todayisafridaynight · 4 months
I mean realistically 7 didn't really have that many loose ends either but they managed to make 8 without any issues and the story still made sense as to how it was connected to 7 so like if they do make a like a dragon 9 they will probably do it for a reason and also rgg has some other shit to announce this year somehow (its probably not yakuza related) but there is still that
seven didn't have 'loose ends' in the traditional sense but it (and gaiden) definitely had a lot of interesting pieces left over. though with how those pieces were used in 8 it's not really possible to expand upon those anymore (i.e. akane, the tojo dissolution, bleach japan or the bastardization of it anyway, ebina's mother if we HAVE to include him in the discussion)
there's still the daidoji but idk what rgg's gonna do with them, but if nishitani iii and shishido still kicking is anything, maybe they'll get dragged out of the trenches <- doubt lowkey
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silvervioletvalentine · 4 months
‘I know I've got a big ego, I really don't know why it's such a big deal, though!’
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Pairing : Lewis Hamilton X FemOC Candy!
Summary- in which she’s a spoilt , Primadonna girl and Lewis will do anything to get her to be his girl.
Candy didn’t know when this whole thing had started, what it was about her that had him so hooked and so obsessed with the idea of getting her to become his girl , to let him be her man.
She had done everything she could to deter him , she turned up to a high class bitchiness level that she had never even reached before . More cunty and more cruel than her friends could believe , getting great amusement out of putting one of the hottest , arrogant men down a few pegs every time she seen his pretty face .
But sometimes he got beneath her skin and wormed his over the top affections , his poetic words and endless promises of the a luxurious life he could give her.
Candy was certain that he would give her his kidney If she so much as hinted at wanting it, his promise of never ending supply of love and gifts never did fade .
Even when she thought that maybe , just maybe he had finally grown sick of chasing after her like a dog after his favourite ball.
It had been quite for the last three weeks , far more quite than she had grown accustomed to over the last year of knowing Lewis.
It unsettled her , a weird ache settling between her chest as she contemplated the fact that maybe he really had grown bored with her silly games , of her constant mean rejections and petty excuses to deny his affections time and time again.
And candy thought that she would be fine with this , that it wouldn’t bother her when things came to a still end like they always did with men’s attention waned on her after time had passed .
But instead of the indifference that she expected to feel , she just felt like a hole had been run right through her .
A frown settling over her pretty face the last few weeks when she realised that Lewis really wasn’t reaching out anymore . He usually never went a couple days or more without some type of communication .
It bad her rattled and she didn’t like it at all.
So she picked up her phone and dialled his number before she could find the reason in her brain telling her not to .
She was almost surprised when after only a couple of rings , he actually picked up. But she was too annoyed and too keyed up to even think of why he sounded so amused when he sang a pleased hello.
She cut straight through him without even wasting a single breath .
“Have you been in a terrible accident ? Have you lost your legs? Your voice? Have you sudden developed amnesia and forgotten who I am?” She bit out at him , offended by his lack of attention these past three weeks.
Despite the way that the last time she had seen him, she had told him to shove his designer gifts for her where the sun didn’t shine and to leave her the fuck alone.
To be fair , she had been on her period . Pissed off from the constant pain and moody from her suffering . And secondly , she hasn’t expected him to actually leave her the fuck alone.
This wasn’t how their game went at all. He should have been here with some pretty , sparkly things while telling her how much he had missed her.
What the hell was he playing at , ignoring her like this?
“Missed me sweetheart? I thought you didn’t want to see me? Changed your mind again?” He teased her , a giddy tone in his phone at the thought of her missing him so much.
It had been torture for him not to be Constantly on her ass and around her like he usually was , but he had just wanted to see what would happen if he really did follow through with her demands to fuck right off.
Half expecting Her to never reach out again, he was pleasantly surprised to hear her furious voice shouting at him again. It made his body relax and a smug grin settle on his face .
Candy let out a infuriated noise “no I didn’t! I was actually - I was actually just calling to let you know that I’ve moved on! adiós to you!” She shrilled.
Picking up her fluffy cat and hugging him to her chest with her free arm for comfort , the same rag doll that Lewis had gotten her for simply looking pretty this summer.
Lewis let out a chuckle , knowing her like his favourite well read book.
“Oh yeah? And who’s the lucky guys name? Anyone I know?” He played along. Putting his phone on speaker as he drove along the familiar road to her home .
Candy scowled to herself , angrily pacing her room at how amused he sounded . Her eyes traced the framed pictures on her wall, landing on one from her favourite band .
She blinked .
“No you don’t know him. His name is - his name is axl. The hottest man I’ve ever seen, we’re in love.” She blurted out wanting to make him as upset as he had made her these last few weeks of ignoring her .
Lewis was clearly grinning , she could hear his smug , beautiful grin through the damn phone .
“Cool name . Well If you’re happy…” he trailed off .
Candy was officially enraged “you don’t care?!” She almost screamed angrily. Tears filling her eyes .
His voice was careful as he replied smugly “do you want me to care sweetheart?”
She paused , sniffled then huffed loudly . “No. I don’t care if you don’t care!”
Lewis grinned to himself “okay cool. So just to be clear , you’ve moved on with some guy named Axl and you don’t care that I don’t care?” He teased.
Candy put down her poor cat and threw herself down onto the couch with a scowl on her face , wrapped herself in a blanket and tried not to cry.
“Correct.” Was all she hiccuped “well then- I’m glad we’ve cleared this up asshole. Thanks for not caring!” She made sure to get the last word in before she angrily hung up the phone .
Then she screamed into her pillow .
Only Abruptly pausing her long scream halfway when a loud knock echoed on her door.
She quickly straightened up and threw on Lewis’s hoodie that he had left last time he was here annoying her . Stomping to the door with the sourness of someone who felt like she has been dumped even though she wasn’t even in a relationship to start with.
What was her life?
She threw open the door ready to grab whatever parcel was being delivered , then froze as she came face to face with a grinning Lewis at her door.
Dressed in a beautiful dark red tracksuit set , skin glowing and hair braided back perfectly . Candy suddenly felt self conscious as she became acutely aware of her messy bed hair and mascara rimmed eyes , dressed in nothing but pj shorts and his hoodie .
“Hey baby.” He simply said after a few seconds of her gaping at him with wide eyes. Then he casually shuffled past her body, his band grazing her hip gently as he stepped into her apartment like it was his own.
It took her a few moments to gather her bearings before she was slamming the door shut and turning to him with a mean glower on her face . Heart racing in her chest at his sudden arrival.
“What are you doing here?!” She exclaimed shocked , and annoyingly relieved that he was finally there with her .
She kicked his foot , hard. Angry with him.
Lewis just smiled , leaned forward to gently run his fingers through her hair affectionately.
“Came to see you and your new boyfriend Axl.” His eyes darted to her picture of Axl rose on her wall as he said it.
Candy swallowed leaning into his touch for a moment before coming to her senses and batting his hand away.
“You just missed him.” She lied.
Lewis chuckled , amused ? knowing that she was lying and knowing that she knew that he knew that she was lying too.
“How convenient.” Was all he replied before taking a seat at the end of her couch, sitting on the arm of it . He looked up at her with his smile softening into something more warm and lovely .
“I’ve missed you. You look as beautiful as ever.” He told her softly , taking a hold of the hem of her shorts to tug her closer between his legs .
She let him. Cheeks flushing lightly as she gazed into his warm eyes , feeling her body turned to mush.
“Really?” She wondered then looked around him with a slight frown “where’s my gift?”
Lewis let out a loud laugh at how spoilt she was, though he supposed it was partly his fault. He never did arrive without a gift for his sweetheart after all.
“Don’t I get a hug first? I know you missed me.” He teased her, trailing his hand up to her waist and gently rubbing her soft skin beneath his hoodie .
She let her arms rest over his broad shoulders , pouting down at him.
“You said you didn’t care that I moved on.” She mumbled annoyed with him still.
He chuckled , hugging her to him . Resting his chin on her stomach as he peered up at her beneath his dark lashes .
“What? Moved on with Axl rose your imaginary boyfriend? Don’t be silly baby. You know I’m the only one for you.” He told her softly , smiling up at her with affection written all over his beautiful face.
Candy frowned down at him , playing with the diamond stud in his ear .
“I don’t like you.” She reminded him just out of habit by now.
Instead of getting upset , he just giggled at her stubbornness to Admit what he already knew. “Then why were you upset that I didn’t care?”
“I wasn’t upset and I don’t care that you don’t care Lewis. I just think it was mean to abandon me like that for three weeks . I thought you were dead.” She dramatically snapped .
She had watched him at his races . She knew that he was perfectly fine. Which only upset her more because then what other excuse did he have for ignoring her like that then?
Death was the only reasonable excuse to do that!
He rose a brow at her , lifting her hoody to look at the sparkly diamond H belly stud that she had on. The same one he had given her last time he saw her.
He bent down his head and gently kissed it, smirking to himself as he felt her whole body shiver against his lips.
“Don’t like me ignoring you? Now you know how I feel. Isn’t nice is it?” He mumbled against another soft kiss on her belly . Only pulling away when she slapped his forehead not so gently .
He looked up to see her glaring down at him, furious.
“I do not ignore you like that!” She denied.
He rolled his eyes “you told me to go fuck myself the last time I was here. Then refused to pick up my calls the rest of the week.” He reminded her.
She just scoffed “I was upset! I was bleeding from my vagina Lewis! Not everything is about you! I wasn’t in the mood for your games!” She argued.
He paused, then tilted his head with a slight frown. “You could have just told me that. I would have gotten you a heating pad and some chocolate. You didn’t have to be so mean baby.” He said.
She just sniffled at him , gently rubbing at the back of his neck with her fingers absentmindedly. “I’m not mean.”
The look he gave her was full of disbelief “no? Then why aren’t you my girl then?” His question had her stumped.
She spluttered for answer , blinking rapidly . “Well- cause I’m not impressed.” She answered him shortly.
He barked out a laugh “no?” He grinned looking up at her with eyes full of amusement .
