teex · 6 months
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lover boy league | DAL vs TBL 12.02.23
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kitnita · 7 months
Talk Hockey To Me
(tag game)
tagged by @eliooliver83 @oetter & @txstars!! mwah thank you!!!
1. The thing that got you hooked on hockey
i am a lifelong member of the 'being insane about sports' club in that i still have a poster of my baseball team's 2005 roster hanging over my bed & used to get SO pissed in middle school when boys in my class had incorrect college basketball opinions. but hockey was just? never on my radar?? due to the south texas of it all. then i went to college for broadcast in new york state & made friends with some guys majoring in sports broadcast and was like wait ....... there's a sport they talk about that i can't talk about (i loved knowing more about sports than boys so this was a serious blow) (football doesnt count i decided when i was a kid that i didn't care about football therefore its not real) & a friend of mine with whom i watched the world series was like no i've got you i can get you into hockey. i realize now she just wanted an excuse to proselytize about the new york islanders.
but anyway yeah!! i stuck with being fond of them because of her & then added the stars because as a Texan i had to root for them & also tyler seguin hooked me. i was a casual fan until there were absolutely No Sports in 2020 & i accidentally stumbled upon hockeyblr just in time to get hyper mega insane about hockey before the bubble playoffs.
2. Your first ever fandom friend
like any normal well adjusted person i feel weird calling someone my friend even if we're friendly because what if they don't actually like me (again this is normal & well adjusted behavior) that said tanya txstars was the first hashtag mutual i had in starsblr whomst i feel like i talked to via the tags!!
3. The jersey you would most like to own
wait have i ever mentioned that i own a mooterus jersey. it was like eighty dollars off depop because its a) womens cut & b) a size small which means that while it does technically fit, my tits stop it from looking like, you know, a jersey should look on the human body. so i'd love one that i can wear without feeling ridiculous!! through logan stankoven all things are possible!!! i'm generally a jersey thrifter so i do love the $16 tyler jersey i found but im sure one day ill bite the bullet and buy a non-secondhand otter jersey.
4. YOUR player (you only get ONE so choose wisely)
unfortunately goalies are inherently endearing & then on top of that he's also insane in the most confounding way possible so jake oettinger is My Guy whether he likes it or not
5. A pairing that deserves more fic
as someone who has written just over half of the robotter fic out there in the world: please put more robotter fic out there in the world. also i think robo & otter both deserve to fuck otter's goalie partner. also also it's not technically a pairing but i think we as a people need to embrace delly's clear & evident love for throuples and start sticking him in other peoples relationships. it's what he would want <3
6. Your favourite on-ice moment
jason robertson laying flat on his back on the ice after finishing his first career hat trick lives in my head rent free btw. if you even care. it just plays on a fucking loop up there. also the the dellymiro delly's first goal celly. also also that time those flames fans tried to actually curse jake midgame. like on the one hand what the fuck but on the other hand i actually admire that kind of dedication yk
link someone else's art/fic/etc that you love & think everyone should check out
i'm still foaming at the mouth over @txstars's rule 63 robotter fic!! also i think it's clear what robo ship i've dedicated myself to but everyone in the roboroope trenches is soooo impressive to me. i see the vision. @winningmachine's stats guy robo fic is a foundational text. thank you @starscelly for also giffing insane random things during games. there's so many other fun people in starsblr specifically & hockeyblr generally but see above re: being normal and well adjusted so You Know Who You Are & also I Love Your Work
link something you made & are proud of & want people to see
my magnum opus ............ the robotter primer. linking anything else feels weird BUT please enjoy my unhinged labor of love. i saw someone mentioned it to that gay hockey tournament blog but didnt want to link it?? please link it places. put how unhinged i was/am about them on blast.
tagging @coffeehound91 @moregraceful @hintzy!!! & also idk who has and hasn't been tagged so if you see this & would like to do it please do & feel free to tag me as the person who tagged you because i am a certified nosy bitch & love seeing other people talk about themselves <3
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dartducks · 7 months
Talk Hockey to Me
Thank you sm for tagging me @mikathemad
(Forgive any mistakes in this am on my phone in bed rn)
1. The thing that got you hooked on hockey
Uhh I decided last year that it would be cool to have a sport that I was into and someone on my dash reblogged hockey so I checked it out (the fic before any actual games lol) and I was set
2. Your first ever fandom friend
Taxi Squad are the first mutuals I've had for any fandom in a long time, its been very fun :D
3. The jersey you would most want to own
Any Strome Capitals jersey tbh but in particular the cherry blossom jersey they did last year was super pretty. I'm waiting to see what this year's jersey designs are going to be like
4. YOUR player
Dylan Strome!! My boy!! He's got a home on the caps and he's happy and thriving which is so good to see.
5. A pairing that deserves more fic
I read this really good stromer/conor garland fic once which I loved so much and am obsessed with despite the fact that there are two fics total and they haven't been teammates for years. Whoops.
But also another pairing I love is rooperobo. There should be more of that. Please.
