Hi 😊 I want to ask if you could write a story with Taron Egerton 😊 I have this idea of him surprising his wife with a gift of your choice and then she has a surprise for him that on the next Christmas there will be a little one joining at the table :) In the end you can make it a bit smutty if you want as a way of them enjoying the Christmas and celebrating the little bean in her belly 😊
Note: Thank you so much for all of your patience on this and thank you for your request, I had a lot of fun writing it. Please note that this is unedited as well.
P.S: This is long and may not be as well edited as I thought. Please also note that this imagine mentions infertility, failed adoptions and pregnancy after a long time of trying. If this is triggering for you, please click away now.
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As the fireplace crackled and popped, emanating a warmth so cozy and delightful and the angelic instrumental soundings rang softly through the air, y/n took her time decorating the Christmas cookies that she had made that morning as a way to cope with how annoyed she was. She even went as far as pulling on one of her husband’s Christmas sweaters and a pair of his black sweatpants. Her feet were adorned with warm thick chunky socks, the same kind her grandfather used to wear on the days he was home and wanted to be cozy. It made her feel closer to him and she needed that today.
You see, Taron and y/n had been married for a long while now and had been trying for a baby of their own with no success. It got to the point where y/n was having huge meltdowns because she was sure that she was pregnant, only to find out that it was all in her head and her body had tricked her. She wanted to be a mother so badly, but it just wasn’t meant to be. So, the next step for the couple was to adopt a baby, to which they were so excited but there again was disappointment waiting for them at the end of it all. The young mother had at the very last minute decided that she wanted to keep her baby. Taron and y/n couldn’t fault her for wanting to keep the baby and give raising her a go.
Trying to adopt another baby and going through that process again was difficult, especially since y/n had received a call that morning confirming the fact that the baby she and Taron were hoping to adopt was no longer up for adoption. Y/n was so mad and so heartbroken. She had no idea what to do but she thanked the stars that Taron was out doing Christmas shopping with his sisters. It meant that she had time to process things on her own and it also meant that Taron could spend time with the two precious girls he loved so much.
Putting the last cookie down, y/n looked around and sighed to herself. She just had accept that she and Taron would never be parents in the way that they’d hoped. Sure they had godchildren and his siblings, but it wasn’t the same. She wanted so badly to be able to carry a child within her, to feel their movements and kicks, to pick out a name for them, to buy things for them, to build a nursery for them. To hold them and love them until she could no longer. She wanted to give this to Taron, but it just wasn’t to be. Infertility truly sucked and there was nothing they could do, even though they tried everything in their power.
“Siri, play O Holy night.” Y/n called out, hoping that somehow, her grandfather’s most favorite Christmas song would help soothe her even further than the warm chunky socks she was wearing.
As the song started to play, y/n closed her eyes and thought of when she was a child and would stay with her grandparents around the holidays. Her grandmother would bake cookies and have the house all decorated with family heirlooms of Christmases past. The room she would stay in even had it’s own Christmas tree that y/n was allowed to decorate herself with all the special ornaments that her grandparents had bought just for her. She thought of the nights she watched her grandparents dance slowly to the crooning of Judy garland, Nat King Cole, Bing Crosby and others. It warmed her heart and showed her what to hold out for in a relationship. Everything about the Christmas season was supposed to be a time of joy, not sorrow.
Slowly, y/n opened her eyes and smiled to herself. Sure, kids may not be in the plan for her and Taron, but she had him and that’s all that mattered. Him and the slow dancing they’d do every night before bed as a way to connect with each other and just feel close to one another. It was magic for her and always made her heart happy. He was her world and as long as she had him, everything would be ok.
Standing up and walking to the kitchen to make herself another cup of hot chocolate, y/n’s phone rang. She pulled the device from her pocket and saw a facetime request from Taron. She chuckled and hit the green button. Soon his face appeared on the screen with Mari and Rosie sitting on either side of him. They had grown so much, and it always blew y/n’s mind when she saw them after a while.
“Hello you three. Are you having fun?” Y/n asked as she smiled at the trio. Mari and Rosie nodded their heads and Taron, well he rolled his eyes. Y/n could tell that it was done in playful jest.
“We got lots of last presents and we even got gingerbread house kits.” Mari told her sister-in-law gleefully, making y/n laugh. She loved Mari’s innocence, especially when it came to Christmas. Everything was new for her, even if she had celebrated the season before.
“That sounds like great fun. I’m glad you could do this today.” She told them but Taron could tell that something was off.
“Everything ok?” He asked. Y/n nodded and gave him her best convincing smile. He wasn’t sure but knew to leave it since the girls were with him.
“Listen, I have food in the oven for tonight so I’m going to that, and I’ll see you all later. I love you.” Y/n replied. It wasn’t a lie; she really did have food in the oven, but she truthfully just wanted to mope around the house some more so that it was mostly out of her system by the time that Taron got home.
“Ok love. Have fun. We love you too.” Taron said as the girls waved and blew kisses to y/n.
Y/n smiled warmly and waved back. Suddenly the screen went black, and she went back to her moping. Well, not really. She pulled the now cooked food out of the oven, turned the oven off and went to have a nap.
A couple hours later, y/n had woken up from her nap. She did feel better but the dream she had was surreal and made her wonder if it was more of a premonition than anything.
