#sakiko is not my oc
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I’ve been on a magical girl kick lately
this is a redesign of one of my older ocs from back in middle school :D posting it now because i’m entering her in @/mahoubracket’s oc tourney
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So I spent the entire day on bringing her to life.
Since Fred is an Ainu in the original Marvel comics, I decided that I can still pay homage to that by adding more to Fred's background by thinking about what his grandparents are like. So I ended up creating Fuchi Sakiko Flamarion, a.k.a. Felicity (the name I came up with for her in Monogatari) Frederickson's mother.
Fuchi was born and raised in Biratori, Hokkaido, where she learned the art of wood carving, and she ventured to Sapporo on her own to better provide for her family upon reaching adulthood. There, she met, fell in love with and eventually married Christian Flamarion (Fred's maternal grandpa), and moved to the States with him when his time in Japan was up.
The couple then had five children (with Felicity being the middle child), and even with her husband's, and later her son-in-law's wealth, Fuchi remained down-to-earth and raised her kids with that mindset. So she's not impressed at all when her daughter became obsessed with pleasing Binky Mole, and she has the same opinion on her grandson's rivalry with Richardson.
And if you're wondering, Ainu people traditionally don't have surnames, until they were forced to adopt Japanese names after the annexation of Hokkaido. Over time, some Ainu people reclaimed their native names or combined them with their Japanese names, the latter being the case for Fuchi. So no, she doesn't have a maiden name.
That's all for now! More details of her story will be revealed in the summer arc ;)
(also Ainu patterns are so hard to draw...)
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Alright guys, here it goes nothing! Here are my favorite Gerry Anderson ships (including an OC/Virgil ship XD)
@uniwolfcorn @teapotteringabout @skymaiden32 @knyee @janetm74 @the-original-sineater​ @room-on-broom @inertplanetary @mariashades​ @riallasheng​
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(Sakiko Hino is one of my Kamen Rider OCs in Kamen Rider Thunderbirds, and yes she’s dating Virgil XD I need to go back to writing the damn crossover fic again :’)
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mrfelixfischoeder · 10 months
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"Sakiko, don't worry - she's here to help." "That's not what happened last time we met."
Corazon's resurreccion when released turns her into a three-headed bear - enormous in size. When Arrancar and Shinigami were at odds, it was not one you wanted to go against due to the sheer physical power alone.
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myfriendthedictionary · 4 months
have been doing mini’s femslashfeb prompts for 2024… smiling ! i haven’t posted anything for them because all ive been doing is messy sketches to get the day by day prompts but it’s honestly been really fun… and also helpful to my art process. and i get to revisit a lot of my fav ships from over the years !! so a double win !
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semisolidmind · 1 year
Since this was gonna be longer than a standard ask, I thought I'd submit it instead.
Here are my human x mascot OCs for Fuwa Fuwa Pandemic
Sakiko "Kiki" Djobo
Has a Togolese father and a Japanese mother. Raised primarily in the U.S. but spent a lot of time with family in their parents' home countries growing up.
Kiki was able to get a job as an English teacher at a Japanese school that happened to be close to where her maternal grandparents lived, so she spent some time visiting them before her job officially started. That is, unfortunately, when everything went down.
Kiki ends up escaping an encounter with a mascot, but her grandparents sacrificed themselves to save her. They hid her in an old bunker in the house, where she stayed until the threat of starvation forced her out.
Eventually, she meets up with a group of survivors, mostly around her age, who are trying to find the perfect place to settle, where there are few mascots or where they can more easily defend themselves from attacks.
The group travels far, but eventually they come across an old farm near a city that seems to be mostly left alone at this time and decide to make it their homebase. Kiki, who likes to garden, and a grad student who was studying industrial agriculture convince the group to try and farm it for a steady source of food. There's even a stream that bisects the farmland, a stable source of water they can exploit for themselves and the crops.
Suiko is an apex mascot, inspired by a mythical water creature that, according to folk tradition, inhabited that very creek, the Kappa.
Because the mascot he was based on was actually made of waterproof materials, Suiko is one of the only mascots who has the ability to swim, as his skin is naturally smooth and watertight.
His swimming prowess has allowed him to supplement his carnivorous diet with water creatures, such as fish and frogs. But he'll drown a human if he's hungry enough and the opportunity presents itself. Transient survivors are often drawn to the creek because it's a good water source.
