#satanic tradwife
satanisthomemaker · 9 months
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Oh, to be a Satanic housewife living in a cottage. 🐍🍎🕯️🔮🥀🍂📚
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wedding-shemp · 9 months
when modernizing Batman villains (or any villains really), a lot of people go the revisionist route and say "what if they were actually just misunderstood?" And while this isn't a strictly invalid reading and it has the potential to be interesting, I find more often than no it's just a lazy shortcut to avoid having to do any real work, and it has the effect of flattening the characters out. I would much prefer to see these characters updated for a modern audience by reimagining them as the kind of villains that plague contemporary life. For example, I think the Riddler should be a Joe Rogan-esque podcast host.
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Welcome To The Table - Ben Brainard (Web Series) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Maine/Satanic Temple/CHAZ (Welcome To The Table) Characters: Maine (Welcome To The Table), CHAZ (Welcome To The Table), Satanic Temple (Welcome To The Table) Additional Tags: Established Relationship, Polyamory, Antisemitism, although it does happen off screen but it does form the focus of the plot, he/they pronouns for CHAZ Series: Part 3 of shades of love
The third installment in my shades of love series is up with my newfound yet beloved crack ship of Maine/Satanic Temple/CHAZ 🫶
trigger warning for mentions of an off screen antisemitic attack that is described in minor detail and the focus of a good portion of the plot. please take care while reading 
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callmemrscarter · 2 months
The devil works hard, but my God works harder!!
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olderthannetfic · 6 months
To the NLOG anon:
I had written a long piece but lost it, so the gist of it is that bullies are social chameleons. They will always try to find a way to get away with bullying while claiming to be the victims. And many of the "bad" NLOGs were girls looking for ways to recreate the status quo with them at the top instead.
I think that NLOGs were a natural result of the post 9/11 conservative paranoia of "anyone who is not a good American™ is a Satanic Menace to Society" (where good American meant white, christian, affluent, thin, conventionally attractive, straight...and everybody else, from foreigners, fat people, anyone gender non conforming or even alternative people were "planning the downfall of civilization"). In that climate, harassment towards "the weird" was not only tolerated but encouraged as the moral thing to do.
And the thing is, if you are ostracized from society but discouraged to learn about feminism and such, then it's no wonder that your only way of defending yourself is by using the same attacks used against you!
The big change here I think came with the recession where suddenly society became fascinated with the weird, and being a hipster or a nerdy girl was "acceptable" (hence the "golden years" of Tumblr). Many of the bullies who had gained notoriety thanks to their privilege suddenly realised they couldn't get away with it as talk about discrimination and feminism was becoming more commonplace, and so many people adopted NLOG looks and attitudes to keep doing society approved bullying.
Nowadays tho you don't see many NLOGs because, like you said, we either know better now and have deconstructed ourselves or simply because in this era of "bring back bullying" most people don't need to hide behind underprivileged people to harass someone. If they want to hate on other women they can just become a tradwife/high value woman and go back to the conservative politics of the 2000s or they can pick a bit of #girlbossfeminism while going back to their hyper feminine roots to claim *throws dice* that you have to like pink or you have internalised misogyny and that you should just try to fit into the mold, for your own good, you know.
So yeah, those who want to oppress will find a way to do so under any costume, while being the loudest and sidelining the rest of us. There's nothing to do about it, unfortunately :(
I mean... sure...
But the actual phrase "not like the other girls" rose to prominence to point out how fucking obnoxious a class of book is for its heroine who is always like "I don't want to stay home and do needlework!" and then the book is set in some era when rich ladies are supposed to be running an entire manor house or something, not just embroider, and the author has blatantly missed all of that. Or it's some Anita Blake bullshit where the heroine hates literally every other woman, and especially all of them with blond hair because the author is insecure and bugfuck nuts.
It's a specific dumb trope in fiction and term in criticism of that dumb trope.
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imeverywoman420 · 10 months
its weird that some peoples biggest problems with tradwifes is that some of them are secretly Sexually Degenerate and into bdsm. I have way bigger issues with almost everything else about the tradwife thing. Like the possibility that one of these brides of satan might like getting spanked in private Legiterally bothers you more than the entire ideology she publicly promotes.
i dont really have anything to say definitively or conclusively on this matter i just think some of yall need to tie ur laces. Bc ur trippen!!!!!!!