It was Christmas the next year and she and Taron were watching on as their baby was passed around like a parcel at a party. It was so vivid that y/n could see everything. The decorations, the house, the clothes that everyone was wearing and more so, she could see what their baby looked like. A beautiful mix of her and her husband.
The dream may have shaken y/n, but she wanted so desperately to believe that this was a premonition and not a falsehood that her mind had made up because of the unfortunate she received that morning. So, mustering up her courage, she took out her very last pregnancy test and went to the bathroom on very very shaky legs.
She took the test, closed the cap and waited for three minutes. Three very long and torturous minutes. She sat down on the edge of the tub and began picking at the skin around her fingers. Oh how she wished she wasn’t alone right now.
Just before the three-minute mark, her phone rang. It was Taron.
“Hi babe, how are you?” Y/n asked as calmly as she could, as to not give anything away.
“I’m alright but I’m calling to let you know that the girls and I are going to wrap gifts, which means I’ll be home later than I wanted to be.” Taron explained. Y/n smiled.
“Taron, stay as long as you want. I’ll be here when you get back.” Y/n replied.
“Are you sure?” He asked.
“Yes.” Y/n answered, looking down at the covered test on the counter. She wondered if she should tell Taron or keep it to herself in the smallest and slight chance that they were finally having a baby.
“What about dinner?” He asked, making y/n chuckle and look away from their possible future.
“Don’t worry about that T. I can always heat things up.” Y/n told him.
“I love you so much, Cariad.” He replied.
“I love you too, Taron. Now please, tell your mam and Guy I said hi and go have fun gift wrapping.” Y/n said warmly.
“I will and y/n?” Taron asked once more.
“Yes Taron?” Y/n questioned in reply.
“Whatever was bothering you earlier, just know that I’m here and it will work out. I promise.” He said, unknowingly calming her racing heart and nervous feelings.
“Thank you baby.” Y/n replied as they both bid their final goodbyes and hung up.
Y/n placed her phone on the counter and looked back at the test. She took a deep breath and just as she was about to uncover the results, she felt comforting hands on her back the way her grandparents would place their hands on her back when she was sad, scared or just needed comforting. This made her smile as she realized that were with her.
Y/n closed her eyes and removed the wrapper before slowly opening her eyes. She gasped and tears cascaded down her cheeks with pure joy and elation. She was pregnant. Taron was right, everything was going to work out.
From the moment that y/n found out about the baby, she grew giddy with happiness. She hardly knew what to do with herself. She had so many ideas over the years of how she was going to tell Taron but now, non of them felt good enough. This had to be special and memorable. Something neither of them would forget. Something worth telling this baby in the future when they asked how y/n told their dad that she was pregnant with them.
Frantically, y/n surfed Pinterest in the hopes that she would find something, but it was no use. All the ideas were good but seemed to cliché and too easy. He’d know right away, and she didn’t want that. She wanted a true surprise.
Y/n looked down at her belly and smiled as the tears grew once again. She placed her hand over her belly and felt a warmth spread through her body. She was actually pregnant. She and Taron had their miracle baby and what better season to find out than Christmas.
That’s when it came to her.
Y/n jumped back onto her laptop as soon as she hid all traces of the test from plain sight. She scrambled to find everything she needed for Taron’s Christmas Eve surprise.
The next morning, Y/n woke up to Taron puttering around the kitchen making breakfast. Of course he was typically dressed in his Christmas pajama onesie. The same one she was wearing and the same one she had found online the previous night and bought for the baby for next Christmas. It was only part of his gift, but she was so excited to be able to tell him. Only a few hours to go now.
“Morning baby.” Y/n greeted as she walked behind Taron and wrapped her arms around his waist, watching him as he flipped the French toast.
“How’d you sleep last night?” Taron asked as he set the spatula down and turned to face his wife.
“Pretty good. What about you?” Y/n asked but she already knew the answer.
Taron had always loved Christmas, but he loved Christmas eve even more because it meant family time and getting to open a gift before bed. There of course was more that he loved but opening an early gift was pretty damn sweet to Taron. He couldn’t wait to see what he’d get this year.
“I didn’t really sleep. Too excited for lunch at mam’s and dinner here with you.” He answered, making y/n nod her head and chuckle.
“I figured. You kept tossing and turning last night.” Y/n replied, looking up at him lovingly.
Taron smiled down at her and lowered his head so that he could kiss her lips ever so softly, in only the way that he could. Y/n loved that about him. No matter how passionate they were being, somehow and some way, his kisses always remained soft and delicate.
“I love you.” They both whispered as they pulled away from their kiss.
“Breakfast is ready. You hungry?” Taron asked, breaking the silence.
“Do you even have to ask. Of course I am.” She replied enthusiastically.
Y/n adored it when Taron cooked. He was good at it and everything he made always tasted beyond heavenly.
“Let’s eat then because I have plans for you and I before we leave for mam’s.” Taron said with a wink.
“Oh god, what now? Not ice skating again cause I am not, and I repeat not spending another night in A&E.” Y/n moaned, remembering how Taron broke his ankle in three places.
“Oh fuck no. Trimalleolar fractures are not fun, and I don’t intend on having it happen on the other foot, thanks.” He cringed, remembering the amount of pain he was in.
“Ok then. What do you planned for us?” Y/n asked, taking a bite of the toast and fruit on her plate.
“I thought that we could go and get massages together and maybe get a hot chocolate after and then head to mam’s for lunch. What do you think?” Taron asked, gaging y/n’s reaction.
