soapberryspringsrpg · 5 years
The tag #sbscommunity is one for posts that any and everybody can reply to! 
It can be used for town-wide message boards, mailing lists, whatever you can think of. If it’s available for the public to respond to, this is the tag you want to use.
Inaugural Use: the message board for Soapberry’s book club, Pump Up the Volumes.
Any character is welcome to respond in whatever fashion they like. With regards to the book discussion, people are free to take it where they want; a basic synopsis of the book is available here. This is an experimental sort of thing so there’s no rules!
I’ve used a little user avatar in Ephram’s first post; more avatars can be found here if you’d like to use them too:
fruit and vegetable
If you click on the pull-down arrow under the icon, you can select “show all sizes” to get a small version. I selected the PNG 32x32 size.
Happy group threading!
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ashnadir · 5 years
so you’re a bisexual (a brochure from 1998)
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[ Iann and his first wife Penny figure out Iann’s sexuality with a little help from a reliable source. headcanon based on Iann’s answer here.   homophobic slur tw (in Spanish) ]
Portland OR, June ‘98
“Okay. Oh- okay,”  Penny’s eyes flicked up at Iann, then she pressed the phone’s receiver against her collarbone. “She said it’s because you’re a bisexual.” 
“Um. What,” Iann said, with a nervous smile, as he looked around quickly to make sure no one was passing by.  They had to go to the payphone to call cousin Ana Maria in LA, since Iann had neglected to pay their home phone bill on time.  Iann insisted they use the more private payphone down by the park, but Penny just marched right over to the phone on the block, using all of Iann’s collected quarters and dimes to make the all-important call.
“Bisexual, you know, like.  Two, bi. Hold on--”  Penny said, then returned the phone to her ear, asking rapid questions in Spanish.  Iann listened keenly, because even though he never met Ana Maria, she was cosmopolitan and worldly and she always gave Penny great advice.  Or so Penny assured him, and Iann had no reason to distrust his best-friend-now-wife.  
He took a drag of his smoke and Penny mirrored him, taking a drag from hers as she kept the phone against her shoulder, and studied her long painted nails.  They were chipped. Iann would polish them again for her; he liked doing that, seeing how smooth he could get the hard coat on her pointed nail.  Whenever they fought, it was one of his go-to ways to get out of trouble: offer to polish Penny’s nails.  Worked like a charm, every time.
“So she says if you stared at Dan making out with that maricón and you got a hard-on, it’s because you find boys attractive. And you also find girls attractive - at least I hope you do.”  Penny grinned and kicked her Doc Marten boot playfully against his Chucks.  “The way you fuck sometimes I wonder.”
“I like girls!” Iann exclaimed loudly, then looked around again and laughed, reaching out to hold Penny’s hand. They were still newlyweds, still thinking everything they did was cute, and love could pull them through everything and it was them against the world, and all the rest of that romantic claptrap that would turn so bitter and frail after a year.  “I love you.”
“Uh-huh.  Si, uh-huh,”  Penny was back to listening to Ana Maria again.  Iann stood there and played with Penny’s hand, and imagined Ana Maria looking like a sophisticated supermodel - or better yet, like Selena. With a side-ponytail. No chipped nailpolish on Ana Maria, no way.
“So what? What’s she telling you?” Iann said impatiently, because he could only stand to be ignored for so long.    “I don’t want to...y’know, like sleep with Dan. I just...I don’t know.  He was - he looked like he was having a good time.  Ask Ana Maria what I have to do, if I’m a - a bisexual.”
Penny complied with Iann’s request, and then eventually hung up because their quarters ran out.  She put her arm around Iann’s waist, and they strolled back to their shitty apartment.  “She said you don’t have to do nuthin’.  Just don’t tell people you’re bisexual, like ever.  No one’ll understand. But you are, and that’s okay.”
