#s2 press tour save me
houseofthetides · 1 month
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How does it feel to play the Best Couple in Westeros? STEVE: It feels like a warm hug. EVE: He's a nightmare.
Eve Best & Steve Toussaint + CCXP Mexico + [Best Couple in Westeros]
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msbeccieboo · 5 years
Arrow 7x16 brain dump
So another episode, another triumph!! Star City 2040 was AMAZING!! The episode was almost all I had hoped for and so much more to boot! We got Mia  Smoak’s origin story, and got brought somewhat up to date with the future storyline, whilst still leaving plenty of unanswered questions. The episode could easily be seen as a backdoor pilot episode for a next gen spin-off, that no doubt is in the works for when Arrow comes to a close. There is lots to deal with from this week’s offering, so without further ado….
Olicty and Mia
This will be short and sweet as we only got a minute-long flash of them as a family unit.  But OMG THE BIRTH!! HDVKVHWDGRFJLBHSDNVSDLK!!!!!!  My heart was so full, even in that short scene 😍 I had always had reservations about seeing a Felicity pregnancy storyline during the show run, but it seems like Beth has crafted the story so cleverly as for the pregnancy to not be so much of a focus-puller from the main story arcs for the season and for Felicity herself. This is what a talented and female-driven writing team does people!!! We will get the bulk of the pregnancy falling over hiatus, and the birth we have seen already here, and still get to keep some fluffy fanfic-y moments between her and Oliver in the present day. This is win-win as far as I’m concerned! But I digress…the birth!! We hear Felicity’s labour-screams (*shudders* 😬), whilst we get a tour of their new home, and Oliver is right there by her side!!!! Holding her hand, they exchange “I love you so much” and I diieeeeedddd!!! 
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Source: oliverxfelicity
This was so adorable, and then Oliver’s little chuckle at Felicity’s joke? GAAAAHHHH!! Mia is handed back to them by Nurse Random, and the happiness on both of their faces, along with Felicity’s tiny “hi”, and the forehead kiss (I love a forehead kiss) just broke me!!  Tears, all the tears! No drama, just a beautiful family moment.
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Source: feilcityqueen
Continued under the cut
The “abandoned farmhouse” I thought we’d get, based on the trailer this time last week, in fact turned out to be a beautiful, warm, secluded family home, obviously lovingly furnished and lived in for a while by Oliver and Felicity. I guess this begs the question of when do they leave Star City for this new home, given that the team never knew about Felicity’s pregnancy? I think Olicity will leave by the end of the season for sure. And then that’s it for Olicity, and Oliver in this episode. Personally, I never expected to see Oliver in this episode. I don’t expect to see him in the future scenes before the end of the season, or even at all, as any future timeline reveals would scupper whatever tomfoolery they intend on cooking up in the next crossover *rolls eyes*.
Mia’s montage
Gosh I just love a montage! We immediately snap from new-born Mia to the most adorable toddler badass ninja Mia!!
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Source: ebett
Look at that little face!! It was a stroke of genius casting James Bamford’s daughter here, as she already has some killer little fighting moves!  I am in love 😍 She then transitions seamlessly into a slightly older version, before the teen/adult Mia that we already know.  Can I just say that I adore the fact that she always has a little blonde ponytail just like Mama...my heart!!! Oh and who is her trainer?? Only Nyssa fracking Al Ghul!!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAASSSSS!!!
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Source: felicittysqueen
What a fantastic surprise! I squealed! I stan one set of sister wives and their daughter! Much like finding Connor’s true identity last week, just this little twist was so exciting! I love spoiler-free season 7!!
Agggghhhh these two! We finally got a little more insight as to why Mia seemingly hated Felicity so much. She seems to have been relatively well adjusted, if not feeling both isolated and suffocated in her small town (all this as well as having been trained to be a ninja by Auntie Nyssa), prior to leaving for Star City. Her relationship with her mother looked easy and loving, and I loved how her protective instincts kicked in when she returned home and Felicity didn’t reply.
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Source: felicitysmoakgifs
Let’s just take a moment to appreciate how chill Felicity is when Mia nearly attacks her! The way Emily has chosen to portray Future!Felicity with a new-found calm and poise is fabulous. She is such a boss (as if there was ever any doubt), with echoes of Moira but still all of ‘our’ Felicity’s heart. I loved her slipping back into her babbles over the comms over Mia’s ‘type’; Nana Donna would be so proud!!
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Source: felicitysmoakgifs
The turning point in their relationship comes when Mia stumbles upon Felicity’s secret bunker, compete with desktop pics of Oliver as GA and William pictures 😭😭 Two of the people that Felicity loves most and has seemingly lost? 😭😭This discovery leads Mia to realise that Felicity is still partaking in some vigilante side-action, which is the crux of their relationship breakdown. Vigilante’s have been outlawed, and painted as the ultimate big bads, something Felicity has obviously tried to make Mia see sense of.  But Mia has clearly seen and heard all of the propaganda surrounding them, we don’t know where Oliver is, but we know he and Felicity have vowed to continue saving people, taking them away from Mia, and in turn, making her grow to resent the vigilantes irrespective of the heroic stories her mother has told her. Felicity keeping her own present vigilantism from Mia is the last straw for her. She is young, unworldly at this point, and clearly has strong feelings of abandonment from both parents, and the idea of Felicity being caught as a vigilante and taken away from her makes her snap. Cue Mia escaping to Star City to get her freedom, and to ‘find herself’ in cage fighting (the obvious career choice haha), and generally be a broody teenager. There she ‘learned’ even more about Vigilantes, only with the government spin on it, further driving that wedge and distance from Felicity and developing her hatred for them. This is where we see their relationship at as they reunite, a few years later, by the sounds of it.
Felicity being the empathetic angel that she is, has absorbed all of Mia’s hatred and disappointment, which I think is why she seemingly just ‘takes’ all of Mia’s attitude. Felicity also knows all too well the disappointment of being lied to by the person you love the most (looking at you S4 Oliver). She loves her so much and sees so much of Oliver in her, that it must be heartbreaking for her to know how she has disappointed her. That line where she tells William “I’m used to being a disappointment to her” is a gut punch. Yet she is so so proud of her! 😭😭
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Source: olicitygifs
Felicity realises that she should have told Mia the truth, and immediately apologises, but it takes the rest of the episode’s events to unfold before Mia really starts to understand the situation Felicity and Oliver were put in, why they made the choices that they did, and allows her to accept Felicity’s apology and start to mend fences. The final scene with them had me in tears for the 46232th time this episode, and you can really see how much they love each other, and their bond that still remains.
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Source: felicitysmoakgifs
I know she has been divisive so far, but I love Mia, and can understand where she is coming from in her attitude.  This is a girl who is 20 years old, remember, and whereby in some ways she has had to grow up incredibly fast, she is still very naïve and emotionally unaware as well. I see so much of Oliver in her, as does Felicity.
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Source: olicitygifs
Her reaction to danger, physicality etc (hellooo handstand press-ups!) is down to training, yes. Her brooding, rash decision making and acting alone are character traits straight from Oliver. Her rage/anger reaction to the lies from Felicity and Connor scream S1 Oliver to me.
This is my take anyway haha, I know some will disagree, but I am officially a Mia Smoak stan!!!
William didn’t take centre-stage this week, but he still had so many amazing moments. Ugh I love this boy so much!! His relationship with Mia continues to grow and be the cutest thing ever! Like I said last week, I love seeing William draw the light out in Mia, in the same way as Felicity always does with Oliver. All the little sibling moments that they share are so heart warming I could dieeeee! The “show off” line, “you’re just more useful to me not dead”, “oh good now there are two of you”, “now I got a sister to hate instead” the list goes on!! And then Will making Mia pose as his EA, and her distain at that are a hilarious call-back to their parents…Olicity S2 ftw!!
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Source: smoaktechs
I clearly have already spoken about her, but let’s just take a moment to appreciate that FELICITY IS ALIVE BITCHES!!!
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We saw that Felicity had been looking out for William all along, investing in his start-up under the pseudonym City of Emeralds Capital, see my Wizard of Oz meta here. Then we finally got to see the reunion between her and both of her children, and it was epic. Her and William just murdered me.
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Source: felicitysmoakgifs
I love that he just went to her and embraced her straight away 😭💗😭 William had every reason to hate Felicity, something she acknowledges, but the love he still has for her after all these years, ad the profound effect she had on him in the short time they were together in our time just had me in tears so hard.  Every time I scroll by a gif of this moment, I tear up (awkward when I’m ninja-tumblring at work 😬)! William, being that bit older than Mia, and having known Felicity and Oliver at an earlier point in time, allowed him to understand and forgive her pretty much immediately. I’m glad; we only have the energy for one broody Olicity baby! And once reunited, William and Felicity are a force to be reckoned with!
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Source: ebett
I loved seeing them hack together at the Gala! And then in their last scene together, when Felicity thanks him for keeping faith in her and holding on to the Hozen for all this time ruined me yet again.
SmoaknHawke has arrived people!!
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Connor following (following, not stalking) Mia and William all the way to Galaxy One to save their arses was so cute!! He is a good little Diggle and will always have his (girl)friend’s back, whether she is crazy pissed at him or not! Tiny Mia getting him up against the wall was a total mood haha! We discover that Connor is in fact Agent Hawke 🔥🔥, working for Nightwatch…a good version of ARGUS?? Is this where Dig is at? I want to see Dig! David Spoiler Ramsay already told us that he’d be in the FFs, so that was my only disappointment of the episode, that we didn’t see him.