She started tearing up. He was so thoughtful and sweet. The gesture meant so much to her as he knew she had been feeling the weight of the recent adoption failures.
“Aww love, don’t cry.” He cooed, reaching across the table to hold her hand. She sniffled and smiled at him.
“It just sounds so good to me, that’s all.” She assured him.
“Positive?” He asked, wanting to make absolute sure that she was ok.
Y/n nodded.
“I’m sure, honey. I’m ok.” She replied, making him smile in return.
Breakfast had now been consumed, dishes had been done and Taron and y/n had gotten themselves ready; and they were out the door and on their way to the massage place. Y/n couldn’t wait. She was so excited to have this done but she also made a mental note to somehow let the massage therapist know that she was pregnant without Taron fining out.
Once they arrived, the couple were told to take a seat as everything was still being set up. Y/n was secretly grateful that she and Taron were going to be in separate rooms from each other. It meant that she would be able to tell her therapist that she was pregnant without someone’s ears hearing the news before they should.
Taron held onto y/n’s hand and ran his thumb along the back of it gently.
“Hmmm, that feels so good.” Y/n said, noting the small gesture.
Taron chuckled and looked at her.
“I think we both need this. The past couple years have been pretty crazy.” He said, making y/n nod her head in agreement.
“You fucking say that again.” She replied.
Before either of them could say anything else, they were whisked away into their rooms and told to make themselves comfortable on the tables, ready for their massage therapists.
“Um, I actually have a question.” Y/n shyly asked one of the receptionists.
“What can I help you with?” The older lady asked friendly.
“I just found out that I’m having a baby and I read that there are certain positions that I shouldn’t lay in. Is there anyway I-“ Y/n started explaining.
The receptionist smiled brightly.
“Absolutely. I’ll go let your therapist know and then when she comes in, we can get you situated properly.” The lady spoke.
“Thank you so much.” Y/n replied as the lady walked out of the room.
Y/n remained in her spot as she waited and thankfully, she didn’t to wait too long for someone to come in.
“Hello, I’m Ava.”
“Hi.” Y/n replied as Ava moved around the room looking for the maternity items she needed for her.
“Alright, so if you get onto the table and lay on your back, I can slide this pillow under you, and we can get started.” Ava explained as she helped y/n.
The massage soon began, and y/n was sure she had never felt this light and relaxed in her life.
“Shit that felt good.” Y/n mumbled as she and Taron left the building and got settled into the car again.
“It really did. I think I even fell asleep. What about you?” Taron replied.
Y/n chuckled. Only Taron would fall asleep during something like that.
“I think I might just leave you for Ava. Her handy work was a million times better.” Y/n teased, earning a shocked gasp from Taron and a wide-eyed look.
“Are you challenging me?” He quipped.
Y/n shrugged.
“Maybe.” She smirked.
“Alright cheeky. Hot chocolate and mam’s.” Taron said as he started the car and turned the heat on; and began singing with the songs that played through the stereo speakers.
“Can we skip this bloody song, for the love of fuck.” Y/n gripped. She had well and truly had it with John Lennon’s rendition of the war is over. It was one of the songs she hated having to listen to at Christmas time.
“Spoil sport.” Taron mumbled playfully.
“You know how much I hate the song Taron.” Y/n said with humorlessly.
Taron was a little taken back at her tone.
“Are you ok?” Taron asked as he switched the station.
Y/n nodded.
“I’m sorry. It just irritates me.” Y/n said as she took hold of Taron’s left hand after it had left the radio button.
“No need to be sorry. We’re good.” He replied with a large smile on his face.
Soon they were pulling up to Tina’s and it was the greatest feeling ever. It gave her a sense of belonging. A sense of coming home to a family that loved and accepted her for who she was.
“I’m so glad you could come.” Tina cried as she ran outside and threw her arms around her daughter-in-law’s neck in a warm motherly embrace.
Y/n closed her eyes and enjoyed the feeling. It was something she’d never take for granted again, especially since they almost lost Tina last year.
“I’m glad that we could as well.” Y/n said back as Tine broke the hug and walked inside with Taron and y/n following behind her like little ducklings.
Once they were inside with the coziness and the smell of freshly backed food and treats, Mari came running toward the couple for all she was worth.
“You made it.” She cheered, throwing her arms around her bother and y/n’s legs goofily.
The couple laughed in unison as Guy came around the corner with a beer in his hand.
“C’mon Maz, they just got in. Give them a chance to get settled, yeah.” Guy chided.
Mari listened to an extent and removed her right arm from y/n’s legs but then moved it so that she was now fully hugging her brother’s legs.
Guy simply rolled his eyes while y/n and Taron just laughed.
“You three have fun. I’m going to see if Tina needs help.” Y/n said as she walked off in the direction of the kitchen.
Entering the kitchen, y/n saw Tina tossing the cranberries into the salad that she had made. It made her heart happy to know that Tina was still with them and as strong as ever. She was a feisty woman and knew how to fight. She had to do it plenty when Taron was a boy.
“Hello missy.” Tina said, not glancing up from the food.
Y/n beamed at the nickname. It was one that Tina had given her when they first met. It was one that she was going to cherish for the rest of her life. It meant a lot to her.
“Need any help?” Y/n asked, coming to stand next to Tina.
