and belches thickly into the air. It doesn’t break down R.iz quiet like it did to L.ouis. But with how active L.egoshi’s gut is and how exhausted R.iz is, it won’t be long before the bear is digesting.
P.ina shows up about twenty minutes later. He’s thankful to have gotten out of his binds and catch up on things. He’s heard the belches and, thinking they were roars, wanted to make sure things were actually going well. He’s thankful to get thee and see L.egoshi standing on his own.
“L.egoshi, did you win?” P.ina asks. “Where R.iz? Is he..?” The sheep trails off and comes to a stop, just in arm’s reach of the wolf. He’s finally noticed how large L.egoshi’s stomach is. It’s hanging down to his knees and round, bubbling and churning deeply. The vague imprints of bone are unmistakable. P.ina is fairly certain they’re near bones. He blinks and looks up at L.egoshi, wanting to ask what happened. But all he sees looking back at him are the eyes of a predator.
Pins’s scream is cut off with a wolf gullet and thick gulps. He splashed down into the boiling slop of bear slurry in L.egoshi’s gut. Another belch rumbles out and L.egoshi flops down to finally rest. Come the next day, he’ll barely remember what happened after eating L.ouis. But he’ll be plenty fatter and feeling great.
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mlmvoreconfessionals · 4 months
Can we get more things with Pina as a pred? Maybe he and Legoshi have the same dynamic as your stuff with Spiderman and Deadpool?
Oh now there's a fun idea to work with.
L.egoshi’s jaw drops at the scene before him. Him and P.ina had finally figured out that R.iz was the killer, and despite his insistence, P.ina said he could ‘handle it’. L.egoshi wasn’t sure, given that R.iz is a hulking bear with a kill count and P.ina is…well, an herbivore. But he went to the place P.ina told him to meet in and what he sees is just…impossible. A pair of kicking bear legs hangs out of Pins’s drooling jaws. His gut is already bulged out heavily before him, R.iz’s struggling, roaring form well defined on that thin belly. P.ina perks up a bit when he notices L.egoshi watching him and he smirks. With a wet, slowly slurp, R.iz’s kicking legs disappear down the hatch. Twitching feet slide into his maw and he snaps his jaws shut, gulping one last time. Pins’s gut sloshes and shifts around as R.iz sinks in fully. It slams into the ground, the bulge made by the bear up to Pins’s chest. The ram lets out a low, deep belch that builds up to shake the walls of the room. “Aaaah…there you are, L.egoshi. You were a bit early but that’s fine.” P.ina pats his gut over the bulge R.iz’s face made, who roars out again. “See? I handled the problem. Didn’t need some big, strong predator to come save the day.” Pins’s gut bulges and sloshes, getting another wet belch out of him. He slurps over his lips and chuckles softly. “Well…I suppose I’m the carnivore now, aren’t I?” He chuckles softly, rubbing slowly over his gut. “I’m sure you’re wondering why I had you come here, though. See…R.iz is giving me some indigestion. Make yourself useful, won’t you? I could use some belly rubs to settle him down.” P.ina smacks the bulge of R.iz’s head, getting another roar from the bear. L.egoshi, still completely stunned, walks forward and kneels down in front of P.ina’s tank to start rubbing away. He’s given a thick belch into the face, forced to stare up into the Ram’s maw. His breath stinks if bear. P.ina pats L.egoshi’s head after and sighs content, resting against his gut. “Good boy~ Keep that yo, and I might just let you feel me up once R.iz has settled on my figure. Won’t you be lucky~?"
“What did you eat..?” L.egoshi asks as he feels over Pins’s stomach. It’s sloshing and round, having clearly well worked through its meal. L.egoshi tried his best to act like he wasn’t interested in P.ina and his carnivorous tendencies, but he was. Blatantly. His tail was wagging even now, feeling over the half melted person and listening to it gurgle. “Why don’t you take a guess?” P.ina asks with a sly grin. “Here’s a hint.” He moves in closer, pressing his stomach up against the wolf. He stands up on his toes so he’s got the wolf’s nose in front of his lips. Then he lets out a wet belch right in the wolf’s face. L.egoshi’s nose twitches as he’s forced to smell P.ina’s breath and gut stink. His ear flickers as he thinks…and then his eyes widen. “Wait…is that L.ouis?!” He backs up quickly, putting his hands back onto Pins’s gut and pressing around. Of course, there’s not much to feel in there other than some bones. P.ina grins and lets out another wet belch as his gut is squished around. “The two of us had a bit of a…disagreement. But we’ve worked it out~” he pats the side of his belly, making it ‘slorsh’ back and forth. “Now, you don’t have to spend so much time with one of us over the other. We can do it together!” P.ina grins wide, clearly pleased with himself. He’s not paying much attention to L.egoshi’s expression, pressing his gut up against the wolf again. “You were enjoying it plenty just a minute ago. You should be liking it more now, right? Knowing that it’s your L.ouis?” It’s all a big tease to P.ina. And despite L.egoshi’s shock and devastation…his tail can’t help but wag and his hands find themselves back on P.ina’s gut.
“C’mon now, I know you like this, you dumb dog~” P.ina teases, pressing his gut further against L.egoshi. He’s got the wolf pinned to the wall with it as his guts churn hard. He can feel L.egoshi’s wagging tail and see his blushing face over the curve of his stomach, but L.egoshi is still refusing eye contact and won’t admit it. So P.ina goes on. “You can’t hide it from me. Surely a big, bad predator like you would have done something about it if he didn’t?” P.ina presses a bit more against L.egoshi, letting out a thick, bubbling belch. He slurps over his lips slowly, noticing L.egoshi watching his mouth. “After all…I ate your boyfriend. The drama club. Your roommates. That weird panda you hung out with, that lizard I saw you with…” Pins’s guts churn deeply, he’s grown a lot plumper on all these meals. He’s not even been eating them because he’s hungry. He just knows it gets L.egoshi’s attention, and he likes that attention. “Not even your neighbors were safe.” P.ina presses a hand down on his gut, making it sink in with a wet squelch and forcing another deep belch out of him. Tasted a bit like seafood. “Aaah…so, anyone else I have to eat to make you admit it? I’m not complaining much if I have to…even if it’s making me fat.” Pika can feel something poking him from down below and he smirks. Got him. “Your body says what your mouth won’t~ Maybe I’ll finally let you explore all that new heft everyone gave me. Someone should get to enjoy it.” That finally gets L.egoshi to bury his face into P.ina’s gut and hug it, squeezing another rumbling belch out of P.ina. That’s more like it…
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mlmvoreconfessionals · 4 months
could you write Riz oral vore with disposal?