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anddreadful · 6 months
the funniest thing about all the tiktok/ instagram christian tradwife content is that there’s absolutely no consensus about what the rules are supposed to be and so they’re all really mad at each other in the comments about it. is it godly and submissive to dress up fancy for your husband or is makeup a worldly evil? is stay-at-home-mom status a privilege, a sacrifice, or not a big deal and easily accessible to everyone if they’d just stop getting starbucks (which is ungodly anyway)? are disney movies satanic propaganda or not? does the pullout method count as birth control, which is evil?
obviously they can all agree that women are too fragile for corporate jobs but should be homeschooling fifteen kids with no help whatsoever, and long linen dresses are the only thing women should wear, and single moms don’t exist, but beyond that, it’s pretty ambiguous. somehow no one ever addresses the fact that filming and monetizing your entire family’s life is not very biblical
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dreamlanddoll · 10 months
seeing those tradwife/alpha male traditionalist blogs on here make me want to give away all my cottagecore and vintage dresses and become a satan worshiping goth chick who ONLY has sex and doesn't commit to a relationship and gets 12 abortions a day. Just to piss them off.
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simulation-machine · 11 months
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The Bjergsens weirded me out for the longest time because like, why does everyone in this family have the exact same shade of blonde hair and blue eyes? I switched it up a bit while embiggening eyes because it honestly just upset me. ANYWAYS, impressions! Bjorn: He reminds me of that one dad in Dark that goes out for morning runs as an excuse to cheat on his perfect little aryan family. It’s also sus that he’s in the Adult life stage and has an incomplete Soul Mate aspiration. Like the game has him all primed to fall in love with somebody whose skin and hair aren’t both #FFFFFF. I don’t remember paying attention to him in other games so I’m assuming he and Clara stay together.  Clara: The game gave her a much too perfect suburban mom look so I gave her some signs of aging and a flat ass for some realism. Her personality has her primed to be a stay-at-home tradwife which I guess explains why her daughters are much more aspirational? Nothing wrong with SAHPs btw, but the game has a lot of these.   Sofia: Sofia is usually besties with other teen girls like Luna and Morgan in my past games, there was one save where those three were sort of the mean girls that picked on one of my sims’s kids. I fixed her frankly bizarrely shaped eyes, and decided that she was going to be an aspiring pop singer.    Elsa: Thank god I came across a child with a weirder personality trait. A genius in this family? Praise Satan! For real though, if I played this family she would endlessly prank her stepford-smiling family, get the best scholarships and gtfo of the family and into the stars on a rocket ship to Sixam. 
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tradraine · 2 years
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Hello and Welcome!
It’s wonderful to meet you all! My name is Raine, and I’m an 18 year old French girl who values Christ above all else. I am currently looking to find and be married to my beloved husband as soon as possible, and this blog will be dedicated to my journey to become a traditional wife and mother of a big, happy, traditional family. I am dedicated to putting my Lord and his message above the horror of modern liberalism, and I am going to fight against the modern world as much as I possibly can. ((Also I apologize for any mistakes with my English!))
On this blog you will find:
Traditional aesthetics
Cooking inspo
Cleaning inspo
Catholic content
Modest fashion
Baby appreciation
Husband dedication
Traditional marriage inspo
Traditional gender roles
A revolution against the modern world
On this blog you will NOT find:
Demeaning comments towards men
LGBT acceptance
Fat acceptance
Female supremacy
Pro-abortion messages
Husband bashing
Please interact is you are ((especially if you also speak French/are dissatisfied with French modernity ♡)) :
Traditional mother
Traditional Catholic
Anti-LGBT indoctrination
Modest fashion blog
Pro-traditional marriage
Pro-traditional family
Pro-Christian values
Atomic housewife
Cottage housewife
Absolutely do NOT interact if you are:
Pro-choice ((your basically a mass killer ♡))
Fat acceptance/fat positivity
Feminist of any kind
Sex positive
Agree with modern values
Believe in “toxic masculinity”
Pagan/Wicca or any other Satanic “religion”
Thank you for reading my intro post! Remember to cook a nice meal, drink some water, clean up your room and stay submissive to your husband amd family to best honour the Lord Jesus Christ. ♡
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themountainsays · 2 years
So tradwife AU Isa is like a youtuber I wonder what happens when she accepts herself does she just disappear, delete her channel, publicly admit she was in the closet and is a lesbian and that's ok and stop making content period or just do a complete 180 with or without the explanation. I can't see admitting she's dating her sister as part of it even if the family accepts saying this is my sister who I am now dating is asking for trouble.
I think it'd be hilarious if she went silent for a few months and suddenly started to post a lot of lesbian incst content, completely nonchalantly as if her channel had always been like this. Her most recent video, uploaded 3 days ago, is like... just her complaining abt spaniard artists being included in the latin grammys or something, while doing her rainbow makeup, small tank top showing all of her tattoos and stuff, hair messy and with multiple colorful highlights. It has dramatic music and ocassional ironic satanic imagery, think a sort of hybrid between my beloveds D4na Alquati and Alv1nsch. It's not even that gay. The gay is super casual, she only has a few videos specifically about the gay, it mostly just comes up naturally during her monologues. Her last video before that one, from 8 months ago, had her dressed in an all white turtleneck and hair perfectly smooth and soft and black tied into a modest bun behind her neck, and it was a ✨ catholic storytime ✨ about some jewelry her grandma got her after her first communion "to gift her daughters once she had them" or whatever blablablabla how lucky she was to have such a sweet and loving family who gave her support and strength to follow God's plan for her or some shit.