“The jewellery and the clothes weren’t enough? The cat , the paid of loans and your car? Still not impressive enough?” He listed off all of the things he had gotten her this past year . Growing more amused by the second as he watched her stubbornly shake her head at him.
“Nope.” She muttered arrogantly .
“Then what would it take for you to be my girl?” He wanted to know.
She searched her mind for something “a mansion like yours. With a king size bed. And - and your Ferrari.” She said the most ridiculous thing she could think of. Something he couldn’t give her.
His eyes searched her face for a long moment before simply humming . “Will you stay at mine tonight with me? Roscoe misses you.” He said already getting to his feet .
He grabbed her phone and keys from the table , not even waiting for an answer before heading to her door. Knowing she would follow him.
She did .
“What will we do? I don’t want to bored all night.” She huffed as she followed him out.
Letting him lock her door, absentmindedly grabbing his hand as he lead her down her apartment stairs . Missing the way he smiled down at her , shaking his head fondly .
They were almost to the car when he finally responded , making her skin flush red and knees weaken as he bluntly told her
“I’m going to fuck you so hard till you know no other name than mine . Then I’m going to eat you out for however long it takes for you to realise that there’s no one better for you than me baby.” He kissed the side of her head before pushing her down into the passenger seat casually .
Candy just blinked up at him in shock , face red and belly fluttering . “Oh. Okay.” She weakly spluttered in response .
Lewis just smirked and flicked her chin lightly before closing the door shut, jogging around to the drivers side quickly .
And Lewis never broke his promises. And by the time the stars were twinkling bright , his name was all she could scream .
When candy woke up the next morning , it was to the sound of Lewis ‘awwing’ loudly at something .
She grumbled to herself as she pushed herself out of his bed , blushing at the fact that she was wearing nothing but his shirt .
Lewis having put It on her while she exhaustedly let him look after her and tuck her into his chest , kissing her head gently as she drifted off to sleep.
Yawning loudly , she stomped her way down the fancy stairs of his home . Grumpy from being woken up .
“What the hell are you awwing at you weirdo?” She called out to Lewis the moment she caught sight of him in the hallway.
He looked over at her with a bright smile on his face , beckoning her over for a hug. She immediately fell into his chest , still tired as she lazily hugged him back.
“Roscoe loves kitties . It’s so cute.” Lewis casually told her , stroking her hair away from her face as she tried to wake up properly.
“Huh?” She let out confusedly wondering why he looked so smug and amused . Then she turned her head and froze as she saw roscoe cuddled up with mr snuggles , her cat .
She blinked at her cat in Lewis’s home , with his dog. Wondering if she was still dreaming .
Then She glanced over to the front room and saw her Tiffany lamps and her cushions on his couch , glancing down at the carpet to see her heart shaped rug there too.
She gasped loudly in shock “what the fuck?!” She immediately turned back to Lewis with wide eyes, gaping at him.
“Why are my things In your house? Why is my kitty here? What the fuck?!” She shouted in absolute disbelief .
Lewis just smiled at her serenely , clearing pleased with himself . He leaned down to stroke her cat when he walked over to him purring , leaving Candy to just blink at him in disbelief .
“You said that the only way you would be with me is if you had a mansion with a king side bed and well…” he pointedly looked around his mansion and the king sized bed she had gotten out of . Grinning proudly at her as he did so.
“What’s mine is now yours baby. And also…” he dug his hand into his hoodie pocket and pulled out some keys .
He opened up her placed and gently placed them in her hand. “There’s my keys to my Ferrari that you wanted as well.” He said.
Candy felt like she was going to pass out .
Gaping at this insane man that was more than happy to give her everything he had. She felt her heart swell in her chest, briefly looking down at the Ferrari keys in her hand and all her things in his home .
She spluttered “but-what? I can’t just live with you! That’s insane!” Her hands were trembling
around the keys at his casual devotion to giving her whatever the hell she wanted .
Lewis just shrugged casually , walking over to her slowly like she was a spooked animal. And maybe she was , she sure felt like a deer in headlights then.
What the fuck was her life?
“Why not? I’m in love with you and I’m pretty sure you’re in love with me. I want you by my side , always. And what better way than living with you?” He simply explained like it was that easy. And maybe for him it was .
Candy just looked at him like he had grown a third head.
“That’s pretty arrogant to assume that I love you Lewis!” She snapped at him stubbornly . Blushing red. “What if I hated your guts? This would be real awkward for you!”
Lewis just laughed at her attitude “oh yeah? So the ‘please Lewis! Fuck me harder Lewis! Just like that baby! all that was because you hated me was it?” He smugly copied her high pitched voice screaming last night .
Making her quickly slap his bicep with a embarrassed gasp, face feeling like it was on fire.
“Lewis!” She shrieked while he just giggled harder
“shut up! I do not sound like that! How dare you?!”
Lewis rolled his eyes at her fondly “how dare me? How dare you! Why are you being so god damn stubborn? Why can’t you just admit that you love me? We could be married by now if you just stopped being so mean!” He exclaimed right back at her in exasperation.
But never angry, no, not with her. He loved her
Too damn much after all.
“I’m not mean! Fuck you!” She yelled back.
“You already did and will again after you just admit that I’m right!”
“Oh you’d like that wouldn’t you? Mr always right!” She sarcastically shouted back.
Lewis snorted a laugh “so you don’t want me then? Don’t want to live with me and drive my Ferrari?” He challenged her.
She paused , then fidgeted with the diamond tennis bracelet that Lewis had gotten for her , on her wrist .
“I didn’t - I didn’t say that-“
He grinned smugly “admit it then. Go on.” He gave her a nudge , utterly beaming by now .
Candy huffed like a child and rolled her eyes at him . “I just - are you serious?” She eyed him like he was playing some nasty , elaborate joke on her . Waiting for him to shout ‘gotchu girl!’.
Lewis squinted his eyes at her in disbelief “are you serious?” He returned the question to her in slight annoyance at her doubting him after everything .
“I’m obviously very serious baby , my god! Your cat is in my house and I just have you my Ferrari! What a weird, expensive joke that would be!” He exclaimed.
What a strange woman he was in love with he thought , so suspicious of him , Jesus!
Candy sniffed , clutched her diamond necklace on her neck (another gift from him) and slowly nodded her head.
“right . Well..” she uncomfortably cleared her throat , not one for being sappy or emotional over a man but damn , her heart was about to burst right now.
“Thanks babe.” She settled on lamely instead.
Lewis looked at her grimacing face then burst out into hysterical giggles . “You’re so welcome sweetheart. Come ‘ere” he tugged her over to him by her folded arm, grinning into her hair as he hugged her tightly to his chest .
His stubborn , spoilt girl.
Candy hugged him back without any hesitation, squeezing his waist tight . Sighing in content , she planted a gentle kiss on his chest .
“Lew?” She spoke up after another minute of just standing there cuddling in the front room while their pets stared at them like they were watching a entertaining show .
His smile was evident in his voice “yeah baby?”
She sighed in defeat , too happy to care about her pride anymore . “You’re so right by the way.” She admitted to him quietly .
He hummed smugly “yeah?”
She nodded with a huff “yeah.” She pulled away slightly to look into his eyes , he was so fucking beautiful it made her want to cry.
All mine. She almost growled , kissing his mouth just because she could . Lewis sighed against her lips happily
“Say it baby. Come on..” he whispered against her mouth , lips curling into a grin when she just sighed again.
“I love you. So much. And I missed you so don’t do that shit to me again. I’m not one to be ignored.” She told him sternly , pointing a nail into his chest.
He giggled and kissed her again “noted. Do not ignore my girl again.” He murmured then “and I love you too. You stubborn, mean girl.”
“Can I have your Mercedes too? Just for Wednesdays?”
A pause , then “why Wednesday’s?” He asked amused.
She shrugged as she let him pull her down onto the couch to continue making out , side eyeing her blanket on his couch.
When the hell did he even do all this? She wondered? Still In disbelief that he had all her things moved into his home (their home now?) while she was asleep.
Was a sneaky little guy.
“Just to shake things up a little.” She replied simply.
Lewis didn’t even hesitate to agree.
Maybe she’d buy him a vegan waffle for dinner to repay him, she thought with a grin as she accepted his Mercedes car keys too.
She needed some new keychains , she thought mindlessly . Imagining the looks on her friends face when she rolled up in his Ferrari for their weekend brunches .
If this was a game , she had totally won. She thought to herself contently as she felt Lewis trail kisses down her neck.
A new mansion, two new cars and Lewis fucking hamilton as her man.
Oh yeah, she had totally won in life .
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starlight-write · 8 months
Tickletober Day 3- Cuddles
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Requests: OPEN :)
Summary: All Jirou wanted was to spend a nice night watching movies with her boyfriend. Everything goes well until Kaminari starts to tickle her out of the blue. Now she has to teach her boyfriend a lesson.
Pairing: Ler!Jirou x Lee!Kaminari (Romantic)
"I'm not going to ask you again. Stop."
"I told you, I'm not doing anything!"
Kaminari was really getting on her last nerve. But what else did she expect from her hyperactive boyfriend when she made him sit down for an extended period of time? All she had wanted to do was to snuggle up next to her boyfriend while they binged horror movies while they both had a night to themselves. But of course it could never be that simple.
The two of them sat bundled up on Jirou's bed while flashes of light and corny screams burst from the TV. Jirou sat content in Denki's lap with his arms wrapped around her waist and they stayed like that for the better half of the film until Kaminari got the bright idea to annoy his girlfriend by prodding and pinching her stomach every few minutes.
"I know what you're doing you bastard. Now cut it oUT!-" She yelped as he poked her belly once again. She grabbed his wrists and turned to face him with a huff. Only to be met with a bright, innocent, and fake smile. The little shit.
"Do it again. See what happens." She said, still keeping her grip on his wrists.
That was all the invitation the boy needed as he quickly tried to twist his wrists out of the girls hold as they lurched towards her stomach once again. But Jirou had had enough of his antics and decided it was time to teach her boyfriend a lesson.
She had jumped out of his lap and tugged both of his wrists towards her causing the electric hero to fall face first onto the mattress. The boy let out a small yelp as he quickly tried to turn around and fight off his attacker but it was too late as the girl had already positioned herself on his lower back, effectively pinning him in place.