“Well that’s a relief.”  Imagine if he had to tell his mother.  He hadn’t even told Mala that he’d gotten married.  Iann did consider telling Aunt Lily, because maybe she’d understand.  Maybe she could even explain the sexuality definitions a bit more to him, better than a library book, maybe even better than the mysterious Ana Maria who lived in LA.
But that would mean returning to Mala’s house. He couldn’t return.  
In Portland, in the city, he lived as a new, reinvented man with a normal life and a wonderful wife and everything was normal and perfect.  He could be bisexual in private, whatever it meant.  He was a lot of things in private: but to the world he was just a regular guy in a regular apartment with a regular marriage.  He kissed the side of Penny’s head, and he could feel her sigh in contentment, as she got her keys out, opened the door.
“So should I tell Dan?” Iann teased, his own arms wrapping around Penny’s waist as they tumbled into their apartment.
“Ha!  Only if I get to watch what happens next, you big dumb dork.”
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soapberrysheriff · 5 years
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Happy Pride from the SBS Sheriff Department!
This year, after much internal discussion plus consultation with members of the citizenry, the Sheriff Department has chosen to step down our ‘official’ presence at the Pride festivities. 
Pride has traditionally not been a celebration that requires much in the way of vigilance in the Springs, so your community officers will be participating in Pride in a more organic fashion. Particularly as the Commissioner identifies as two-spirit and the Sheriff as genderfluid queer, we feel it’s important to give members of the Department a chance to holistically experience Pride.
We’ll still be around and available to help anybody who needs it, of course! Just look for anybody wearing either of our assigned rainbow epaulettes: the fabric versions, or the feather versions.
(Your bird-loving Sheriff is opting for the feathers, so you know.)
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danisavin · 5 years
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                         “ I'm not strange, weird, off, nor crazy,                                                          my reality is just different from yours. ”
dani savin-floros: gender identity & sexuality
        -- - Dani uses they/them pronouns; their gender is classified as nonbinary; and they are pansexual. They are the spouse of Sam Floros-Savin in an open marriage (for now). They are a child or daughter, a sibling or sister, a doctor of archaeology, a professor and a witch who’s spellbound and in the closet about their realized species. Aside from their family and a handful of others, that is.
Dani never really questioned their gender or sexuality. Biologically, they are of the female sex, which they recognize, but have not ascribed to -- even from a young age. They lived with she/her pronouns and allowed themself to be identified by their biological sex by others as a child simply because they didn’t know any better. As far as they were concerned, those feminine terms were just words. They knew who they were. That was what mattered. It wasn’t until university that they discovered the gender and pronouns that truly fit them. From thereon, explaining and establishing this new vocabulary with others allowed those in their life to understand their past opinions and behavior that may have confused them previously. These individuals adapted to Dani’s rightful identity and they have openly shared it since.
In short, Dani’s vision of what it means to be nonbinary is vividly imbued with freedom and fluidity. The physical characteristics they possess have no influence on their lifestyle and choices. Feminine? Androgynous? Masculine? A hot combo? Why not? What they wear, their hobbies, who they sleep with, etc. are purely determined through their conscious thoughts; and their pansexuality is an extension of this. Dani is interested in people. Gender is irrelevant to them when it comes to sexual and romantic partners -- in all of their relationships, honestly. Who you are is what they’re looking for and they hope their own person is awarded equal consideration by everyone they meet.
[ for further info on their gender, pronouns, and perspective, click here! ]
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ephrampettaline · 5 years
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.. atronach block party [chatzy]
Ephram really just hadn't dwelled much on Danny's observation about him and Addie, taking it as conversation and not any particular inquiry. He held still for the picture, even though Addie herself was entirely distracted by the gumball machine. "If it's as awful as your reaction made it seem, then it'll be a good thing I'll be floppy-haired by the time I get home," Ephram laughed, leaning down as Addie squirmed out of his hold; he barely managed to get her down to a safe distance before she hit the ground and was motoring towards the gumballs. "Shoot. We best follow, huh?" Ephram moved towards the machine, remarking to Danny, "So is it just me, or are you and Cassie a lil ... awkward around each other?"