For sure! I was gonna do some prompts but then the first one uh...got away from me. So it's a story now.
T.em shakes as he stares up into the cavernous, dripping maw above him. He can’t believe this is happening. Large hands hold his arms down but even if they didn’t, he’d still be too petrified to run. The breath that washes over him smells vaguely of honey. It’s going to smell like him soon.
Was this just the inevitable end for all prey and predators? For one to eat the other? He had hoped it wasn’t. Not that it matters now. The stronger, bigger animal got to decide what happens to him…and R.iz decided he was food. T.em is lifted off the ground with ease, his face planted into R.iz’s maw. The bear’s tongue slurps over his face. It’s slick and warm and finally makes him start to wiggle a bit. But the sensation stops as he’s shoved back, and his face instead meets the wet gullet waiting for him.
The first wet gulp rings out. R.iz’s maw shuts, sharp teeth resting gently on T.em’s body. Even with his uniform on, R.iz’s tongue laps at the alpaca’s shoulders and chest, soaking up whatever flavor there is to get out of him. It’s not much, so the next gulp happens, sucking T.em deeper, and giving R.iz access to his lithe stomach. Getting his tongue under his friend’s shirt is much easier now, and when he drags it across T.em’s flesh, it makes the legs hanging from his jaws kick and wiggle.
R.iz’s hands move to T.em’s calves now and he tips his head back, gulping a third time. T.em sinks further down, thighs entering the bear’s drooling maw. The gullet wall around him are tight and slick and the heat is immense. He can hear R.iz’s heart thudding in his ears and deep breathing all around. His face is pressing against something tight, where a deep, beastiality groan rumbles up that makes him whimper.
With the next gulp, R.iz feels fullness start to settle in his stomach. T.em’s head and shoulders squeeze into the organ finally, making it bulge a bit around his head. R.iz rubs a hand along the bulge gently, the other resting on his chest. He wants more. All that’s hanging out of his maw now is a pair of twitching feet. His tongue curls around them, dragging them into his jaws. One final gulp and…
T.em suddenly sloshes down, his entire body spilling into R.iz’s stomach. It makes him Yelp in surprise at how fast it suddenly was. He’s curled up in an awkward position, head tucked between his knees, one arm squished between his legs and chest and the other at his side and under his ass. The walls around him are tight and slimy, the space too warm and hard to breathe in. The smell of honey mixes with gut stink and it’s overwhelming. T.em tries to call for help, to tell R.iz to let him out, to scream…but all that comes out of him is a choked whine. He’s going to die in here.
R.iz lets out a low, deep groan of pure satisfaction. He rubs slowly along his gut with one hand, the other cupped under it to provide some support. T.em is small, at least compared to him, but his stomach still hangs out a nice bit. The feeling of warm fullness is immensely satisfying and euphoric. R.iz has never felt like this before. Is this…the true nature of prey and predators? Does T.em feel as good as he does? He hopes so. He wants it to. He tips his head back and belches deeply.
The belch makes everything quake for T.em. The stale air is already hard on him. Having less of it is even worse. His mind is already swimming. He tries to move around, to get more comfortable if nothing else, but the space is too tight and too slick. All he really does is make the gut slosh a bit and get his arm out from under himself. The stomach is growing louder around him, the gurgled and groans it makes like rumbles in his ears. He’s just food now. He’s going to die like this. R.iz is going to kill him. Those thoughts keep racing through his mind, even as it gets harder to think, harder to stay conscious. Some spotty part of his mind reminds him that R.iz is his friend. Isn’t it better to be eaten by a friend than a stranger..?
R.iz sits down in one of the empty chairs of the lecture hall, slurping along his lips slowly to enjoy the last taste of T.em. He’s unbuttoned his shirt, letting his furry gut hang out in all its glory. He can’t keep his hands off of it, wanting to feel T.em shift around in there. It’s absolutely amazing. He wants to thank T.em for being his food and his friend, but he’s worried that if he speaks, he might wake up and find this was all just a dream. So he just rumbles, rubs his gut, and smiles. It’s getting loud now, he can feel it working hard. He’s never had live prey before but…he imagines T.em will flush through his system just fine.
The stomach sounds are so loud that they nearly drown out T.em’s thoughts. He’s sinking into himself, into the warm sensation around him. He’s struggling to keep his eyes open and his body is already feeling numb. R.iz seems happy…maybe this is for the best. This is the only way a prey and a predator can be together. Not as friends or lovers but…as food and consumer. T.em is happy it was R.iz. If it was someone else…or god forbid a stranger…that wouldn’t feel right. It wouldn’t be fair. But it was R.iz. If it had to be anyone…it should be him. Another belch makes the stomach rumble around him and the walls squeeze him tighter. All sensations start to fade away, as if they were growing distant. Still…he would have liked…to stay with R.iz…as his friend…
As R.iz’s belch tapers off, he can feel T.em’s weaker shifting fade into little twitches, and then nothing. A deep, content sigh escapes him. T.em is all his now. He’ll be his forever. He sits back in the chair, starting to rub his hand deeper into his stomach. He doesn’t care now how rough he is. T.em is his.