She watched him struggle for a few moments. Doing everything in his power to try to get free but it was no use. "Baaaabe c'mon I was just messing around! Get off, pleeeease?" He tried begging even though he knew it wouldn't help his case in the slightest.
"I tried to warn you but you just couldn't keep your hands to yourself could you? All I wanted was a nice night with my boyfriend but no. You just. Had. To keep. Poking. Me."
Every phrase uttered was emphasized with harsh pokes to the boys sides. He let out a squeak as he shot his arms down to protect himself and buried his face into the mattress.
"I'm sohohohorryyyyyy! I promise I wohohon't do it again." He pleaded as he giggled into the covers.
"Nope. Too late for that. Now you're just going to have to suffer." She said as she wormed two of her fingers under his arms. The boy let out a loud squeal as he squirmed underneath her.
"Wait! Wahahahahahahahahit! Stohohohohohohop! This isn't fair, pleahehehehehehehese!" The boy wailed as he tried to squeeze his arms to his sides but only succeeded in trapping his girlfriend's evil fingers under his arms.
She leaned forward and whispered into his ear. "Uh uh. You brought this upon yourself. You wanted to play this game and lost. Now you're going to have to deal with the consequences."
"But- But I- AH! Jirou NO! No Stohohohohohohohohop ihihihihihhiht! HahahahahHAHAHAHAHA."
His laughter grew in pitch as Jirou had suddenly started fluttering her fingers all across his neck. Causing the boy to thrash below her as he brought his arms up to grab her hands hoping to escape the unbearably ticklish feeling.
He succeed and tried to pull her hands away as he tried to catch his breath only to be sent into a hysterical fit once more as the girl blew a giant raspberry on the back of his neck.
"AAAAAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA JIROU-! JI-STOHOHOHOHOP!!!" The boy wailed and lost his grip on the offending hands as he thrashed and kicked and twisted and bucked. Jirou had just used her freed hands to hold his head in place as she placed another agonizing raspberry in the exact same spot.
"Please! PLEHEHEHEHASE! NO MORE! NO MOHOHOHORE!" After a few more seconds she finally lifted her head away from her screaming boyfriend. Rubbing his back gently as she allowed him to catch his breath.
"Thahahahat- thahahat was uncalled for." The boy complained and took another shaky breath as he brought his hands up to cover his burning face.
"I honestly forgot how ticklish your neck is." She giggled. "Guess I should keep that in mind from now on, huh?" She said as she smiled down at him.
"Yeah yeah, whatever. Let me up." The boy said with a pout.
"Hmmmm not yet." Denki could hear the evil smile in her voice and automatically tensed up again. Jirou got up for just a moment. Pressing her hand on her boyfriend's back so he wouldn't get any ideas about escaping as she repositioned herself to face his legs.
"There's just one more thing I have to do before we're done."
Kaminari froze at her words. He already knew what was about to happen and he nervously started kicking and thrashing once more to avoid his fate.
"WAIT! WAIT- Babe. Babe Please! Please don't I'm serious! I'll stop okay? I'll do whatever you want just hold ON- AAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA-"
"Damn right you will." She said with a smirk as she continued to ruthlessly scribble her nails on the backs of his knees.
Kaminari's laughter had gone silent rather quickly. He desperately thrashed and kicked around but it did him no good and he eventually resigned to pounding on the bed furiously as he lost himself in his hysterics.
Jirou finally took that as a sign to stop. She lifted herself up off of the giggly mess on her bed and laid down next to him.
Kaminari tried hiding his bright red face behind his hands once more but they were pulled away as Jirou planted a sweet kiss on his cheek.
"You okay?"
The electric boy took in a few more giggly breaths before answering. "No! Yohohou almost kihihihilled me!"
"Oh hush. I wouldn't tickle you so often if you didn't like it." The girl said, giving him a sweet smile.
The boy huffed and buried his face in the covers. "Yeah, whatever."
Jirou just rolled her eyes and gave an amused huff in return before sitting up and collecting her boyfriend in her arms.
"C'mon doofus. Let's finish this dumb movie." She said as she wrapped her arms around his waist. "And no more funny business, got it?"
Denki just sighed as he snuggled into her embrace. Smiling as he rested his head on her shoulder. "Got it."
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morporkian-cryptid · 1 year
Jigen changed Nisei's mind about Lupin being a thief
Originally, Nisei was dead-set on Lupin becoming an honest man. He never considered his son's desires, why would he? He's his father and he knows better. Being a thief is dangerous, and he wants Lupin to be safe. The kid already suffered enough at Isei's hands.
He started considering it after he saw Lupin's First Heist - or at least understanding how important this was to Lupin, and that he couldn't make him back down. You can see it in his (Shinobu's) eyes, that he understands.
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But even understanding Lupin's decision, he still tried to keep Lup away from the drama, tricking him into going to Nagano, out the bomb's range. Maybe he was starting to accept that he couldn't keep Lupin from becoming a thief one day, but he was still doing his damnedest to stop him from jumping into the action. Even after he was unmasked, he refused to give up the information Lupin needed, even pulling a gun on his son.
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And then Jigen pulled a gun on Nisei, and Nisei did a 180 and offered Lupin a chance to prove himself.
Because he knew that with Jigen by his side, Lupin would be safe.
He hadn't see Jigen fight yet, I think as far as Jigen's skills go he trusted Lupin's choice - Lupin's first heist as Lupin the Third was stealing Jigen's heart, for God's sake, even Nisei can understand what that means.
He knew that Lupin had chosen Jigen, and the moment Jigen pulled a gun on him, he had confirmation that the inverse was true too. That Lupin had succeeded, that Jigen had agreed to be stolen, that by that point he would do anything to protect his partner. Jigen would have shot Nisei without hesitation if he'd done anything to threaten Lupin. And that is what changed Nisei's mind. That is what convinced him to give Lupin a chance - not give him his blessing, no fully accept his decision yet, but to give him a chance to prove himself. Because even with Lupin's skill, Nisei would only let him go if someone had his back.
"With this kid by his side, maybe my son will be safe."
Nisei may be terrible at being a father, but he genuinely cares about his son, he wants him to be safe. He went out of his way time and time again to protect him, as Phoolan in ep. 3 and as Shinobu in ep. 5. He knew he couldn't stop Lupin from pursuing his own path (he saw Lup going to Isei's contest and didn't try to stop him, he knew that Lup was installing traps in the house and didn't tear them down). He knows he can't really stop Lupin from pursuing that path, but he's trying as much as possible to delay it. To shield him from the full consequences of his choice.
"Being a thief is a two-way street. It's not just about what you acquire. Because you always lose a fair share, too."
This was what Nisei was trying to protect Lupin from, I think. Not from the physical dangers of thievery (Lup already put himself in plenty of trouble), but from the emotional damage. From losing things, people. I don't know what Nisei lost - I'm guessing Lupin's mother, but that's more a headcanon than a real theory. Nisei wanted to spare his son that pain. But with Jigen by his side, to support him, maybe Lupin is ready to handle that pain now. (And man did Lupin learn that lesson fast.)
"Consider the Walther a little farewell present from me."
Nisei's not going to be in Lupin's life anymore (not that he was ever very present, but that's another can of worms). And he's only agreeing to let Lupin go on his own, after Lupin has proven his skill, and after he's found someone to have his back. Nisei isn't going to protect Lupin anymore. He's trusting that Lupin is skilled enough to stay on top, and that if his skills ever fail him, Jigen will have his back.
He's entrusting his son's safety to Jigen.
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pentuppen · 30 days
"In a thousand years, when I've all but forgotten how to love yet again, you'll flit back into my heart, and I'll weep wondering what happened to my mad love."
So I had a brain worm, and writers block so i fixed the one, and hope like hell that fixes the other.
This line from Astarion broke me, and while I never went through with a full evil Durge run, I did catch the end scene of the prologue. This particular scene had been rolling around in my head for months but i never wanted to do a full Durge fic.
Anyway today I thought fuck it and this miserable bit of angst finally got written up so now it can bugger off!
Was I ever here?
You have been walking for days, feet bared and blistered, your limbs shuddering and cracking with each corpse-like step you take. Every move is an agony you embrace, while your blood pounds like a sickened war drum in your ears, red churning with black, pulsing with violence behind eyes of rolling madness. You are no longer you, the dark whispers wear you like a ragged cloak now, his voice, ceaseless, commanding…hungry, they dig their gnawing teeth into the blighted meat of your brain, seductive and burning with bloody lust.
You are starved, desperate to satiate the squirming vile need that tightens your loins and churns bile in your throat as you look out at the feast before you. Unseen but seeing everything. You were not invited, already forgotten and left to crawl away into the depths of their memory like a bad dog. So many precious lives, cracked and riddled with the filth of uncertainty in the beginning, now they gleam like so many jewels scattered across the clearing that was your first temporary home.
You watch them live. Smiling, laughing, drinking and existing. Teeth softly clamp down on the ends of your fingers, trapping a whimpering whine that evolves into a low growl. Were you ever real? Or did you find a dream buried deep in the rot of your soul, a dream in which you were a person, and not a weapon?
You see him finally, that creature of pale, timeless beauty and sweet, murderous eyes. You watch him throw his head back and laugh, teeth bearing down on your own fingers until the flesh parts and you taste your own bitter copper. He promised he would weep, and yet he laughs, still beautiful, and happy. Not fair, not right. He has forgotten enough to laugh, and the sound rakes canyons in the scant, flickering light of your soul.
Your pain does not sate you, instead it hollows you all the more, until you are retching with the hunger to fill it, to pack the weight of their suffering against this new wound like a poultice. But you wait, their joy filling you like sour poison, hate pulsing and growing in you like a malevolent child as they continue their forgetting, drowning it wine and good tidings. 
You watch him most of all, and it’s like holding your hand in the middle of a campfire, every second an agony. Why him, why not you? Why not both? He slayed his monsters, both inside and out, and they remembered him, yet you do not hear your name on their lips or in their hearts. Again you ask yourself. Were you ever here?
