#sakiko toritsuka
Moon for Adam?
🌙 MOON - what is your oc's greatest wish? how far are they willing to go for it?
Adam's greatest wish is to understand how to travel back to his native micro dimension.
Not that he wants to abandon Ray, Nora and his friends but damn. He miss his homeworld, his dog, his chicken and his cattle.
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Sakiko: When’s your birthday?
Adam:... I don’t have a birthday?
Sakiko: Oh dear. You don't have a birthday.
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Adam loves to go to the swimming pool with his friends.
He's a very good swimmer but he does have a weird habit of drinking the water pool.
Tori: Adam no!
Adam: *drinks*
Chase: *swims and chills*
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Adam is a real sweetheart, soft and well-meaning but dear he's overprotective.
And he loves his friends, espcially Chase and Tori-chan.
He’s always excited to see them!
He's like a weird mix of both mom friend and dad friend.
Will makes homemade jams and cookies for them.
He even learned how to do a proper bento for Tori-chan.
Also; if anyone is being a dick to his friends? He will berate them without a second thought.
A waiter brings them the wrong order? He will make sure that the waiter regrets working that day.
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About Adam and Tori; I thought they could be friends.
Adam is not a very demanding friend, he just wants his friends to not watch him funny and to eat his homemade jams.
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