Digestion takes a couple of hours. T.em’s body doesn’t hold up so well between R.iz’s harsh rubbing and the intensity of his working stomach. When the first popping sounds start to come from the bear’s stomach, he had paused, almost like what had happened was actually sinking in. But then he burped again, slurped over his lips, and pressed down until he got a crack instead. His gut softened up rapidly from there, T.em’s body almost effortlessly breaking apart on him.
He could then feel the liquid weight sinking deeper. Wet rumbling noises come from his stomach as T.em siphons deeper through his guts, along his intensities and to his bowels. R.iz rubs a bit further now, letting out a pleased huff to himself as he practically feels T.em making his lower belly swell. By the time the entire process is done, R.iz is nearly asleep. He’s only woken up again by the sudden sharp pressure he feels down below.
Taking himself to the open part of the room, R.iz lowers his pants and squats down. A fart crackles out of him, making his nose twitch a bit from the smell. It’s not really improved when a solid mass begins to push out of him. But any displeasure from the smell itself is tamped down by the sensation of something so thick stretching him out and knowing what it once was.
The logs of bear crap start piling up from there. They squeeze out easily enough, slopping onto the ground with soft thumps. Bits of bone and fur are laced through the dark brown muck, with some of T.em’s more solid bones coming out with a bit more effort. R.iz grunts as he finds a shoe passing through him and then another. Should have taken those off. T.em’s uniform comes out through a few logs as well, with his shirt stuck on mostly broken ribs. The pile builds up more and more before, finally, a solid object begins to push out.
R.iz grits, giving a strong squeeze, and he can feel the solid mass pop out. It’s followed by the last of the crap and his bowels are finally empty. He gets back to his feet, looking down at his handwork. T.em’s skull sits at the top of the knee-high pile, half buried under thick bear shit. R.iz can make out other bones here or there and see one of the shoes that gave him trouble. The smell is absolutely repugnant, too. It’s a sorry sight for someone he considered such a good friend.
But…staring at the skull, he swears it’s smiling up at him. And he can’t help but smile back. Him and T.em are together forever, in the way only predator and prey can be. And now everyone will know that. R.iz lets out a yawn and stretches. It makes his slightly chubbier gut wobble and he pats it absentmindedly. After a meal like that, he needs a good night’s sleep. So he walks off, leaving the pile behind. Come morning, it’ll be found, but for just tonight, this’ll be his and T.em’s secret.
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mlmvoreconfessionals · 4 months
I saw one of your B.eastars prompts and I was wondering if you could expand on the L.ouis getting a taste for carnivores after wolfing down L.egoshi? Would love to see that deer bulk up from his new diet!
Oh, definitely a fun idea to return to. This ask is in reference to the first prompt here.
L.ouis sits back in the chair provided in his dressing room, a hand resting on his engorged stomach. It’s bulging out wildly, hands and limbs and even a pissed off face stretching the taut flesh out. A thrashing orange tail is poking out from the deer’s lips. Though, with a wet slurp, that’s gone as well, and the last of the tiger drops into L.ouis’s gut. He tips his head back to let loose a deep belch into the air, a bit of fur on his breath.
B.ill’s angry roaring is well muffled by L.ouis’s stomach. Legoshi had left his mark on the deer’s figure, giving his normally lean build a soft pot belly that just about everyone has taken notice of. Not that he really cared. L.ouis always exuded confidence, and some new weight certainly didn’t change that. Especially when it was weight he was proud to show off. Weight he’s eager to add to...
This isn’t his first meal since eating Legoshi, though. L.ouis has been careful about who he picks off and where he’s gotten the meals. A dog here, a cheetah there...though, it’s been building up to meals like this. The drama club predators are ones he’s been eager to get his jaws around. He’s already had panther and albatross. Now...he’s gotten tiger.
“Well, B.ill, how does it feel knowing you were right?” L.ouis asks, rubbing slowly over his engorged gut. “Really though...you carnivores are all the same. You thought I was responsible for all those disappearances, but because you’re so large and strong, you also thought you could take me on single handedly? The nerve.” He gives his gut a good smack, making it wobble. “Well, I do enjoy my prey bringing themselves to me...”
B.ill’s face stretches out L.ouis’s gut again, a loud, muffled roar drowned out by the wet gurgle of the deer’s stomach. He’s yelling expletives and threats, but they’re half understandable, and L.ouis frankly isn’t trying very hard to parse it. It’s the same thing he’s heard from plenty of others. Before long, he won’t be making a peep anyway.
L.ouis’s stomach has taken on enough predators at this point, that B.ill is hardly a challenge for it anymore. Even as he stretches the deer’s gut out and tries to slice around, nothing happens other than more rumbling belches. B.ill ends up tiring out rather quickly. Using up all of his energy as well as the grinding, squeezing stomach walls and bubbling acids gets him to go mostly still. L.ouis smirks, starting to rub into his gut. “Have you already tired out? Predictable...you’re merely meat for a true predator. This was always going to be the outcome.”
A deep groan and a shudder comes from L.ouis’s stomach, and he can’t quite tell if that was him or B.ill. He rises to his feet, his gut sloshing heavily and sagging down. He burps into his fist and waddles over to a nearby mirror.  He can really see how much he’s plumped up. His lean build is more than gone. He’s round, stomach ballooned out, as well as his ass and thighs, his chest is softer, his arms are thicker, and even his face has rounded. He smirks, gripping his gut by both sides and sloshing it back and forth. He can feel the tiger shift weakly from it. “I wonder where you’ll end up, B.ill. I have been hoping for some more weight down below...”
A knock at the door makes L.ouis’s ears perk up. “Mm...looks like we’ve been interrupted. That’s a shame, I was hoping this could go on a little longer. No matter...” L.ouis starts to grind his hand deeper into his stomach, pushing down on the lump B.ill made. He can feel the tiger start to thrash a bit as he’s forced down. L.ouis doesn’t relent, pushing down hard until he hears a few muffled cracks. The thrashing instantly goes to twitching, followed by stillness. “...there we are.” A light pat to the side of his gut and he goes to answer the door.