They eventually  rest in easy stupor, even him. Does he dream of you? Or were the memories of you discarded with the other nightmares that chased him for so long? Did he vanquish you as he vanquished his Master? You could make him remember. You could paint your desire in shades of drying red. Your blade, his heart, they were made for each other. Just as you should have been.
The idea catches you like a fever as you worm your way through the grass, belly slick with dew as you crawl like a broken snake through the grass, silent and seething with purpose. You would make him remember, crawling to the mouth of his tent, your blade poised high. He promised he would weep, but his beautiful face is at peace, and now it was time to cut
. Your blade is quick, parting and peeling flesh, your hands gloved red, reaching and grasping into the gore filled cavity. He doesn’t even move as your fingers squirm through wet flesh, finding that frantic creature beating creature, palming it, squeezing it. Those black voices scream in delirious ecstacy, for what could sate that hunger better than the sensation of a fragile heart in murderous hands? 
You’re lips open in a silent snarl as you grasp that heaving, pulsing betrayer, he would remember now….
He wakes to a nightmare. It kneels before his tent with its head bowed, a gruesome sentry that has him sitting up quickly. The blood is everywhere, seeping into the ground, the walls of his tent and the blankets beneath him. He knows that gore streaked shape, even as his mind tries to rebel, logic scruffs its neck and makes him see.
She kneels like some gruesome idol, her hands cupped in her lap, her chest a mass of blood and exposed, cracked bone. He captures the ugly sound of grief and disgust behind a pale hand, eyes fixed to the lump of meat held in stilled hands. She had once told him that her heart was his, but in the end he couldn’t bear to take it. Not with what she had become.
She’d never stood a chance, her fate paved even before the very idea of her was conceived. He’d tangled her in all those pretty strings of deceit, and she had still loved him in her own bloody way. But he hadn’t been able to do the same, hadn’t been able to follow where her path took her.
Hadn’t been able to save her.
Even now his eyes remain dry as he moves hair clumped with thickening blood from a face that was finally at peace. He feels the burn, the urge, and the lump even forms in the back of his throat.
But no tears fell. In the last six months, he had wept in both agony and anger, creating floods with longing and grief, drowning himself in the regret of the decision while living in the agony of knowing it was the right one.
There were no more tears left to give for his mad love.
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greatkittydream · 5 months
thank to @smokinferret for opiz idea
Jaune was surrounded by his friends and Team Rwby.
smokinotter: teams can be divided up in pairs of 2, 3 and 4 depending on the skill level of each member.
Ruby: hey Jaune why don't you ever talk about where you're from.
yang: come to think of it vomit boy you never do talk about that type of stuff. what's wrong Mama kick you out the nest earlier or something. yang said in a playful town.
jaune: well I just don't think it's that interesting I grew up in a smaller rural area that was comprised entirely of humans. there isn't much variation there, I just don't think I'm that interesting compared to you yang I mean you're a dragon for Pete's sake.
yang: fair I am pretty cool. she said pulling back her sleep and flexing her arm. but I still think you should have some cool stuff like don't your people typically tell stories.
Ruby: yeah, yeah I heard you people make stories where werewolves seem like the most badass and killable creatures ever that only the not only the most powerful and strongest of magic can harm tell us one of those.
Blake: I don't know why you want to hear one of those stories human stories typically revolve around monsters being violent and cruel by Nature. she said in the common area feet over couch reading a book forced to be in the conmen area.
jaune: already saying we're just going Ruby would rush to his defense saying he's a good human pariah would lead in saying she's half human and then the three would go out at talking about humans are getting better while Blake brought up the atrocities done And Atlas still hitting monsters for no reason. you know what there is this one story Mama but sing to me to sleep. in hindsight he should have kept his mouth shut because now Yang won't stop calling him a mama's boy.
yang: how do you go on vomit boy let's see what your mom was saying you to sleep with I'll have you know my mother was a dragon and they only tell the most gruesome stories that children.
jaune: well I guess I'll sing the song I don't know if he'll be anything like Your Dragon Tales though I can only imagine how scary those would be in order to scare a dragon.
jaune: "clearing throat noise"
Don't ever laugh as a hearse goes by
For you may be the next to die
They wrap you up in bloody sheets
To drop you six feet underneath
They put you in a pinewood box
And cover you up with dirt and rocks
It all goes well for about a week
And then, your coffin begins to leak
And the worms crawl in, the worms crawl out
The worms play pinochle on your snout
They eat your eyes, they eat your nose
As you begin to decompose
A slimy beetle with demon's eyes
Chews through your stomach and out your sides
Your stomach turns to rancid grease
And puss pours out like melted cheese
You spread it on a slice of bread
And that's what you'll eat when you're dead
And the worms crawl out, the worms crawl in
The ones that crawl in are lean and thin
The ones that crawl out are fat and stout
Your eyes fall in, and your hair falls out
Your brain turns into maggot pie
Your liver starts to liquify
And for the living, all is well
As you sink further into hell
And the flames rise up to drag you down
Into the fire, where you will drown
Your skin melts off as you descend
And Satan tears you limb from limb
Your suffering will never end
And the worms crawl in, the worms crawl out
They'll eat your guts and then shit them out
And when your bones begin to rot
The worms remain, but you do not
So don't ever laugh as a hearse goes by
For someday, you'll be the one to die
And when Death brings his cold despair
Ask yourself, "Will anyone care?
everyone else in the room: what the fuck was that.
opiz pov: Miss Good Witch do you know why I brought you to my office.
Miss Good Witch: no but I have a feeling you're going to tell me.
opiz: miss good witch you have petitioned to have jaune expelled over 10 times and it has not even been a week, I understand you think I'm a fool for letting the boy after all you haven't seen anything he could potentially do and he's performed just below average. before you answer that question though Miss Goodrich let me ask you a question do you know what I am.
Miss Good Witch: you are a phoenix sir one of the five left in the world I fail to see how this pertains to the boy and yes I want him out of the school for his own safety he's not been Taught how to properly use his mana and he's in a school where people can be murdered without charge the because the people in the council refused to change even after hundreds of years of life the school forced to abides by the Old Law system. and he's a human many family still hold a grudge.
opiz: well let me put it like this that boy is very very special I could go through thousands of cycles and never get a chance like this again so with all due respect MS please hold any and all requests of expulsion of him.
hi smokinotter here a little World building the council is Not Elected it is inherited and it is full of people hundreds if not thousands of years old because of this laws are slow to change and it's still under a monarchy system. hate generates hate, just as many humans hate monsters. There are monsters that hate humans for the simple fact of each other's existence.
@howlingday thank for the help with the ideas
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bulbabutt · 2 months
I haven’t watched TFP, but I was curious about your tag mentioning the TFP hated women so much that it drove you crazy on your Arcee design post, so may I ask what you mean?
(And like, yeah, Transformers being misogynistic isn’t a big surprise, but I’m asking for the specific problems TFP has, rather than say TFA, which I’m more familiar with)
((Still really fucking pissed at TFA Arcee’s treatment too, btw))
number 1: agreed on the animated arcee treatment. that show suffered from the blackarachnia versus arcee dichotomy of women, the good and the bad, on top of the using a womans tragic backstory to push forward a mans character motivation. they did it TWO TIMES, with BOTH their female characters. their characters dont end up being their own because their backstories both feed in to their respective male counterparts motivations (optimus and ratchet) and like...... while i LOVE animated they didnt do a very good job at all with the women (sari is more so a child character as a whole than a woman character, but also something something all 3 women are like biologically weird plot devices? so thats. hrm. also the oversexualization of sari when shes forcibly aged. also shes south asian and so the oversexualizing hits harder etc etc) basically its a whole can of worms but a good scene setter to talk about prime with.
so animated is cancelled because "the hub" network is making its own transformers show, but this ones written by the live action movie writers. uh oh. those arent written very well at all. i believe their intention was "you can write a movie but way longer and do more stuff" which isnt really... how that should work. anyway the way both minorities and women are represented by those bad movies is really bad, theyre very pro military anti minority conservative garbage that i genuinely think has warped a lot of young minds at the time and its a problem now. human women being objectified and placed as reward in the narrative and all that. robot women WE CANT DO ROBOT WOMEN THATS TOO CONFUSING!!!! oh ok you get one. ok she died. are you happy women? now a show written by them.
now on its surface, here we finally have a girl transformer in the main lineup, thats good! on its surface, arcee is a main character, a badass warrior. if youve been on my blog ive talked before about this weird mid 2000s switch up to making girl characters becoming less girly and more like. idk tomboyish? more cool and into guy stuff, that kind of comes about from the ALL MALE writing teams going "well we dont know how to write a girl/we dont wanna be sexist" but they dont actually know how to write women. so arcee's characterization is like. oh shes cold and serious and has a tragic past. its like a dude character, how do we write tragic backstories for dude characters? we fridge their women. so we just do that in reverse. what they did with her was give her TWO tragic backstories, one being that her "partner" cliffjumper dies and shes mad and wants revenge. and the other is that her "partner" tailgate dies and she wants revenge. basically her motivations allllll revolve around men. its not about what she goes through, its all about that she's a "woman scorned". its not even that it implies romance, the show never gives you a clear picture of what "partner" actually means in either context. this is topped off by pairing her with a teenage boy. in fairness, three of the transformers get paired off with a kid, but oh boy do a lot of problems arise from this specific pairing.
so number one: women being objectified is a problem in general, but it comes across worse when the woman can turn into a literal object and you dont think about the repercussions of that. jack darby sees a cool motorcycle parked and he just... he sits his ass down on it. it violates her personal space, and then he continues to use her body to show off to teenage girls. this is the basis of their relationship, that she looked like a cool vehicle he wanted so he claimed her. yes, he didnt know she was a person, but narratively we do. this will continue to be a thing over the series, arcee is jacks object now, he owns her and thus can use her to show off. what does arcee think of being used this way? not important. outside of her relationships with jack cliffjumper and tailgate, we dont really know a damn thing about arcee. its all about her traumas over MEN. be it romantic or platonic, the show cant tell the difference, because jacks MOM enters the picture like "you seem to be out late with some GIRL who is she" and thus there is beef between the two. because... you know women.
