sunderedhearts · 2 years
@mirageformed | steve & billy at the bonfire party 🍂
     Parties in the woods were nothing new; kids had been drinking and getting up to no good for generations, and the forest kept things nice and private. The town was well aware of what was going on, but it didn’t seem as anyone even cared anymore. With what seemed like everything suddenly on the decline and the population falling under a blanket of despair, was there even any point into breaking up these get togethers? So a bunch of kids decided to get drunk and high and mess around--who cared? Theft and destruction was hardly even looked into; a little party wasn’t going to even make a blip on the police’s radar.
     When Steve had first heard about the party he had had his share of misgivings; the last party he went to had ended in disaster. Nancy had gotten drunk and broken his heart, giving way to weeks of awkwardness and pain until Steve realized she had actually gone as far as to cheat on him with Byers of all people. Since then everything had changed, and Steve had withdrawn, his life slowly spiraling into nothingness. But Billy was back in town and everyone seemed interested in the bonfire--how could Steve say no?
     Unfortunately things had soured almost immediately. It hadn’t taken long for Steve to realize Nancy had also shown up, causing hot anxiety to prickle across his skin. His love life had been non-existent since the break up, and while he had told Robin that he was over his ex, seeing her smiling by the soft glow of the fire made him realize what a lie that had been. She was always going to be a part of his life, his first love, the girl that stole his heart and crushed it between her fingers. A large part of him knew better than to try and even talk to her, but after several beers Steve could no longer differentiate between a good idea and a bad one. Talking to Nancy suddenly seemed like the best idea there was.
     Four beers might not have seemed like a lot, but Steve’s tolerance was nothing spectacular, never really had been. Since that fateful Halloween party, Steve had more or less quit drinking, only looking into it when he couldn’t sleep--or just couldn’t stand to think anymore. These days two drinks left him feeling buzzed. Three put him on a log by the fire, and four brought him to Nancy, his dark eyes attempting to focus on her slightly blurry form. Somewhere in the back of his mind he knew better, but the words were already tumbling out before he could stop himself. 
    Before long the party effectively came to a halt, quieting and drawing in close to see what the argument was about. Normally Steve would have cared, would have been mortified, but the alcohol had turned his mind fuzzy, switched off his better judgement. If the onlookers wanted a show, then Steve would make sure to give them one.
     “Steve, that’s enough, stop--”
     “Why? Why should I stop? Just because you’re not having fun?” Steve made a derisive noise and gave a roll of his eyes. “Jesus, you must be real fun at parties. Oh, wait--no you’re not. And here I was thinking you’d want the truth since you’re the mature adult here...”
     “The truth? Steve, you’re drunk--”
     “Oh, that’s familiar.” Biting laughter tore out of him, dark and humorless. “Because--because I remember when you got drunk and told me I was bullshit. That you didn’t love me and that you were just using me until someone else came along. And guess what? That was all true, Nance! Guess I am bullshit! But I don’t run off and cheat with the first guy who looks at me!”
     Several of the party-goers broke out into chatter, some seeming to stand behind Steve, most in support of Nancy. Overall it just seemed the majority of the onlookers were enjoying the drama unfolding, like some bizarre soap opera. Robin’s voice called out from somewhere behind him, but Steve ignored her, focusing instead on the angry look on Nancy’s perfect, prim little face.
     “Oh, wait--sorry. Sorry. I forgot; I’m not allowed to be the one who’s a mess. I don’t get to break apart and be the one falling down drunk. That’s your job. What’s wrong, Nance? You don’t like being the one to get shit-faced anymore? Did going off to college make you even more perfect and popular? God, whatever. You’re the one that’s bullshit. I’m getting another beer--maybe if I drink enough I can bring myself down to your level and forget I ever loved you, too.”
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