“If you could pour the gravy into the gravy boat and put the cranberry sauce into the bowl, that would be great.” Tina replied.
Y/n nodded and got to work adding things where they needed to be.
“Mam, help me.” Taron cried from the living room.
Both y/n and Tina looked at each other and then dashed for him. When they reached the room, they saw both Rosie and Mari tackling him and even Nelly and Goldie had gotten in on the action and were trying mercilessly to lick Taron’s face.
And Guy? He of course was documenting it by taking copious amounts of photos for memory sake.
“He seems ok to me.” Y/n said to Tina through her laughter.
“Am not!” Taron shouted into the carpet in the hopes that it would deter the dogs, but it didn’t work.
Mari had gotten of her brother for a split second before jumping on him hard enough to make him lift his head and groan loudly, giving Nelly ample access to his face.
“Ok Mari, I think that’s enough. You’re going to hurt your brother.” Tina said as she ushered the girls away.
“But we were having fun.” Mari whined as she and Rosie were told to wash up for lunch.
With Taron still laying on his belly trying to fight the dogs away, y/n took her chance and laid right on top of him, making sure to teasingly jab his ribs with her elbow.
“Oi you.” Taron whined as he wriggled to try and get away from her.
“What? I didn’t do anything.” Y/n chuckled.
“Yes you did. You elbowed me.” Taron said as he turned his head to face her and jutted his lip out in a pout.
“Aww, you poor baby.” Y/n cooed as she leaned in and began peppering his face with kisses, making the 33-year-old laugh heartily.
“Lunch!” Tina called, rescuing her son yet again but this time from the amount of love his wife was smothering him with. The laughter warming her heart.
Taron and y/n stood up and walked hand in hand to join the others.
Lunch was enjoyed by everyone. Taron’s uncle Phil had made the Turkey and stuffing just as he always had, Tina had made her special dishes and this year, Mari, Rosie and Guy had made a very special dessert that included four different types of chocolate, tons and tons of colourful sprinkles thanks to Mari. Of course the cookies that y/n had made and decorated had sat cutely in the middle of all the wonderful dessert spread.
Now, almost 4 hours later, the couple were ready for their special and annual Christmas Eve dinner.
“I enjoyed that. It was so fun.” Y/n said as she and Taron moved around the kitchen getting everything ready.
What Taron didn’t know was that y/n had planned for them to ‘run out’ of egg nog, which was an essential part of their meal.
“Taron, there’s no egg nog.” Y/n said as she searched the fridge, making it look legit.
“Well there was some this morning.” He said.
“Where, cause I’m telling you right now, there is nothing there.” She said, motioning to the fridge.
Taron sighed and walked to the fridge and sure enough, y/n was right.
“How long until the food is done?” Taron asked.
“About 15 minutes.” She replied.
“Ok, I’ll go right now and get some more.” He said, hurrying to get his coat on.
“Thank you honey, I love you.” Y/n said as she helped him.
Taron smiled and gave her a quick kiss before heading out the door. Y/n waved to him and then got to work setting everything up.
She placed the baby items where she wanted them and then she went over to the tree and placed the special ornament on it that she had bought a few years ago when they first started trying.
Y/n was very pleased with her handy work and by the time Taron got back from the egg nog run, she had set the table with a setting for her, a setting for Taron and a setting for the baby. She even went as far as putting a small little glass next the baby sized plate.
She smiled to herself as Taron entered the house, shaking off the snow that had begun falling.
“Never again. It’s bloody busy out there.” He grumbled, handing the drink to his wife, kicking off his boots and getting settled.
“At least we have some now and you’re back in good timing too because dinner is all ready.” Y/n said as she walked to their dining table.
Taron followed behind her soon after and sat down his place, not even noticing the extra place.
Y/n and Taron dug soon dug into their food and oh boy did they enjoy it and to y/n’s dismay, Taron didn’t really notice anything different about the table set up. In his defence though, the table had so many delicious food dishes on it, that it was hard to notice anything else.
“So, what’s your Christmas wish this year?” Y/n asked as took more mashed potatoes.
“If I tell you, it won’t come true.” Taron said with a hint of mischief in his eye.
Y/n blushed and looked down at her food.
“I love it when you blush.” Taron said, only making y/n blush harder.
“Changing the subject, I can’t wait to see what you got me for Christmas.” Y/n said.
Taron winked at her and smirked.
“Oh god Taron, you horny bastard.” Y/n replied making Taron laugh out loud.
“Oh hush, you know you love it.” He said.
Y/n rolled her eyes and continued eating, as did Taron.
When dinner was done and Taron and y/n were cozy in their Christmas pajamas once again, they settled in front of the tv to watch their (Taron’s) favorite Christmas movie, ‘A Muppet Christmas Carol.’
Y/n cuddled into Taron’s side as he sang along with the songs and laughed at the funny parts. To y/n watching the movie wasn’t the best thing of the season, it was Taron’s adorable reactions to the movie that made it the best.
Taron noticed that his wife had been staring at him and smiling. He looked down at her and frowned in confusion.
“What?” He asked.
“Nothing. Can’t a girl just admire her handsome husband?” Y/n asked in reply.
It was Taron’s turn to blush and go all shy.
“Yeah, you can but why?” He asked softly.
“Because I love you and just want to look at you.” She replied truthfully.
“Love you too.” He repeated and turned back to the tv, but y/n took the remote from his hands and paused it again.
