#same with rindo. i think my least favorite part of neo is when rindo takes haz’s offer and then you go to the final boss
ha-youwish · 1 year
i know twewy really isnt the greatest when it comes to subtlety but man neo really just goes “The Next Scene Will Contain Character Development” huh
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polyboros · 3 years
i’m placing this post under the cut because it is both HUGE NEO TWEWY SPOILERS and also OVER 1.2K WORDS LONG but here is my neo twewy relationships headcanons infodump. ft. a lot of people but also my promised neku & shiba lore
my promised shiba & neku lore: neku doesn’t like shiba. it isn’t quite hatred but it’s very close; the only reason why it isn’t point-blank hatred is because neku can fully acknowledge and understand that shiba was being manipulated for years. however. living in shinjuku with the direct consequences of shiba’s actions, people who died because of it, makes him less than fond of the man! he is, at the very least, relieved that shiba has acknowledged what he did and is working to fix shinjuku. it can’t undo the hurt, but y’know. (gestures wildly) the whole thing i’m looping around to is that they don’t. talk about it. there’s nothing TO talk about, really. they avoid each other when in the same place for meet-ups, and shiba doesn’t push it. but hishima does keep neku updated on the shinjuku situation, and it’s... good, to hear. that things are being mended. y’know?
rhyme & haz friendship is very... something. i think that joshua gets into contact with rhyme some time after the events of neo twewy, mostly to ask for their assistance in keeping the rns updated with kaie. the whole composer thing comes into play there in a way that it does NOT necessarily with haz! rhyme meets haz through rindo, like they would with any other kinda guy, and haz is very much an angel and very much the former/current/former composer of shinjuku, but mostly rhyme knows him as that guy who doesn’t know what half of the food in shibuya is. mostly, until they see him with joshua, and they can’t be blamed for being curious! really. not like joshua would let them do research, and mr. h is nowhere to be found, but haz seems amicable enough to it. in his own way, of course.
i think they get this thing going where rhyme invites him out to do something (sometimes it’s a food place, sometimes it’s an activity, sometimes it’s something the reapers showed rhyme) and they talk about nothing while talking about A Whole Lot. those kinda layered conversations, y’know? and also. like. haz IS curious about rhyme, is the thing, because he very clearly doesn’t understand what makes humanity and shibuya tick, and especially doesn’t understand what makes rhyme tick when something so... essential was taken from them three years ago! but like. being able to adapt and grow and change around that is human nature. very much another case of “haz makes human friends he doesn’t get but likes to be around anyway” which i like for him a lot. meanwhile rhyme and kaie are texting back and forth about the higher plane and angels and things they probably shouldn’t know but hey! nobody’s snitching.
speaking of kaie. i think kaie and hishima are good friends! meanwhile kaie    has extremely mixed opinions on the man’s husband. i said that kaie and shiba’s relationship is very on the mend, and i think that kaie is much more willing to accept that he wants to mend shinjuku and be happy with that (especially since they can read and analyze his soul, which probably helps in the whole trustworthiness factor. and, of course, their own readings.) but like. they do need to have a Talk, eventually, and i think that comes a couple weeks after everything settles. it’s a part of everything settling, really. shiba do you realize that one of the members of your found family was fully willing to die before following along in your path of destruction  shiba. shiba. there’s a lot of people close to shiba that he hurt and i think he realizes this at the end of the game, yes, but i don’t think he sees the full magnitude of that until he talks to everyone and starts to repair shinjuku. you know how it is.
also hey do you think about how kaie and susukichi were close and then susukichi got erased or are you normal, 
i’m just thinking really hard about how kaie was the one susukichi texted to tell that he was making a risky move. and how kaie’s response was “please don’t do anything rash, my friend” and then susukichi was erased. and susukichi was erased and he wanted to protect the wicked twisters if shibuya got erased and. and clearly, susukichi trusted kaie. (they were one of the only reapers left,) and. i'm just thinking about kaie's willingness to go down with shibuya. that conversation with hishima happens right after susukichi is erased. how much of home is even left to move with? how many times is shiba going to sacrifice their family for this, if kaie keeps going? it's... better to stay, if it's inevitable (and in the end it isn't. but susukichi is still gone.)
AND THEN IN THE HISHIMA CONVERSATION TOO! kaie’s little snap at him to “reflect on himself before speaking of others :/” when hishima makes a comment about leaving shiba behind too. they’re absolutely not having it when susukichi was just erased (when susukichi was doing something stupid, when susukichi wanted to stop shiba before shibuya could be erased again,)
gestures wildly. i have thoughts. but continuing on for now,
fret & kariya hang out. i do have relatively strong feelings on fret & kariya’s canonical interactions, which are mostly short but RICH with character specifically from fret; in w1d4, which is arguably my favorite example of it, fret drops the act to call kariya out on his lie, in the MOST snarky voice acting, almost… mocking? but not malicious. just. calling him on it. which kariya proceeds to acknowledge (“(k) looks like you learned your lesson after all” “(f) didn’t realize we’d be tested so soon!”) but this is INTERESTING because of how early on it happens and how innocuous in the moment it seems! however. besides that. i think kariya is one of very few people fret has never really put the act up for.
i think post-game the wicked twisters DO deserve some (relatively) responsible adult figures in their life, and while i love the hachiko gang dearly, they’re very newly adults and neku has been gone for three years. they’re healing and while i DO think they care for the twisters they absolutely cannot fulfill the responsible adult figure role because they’re barely adults themselves. they’re in very similar situations of heavy trauma from the game. sometimes you just need a weird-but-cool reaper uncle (kariya) to bug, and fret kind of takes to hanging out with him like a duck to water
there’s a specific intersection of their interests too where it’s like… “(fret voice) you like food, i like eating, let’s go hang out at a food place together” and “(kariya voice) you like fashion, i like clothes, let’s go check out some clothes places.” also i think kariya isn’t necessarily someone fret comes to for advice often but he is one of the people on the list that fret feels comfortable being honest with, at least. also fret gets to be kind of bitchy when he’s with kariya (and uzuki, too, although i think a little bit of the act goes back up when she joins their little hangouts) and it’s a NICE change of pace. a more genuine expression of self.
(i also do think it’s a funny friendship with fret being mr. minami’s favorite & kariya and sho being exes. like yeah. kariya took the kids in the divorce years later)
I THINK THAT’S IT FOR NOW? YEAH. i have other thoughts but like. none so much as to put into a post like this and also this post is already SO LONG. if you’ve stuck it out until now, a) how and b) thanks for sticking it out i hope u enjoyed!!
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