#sawashiro losing his eye / daigo's company going under / KUME
todayisafridaynight · 4 months
I mean realistically 7 didn't really have that many loose ends either but they managed to make 8 without any issues and the story still made sense as to how it was connected to 7 so like if they do make a like a dragon 9 they will probably do it for a reason and also rgg has some other shit to announce this year somehow (its probably not yakuza related) but there is still that
seven didn't have 'loose ends' in the traditional sense but it (and gaiden) definitely had a lot of interesting pieces left over. though with how those pieces were used in 8 it's not really possible to expand upon those anymore (i.e. akane, the tojo dissolution, bleach japan or the bastardization of it anyway, ebina's mother if we HAVE to include him in the discussion)
there's still the daidoji but idk what rgg's gonna do with them, but if nishitani iii and shishido still kicking is anything, maybe they'll get dragged out of the trenches <- doubt lowkey
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