“Hey.” Taron whined. He just wanted to watch the movie.
“Don’t hey me. I’m bored and want to open gifts.” Y/n said, now feeling impatient for Taron’s reaction to the baby news.
“We can do that after the movie is done.” Taron replied.
Y/n sighed and got off the sofa.
“C’mon, please. I really want to see what you got for me.” She whined.
Taron chuckled.
“Then we’ll never finish the movie.” He responded.
Y/n didn’t say anything, instead she gave him her best and biggest puppy eyes that she could muster. Did it work? Not at first but as she sighed and slumped her shoulders walking back to him in defeat, looking genuinely gutted, he gave in and stood up to retrieve his gift for her.
“Here, Merry Christmas.” He said, feeling bad.
Y/n smiled at him and took the gift bag.
“Thank you.” She said as he sat next to her and put the blanket back over their laps.
“You’re welcome. I hope you like it.” He replied.
Y/n moved the tissue paper out of the way and pulled out a small box. She furrowed her brow. The way he went on about his gift made her think that it was lingerie or something of that sort, but it appeared that she was wrong.
She continued opening the gift and when she got to the contents, her smile faltered.
“What’s the matter? Don’t you like it?” Taron asked, feeling a tad hurt.
Y/n looked at him.
“No, I do but I wasn’t expecting this. That’s all.” She replied as she surveyed the item.
Taron didn’t look convinced.
“Please don’t look so sad Taron. I really do love the wallet.” She told him, putting her gift down so that she could place her hands on his stubbled cheeks. She leaned in and kissed him.
“You sure you like it?” He asked after they pulled apart.
Y/n nodded and smiled.
“I can’t wait to use it.” She told him honestly.
He smiled smally at her in return as she got up to get her gift for him. This was it, the moment she had been waiting for.
“I know it looks big but it’s really not. It’s the only box the store had.” She explained, sitting down beside him just as he had done minutes before.
“The box puts mine to shame.” Taron said as he opened the lid.
“Yours isn’t shameful Taron.” Y/n said, waiting for his reaction.
“I made it you know.” He replied.
“Made what?” She asked.
Taron stopped what he was doing and looked at y/n.
“The box and the wallet.” He answered.
Y/n was surprised.
“Truly?” She asked and he nodded.
“It was some leather workshop thing that Dien thought would be fun to for his stag.” Taron said.
“See, that’s not shameful, that’s impressive Taron.” Y/n replied.
She had to laugh inwardly as the date of Dien’s stag do also happened to be the night that she and Taron conceived their Christmas miracle.
“Thanks. We had to make the boxes too.” He said.
“Well, you did a great job honey. Thank you.” She countered, gently patting his blanket clad knee.
“You’re welcome.” He said before going back to opening his gift.
Y/n watched and waited as Taron took layer upon layer of tissue paper out of the box and placed it on the coffee table, ready to be folded back up.
“What the hell do you have in here?” He asked.
“Your gift, dummy.” She replied, making him scoff playfully.
“I know that but why so mu-“ He started to say as he removed the last piece of tissue paper and saw what was inside. Things that once belonged to him. Things that he didn’t think he’d see again.
“Where’d you find these?” Taron asked.
“Your mam found them when she was going through the attic. She called me and asked if we’d like them. I said yes and decided that it would make a good gift.” Y/n explained. Taron placed the box on the coffee table and leaned forward, throwing his arms around his wife in a tight hug.
“I love it, thank you.” He said, pulling away.
“You’re welcome but there’s more.” She said.
Taron’s brow furrowed and he picked the box back up and dug through it until his eyes landed on two smaller wrapped gifts.
“That’s not fair, I only gave you one gift when I get three.” He said, making y/n smile.
“Just shut up and open them.” She replied.
Taron chuckled and did as he was told. First beginning with the wrapping that contained a smaller version of his and y/n’s Christmas pajamas.
“Aww, that’s cute.” He said, not thinking anything of it. He just figured it was for their future adopted baby.
“I think so too which is why I got it.” Y/n replied as she watched Taron begin to open the pregnancy test.
When he ripped open the end with the blue cap, his heart stopped. Surely this was some cruel prank. He stopped and locked eyes with y/n who now had her phone up, most likely filming him or taking photos.
“Please tell me this isn’t a prank.” He said, very much on the verge of tears.
“It’s not a prank.” Y/n replied, giggling in nervousness.
“It’s not?” Taron asked as the tears began spilling from his eyes and cascading down his cheeks.
Y/n shook her head as Taron dropped the test and buried his face in his hands and started hysterically crying, making y/n’s own tears fall from her eyes.
She knew that his reaction would be a good one, but she had no idea that he’d start crying the way that he was now. It made her feel bad.
Y/n turned her phone off, set it down and moved to wrap her arms around Taron’s still crying body.
“Oh love.” Y/n whispered, rubbing Taron’s back in consolation.
“I’m so happy.” Taron cried as he hid his face in y/n shoulder.
“Is this better then that Christmas wish you didn’t want to tell me? Y/n teased joyfully.
“This was the wish.” He sniffled, composing himself long enough to give his wife the biggest kiss he could muster.
“I could love you more than I do in this moment.” Taron said as he broke the kiss and tucked strands of hair behind y/n’s ears. He was over the moon with this life changing news.
“I feel the same, but you want to know something funny?” Y/n replied. Taron nodded.
“Sure.” He said as he sniffled once more.
