#steve is causing A Scene™️
sunderedhearts · 2 years
@mirageformed | steve & billy at the bonfire party 🍂
     Parties in the woods were nothing new; kids had been drinking and getting up to no good for generations, and the forest kept things nice and private. The town was well aware of what was going on, but it didn’t seem as anyone even cared anymore. With what seemed like everything suddenly on the decline and the population falling under a blanket of despair, was there even any point into breaking up these get togethers? So a bunch of kids decided to get drunk and high and mess around--who cared? Theft and destruction was hardly even looked into; a little party wasn’t going to even make a blip on the police’s radar.
     When Steve had first heard about the party he had had his share of misgivings; the last party he went to had ended in disaster. Nancy had gotten drunk and broken his heart, giving way to weeks of awkwardness and pain until Steve realized she had actually gone as far as to cheat on him with Byers of all people. Since then everything had changed, and Steve had withdrawn, his life slowly spiraling into nothingness. But Billy was back in town and everyone seemed interested in the bonfire--how could Steve say no?
     Unfortunately things had soured almost immediately. It hadn’t taken long for Steve to realize Nancy had also shown up, causing hot anxiety to prickle across his skin. His love life had been non-existent since the break up, and while he had told Robin that he was over his ex, seeing her smiling by the soft glow of the fire made him realize what a lie that had been. She was always going to be a part of his life, his first love, the girl that stole his heart and crushed it between her fingers. A large part of him knew better than to try and even talk to her, but after several beers Steve could no longer differentiate between a good idea and a bad one. Talking to Nancy suddenly seemed like the best idea there was.
     Four beers might not have seemed like a lot, but Steve’s tolerance was nothing spectacular, never really had been. Since that fateful Halloween party, Steve had more or less quit drinking, only looking into it when he couldn’t sleep--or just couldn’t stand to think anymore. These days two drinks left him feeling buzzed. Three put him on a log by the fire, and four brought him to Nancy, his dark eyes attempting to focus on her slightly blurry form. Somewhere in the back of his mind he knew better, but the words were already tumbling out before he could stop himself. 
    Before long the party effectively came to a halt, quieting and drawing in close to see what the argument was about. Normally Steve would have cared, would have been mortified, but the alcohol had turned his mind fuzzy, switched off his better judgement. If the onlookers wanted a show, then Steve would make sure to give them one.
     “Steve, that’s enough, stop--”
     “Why? Why should I stop? Just because you’re not having fun?” Steve made a derisive noise and gave a roll of his eyes. “Jesus, you must be real fun at parties. Oh, wait--no you’re not. And here I was thinking you’d want the truth since you’re the mature adult here...”
     “The truth? Steve, you’re drunk--”
     “Oh, that’s familiar.” Biting laughter tore out of him, dark and humorless. “Because--because I remember when you got drunk and told me I was bullshit. That you didn’t love me and that you were just using me until someone else came along. And guess what? That was all true, Nance! Guess I am bullshit! But I don’t run off and cheat with the first guy who looks at me!”
     Several of the party-goers broke out into chatter, some seeming to stand behind Steve, most in support of Nancy. Overall it just seemed the majority of the onlookers were enjoying the drama unfolding, like some bizarre soap opera. Robin’s voice called out from somewhere behind him, but Steve ignored her, focusing instead on the angry look on Nancy’s perfect, prim little face.
     “Oh, wait--sorry. Sorry. I forgot; I’m not allowed to be the one who’s a mess. I don’t get to break apart and be the one falling down drunk. That’s your job. What’s wrong, Nance? You don’t like being the one to get shit-faced anymore? Did going off to college make you even more perfect and popular? God, whatever. You’re the one that’s bullshit. I’m getting another beer--maybe if I drink enough I can bring myself down to your level and forget I ever loved you, too.”
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piratefishmama · 1 year
piratefishmama, do you have any a/b/o Steddie thots you're willing to share tonight?
hmmmm thots. thinking many thots. big and little thots, lesseeee
Beta!Eddie introducing Omega!Steve to the wonders of the BDSM world, explaining to him that actually, it's the sub who's in charge in any scene.
That it doesnt matter what the outside dynamic looks like, no matter what happens, the Sub can end things immediately with just a single word. They are in charge, a doms job is just to guide them through their fantasy, take care of them and give them everything they ask for, everything they need. A doms job is to give them the safe space to be able to get what they need and to take care of them afterwards.
and Steve, as an Omega, he's always felt like he had no control, always felt like he was being taken, like sex was being done to him and he was just there for the ride because alphas can be absolute assholes during sex. he wants it. he wants to experience control, wants everything to be on his terms, his wants, his desires, he wants it so bad the entire house smells like Omega want, the scent building as Eddie explains in that voice that drives Steve and his stupid horny little inside voice absolutely insane.
No beta should have a voice like that, and yet. There's Eddie.
Unfortunately, Eddie's only explaining it because Steve was curious, he still has absolutely no idea that Steve would very much like to climb him like a tree cause despite Steve stinking up the whole house with want and lust and gimmie your dick oh my god, omega pheromones do nothing to him so he's just there, explaining things to him like a Good Friend™️ and Steve's just mentally climbing up the walls.