6. Your favourite on ice moment
Hartzy flopping onto spurge after a goal. The celly of all time. I can't believe they recalled that goal, on pride night too!
Also, that one goal by robo where he was just so tired and immediately fell over, slid into the boards and just laid there.
link somebody else's art/fic/ect that you love & think everyone should check out
"the best things are designed to stand the test of time" by beingothrwrldly is the dylan strome/conor garland one that I adore
And a roboroope one I love is "Get A Read On Me" by heartequals
I haven't written any hockey fic so there's nothing from me to add here lmao
As for the taglist, this is open to whoever wants to do it <3
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roopes · 1 year
refusing to read this article nd instead focusing on the roboroope of it all...
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eternal-variegation · 10 days
yesterday’s game single-handedly forcing me to get the google doc out and properly tackle the roboroope instalment of spy au 😤
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teex · 9 months
can't wait to push my speedometer on AO3
jason robertson/roope hintz 6.8k / e
“You’re getting loud again,” Jason huffs, turning his face away from the humid bend of Roope’s neck, but when Roope casts his mind back fifteen or thirty seconds, the replay doesn’t have any sound. It is only a repeating pattern of feeling, the densely packed pleasure of Jason grinding into him and pulling at his hips to make the most of a shallow angle.
Jason is an art student and Roope is a design grad and all they wanna do is fuck nasty 🤷
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teex · 1 year
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robo + hine
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teex · 11 days
during round one @adelphenium made me a beautiful drawing of roboroope. seems apt to share it after roope returned from war and helped robo break his slump with a mf hatty ✨⭐️
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kitnita · 1 year
Tyler/Mason for the ship meme <.<
mush has only been with the team for a year now and as soon as the season started he was shouting out the instant chemistry he had w tyler ........ i mean i'm pretty sure one or both of them came out & said that they work out together over the summers in toronto so the basis for the chemistry was there even before mush signed w dallas. but still!! the team got tyler's high school sweetheart & then went ohhhh should we sign your summer bf too. and then they just did it.
the flirty goofing is always very fun!! the team's collective vibe this past season was so fun and a lot of that came through in the guys all messing w each other & i feel like a lot of the stuff the official team socials put out of tyler messing w people was him just goofing off w mush specifically. being silly & dumb together can be a kind of love language!!
this probably came through when i was talking about roboroope but liney ships are great because like, you'd hope that as linemates they have good chemistry & a good rapport. there's already some degree of trust & compatibility there and the media Will make them talk about each other, which is always a bonus. where tylermush differs from roboroope though is that imo part of the appeal of roboroope is that they seem so different away from team stuff & you almost get to work backwards from pre-existing intimacy to figure out why/how they'd like each other. w tylermush they were instant friends and obviously took to each other off-ice & spun that into chemistry & then getting matching his-and-his knee injuries. and i love that for them!!
if you want to look through a lot more of their collected quotes & content, @teex has an amazing ship tag for them!! i feel like i personally was a late adopter to their Vibe so if you feel like flipping through their history that's a great starting point.
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kitnita · 1 year
Roope/Wyatt for the ship ask plz?
yeah!! honestly i hadn't even considered them until hyacinthed started posting fic for them over on ao3 (& i know that @coffeehound91 is all in on them!) but the vibes there are so fun to look into, mostly because both of them have such disparate vibes?
wyatt does your nhl standard rookie humbleness ('my goal this year was to just come in, be a contributor and help the stars win games' re: the calder snub, etc etc etc) so well & while roope isn't like. cocky? or arrogant in an off-putting way?? he's also obviously supremely confident and settled both into himself and into his place on the team. pavs is a mentor to both of them but i feel like out of all the guys on the team who consider pavs a mentor, robo's the one most likely to follow in his career/play style path, & wyatt seems more primed to be a roope-type player — an obviously skilled goal-scorer who can shine defensively as well, given how much the team started trusting him w the pk down the stretch & into the playoffs.
i think pairing them off is fun because there ARE some clear similarities in how they both see the game & play the game. but also, wyatt's young & goofy in a way that we only really see roope get in the offseason/with other finns. so the vibes are interesting in that when you pair them off, it's like, will roope make wyatt kind of want to stand up straighter in an attempt to be taken more seriously? will wyatt tease out that lighter side of roope that he seems to keep back when in texas/around the north american guys? etc etc etc. when i wrote for them i was tackling it from a place of like ......... roope'd probably like having this young hotshot be obviously taken in by him & wyatt would love getting roope to like him enough that he stops seeming so cool all the time. there's a lot of interesting stuff there to work with.
it's not the main ship i drift to for either of them — i am still by & large bought into wyatt + tydel and i've also been putting in the Investment Work on wyatt's vibes w stanks for when he joins the team next season. & for roope i feel like miroroope & roboroope are where my head's at most of the time. but i DO love reading stuff w them paired off together and i'm sure i'll end up doing something else w them at some point!
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teex · 2 years
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roopes · 7 months
in a roboroope moment
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