L.ouis finds that he has to look up, meeting the eyes of R.iz. He tries not to drool, idly rubbing along the side of his gut as it lets out a low groan. Even full of tiger meat, it’s hoping for its first taste of bear. “R.iz, I thought I mentioned I didn’t want to be disturbed.”
R.iz smiles sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head. “Ah...yeah, that’s right. It’s just, B.ill and I were supposed to get some stuff set up on stage today and he never showed up.”
L.ouis’s belly lets out a wet gurgle at the mention of B.ill and he subtly licks his lips. “...I see. Well, I haven’t heard from him since practice, so I’m afraid I can’t be of any help.”
“Alright...” R.iz sighs, looking annoyed. But his ear twitches as L.ouis’ gut continues to gurgle deeply, and he ends up focusing on that. “Sounds like you’ve got some indigestion. Might be time to cut back a bit on whatever you’ve been eating, huh?” R.iz smiles and gives L.ouis’s gut a few pats, making it slosh thickly.
L.ouis’s eyes widen a bit as he feels something come up. He puts a hand to his mouth but he can’t stop himself from unleashing a deep, rumbling BWWWWEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLCH! on the spot. R.iz’s ears perk up slightly and his nose twitches as the gut stink washes over him. Normally, he’d be a bit repelled by it, but there’s an odd scent on L.ouis’s breath that takes him by surprise. He leans in closer, nose twitching some more. “...hey, isn’t that--”
He doesn’t get to finish. L.ouis’s jaws clamp down over R.iz’s muzzle. He’s quick to shove on the back of the bear’s head, stepping back into his dressing room in the process. It forces R.iz’s face down into his gullet while also making him stumble and lose his footing. It’s an advantage L.ouis quickly takes hold of as he begins to gulps hard, gripping onto R.iz by the upper arms to cram his shoulders down. R.iz’s feet start to kick at the floor as he flails slightly, large hands grabbing onto L.ouis’s waist for some kind of support as the deer’s jaws start sliding over thick pecs.
Once L.ouis gets down to the bear’s elbows, his head is plunged into the bubbling gut slop, making him thrash around more. He releases his grip on L.ouis to try and beat him off, but that’s when the deer takes the chance to keep gulping, forcing R.iz’s arms down as he starts working past the bear’s stomach. Once he’s got a muscular ask in his jaws, L.ouis grabs onto R.iz’s legs and starts tossing his head back as he gulps.
L.ouis’s gut begins to bloat outward, R.iz spilling into it more and more. Once he’s no long below the surface of slop, his voice is crying out and he starts to push around. But his kick legs are steadily slurped up, all the way up to his feet. L.ouis’s jaws clack shut and a hard gulp sends them down, dropping the last of the bear into his stomach. This is now his large meal, gut sitting firmly on the ground, stretched tightly over R.iz’s form that anyone would recognize the bear forced inside. It’s almost painful out tight it is, given that B.ill is still sloshing around in there.
But it feels good. L.ouis leans against his stomach, hands rubbing either side as he takes deep breaths. “Well then...not quite how I expected to get you down but I certainly appreciate the forwardness. And you’ve managed to find B.ill as well. Seems this works out for everyone.” With a crass belch, L.ouis rests his chin on his gut. He’s going to have to spend the rest of the day letting this one digest. But that’s just fine. That’s just part of being at the top of the food chain.
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Yo, very nice stories and prompts that ya make! Any chance we could get some B.eastars mass v.ore with d.isposal?
I would love to!
A deep belch roars out of R.iz, someone's shirt flying out of his maw and splattering onto his engorged stomach. He's really gone and done it now but he doesn't care. It just feels so good. He's laying on his back, propped up just a bit on his elbows. His stomach is stretched tightly, sticking above him in the air. He slurps slowly over his lips as he watches it slosh back and forth, bulges of his friends pushing around as they struggle inside. He finally did it--he couldn't hold himself back anymore and R.iz devoured the entire drama club. It'd been surprisingly easy, really. Some of them put up a bit more of a fight than others--L.egoshi managed to scratch him good on the way down--but in the end, none of them could hope to fight against the raw strength of a powerful bear. Now he gets to lay back and enjoy the fruits of his labor, watching his friends fight desperately for their lives in his stomach as it churns and clenches over them. R.iz knows that they won't survive. But the entire club will be a part of him forever. They'll add to his muscle and pack on as plush fat and he'll make sure they stay around that way. But first, he has to digest them, make them his. His body is doing it effortlessly, his strong predator physiology making it too simple to smelt down so much thrashing meat. It starts shrinking down steadily, boiling and churning like a beast. Every so often there are a couple grisly cracks and a scream as somebody gives way under the power of R.iz's stomach. He lets loose deep, booming belches every so often, the flavor of the club mixing together on his breath. His stomach finishes them off in under half an hour, churning up the last few stragglers into sludge. His stomach continues to shrink down, pumping them all deeper through him, slowly adding to his body and making the bear growl happily. When they're finally done, he's gotten bigger all over, but most notably his abs have been replaced with a wobbling pot belly that forces his shirt to ride up, exposing the soft flesh to the world. He feels proud of it. R.iz gets to his feet, stretching out with a pleased groan. Digesting all that meat felt good...but his lower stomach rumbles harshly, reminding him of a consequence for so much eating. His shorts are already shredded over his thicker ass and thighs, so he doesn't hesitate to simply rip them off and squat down over the stage. A deep, bassy fart blows from his ass, soon followed by the crown of the first thick log of shit. R.iz grunts as he squeezes it out--it must be as thick as one of his arms! It coils up on the stage under him, steaming a bit in the cool air as it breaks off after just a few feet. Ruined clothes and bones litter the mass, the various members of the club mixed together in a disgusting brown heap. Another thick log slides out, landing on top of the first, and R.iz grunts as he feels something pass--L.ouis's skull, missing an antler, came squeezing out. P.ina's wasn't too far behind, still donning both horns and making R.iz groan as it passes through. The log pinches off soon after, and a third one slides out to top off the pile. It lands with a splat and R.iz sighs heavily as the work is finally done. The pile comes up to his knees and the smell is atrocious. Even R.iz has to fan his nose. "Sorry about the stink, everyone...but at least I got to keep the best parts." He smiles and rubs over his stomach, giving it a gentle squeeze as it rumbles. He lumbers off, leaving the heap of dung to be found by whatever poor soul comes in next.