speaking of jacks mom: she should have been in the show as a regular paired off with ratchet. shes a nurse and hes an ambulance. are the writers stupid? its so fucking obvious. but no, she exists to have beef with arcee on behalf of being jacks mom. which makes it more clear that they're trying to say..... SOMETHING weird about jack and arcee.... aaaaaand then as a romantic interest for fowler. shes here because of her son and romance partner.
arcee is this cool warrior whos done all this stuff and is trying to keep the world safe and her people a secret, BUT JACKS MOM THINKS SHES IN THE GARAGE! so she better get back there for his sake! also shes so cool and level headed and doesnt want to drag race a punk kid who's making fun of jack BUT THEN HE SAID SHE WAS FAT SO NOW SHE CANT HELP BUT BE MAD! thats basically her personality as it stands throughout the show. oh she also makes fun of bulkhead for showing emotion one time. cuz like.... girls! being! sexist! to! show! theyre! cool!!!!
anyway. theres an issue with the writing of all the kids, cuz their plot relevance is really weak and felt super forced to keep them all in the story, many other versions of tf have done this better, but they basically force a relationship between characters and say "yep thats it thats the set up every child has their own pet robot, done and done"
one of these kids is MIKO. oh miko. in a world in which this show was good they would have combined the child characters and just had it be miko, because this poor girl is so disrespected by the narrative. she's presented as a "wild child" and thus paired off with bulkhead, whos a big bruiser who now has to act as her handler. she gets into trouble with the transformers a lot, like sneaking on missions and not taking the disguise part seriously. cuz like....shes stupid or something! haha isnt that funny! shes an exchange student from japan, she offhandedly says things about getting detention and things about her home stay parents being afraid of her. we get NO ELABORATION. we meet jacks mom, we see raf's family, THIS PART NEVER COMES UP AGAIN. miko clearly has no support system outside of the transformers, and she is often disrespected and made fun of by jack specifically and the narrative never makes him feel bad about it. each kid feels ownership over their robot, and the most change she ever gets to go through is having bulkhead almost die and so she's sad about it (also this is the only time she has a heart to heart with arcee. ABOUT A MALE CHARACTER) like if we could combine all the kids traits into one kid and have it be miko, a wild child whos good with computers and make june darby her home stay mom who eventually notices she keeps being missing that would make it way stronger of a character. also shes suffering from that alt asian girl colour streak syndrome, cuz she wouldnt be characterful enough if she wasnt also alt. if she didnt like punk music and monster trucks who would she be? the writers dont care.
and then for our LAST girl character we have blackarachnia I MEAN AIRACHNID. totally new character. uh. okay so you know how blackarachnia in animated was just like.... a succubus? which felt bad there? its worse here. shes a very one dimensional villain, which is fine, but they couldnt even keep her as being arcee's arch nemesis without literally redoing the same backstory they had just given her with cliffjumper. first they write cliffjumper as her partner and he's killed by starscream. then okay, arcee has an old nemesis from cybertron and thats airachnid what did she do? kill her PREVIOUS partner tailgate.
you just....... you did it again? are you serious? they could only think of ONE way a woman would have any motivation and they just. did it two times. and they made that the basis of the whole beef, so even though this story could be the one to give you some toxic yuri ass relationship between these two women, it literally ends up being about men. AND THEN it's "shes gonna kill jack, arcees NEW partner"
do you see what im getting at? every woman revolves around men. they cant have motivations outside of men. they cant have any traits that make them interesting on their own. and even then, they dont know what to do with airachnid when she joins the decepticons so they just have megatron try to get her killed and she fucks off for a while, coming back to be turned into a LITERAL. LIIIIITERAL SUCCUBUS at the end. im not joking, they make her suck the energon out of men and shes on moon somewhere just doing that and thats how her story ends. like you can tell they casted a lot of bigger voice actors and had to get rid of them somehow but JESUS. double down on the issue with animated blackarachnia here ffs
aaaand. im pretty sure thats all the women. but yeah. none of them are well characterized, none of them have much agency if any at all. and on top of that, they are NOT allowed to be girly. arcee isnt pink PURELY because it would be weird to have a boy ride a pink motorcycle. arcee actually HATES pink (even though she is partially pink) and the writers literally make her say that. like why. just to show off "see shes not a GIRLY girl. shes just a girl"
like prime is bad for many reasons, like its depiction of disabled characters, turning bumblebee into raf's pet robot (who raf can magically understand without ANY explanation) without a care in the world for what he thinks or feels until he can speak again. like theres smalllll amounts of times he gets some good characterization, but for the most part he has no agency (see speed metal, an episode where jack asks RAF's permission to use bumblebee in a race, not bumblebee cuz he cant talk how could he have a choice). theres also weird characterization of bulkhead, which didnt really hit me until seeing him in RID alongside that grimlock, its only 2 black voiced characters who are very violent and clumsy and not very smart. uh. thats not good! there's also levels of homophobia to its depictions of starscream and knockout, things we can look back on now like "haha its camp" but at the time like. no they were writing it that way cuz its funny that they're queer. starscream being a complete fop IS the joke. calling him a "stiletto heeled freak" IS the joke. its a really bigoted show on top of just being written SUPER poorly. so you can all around TELL its written by the writers of the movies.
this got ramble-y but you activated my trap card, prime is the worst show because its presents itself as super cool and serious and dark while being written by bigoted idiots who couldnt write their way out of a wet paper back. "oh we ran out of money to pay this actor so we killed their character" THEN STOP MAKING BRAND NEW CHARACTERS MAKING YOUR TEAM DESIGN MODEL AND RIG THEM AND HIRING BRAND NEW PEOPLE TO PLAY THEM EVERY 2 EPISODES JUST TO HAVE THEM NARRATIVELY DO NOTHING AND THEN DIE!!! dumb. dumb show. dumb show so stupid. so stupid and it thinks its not stupid because its so so stupid. (doing the frankie from community bit cuz this is the way i calm myself down cuz the show makes me so mad because its so stupid lmfao)
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maddoc05 · 1 year
forest fire (1048 words)
Summary: MAG 200 Jon and Tim AU
The walls of the tunnels crack, curved like a spider’s web as it hangs over their heads. Jon tries not to linger on it too long. Every scuttle in the dark, every hint of a shadow peering from the corner edges, every muffle-thump of dirt that echoes in these godforsaken tunnels tenses him. Spider-clumps and miles of silk string.
There is no forgiveness to be found under these tunnels.
His hands are shaking as he lights the cigarette. His fingers catch against the fractures in the metal case.
Jon drags in a breath, and welcomes the burn of ash perforating his lungs.
Tim shuffles next to him, and Jon wordlessly passes it over to him.
He watches the flames flicker against Tim’s eyes. The shadow it casts are as dark as the bags under his eyes, against the pale scarred skin of his face. After the worms. After the explosion had singed away hair and flesh. The guilt dwells inside Jon like a second home. He never tries to bury it anymore – a punishment, if only to himself.
Because empty platitude and apologies can never scrape together shards or mend what was so many years in the breaking.
Saying I’m sorry will never fix what Jon has done.
Tim burns the cigarette.
“These will kill you.” His voice is hollow.
“Too fucking late.” Jon mutters.
His empty hand itches. The space between his ribs where his heart stagnates reminds him of this fact with every mockery of a breath.
“Georgie wanted to come after you.” Tim says darkly. “I told her I would.”
“Hm.” Jon has long since burned that bridge. The only thing he was ever good at. Next to surviving like a fucking cockroach when it would have been better for everyone if he had properly died. 
 “I hate this. I hate-“ – you, Jon mentally fills in the blanks – but Tim continues, “Being forced to make that choice. Like- losing everything else even after I think it’s all been taken.”
Jon says nothing. Waits for it.
“And- and now. We have to choose between this world or countless others. I can't even be selfish, because I keep thinking, that there's a world where none of this happened, where all of us could have been happy. Where Danny-” Tim breaks off. "I thought that- even after all that shit - at least we would have a chance. In the safehouse. A chance to be safe and free." 
Before Jon ruined it. Like he ruined everything else.
“None of this was fair.” Tim says. “Not to me. And- and not to you. I’m tired, Jon.”
It’s the first time that Tim has addressed him by name, since after the Unknowing.
Not the sarcastic drawl of Archivist or that bastard or monster.
“And I’m not? My whole life is a lie, it’s been nothing but a long setup to this.” Jon says bitterly, scrubbing his hand over his face. Part of him dares Tim to get angry again. At least it’s a familiarity for him to grasp onto. “I damned the whole fucking world, Tim. Sasha is gone. Martin is gone. Billions are suffering and dying.”
The silence drags.
“Since we’re doing this heart-to-heart thing.” Jon mutters, and stupidly, that’s the thing that finally breaks him.
His next breath is a sob. And the next. He doesn’t expect Tim to catch him when his knees finally give out, when Jon can’t even see past the blur of tears in his vision, but he does. His throat aches, tight with tears like a noose, and it feels like his chest is caving in within himself. His face is crumpled and wet like a tissue.
Tim’s breath is hot against the front of his throat, Jon tilts his head back, exposed, as that aching thing within him grasps onto the direction of the closest thing to his god but the tunnels block him, heavy and oppressive, and so Jon is alone and breaking and nothing and everything all at once.
Tim is the serrated edge of an anchor. Jon wants to bleed, wants to match that awful chasm within himself to something that he can actually comprehend. He wants- he wants an end to all this, and he wants Jonah Magnus to pay. He will rip the words from Elias’s throat like Magnus had done to his, and he will make him suffer the fear that Jon has been drowning in for so long.
Tim doesn’t need words to understand, when Jon grasps his hands – one always, always cold – and he twists his head to meet Tim’s gaze head-on, and the wound that bleeds from his eyes is the rage and anguish and determination that tells Tim everything he needs to know. Tim thinks, and Jon knows, that this is where their road inevitably ends.
Tim breathes, ragged. They are both slumped against the tunnel wall, Jon cradled in Tim’s arms with kindness that they both know he doesn’t deserve.
Jon whispers in Tim’s ear, “Pull the trigger.”
