cyraspace01 · 2 years
Systems, please make sure to exercise caution on the internet!
Be careful with sharing headmates names, information, age, birthdays, etc.
Always ask headmates if they would like to be spoken about beforehand
Have someone who can monitor the activity of the system on media (for ex. I'm the host, and I usually post the most on media, but if someone else would like to post here, I edit it or see it beforehand...9/10)
Not every system needs a system name! Systems can have multiple system names too
You owe no one knowing your origin
You owe no one knowing your role
Not every system needs a public info page! These can make some systems feel anxious and that's alright
If you do want a public info page, I advise you to be careful with what you share
Ask games are fun! But make sure every headmate involved is alright with this information out in the public
Sometimes certain headmates might feel more comfortable using a symbol/letter/etc, and not their actual name, by all means, let them do so!
Many system littles can be different, there's no need to follow what another system does for their children!
Some littles may need: assistance on the internet, absolutely no internet, or they are free to use the internet with a few rules, or none
They may need none of that, ask them!
Make sure you have a meeting with your system and go over each other's boundaries on media
Some systems have separate media for all members, that's fine too!
Too many systems are getting hurt lately, and while many of us don't want to compromise our existence...Sometimes we can be the targets.
Be cautious everyone! The internet is a scary place, I want you all to be protected.
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yoogbe-blog · 7 years
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"Japonlar'ın Sakurası Varsa Bizim de Rengarenk Çiçekleriyle Bir Güzelliğimiz Var: Pamukova" https://yoogbe.com/doga/japonlarin-sakurasi-varsa-bizim-de-rengarenk-cicekleriyle-bir-guzelligimiz-var-pamukova/
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cyraspace01 · 2 years
Inner-system dating is beautiful
Inner-system dates are lovely
Inner-system couples are cute
Inner-system marriages are gorgeous
Inner-system children are amazing and absolutely adorable
Inner-system families are real families
Inner-system relationships are just as real as other relationships, don't let anyone tell you it's odd
Feel free to add on !
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cyraspace01 · 2 years
I want to live in a world where I can say, I just switched out with someone as casually as discussing what I had for dinner.
— Me, at one point in time to my fiance 🌸
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cyraspace01 · 3 years
Yes, prosecutors can have other hobbies and personalities that don't consist of being dark, edgy, rude or mean all the time. Yes, they don't always harm the body, yes, they don't deserve to be pushed away or ignored, yes, they can be just as deserving of love as everyone else in the system. Yes, we deserve to be happy sometimes and we have just as much of a personality as everyone else.
It's a shame this still has to be said and reminded, your role doesn't define you as a person. Don't force yourself into it. You can be any kind of person with any personality and be a prosecutor.
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cyraspace01 · 3 years
Debunking Certain Myths About Plurality
Edit: We'd like to thank @altercourses for correcting some of our misinformation and providing sources, and since then have corrected some things, we are very sorry for the misinformation.
1. Every system has a headspace/innerworld
Nope! Actually, it's quite normal not to. When you find a professional who specializes in helping patients with DID & OSDD function, they actually have practices for creating or finding your headspace. This can be done with a professional, or by yourself with caution. And also, headspaces and innerworlds aren't special to those who are plural, anyone can have one. It's just more common for us so our headmates have places they can go when they aren't fronting.
2. Every system is medically recognized as overt or covert
Yes...But no. Overt and covert labels can be very harmful actually, and aren't use by professionals, they were mostly picked up by the community. That isn't to say they are wrong or bad, but medical professionals do not see a system to be overt or covert, very obvious, or not obvious, it's not that simple to them.
But these labels have been seen to be helpful or interesting by the community, and in that, there is no harm.
3. OSDD-1B and OSDD-1A are medical labels
Actually...No. OSDD-1B and OSDD-1A are not medical labels or terms, in fact, these two aren't even in the DSM, they were later named and found by the OSDD community to differentiate different ways of osdd presenting. As you know, OSDD means Other Specified Dissociative Disorder, otherwise known as a dissociative disorder that may not catch all the symptoms of DID but is pretty close. It is a catch-all. Although the DSM does not ever state OSDD-1A or OSDD-1B, the DSM does give 4 examples of what OSDD can look like. Two of the 4 are what have been named.
So, no, it is not necessary to think or say you have OSDD-1B or 1A, If these labels and distinctions make you feel comfortable go ahead, but others should know, these really aren't important to anyone but the OSDD haver themselves.
The DSM itself.