"You damn carnivores..." L.ouis sighs, looking down at his bloated stomach with a frown. It's gurgling heavily, moving back and forth as various bulges shove around inside. The deer has been having some...cravings ever since he started getting closer to L.egoshi. He didn't quite understand what it was until he was slurping down the wolf's legs. But the cravings were bad...one wasn't enough. So now he's sitting in his office, his gut bloated with every carnivore he could get his hands on until he was too full to move. They're fighting for their lives now, pushing and shoving around, roaring and yelling, but it's going to be for nothing. They're going to die in the gut of a red deer. That thought makes L.ouis drool again. Knowing that he so easily devoured and digested a gaggle of carnivores is the exact thing he'd been craving. Already, L.egoshi was little more than a bubbling soup in his stomach, and it'd only be a matter of time before the rest of the mighty predators fell apart as well. He rubs slowly over his stomach, turning his head up so he can let out a crass belch into the air. "Is this what it's like to have your power? To feel as big and strong as a carnivore...so many of us want that in life. And now I have it." He pushes down on a bulge of someone's head, belching again. They were all so delicious...L.ouis had no idea meat could be so good. Carnivore meat...now that's a delicacy he wants to indulge in more. There's still plenty of them around for him to snack on. But he can work on dinner plans after he's finished processing lunch.L.ouis can feel his stomach working harder the longer it digests. Those powerful predators are falling apart on him, softening down into thick chyme one after another. His belly steadily shrinks down, rumbling and gurgling as it pumps all that sludge away, packing it onto the deer's own frame as plush fat. He'd be large and round when it's finally over, barely fitting into his clothes--many of the seams ripping just from the weight gain alone. He sighs and smacks his gut, making it wobble. "You bastards...what am I supposed to do with all of this? I'll have to refit my entire wardrobe now! Not to mention..." L.ouis lifts his leg, grunting as he farts. "...you all stink. Best deal with that problem first." With a bit of effort, the deer gets to his feet and waddles out of his office and to the nearest bathroom. L.ouis squats down over one of the toilets, his pants already torn enough to leave his ass exposed as he starts pushing out thick logs of shit. The deer groans from the effort as he takes the biggest crap of his life--all those predators packed into very dense logs and most of their bones survived the trip through, too, further stretching out L.ouis's ass as he dumps them out. The smell is almost too much for his senses--his prey drive is having some issues dealing with his new predatory one, so he works up a sweat as he squeezes out log after log. The pile nearly reaches his ass when he's finally done. With a sigh of relief, he steps out of the stall and glances back. A wolf skull sits at the top of the pile, half buried in it with its jaws open. L.ouis smirks seeing it, gives the skull a slight wave, and waddles off. No time to think about food now. He has to get a new wardrobe.
L.egoshi takes deep breaths as he lays in his bed, effectively trapped. His grey stomach is squishing into the top of his bunk and it's too stuffed for him to move. Other than the thick gurgling of his gut, though, the room is quiet--not that it's empty, of course. His roommates are all packed away in his churning guts. They'd all made a bet while L.egoshi was sleeping over how long it'd take for him to wake up before he realized he'd been eating them. A very dumb bet, maybe, but it seemed funny at the time. L.egoshi didn't come to until J.ack was just a pair of legs hanging from his jaws, which ended up being gulped down rather quickly in a panic. He'd been the last one to take the trip and now all the dogs are packed away in a wolf's belly. L.egoshi is understandably confused and panicked over all of it, but there's not much he can do--trying to bring his friends back up just makes him belch and he can feel his stomach working overtime to claim its rare treat of live meat. They're melting fast, in fact, at least two of them having been churned up by the time J.ack took the plunge, and the rest aren't too far behind. L.egoshi groans, leaning his head back as he rubs over his stuffed belly, feeling it greedily mulch down his roommates without remorse. He doesn't understand why they did this...but he'd be lying if he said it didn't feel a little nice. Getting to taste them all on his breath every time he belches is a nice bonus, too. In just half an hour, his stomach is half the size it had been, now round and bubbling thickly. The wolf slowly gets to his feet, his stomach wobbling and sloshing as he moves. L.egoshi scratches the back of his neck, blushing as he feels over his gut. He's so...fat now. He can see the rest of his body packing on the extra weight, too. Thankfully he wears pretty baggy clothes to bed but...this is still not what he was expecting. He pushes down on his gut again, feeling it churn over the last bits of meat inside. His tail hikes up and he farts, bringing a blush to his face. At least he's the only one here who can smell it...but his friends didn't plan on staying forever and L.egoshi mostly wants to get back to sleep. So, he goes to one of the now empty bottom bunks, drops his pants, and sticks his ass inside. The wolf grunts as he blasts another fart, his face going red. Soon after, he begins to squeeze his roommates back out, soft logs of crap dropping onto the bed below him and beginning to pile up. The smell is awful but...L.egoshi's tail is wagging like crazy as he dumps his friends off in the bunk. He can feel bones stretch him out every so often, especially a couple skulls that take a good push to force out. By the time he's done, he's filled the bunk up with a massive load of shit, several dog skeletons scattered throughout the mess. L.egoshi's tail wags faster seeing what he's done to his roommates. If he gets new ones...he'll have to do it again. But for now, he pulls the curtains on the bunk closed and gets back into his. He'll do something about them in the morning. For now...it's back to sleep.
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How about some mass vore with Te.m from Beaststars? Having him turn the tables on Ri.z and then develop cravings from such a large meal sounds fun! With some disposal and weight gain after eating so many bigger prey should leave its mark!