Y/n dug into her pocket and pulled out a tissue and handed it to Taron.
“If I did my math correctly, the wallet and it’s box weren’t the only things you made that day.” Y/n told him, chuckling.
Taron blew his nose and laughed as well.
“You know what I think?” He asked.
“What?” Y/n said.
“I think we should turn the movie off and celebrate.” He replied, leaning in to place his lips upon y/n’s in a tender yet lust filled kiss.
“Yes please.” Y/n muttered as Taron’s lips hovered over hers tantalizingly.
“Merry Christmas baby.” Taron replied, finally placing his lips on hers once more.
Tag List: @elizami11s @geo-winchester
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Dad dancing, 2022 (oil on canvas).
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Clearly...I have a type.
Dark hair, light eyes, looks good in a suit, actors, men too old for me
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filmeger · 2 years
Uncle Taron !!
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he already has my approval ~ taron egerton
word count: 4393
request?: no
description: in which her dad keeps trying to set her up with her celebrity crush, who just so happens to be playing him in a biopic
pairing: taron egerton x female!reader
warnings: swearing
masterlist (one, two, three)
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The first time I met Taron was on the red carpet for Kingsman: The Golden Circle, and it did not go as well as I had wished it would’ve.
I had seen the first movie in theaters when it came out and immediately developed a crush on Eggsy, and, in turn, on his actor Taron. When dad was offered a cameo in the sequel, I think I was more excited than he was. I begged dad basically every day to let me go to set with him, but I was in college at the time and neither of my dads would let me miss that much time to travel just to meet my celebrity crush. It felt unfair at the time, but they had a point in the long run.
When the day of the premiere came around, dad took me as his plus one to the red carpet. I was buzzing with excitement the entire day as dad’s stylists came in to help us get ready for the night, but the minute our ride pulled up to the red carpet my excitement turned to nervousness. There was no reason for me to be so nervous. I had been to huge events like this before, and of course I had met famous people plenty of times. But there was something about meeting my actual celebrity crush that made me feel like a high schooler who was about to go on her first date.
Dad introduced me to Taron, because of course he did. Fatherhood never changed who dad was, and he was shithead, cocky, lived to tease everyone in his life Elton John. I always knew it was a bad idea to tell dad about my crush on Taron, but I never regretted it more than when I heard him shout across the red carpet, “Taron, darling, come here!”
He looked like the most handsome man in the entire world dressed in his suit, his smile lighting up his face as he approached us. That moment was when I realized he was real. He wasn’t just a character on my screen; he was an actual real person. And now he was stood in front of me. So close that I could smell his cologne, and boy, did it ever smell good.
“Taron, I want you to meet my daughter (Y/N),” dad said, gesturing to me. I was still in such awe by his beauty that I almost forgot who I even was.
“It’s nice to finally meet you, (Y/N),” Taron said as he shook my hand. “Elton has spoke very highly of you.”
My brain was definitely short circuiting. Hearing him say my name was one thing, but then for him to also say that he’s heard a lot about me from dad also contributed to it. When I realized I was just stood there staring at him like an idiot, I felt embarrassment wash over me. I tried to force myself to say something, but it was like I completely forgot how to speak English.
“She’s a little shy because she has a crush on you.”
I turned to look at dad in disbelief. If there was a higher power, They would do me a favor and open up the floor to swallow me whole and take me away from this entire situation.
I made my escape before Taron could say anything. I turned away from the two of them and walked away as quickly as possible.
The memory haunted my nightmares for a while afterwards. Even after I managed to forget about it for the most part, the intrusive thought would pop into my mind from time to time just to make me cringe. I could barley ever watch Taron’s movies anymore without thinking about that moment, which was hard since I still had such a big crush on him.
A year later, I was on set with dad and papa for the movie papa was producing about dad. Papa was so excited, as he was making the movie as a gift to dad. Papa had complete creative freedom and dad was able to give as much input as he wanted. When filming started, the two of them wanted to bring me, Zachary, and Elijah on set to watch some of the filming. They hadn’t told me much about the movie just yet, but papa’s excitement was contagious enough that I was feeling it, too.
“We’re filming the Troubadour scene today,” papa was telling us. “Full 70s aesthetic. You guys are gonna feel like you were really there to see your dad’s first ever solo performance.”
“Do I get any 70s outfits once you guys are done filming?” I asked.
“Darling, you know we have a closet full of all my favorite outfits from those days,” dad said. “You’re free to go through it as you please. It’ll be the real deal, not some cheaply made replicas.”
“Hey! You’re the one who approved of Taron’s wardrobe!” papa said with a chuckle.
The mention of his name made me stop in my tracks. “Wait...whose wardrobe?”
Both of them looked at me, confused by my reaction. “Taron, honey,” papa said. “That’s who’s playing dad in the movie. You didn’t know that?”
Memories from the year before came rushing back. I could not see him again or else I may just turn into an embarrassment puddle at his feet. I especially couldn’t be here with dad and have a potential repeat of the situation.
As if reading my thoughts, dad walked up to me and gently took my hand in his. “Honey, it’s been a year. He’s not going to remember.”
“But what if he does?” I asked. “God, he probably thinks I’m crazy after our first encounter. I can’t watch the filming.”
“Hey, hey, calm down sweetheart,” papa said. “You’re working yourself up. It’s okay. If you feel uncomfortable you don’t have to watch, but I don’t think it’ll be as bad as you’re expecting.”
