shirozora-draws · 4 months
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I wanted to try some processes I watched on some artists' reels over at the Insta, and practice designing and coloring manmade/artifiical environments for future projects in particular.
Deep winter also always makes me moody and nostalgic, and I start looking back. I know this is just a consequence of time and technology, but I don't have any of my old Tron art files saved on my laptop. It's so strange considering how much of an impact Tron Legacy and the fandom has had on my life on and off-line. I listened to the ficmix I made for that old fic of mine the other day, and man, I felt so unwell and unhinged. That movie, that OST, that fandom, that fic, that ship, still has such a stranglehold on me years after the fact.
Anyway, if you haven't done so already, go give this beautifully made extended Daft Punk music video a watch.
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3-inch-doodles · 8 months
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finished :))
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jeellyjams · 3 months
Sam/tron doodle
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ahhh the classic :))
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foxgloveinspace · 4 months
tron fic recs??👀
Hi there! I have to preface this by saying I mostly read (and currently write) Sam/Tron (or Rinzler depending on the fic). While I do read a bunch of just general Tron fic, I tend to have a ship I like and stick with it.
I am really enjoying Salvage What You Can by TooManyTeeth, more so the concept then some of the ideas. (I don't ship sam and quorra), but I can get over those for the concept of Rinlzer and Tron being in the same Grid and not the Same People, and Rinlzer finding out he's the 'evil twin' as the tags put it. I'm only on chapter 14, and there have been some moments that have down right broke my heart. Lots and lots of Rinzler angst.
Want some fluff about pre movie Tron and Clu learning swear words?? No Stupid Questions by bowiesinspace is the fic series for you! It's crack (in the since that it's silly, not you know. weird). and Just an all around fun time.
While this one has a bit of of Sam/Tron in it, the pov is Alan and it's not exactly about Sam and Tron, it's about how Alan feels, seeing and being around Tron, and is very very emotional. But also my second favorite fic in the fandom. And that is Mea Culpa by 2019-2020 (EnglishLanguage).
My first favorite fic is by the same author, and that is Genesis. I don't have words for this fic honestly. It's from Sam's POV, and it's about him coming back to a completely empty Grid. There are lines in this fic that literally left me gasping for air. It's almost GEN but there's hints of the fact that there will be something more between Sam and Tron.
I'll be a bit of a silly goose, and plug my own fic here, Whatever Here (That's Left of Me) part one has no shipping besides Lora and Alan, and is about Sam fixing the Grid from the other side of the screen, having a lot of family moments with Alan, Lora and Quorra and talking with Tron. The second part will be about Sam and 'Tron' falling in love. (which knowing me and my writing, means also at least two smut scenes). So if you just want to read part one that is a-okay with me!
Lastly, in this category I am recommending every single one of Solar_Siren's fictober collections. (and one Angstpirl challenge in there as well) There is a lot of different ships in here (Mostly Tron/Yori) and a lot of Uprising stuff. A lot of REALLY good fics in here.
and now the rest of these will all be just Sam/Tron.
for T rated fics,
Sam and Tron going on a first date, and it's not going as well as Sam would like but they have a good time. Falling in Tandem by bowisinspace (I also rec all their fics. they are all very nice. The kudosbot fic??? HUh?? Why am I emotional over a little ai?? *cries*)
Late Onset Digitalism by EnglishLanguage & Lobster_Emoji is not finished, but I really enjoyed this fic, and I don't think it ended on a clif hanger? I only read it the one time though. I still think it was worth the read. another Sam fixing the Grid fics, but with some fun twists.
We Are Pilots by shirozora is a CLASSIC samtron, and just Tron in general, fic. I read this fic once a year and its just. really good. Sam goes back to the Grid to try and see if Kevin left any clues on what he meant by 'Quorra will change the world' and instead finds Tron, and a Grid in chaos. (One small note is that, even though it's rated T there is some smut towards the end.)
E rated Fics:
First two are longer fics where the smut is only a scene or two. Last one is a smutty one shot.
Someone Has To Draw First Blood by dreamlittleyo is another classic. Kevin took Sam to the Grid when he was a kid, and only luck is the reason that Sam didn't go with him that night of the coup. When Sam shows back up as an adult Tron follows him out the Grid, and then they fall in love.
One Miracle at a Time by dreamlittleyo another 'Sam goes back to the Grid' fics. I haven't read this one in a while, but I remember really liking it. I should reread it soon. Maybe I'll do it tonight.
Patience, Sam Flynn by bowiesinspace (how many of their fics have i recced haha). Short one shot, it's very nice, I love the end cause they get very snuggly.
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solar-siren · 1 year
SamTron for morning kisses?
iii. morning kisses. waking up next to your significant other and pulling them up and capturing their lips to yours.
Sam is still there when Tron wakes, nestled under his arm and snoring softly. 
The user runs warmer than any program; the air feels chilly compared to their bed. Tron shifts closer, soaking in heat as he traces lazy patterns onto his counterpart’s back. Sam sighs in his sleep. 
It’s rare for him to sleep on the Grid, and even rarer for Tron to stay the night in the user world. They don’t get many mornings like this.
When Sam finally stirs, he barely has time to blink before strong arms wrap around him, pulling him up and into a kiss. He hums into Tron’s mouth, hands curling against his shoulders. The program purrs. Tron loves him like this, pliant and warm and seeking for contact.