Definitely, sounds like a great idea!
It had been an accident. Or, at least, as much of an accident as trying not to get murdered can be. When R.iz finally cornered him, he thought it was over, and T.em had screamed as the bear lunged at him to tear him apart. And then he stopped. Something big had wedged itself into his mouth, and T.em was so panicked, he just started swallowing on instinct. He didn't even realize the thing he was gulping down was R.iz until he was staring at the bear-shaped bulge stretching out his stomach. He couldn't even say anything in his shock, just let out belches that rival the loud roars R.iz made.
The next day, T.em heard people talking about the heap of shit they'd found in one of the classrooms. Everyone had expected something like this to happen to one of the herbivores on campus, but a carnivore? Especially one like R.iz? That was what made it spread so fast. T.em could only blush at the thought, fiddling with the buttons on his uniform. They're just barely keeping his shirt closed over his new pot belly and he's not sure how to explain that he'll need a size up for them.
T.em had been hoping to just forget the whole thing and move on with his life. No one would ever believe he devoured, digested, and dumped R.iz out, and he didn't want to get in trouble in case someone did. So he did his best to ignore the whole thing and move on. But his stomach had different ideas, and as the days go on, the carnivores of the drama club make it growl louder and louder each time he sees them. He finally reaches a breaking point when he tries to bite B.ill's tail and he knows he can't hold back anymore.
T.em lured the tiger in question to a storage room under the guise of needing help lifting a box. He'd never suspect anything of the small herbivore, so when T.em launched himself at B.ill, the tiger found it funnier more than anything. At least until T.em's maw was sliding over his head and sucking him down. The tiger wasn't laughing too much then, but as his broad shoulders start disappearing, it's too late for him to fight back as he goes from proud predator to delicious prey. It had been just as easy to work him down as it had been to work R.iz down, and T.em hoped that meant the rest of the process would be. He'd be wrong.
He was face to face with L.egoshi, the wolf having come by to see what was taking the two so long. The wolf looks from T.em's wide eyes, to the tiger tail sticking out of his lips, to the B.ill shaped bulge in his gut. With a slurp, T.em sends the last of B.ill down and tackles L.eogshi next. The weight of B.ill hanging off his middle lets T.em people the wolf, and in the confusion, he gets his maw over L.egoshi's muzzle and begins to guzzle him down next. And as he's packing the last of the wolf away, T.ao came in after hearing the commotion. After that, T.em is beginning to consider this may have been a bad idea as he horks down kicking albatross legs.
T'em belches thickly as he gets the last of A.oba down the hatch. He's stuffed silly, his gut so taut around his meals that the four of them can barely move. He plants himself down in front of the door this time, making sure it stays shut so he doesn't have a surprise fifth course. He just needs to sit here until he's got all of this worked down...ugh, this was such a terrible idea. No going back now, though.
T.em would feel a few more attempts at opening the door, but the muffled screaming of his meals must have been too muted because they gave up pretty quick. He thumps his chest and lets out another massive belch as he hears them walk away. Hopefully, he'll be left in peace now. He's going to be staying the night in this closet for sure...
Sure enough, that's what happened, although T.em wound up sleeping through most of it as his stomach processed four predators down with relative ease. They yelled and screamed for as long as they could, but their strong bodies steadily fell apart until the tight walls and boiling acids. T.em belches in his sleep as the last odd lumps in his gut smooth out and he's left with nothing but a bubbling dome on his middle.
Over the rest of the night, T.em's stomach would slowly shrink back, pumping all the thick sludge deeper into his system. When he woke up, he'd get to see how much fatter he got first hand. His pants have ripped around his ass and thick and his boxers were barely hanging on. His shirt wasn't even coming close to buttoning up over his large stomach, and he could feel his much rounder face heating up with embarrassment. Not as embarrassing as what he's going to do, though...
With his pants ruined, all T.em has to do is squat down and push. R.iz had been a big dump, but that was nothing compared to the logs T.em was squeezing out now. Each one was thicker than his leg and just as long, too. All the bones and fur packed into the dense logs might be why. T.em groaned as each one slides out of him, hitting the ground under with a thud before the next started sliding out. By the time he's done, the pile is up to his knees, and four skulls are poking out at different parts, all easy to identify. T.em would slip out unseen so early, and when news started spreading of a predator predator on campus, his belly would let out a soft gurgle for more.
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I just wanted to say real quick that I LOVE your blog! I really enjoy reading your writting!
I saw on your Fandom list that you enjoy b.eastars, do you think you have some prompts for that-? Thank you in advance!!
I've been meaning to do some more for this setting!
L.ouis closes his eyes and tips his head back, taking that final gulp that sends the wolf's feet slithering down his gullet. His jaws snap shut, a smug grin on his face as he feels the last of his meal slosh into his stomach. He lets out a sigh and slowly rubs over his gut, pushing his hand down over the bulge of his prey's face. "And you call yourself a wolf, L.egoshi? Letting yourself get eaten like that...I'd almost think you were meant to be prey." The deer rests his head on his head, looking down at his stomach, tightly stretched around the form of the curled-up wolf inside. It had only started as a bit of teasing between them, but L.ouis dared to take a lick of the wolf's face, and then he had to have another taste and another. Before long, he slide his maw over L.egoshi's muzzle and then...well...now he's full. His guts gurgle wetly and a belch rumbles out of the deer. He feels the wolf squirm a bit inside of him and he presses down on his face again. "Do you feel that? I might be a prey but it seems like my stomach is more than ready to take you on. Meat like you won't be coming back up so easily. Seems you're mine now. A predator eaten by a prey...that must put me at the top of the food chain now." As much as he's relishing in teasing the dumb wolf that let himself be devoured, he can feel L.egoshi's tail wagging inside his stomach. There's no doubt that the wolf is perfectly content with the demise he's about to face, melting alive in L.ouis's stomach as nothing more than meat for another animal. The deer always did think he was strange, though. He just didn't realize how much. "Well, I'll at least make sure to enjoy every second of your digestion, L.egoshi. I can give you that much for being such an obedient meal...just try not to make me too fat, will you? I don't want to have to explain to the drama club why I'm carrying a beachball of a stomach around. Though..." L.ouis licks his lips as he thinks to some of his fellow drama club members. Albatross..tiger...bear...he wonders if any of them are as tasty as wolf. "On second thought...do whatever you like, L.egoshi. I think you'll find the rest of the drama club joining you on my waistline after all. I think I'll be trying a new all-predator diet thanks to you." He pats his stomach a few times, letting out another raunchy belch. Melting all this wolf meat is going to take his stomach some time. But it's going to be so worth it. L.egoshi will simply be the first of many.