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kittythelitter · 1 year
I've just been ping-ponging back and forth between Stranger Things and Batfam obsessions so here's a very self indulgent combination.
Au where Steve Harrington is Jack Drake's slightly older first cousin. They were close until Steve's parents disowned him and then reconnected sporadically when Jack was a young adult, but when Steve and Eddie got married, Janet severed ties claiming she thought Steve and his loser rockstar husband would be a bad influence on Tim. Jack reconciles with him when he wakes up from his coma, and asks Steve to take care of Tim if anything happens to him(Jack). When Jack is killed Steve and Eddie become Tim's guardians.
Rough Timeline.
1966 - Eddie is born
1967- Steve Harrington is born
1974- Jack Drake is born
1980- Bruce Wayne is born
1982- Clark Kent is adopted by the Kents
1983-6 -ST seasons 1-4
1987 - Upsidedown Closes for the last time + the Wayne's are killed in front of their son.
1990- Dick Grayson is Born
1995- Jason is born
1996- Cass is born
1999 - Tim is born/the Batman starts his stuff
2001 - Flying Graysons/first Superman sightings
2004 - the Justice League is formed, Boston legalizes gay marriage.
2005 - steddie marriage. Janet Drake throws a hissy fit and Jack and Steve stop speaking.
2007- Dick Quits Robin, Damian is born, andJason becomes Robin
2010- Jason Dies
2011- Tim becomes Robin
2013- Janet dies, Jack is in a coma
2014 - Jack wakes up. Wants to reconnect with his family (including Steve and Eddie), titans tower ™️
2015 - Damian arrives, Jack finds out. Steph is Robin and "dies"
2016 - Jack dies and Steve and Eddie get custody of Tim. Kon and Bart die temporarily.
Tim is going thru it and also suddenly has two VERY attentive guardians who have been dealing with weird bullshit longer than even Batman. They find out about Robin and lecture Batman and insist that if Tim's gonna pull a Dustin then Steve gets to babysit (be on comms).
Steve insists he's too old to be a vigilante but he is on comms all the time and on more than one occasion busts into a scene hitting goons with the batmobile and rescuing Bruce and Tim. He also basically forcefully adopts Jason after he finds out about titans tower. Eddie just laughs, but Jason used to be a big fan of Eddie's band so he is automatically the cool dad.
Somewhere in here Steve and Eddie kind of adopt Dick, Damian, Cass and Steph
Barbara and Max meet and it's Chaos.
Bruce tries to complain that Steve and Eddie are stealing his kids and Eddie's like. Alfred do you want some coparents? We'll adopt a full grown man. We've got kids older than Bruce that we consider to be ours. And Alfred is like. I'd love the help. He's a handful.
Anyway when Bruce "dies" and Tim's like. He's not dead! Steve is like. Yeah. I've seen weirder. Let me call supergirl- not Kara. My supergirl. Eleven. Yeah. You remember her right? She might be able to find him with her mind powers. No she's not a meta. She's had powers since before metas were a thing.
And El finds him and with her help the Justice League can get Bruce back pretty quickly. They offer her a position and she's like. I'm retired. But I'll always help a friend in need, so keep my number.
Anyways the ST crew are all adults and Tired because they thought when the justice league came around they'd be done. But Steve just keeps acquiring children who insist on getting themselves in trouble so even though he is fifty and Tired with chronic migraines and tinnitus he is still going to be the Best Damn Babysitter there is, and none of his friends/kids will let him do it alone.
Steve managed to keep it all from them before he needed to ask El for help but once the dam breaks they're all in and out of Gotham and meeting the Justice League and causing trouble left and right.
Lucas and Will both try to keep out of it and maintain their quiet lives but end up becoming emotional support/therapists/mentors to young heroes.
Dustin somehow gets to do some work on the Watchtower.
Erica, despite being in her early 40s, is trying to get the Teen Titans to unionize.
Nancy has access to guns she really really shouldn't.
Jonathan and Clark get along really well. Argyle can somehow understand the Flashes when they're talking at almost full speed.
And when Robin (Buckley not Batman-and-) meets Wonder Woman she cries.
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Remember the whole debate around Heartstopper that forced Kit Connor to come out publicly because "straight actord shouldn't play queer characters" or something?
What if this was the reason Marvel never gave us any of the gay ships, especially Stucky, as canon? Maybe they knew that people would lash out at Chris and Seb cause they're both straight (as far as anyone knows) and say Marvel should've hired queer characters from the start?
So instead they didn't make it canon, rather they left it to the actors to hint at the ship and that's why Chris, Seb and I think probably some Marvel writers have always tried to support Stucky as openly as possible. And that's why our boys have so much chemistry on screen.
Which is why Stucky seems so canon even tho it isn't?
What if they were telling us they're gay without telling us they're gay?