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freddiewatts · 5 years
anonymous asked: How out are you? To strangers? To your friends? To your family?
“Darling, I’ve never been in.”
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mayaparker · 5 years
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Maya & Pride;
Maya loves Pride. She went for the first time in Boston when she was fifteen with Officer Baer. Every year since she’s attended at least one Pride event and usually more than one. Pride in New York over the years are the source of many of her best memories from her life there. 
Of course, she loves the parties and to celebrate how far the movement has come. June in New York finds found her at Pride themed nights in clubs and bars, magically high about a quarter of the time. In fact, Pride is the only time it’s possible to get Maya fucked up enough to sing karaoke. By the end of each night she’s generally made out with at least one person if not more. Unfortunately, she’s also gotten into more than a few fights with asshats who want to ruin the party. She loves a good Parade. Really any event with a crowd she can get lost in.
Maya hasn’t forgotten either that Pride started as a riot. She always volunteers for at least one charity event during the month, usually something that she can lend her baking to. She likes to do this work all year long, but makes a special point to do it during Pride.
This year (the mun schedule permitting) will find her in attendance at most Pride events. Although she had a bit of a freakout at the Parade last year, she’s excited for this year’s. She’s likely as well to spend the month getting drunk with @scarlettxruby, getting to know her new sister @danisavin better, dragging @rydenbolt out dancing with her, spending the family friendly events with @fanesavin, @faye-andrews and Eowyn as well as whatever actually happens in game 😉
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callmedaisy-blog1 · 7 years
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When I Grow Up...
The first time someone asked Adelaide what she wanted to be when she grew up she was five years old. Like many five year old girls she wanted to be a princess. Her father counted that she would always be his little princess. A young Adelaide replied, “Thanks daddy, but I wants a castle.” She had several princess themed birthday parties and could more often than not be found singing Disney songs in the mansion’s hallways. 
When she was thirteen Adelaide wanted to be like her mother. She wanted to get married in a beautiful wedding to a handsome gentleman. Any time her mother was planning a party or gala the young werewolf would beg to help, with any aspect no matter how small. For the Christmas party she got to pick the desserts, something she made sure all of her father’s men knew. 
At eighteen at around two in the morning after she graduated public high school Colin asked Adelaide what she wanted to be when she grew up. Having learned more about her father’s buisness she knew that she no longer wanted any part of it. Her dreams were small, just a little apartment in Paris and a job at a cafe. In this fantasy Colin was of course there as well. They planned it all out, but the plan went terribly awry. Colin ended up dead and Adelaide locked in her room for six months. 
Now at nineteen Daisy, formerly Adelaide, has her whole life ahead of her, hopefully. She isn’t sure what she wants to be when she grows up, but she’s excited by the possibilities. Education is at the top of the list. As far as a job she’s thinking something outdoors-y. She’s been cooped up inside so long and her werewolf instincts long to run in the woods. Still she’s not settled on any particular career, figuring that she ought to explore the opportunities. 
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soapberryspringsrpg · 5 years
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No need to reblog!  If you want to participate:
Like this post
Send asks to people who liked this post
What’s your gender + orientation?
What celebrity is iconic of Pride for you?
Do you have people to celebrate Pride with?
Have you ever gone to a support/pride group?
Have you ever been to a pride event?
How often do you get tired of The Straights?
How do you feel about the fluidity of your sexuality?
Distinguished, functional, or disaster?
When/how did you realize you were LGBTQ+?
How out are you? To strangers? To your friends? To your family?
What is your coming out story? How did it go?
Did you have any childhood signs that you were LGBTQ+?
When did you start questioning?
Is there a subcategory you identify with? Butch, Femme, etc?
 What’s your experience with homophobia/biphobia/transphobia/etc. been like?
How do you express your sexuality/gender?
What’s your favourite part of Pride?