R.iz lets out a pleased groan as he feels along his stomach. It's stuffed so tight. He's never eaten so much before! A deep, rumbling belch comes from his jaws as his guts churn wetly over all that meat. "You're all looking so amazing," R.iz says to his stomach. His hands sinks into it as he rubs along it, everyone inside long since digested. Ever since he devoured T.em, he just had to have more. He needed his friends to be on his stomach. It was the only way for prey and predators to truly get along. He ate that ram P.ina next after corning him in the bathroom. He'd practically stuck his finger in Riz's face, how could he resist? After that he hunted down the beloved head of the drama club, L.ouis, and devoured him antlers and all. That wolf, L.egoshi, came in while he was trying to cram the deer's legs down the hatch though. R.iz didn't mind having a second course so soon. The wolf put up more of a fight than his first three meals, but after pinning him down, R.iz found that even predators slide smoothly down his gullet. he picked off that tiger, B.ill, shortly after discovering just how easy his fellow predators were to eat. Four live prey in his gut made him a bit full, though, and he ended up retiring in a changing room to late all of that meat process. They've all long since stopped moving, R.iz's powerful gut effortlessly snuffing the four of them out with enough time. he can feel how soft they are every time he presses down on his stomach now. He's definitely going to get a lot fatter off of all of this meat. More muscular, too. They're all going to look so good on him. "I'm so happy to have my friends so close like this. T.em was getting lonely...but now I know how to keep all of us together." He pushes down on his gut, working out another wet belch. A wolf skull flies out of his jaws, landing on the ground in front of him with the other three he manages to cough up. Before long, R.iz would have an entire collect made up of the drama club. After that, maybe he'll snack on his roommates...then the roommates of his meals. And why stop there? He can add his entire year to his waistline. Maybe even the whole student body. He can make sure all of C.herryton High is as close as possible right on his middle. He gives it a few slow pats, slurping over his lips. His feast has only just begun.
"Hmph..." M.elon lazily picks at his fangs, staring out the window with boredom. His stomach sloshes back and forth in his lap but he lost interest in that four lions ago. running the S.hishigumi had been good fun for a while but he's gotten sick of all of them and their whining. He knows they keep going after that deer as well. He decided the best way to get some fun out of them was to start scarfing them down and see how they handle become his prey. It was entertaining for the first couple, sure, but by now he's realized that they're all reacting the same. Roaring defiantly, fighting for their lives, cursing his name and swearing revenge. It was all the same, and in the end, they died all the same, too. His stomach would claim their lives, soften them up into a thick chyme that steadily packs onto his stomach, and then he'd be calling in the next one and repeating the process. It didn't really stop him from eating all of them, though. The last of the lions is losing the fight to his stomach now. Before long, he'll go still, and the entire gang will be exterminated--reduced to nothing but more heft on his middle. A thick belch rumbles out of him as his gut sloshesa bit more before stopping. He pushes down on it lazily. No more lion. Just more thick belly slop. "You predators really are all the same...oh well, at least you tasted delicious." He wonders if that deer will come looking for them. He wouldn't mind having deer that feisty. What about that wolf that always seems to follow him around? Wolf sounds pretty good, too. M.elon licks his lips as his gut grumbles. Maybe he'll get some dessert after all.
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If you're up for some role reversal, could we get Pina eating and digesting some carnivores like Riz, Bill and Legoshi?
I think that sounds like fun. Besides, I'm always up for some role reversal.
P.ina was frazzled when he got his finger free from R.iz's jaws. He'd been so certain the bear took it off of him but he can see it's still there. R.iz just seem to find it amusing...P.ina didn't, however. "Let's just see how you like it," the sheep declares. Without thinking, he grabs the bear's hand and sticks one of his fingers into his own mouth. It's...actually not so bad. Is this what meat tastes like..? He's never thought to try it. R.iz seems mostly confused by this and tries to take his hand back but P.ina isn't ready to give it up. In an effort to keep tasting the bear, P.ina's quick to shovel the rest of R.iz's hand into his jaws. He wants more...more meat! he gulps hard, working himself up R.iz's arm, getting to his elbow soon. The bear tries to pry P.ina's mouth open and get his arm back, but the sheep just gets that second hand in his jaws, too, and continues to take thick gulps to swallow his prey down. R.iz shouts, forced to lean down as he gets taken in up to his shoulders. His muzzle is wedged into P.ina's maw, which stretches over his head with each gulp. "This...can't be happening!" R.iz roars. P.ina gulps hard and the bear's head is turned into a bulge in his throat, and he keeps going, moving down that massive chest, down his waist, and slurping up those muscular legs. P.ina throws his head back, sending R.iz's legs kicking into the air. They're already knee-deep in his jaws and they sink straight down with little effort. The sheep's uniform gives way completely, bursting open as his stomach spills out, the distinct form of R.iz curled up inside as the last of him is sent down with a final gulp. P.ina puts a hand on his stomach, licking his lips and taking a few breaths. Then..."OOOOUURRRRRRRRRPPPP!" A loud belch echos in the bathroom and he slumps down to the floor, resting his weight on his stomach. He can feel R.iz thrashing around inside, trying to find a way out. But his stomach is holding the big, bad bear in place as easily as it does any other food. P.ina licks his lips again, smiling a bit. He gives his stomach a few pats where R.iz's head was. "Who was going to eat who again? I suppose I understand why you ate T.em after all...but I'm not here to be bear food, I'm afraid." R.iz roars again, pushing out as much as he can as he tries to fight against the churning, groaning guts around him. It would be a losing battle, though, as his body slowly loses energy and begins to grow softer. P.ina stays where he is, rubbing along his stomach as it works extra hard to break down all that tough bear meat. A few hours later, he finally waddles out of the bathroom, stifling a belch with a hand. His other hand slowly rubs along the dome of his pot belly, still bubbling away at whatever is left of R.iz. A few bones stretch it out still, most notably being the bear skull near the bottom of his gut. "Can't really hide this under my shirt, can I?" P.ina says with a soft huff. "Oh well...I'll just show L.egoshi. I'm sure he'll understand completely." P.ina walks off, licking his lips. He wonders if there might be any other active predators in this school that he can...help deal with.