A shiver racks Tim’s spine. “You bastard.” Their foreheads pressed together, and in that moment, Jon’s world is Tim. Not the Beholding, not the spider, not the door that knocks and knocks and knocks. Tim’s eyes are full of understanding and pain and some sliver of emotion that Jon can’t name. “That’s the deal.”
It’s so easy to lie to the others.
Basira tells them to enjoy their brief respite – one final night of rest – before their plan is to be implemented. Jon smiles a liar’s smile, but it doesn’t matter, because they all walk on fragile courtesy and false words slipped within sheep’s wool. Tim’s arms are stifling around Jon’s shoulders.
They both don’t sleep, but the feigned intimacy of it is… something.
Jon can close his eyes. He can spare a moment to pretend.
But he doesn’t dare to.
The tunnels carry sound well. Both Tim and he wait for Basira’s breathing to even out, to be certain that Georgie and Melanie are well and truly asleep, before making their move.
Tim is the one to press the knife into Jon’s hand. Jon is the one to give Tim a pained smile, and mouth thank you.
They both leave the tunnels and don't look back.
Jon ascends his Tower, and Tim follows
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Game of Thrones - 67 SANSA VI (pages 716-725)
Sansa struggles emotionally and mentally in the aftermath of her father's death. Joffrey stops pretending he's any kind of decent human being.
Perhaps I will die too, she told herself, and the thought did not seem so terrible to her. If she flung herself from the window, she could put an end to her suffering, and in the years to come the singers would write songs of her grief. Her body would lie on the stones below, broken and innocent, shaming all those who had betrayed her. Sansa went so far as to cross the bedchamber and throw open the shutters... but then courage left her, and she ran back to her bed, sobbing.
Ummm, holy fuck?
Well there's something the show cut out, but I suppose D&D aren't the kind to let us sit with the grief of a young girl unless it's immediately turning her into some kind of badass.
Poor Sansa. I remember having those kinds of thoughts 'dying would be easy' and 'this will punish them' and 'they'll feel bad about it when I'm gone' but it's bullshit. The kind of people, who hurt others to that point, do not give a fuck what they do to others, don't give a fuck what their actions make others do to themselves. The only people who get hurt or punished by those choices, are the ones who love you. Joffrey and Cersei? Definitely won't feel shamed, just aggravated they've lost a valuable playing piece.
The best revenge, is living (well). It's the living who can make people pay for their crimes.
Once Grand Maester Pycelle came with a box of flasks and bottles, to ask if she was ill. He felt her brow, made her undress, and touched her all over while her bedmaid held her down.
Fuck off and die, both of you. Bad Touch!
Sansa stared at him, seeing him for the first time. He was wearing a padded crimson doublet patterned with lions and a cloth-of-gold cape with a high collar that framed his face. She wondered how she could have ever thought he was handsome. His lips were as soft and red as the worms you found after rain, and his eyes were vain and cruel. "I hate you," she whispered.
Yeah, it's a little hard to see the world through rose tinted glasses when someone splattered them with blood. I'm so sorry you had to have your world view shattered like this. In a fair world, people would have been kind and just and righteous like you always believed. But this isn't a fair world, because GRRM is a sick and twisted man. (joking)
When the time came to dress, she chose the green silk gown that she had worn to the tourney. She recalled how gallant Joff had been to her that night at the feast. Perhaps it would make him remember as well, and treat her more gently.
Yes, good, use what you know, use what you've got. Ihatethisihatethisihatethisihatethisihatethis Association, good, now if only he had ever actually been what you thought he was, this would have a good chance of success. Though, the success would still be mild.
This is a good use of defensive manipulation, subtle, using something associated with a better mood, to subconsciously promote a better mood. ... but iirc, that feast ended with Cersei in a row with Bobby B, so... *sigh*
Kinda odd that she refers to him as Joff here though, it may just be a way to separate the idea of him from the reality of him. Like the inverse of what we saw Dany do a few chapters ago, when she tried to psych herself up for cruelty and her narrative voice referred to her as Daenerys, instead of Dany.
"Did he instruct you to hit me if I refuse to come?" "Are you refusing to come, my lady?" The look he gave her was without expression. He did not so much as glance at the bruise her had left her. He did not hate her, Sansa realized; neither did he love her. He felt nothing for her at all. She was only a... a thing to him. "No," she said, rising. She wanted to rage, to hurt him as he'd hurt her, to warn him that when she was queen she would have him exiled if he ever dared strike her again... but she remembered what the Hound had told her, so all she said was, "I shall do whatever His Grace commands."
That has to be so terrifying, to be faced with someone who has such apathy, to know you aren't even seen as human. Her threats wouldn't have held water even if she'd said them, she'd be queen (if the dissolving of the engagement hadn't happened in the future) but queen by marriage, all her power would come from her husband, she'd have no say in anything if he disagreed. Maybe if she had a loyal following within the court, had her own power, but right now her only power comes from the fact Cersei can still use her for political plays, from being a hostage.
But a voice inside her whispered, There are no heroes, and she remembered what Lord Petyr had said to her, here in this very hall. "Life is not a song, sweeting," he'd told her. "You may learn that one day to your sorrow." In life, the monsters win, she told herself, and now it was the Hound's voice she heard, a cold rasp, metal on stone. "Save yourself some pain, girl, and give him what he wants."
Oh, sweetheart.
I hate that she has to experience such an enormous mental reset, but if she doesn't get this sorted away, she's not going to have the wherewithal to get through this.
"You truly are a stupid girl, aren't you? My mother says so." ... "I'll get you with child as soon as you're able," Joffrey said as he escorted her across the practice yard. "If the first one is stupid, I'll chop off your head and marry a smarter wife. -"
Says the boy-king who can't even form his own opinions without his mother spoon feeding them to him, unless it's in the name of unnecessary levels of violence on his behalf.
"Do it, girl," Sandor Clegane told her, pushing her back toward the king. His mouth twitched on the burned side of his face and Sansa could almost hear the rest of it. He'll have you up there no matter what, so give him what he wants.
mmm, and there's the rub. There's where people look and say 'Sansa's a completely passive hostage, she never fought back' like they were paying zero attention.
She's facing an opponent with such a different level of power to her own, she has no way out, no resources, effectively no allies, she has to pick her battles knowing she is always going to lose. Any strike she makes has to be done with delicate precision and any defiance done knowing she will get away with it, because she isn't going to get away with anything. She knows what Joffrey is now, she's beginning to truly understand the kind of situation she's in.
The bamboo bends, so it does not break. (but even bamboo has a breaking point.)
The heads were mounted between the crenels, along the top of the wall, impaled on iron spikes so they faced out over the city. Sansa had noted them the moment she'd stepped out onto the wallwalk, but the river and the bustling streets and the setting sun were ever so much prettier. He can make me look at the heads, she told herself, but he can't make me see them.
This whole section you can sort of feel the vibe of her starting to almost intentionally disassociate. ihatethisihatethisihatethisihatethis
A kind of madness took over her then, and she heard herself say, "Maybe my brother will give me your head." ... The outer parapet came up to her chin, but along the inner edge of the walk was nothing, nothing but a long plunge to the bailey seventy or eighty feet below. All it would take was a shove, she told herself. He was standing right there, right there, smirking at her with those fat wormlips. You could do it, she told herself. You could. Do it right now. It wouldn't even matter if she went over with him. It wouldn't matter at all. ... The moment was gone. Sansa lowered her eyes. "Thank you," she said when he was done. She was a good girl, and always remembered her courtesies.
Ooph, she snapped a bit. I hate that she was struck bloody and it's a situation where "thank goodness that didn't end worse" is an applicable statement. I know "maybe he'll give me yours" is treated like her big bad girlboss moment, but looking at this as 'a victim and her abuser,' fuck that was dangerous, especially with someone whose ego is that inflated, and their power that unquestioned. That wasn't even something she meant to say. Think it, sure, but out loud?
Kinda icky circle with this chapter, ends where it began, with Sansa being suicidal, and shrugging on her courtesies to protect herself even though she really doesn't want to.
(I have mentioned in a previous chapter review, the 5 F's, those are Fight, Flight, Freeze, Flop and Fawn, they're the inherent trauma and fear responses of humans, Fawn is also called Friend, and it's the trauma response Sansa is exhibiting, also being forced to exhibit. This trauma response is less physical in its characteristics, and plays to the emotional side of the threat. (Think of scared side kicks of villains like LeFou to Gaston in Beauty and the Beast, or Shang Qinghua to Mobei Jun if you're into SVSSS) the idea of Fawn is "I'm not a threat, I'm your friend, I'm not prey, I'm helpful.")
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mitz-prompts · 6 months
prompt: cal, adam, and will were triplets
canon-typical content warnings for The Path
to be fair this isn't really a prompt so much as a fully formed idea in my head.
will, adam, and cal were all brenda's children (bear with me) but they were taken away from her because the father thought she was a bad mother (like in canon in The Path)
the father joins Meyerism, can't afford to support the children himself. goes to steve meyer for guidance.
steve, who i am taking many liberties with here because i barely know the guy, comes up with a divinely inspired reason that "the three boys must be separated as a test of faith. one to be raised by a poor man, one to be raised by a rich man, and one to be raised by us, and taught the way of our movement. and when they are grown, we will see which of them is prepared for the garden" or, look, some bullshit like that.
so will is raised by a boat mechanic, and adam is raised by his father, and cal is raised by steve. and none of them know about each other.
brenda probably tries to tell cal the truth on her deathbed but we all know how well that worked out (for those who don't - cal refused to see her, and therefore missed the message that she's sorry for letting him be abused by steve meyer for years. and sarah, who was supposed to pass the message along, chose to exclude that part because she believed brenda was lying.)
and steve dies too, before he has the chance to say final words to Cal, i guess.