Cause like I saw this one Tumblr post that breaks down the whole Steve-Bucky-Peggy scene in the bar, and the song that plays in the background during that scene apparently has very homoerotic undertones if I remember correctly. How do you accidentally use a song like in a scene as sexually charged as this one?
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crazy-shapes · 2 years
I just finished Vol 2, so here are some thoughts.
- The Vecna scream when the Demodogs and Demogorgon got set on fire was so fucking funny
-Why do they continue to do Will so dirty 💀 He got so many cringe-y, over dramatic lines.
-I thought Will pretending that El had asked for the painting to help her and Mike’s relationship was actually really interesting. . . but Will sobbing while Mike was oblivious was so hilarious and sad.
- the lipstick on Robin’s teeth while she was making sandwiches and talking to Vickie was so distracting
-Why did they have to kill Eddie!?!?!? It was so unnecessary. It felt like they did it just for the drama. He wasn’t even posthumously proven innocent. Gutted.
-The scenes with Lucas and Max in the Creel House were top tier. Caleb was right when he said that Sadie was the best actor. They both did amazing.
-Getting to see Lucas and Erica be siblings was really nice.
-Watching Johnathan awkwardly standing in the background of 90% of the reunions while everyone else hugged killed me.
- Jason got let off too easy. Sure, he got ripped in half and disintegrated, but that wasn’t enough.
- the very serious montage of the groups getting ready to fight Vecna with cut scenes of Argyle making a pizza 💀
- the Cali crew returning to Hawkins and dramatically getting out of the van, acting like they fucking did anything.
- the Mike and Hopper Moment was sweet, I’ll give ‘em that.
- The Will and Johnathan heart to heart was sweet too. . . . . But also anytime someone spoke to Will for more than five seconds he started crying. Like, can someone please get him help? I get it, his entire personality is apparently Sad™️ and Gay™️ but it’s getting ridiculous at this point.
- Joyce and Hopper!!!! Finally.
- I like these new Russian friends and was incredibly surprised when neither of them died. . . But I’m sure they’ll be done for in S5. Or just won’t be in S5.
- The parallels of Henry’s Mind Flayer drawing and Will’s!!!
- I loved all of your theories for why Karen had her own poster. Haha.
- Max’s monologue about Billy was actually really good and made sense to their narrative. I see that the Billy apologists aren’t liking it too much tho.
- I’m all for Steve and Nancy ok, but it got too much for me to handle without eye rolling.
- Why were there so many weird filler conversations? They seemed out of place and like they were just trying to throw little character facts out to the audience.
-Why does Mike always look so confused?
- Robin and Vickie are gonna be endgame.
- Robin slow mo throwing the Molotov cocktail and then Nancy firing the shotgun into Vecna was fucking next level.
- Dustin screaming for Eddie as Eddie cut the sheet and moved the mattress so Dustin couldn’t come back in after him. So good.
- Does Argyle not have a family he needs to contact?
- El saying Goodbye to Brenner instead of answering him was Boss AF.
-I loved that Vecna showed Nancy his entire life story and what he was planning to do to Hawkins and was like “go and tell the young girl who I’m creepily obsessed with cause she beat me in a fight once that I’m gonna destroy the world in a tantrum.” And Nancy just said ‘Nah.’
Ok that’s it for now. I’ll shitpost more later.
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clickyourradio · 2 years
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Chicago Trash Metal™️ quartet SPEEDFREAK is an institution in the city’s hard rock and metal scene. With a sound that ranges from combative thrash riffs to boozy and bluesy sludge grooves, Speedfreak promises to be the cause of your next hangover. Lauded by Dee Snider as “having great songs” and “fucking fearless”, the Chicago four-piece has a resume to match their intensity, having played at top notch venues such as Metro, Double Door, Reggies, Chop Shop and The Forge and opened for acts like Helmet, Texas Hippie Coalition, Raven, Kill Devil Hill, and Shadows Fall. In late 2021, their soon to be released music video for “Doomsday Devices” won the award for Best Metal Music Video at the Audio Shoot International Musician Video & Film Festival in Wexford, Ireland as well as being selected at over a dozen other fests including an official nomination at Cannes Shorts. Their debut high-proof, high-octane record, Fast Lane Livin', engineered and co-produced by Andy Lagis (Mudvayne, Hellyeah, Anthrax), just dropped in summer 2022 and is available on all streaming platforms!
Fun facts: Speedfreak was formed in 2006 by Lead vocalist Tom Kucharski and guitarist Kevin Kelly, while still in high school! Joined shortly after by bassist Steve Serpe. Drummer Dave Hornyak was at one time the drummer for UK doom metal legends Cathedral, and now owns Live Wire Lounge in Chicago.
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stargirlfics · 3 years
Can we talk about Steve in infinity war for just a second cause...... the hair, the beard, THE ANGER. Sigh I’m ngl he and t’challa had me hyped through out that whole fight scene in wakanda😔
Steve and T’Challa wiped the floooor with that fight scene I won’t be told otherwise!!!!
Both of them bringing lewks™️ and catch these hands energy 🥵
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