P.ina stares at the swishing orange and black tail sticking out of his lips for a few seconds. With a wet slurp, it's gone and sent down into his stomach with the rest of B.ill. His gut bounces a bit as the tiger drops inside and P.ina lets out a crass belch from the force. He gives his stomach a few pats as the tiger writhes around inside. Thankfully, it's late, and there shouldn't be anyone else lingering around the drama club right now. So there won't be any interruptions. "Sorry about that, B.ill," P.ina says calmly to his stomach, even as it sloshes back and forth with the tiger thrashing inside. "But you see, chubby herbivores are all the rage right now. I don't have the time to change my diet though so...I have to do this the fast way." He pushes down on his stomach gently, making B.ill thrash around more. The tiger's voice is muffled, but P.ina can imagine he isn't too thrilled at being devoured by someone--an herbivore, no less--all over current fashion trends. "If it helps, I was going to do this to whoever was last to leave tonight. You were just...unlucky." P.ina's stomach bounces some more and he belches thickly again. Some orange fur flutters from his maw and his breath smells distinctly of tiger now. "You're a big, strong cat though. I'm sure you'll be fine...but if not, you'll definitely give me the ideal body shape everyone is craving right now." It might be a little cruel to tease B.ill after already devouring him, but he can't help it--P.ina loves to jab at predators a bit, even if they are currently boiling away in his stomach. The sheep rubs slowly over his gut, feeling it working hard. B.ill's moving around isn't helping him at all, either. What should take him all night to digest is going by rather fast--he can already feel his stomach getting a bit softer under his hand as B.ill melts down. P.ina had to admit, B.ill was a fighter--that strength he likes to brag about is no joke. The only reason he even got the tiger down was getting him by surprise. But P.ina can feel that energy fading and the squirming getting slower. He closes his eyes, his gut bubbling and churning wetly as B.ill gives a few more kicks and squirms before going limp. P.ina lets out a deep sigh and rubs along his gut slowly. "There you go...if anyone asks, I'll just say you mentioned going to the black market and never coming back." He pats his stomach a few times, making it slosh. It bubbles wetly and P.ina belches again, sending a dripping tiger skull flying out of his jaws. He's a bit surprised by it but ends up scooping it up with a smile. "...come on. Once I sleep you off, I'm going to look gorgeous." P.ina walks off, his stomach sloshing back and forth with the tiger slurry still inside. He's going to be more than happy to show off his new weight to the rest of the drama club. And if they get a little curious...he'll happily show them how he does it.
"Now just remember," L.egoshi says as P.ina takes another hard gulp, "don't let me out for at least an hour. I need all the time I can get to train my body against stomachs." There's another gulp, L,egoshi's head fitting nicely in P.in'as jaws, his vision framed by the sheep's teeth and lips. "I'll get out on my own once the hour is up, so don't worry about--" P.ina's jaws snap shut with another hard gulp. L.egoshi's face bulges out his gullet for a moment before sinking down into his gut with the rest of the wolf. The sheep lets out a sigh, rubbing over his gut as he feels his meal settle in. "You really do talk to much, you stupid wolf..." He licks his lips and relaxes against the wall of his room. His gut bubbles and churns wetly in his lap, L.egoshi not doing much to move around. His idea for preparing for the fight with R.iz is to 'train himself' to handle stomach acids on the off chance he gets devoured. P.ina doesn't think it works like that but...well, he had the wolf's feet in his jaws before he could protest too much and it was too late by then. L.egoshi must assume that his stomach is rather weak, being an herbivore and all. A thick belch rumbles out of him and he rubs his stomach slowly. P.ina just hopes he's correct. He can feel his stomach working on the wolf, and as time ticks on, it's getting louder and working harder. Ten minutes pass. Then twenty. By half an hour, the bulges L.egoshi is making look a little...softer. After forty minutes, P.ina's stomach is incredibly loud and he's starting to belch up wolf fur. He can feel L.egoshi shifting inside. "Twenty minutes left," P.ina says, looking at his watch. That settles the wolf for a moment, but after a couple more minutes, he's starting to move again. P.ina rubs a bit deeper, pushing down gently on L.egoshi's head. "Fifteen minutes, L.egoshi. If you can't survive my stomach, how fast do you think R.iz's will take?" That settles the wolf down again. P.ina's stomach bubbles wetly and he lets out another thick, wolf-flavored belch. As the minutes tick by, his stomach grows softer and rounder, the bulges sinking in on themselves as L.egoshi is steadily processed. At the hour mark, P.ina pushes down on his gut. There's a few solid bits inside, but it's mostly bones. The rest of L.egoshi is a thick, boiling slop in his stomach. P.ina sighs and pats his gut a few times. "Stupid wolf...well, we'll just have to go with plan B. If I can digest you in just an hour, R.iz shouldn't take more than two. I'm sure you two can get along on my waistline, can't you?" P.ina's stomach bubbles wetly and lets out a crass belch. "Mm...good."
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