Hi all, 
I have entered the land of sickness again (🙄) and I’m looking to write some imagines to keep me occupied while I’m laid up in bed. So, if you have any requests, send them my way either via inbox or through private message.
Who I write for:
Taron Egerton (and any of his characters) 
Richard Madden (and any of his characters)
Scott Eastwood (and any of his characters)
Evan Peters (and any of his characters)
Note: I am open to writing for any female actors and characters that they play as well.
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Luke Collins: Easter Brunch and Cowboys.
Note: This was requested by one of my followers on Wattpad and I thought I’d share it on here as well. This a Scott Eastwood imagine...Well one of his Characters. If you have seen the movie ‘The longest Ride’, you will be familiar with who Luke Collins is.
I hope that you enjoy this and if you did, please be sure to let you know.
I do want to remind you all as well that my inbox is now closed for requests. Thank you to those of you that requested an imagine. They will be up sometime next week.
Take care all, Enjoy!
Being the new girl in town was always a daunting thing for Souline, or as her friends called her, Ana, but as she got settled into a routine of going to work, interacting with people and setting her new home up, the more she felt like she finally belonged. She felt at peace because she had finally found a place where she could really let loose and be her carefree and spontaneous self. It was heaven for her to be in such a rodeo friendly town of her always dreamed about, Monroe, North Carolina.
“Morning Ana.” Emma greeted as her new colleague walked into work. Souline smiled. It was nice to have people greet her in the mornings. Lord knows that no one paid any mind to her in the last town she was in. She was practically invisible there and while it was alright for a time, it just got irritating and allowed Souline to see that she needed a fresh start, thus leading her here. Her job at the tractor supply co.
“Morning.” Ana returned with a warm and friendly smile. Emma smiled back and continued on with restocking the shelves.
Ana set to work with her daily chores she had to do, and boy did they work up her appetite.
“Ana, would you mind taking these tools to the back for me? I have to open.” Emma asked kindly. Ana nodded.
“Sure, no problem.” She said, doing as she was asked.
A few hours later and without anyone hardly coming by the shop, Emma and Ana were able to close up for a bit and head out for lunch. They had chosen a sweet little diner and made their way to an empty booth in the back.
“Man, I’m surprised. Normally we have so many people come by the shop on a Wednesday, but I guess today is a quiet day.” Emma said as she perused the menu in her hands. She decided on the BBQ chicken sandwich and curly fries whilst Ana settled on the classic American diner meal, burger, fries and coke. Her ultimate go to.
The waitress took their orders and with a cordial smile, disappeared to the kitchen.
“So, what are your plans for the weekend?” Emma asked. Ana shrugged. She hadn’t quite gotten into the routine of think past the day she was on. She was more living hour by hour as she was still trying to adjust.
“I don’t know. Why?” She asked. Emma nodded.
“I’m hosting an Easter brunch on Saturday and thought maybe you’d like to join. I could introduce you to a few people.” Emma replied. Ana thought about it. It would be nice to meet a few people and make some more friends.
“It sounds like it could be fun. What time is it?” Ana responded. Emma beamed. She was excited to say the least.
For the next little bit, Emma gave Ana all the details and they gushed about their favorite Easter memories.
Saturday morning rolled around quicker than Ana could fathom and as she stood looking at the Easter themed sugar cookies she’d made and packaged up, she felt a sense of upcoming change. It didn’t feel daunting though, it felt warm and welcome. She was about to meet some town folk and hopefully make some new friends. One could never have too many friends, especially when it came to living in a small town.
“Ok, keys, check. Phone and purse, check. Cookies, check. I think I’ve got everything.” Ana mumbled to herself as she made sure she had everything that she needed. Once satisfied, she made her way to her silver ford focus and typed in Emma’s home address.
The drive to Emma’s was nice. The birds chirped as the warm spring sun shone down on the nature below. The occasional body of water glistened and sparkled in the sunrays. The grass peppered with dew drops and the air around her was fresh and crisp. It was a gorgeous morning, and it was perfect for the even that was going to unfold.
Finally, Ana arrived and found an empty space to park. She grabbed her belongings and made her way to where Emma had told her to go. The backyard.
“Oh my gosh, you made it at last.” Emma said dramatically as she threw her arms around Souline’s neck in a hug. Ana chuckled and hugged her colleague back.
“It’s a beautiful drive up here.” Ana noted as she and Emma pulled from the hug. Emma nodded.
“It’s why I love it out here in the boonies, so to speak.” Emma said.