But back to my newest OTP!! Mia was still so mad with Connor (and the world) for lying to her about his identity, then again for following her, and again for being a secret agent. He is so apologetic…that boy is GONE!! He just wants to keep her in his life! The “because I care about you”, “entire relationship is based on a lie” exchange was so charged!!! 
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Source: mia-smoak-gifs
I loved Connor talking up the heroes to Mia, whilst still acknowledging her pain. Connor’s compassion is straight up John Diggle, adopted or no. This also led into the ultimate shade, with Mia’s iconic line:
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Source: oliverxfelicity
😂😂😂 Mia’s very existence as a child of Olicity already angers a certain comic-loving demographic, so this line was extra satisfying for me.
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If a next gen series does happen, I will be so excited to see where these guys go…especially will the addition of William (and to a lesser extent, Zoe). The FTA scenes and lift/fight sequence was so so good!!
FF storyline
I suppose I should actually cover this haha! Lots of new stuff. We saw Rene interact with the Team…and reveal he thought Roy was dead!! Dinah’s line about Rene getting all the age but no wisdom was just 😂😂😂 There is mention of a terrorist organisation called Edencore, now going under the alias of Galaxy One, who Rene is directly working with in the Glades. They, along with Rene (hello new, crappy version of Malcolm), are planning on setting off a clusterfuck of bombs to level Star City so they can rebuild in their image. To cover their evil arses, they plan on placing the blame on vigilantes, namely Felicity. Anyway, once everyone is reunited (with a bit of an awkward hug between Felicity/Dinah…not sure if that was intended or not?) and introduced (“This is Mia, these are mine and Oliver’s impeccable genetics” gahhhh!) they deduce that the bombs are scheduled to detonate at an event that night, where everyone is in hoods and masks…how very convenient haha!
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Felicity wearing a green mask is just 😭😍😭
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Source: noonecanknowmysecret
Her and William are an unstoppable hacking duo as they seek out the slimy bad guy (forgot his name) so Mia can go kick his arse!! I almost HAD ANOTHER LITTLE CRY WHEN Felicty say to Dinah “No-one’s called me overwatch in a very long time” waaaahhh!! Mia obviously runs in half-cocked and on her own (like father like daughter) to confront the slimeball, and just when it looks like she’s in trouble and massively outnumbered, she takes down the whole fracking room on her own! “Oh this will be fun” YAAAASSSS!!!
She is AMAZING in the field (a total badass, as Felicity later tells her). That cape move she did was 🔥🔥🔥 She loses Slimer in the kerfuffle, following him out into the crowd, that Rene has stirred up by announcing the vigilantes “show them what heroes look like” yaaaasss! Then, with no time to spare, Mia shoots the inch-square detonator out of his hands with an arrow in the most epic shot everrrrrr! I feel like if the new series does happen, this could be the opening title sequence shot!
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Source: felicittysqueen
The fight stunts/effects this episode were amazeballs! I think this episode needed to be ‘big’, due to the absence of Oliver and the mixed reactions to the FFs so far, and it totally delivered!
Other folk
Roy! Future Roy continues to do things for me…so hot 🔥🔥 He seems to be enjoying being back with a team again, but we still have little-to-no idea of his past 20 years. He gets scary angry out of nowhere whilst interrogating one of Dinah’s contacts, and beats the crap out of him. I cut a whole Roy/Edencore/present/FF spec from this review and put it here if anyone feels like a laugh!
Rene continues to have terrible hair, unlike when Oliver was mayor….oh those were good hair days….*sighs dreamily*. He is complicit in the plan to level the city, but is talked around by Zoe, who he finally realises is one of the Canaries (well, duh). He ends the episode still playing the role of evil mayor, but is he really ‘good’ again now?
I’m not keen so far on adult Zoe, but maybe we just need to see more of her? Or maybe we can just forget her, like her Dad? She will surely form part of the next generation team if a spin-off happens, so I guess we will see her interacting with FTA soon.
Dinah doesn’t have much going on, other than fight scenes, and awkward hugs.
The overarching theme of this season is legacy, and this episode is the most blatant about that I think. We see here, Oliver and Felicity’s literal biological legacies in William and Mia, and how being their children has affected their outcomes. Will is a flourishing CEO and tech wiz, thanks largely to his time with Felicity, and maybe the fact that he’s been able to succeed so well in a somewhat normal life is down to their absence from his life post-S7, but he missed out on growing up with his parents 😭 Mia on the other hand, grew up with Felicity (at least, if not Oliver for some of it), who had to have her trained in order to protect her, should the day ever come that her identity is revealed. So Mia had the parental love growing up, but was otherwise isolated from the world, no schooling, never left the town etc.
We also see Oliver’s legacy as a hero manifesting in his children. We see them finding their way on this journey, finding their own reasons and routes of being heroes. William didn’t need asking twice to join Felicity, and stand up to help. Mia was far more reluctant, with her fears of losing people, and (at the time) still in the belief that Vigilantes weren’t the heroes Felicity claimed them to be. Despite taking more convincing, the hero blood runs strong in her veins, and we went from the ‘I don’t want this life, heroes are bad’ mentality to “Let’s go save the City” in no time.
On the flip side, we see the future state of Star City, and way people have been affected in future shows Oliver to have left behind more than one type of legacy, not all good. Was he right in his choices to save the city/world? Of course! Or his way of going about doing it? Possibly not.
By the end of the episode we find ourselves with the ultimate OTA legacy. An FTA comprising of the same skillsets as OTA; Mia as leader (no doubt) and skilled fighter, William running the tech and the brains of the operation, and Connor with the tactical experience, government ties, and all the Diggle Yoda-wisdom.
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Source: smoakmonster
And that’s that, sorry this was another whopper….
Thank you to the beautiful gif-makers, as always! You guys put the sparkle in my ruby slippers 💗💗
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Big Hero 7: The Series
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Big Hero 7 S2
Prey Date
*The two boys, Fred and Hiro, have decided to take a dude's day off where for today, they can play video games together. This video game in particular is a Monster brawl game arena which the two are going toe to toe... until Fred gets hungry.*
Fred: Wait wait wait! Snack break!
*Fred goes over to his popcorn bowl, but finds it empty. Then to his delight he found some popcorn on the floor.*
Fred: Five Second rule!
*But when Fred eats the popcorn pieces, Baymax speaks.*
Baymax: The five second rule is a common myth. Harmful bacteria cling to food immediately upon contact.
Fred: What?!
Hiro: Come on Fred I'm in the middle of a twelve hit super combo!
*Hiro's purple monster is delivering the combo onto Fred's Monster avatar.*
Fred: But this is a snack emergency! And I'm out of clean popcorn!
Hiro: Yeah, and you are also out of HP.
*And just like that, Hiro's monster avatar defeats Fred's monster with colossal damage...and then it dabs like a boss.*
Fred: No fair, I wasn't paying attention! Time out.
Hiro: Fred, there's no time outs.
Mama Frederickson: AHH!
Fred and Hiro: Time out!
*Hearing Fred's mother scream gave them reason to investigate and save her, with Baymax waddling behind. But when they arrive to the scource of the scream, all they see is Mama Frederickson showing a video of a puppy to a Liv Amara.*
Mama Frederickson: Its so darling!
Hiro: OK...not what I expected.
Fred: Yeah, my mom's a joy screamer. Honestly its embarresin-*Sees Chris carrying cupcakes* AH! Cupcakes!*
*While Liv Amara talks to Mama Frederickson, Hiro's mind races back to the dinner attack from Momakase, where Cora shared what she had learned about Liv Amara. While he was ticked off that Liv Amara snubbed him because of Baymax's true creator, he wouldn't pinpoint Liv Amara to any thing that Krei would do... but when she brought up what she learned, the scales and schedule, and Krei's behavior to check that his resentment is more than jealousy, and how Orso only went after her alone. It had been a shock to all of them, especially Grandville, but they knew that Cora would never make something like this up. So while Fred is more or less neutral(Though slightly wary) of the 23 year old business woman, Hiro's suspicion flipped on and so he began to check her every move and action... just in case.*
Mama Frederickson: Boys! Look at this hilarious puppy!
Liv: I hate to admit it but I'm addicted to these viral videos.
Baymax: My scan indicates zero viruses on that video. It is safe.
Liv: Literal robot, also cute!
Chris: I bet the internet would love him! Cupcake anyone?
*Fred grabs four cupcakes, two for himself and one for Hiro and Cora.*
Mama Frederickson: Before we talk about investment opportunities Miss Amara, I've been meaning to ask about your progress on curing my dear friend Orso Knox.
Liv: Oh... Orso Knox of course... I'm confident we're two to three weeks from a breakthrough.
Mama Frederickson: Well that's a relief to hear. Oh liv! Have you seen the sleepy hedgehog?
Liv: How couldn't I? I made it into a meme on Sycorax's lifestyle blog.
*Hearing about Orso Knox immediately brought to mind about Cora's words... and a certain interview Liv had. And so, after Fred and Hiro leave the women be, they pulled up a chat room and contacted the gang.*
Hiro; OK guys, remember how Cora brought up about Orso Knox and Liv Amara? She said something very familiar today.
Baymax: Yes, I am often told I am cute. I am not programmed to know what that means.
Gogo: I don't think Hiro meant that.
Hiro: Exactly, here's what I mean.