I took a couple deep breaths to calm myself down. I wanted to be there and support both of my dads on this project they were both so excited over. I knew they were right and Taron likely didn’t even remember our first encounter, but I still couldn’t shake this pre-embarrassment feeling about seeing him again.
I sucked it up and followed them to the Troubadour set. There were many extras dressed in 70s clothes standing around the stage. The general murmur of the crowd turned into an excited one as people began to notice dad walking onto the set. I couldn’t see Taron anywhere, but I did recognize Richard Madden talking to the movie’s director, Dex Fletcher. Zachary was tightly holding my hand, trying to hide behind me. I knew the crowd was likely making him nervous, so I squeezed his hand and picked him up.
“Lead actor walking the set!”
I felt my body tense as everyone turned to see Taron taking the stage. He was wearing a pair of white overalls and a navy blue shirt with silver stars. He had on a wig that looked like dad’s hair from this time period and a pair of thick framed glasses that matched his overalls. He looked really good, even if he was dressed as my dad.
It took my brain a moment to register that he was walking towards us. I felt the panic return, but I tried my best to play it cool.
“It’s like looking in a mirror,” dad said as he embraced Taron. “I still have this outfit I’m pretty sure. I was just telling (Y/N) that I still have all my favorite outfits back home going all the way back to this very first performance.”
At the mention of my name, Taron’s eyes landed on me. I tried not to crumple under his gaze, and kept the smile on my face.
“Hey,” Taron said. “Good to see you again.”
“Good to see you, too,” I said, surprisingly myself with how confident i sounded.
“Who is this little guy?” Taron asked, referring to Zachary. The young boy buried his face in my neck, peaking one eye up at Taron.
“This is Zachary,” I said. “Z, this is Taron. Doesn’t he look like daddy?”
Taron struck a pose for Zachary, who seemed to warm up slightly but not a lot.
“What do you think, Elijah?” papa asked the youngest boy. “Do you think Taron looks like daddy?”
Elijah shook his head. “Daddy is old!”
We burst out into laughter as dad gave Elijah a mocked offended look. Elijah squealed as dad picked him up and began tickling his sides. Zachary was still a bit hesitant, but I could feel his body shaking as he chuckled in my arms.
“Come on, Rocket Man, we gotta start filming,” Dex called to Taron.
Taron made his way onto the set stage. Quiet was called and a hush fell over the room. The minute Dex called action, music filled the silence. One of dad’s songs, his least favorite yet one of his most popular ones, began to play. Except it wasn’t dad singing it, it was Taron’s voice. I was a little shocked to hear him singing instead of there being a backing track of dad’s music, but I had to admit he was an amazing singer. It was a fantastic choice they made. His singing voice was amazing and it made the movie have more of a fantastical musical vibe, instead of just a movie with dad’s voice dubbed over for the music.
I tried to get Zachary out of his shell more by dancing with him while the music was playing. We were not strangers to dad’s music. The three of us had seen dad perform on numerous occasions. I figured the familiarity of the music, plus the goofy dancing would definitely help with his nervousness. And I was right for the most part; Zachary came out of his nervous cocoon eventually and started dancing with me. By the time Dex called cut on the scene, Zachary felt comfortable enough to be put back down on to the floor and followed dad and papa to meet Jamie Bell, who was playing Uncle Bernie.
“Seems he enjoyed the show.”
I jumped at the sound of Taron’s voice so suddenly. He was laughing at my reaction as I turned back to him, my heart beating a million beats per second just having him so close to me.
“I think he just needed some time to warm up to being around so many people,” I said. “Usually when we go to dad’s shows we’re in a special VIP area where it’s just the three of us and papa, so he’s not used to so many people and so much attention being on him.”
“I get that. He’s only young. Doesn’t fully understand how well loved his dad is.”
“I don’t think I even fully understand it, and I’m in my mid 20s,” I said.
Taron chuckled and I couldn’t help but smile too. The realization of his realness was starting to wash over me again. He was actually here, stood in front of me, talking to me. He was a real person!
“Listen,” Taron said, “I wanted to talk about the first time we met.”
I felt my heart drop to my stomach. I tried not to let my embarrassment show too much. Maybe if I pretended I didn’t even remember, we could just move on from the entire situation and pretend like it never happened.
“I’m sorry it went the way that it did,” he continued. “I know you were embarrassed about what your dad said. I know Elton meant no harm, and he was just trying to tease you because...well, he’s Elton John, but it really wasn’t fair of him to say that to me when we were first meeting. I could tell by your face that that wasn’t exactly the way you wanted our first meeting to go.”
I was a little surprised by what he was saying. I don’t know why I was expecting for him to say something that would make the situation worse, like maybe calling me out on my crush and saying something about it. He seemed like a really nice guy, not the type to make someone feel bad. But I guess, after having an entire year to let that embarrassing moment stew, I just expected the worst if I ever met him again.
“I appreciate you saying that,” I said. “It definitely was not the way I wanted to meet the guy I had such a big crush on. I think dad expects stuff like that to wash over me like water off a duck’s back because of who he is and how many famous people I’ve met and am close to, but his status never makes those types of interactions easier. Again, especially when meeting someone that I was crushing so hard on.”
Taron was giving me a look that I wasn’t sure how to read at first. “Was?”
My brows furrowed together. “Hmm?”