“So, what’s this you have here?” Emma questioned, seeing the nicely wrapped plate in Ana’s hands.
“I hope you don’t mind but I made some cookies. My mother always told me never to show up somewhere empty handed.” Ana replied. Emma grinned.
“You’re amazing. Thank you so much. Now, come and let’s get you a drink.” Emma returned.
By the time that everyone was sitting down to eat, Ana had met so many people she could barely keep count. There was Mark and Flora Patrick who owned the local butcher’s, Diane Mason who owned the flower shop, Davis and Fiona Daniels who owned the local Café down the road from where she and Emma worked. Then there was Kate. Kate was a sweet widow with a son who was supposed to be at the brunch but was ‘late as usual’ or so Kate and Emma told her.
“Well, thank you for coming everyone, it’s a pleasure to see you all. I know that today is one that most of you would rather be doing something else than having brunch with me, but it means a lot that you’d join me for this. I also want to say a huge welcome to Ana. She hasn’t been here that long, but she’s fit into this town very nicely and I don’t think this brunch would be complete without her.” Emma said as she stood and made a toast. Ana was slightly embarrassed, but she soon found that she didn’t have to be.
“Right, let’s eat.” Emma announced and everyone began dishing up and chatting among themselves.
“Kate, where’s Luke. I really want him to meet Ana.” Emma whispered to the woman on her left. Kate shrugged.
“Probably forgot about the brunch. I’m sorry.” Kate replied. Emma shook her head. She and Luke had gone to school together, so it wasn’t exactly surprising behaviour from him.
“Don’t worry about it, I’m sure ugly will turn up sooner or later.” Emma joked. Kate smiled and rubbed Emma’s back. She knew this brunch was important to Emma since it was something her grandmother had started before; she had passed away two years prior.
“Who are you calling ugly? Ugly.” Luke teased as he walked up behind his mother and his school friend. Emma pulled a face at him and in return he stuck his tongue out at her.
“Luke, go sit down please.” Kate told him. He nodded and went to sit with Mark and Flora at the other end of the table.
During his meal though, Luke’s attention was drawn to the brunette beauty sitting next to Emma. Her eyes a brilliant blue and her smile so bright it illuminated everything around her. Her laugh was music to his ears and from what he heard of her voice, it made him feel like angels were singing. Ok, maybe that’s a bit cheesy even for him but the point is, he felt butterflies each time he looked at her and that hadn’t happened in a long time. He had to get her number.
“So Luke, how have you been?” Emma asked once a silence had settled upon the table. Luke smiled and nodded. All eyes were on him, including the beautiful brunette. He tried not to focus too much on the woman but kind of failed. Everyone could see that he was smitten. Everyone but Ana.
“Yeah, alright. Busy, I guess.” He replied in a typical Luke manner.
Emma had seen her friend making goo-goo eyes at Ana and she knew that Ana had a thing for bull riders so she figured this would be a good way to give her friends some kind of start to what could be the rest of their lives.
“Any new tournaments coming up?” Emma asked. Luke knew what she was doing but decided to play her little game.
“Yeah, there is one coming up in a few weeks in Charlotte. So, lots of training.” He spoke. Emma nodded and could see Ana in the corner of her eye, trying to work out what Luke did. Emma bit her lip and looked at Luke with mischief in her eyes. He glanced back at her, silently pleading her to stop her games. She didn’t.
“Do you know which bull you’re riding for it?” Emma asked, knowing full well how these things worked.
“Nope, not yet.” He responded, giving her a slight stink eye. She chuckled and dropped the subject to carry on eating her French toast.
“Are you sure you have to go?” Emma asked as Ana stood putting on her coat and shoes. Ana nodded.
“I promised my sister I’d call her, and I have some more unpacking to do.” She replied. Emma pouted playfully and pulled her friend into a warm hug.
“Thank you for coming today. It was great to see you.” Emma told her friend.
“Thanks for inviting me. I will say that it was a little daunting at first, but it got better and thanks to you, I now know where to get the best meat, coffee and flowers in town.” Ana said.
“I’m glad that you had a great time. We should do this again sometime.” Emma said. Ana nodded in agreement.
“Definitely. I’ll see you on Monday.” Ana replied, getting into her car.
“Oh and Emma?” Ana asked.
“Yes?” Emma questioned in reply.
“Don’t think I don’t know what you’re doing.” Ana answered, giving the other woman a pointed but playful look. Emma feigned shock whilst laying her hand over her heart.
“Why, Souline, I have no idea what you could be referring to.” Emma said, adding a giggle at the end for good measure.