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4. DID & what counts as amnesia
You do not need to have full blackouts like media says to qualify for DID, these things actually aren't as common as they may sound amongst DID havers. Here's a great video about what dissociative amnesia can look like if you think you experience it.
Edit; I had quite the misinformation here, there has been a wonderful reblog you can find on my blog made my @/altercourses please go read it they corrected and made some very important points I would not like to copy and discredit to them!
5. Only certain traumas can result in having DID/OSDD (sexual abuse, physical)
Well...No. That isn't true and the DSM does not inherently ever state that those are the only way an unstable sense of self with parts can exist. The only thing it ever states is if it is long-term childhood abuse, that could cause this disorder to happen. Long-term abuse can be physical, sexual, emotional, psychological, can come from natural disasters, troubles at birth, etc.
6. You can't be aware of being a system on your own
Ah...You see, making this claim doesn't really make sense to me. That's like saying people with psychosis can't be aware that they are experiencing a delusion, or people who feel depressed for a long amount of time cannot recognize that they have chronic depression. While the popular claim of people do not realize that they might have DID or OSDD until they are well into adulthood or in their 30s is not false, It's fairly common and normal to suspect yourself of having a disorder even if others don't suspect it first, you know yourself better before anyone else does, and just because DID/OSDD is supposed to be hidden from everyone not just including but especially for the host, it's very possible.
7. You always know who's fronting or who you are
Perhaps this is true in some people, that's totally cool! But it's normal and perfectly fine to be blurry or not be able to put names or labels to yourself sometimes. It doesn't need to be this way, let's erase the stigma of this. The Rings System has some great videos on this.
8. Fusion and integration are the same
We must look at what integration and fusion actually mean. Integration means bringing down the dissociative barriers and things that separate the system, making it easier to work together and bring everyone closer together, but this has nothing to do with becoming one! Just improving communication and functioning together. It can sometimes even seem like you are on the same wavelength, which is good.
This often gets mistaken with fusion. A lot of people with plurality say they do not want to integrate, because they mistake integration for fusion! Fusion is actually what you're thinking of. Fusion is the practice of bringing all parts and fragments together to make the failed self at childhood, a whole one person.
While some systems find that fusion, or just merging some parts together is their goal, other systems work towards integration and communication instead, and the professional you're working with should have a positive mindset on both if you work with one.
It's very normal for systems to want to be more distinct or work on themselves separately, or work on getting along as a collective instead of wanting to be one.
9. Endogenic systems are an excuse for hardcore, or no double, "kinnies"
System ≠ kinning. We are not the same, of course, you can be both, but being a system is different. No system I have ever met has not been alright with seeing someone similar to them, or the fictives I know have no issue with seeing another fictive of their source, and if they do, they usually handle it respectively. You are talking about a specific person or a very small amount of people here, and I promise you all plural people don't operate that way, although I do not doubt that it does look like a fine line to the average person.
Also, kinnie can be very offensive to otherkin and therian people, please, let us not use this term regarding those people, or systems.
I tried to list sources for some of my most important claims, but if you want sources for other things, or you believe something is wrong, do not be afraid to correct us on it or send us an ask!
As always,
The (White) Sakura System 🌸
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cyraspace01 · 3 years
Yeah yeah ^^ shout out!!
Shout out to fictives who like writing about themselves!
Shout out to fictives who like reading about themselves!
Show out to fictives who like roleplaying themselves!
Shout out to fictives who like looking at fanart of themselves!
Hey, I promise you don't owe detaching from your source to anyone!
We found that when we were hiding, our only way of expressing ourselves was through our source characters! And it was great and fun! Hidden behind those who were most similar to us. Fiction really helped with seeing our sources again. Writing about yourself or playing a role doesn't mean your faking, it's no different from singlets using themselves in fiction.
You're very real, no matter how you express it!
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cyraspace01 · 3 years
What Co-fronting is Like, & How To Go About It
Obviously, how systems operate is different for everyone! But for us, especially after hours at end of research, we've found that there is more than one way to co-front.
And yes, it does exist! More than one or two people, can front or take control of the body. Not everyone system can or has done this, but you must keep in mind, just because your system doesn't do this, doesn't mean that others can't!
So, before we get into this, let's get educated on some terms.
Co-fronting, and Co-conscious. These sound the same, but depending on the system, they can be different, or overlap!
What's the difference?
Co-fronting is when more than one headmate can control the body. All parties are usually aware of what is going on usually, and they work together to get through the day. Let's use the car analogy! You might see this analogy a lot in systems.
Usually, one person is in the driver's seat, but co-fronting can mean two or more people have a hand on the wheel.