*Soon on each of the member's laptop showed Liv Amara's interview with Bluff Dunder on the subject of curing Orso Knox. Cora gently places her Eve robot to the table as she listens carefully.*
Bluff: Random aside Liv, how is that mutated fellow, so horribly mutated...what was it- Orso Knox?
Liv: I'm confident we're two to three weeks from a breakthrough.
Hiro: Its the exact same answer she said to Fred's mom, and this was two months ago!
Cora: You would have thought someone like Liv Amara would have harder at curing Orso Knox since he was her investor.
Honey Lemon: What do you suppose we do? We can't just go in and ask.
Wasabi: The tour was a one time thing to us.
Gogo: You need an employee or intern to get in.
*That's when all eyes are directed to Cora.*
Cora: Oh...
Hiro: Cora, you still have your intern invite right?
Cora: I still do.
Hiro: Then maybe... you can accept and check to see whats really happening to Orso Knox?
*Cora looks at her feet, then to Hiro. Soon her face grows with determination and a confident smile. Karmi is in the darkness of her lab, studying over her viruses when she sees a figure of Liv Amara and someone beside her. The lights turn on as Karmi removes her googles.*
Liv: Hello Karmi, say hello to our new Marine-Biology intern Cora.
*Karmi's eyes widened in shock as Cora gives a sheepish wave hello. Unknown to the women around the girl there was an ear piece on her with Hiro listening in.*
Hiro: Oh... right... Karmi...
Fred: Whats wrong with her?
Hiro: You do remember that Karmi hates our guts right? Cause we're younger than her and go to SFIT? Cause we're a couple?
Gogo: And how Cora responds to Karmi's snipes.
Hiro: *To Cora* Its OK Cora, you got this.
*Cora nods in response and puts on her best smile.*
Liv: Cora and I had a small discussion and she agreed that she would be an intern for a test run, to see what its like here! Be nice to our new Marine Bio intern Karmi, and direct her to her new lab!
*And so Liv leaves the two teen girls alone. Cora looks at Karmi who is ready to explode only for her to put on her most sickly sweet smile and walk her towards the Marine lab. While on the way some of the employees greet Cora warmly as the blue haired teen merely nods. While the girls are nearing the marine Bio lab Cora speaks up.*
Cora: So... Have you heard anything related about Orso Knox?
Karmi: What about it?
Cora: Well, it has been quiet some time and we hadn't gotten any word about any cure for him. And its been over two months.
Karmi: Someone's impatient.
*Cora sighs, but then she realizes something that could play to her ego. Well.. time to please the devil herself.*
Cora: OK, how about you show me around the lab? Afterall, Hiro only got see the main lab, but not all its juicy secrets.
*This catches Karmi's attention and soon she smirks at Cora.*
Karmi: OK then, I'll show you... after you set up any progress on your lab!
*Cora's lab opens and Karmi shoves her inside.*
Karmi: Meet me at the main elevator at break... fish girl.
*The door slams as Cora flinches. She sighs deeply before she turns to the lab. To a bit of her comfort there were tanks now filled with clown fishes and the most adorable school of baby cuttlefish swimming freely.*
Cora: *To Hiro via earpiece* OK Hiro, I'm in. And Karmi agreed to take me around the lab.
Hiro: Good, that way you can figure out which one has Orso Knox and check on him...Also.. good job stroking her ego.
Cora: Its what I do best... aside from roasting her.
*Cora turns to the cuttle fish as she smiles gently, stroking her finger on the glass as the baby cuttlefish curiously look at her.*
Cora: I think you are my highlight of the day little cuties. considering how I'll have to deal with she who shall not be named and finding Orso Knox, you're gonna be the sugar that makes the medicine go down.
*And so Cora sets to work on her progress for her Marine Bio major, setting out potential patterns of weather and studying over the movement of all the marine life holograms. She also made sure to feed the fishes and cuttlepods, though she ignored how they seem to be wriggling in excitement whenever she hummed a song she knew. But soon enough Cora got tired and closed her eyes as she lays her head down to rest on the table to sleep.*
(?):*Soft* Wake up...
(?):*Soft* Hurry! Wake up!
*Cora's eyes fluttered as she heard rather young and cuteish voices of children ring through her ears . At first she thought it was remnants of a soon to be forgotten dream, but when she stretched her arms and checked over her surroundings, the voices did not go away... it became stronger and frantic.*
(?): You have to get out of here!
(?) That red lady is not what she seems!
(?): Go away from this place!
*Cora's eyes tried to look for any person that could be in the room or even a speaker. If this was some sick prank then she would take note to punch the prankster in the throat. But there was neither a person or stereo. That is when Cora turns her head to see the adorable clown fish and cuttle fishes pressing their heads to the glass.*
ClownFishes and Cuttlefishes: RUN CORA!
Cora: AHHHH!
*Cora lifts her head up to shake her head out of the nightmare she had. She places her hand over her heart where she looks around sees nothing out of place. Though while the fishes and cuttlepods are safe, they are staring at her funny... That's when she realizes she was on the floor. She quickly picks herself up and brushes herself off.*
Hiro: Cora? Are you OK?
Cora: Y-Yeah... I'm fine...
*Cora looks at the clock up ahead and sees its almost time, and so she sets out her way through the main lab a few minutes early to meet up with... her... As she arrived she looked around the team who are busy doing their research she did note one thing... a file that lead to-*
Karmi: Hurry up Cora.
*Cora's attention is snapped back to Karmi, who she sighs sadly before joining her to the elevator.*
Karmi: So, where do you wanna go?
Cora:*Looks at the pad and points to the lowest level carelessly.*
Karmi: Ya know that's only reserved for the most important scientists...
*Cora sighs as she prepares to hear Karmi go on a tangent.*
Karmi: And I can't take you there. That's the most exclusive labs there where the really important stuff is.
Cora: *Blinks in surprise* What?
Karmi: Last time I tried to go I had to be dragged up to Liv Amara's office! Thankfully, being her FAVORITE intern, I got off easy.
*Cora blows a piece of her hair from her face. So much for that. And so they arrive at the second lowest floor, with Karmi stepping off walking ahead.*
Karmi: And so to your right you'll see where we store the cellular molecuels of the rare greenery and pesticides, and if you look to your left..
*But it seemed that in Karmi's state of showing off she forgot to check that Cora actually followed her. The blue haired teen looked at Karmi and then to the pad and then decided to press it. The lowest floor, level 6. When the doors to the elevator open again Cora steps off carefully, seeing a lone door in front of her. She noticed a key pad in front of her, telling her its passcoded.*
Hiro: Cora? Where are you?
Cora: Hiro? Can you hear me?
Hiro: A little, where are you now?
Cora: I'm at the lowest level of the building, there's one door in front of me. I'm gonna check it out.
Hiro: Be careful Babe.
Cora: I will Hiro. I love you.
Hiro: Love you too.
*Cora finds the most worn keys and pressed enter. The lights turn on as she looks inside, where soon all sorts of biological related science enters. Rows of eyes look at her as numerous jars of brains from largest to smallest neatly stacked. As of while Hiro is back at his room trying to get connection to Cora.*
Hiro: Cora! Cora can you hear me?
Baymax: It seems you have lost connection.
Hiro: The lower level must be scrambling the waves!
*Cora sees over the strange creatures and items, her heart beat being the only tangible sound... until she heard a soft growl. Cora turns her head to see behind the room a large set of cells... with one occupied creature she knows all too well. Liv Amara is heading over to Cora's lab, carrying in her hands a cup of tea; she is planning to talk to her about her grandmother's book. Now that she is a sycorax intern she can learn whatever secrets the old book may hold. But when she reaches there she finds it empty.*
Liv: Chris?...Where is Cora?
Chris: Oh! I saw her earlier with Karmi.
*Cora slowly walks towards the cell, her footsteps echoing through the hall. As she draws closer the figure takes more clearer shape as the creature opens it familiar blue eyes. Cora felt it pierce her soul as she sees Orso Knox, trapped behind the cell like an animal.*
Cora: Mr. Knox?
Knox:...What do you want?
*Karmi is currently at the dangerous viruses lab wearing her biohazard suit.*
Karmi: And if you see here-
Liv:*Camera* Karmi.
Karmi: *Jumping slightly* Miss Amara! How are you?
Liv: Where are you and Cora?
Karmi: At the Viruses laboratory, she's right-
*But when she turns around she finally realizes that she had been alone all this time.*
Liv: Karmi… where is Cora?
*Cora slightly jumps at Orso Knox's voice. It had been the same deep and powerful growl that had haunted the team and san Fransokyo since his attack.*
Cora: Are you alright Mr. Knox?
Knox: Does it look like I'm fine?
*Cora flinches at the tone, but holds her ground.*
Cora: I suppose not... considering you're still here.
*That is when Knox's eyes widened in surprise. He slowly approaches near the cell door where the young girl looks up.*
Knox: You can understand me?
Cora: Yes? Considering you spoke? Whats going on Mr. Knox? Liv Amara said that they should've cured you by now! But instead you're still here.
Knox: That's all Liv Amara is good for. Lies! Everything she says is a lie!
Cora: What happened to you Mr. Knox?
Knox: Liv Amara did this to me! I-If I see her I will rip her to pieces and throw it to the poisons she makes!
Cora: Mr. Knox! Please calm down!
*Knox pants heavily as he looks at the young girl, her eyes still holding the fear he placed, but alongside it the care and concern for him.*
Knox: You need to run, tell Big Hero 7 about Liv Amara! She's only just begun!