“Bye Emma.” Ana said, closing her car door and driving off. Just then, Luke came running out.
“Damn it.” He muttered.
“What was that rodeo boy?” Emma teased. Luke smiled.
“I wanted to get her number.” He admitted.
“Are my cupid ears deceiving me?” Emma said. Luke rolled his eyes.
“Alright cupid, cough it up.” Luke replied, knowing that Emma had the number he felt he so desperately needed.
Emma smirked and went inside with Luke trailing behind her. The woman stopped in her kitchen to write the number down.
“Use it wisely Luke and remember, she is my friend so if you hurt her…” She warned.
“I get it Em. You’ll hurt me.” He sighed. She nodded.
“Good, now go text your lady love.” Emma said as she walked off to go and rejoin her other guests.
Later that night, Luke still hadn’t plucked up the courage to text Souline. He didn’t know what to say but then he remembered something that his mom used to say. ‘Sometimes life can throw things at you that scare you but it’s how you deal with those situations that can make or break you.’ He sure didn’t want to let this slip through his fingers.
<<Hi Souline, this is Luke. We met earlier at the brunch. I was wondering if you’d like to grab a coffee sometime?>>
He sent the text and waited, nervous for her potential reply.
<<Oh yeah, I remember you. Coffee sounds great. Name a time and I’ll be there.>> Came her speedy reply. She had been hoping that she’d hear from him. She knew that Emma would give him her number.
<<Tomorrow at 4:30pm ok?>> He texted back. She bit her lip at his reply. Was it too soon? Nah, it was never too soon to grab the bull by the horns.
<<Sure thing cowboy. See you then😉>> She typed and sent. Her heart racing for what their future would bring. She couldn’t wait to find out.
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Luke Collins: Easter Brunch & Cowboys ~Part 2.
Note: This is the second part to the last Luke Collins (the longest ride) imagine I posted. It is on the shorter side but nevertheless, I hope that you enjoy it.
The next morning Ana woke up feeling refreshed and excited for the evening would entail. She knew coming to this town would have it’s daunting moments, but this was one of the highlights that she was hoping for. A fresh start in regard to the dating department.
As Ana stretched and yawned, her phone rang, and she was surprised to find Luke’s name flash across the screen. Butterflies erupted in her belly at his reason for calling now.
“Hello?” Ana answered, trying not to sound too eager or too unsure of herself. Luke smiled.
“Good morning, Ana. How are you?” He asked.
“I’m good thanks Luke. How are you?” She replied.
“Well, to be honest Ana, I’m not doing too great.” He answered and Ana bit her lower lip in anticipation for his next sentence.
“Oh, what’s happened. If you don’t mind me asking that is.” Ana said.
“I forgot that I had a competition tonight and it starts at 4pm.” Luke told her, scratching the back of his neck, worried for her response. Ana sighed and looked at her clock. It was still around breakfast time, and she could use a coffee now.
“Would this morning work for coffee?” Ana questioned, hoping he’d say yes.
“If it’s not too much trouble.” Luke replied, making Ana smile. She was glad he agreed.
“How does 30 minutes sound?” Ana asked. Luke looked at his watch and quickly calculated the time in which he’d have if he left now as he and his mother lived a little out of town.
“That sounds good but just know that if I’m not there right away, I am on my way. I live a little out of town.” He explained.
“No worries, Luke. I can even order for you if you’d like that way when you get here, you don’t have to wait in line or anything.” Ana said.
“I appreciate that Ana but I’m insisting that I pay for coffee since I’m the one that asked you out.” He told her.
“I see, how gentlemanly of you.” Ana teased, making Luke chuckle.
“I’ll see you soon Ana.” He said and the two bid their goodbyes.
30 minutes should be enough time to shower, change do hair and make up and get her shopping list done so she go shopping after, right?
Sitting outside the only café in town, Ana sat watching the cars go by and wondered what their day entailed. Were they going to a family get together for easter? Were they going home after a long night on the town? Who knew really. There were endless of possibilities.
“I thought I said I was buying the coffee.” Luke said as he finally arrived and sat down opposite Ana. Ana smirked and shrugged.
“Well cowboy, you should have been faster.” She teased, making Luke roll his eyes playfully.
“Yeah, alright.” He replied.
“So, a competition tonight?” Ana asked, taking a sip of her Vanilla caramel latte. Luke nodded and took a sip of his own drink, surprisingly really enjoying the coffee Ana chose for him. A new favorite perhaps?
“Yeah.” Luke replied, feeling his nerves rise from the pit of his stomach.