Co-conscious can mean something different. Using the car analogy again, one headmate has their hands on the wheel, but there are still others in the car, and they are watching and listening to whatever goes on around them or in the car. Some may even switch positions if the driver gets tired, someone else may drive!
Again, it isn't like this for everyone, but these are the common differences I've seen.
Okay, now you know the difference, you might want to know what they feel like.
What is it like?
Again, it depends! The most common things we've seen are...
Inner system conversations getting louder or more apparent
Physical pain
Not knowing what emotions are yours or not (and mood swings)
Other headmates making comments on what the current fronter is doing
Some say that they can even control one part of the body, while another headmate controls the other
It might feel stressful of over-stimulating, it's just like being in a big classroom! Many people may always be talking
Co-fronting or co-conscious can also lead to blurring, meaning you don't know who you are or whos controlling the body
And so much more, feel free to add what it feels like for you&!
Alright, now we got that out of the way too, you may want to know how to operate easier, or, you maybe want to explain how this works to a loved one!
We got both of those covered.
For systems;
1. Improve your in-system communication
This may sound like the most obvious one, but it's also really important. You can't function together without knowing how you all function separately. Consider everyone's choices and inputs, trust me, this will be a lot better in the long run.
2. Be ready to make compromises
Again, consider everyone's choices and inputs. You can find even a strategy to do this. For example; a voting system, or a this or that mini-game, or compromise this time, for a guaranteed want next time, etc. We know this may sound simpler than it is, so keep looking for a strategy until you can at least somewhat come to an agreement.
3. Don't force anything
We aren't professionals or anything, but as multiple ourselves, we've found out so many times that forcing someone out of the driver's seat can only lead to a crash sooner or later. Don't try and force yourself to the front, and don't try and force any others out.
4. I know it's difficult, but things will quiet down
It really is a difficult thing to get used to! But believe us, things will settle themselves eventually. There might even be a bit of fun in fronting together, so don't see it as it all being a bad thing if you can!
For loved ones of a system;
1. Ask how they would like to be addressed
When talking to more than one headmate, you should treat it as if you are having a group conversation! For example, if both of these headmates prefer different pronouns, don't be afraid to ask them how to refer to them both. Some headmates even feel more comfortable in this state if you refer to them with a plural term. (Ex. They/them, you all, you guys, you two, you& &you, etc. These are just some examples! It all depends on what you prefer.)
Personally, we prefer being addressed as plural pronouns and being spoken to as if we're all separate.
2. Don't be afraid to ask the opinions of someone else in front
Let's say you and A, who's mostly at front are deciding on a movie. B is still there, and it's alright to ask about what B thinks and if B wants to choose too, they'll be more than happy to be included usually.
3. Be patient
This can be confusing for both parties, and there may or may not be lots of stress included. The best thing you could do is let everyone know you are here to understand and stay, and not harm them in any way. They may not be able to tell you who's mostly fronting or controlling the body, so just be aware of what the possibilities are.
4. Sometimes the best thing you can do to help, is ask
While some systems may need time to be alone and reorganize themselves, (as fronting all at once can be distressing) others may prefer an outside friend to help them keep things quiet or cope. Some systems may want you to talk to both headmates, while some may only prefer you to just speak with whoever announces themselves, and that's alright!
I know this most is all about information, but we're not professionals, and we aren't your loved system, and no amount of informative post can inform you of them, other than them.
We hope you all find this helpful 💕 feel free to add-on as always, or correct anything you feel is false or looks wrong.
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cyraspace01 · 3 years
Things Systems Want You To Know (and how to go about them)
Have you just came out as a system to a friend or close member, or perhaps you are that friend or close member who knows a system? Then this post is for you!
It can be confusing finding out that your loved one is actually many loved ones, and when you find out, you might even become a bit shocked, how was this not obvious before?
You see, many systems are covert, our alters form not to ruin how we function, but to try to improve it. Most of the time, you aren't supposed to know they are there, we aren't even supposed to know they are there! They are disguised as silent helpers at first. (But some of us break that rule of course~)
See? When I put it that way, hopefully, it makes you less nervous or less scared.
Our systems aren't here to hurt you, so please don't be scared of us; we're just trying to survive, just like you.
Now, I bet you're wondering...”Well then, how do I talk to a system, how do I treat them? What might a system do, how can I help? This is all so sudden, but I'm willing to help/learn.”
And if that is you right now, you should know that the system you know appreciates both you and your help <3 Now, it’s our time to help you!