*That is when door shuts behind her and the lights turn bright red, blaring an alarm in this dark lab. Meanwhile at the very top, it was a more calming ding letting the workers know to search for a missing intern; and Liv Amara goes forward to look for Cora... she has some questions that Cora should answer. The blue haired teen covers ears tightly as Knox howls in pain, his increased sense of hearing feeling like tanks setting off his ears. That is when Cora sees her own name tag glow a dark red. And suddenly her feet became stuck to the floor. That's when it starts dragging her through the floor!*
*Cora tries to run to back to the cell, holding tightly the pad near him, but the force pulls her away... but not without her accidentally pressing the release button on Orso Knox's cell. Knox sees with his own eyes Cora being dragged away by the tag around her neck... if she is found by Liv Amara or by her goons then she would be doomed.*
Chris: Everyone! Check every room in the facility, the first one to find her brings her to Liv Amara immediately!
*Cora continues screaming as she tries to remove the tag from her neck. Whatever technology Liv Amara made, it made sure to make her tag be bio magnet to carry her around. She finally stops being dragged when she is in view shot of a couple scientists and Karmi.*
Scientist: There you are!
*Cora held her breath as she sees the scientitsts' and Karmi's faces; with the adults its presumed worry over her safety, with Karmi its ' ya brat'.*
Scientist: Where were you? We've been worried sick!
Cora: I-I was-
Karmi: Save it Cora! You're gonna get it now-
*The scientists and Karmi gasp in horror as they see Knox charge through the hall and land in front of Cora. The scientists and bio intern backing up.*
*Knox then picks Cora up in his hand and soon runs through the halls in inhumane speed.*
Cora: What are you doing Mr. Knox?!
Knox: Getting both of us out of this hell!
*The scientists either had dodged out of the way or tried to grab whatever weapon they could use to subdue him, but his superior speed and intellect made him nearly unstoppable. When Liv Amara is about to enter the elevator she sees Orso Knox launch through the emergency staircase to the entrance. That is when Liv sees the person in his hands.*
Liv: Cora!
*Orso's eyes turned to Liv Amara as he growled with death in his eyes.*
Orso: I will not let you silence this one as you had those before! You will pay for this Liv Amara...O, from this time forth, My thoughts be bloody, or be nothing worth!
*He crashes through the building, running outside into the outskirts of San Fransokyo. As of while, Karmi gets up from being slammed against the door when she sees an ear piece on the floor, curiously she picks it up to figure out who it belonged to. But when she headed up she began to hear a voice coming from the ear piece.*
Hiro: Cora? Are you alright? Can you hear me?
Baymax: The connection is stronger. She should be able to hear you clearly now.
Karmi: Hiro! what the hell are you doing!
*Hiro, from his side, jumped from the sudden screeching of Karmi's voice. He gets up and tries to calm himself down.*
Hiro: Oh! Hey..Karmi… so uh.. c-could I talk to my girlfriend right now-
Karmi: You're precious girlfriend is now Monster chow you creep!
*That's when he hears the crunch of the ear piece from Hiro's side, indicating that Karmi destroyed it.*
Baymax: Karmi destroyed the-
Hiro: Wait... Monster?...No! No!
*But soon enough, he could hear the TV and news playing, showing the monster Orso Knox, with Cora in his hands.*
Hiro: CORA!
*Immediately Hiro calls forth the gang to meet up at the garage, already planning out whatever strategy to stop Knox and save Cora. From his sight as he passed the Café Cass covers her mouth as she sees Knox run through the city with the girl in his claws!*
Cass: Oh no!
*Mizuchi is already leaving the city to search for Knox and Cora, his heart racing a mile a minute as Kaguya goes to Cass... alongside her Kage. Now, Kage had met Cass before, and after his surgery. But he could only mutter a few words before he turns quiet. But Cass and Kaguya did not fail to see the genuine concern for Cora's safety in his eyes. Hiro saw it too... and that's when Kage sees him. Hiro and Kage stare at each other for a few seconds before Hiro shakes his head to concentrate.*
Hiro: Later Kage… Cora needs me.
*Kage says nothing as he sees Hiro run off to join his friends... he gives a soft smile to him, knowing that they will succeed.*
Honey Lemon: Poor Cora!
Wasabi: Why didn't we think of giving her any weapons for self defense?!
Gogo: Guys! Now is not the time to beat ourselves up.
Hiro: Exactly, Cora needs us! First we suite up.
Fred: Not to nitpick but while your silver suits did work for us, it didn't work so much for Orso Knox.
Hiro: I know. I'm gonna upgrade it, and give myself some new weapons. This time with more aquatic features.
*And so Hiro sets off to work, making sure to combine his tech expertise with marine Bio as the gang either practiced fighting or kept any updates on the Monster search.*
Bluff: This is Mr. Dunder on Channel seven news. Just today, the calm and sunny afternoon turned into a storm of horror as the mutated monster, formerly known as Orso Knox, had escaped from Sycorax and is in a rampage with one intern trapped in his claws. As the police and search party and Big Hero 7 soon to arrive to rescue the intern and stop this monster, we may have to ask ourselves this: Just how reliable is Sycorax after this monstrous catastrophe?
*That is when a cup of tea is thrown to the TV, which causes both the TV and cup to shatter. Liv is looking at all her investors, both current and future ones, currently asking her competence about this situation, even questioning her ability to help Knox. That is when the hologram of Nozako appears, her face still in the shadows.*
Nozako: It Seems like your little pet monster has escaped Liv Amara.
Liv: Whatever that blue haired brat has done, I'm gonna rip into her and-!
*The load echoes of a cane hitting the floor via hologram echoed through the room, silencing Liv Amara.*
Nozako: You have until Midnight to recapture the beast and this child. And when you do bring him back... you will kill him.
Liv: Madame Nozako! He's Orso Knox!
Nozako: Silence! Look at your investors... the monster's escape has planted the seed of doubt to your competence. You had already 'tried' or so to speak... killing him would be an act of mercy. After all, you said so yourself that he had long since forgotten human speech. Slay this beast, and you will be rewarded immensely.
Liv: I understand...and of the girl?
Nozako: Do whatever you please...
*With Orso Knox and Cora, the monster had swiftly carried ran underground to the abandoned subway. Deeming it safe the monster gently drops the girl as he lays down to rest.*
Cora: W-Why did you that?
Knox: It had to be done.
Cora: Running through the lab while destroying their hard work only paints you more like a monster.
Knox: Most of those fools already know, and those who don't are either naïve or waiting to be transformed to be in Liv Amara's image. I cannot let them do to you as what they have to me.
Cora:...What did happen to you Mr. Knox?
*The man growled softly in sadness as he looks at his reflection.*
Knox: I had fallen for Liv Amara's charms. She seemed so full of life and hope for this world, I wanted to support her...I was so blind. I blinded myself from other companies that needed me... and blinded myself from seeing the true reflection of her. If a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet, but with her... she was a rose with poison tipped thorns. I had come to her office one night for a discussing. I had planned to split the money and talk to Liv Amara about a conjoined partnership with Krei Tech. But while I waited, I let my curiosity get the better of me when I saw her hologram recordings... This woman... she had done the most deplorable and disgusting things I wished to never see again... I cannot tell you what most of them are to preserve your innocence… but what I can tell you is that Liv amara's start of Sycorax had been nothing but a sham. A garden hiding the poisonous yellow diamond back snake. That is when Liv Amara found me. She begged me to stay silent, but I was so disgusted and repulsed, that I lost my wits and made the foolish choice to shout that I will expose her heinous crimes and ruin her... That is when in an attempt to slay me, she had stabbed something inside me... this thing that had made me what I am today... The monster of Sycorax...
*He looks at the girl, who's eyes widened in shock and horror as she heard his story. He turns his head away as he looks at the floor.*
Knox: I am sorry you have gotten involved little one.
Cora: Its OK Mr. Knox. I just can't believe... I'm so sorry...
Knox: *Sad chuckle* Is your name Cora?
Cora: Yes?...Why?
Knox: Once or twice Liv Amara spoke of you whenever she 'visited me'... you should've stayed away. That woman wanted your grandmother's herbal book. Agreeing to be her intern means that all you have will be hers... and whatever is in your book must be of great value.
Cora: That's why she was so pushy! Augh! Hiro owes me big time for this...
Knox: *deep chuckle* I suppose this Hiro is your significant other?
Cora: Yeah... he is. *Smiles with a small blush on her face.*
*Orso Knox smiles at the girl, and for once since his transformation, he could relax and be at peace. He will admit this to himself... according to Liv Amara, he had lost his ability to speak in human tongue, making any please for help impossible... but somehow… this girl could understand him and listen. He can think about how it works later... he wants to enjoy the peace of now. As of while Mizuchi is at the streets, joining the street search as the police arm themselves with tranqulizers.*
Chief Police: The Monster has a civilian in his hands! Find a way to separate the girl and the monster!
*Mizuchi's mind flashes to the angry mob chasing him down with all their pick axes and metal rakes. He shudders away those painful memories, trying to focus on finding his daughter. That is when everyone looks up at the sky.*
Civilian #1: Its Big Hero 7!
Little girl: And they look super cool!