If he's not that hungry or he's too tired to hunt, he may engage survivors in polite conversation, but they should still be wary of him.
How They Met
At first, Suiko enjoys his solitary life, but he begins to grow lonely. Until, one day, a group of survivors overtakes the recently abandoned farm that surrounds his part of the creek. He revels in the prospect of a steady source of meals for the next week or so.
But one of them comes to the creek to do laundry, and he has to admit, he finds them kind of attractive. And he's not that hungry at the moment, so he reveals himself and promises not to hurt them if they don't try to run from him.
The human hesitantly agrees, eventually introducing herself as Sakiko, or Kiki, for short. Even though this mascot is polite to her, she can't help but feel disappointed that her group might have to move again. Until she remembers a bit of folklore about Kappas; they love cucumbers. And the farm has a few cucumber plants that are putting out fruits like crazy. So Kiki promises to come back and give him one. He's a little skeptical, but he lets her go because he's genuinely curious about this exalted "cucumber."
Kiki leaves to put the clothes out to dry and comes back with a handful. Suiko's face lights up when he tries the strange fruit and he becomes somewhat obsessed with them.
So he and Kiki strike a deal that, if she brings him cucumbers whenever she can and talks with him for a while, he'll leave the other survivors alone and will hide from them while continuing to defend his territory from rival mascots.
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they sit by the river and “talk” (suiko talks, kiki listens and tries not to think about how easily he could tear her apart)
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sylviazem · 1 month
Maybe I should actually introduce my messy blog a little better.
But like...no, not really. At least, not in the way of personal information. I'm 21+, I love video games, I compose music sometimes, and live in the distant Land of Fin(Finland). That's all you get, to be honest. :P
So what's The Deal?
My own posts are mostly about my ever-expanding(help) roster of Final Fantasy XIV characters. Writing, maybe a few screenshots sometimes. Reblogs are usually about other people's FFXIV characters, and other stuff related to the game.
Fair warning: I tend to be Casually Horny™ in my writing but actual NSFW(rare) will be labelled. I also tend to get unhinged and ramble in reblog tags, so uhh. Sorry-not-sorry about that.
I might occasionally post about my other, personal creative stuff as well but that will be rare and spontaneous, probably. Mostly music.
Unsurprisingly, my most common tag is #ffxiv, and variations of that on occasion. But that's the main one I use. If you want to snoop around, specific characters are (usually)tagged as #oc: [character name], which brings us to...
Character List
Fjola Miret-njer
???(Hrothgal, name TBA)
Ekiki Eki
Bluebird No. 12
Elvide Pamisoloux
Viola Pamisoloux
Emma Pamisoloux
Stella Scintilla
Cherry Cloudberry
Bloody River
Shiori Furukane
Manami Furukane
Otoha (Furukane)
Momoko Õyama
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random-delights · 1 year
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Been stuck in Persona 4 headspace, so here is a random OC I had to get out of my head LOL
↓ Info dump below ↓
Name: Sakiko Watanabe
Occupation: Private Investigator
DOB: October 12, 1977
Zodiac: Libra
Height: 5' 6" (without heels)
Arcana: Hope
Personality: Cheery and caring, she is always there to help those around her and take care of them. She is quite the optimist, always wanting to empower those around her with bright bravery.
Background: Sakiko's mother had her when she was quite young, out of wedlock. So after a few years of marriage, her parents split and Sakiko lived with her mother for a majority of her younger years. It wasn't until her mother remarried and had another child that Sakiko felt the importance of looking after someone. She adored her little brother and grew close to him, but her mother decided to move away with her new husband and son, leaving Sakiko to continue living alone in the city.
Feeling lonelier than ever, Sakiko decided to move to Inaba, wanting a more calmer, less crowded place to live in and work. Upon starting a job at the local police as a private investigator, Sakiko was able to meet Dojima through work and eventually meet Nanako.
Missing her own younger sibling dearly, Sakiko grows an attachment to Nanako, always bringing her delights from Junes and supporting Dojima whenever he forgets to bring food home as well.
Assigned to some cases, she is helping in investigating the murder cases happening around Inaba.
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Moon for Adam?
🌙 MOON - what is your oc's greatest wish? how far are they willing to go for it?