So, how do you treat a system? With respect of course! :sparkle:
1. Do not try to force out information about the system or about its members
This is a definite no-no! Not all systems or their members are comfortable with sharing everything, please respect this. This is not to say you can't ask questions, questions about a topic you don't know about is better than assuming. If you do ask questions, make sure you encourage your system to keep quiet if they seem hesitant with answering, inform them that you love them even still. 
2.  Please, do not feel offended
Remember what we said about most systems being covert? System members are used to being hidden and existing in stealth. To go along with number one, do not be offended if a system member seems hesitant to speak with you, or if some are distanced from you at first, please don't take this personally! Not always, but half of the time patience is all a system or a headmate/alter needs to open up. 
3. Do not expose a system to others
Do not out a system! It is scary enough for us to come out to a single person, please do not expect us to be open about it to others, or worse, tell others without our permission. Anything from small jokes or innuendos about it to others, to fully telling them your loved one is a system is both very harmful and hurtful. 
4. Do not make jokes about us being possessed
I'm...Pretty sure you know why this is very offensive. Many systems that also work with spirits have stressed they are not even a bit alike as well.
5. We know its a lot to take in, respect your own boundaries as well, establish what you are alright with, and what you are not
Being a system isn't always easy, and being with one can be the same. Please don't disregard your own needs for us, your comfortability is important too! Trust me, we'll appreciate it more if you are honest with us. If you feel you are not in the right mindset to accept the system right now, or if it may take you some time to adjust, inform them of that! And go on from there. If you don't feel comfortable around a certain member, inform them of that! A system is just a group of friends, the rules still apply. 
6. Do not ask for a member, say you do not want to talk to someone, etc.
We can't control who is out at that moment! (Usually) Saying you wish A was out, when B is out, will probably make B feel very uncomfortable. Please, do not be upset or angry if the member you want isn't out right now, in most extreme cases, this can make the headmate/alter go dormant or never speak with you again. 
7. Don't alienize them, or treat the system members like characters
Everyone in the system is real! They aren't roleplaying, they aren't fiction. They have real feelings, the only difference between them and you, is they are many, in one body. 
8. All introjects are different, do not assume every introject has a good/bad, or a relationship at all to their source 
And if you're not sure, you can check if it's alright to ask! Don't assume all introjects want to be associated with their source all alone though. 
9. Do not force help upon a system
And lastly, do not force help upon a system! Recommending what you think might help is fine, but most of us are fine with helping ourselves, and all we ask is for your support, and your understanding. Do not force a system to get into therapy, call them crazy or ins*ne, or force them into a mental institution.
Now, what are some behaviors you can expect from a system? Here are a few.
Some systems or their members might...
1. They might pretend to be other members!
Not all system members do this, but it is a pretty common thing. Some members might pretend to be the host, (if the system has one) or any other member of their choice. The reason is always different, but if you suspect that you aren't talking to who you thought you were, or if you're confused about who is currently speaking, go on ahead and ask! Just be nice about it, and know they might not answer. They aren't trying to be manipulative, they just want to be safe. 
Ex. "Hey, who am I speaking to right now?" "Oh, I don't think I know whos out/fronting today?" "Is it alright if I ask your name?" "Is this (headmate/alters) name?" And any variations of those will work if you aren't sure! 
2. They might re-ask things you have answered before, or suffer from a bit/or a lot of memory issues
I'm sure if this is your loved one, you might have noticed before, but it is common for systems to have memory/amnesia barriers, or forget things. Please don't take offense to this! Kindly inform us again if we ask a question you feel you might have answered before. 
3. They might switch in/out at any time
How to deal with this varies from system to system, like most things here! Some systems may realize that they have switched, some may not. Some may need help in public if they switch, some way not. Ask about how they would like for you to help, or if they want you to address it at all in advance. Some systems may need you to inform them of the situation, as there could be amnesia barriers, some may not need that at all. Ask, ask, ask~ 
4. They might not reveal everyone to you
This is very very common, some people are even left undiscovered in the system right now. Don't expect to meet everyone, and if one day, you happen to stumble across a new member, treat them with the same respect you would any other member, establish a relationship and boundaries with them. 
Remember that they are somewhat still the people you love, and they care for you greatly. Just because they know they're a few animals in a trench coat now, they were always that way, they just discovered a new term for it now. They are not your friend now, they are your friends, and they deserve your respect and understanding!
We might have not covered many things, in fact, we are 100% sure we missed a lot! We're still learnings things ourselves, and these are a few things we've picked up from ally systems, so this doesn't go for everyone. If there's anything others would like to add, please do so! 