SO. no one knows. until Hannibal fucking Lecter sees Cal Roberts on the news and is like. "mmm, let's put a pin in this whole season 2 arc and the tension and the lying, because Will, holy shit, you have a doppleganger and this is way more interesting than whatever the fuck we were supposed to be dancing around right now"
AND WILL WATCHES THE CLIP. of cal roberts arguing with professor neill. (aka cal defending meyerism on live television, despite the fact that he's currently in the midst of recovering his suppressed memories about meyerism's founder Steve sexually abusing him for a decade of his childhood)
Will watches the clip and he can tell, immediately, that Cal Roberts is a fucking mess. A basket case. Suffering and lying and paying lip service to something he's afraid that he still believes in despite everything.
Will watches this clip, with all his empathy sensors activated, and Will says, "Absolutely the fuck not. nope. not opening that can of worms."
hannibal tries to reason with him, because hannibal is completely flummoxed that Will doesn't want to drop everything and go with Hannibal to meet his long lost twin.
But Will says no. Because his life is already fucked enough and he doesn't want to open this door. He can't accept it. This isn't his kind of crazy.
anyway, Will lasts for about 48 hours before caving because he feels Cal Roberts' anguish in his chest and he can't sleep. what else is new.
anyway so hannigram go on a road trip, abandoning S2B entirely
and blah blah blah, confronting Cal, getting into the cult, tracking down steve's journals and doing detective work together. they find out about Adam.
and then, i don't know. codependent brotherly love endgame. save cal from himself, save will because he's always at his best when he's concerned with the welfare of others. and will gets to see hannibal in action as a selfless psychiatrist for once instead of the manipulative bastard he's always been around Will
and i think hannibal would be really really good with cal and adam, that's all
if he wanted to be (which in this case i think he does? because he likes seeing will around them, giving will a family in a new and unconventional way.) (edited)
and uhhh. it doesn't hurt that hannibal is like "oh, there's three of you now? :3c"
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wolfywrites88 · 7 months
Astarion x Oc
(Part 1? Might be ooc)
(This was a commission so there might be a part two!)
Amaris stares down at the book in her lap the words of the spell that was once in a foreign language becomes easy for her tongue to form. The only good thing about being in this situation with the brain worms and such was the vast amounts of books she could find and borrow from her fellow party members. She had honestly found herself more comfortable in this situation then most people, she had found a comfortable friendship with Shadowheart and something akin to friendship with Astarion.
She honestly did not understand fully where she stood with the man, They had seemed to be closer than most of the party however it seemed he was always out of her grasp. He kept himself guarded for reasons she did not fully understand. When consulting Shadowheart her results were much of the same, the pale elf was quite standoffish when it came to most matters.
As night neared and everyone began to settle in Amaris decided to continue her studies of magic and her companion another time. The warm campfire lulled her into a sense of security and she allowed herself to rest.
Not long after her body had begun to rest she awoke with a start her green eyes darting around her chest heaving a breath that feels like it was almost gone she quickly pushes her hair out of her face the dark strands hidden by the night but the red ones glint in the campfires light. The light that shines just bright enough for her to see what has awoken her.
"Its not what you think." Astarions mouth moves faster then she has ever seen it move but not fast enough to hide the fangs that adorn his white teeth. Amaris's eyes widen "I that makes so much sense!." she smiles up at him as she sits up Infront of him. His confused face making her almost chuckle. "You dont dislike us your just a vampire!" He looks confused and goes to speak but gets cut off by her. "You can drink from me just don't take too much I do need to help in fights, we both know Gale doesn't cut it sometimes." Astarion goes to object or at least voice his confusion but he does not want to waste this chance, His pale hands gently move her to a more comfortable position.
"Are you sure?" He finally utters feeling almost strange about her sudden compliance. "Yeah go ahead we need everyone in tip top shape." Their eyes lock for a few seconds before he nears her neck. His sharp fangs pierce her fair skin as he begins to drink from her.
However all at once he stumbles back. "Your not human."
Amaris's eyes bat seeming fully unconcerned by the vampires discovery. "Well. I always knew I wasnt ever really. truly human." Their eyes connect confusion gracing his features. Hes always suffered with the idea of never being human but here she sits. Not fully aware of what she is but perfectly content with the idea of not being human.
Amaris offers her neck again. "Well go on?"
Astarions eyes dart to her face and then her neck. "Iv. Had enough." He stands almost awkward and walks back to his tent.
Amaris looks confused but gently rubs the bites on her neck.
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darkzonediaries · 1 year
Stan's Trial
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introvert-celeste · 2 years
The Introvert's Plight (Eda's Delight)
Raine suffers from social exhaustion. Eda is one of the few people who makes them feel recharged.
Raine had surpassed their limit, Eda could tell.
The evening started simply enough, small talk among old friends, and they had played right along—for a while at least—quickly emersed in a heated discussion with Darius over trivial Hexside drama, playful banter with an edge while Eberwolf egged them on.
“Tsk, ancient history,” Eda had scoffed under her breath, instantly bored, and left the group to their own devices.
She’d never known Raine to be particularly shy in most situations, but people…well situations like this often left them drained and irritable. They were always like this, and it had only gotten more prominent with age. Sure enough, when she peeked back into the room some time later, they appeared to be slowly integrating themself with the cushions of the couch. Darius and Eber made feeble attempts to rope them back into the conversation, but their mind was clearly somewhere else, eyes distant, arms crossed tightly across their chest.
Silently Eda cursed the little pang of sympathy that curled around her heart as she watched them. That irritating little creature had been quite the nuisance lately, an unfortunate side-effect of being in love, an experience that was already pretty uncomfortable in itself. She had enough irritating little creatures in her life with a stake on her heart without this tiny pest worming its way among them.
“Welp!” Eda exclaimed, striding into the room before she made herself emotional, holding up her non-existent right hand to look at her equally non-existent watch. “Looks like it’s scram o’clock. Best get steppin’.”
Darius halted mid-sentence with an irritable grunt, eyeing her coolly while Eber chittered mischievously in his ear. She didn’t need to understand what they said to get the gist; the sardonic grin that spread across Darius’ face said it all. His gaze passed between the two of them, eyebrow quirking amusedly.
“Ah, I see how it is,” he finally replied, nodding in Raine’s direction and winking slyly. “You want Songbird all to yourself. Fair enough.”
Raine groaned inwardly and buried their face in their hands, suddenly very aware of the current conversation. Another pang gnawed at Eda, this time fixated on how cute they were, and she had to threaten herself to keep from blushing. One of them had to appear unfazed, so she simply cast Darius a smug grin, holding open the door for him in response.
He rolled his eyes good-naturedly, conceding this time. With a dramatic swish of his cape, Darius made his exit, Eber scampering onto his shoulder as they left. “Enjoy your bard, Owl Lady.”
“With pleasure,” she purred, earning herself another embarrassed groan from Raine as she shut the door behind the retreating guests a little too eagerly.
Leaning back against the doorframe, she could barely contain herself, snort-laughing to herself as the heat rushed to her face unhindered. Poor Raine had all but keeled over from the stress. It took a long moment for her to compose herself.
“Heh, sorry,” she chuckled, swiping a tear from her eye. “You know I had to.” Raine merely shook their head disapprovingly, their fist pressed against their mouth, barely concealing an amused smile.
Eda flopped down on the couch beside them, the mood turning quiet and sober all at once. She laid a hand hesitantly against their forearm, which seemed almost to tremble with tension under her touch. She let her fingers dance up their arm and over their rigid shoulders, gently nudging them down away from their ears. Raine began to relax, letting out a shaking sigh they’d probably been holding in all evening.
“Rough night, huh?” She paused to flick their earring playfully, the light, metallic tickling adding to the quiet ambiance rather than disrupting it.
Finally, they melted into her embrace, their head fitting perfectly in the crook of her neck.
“Mmm…” They mumbled against her shoulder.
“Poor baby,” she cooed, half-teasing. Softly, she continued. “Do you mind if I sit with you or do you want some alone time?”
They wrapped an arm around her waist in response, nuzzling their face deeper into her neck. Eda resisted the urge to laugh again as their hair tickled her skin. She held them closer—if that was even possible—enjoying an indulgent moment of softness, warmth, so uncharacteristic for her and yet it felt so right with Raine. Even when they exhaled deeply, reluctantly pulling themself from the embrace to gaze up at her with admiration, that warmth only seemed to emanate from the two of them, filling the room.
It was a novel feeling, loving and being loved in return.
“What is it?” They asked, looking suddenly amused.
Eda realized she’d been grinning like an idiot for a hot second. It was her turn to hide her face in embarrassment, suspecting she looked far less cute than Raine and a lot stupider. They were quick to pry her hand away from her face, holding it firmly between their own as they tilted their head up toward hers. So, softness was not her forte, but at least this was something she excelled at. She welcomed the kiss gratefully.
“Just thinking about you,” she whispered against their lips, moving back in for more.
They stopped her with a chaste little peck, an apologetic stroke of her cheek. “I’m sorry, not tonight, Eda. I…you know how it is. Talking and people, it’s just…it’s so exhausting…”
“Yeah, I know,” She conceded, a little disappointed, but just happy to hold them, to know that they trusted her, wholly and truly, despite everything that had happened between them.
They relaxed against her once again, the two of them reclining comfortably on the couch, content in the other’s presence.
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waru-chan8 · 1 year
Roberto: (after saying goodbye to Trixie and talking about Smile Circus) where we can enjoy and see magic, but now. Gosh, such a good face off to start off, yes?
Flo: Yes, yes good
Roberto: those are the best times for each one?
Flo: Mine was
Roberto: 1:52
Jorge: I did 55 seconds...
Flo: What are you saying?
Jorge: without thinking/without care, I didn’t car about falling. And concentrated, and caring 1:12. I was a bit nervous
Roberto: Oh, of course you where under pressure due to Flo
Flo: of course, I generate gravity, and even if you don’t want *implies that Jorge was under a gravitational pull towards him*
Jorge: he put me under pressure
Roberto: and his faces has Flo turned into Valentino Rossi’s face?
Jorge: Valentino Rossi?
Flo: I have a bit of it
Jorge: More than Valentino, more like Dani
Flo: but more like *chuckles*
Jorge and Roberto laughing at the same time: more like Dani
Jorge: More like Dani Pedrosa
Roberto: come on, let’s go (refering to starting the panel of judges comments)
Pilar Rubio: Roberto, I liked a lot this face off because there wasn’t a difference due to one being an elit sportsmen and the other not, apparently.