What do you think of the flag that represents you?
What’s one thing you wish for your LGBTQ+ group?
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ashnadir · 6 years
Heaven in His Arms by Lisa Ann Verge Miguel + Faye
Heaven in His Arms by Lisa Ann Verge
Forced to take a bride, André chooses sickly Genevieve, assuming she won’t survive the harsh winter. But Genevieve is not the frail noblewoman she appears to be, and André soon realizes that he needs her more than he ever expected…
@faye-andrews, @bumblingbrujo, @mayaparker
It wasn’t fair and Faye wasn’t ready for this, but she knew two unchangeable things: one, she’d never survive as one woman raising two girl-children by herself, not in this unfair, imbalanced world.  And two: she was lucky, that the town’s Senechal found this match for her.  
A nobleman, someone who’d bring status to their house, who could keep them living in good quality and good standing with their neighbours.  It grated on Faye to know that remaining unwed for too long would only bring about rumours and eventually hatred.  Of herself, of her children.  Accusations of witchery, or of slatternly behavior, and eventually ousting them from their homestead to preserve the ‘purity’ of the town.
Faye saw it happen before, to another widow in town.  She’d be damned if she let it happen to her children.
“A new father?” Maya asked, cradling Eowyn on her lap.
“No, he’ll never be your father,”  Faye growled, as she set a bread trencher in front of Maya, and filled it with stew.  They’d share tonight; winter was coming and Faye knew she had to keep reserves for when her new betrothed arrived.  Frail, soft little Lord who would probably demand a feast on his arrival.  He’d be nothing like her Knight-Errant Stefan; and Faye was sure of that, even if she was worried about everything else to come.
And when Viscount Miguel arrived, Faye took one look at him and snorted.  Short, small-boned, pretty features.  Just as she thought.  He was a popinjay, a little lord who probably never lifted a finger even to wipe his own arse.
“Come in then. Welcome to your new family, m’Lord,”  Faye said with a curtsy, which Maya imitated her mother, and even little Eowyn did the same.
Viscount Miguel got off his horse, and smiled, his large eyes wide with hope, ignorant of Faye’s brewing bitterness.  All he saw was a sweet little family, a perfect match for him, as the second son of a second son.  He pat his Bible, and then held it out towards them all.
“Let us all pray, thank the Lord in all his graciousness for giving us this opportunity and blessing.”
Faye stared incredulously at the Viscount - she and Stefan never prayed, they privately denounced the fallacy of religion years ago, even if they went through the motions for sake of the town. Was this going to be her life now?
Over dinner, Miguel gave thanks to the Lord again, and Maya had to hide her face behind her hands to prevent her laughing.  Halfway through the meal, Miguel broke into coughing.
“My Lord, is everything alright?” Faye asked, feigning concern but really her heart jumped with anticipation.
“It’s nothing. I’ve had it since I was a little boy.  I nearly drowned in a frozen lake, you see.  Harsh winters…”  Miguel said, taking some herb from a pouch and chewing on it.  He gave Faye a wan smile.  “Thank you for caring about your betrothed, my Lady.”
Faye watched his pale, damp skin under the dining hall’s firelight, and then smiled, patting Miguel’s hand.  “Anything for you, my Lord.”
Maya laughed again, and thank goodness Miguel just thought it was an encouraging, happy giggle.
Days turned into weeks, the months got colder and Faye’s constant work didn’t stop.  Miguel tried to help of course, but Faye believed it was better done if she just did it herself.  He just seemed so weak, so delicate. So she went on handling all the maintenance of the homestead, the food preparation, the management of the farmhands, the accounting, the trading - all of it.  
She had to admit that having Miguel warming her bed did help.  He seemed so sickly all the time, but he emanated a heat that worked well under the furs at night.    He didn’t touch her though, he seemed to be waiting for her permission.  Faye was fine with that, surprised by how careful he was with her wants and desires. She never gave him permission, but sometimes she did find herself talking to him in bed.