“Is it here or out of town?” Ana wondered out loud.
“It’s in the next town.” He replied. Ana shrugged.
“Kind of odd to have these things on a weekend especially easter weekend no less.” Ana commented. Luke had to nod. He agreed, it was a little odd.
“Would you want to tag along?” Luke asked, casually testing the waters. Ana looked at him with a little flush to her cheeks.
“Just so you know, I wasn’t saying that, so you’d invite me. I was just genuinely curious.” She told him quickly. Luke looked at her and smiled brightly.
“We could grab dinner afterward, maybe a beer as well?” Luke said.
“Two dates in one day? I don’t know about that. I mean, don’t you need a chance to miss me a little bit?” Ana questioned playfully, though Luke could tell that she was hiding her nerves.
“I know you weren’t inviting yourself Ana and yes, two dates in one day sound pretty good to me.” He replied. Ana took a drink of her coffee and pondered for a second. What did she have to lose? Luke seemed genuine and like he was interested in getting to know her so what was the big deal?
“Dinner sounds great.” Ana said after a minute of silence. Luke beamed and nodded his head.
“Perfect.” He replied.
The two of them spent the rest of the morning planning out where to go, what to do and where to meet on the rodeo grounds once Ana arrived for the event that evening.
It was going to be great, and Ana was excited to see how the rest of the day went. Had she finally found ‘the one’? or had she only found a fling? That’s what the rest of the night was riding on….no pun intended.
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Clinton Romesha: Let’s try again.
Note: This is my first Scott Eastwood imagine and with the fact that I have never seen the movie The Outpost, I think I did a pretty decent job of writing this. Please let me know what you think as well.
On another note, please be aware that this imagine does mention PTSD due to war and it also mentions Miscarriage/infant loss. If you are unable to read material like this because of the mentioned topics, please click out now.
Reader discretion is advised.
For Clinton Romesha, being home had been tough. Visions of past colleagues flooded his brain constantly and hearing their cries only made him shiver, cars back firing had caused unfathomable flashbacks. All of which made his wife feel helpless. She so badly wanted him to know that it was ok but when he wouldn’t listen or he’d go off on his own for a walk or whatever, it made her worry. This evening was no different unfortunately.
Clinton and Amaranth had gone out for a walk with their four-legged little boy, Scooby. Scooby was a service dog and quite honestly a handful. He was given to the Romesha’s to help aid Clinton and his PTSD. When the puppy had sensed Clinton stiffen at a screaming adult, Scooby jumped up and pawed at his owner’s legs. Amaranth noticed this and watched her husband’s glazed over expression with worry. She picked Scooby up so that he could give Clinton a lick on the cheek like he always did. The gesture a soothing reminder that he was ok and home safe.
“Baby, do you want to go home?” Amaranth asked after Scooby had completed his job. Clinton turned to his wife and smiled at her somewhat unconvincingly. He shook his head.
“No, it’s ok. I’m fine.” He tried. Amaranth sighed.
“Are you sure?” She questioned. Clinton nodded, took hold of his wife’s hand and placed a gentle kiss to the back of it.
“Yes. Now, what were you saying?” Clinton questioned, wanting to get back on track as to rid his brain of the flashback he had just experienced.
“I was saying that now you’re home, maybe we should try for a baby.” She said, now regretting the timing of this conversation topic. Clinton cleared his throat.
“I know, I’m sorry. Let’s just drop it and forget I said anything.” She replied quickly. Clinton stopped walking.
“Do you mind if I take Scooby the rest of the way and meet you back at the house?” He questioned. Amaranth looked at him with defeat in her eyes. She really wanted to have a baby with him and with what had happened to her husband in Afghanistan not too long ago, she realized how precious life was and how much she wanted to have kids with him after all.
“Love you.” She said half heartedly, kissing Clinton and walking back in the direction of their home.
Clinton watched her and knew all too well that his wife was upset. It had been a while since their miscarriage and choice to not have any kids because the thought of loosing anymore babies was way too difficult for them. Especially now that he had seen what he had seen, he knew that if anything were to happen, it would send him spiraling.
“Come on Scooby.” Clinton said to his companion, trying not to let Amaranth’s reaction plague his mind too much. He had a lot to think about.
Whilst Clinton and Scooby walked around the park some more, Amaranth sat in what would have been their baby’s nursery and looked around.
Paint swatches left untouched on the walls, the closet holding a few items they had bought for the baby, books, toys, change table, crib half set up. So much was left undone in this room, and it made Amaranth feel like a failure. She couldn’t keep her tears in any longer. She so badly wanted to be a mom and now with Clinton seeming like he didn’t want that at all, it broke her heart even further. She didn’t know what to do.