“Good morning,” Sam breathes once they break apart. Tron only rumbles in response, grinning as he tugs him back down. 
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Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 🤍
Aww, thank you for dropping this off in my askbox! Also oh god, I have so many favorite fics that I wrote, how will I ever choose just five? Anyway, these are arguably my favorite five fics that I wrote.
We Are Pilots (Tron Legacy, Sam/Tron, 90k words) changed my life. I answered a Tron Kink Meme fill with the kind of insane fervor that I later felt when writing another fic on this short list, and the response was phenomenal and overwhelming. This fic was the confidence booster of a lifetime and made me feel that actually, I am capable of writing stories on an epic scale. This fic went through several full rewrites and the final one is my favorite because this was where I really learned to let a story breathe and to make the environment as immersive as possible.
Wishing Well (Captain America: The First Avenger, 10k words) was a capkinkmeme fill (I was really big on LJ anon kink memes and I miss those so much for the unhinged communal vibes) and I love this short tragic tale of all the love that couldn't be. If I need something sad and cathartic, I read this fic. I need to feel the tragedy. I committed so hard to the bit that I deleted a fourth chapter set during Iron Man 2 and replaced it with a ficmix playlist.
born in a thunderstorm (Star Trek AOS/Guardians of the Galaxy/Thor Ragnarok/Captain Mavel, Kirk/McCoy, 68k) is the most unhinged thing I thought up since I was a middle schooler daydreaming a crossover of a bunch of Saturday morning cartoons and interestingly dubbed anime, and since I was a high schooler who went all out on a Kingdom Hearts fic by printing the screenplays for several Disney movies so that I can mimic the actual game as closely as possible. To think that this is the STXI fic I ended up writing after years of wanting to and never doing so out of fear I'd fuck up and get gatekept out of Star Trek.
Sweather Weather (Star Wars, Din/Luke, 22k) won the fight with Gravity Well because fall is here and the cozy vibes are strong in this one. Years back, I tried to write a cozy vibes fic and flamed out because I was a fool and didn't stick to the "slice of life" mentality. Anyway, this is my slice of life/cozy vibes fic and I adore it.
The Storm (Star Wars, Din/Luke, 45k) is the story I wrote in a fever dream, fueled by the song "Dangerous Dreams" by Lebrock, and my life has not been the same since then. This story is still so vivid to me. I still think about the claustrophic setting, the old stone temple on a forgotten world ravaged by weeks-long thunderstorms, and how that forged a curiosity and connection between two people whose cultures and ways of life were destroyed by the Empire yet still survived. I still think about this fic the way I think about stories that just seared themselves into my brain and won't go away (like the other fics on this list, Peter Jackson's LOTR trilogy, and Andor). It's all fucking insane. How the fuck did I write that?
Anyway, appreciate getting this ask! Now back to writing the next chapter of the 4th story of the series spun out of The Storm.
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3-inch-sam · 4 days
when nobody else got me i know samtron got me
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Overheard some family members making homophobic comments during Christmas so now I’m legally required to write more SamTron :)
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encomtrio · 2 years
having samtron thoughts……… sigh
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1-800-samtron · 4 days
Star Wars Gonk Art #starwars #art #create #sketchcard #markers #fun #artist #music #original #droid #droids
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miraclequorra · 3 years
i don't think sam/tron is "problematic" but i do think that the realistic consequences of sam/tron are not explored enough. tron is an exact replica of alan bradley's younger self in the 1980s, and alan is sam's uncle figure and is still alive. isn’t that awkward for everyone???
like tron and alan are technically completely different people with different memories so whatever but i need fic writers to have characters react to the surreal situation because the comedy potential is unlimited. i need everyone else in the room to make awkward eye contact.
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dpksam17 · 4 years
Ondra Renda -COVER | Samtron | Arya Dhayal | Harris Jayaraj | Kaakha Kaa...
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3-inch-doodles · 8 months
i cannot FOR THE LIFE OF ME find my original post???
October (?) 2020 vs October 2023 :))
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Tron and SamTron especially has been such an important step in my art journey, I'm so so happy to be getting back to it!!! thank you to all the amazing authors and artists in this fandom for inspiring me so much 💜💜💜
originally drawn as fanart for Genesis on ao3
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jeellyjams · 5 months
how to explain that I consider myself aromantic because I don't like some forms of intimacy (particularly kissing on the mouth) but i deeply desire the closeness to someone AUGH
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foxgloveinspace · 4 months
Whatever Here That's Left (of Me)
He hadn’t known what to expect, plugging the Grid into his computer, but if he’d had to guess, it was total destruction, half destroyed code, and no way of knowing where to start. He had been expecting the same command prompt screen he’d seen in the arcade basement, errors abundant. So his computer opening up the file to a 3d map was so unexpected he’d almost dropped his coffee. As it was, he slammed the mug into his desk and burned his hand. - Part One: Sam fixes the Grid.
My longest One Shot To Date!!! The first part of my sam/tron fic series! (hopefully it's just two parts oof)
@a-little-lynx @excelsior9173(I know you guys said your'd read it when I posted it, but its so freakig long so don't worry about it if you don't want to haha, just letting you know, I posted the first part... its all pre-ship tho oof.)
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quorras · 3 years
every time i sit down thinking ‘ok today’s the day im going to draw real ship art for once’ and every time i end up with an incoherent sketch of sam and tron staring off into the distance somewhere
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