Talking about her Knight-Errant mostly.  How brave and bold and beautiful Stefan was, how he was a good husband and a doting father.  How tragedy struck her when he was killed and how she’d never recover.  And to his credit, Miguel just listened.  And in the darker nights, he even held her close.
But what was more remarkable was that given all the time he had no choice to be remain in the home, apparently he took it upon himself to teach the children.
Faye was worried and protective at first, but Maya assured him that Miguel wasn’t just harmless, but also he gave them interesting lessons and stories.  He wasn’t afraid to educate her girl-children, or even teach them basic swordplay, healing, and self-defense.  And Maya even called him a friend, like a nice older cousin. 
Sometimes while Faye was chopping wood or scrubbing laundry or making cheese, she thought about that.  She thought about what a good father Stefan was to his innocent sweet children, and she wept alone, by herself. 
Somehow, Miguel kept surviving through the winter.  It wasn’t like Faye wanted him to die, of course.  She’d been through enough, and besides - she needed him if only for his status and good standing.  And even his damned Bible.  She slowly got to know him, and was cautiously grateful that her children grew attached to him.
And as the months got deeper into winter, Faye watched her little family around the fire, and felt a glimmer of something she hadn’t felt since Stefan’s death: pride.  She was proud of them all, for surviving.  Even Viscount Miguel.
And if Miguel’s God was watching, then He certainly exercised His vengeance and punishment for Faye’s moment of pride. The bastard.
Because there came a day when winter started to melt and springtime woke up. A good, average day - until Maya came running into the stables where Faye and Miguel were currying the horses, and she gasped,  “Eowyn! She fell into the lake!”
Miguel leapt into action even before Faye moved.  She’d never seen him like this - so quick, so determined, charging out into the snow towards the lake.  
“Get the rails!” he ordered one of the farmhands; his command was so sharp and loud that the usually lazy man jumped into action.  Miguel pointed at another man.  “You there, get blankets and tell Cook to prepare hot water and broth!”
All this while he ran across the yard, nearly at the lake.  And he didn’t even stop then.  He was small and light on his feet; and that came in useful when it came to skating across the ice, eventually laying down on his chest and pushing himself towards the cracking surface.
“Oh my baby.  My baby!!”  Faye screamed, grabbing the railings and sliding them across the ice.
The rest all happened in a blur - but then the crisis was over. Eowyn was rescued, promptly brought home and slowly warmed up. She cried a lot, exhausted and cold, but she survived.
And they were all home, all of them.  All gathered around the giant fireplace, warm and safe and toasty and together.  Even the farmhands who helped were there, and Cook, doling out warm bread and broth.  All of them. Faye, her darling precious Eowyn, her brave Maya.  Stefan’s portrait hanging above, looking down on them like a benevolent angel. And Miguel.
Her husband.
Faye was on the settee, curled up against Miguel, her hand on his chest.  He was warm again, so warm and she was determined this spring to grow his special herb in swathes, and figure out once and for all what tinctures she could make to cure his cough.  And perhaps stave off any chance of Eowyn developing that same cough.
“You really do love all of us, don’t you?” she asked him quietly, watching the children asleep together on the rug.
“I do,” Miguel replied.  “I’d do anything for you, Faye. I thank God every day for letting me in your family.  You’re my blessing.”
Faye leaned up and kissed him.  Not a polite, affectionate kiss, but one that was deep and heavy and slow.  
“Then let’s bless this marriage properly, husband.”
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ephrampettaline · 5 years
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.. fire island nymph bonfire [ chatzy ]
Ephram grinned wider but a bit shyly. "Yeah," he said, "yeah! I got this thing, this artefact called a Cinquefoil? That helps to integrate a possessed person and a demon, and it don't always work--" (a helluva understatement, but Ephram didn't feel like getting into that part of it) "--but I guess I somehow got it to and, well. Here I am." Saying that out loud made him realize in a rush that it was a very literal statement, considering that most of his life, 'I' had included Anaxis. "Here I am. Just me." Even Iann had noticed the change in Ephram, palpable through his whole body and demeanour now that he wasn't using every iota of his magic to contain the demon presence and bear up under its constant, low-grade pain.