Flo: Or that one is plump and the other is thin
Pilar Rubio: Exactly
Jorge: well *self-conscious that he doesn’t have the same figure as he had when he still was competing*
Pilar: it has nothing to do with, with, well with your physical strengths in this case. I think it has been fair what happened and *to the producers* I think you are going a step too far with the challenge
Flo: Yes
Pilar: they are very difficult
Roberto: you see *implies they need to be a step further each season*
Pilar: It’s very difficult. It’s not only going with a hubber, it’s going on those rails that are like this *hand gesture indicating very narrow* you are going to far.
Roberto: Every season we need to increase
Pilar: yes yes, we are increasing the level. *To the other participats* I’m sorry guys, I’m sorry, the concursants are going to suffer
Roberto: Santiago, I don’t know I don’t know what to say with that face
Santiago: I was thinking,  that it’s true that it was an 11-years old coach doing those marvels, is going to overshadow the contestants, but I have to say that
Jorge: it’s useless, it’s useless
Santiago: that my wife at home did a Mike Tyson. It was bought...
Roberto: yes?
Santigo Yes!  The Three Wise Men brought as a present the hubberboard to my youngest daughter and she was like *hand gestures indicating she was all over the place and moving around the house* and my wife “it seems fun, it seems easy” and she did like Mike Tyson. I enjoyed it a lot, but, but
Roberto: but how did you see them, good?
Santiago: I’m going to say something to be honest, I was positively impressed by Flo. I tink he did very good and he was affected by going the first one. Because Jorge then said I have to spare. A dude that can do it in 55 seconds, has done it in 1:32 like saying 
Flo: Totally
Santiago: I’m securing it, I’m going to secure it
Jorge: In my defence, I have to say that the worm (the middle part of the circuit that had elevation changes) the coordination he does it very well. He does it perfectly
Flo *laughing and doing the worm’s dance movements* the worm
Malú: the shrimp too
Roberto: Malú that later on is not going to cast a vote (she was there for a bit as part of a challenge and then she stayed to see some other challenge), but she i going to say her opinion. How did you see it, Malú?
Malú: I was expecting them to do the same demonstration as the 11-years old.
Boris: of course, of course
Malú: I’d kill to see Flo doing that *she is laughing so much that can barely speak* with the legs
Someone else (I think is Rosa another contestant) with the butt in the head, no?
Flo: me too, I’d like to see that
Malú: but, but it seems impossible what you had done, aso I don’t care about the time you did because for me it’s incredible. Its the most difficult in the world to go in the floor normally, imagine in 2 rails, you know?
Juan: Jorge I shouldn't say this
Malú: as I don’t cast a points, I can get along (implying she can be polite with any constant and not be harsh) with everyone
Roberto: Juan
Juan: I shouldn’t be doing this that’s giving a piece of advice, Jorge, but to us (the jury) only give us the precise and enough information
Jorge: I know, I know
Juan: Don’t give us more information...
Jorge: I made a mistake
Juan: ... than you need, because it’s true, and that’s something we notice that you went only to win Flo and that’s all.
Jorge: No
Juan: You gone for 1:56 and if I do it in less time and I win without complications.
Jorge: No what happened is that I was more nervous
Malú: excuse me
Flo: the most important thing and what I feel more proud of is that an old man like me, from the laugh world (he is a comedian), I stressed out the champion
Jorge: He making himself look like the victim
FLo: and that’s what I’m keeping, I’m going to keep that
Jorge: you are making yourself the victim
Roberto: this is the quarrel, the competence and the safe rivalry. Jorge, Flo, you can take a sit already in the banks, come on
Boris: Bravo
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kyuureimu · 1 year
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headcanon. a rundown of kyurem's physical health. (his mental health, you ask? that is, like, a whole other sealed evil in a can of worms. we can touch on that later.) there will be some addendums down the line to elaborate a couple key points, because headcanons with headcanons is our cross to bear. Fair warning: near the end of this post there are hints of potentially implied self harm. If there is anything else I need to tag please let me know via DM.
Kyurem is... not in the best state, to put it very lightly. Anyone with an intuitive eye can see that he is constantly fatigued, or his stride has the barest of a limp. Centuries (and, arguably, lifetimes) worth of scars and injuries litter his body that never truly had the chance to heal properly. What do you expect when you are a literal living husk of your former self?
Some of the oldest ones were sustained during the fall of Isshu. There are the remains of horrible bone-deep cuts along his left shoulder-blade and into his upper arm, and a similar one on his upper right thigh and into his kneecap. In his dragon form at the time he sustained these injuries, these translated to a gruesomely broken wing and fractured leg that required time in his Dragonstone state to heal (at the time, called a Prime Stone).
On top of that... because the flow of the Dragon Force was heavily restricted during this time period, sadly at his own doing, it took centuries for those wounds to even close, much less mend at all. This was more or less the state the twins had found him in when Kyurem awoke in the pre-revolution era. He couldn't fly nor walk properly, so when he tried to take off from the top of Dragonspiral Tower, well, it surely was a dragon spiraling down. With the help of the twins he eventually made a recovery, but it took many years and the weakness in his limbs were still felt during the revolution.
There are definitely some scars here and there from their battles, but of course the most gruesome of all was the time of The Split and afterwards when he was being hunted as a monster. Large horrendous gashes from his collarbone all the way to his lower abdomen, with near-mirrored ones along his back; nasty and discolored and pale, almost like they were still fresh. Jagged claw marks are raked all over his neck, chest, and forearms with varying degrees of length and depth. Many of these look almost frostbitten, like pale veins of ice running underneath his skin.
**A jagged diagonal cut runs from his right lower jaw that breaks and continues over his left eye; sustained from Virizion after he accidentally killed her fellow Swords when they were trying to subdue his rampage. He was forced to revert to his Void Stone state immediately following; so while it thankfully didn't leave permanent vision damage, the scar remains in full view as a reminder of this grave sin that still haunts him to this day.
Not a pleasant time, for sure... There is a reason he covers up his skin as much as possible in his human guise.
To this day Kyurem still suffers from muscular and nerve damage, and they manifest as intense body aches, tenderness, and weakness in limbs. Migraines always follow, with the sensory overload rendering him incapable of being out in the light or around sounds. The cold he generates acts like a natural immune response, dulling the pain when it arises. However, much like a natural immune response, when they get really bad the cold has a tendency to overcompensate, making everything feel worse and making him want to seclude himself even more.
Of course, he refuses to seek any manner of professional medical attention or assistance for his condition and would rather deal with it himself. Good luck trying to convince him otherwise.
Why doesn't he just revert to his Dragonstone form to sidestep the pain? Aside from that these injuries are much too old to ever heal with that method and it would only delay the inevitable, well, that's another headcanon.
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videcoeur · 2 years
♡ a heart for yo bois : Hawks, Nacir, Dio, Crocodile, Doflamingo :>
For every "♡" I get, I'll give a tip on how to win my muse's heart.
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Be Nessa, I fucking guess- but for real, just be warm, don't push your affection on him, don't be too obvious, or he'll run. Feelings have to grow slowly and worm their way inside his heart. If he feels like you're too attached already, he'll detach himself. The best way to win him is to not try to win him.
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Nacir's a real fucken playaaaaaaaaaaaa, and he takes almost nothing seriously. For him to take someone seriously and consider a relationship- that person would have to be polyamorous, as he is also polyamorous. They'd have to be down to roll down a grassy hill laughing, they'd have to be down getting dirty, and a bit adventurous, and they'd have to be just as playful as the satyr is. He lives life like every day is the last and wants someone that entertains living the same way they would a fair/carnival. Every day with their person must be fun!
And yes, he can care for loved ones on bad days, but he can't be with someone who doesn't try to get better when things go awry.
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I don't know what would compel anyone to win this bitch boy's heart for real. He sucks. Bad. 10/10 would throw him in a cage, then throw the cage at the bottom of a well, close the lid, bury the well and forget about him completely.
I think to win his heart, you must be equally capable of worshiping him and all of his decisions, but also tell him when he's wrong, but in a way that he'll realize it himself and then change his plans. You can't upset him too much, but you also can't be compliant 100% of the time.
It's really a hit-and-miss with Dio, and I'm not sure he is capable of true, romantic love. I wouldn't classify him as romantic, but his love is definitely not the kind anyone with a sane mind would want.
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I have come to learn, through 20 years of roleplaying this Bastard Unlimited, that he falls for 2 types of people.
The Annoying One That Makes Him Want To Protecc ( @muselexum )
The Annoying One That Makes Him Want To Fight (@conquiistador / doflamingos)
Crocodile will fall in love with people that BOTHER HIM but in a meaningful way only. He fell for Akane because she reminded him of his past, and he's worried she's going down the wrong path. He wants her to not suffer as much as he did and wants to protect her, even from himself.
Meanwhile, he falls in love with Doflamingo because the man has the confidence and strength he desires because he thinks that someone who can pursue his goals so blatantly and confidently is nothing short of a king that deserves his admiration. Crocodile is a romantic at heart and soul, despite the dryness of his outward mask.
To make him fall in love, Be In His Space. Invade it in a way that he can't push you out, either by reaching his old dried heart or by being stronger than him, pushier than him, and acting like you know all of it.
He's a complex character, but he's so easy to read. He can try to keep his poker face all he wants, there's no hiding his own feelings. Except to Akane apparently but I'm blaming her youth and naivety for that c:
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Similarly to Dio, I cannot see this man having a healthy, loving relationship. Not that he's incapable of love, but he's grown so twisted that I do not believe his ability to love is normal. I think that no matter how much he thinks he loves someone, he could still cut them out of his life without hesitation at a moment's notice.
For that reason, I will not call him romantic, he is just plain bad and not a good choice at all for romance.
To win his heart? Defy him, but be strong enough to back your words without being strong enough to defeat him. He likes them feisty, and he likes a good challenge, but mostly, he likes to show his superiority to people he himself believes to be strong.
A good thing to note is that he tends to be more romantically interested in men for that reason. Women are usually... nice playthings or friends with benefits.
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