*The team is wearing what appears to be a black version of their super suits with all the new fixings. Fred's suit spikes can now shoot projectiles as well as act as armor, with the tips being able to stun the monster. Gogo's suit has it now act as a swim suit warmer and her wheels to act as rotors to swim through it easily, Wasabi has his laser blades also turned to projectiles while having a shield and a sword, and if acted just right, the shield would emit an ooze to make the monster's claws slip rather than break...Wasabi needed a few minutes in the bathroom after being shown that. Honey Lemon now has a chem bazooka that allows her to fire at a long range and with the added bonus of being able to act as an echo-locator when hits its target. Baymax now has the added ability to throw stronger punches and swim swifter than he could before. As for Hiro, he now has electro-magnetic discs to pin metal down, and with an homage to his girlfriend, his boots also act as squid strength suction cup shoes to stick to any surface. *
Hiro: Honey Lemon! Launch your chem ball to any entrances below! Chances are they might be under ground! Gogo, carry Honey Lemon as fast as you can!
Gogo: Got it!
*Gogo skates over to Honey Lemon and picks her up to take her to all the possible as Honey Lemon aims her bazooka and fires. Hiro checks over his tracker that shows Echolocation as more of Honey Lemon's chem balls hit any possible places. When Honey Lemon hit the next chem ball to an abandoned subway station, Hiro sees two figures on the screen.*
Hiro: I got a visual! They're in the underground subway station at Night Market square! Group up!
*And so they all run towards the subway station, heading to the dark abyss to rescue Cora. However... they had failed to realize that since Orso Knox's senses have increased, he felt the vibrations coming afar. He looks at Cora, who is asleep, and gently nudges her awake.*
Knox: Cora, wake up.
Cora: *groggily*W-wha?
Knox: I think they may have found us...
Cora: Who?
Knox: Liv Amara's goons.
*When the sound grows stronger he immediately picks her up and starts running off. Cora holds tightly to his hand as to not shake so much. Just then his path was blocked by Baymax with Hiro behind him.*
Hiro: Orso Knox, let Cora go!
*Orso Knox growls before he jumps over them and tries to run off again.
Cora: Wait! Orso Know! That was-!
Honey Lemon: They're they are!
Gogo: Let her go you freak!
Cora: Guys wait!
*But Orso knox keeps trying to escape with the gang all successfully blocking his path. Finally Baymax prepares his rocket fist as Honey Lemon uses her chem balls enhanced to pin him down.*
Cora: Baymax no!
*Cora uses the opportunity to free herself from Orso Knox's grip and stand in front of Orso Knox.*
Cora: Guys I'm fine now!
Wasabi: We know you are and were thankful you're safe.
Fred: But now we gotta stop this guy and take him back to Sycorax lab-
Cora: You can't! Sycorax is where he got turned to the monster!
*That caused everyone in the room to stop, to which Hiro remembers how it all began in the first place.*
Hiro: Oh... Oh!...
*Hiro climbs down as he walks over to Cora.*
Knox: Stay away from her Amara slave!
*But to Hiro and the others they heard growls.*
Cora: Its OK! He's Hiro, Hiro Hamada...a friend. *To Hiro* I was right, Liv Amara was responsible for Knox's transformation. Apparently Knox found some incriminating evidence about Liv Amara's questionable activities and she turned him into that to shut him up.
Hiro: She never really meant to cure him.
Gogo: Everything she said about helping him was nothing but a lie.
Honey Lemon: Is there anyway to cure him?
*That is when Hiro spots something in Knox's arm... a small indented chip with red icky veins.*
Hiro: Whats that?
*Hiro tries to get a closer look only for Knox to roar. Hiro scrambles up and stands in front of Cora as she hears him shout.*
Cora: What?!
Wasabi: Cora what's up?
*Cora looks at the monster, waiting for an answer.. to which Knox speaks.*
Knox: This is what she had injected me. It is a chip of her design.. the cursed object that had made me into this. It is designed by her and can only be operated by her... if anyone else besides her were to remove it, it will release a venom that will stun the heart and then the brain...
Cora: Oh no... *Turns to Baymax* Baymax, scan his arm.
Baymax: His harm has a small chip inside him. It is currently keeping his altered DNA in this state.
Honey Lemon: So that's how he's still a monster.
Gogo: I say we go to the hospital and remove the thing.
Cora: No Gogo! Chances are Liv Amara rigged the chip to kill him if anyone else besides her were to operate on him.
Fred: That definitely sounds like a Phase two villain!
Cora: He's not safe here! We gotta get him out to the ocean.
Hiro: Why the Ocean.
Cora: Assuming his whale side is effective, he'll live.
*after sneaking around, Baymax opens a path that leads to the San Fransokyo bay, where the moon shine bright.*
Cora: *To Knox* I promise you, we will do everything we can to do help you and bring Liv Amara down.
Knox: Of course. I will never forget your kindness nor of your friends'. *Before jumping off to the bay* Oh! When you do stop Liv amara and find a cure for me...let me get the first punch.
Cora: Whatever you say.
*And so after they see him off, they all emerge back to the city. Baymax holding a piece of molten skin to be proof they fought him, and Hiro carrying Cora in his arms just for the fun of it. everyone had cheered at BH7's success, happy that the monster is gone and that the girl captured was now safe. Cora giggles before she kisses Hiro's cheek, to which causes the boy to blush. The next day, Cora is walking towards Sycorax, her family and friends by her side to see her off to the building. Karmi and Liv Amara were cleaning up the mess along with everyone else as Cora gently places her Sycorax lab coat and name tag onto the recyclables.*
Liv: Cora? what are you doing?
Cora: I'm resigning Miss Amara. I get that what happened yesterday isn't exactly the most ideal way to have a test trial... but even without the incident I could not focus here very well especially since there are some challenges at home and school that I need to resolve. I enjoyed what time I had, but this isn't for me. *To Karmi* And Karmi?
Cora: I hope you enjoy this job immensely, just be careful K?
*Cora walks away to the exit, only to be called out by Karmi herself.*
Karmi: Wait! There's something you should know.
Cora: What is it?
Karmi:... I should have paid attention to you... because of me you were dragged around the city with that monster. I just... you know.
Cora: Be entitled to your workspace to feel like a special snowflake by injecting your venom into me?
Karmi:... You could say that...
Cora: I accept your apology.
Karmi: Second...*Scoots closer to Cora's face* What was it like being held in Electro-Alpha's arms?
Cora: Oh wow I think I hear my Papa calling me! Bye, see ya never!
*And so Cora immediately runs off, leading to Karmi dropping to the floor flat on her face. As of while, Liv Amara receives a text from Nozako, and the words written made her shudder with fear.*
You and I will have a little talk.
A.N: And that was Prey Date! Not something you were expecting huh? Any way to answer your questions, 1. I made the revelation of Liv amara being evil and responsible for Orso Knox's transformation earlier because the writing the path would be boring. it would definetly spice up this journey since now they all know she's responsible, now the quest is how to expose and defeat her.
2. Nozako is Cora's Grandmother from Mizuchi's side, read Chap 29 for full details! Till then, Love you all and thank you for reading BH7!
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miss-m-calling · 5 years
Fandom 5k letter
Adult Wednesday Addams -- Wednesday Addams
American Gods (TV) -- Laura Moon/Mad Sweeney
Cabin Pressure -- Carolyn & Arthur & Martin & Douglas
Moonlighting (TV) -- David Addison/Maddie Hayes
Dear writer,
Hello and thank you for writing for me. I’m very excited to read whatever you come up with.
I do give more or more detailed prompts for some of these canons than for others – that’s not because I want some more than others, but only because for some I get lots of ideas, for others I’m more “waves arms all over the place give me more of XYZ I love in canon!!” I hope whatever I put down sparks your creativity, and feel free to reach out through the mods if you have any questions! My likes and DNWs are all the way on the bottom of the letter.
Without further ado…
Adult Wednesday Addams
Wednesday Addams
Genres: Action/adventure, Canon-style plot, Humor, Slice of life, Worldbuilding
I belatedly discovered this webseries, and it resurrected (see what I did there?) my love for Wednesday and how the Addams Family canon runs on the endless possibilities of this loving, happily eccentric family being 100% true to themselves and the world just having to deal with it. The show was everything I never knew I wanted till I watched it, the perfect blend of Addams-macabre and cozy slice of life with bonus Wednesday navigating the world alone, without always knowing her family will back her up, and it made me crave more of adult Wednesday’s mini adventures in LA. For this canon, I’m good with gen or, if you want to write that, more of Wednesday’s adventures in dating guys who really aren’t up to the challenge, and you can absolutely have Wednesday interact with OCs I haven’t listed as part of a pairing. I’m keeping the prompts pretty short, just to (hopefully) pique your creativity, as I expect I will love any way you make these or any similar scenarios play out:
-Wednesday goes to IKEA
-More of Wednesday’s interactions with the nice interns at her receptionist job. Maybe they invite her out to happy hour, or to the beach or a club. Or maybe we get to eavesdrop while they shoot the breeze on their lunch break, possibly over barbecue-chicken pizza from CPK.
-More of Wednesday’s gigs. She already babysits and walks other people’s dogs, what else might she do for extra cash that would be both really common and seemingly ill-suited to Wednesday, except she totally makes it work for her? Cat sitting (especially if the cat belongs to someone incredibly rich whose house is full of secrets – and expensive things for the cat to knock over), driving an Uber/Lyft, becoming an AirBnB host, catering/server, working the late shift in a New Age/occult supply store where none of the woo is real…?
-Or, alternately, Wednesday finds a career that is perfect for her, in which she can have success and respect. What ever could that be and still fit into the non-Addams world?
-Wednesday tries speed dating
-Or, she runs into Brian a.k.a. chains guy (I cackle with glee every time I rewatch the bit when he tries to kiss her at the pet store) a third time – how does it not go quite as he wanted or expected this time?