Some examples of video titles later one are "Straight or femme? How to figure out if she's into you", "My problem with M*luma", "H0use of the Dragon Episode 4 live reaction with my hot sister-girlfriend, "rolling up your own joints tutorial (easy)", "Why I no longer keep my nails long", "My thoughts on the 'am i a lesbian' masterdoc", "24 hours Skyr1m livestream to buy my sister an anniversary gift" and "Special 69k followers Q&A: what my first time with my sister was like, what it's like to date someone shorter than you and all your other questions answered"
The fact she's dating her sister is something mentioned extremely casually, so casually that all her new followers think she's trolling, and since they never do anything explicitly romantic on camera, everyone watching assumes it's a huge prank and they all either refuse to take the bait or jokingly go along with it. Isa grabbing her sister by the waist in the middle of the video and hugging her is just part of the game, and cheek kisses are just normal sister things. Nothing to actually confirm Isa's outrageous claims.
Alma is scandalized and Luisa is mildly uncomfortable, but everyone else sees it as Isa's way of rebelling and being provocative, and no one actually believes a word she says. Julieta even thinks it's quite healthy that she's becoming more comfortable doing things for reasons other than pleasing other people.
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satanisthomemaker · 8 months
Home Preparations for Dinner (NSFW)
Make sure your home is ready when your partner comes home!
Summon hellfire from below to keep the house cozy. 🔥🏚️
Be waiting at the door with a hot, steaming mug of sacrificial blood after you've brewed it with spices in the cauldron.☕🩸
Welcome them home with a kiss, then seat them at the table.
Proceed to strip naked and head to the kitchen to prepare the food.
Summon a helper demon to assist you.
Get your ass on the food cart and lay on your back (something you're probably good at😉)
Have the demon arrange the food onto your naked body in an aesthetically pleasing display. 🍱
Have the demon push you on the cart out to your awaiting partner, and tell them their meal is ready to eat. You will have eaten prior to your partner's arrival .
This indulgent display will prompt them to eat you,😉 once they are satisfied. The way to your partner's heart is through their stomach, and cunnilingus is the way to yours! 🩶
Enjoy! 😜
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sar3nka · 10 months
Lmao the hardcore catholic girlie who used to be mean to me for being "satanic" and "gay" was spotted on tinder. Not very tradwife and god honoring!
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biblethumpersims · 1 year
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“Hey, Bible Boy.”
“I thought you said you didn’t want me to talk to you again.”
“Yeah, but then you got cute. So what’s up?”
Clay scrunches his face in confusion. “What?”
“You’re cute. I’m flirting with you.”
Clay scoots away. “That’s- That’s not right. You’re a girl. You should be waiting for me to approach your dad, not... whatever you’re doing.”
“Ok, but you were never going to ask either of my dads if you can date me. Someone has to get this ball rolling.” 
“What ball? I’d never date a secular witch like you! You’re defying God’s natural roles for men and women.”
“If they’re so natural, then how come I defy ‘em so easily?”
“Because Satan’s controlling you. If you accept Jesus into your heart, you’ll wise up and realize that you’re naturally happier submitting to the men in your life.”
“That sounds terrible. I’d rather die than be bossed around.” Emilia stuck her tongue out.
“You’d change your mind if you read the Bible. I’m starting a Club for people who want to study the Lord’s word after school, do you wanna join?”
“How long were you waiting for a chance to mention your club?”
“The whole time. Sinners like you need to read the Bible.”
Clay hopes that reading the Bible to her will turn her into a submissive tradwife. Emilia is a Chief of Mischief Sim that thinks it would be funny to rile him up. Emilia stares at Clay, and he at her, before she nods and says “Yeah, I’ll join.”
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queerpyracy · 2 years
i've been sick with a head cold for the last couple of days and when i am sick i will make poor tv watching choices if it looks like something i don't have to follow too closely. all this to say that i watched d*vil in oh*o and i'm still mad about amish tradwife satanism and how this bland ass nothing show somehow managed to have anti-irish underpinnings
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newswireml · 1 year
What Is a 'Tradwife Influencer'?#Tradwife #Influencer
Screenshot: Estee Williams/Instagram Hypocrisy and politicians have always gone hand-in-Satan’s hoof, but lately, young people’s acceptance of transgender people and non-traditional sexuality is slamming hard against the wall of scared, old conservative dudes with power, and things are getting very strange. But there is hope. Or #hopecore, anyway. Old, white, conservative politicians are…
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