Amaranth stayed in the nursery for a little longer and imagined what it would be like to walk in here and see a baby laying happily in their bed, see them playing with toys, to read the baby stories, listen to the sound of Clinton’s voice talking to the baby through the monitor. She wanted all of it and now she wasn’t sure if Clinton did.
Wiping all of that from her mind, Amaranth swiped her tears away, stood up and went to bed. Her emotions running over like never before.
“I’m home.” Clinton called half an hour later as he and Scooby walked through the front door. Amaranth didn’t answer though.
“Honey, are you here?” Clinton tried again a bit louder. Amaranth heard him but didn’t want to reply, so instead she turned over with her back facing the door and tried to close her eyes as she clutched the baby blanket closer to her chest. The last reminder of what she had failed to keep alive.
Not more than 10 minutes later, Clinton entered the bedroom and saw his wife on the bed.
“Are you awake?” He asked, hopeful for an answer. Amaranth could only sniffle, giving her husband clear indication that she was upset. Clinton softened at that and walked over to her.
“Babe, what’s the matter?” He questioned. Amaranth didn’t know what to say. Was she upset that Clinton didn’t seem to want a baby, was she upset that they lost the baby or was she upset because she was ready to call it quits with Clinton and the thought hurt her? It was a mix of everything.
“Please tell me?” He spoke.
“Why do you shoot the idea of having a baby down all the time?” She said, finally being able to find her voice.
“I don’t shoot it down all the time.” He defended.
“Yes, you do. It may not be with words all the time but it’s in the sighs you give me, the clearing your throat or in the expressions on your face.” Amaranth explained. Clinton knew that she was right.
“What do you want me to say? That I’m scared shitless of loosing another baby because if that’s what you want well, there you go. I’m scared ok. I’m scared that I’ll not be the father you want me to be, that I’ll spiral out of control if the worst happens again. I’m scared that I’ll not be around for our baby if I get deployed again. I’m scared of everything.” Clinton said. It wasn’t loud but it was enough to let Amaranth know that her husband was fighting his inner frustration with all of this as well.
“You couldn’t have just told me that from the moment I brought it up again? You make me feel like you don’t want this with me.” She replied, sitting up and letting him see how sad she was and how tightly she was grasping the baby blanket. Clinton’s face paled.
“Look, can we not do this right now. I need a shower.” He said, avoiding the topic again. This pissed Amaranth off.
“Fine but answer me this. Are you trying to drive me away because quite honestly, it’s working.” She said firmly. Clinton turned to face her. Tears in his eyes.
“I’m not trying to drive you away. I love you more than anything in this world, I told you that when I married you. I’m terrified of all of this disappearing from me, from you.” He said, gesturing around the room and between them.
“Then stop running away from me Clinton. I love you too and I want a life full of kids with you but the more you pull away, the more I feel like I’m wasting my time here.” She told him. Clinton moved towards her and pulled her into a hug. The hug they both needed.
The next morning, Clinton was up before Amaranth. He pottered around the kitchen making breakfast for her as a way to apologize. He wanted her to know that he loved her and despite all of his inner battles, he was willing to take a leap of faith and try again. He had even booked an appointment with a therapist so that he could have a better handle on things.
“Why are you up so early?” Amaranth asked as she hugged him from behind. Clinton chuckled.
“I was going to surprise you with breakfast in bed, but it would seem that it’s spoilt now.” He joked. Amaranth smiled cheekily.
“I love you, babe.” She whispered, kissing his bare back. Clinton turned in her arms, leaned down and captured her lips in a sweet, tender but hungry kiss. He hadn’t done that in a while.
“Wow, what’s gotten into you?” She teased. Clinton rested his head on his wife’s shoulder.
“I’m going to try and sort things out. I booked a therapy appointment and while I can’t promise to agree overnight, I do think that trying again would be nice.” He told her. Amaranth beamed with excitement.
“Really?” She asked. Clinton nodded.
“I don’t want to lose you either and if last night taught me anything, it’s that if this marriage is going to work, we both need to make sacrifices and try our hardest to be open and honest.” He explained. Amaranth hugged him tighter.
“It wouldn’t have anything to do with the make up sex, would it?” She laughed.
“No, but it was worth it. We haven’t been that way since before we got married.” He replied, equally as jolly sounding.
Neither one of them realizing that their baby was just weeks away from being discovered.
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