-Wednesday’s family comes out to sunny, plastic, image-conscious LA to visit her and make sure she’s doing alright. She gives them a tour of the city, and LA will never be the same again.
-Wednesday takes an evening class, or goes back to school part time, or enrolls in an online degree program
-Wednesday takes a road trip, alone or with her apartment mates/colleagues/Brian/strangers she met for carpooling purposes. Bonus points if you work in real roadside attractions, or tourist traps, or famous sites/landscapes.
-It’s Dia de Muertos, and Wednesday goes out to celebrate and soak up the atmosphere. It may or may not live up to her expectations.
-If you wanted to get a bit meta and/or enjoy playing around with different formatting, what does Wednesday’s Tumblr/Twitter/Facebook/Tindr look like? Or, Wednesday gets tasked with updating company social media at her receptionist job, and she does it with her own special flair.
American Gods (TV)
Laura Moon/Mad Sweeney
Genres: Action/adventure, AU - canon divergence, Canon-style plot, Character development, Getting together, Smut, Worldbuilding
Let me preface this by saying how much I appreciate that you are willing to write for an ongoing canon! I love this pairing, and while most of my prompts are basically the same ones I’ve used in exchanges before S2 (which I am watching) started airing, let me assure you that I am 1000% fine with your fic getting jossed, or including a divergence from what we already know or how things happen in canon. You can work with the canon -- or as much of it as we have by the time you’re done writing -- or diverge in a way that works for your story. Really truly honestly it’s all fine since you are writing for an active canon, and I really truly honestly appreciate you wanting to tackle this! Canon divergences and canon-flavored-if-not-entirely-compliant stories are my jam, so please don’t feel anxious as the canon keeps unfolding, nor pressed to keep up with S2 if you can’t or don’t want to watch it right now. (I tried to keep S2 spoilers to a minimum in my prompts, but there are some spoilers.)
So *clears throat*
I ship it. Yes I do. They had me at “gimme-my-coin-dead-wife”-flicks-him-into-wall. The snarky road trip was the best thing I never knew I wanted until it happened, and I adored every second of it. They’re both such assholes and so fascinating, even if they start to mellow toward each other a bit toward the end of S1, and all the gods/magic/resurrection stuff swirling around them begs to be explored further. Also I love love love how their dynamic is about equal parts spikiness, pathos, and humor (they’re funny! and the canon doesn’t shy away from putting them in ludicrous situations), and it weaves seamlessly between those three. Plus she’s half his size yet can and does beat him up with literally one finger, and then there’s the angst of he having killed her, feeling really guilty about it, and then bringing her back.
Please give me either missing scenes from the road trip (if you can work in a divergence, that’s great - for example, I like Salim, but if you want to have him boot Sweeney and Laura to the curb and go off on his own, or Sweeney to boost his taxi before Salim catches them, or whatever else to have those two alone, go for it!), or a S1 divergence (instead of going to Ostara, they go where? to see whom? about getting Laura resurrected) or something about these two post-S1/during-S2:
-Laura discovers (how? you decide!) that Sweeney gave her back the coin after their accident – whatever happens next, some punching may be involved.
-Wednesday’s big war finally comes, and “don’t you dare die on me, you asshole” is a line either Sweeney or Laura (or both) might say to each other.
-Laura asked “What does Wednesday have to lose?” and the answer is…? (Yes, give me that sweet poetic justice. One possibility, though not remotely the only one, but as of S2E3 Laura is technically a god-killer...)
-On a similar note, Wednesday told that luckless cop that Sweeney had been against the big gods’ war from the start, and while Wednesday lies, Sweeney definitely seems to be participating out of a sense of obligation and lingering guilt over the war he ran from long ago, rather than lust for a good fight or even a dominant death wish. What if he decided to hell with Grimnir and his war and his having Sweeney kill random people? I’m guessing Sweeney too drank three glasses of mead so he can’t back out without dire consequence - but he does have a fierce, dead woman in his corner.
-They go to some as-yet-unnamed old god (feel free to bring in whatever mythology you want) in order to bring Laura back to life. Between Sweeney’s mouth and temper, and Laura’s mouth and temper, it doesn’t go well. Now one or both of them are in big magical trouble with a pissed-off deity and have to get themselves/each other out of it.
-Things happen and Laura finds herself in the position to throw Sweeney under the bus but also help/save him, and while he knows it’s only karma, he can still be pissed about it - how do they navigate this?
-Laura gets fully alive again, but traces of her (un)dead state remain – what are they, how does she cope, what price did she/he/they have to pay for her resurrection, and how does their relationship change? I’d especially be curious how it would work if they’re already a sorta-maybe-item and *then* she’s alive again and it’s weird in a new way.
-For reasons I’ll leave up to you, Sweeney and Laura have to stay put in a single place for a while and end up essentially cohabiting, regardless of what their relationship is at that point. Take “cohabiting” as literally or as creatively as you want -- in any case, I’m sure it will be marvelously disastrous and amazing.
-Slight or major AU from the opening of “The Ways of the Dead”: Laura has hitchhiked with Sweeney instead of going off in a huff with Wednesday, or she otherwise gets to New Orleans sooner, and she and Sweeney tear up the town together. Gimme bar fights, carnival shenanigans, backstage craziness with the Christian rock band (Sweeney seems to have a backstage pass on a lanyard around his neck when Laura finds him)… Maybe they even cross the paths of some loa and it doesn’t get all angsty (for what it’s worth, I think the reason the sex magic didn’t bring Laura back to life was because she couldn’t accept the truth(s) revealed during the astral-plain sex – see how she defaults straight to “this is all Wednesday’s evil plan” the morning after – not because the loa fucked them over as Sweeney said). They were actually getting along nicely in those first couple of scenes, only ribbing each other a little while still being their grouchy selves, before they got to Le Coq Noir. I wouldn’t have minded seeing some more of that.
-All the old gods hide their true appearance to an extent. A situation arises in which Laura sees Sweeney’s true, or at least old, self (I’m thinking of his surprise!poignant monologue about when he used to be a king, and the glimpse of him in full Celtic warrior mode in the S2 teaser). Or Wednesday’s war ends in victory, meaning the old gods again get belief, worship, and sacrifices. How does Laura, the ultimate skeptic even when she’s on the other side of the mirror, react? How does this new knowledge and new reality change her opinion of/attitude to Sweeney? Or to flip that around, if Sweeney were again relevant and believed-in, would that actually change his bad attitude and fix his issues (my guess is it would be complicated)?
-The power of names: for all his “dead wifeing,” there comes a time when Sweeney (has to) call her by her actual name, and that’s a tricky moment for them to navigate. Or, Mad Sweeney is almost certainly not his actual name, since true names have great magical power and so must be kept secret; Laura discovers or learns his name, from someone else or from himself; what does she do with that knowledge? Or, Sweeney gets to say “cunt” in a situation (sexual or otherwise) where, not only does Laura not peel his lips from his gums, but she finds that she can’t object, even though she knows that he knows that he’s getting away with it.
-So far in canon, it’s pretty clear that Sweeney has a lot of complicated but sincere feelings for Laura. But Laura is still pretty focused on Shadow (or rather her idealized vision of Shadow and what their relationship might yet be), whom she seems to equate with her own lost-maybe-to-be-regained life, although she’s starting to soften toward Sweeney as she realizes he’s doing things for her that are not all about getting his coin back (and her sparring match with Wednesday in “Muninn” may finally force her to accept that her relationship with Shadow died alongside her and Robbie on that road in Indiana). Tell me the story of how Laura stumbles her way to starting to feel more complex, maybe kinder or softer, really annoying for her blunt-force-trauma-personality things about Sweeney and about the notion that her dynamic with him is different from the way she tended to use men for her convenience without really letting them in in the past. Also I’m pretty sure that even if they felt the same – or sorta in the same ballpark – about each other, their relationship would still run on a lot of conflict, and I would so be here for it.
-On that note: in “Munnin” it also becomes clear that Laura has, without realizing it herself, started to rely on Sweeney. The “I trusted you” line made me think, whoa she’s too mad to catch herself doing it but this is huge for Laura, and the fact that she goes off with Wednesday (!) basically because she’s mad at Sweeney because she thinks he’s prioritizing his debt to Wednesday over her… Yeah, I would like to see that explored some more and/or to see Laura and Sweeney get to a point where they trust each other and rely on each other, and know it and accept it, however difficult the getting there and being there may be for them.
-And since I’m on the subject of Laura, you know how she’s not actually an abrasive bitch all the time to everyone? And when she is, the people on the receiving end of it sometimes richly deserve it, and anyway it’s refreshing to see a female character who doesn’t bother flirting and accommodating others for the sake of social harmony? As much as I enjoy watching her rip into people (ahem, Sweeney), I also love it when she acts differently, like her genuine interest in getting to know Salim and her joy in seeing him again in S2, or her running passive-aggressive battle of wills with Wednesday, or even her general disaffection and numbness in “Git Gone.” Her beginning to feel sympathy for Sweeney and her anger and disappointment when she feels let down by him are a part of that, and I’d love to see all that explored more. Nuance! Give me all the nuance and seeming contradictions in both Laura and Sweeney’s characters!
-My perfect AG spinoff would basically be Sweeney and Laura tooling around America, looking to get her resurrected (whether they succeed or not is up to you), stealing ever more ridiculous vehicles, arguing/fighting and having those pesky moments where vulnerability and genuineness creep in – and fucking. So yessiree I’d be down for porn, including “it’s technically necrophilia/zombiesex” porn.