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freddiewatts · 5 years
Is there a subcategory you identify with? Butch, Femme, etc?
“It’s going to sound flippant when I say this - which it honestly isn’t - but it rather depends on my mood of the moment. Which, I suppose, is to say, that I don’t actually identify at all with any one particular subcategory. 
I mean, as anyone who knows me can attest to, if had to sort myself into a box, it would likely be Femme over classically Butch - I like my pretty clothes, and my jewellery, and being fussed over, far too much to ever want to do without them - but I know myself, and I could never really be happy or comfortable being relegated to any single idea or definition.
Why bother? I prefer to simply be myself.”
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soapberryspringsrpg · 5 years
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prompt: a soapberry self-para rec list
So a fun new idea! There’s two things that go great together and would be even more neat in this game, and those are:
rec lists of your fave self-paras for your character
feedback fun!
Submit to the main a rec list of 1-2 of what you consider your best self-paras, and we’ll compile a full list for participants in the game.
Once we post the rec list, read a few of the self-paras and send the player some feedback!  Any feedback is good, and it’s especially a treat to get in-depth comments. Challenge yourself to leave comments on something specific that you enjoyed!
Hopefully this little endeavour will give us all some new, interesting self-paras to read (plus insights into each others’ characters), and the added bonus of feedback on our writing/character-building. 
Looking forward to seeing people participate! :D
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soapberryspringsrpg · 5 years
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June is Pride Month!
And Soapberry’s celebrations for the month are perhaps some of the most eclectic and happily wild times in the country.  All month, the town of Soapberry Springs has celebrated with various Pride events hosted by different groups and communities across the town.  Events include:
Pride Parade (of course!)
Block parties
Community centre events for families, teens and children
Pubs, nightclubs and other nightlife events every weekend (sometimes every weeknight!)
Functions at hotels, restaurants, and other businesses
Town Square gatherings, vigils and memorials 
Performances: plays, bands, singers, dancers all presented at the local theatres, SBSU outdoor amphitheatre, and the high school gymnasium.
Entirely optional Soapberry task for charactersl!  We encourage Players to make posts, self-paras, aesthetics, etc about what their characters do to celebrate Pride.  It can be participation in events, hosting events at their place of business, or maybe just a personal reflection on their own ideas of Pride.  
Be sure to tag your posts #sbsprompt
Players are also welcome to make threads regarding these Pride events!  The Mods know we’re announcing this mid-June (really busy month, haha) but there’s no rush.  We also invite people to hang out in chatzy, for events such as the Pride Parade and other Pride-related gatherings.
Happy Pride!
(and stay tuned for a new Plot Drop happening in July!)
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ephrampettaline · 5 years
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“But did that glorious moment of revelation really change anything? I don't know. Sometimes, I don't think so. I may have a name for what I am now--but I'm just as confused and out of place as I was before. And if today is any indication, I'm still playing out that scene in the toy store--trying to pick the thing that will cause the least amount of drama. And not having much success.”
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ephrampettaline · 5 years
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.. erzebets’ for pride [chatzy]
Bella picked up a red macaron on one of the tables scattered around the edges of the room. That evening was open mic for whoever wanted to go on stage and sing, or play some kind of instrument they had one stage. Currently there were two girls up singing 'Smoke Weed Eat Pussy' by Ängie and Bella hummed along once she got the tune, eyes scanning the room as she chewed on her pastry. "Hey, you better be going up," she said when she spotted someone she recognised.
Ephram demurred, "Well, now, I don't know no songs bout smokin' cock and crack pipes, so there's no way I could compare with that act." Ephram smiled and reached out for a macaron, deciding on taking two.
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