Adam's greatest wish is to understand how to travel back to his native micro dimension.
Not that he wants to abandon Ray, Nora and his friends but damn. He miss his homeworld, his dog, his chicken and his cattle.
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angst-and-stupidity · 2 years
😌 for Abi and/or Sakiko?
aaaa this is so nice, i loved writing this
Prompt: Comfort My Characters
Characters: Abilene (POV), Sakiko
“Hey, good morning,” Sakiko murmurs as she sits next to me on the floor, leaning her head on my shoulder. Her voice is gravely, it always is in the morning. I look up from my sketchbook and press my forehead against hers. “What are you drawing so early?”
“Oh, I’m designing my own tarot cards,” I lift up my sketchbook to show her. The one I’m working on, which is also the first one, is The Fool. I’ve already finished the border. “It’s going to be Green, from the Prithmia manga, since the Fool is typically told to be traveling through the cards.”
“I see, and I suspect there’s a theme with this deck?” Sakiko jests, tracing her delicate finger over the card’s outline. “I bet there’d be a market for it, since there’s such an overlap of Prithmia fans with witches.”
“You think so?” I hum, going back to my scribbles. “It’s just a rough draft, I’ll finish and color it on my computer.”
“You’re such a busybody,” she sighs with a smile, standing up and picking up her hairbrush. She started to pace and brush in a light, airy motion, as if the air beneath her bare feet felt called to carry her. “I don’t know where you find the time.”
“Well, I’ve been blessed with the ability to stay up for hours on end.” I sketch out the frame of Green’s head. Does his hair swoop to the left or the right? I can never seem to tell the difference. “And once you do things for long enough they get quicker.”
She sighs. “Maybe, but I still worry, I wish you’d take care of yourself.”
“Bunny, I promise I’m okay,” I give her a clever look. “座ってください (suwatte kudasai), please sit down.”
She tsks. “You’re Japanese is getting better, I didn’t expect you to use it against me. Do you mind?” She holds up her brush and gatherers a clump of my hair in her hands.
“No, I don’t, thank you. But I have no clue where this notion that I don’t take care of myself comes from. Does his hair look right, or does it swoop the other way?” I hold up my drawing pad. She starts to brush.
“It’s because you stayed up until 3 o’clock and are awake at 7 o’clock.”
“I think it goes the other way,” I mumble.
“It goes left.”
“Which way is left?” I blush.
“The way it is.”
“ありがとう (arigatou).”
“As long as you’re not pushing yourself too hard I guess it’s not a big deal,” Sakiko relents, running the brush smoothly so my hair didn’t tug against my scalp. I can’t stand when it does.
“What about you? You’re awake as well, and I doubt you’ve made yourself breakfast. Yet you’re already worried about me.” I turn to face her with a coy smile. She blushes at the accusation and hides her face behind the brush. I pull her into a hug. “We can make it together, I’d just like to finish this card first.”
“I love it when you brush my hair.” I resume sketching, and Sakiko uncovers her face.
“You’re gentle, it’s just…nice.”
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geek-drawing-corner · 3 years
My very first fanganronpa oc drawn a little older and free 🥺 and a little extra lore that cant be said. Sakiko I love you and so happy to draw you past the whole give me death attitude you origionally had
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Heya guys! :3
So I haven't posted some things for quite a while, so I present you a sketch of my Kamen Rider OCs from my crossover fic!😁
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Yes they are without clothes (I struggle what to dress them so I just keep them that way😅). But hey they kinda look like they transitioning or something.😆
@uniwolfcorn @skymaiden32 @teapotteringabout @godsliltippy @myladykayo @kamenriderserotonin
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shepscapades · 4 years
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I’ve been too shy to share them before, but... I wanted to finally post something about my bnha ocs bc I’ve been drawing them a lot recently,,, pls be gentle,,
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bat-ism · 4 years
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Drawin some pictures of my BNHA come today. I love her so much. I’m really proud of how these turned out
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apricot-autumn · 5 years
Naruto AU: Uchiha Sakiko
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This is Uchiha Sakiko youngest child of Sasuke and Sakura Uchiha.She is currently attending konoha's academy.Her older brother is Uchiha Satoshi.
This takes place in an AU where Sarada Boruto and the rest don't exist.More cos to come.
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cure-stars · 2 years
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