-All the petty, ridiculous ways in which Sweeney’s bad luck manifests itself make me laugh (can’t help it, won’t even try), and I’m down for more variations on that theme.
-If you wanted to throw in some worldbuilding, maybe something exploring living death. Magical bargains. What kind of favor did Sweeney do for Ostara that would be worth her bringing someone back to life as repayment? What other powers might Sweeney have (he doesn’t seem on a par with someone like Wednesday and Ostara, nor is he really a god, more a mythological being/kinda-deified former-mortal)? How long can a dead wife keep going before she’s “soup”? What other superhuman abilities might dead!Laura have? Can the dead do magic? What even are the rules governing and the limits of different beings’ magical abilities?
If it helps your inspiration, you can find some of my meta and lots of tag-burbling about these two here. I have read the book though I remember it only in bits and pieces, and while I prefer the show characters and the fact that they get thrown together, you can use or riff on book material if you want. With reference to one of my DNWs, for this canon, describing Laura’s physical decay is totally fine. Also, Shadow/Laura don’t interest me except as a part of Laura’s backstory (so if your story wants to include Laura figuring out or having already figured out that pinning all her hopes on Shadow to make everything right is unrealistic, unfair, and not how it works – by all means, go for it!), and Shadow/Sweeney interest me not at all.
My one canon-specific, really strong DNW for this pairing is this: I’m not into Laura being Essie’s reincarnation/descendant or – as fanon suggests and canon hints she may be – some sort of reincarnation of Sweeney’s wife from back when he was a king in old Ireland. Reincarnation/“new love looks like old love”/“lost love found again” plots bore me, and I don’t enjoy ships that hinge on characters being somehow destined to be together. Characters having agency is my jam as much as canon divergences are. Or if your fic really needs to go there, please please please don’t dwell on the Laura-Essie-Sweeney’s-wife-of-old thing, a brief mention would be more than enough. I’m certain Laura would have neither time nor patience for the notion that Destiny Fate and All That Jazz threw her together with ginger minge, and even if it were technically true, she’d still want this relationship to work on her terms – and Sweeney obviously has a problem with Laura’s cheating, her relationship with Shadow, her personality (though he also recognizes they’re alike in many ways), and all that maps onto his anger and sadness over becoming irrelevant over time, so it’s not just about Laura. So yeah, let them be their own (grumpy, spiky, dysfunctional) people, and let Laura’s dynamic with Sweeney not be shaped solely by his past and his issues.
Cabin Pressure
Carolyn Knapp-Shappey & Arthur Shappey & Martin Crieff & Douglas Richardson
Genres: Action/adventure, Canon-style plot, Humor, Slice of life
I just want more canon-y stories with their loopy humor and their weird yet loving family dynamics among the crew. Shenanigans in mid-flight or in the tedium which precedes and the tiredness which follows them. Someone smuggles (knowingly or not) an exotic animal on-board, legal, security, medical and/or slapstick chaos ensues. A mechanical, passenger- or smuggled-goods-caused problem arises and is solved during a journey. More games played on board GERTI. Playing around with a specific destination, like in many episodes, would be a plus. If it helps inspire you, my favorite episodes in terms of tone and content are: Douz, Gdansk, Johannesburg, Limerick, Ottery St. Mary, Uskerty, and Xinzhou.
For this canon, I prefer gen with maybe, if you want to go there, some Douglas/Carolyn on the side. That’s a ship I always thought had potential – they understand each other very well and trust each other... some of the time, but they’re both also snark-masters, tend to look down on anyone not as smart or quick-witted as they (Arthur being the sole – occasional – exception), and are really good about keeping their defenses up against other people. But I requested the gen group, and I definitely want the gen group – please don’t feel pressed to write the ship, that’s just a wild suggestion I threw out there.
Moonlighting (TV)
David Addison/Maddie Hayes
Genres: Action/adventure, AU - canon divergence, Canon-style plot, Established relationship, Getting together, Humor, Mystery/procedural, Slice of life
I osmosed tons about this show over the years but didn’t get around to watching it myself till recently. And then I loved it much more than I thought I would! Yeah, sure, some of it’s dated, and some of it’s ropey in terms of how the characters interact ( all the casual sexism and battle of the sexes stuff are very 80s indeed), but the chemistry! the banter! the funny! the shiptease! Gimme!
I tried to come up with lots of prompts, but ended up with a list of stuff I love about the show – and would love to see in fic – with some prompts mixed in. Hope it helps! Basically, give me as much of the show’s “flavor” as you can, and I’ll be happy.
My two DNW requests for this canon would be: please ignore everything that happens post-S3 (so if you want to write Maddie/David in the aftermath of their resolving their UST, please go ahead with the canon divergence of your dreams, I bet it’ll be a million times better than canon), and please don’t have secondary characters (Agnes and Herbert, or Maddie and David’s relatives and exes) hijack the story. They can be in it, but I really do want a David/Maddie story, despite the canon sometimes sidelining them due to behind-the-scenes shenanigans.
-all the banter, wordplay, innuendo, puns, comic repetition
-arguments – those long, explosive, funny, overlapping, always hilarious fights they have
-breaking the fourth wall – yes, please. In canon, they often seem to know they’re fictional characters but ones that exist in the real world, with studio lots and such. Do they now know they’re characters in a fanfic of fictional characters that also exist in the real world, or something even more mind-screwy?
-David calling Maddie “blondie blond” – it just makes me laugh – and Maddie calling him “Addison” when angry but “David” when worried or when shit hits the fan
-random cultural nods – off the top of my head, canon referenced Spanish poetry, objectivism, American realist drama, Dr. Seuss, Shakespeare, of course all the Hollywood tropes and genres; go high or low culture, go famous or obscure, even if I don’t know the reference, I want it! Ditto if you decide on a plot that parodies and pays homage to a cultural landmark story (The Silence of the Lambs? Much Ado about Nothing? A Hitchcock movie? Something else?), I’d love it!
-speaking of: I love the pun-tastic episode titles referencing everything under the sun
-all the canon-era detail which both takes me back and jars me with how much things have changed: people smoking in public buildings, seeing someone off at the boarding gate, dial and push-button telephones, VHS rentals, no cellphones/internet, all the 80s fashion and permed hair… Throw it in just for kicks or weave it into the plot (e.g., they’re following someone and only have a paper map and their own faulty sense of direction to help them)
-casefic – I love the silly plots (and chases! All the chases!), which often combine really gruesome outcomes or real violence with slapstick. I’d be especially tickled if you wrote a plot that starts out silly and seemingly innocent (e.g., they get “hired” by a kid who lost their homework) but ends up deadly serious, or vice versa
-I also love the flashes of really dark humor, usually provided by David snarking about plot developments, though my favorite example remains the intro to S3E1, with David assuring his sick mother that they’ll sweep the Emmys, and then they lost big time and we see a title card saying that the mom died on Emmy night. What can I say but: ROFL
-Maddie and David are really pretty terrible detectives, but they always manage to solve the mystery – or a solution falls into their laps – and I’m here for it
-Blue Moon almost never seems to take on actual paying clients – what else might David and Maddie do for much-needed cash? Bodyguards, extras on a movie, professional consultants on a movie (probably a really shlocky, C-grade production being filmed in the middle of nowhere), dance marathon, talent contest…
-all the shippiness before the UST becomes RST – in canon they slow-danced in a bar, they slept side by side on a plane, he’s snuck into her house multiple times when he was in trouble, etc. etc. etc. The sky’s the limit!
-maybe they get together in a different way than in canon and/or they have a relationship that departs from canon? Or how about if they resolve the UST as they do in canon, but then find a way to be both partners and lovers, without getting so wrapped up in what they each think the other one should be that they spoil everything? Basically, could they be mature enough to have a relationship that works for them both, or be friends with benefits, or hell even break up but remain each other’s most important person (and maybe still have sex occasionally)?
-tropes – the canon plays with so many tropes, you could too! Some suggestions: there’s only one bed, undercover as lovers/married/client and bodyguard, waking up married, any variation on Lady and the Tramp you can think of (including David having to pretend he’s a class act while Maddie has to play the slob, for a case or because of a situation with their families or…), they get zapped by a mad scientist they’re surveilling and swap bodies, etc.
-road trip! Oh the possibilities...
-playing Twenty Questions or another game during a boring stakeout, and personal revelations come spilling out
-Maddie’s experience as a model proves key to cracking a case, whether you want to make the whole story a riff on the world of fashion (The Devil Wears Prada parody, anyone?) or use that as a surprise plot point
-they get tangled up (again) in international espionage and go on a globe-trotting adventure, either chasing a MacGuffin or being chased – basically, get them out of Los Angeles and their relative comfort zone, and send them Indiana Jones-ing all over the world
-the show often makes 80s-typical mean jokes about Russia and the Cold War – what if a case took Maddie and David to the Soviet Union in its last years? Give me all the culture clashes, David being obnoxious and Maddie trying to be diplomatic, all the vodka, chases down frozen streets and over the frozen Neva River, dodging the KGB, sneaking around behind the scenes at the Bolshoi or Kirov Ballet and winding up on stage…
-when they visit a “rough” dive bar in S1, there’s a whole scene of David teasing Maddie to show tough-girl attitude, and she quips that she can’t wait till he has to accompany her to a high-society event. Um, yes please!