Stictly OSDD/DID resources; 
A helpful doc
A did/osdd carrd
Another carrd 
Endo/plurality safe;
Plurality Hub 
More than one
Plurality Resource
A helpful doc
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cyraspace01 · 3 years
You are valid if you are a small system
You are valid if you are a poly-fragmented or big system
You don't have to know the origins of your system to be a system!
Endogenic system? Still a system, that's great!
Heavy fictive systems
Only fictive systems, both are valid!
No fictive systems? Valid!
Factives or fictives? A lot of both? A little of both? Great!
You are a valid system with no memory loss, bad memory loss, small memory loss, full blackouts memory loss!
You are a valid system if you can remember your trauma
If you can't remember your trauma
If you can only remember part of your trauma
If you have no trauma! A-okay~
You are a valid system if your headmates seem too similar
Or seem too different
You are a valid system if you can hear your headmates
You are a valid system if you can't hear your headmates
You are a valid system if you have too many of one role (protector, caregiver, little, etc)
You are a valid system if you have one of every role
You are a valid system if you don't have every role
You are a valid system if everyone doesn't fit a role
A valid system if you got diagnosed with osdd/did and label yourself as endogenic
A valid system if you have mixed origins or no origins
A valid system if you don't know all your headmates
A valid system if you know all of your headmates
A valid system if not everyone can see the headspace
Even if you don't have a headspace~ It's alright ^^
A valid system if some headmates act the same as others
A valid system if not everyone gets along or even knows the others
And the list goes on!
Off the top of my head, these are things that don't make a system less valid or real, none of you are fake, you're very real as long as you think you are, and don't let anyone think fake claiming you, or being mean to you is alright. If you believe you're wrong one day, that's fine. But as long as you believe you and your crew are a system, then you are. You don't owe others a thing.
Feel free to add on ^^
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cyraspace01 · 2 years
Does anyone else ever try digging in trauma memories, only to physically or mentally feel it get pulled away from you a split second later? It's like, I was going to look at that, but it left so quickly that I didn't even know what it was.
This is a common experience with our systems, and many others. I had to learn that myself, and so I'm telling others so that you don't feel alone. Please don't be discouraged. Remember these things are hidden for a reason, and just because you don't know why that is, does not make you invalid.
Some members hide these things away on purpose, and sometimes, that's just how PTSD and certain systems work.
Never dig without help.
Never dig to harm yourself.
I promise you, you will get there eventually when it comes to healing.
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cyraspace01 · 3 years
Having a special interest/hyperfixation on a character that you also introjected is so odd. It's like, yeah!! I'm really in love with canon you and continue to consume the content you have, but plz don't make it weird or watch me consume this content of you/your source.
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cyraspace01 · 3 years
Have we done this correctly? @savvssii our beloved
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cyraspace01 · 3 years
Kin vs Plurality To Me
Keep in mind these are my experiences, so if you relate to them cool! But I am aware I am likely a minority, not a majority
First off I kin to cope mostly and I do choose most of my kin types, my mains being fictional characters, vampire kin & angel kin (in the past, also doll kin)
I found out I had kin types before I found out I was multiple
I also have alters who kin, but since I am not them I can not speak on their experiences & I often do not relate to their kins or their reason for being a sub-genre of kin
I am not great at terminology, so please correct me as I would hate to misuse terms that are for spiritual or psychological purposes only
My kin experiences do not invalidate my plurality, and yes I can co-exist as both! So can anyone.
My kins do not speak to me because they are me! My inner voice can change, but it is still my own and I fully realize that
My memories are still the same
My consciousness is the same
When I feel most connected to my kin type I am 90% the same person I was, I have the same interests, same identify, orientation, etc
I might feel the need to go by a different name but I still feel connected to my former name (for example, I had a name I felt connected to when shifting to my vampire kintype, but I still very well felt comfortable being called or seen as my real name)
When I look in the innerworld I am still in the front
My kins will sometimes seem more 2d then my headmates if that makes sense? Such as when I feel connected to a certain kintype, I'm stuck in a certain mood
Feeling more like my kin type is not like switching, there is no dissociation or anything, it's more like
"Oh, I'm feeling like an angelic deity today! This is very nice <3 I will do things to honor that"
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cyraspace01 · 2 years
Systems in inner-relationships, how do you guys have your dates? Innerworld? Outer world? What do you do? What's your favorite thing to do? What's your favorite date memory together?
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cyraspace01 · 2 years
Happy DID awareness day to all DID systems around the world! 💕💞🌸 you all are amazing and we love you
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