-they attempt to date like a regular couple, and stuff keeps getting in the way – whether they go to the opera/ballet and a fancy restaurant, or a basketball game and out for beers, or they try a quiet dinner and a movie at home (or all of the above!), canon-like complications keep interrupting. But then again, the ridiculous way they work is what brought them together in the first place. Bonus points if the fish-out-of-water partner ends up getting into the other one’s date-activity of choice, while snarking all the way.
-David has been to Maddie’s house multiple times – including to sleep over, both platonically and not – and they’ve both crashed at the office, but what little we see of David’s place, it seems to be a bachelor pad/hovel with a large yet mysteriously unfurnished living room. Maddie visits David/comes to spend the night/hides out with him from villains, and shenanigans ensue.
-canon often resolves the clash between David’s opportunism, happy-go-luckiness, and cockiness, and Maddie’s gentle idealism, worrywartness, and romanticism, by having David “win.” That can be funny, but what if the plot gave Maddie the right a bit more?
-I’m honestly not that into smut for this pairing - a fade to black, something implied, something referenced, innuendo, maybe brief flashes (heh) of what the characters think about/imagine/remember work much better with the canon’s overall tone, I think.
I love pre-canon, canon, post-canon, canon-divergent, and missing-scene stories. I love character-driven and plot-driven stories equally, and I love fics which mix humor and angst/serious business when appropriate for the canon.
I love stories about characters at work and play, group dynamics, family dynamics (including constructed families), professional partnerships, friendships, alliances, rivalries, intimate couples (new lovers/first times as well as long-term/established couples), UST-ridden couples who are not just UST-ridden but connected in other ways too, etc.
I love irony, snark, humor as well as angst arising from the characters rather than the plot crowbaring it in, linear, non-linear, and 5+1 stories, hopeful endings, happy endings, bittersweet endings, worldbuilding, spiky characters who keep their jagged edges and spikiness in adversity as well as when their lives are going well, square-peg-in-round-hole characters, characters who are their own worst enemies as well as those who can get over themselves when the occasion calls for it, characters with conflicting values which may or may not be reconciled/resolved, characters who treat each other with respect and as equals even if they hate/annoy/can’t stand/love to dislike each other.
I especially love workplace stories (this can mean anything from an actual workplace/casefic/procedural setting to anything that revolves around the canon world in which the characters live) in which the characters are competent and dedicated to the job, and while they may not be exactly friends and they may well irritate one another, they still manage to rub along to get the job done and maybe even grow to care about one another (much to their surprise and sometimes reluctance/discomfort). Or, if they can’t get along, show me why not and what’s preventing them from finding common ground.
In terms of ship dynamics, I love (where it fits the characters) banter, competitiveness or antagonism shading into attraction (this tension need not be resolved), oh-god-why-did-it-have-to-be-you-what-did-I-do-to-deserve-this, bickering yet loving couples, faithfulness, characters who are serious about their romantic interests, characters who think they are much better at flirtation than they actually are, characters forced to work together only to prove much more compatible than they initially assumed, fics which mix an exploration of characters’ professional and everyday lives with shipping. A dynamic I cannot resist is shipping a couple who are incompatible in some important way (they are ideological enemies, cop and criminal, spies from opposite sides, one betrayed the other or they betrayed each other), and while they love and want each other they’re also not willing to change sides or surrender/compromise their identity for the other’s benefit, and how they might (or not) make their relationship work anyway.
I don’t have any very specific likes for smut, other than smut fitting the characters – show me how their canon dynamics spill over into the bedroom (or other place of congress). I also like sexual scenarios that subvert expectations a little and surprise the characters themselves (e.g., the person who’s usually quiet or more passive taking charge, the more aggressive person goes with it possibly snarking or commenting on it as long as they can). And I like sexual scenarios that contain an element of competition, antagonism, oh-god-this-is-a-bad-idea-but-we’re-going-for-it-hammer-and-tongs, not wanting to admit feelings or show vulnerability except oops it happens anyway, whether the characters acknowledge it or not, or just people getting way more into it or being more affected by it than they thought they would. When it fits the characters and their canon dynamic, you also can’t go wrong with we-both-wanted-this-for-forever-and-now-we-both-know-it-so-here-we-go-diving-in-headfirst. For het and/or slash, oral, vaginal, anal incl. pegging, manual (ifyouknowwhatImean) – it’s all good. You can go as veiled or as explicit as you like, but please avoid excessive medical jargon – I don’t find a lot of mention of “penis” or “clit” sexy.
MPREG, A/B/O, knotting, D/s, kinks, incest, underage, genderswap/genderbent characters, xeno, non-/dub-con, torture and abuse (this and non-/dub-con can be mentioned if the story needs it, but please don’t dwell on it in loving detail or subject any of my requested characters to it), dwelling on bodily fluids (mentions of gore/blood and come are fine), toilet humor, character bashing, issuefic, gender/sexuality/race/ethnicity/religion/ability/identity headcanons, unrequested ships, soulmates and soul marks, major character death (unless it’s canon), serious illness or injury, pregnancy and children, holiday or wedding setting/theme, secondary characters shipping the main pair like it’s their job, reference to RL current events, 1st/2nd person POV, AUs which have nothing to do with canonf
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sueboohscorner · 7 years
#Blindspot S2 Ep 10 "Nor I, Nigel, AKA Leg in Iron" Recap and Review
The return of Blindspot literally was on a breathless, edge of your seat episode. Let's get to the recap.
 The episode last night picked off right where we left off in the fall finale, after a brief recap of what had happen, we come to Patterson and Borden after we heard the gun go off. Who was it? It was Patterson who gets shot, but for the fans out there, she was saved by Borden as she was taken to be treated. 
 Meanwhile, after Jane zipped Roman (zipped is the name of the brand that erases memories), she takes him in a car and tries to get him back to the FBI but when he wakes up later he puts on a fight. Jane tries to explain to him who she is and what's going on. But he just wouldn't listen and runs off with the car leaving Jane behind. 
 Jane gets back to the FBI and not only are Weller, Nas and Zapata looking for Patterson, they're now looking for Roman. They track the car and try to call on the phone in the car. They located him and picked him up but with Sheppard's men there too, so there was gun battle. 
  When they bring Roman in, they try asking him questions on the whereabouts of Borden or Sheppard, but nothing was getting through in his memory. But when FBI Director Pennington shows up he gets Nas to leave the building as her department is no longer available because of 12 FBI agents had died in that blast at the compound. But don't worry, Weller fought for her to come back and Pennington allowed it. 
 Meanwhile, Patterson wakes up and tries to take down Borden, who was washing his hands after fixing her wounds, but Sheppard pulled a gun behind her. Instead of killing Patterson, Sheppard tries to get what she knows about her and Phase II. After being tortured by poking in her ears and getting hit with a pipe to the face, Sheppard left it to Borden take over after getting word about Roman. 
 Soon, Weller, Zapata and Jane tries to figured out where Borden took Patterson. After a couple of leads, and a garage repair shop lady, they found where Borden has Patterson at and headed over there. When they get there, they triggered a bomb that blasted the car a couple of feet. The three gets out and Borden runs into the woods along with Weller, while Zapata and Jane get Patterson. 
 Weller catches Borden and the two battle it out. Amazing on Borden combat skills, he literally kicked Weller's but and even taken his handcuffs and used it against him, tying him up. Weller asked him why does Sheppard want him alive as Borden responds to him that he'll know soon. 
 Everyone seems to be on okay terms after the events that just took place. Weller comes by to give Patterson flowers, as she is still working and finds something interesting to show him. But after she should him it, Weller gets out a cell phone that Nas gave him and she tries to crack the code, for which she did and found a files, for which shows a video of the layout tattoos on Jane. And there's one single tattoo that in the video but she doesn't have on her now, a tiger on her neck. 
  Also to add: Reade had recovered well and was sent home, thanks to the help of Zapata. But it got awkward or relieved that he kisses her after checking up on him at his home. But she resist it and left to go back to work. Reade finally has feelings for her and I thought she does to for him but I guess she just wants to be friends. I guess those signs of them looking at each other funny kind of thrown me off a bit. 
 I couldn't enjoy this episode a lot more than it already was that the first fifteen minutes of nothing but a breathless thriller ride. At least no one died and that Phase II. I feel that Sheppard is going to get Roman back soon, I don't think it will last working with Jane and the FBI. That tiger tattoo that Patterson and Weller found, what could it mean and why did Sandstorm not ink it.
Creator Martin Gero said over a year ago during the TCA press tour about there were going to be more tattoos that are hidden than seen. I think it has to do with Sandstorm and one of their Phase II or something even bigger than Phase II. The writing for this episode was really good and the acting from the cast was so good even Ashley Johnson gives a really good performance so far. Overall I give this episode a 9/10. 
What did you think of this episode? Check out our Facebook, Twitter and leave a comment below and be the first to start the discussion.
You can catch Blindspot Wednesday nights at 8/7c on NBC.
Here's a promo for next Wednesday's new episode:
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houseofthetides · 2 months
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steve: [team black] just better looking, generally — *camera cuts to eve best* ↳ House of the Dragon S2 | Defend Your Council | Eve Best
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houseofthetides · 27 days
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EVE BEST & STEVE TOUSSAINT + 💕social media angels (angles) 💕
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houseofthetides · 4 months
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I’ve told Eve this, that I went home that first evening and I actually said, “Thank God for Eve Best!” Because she was — is such a wonderful scene partner.
EVE BEST & STEVE TOUSSAINT | House of the Dragon FYC Panel, March 7, 2023
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