“You said ‘someone I was crushing on’. As in you’re not anymore?”
I wasn’t sure why that was the part he was focusing on. I opened my mouth to respond, but Dex called to Taron again. Taron looked at me and winked behind the thick framed glasses before making his way back to set to start filming again. And it was with that wink that I could not handle anymore and finally had to sit myself down.
I kept coming to set the next few weeks. At first it was only one day out of the week for a couple of hours, but soon enough I was tagging along with dad and papa every day. I tried to tell them it was because I was enjoying watching the movie being filmed, and getting to relive these big moments with dad, but they both knew that wasn’t the truth. They knew I was going because I wanted to see Taron.
We had gotten to talking a lot in between takes when I was on set. About everything and anything really. It started with just getting to know each other, but eventually it blossomed into talking about whatever was on our minds. Sometimes it was about the movie, sometimes it wasn’t. Either way, we just got to know one another. And eventually, my “celebrity crush” became a real one.
I knew my dads could see what was going on, but they didn’t bring it up. I figured that was mostly because of how my first interaction with Taron went and dad didn’t want to risk embarrassing me like that again. Which, I did appreciate. I felt like a friendship was being built with Taron and I didn’t want that to be risked with fatherly embarrassment to the extreme, even though I knew that wasn’t dad’s intentions.
One day, we walked on set and I was surprised to see Taron was nowhere in sight. Instead, we walked into a setup that looked like great grandma Ivy’s apartment that I had seen in plenty of dad’s baby pictures. There were three different actors than normal on set, one I recognized as Bryce Dallas Howard and one young boy I recognized to be dressed up the way dad had been when he was that age. I realized pretty quickly that today was probably mostly shooting scenes of flashbacks from dad’s childhood, which caused me to feel disappointed realizing that I likely wouldn’t be seeing Taron today.
I was sat in my usual seat (because yes, I had visited so often that I was given a seat with my name on it) watching the set up for the scene when dad came over and sat next to me, dramatically sighing as his body settled into the chair.
“These old bones can hardly sit down anymore,” he said.
I smiled at him. “Oh, please. You’re hardly that old, dad. Besides, we both know that after everything you’ve gone through, you’re going to outlive us all.”
“A man can only hope.” We laughed together. Dad put an arm around my shoulder and leaned into me. “Taron’s in his trailer, you know.”
“Oh?” I said, hoping I didn’t seem as excited by this information as I was. “He’s filming later on then?”
“Yeah, way later on this evening. David said that Taron showed up way earlier than he needed to claiming that he thought his call time was this morning, not this evening.” I raised an eyebrow at him, silently telling him to say whatever it was he was trying to say. “I don’t think that was the case, though.”
“I think he came here early hoping to see you.”
I scoffed and rolled my eyes. “I think you’re being a little ambitious there dad.”
“About as ambitious as I would be to say that you show up every day so you can see him, too?” When I didn’t respond to that, dad just laughed. “I see things, (Y/N). My eyes may be old, but they can still see things that no one else sees.”
“And what is it that you see with me and Taron?”
“I see a young man who is enamored by a young woman, and a young woman who feels the same way. I also see two cowards who are too afraid to confess their feelings to one another.”
I playfully nudged him with my elbow, to which he dramatically clutched his stomach and acted like I had shot him or something.
“I’m not saying that Taron feels anything for me,” I said, “because I don’t think he does. I think he’s just being friendly with someone that he considers to be a friend. But, if what you’re saying is right and he does have romantic interest in me, maybe the reason why he won’t admit it is because he’s too afraid to? I mean, my dad is Elton John after all. That’s a pretty big name to have as a potential father-in-law.”
“Hey now, I didn’t say anything about marrying you off to the man.” I smiled and shook my head. This really was just an every day thing with dad. He loved being a father, but I think he loved being a nuisance more than that. Papa always warned him he would regret that when Zachary, Elijah, and I started to pick up on his habits. “But both of you know that Taron has my approval if he does want to pursue you romantically. If he didn’t, he wouldn’t have even been cast in this movie!”
“You cast him because he’s a good actor!”
“Oh, that was only part of it. The other part was so that you two could have a do-over with your meeting, since I ruined the last one.”
I put my head on dad’s shoulder. “You didn’t ruin it. You just embarrassed me beyond belief, but that’s what a father does.”
Dad gave me a small squeeze before pulling me away from him. “Go to his trailer. Have a few moments alone.”
“Give you a few grandkids?”
He pushed me away, which caused me to laugh hysterically.
“Darling, I may be old but I am certainly not that old,” he said. “And, again, I said I approve of him. Not that you two need to get married and pop out babies right away. Go on a few dates first, for the love of God.”
I stood from my chair, still laughing. Dad tried to glare at me, but he couldn’t. This was just our relationship.
I made my way out of the set before they started filming so that I wouldn’t be disrupting anything. All the trailers were grouped together in the lot, luckily with signs on them to label what or whose trailer they were. Taron’s was the furthest on the lot, with a theatrical gold star stuck to the door with his name on it. Part of me figured this was dad’s doing, but the other part of me would believe that it was Dex’s doing, too. Papa truly couldn’t have chosen a better director to capture dad’s personality and aesthetic than Dex.
My heart was pounding so loud that I thought Taron would hear it before I even knocked. I took a deep breath and pushed myself to knock before I got too nervous and ran away instead. There was a brief rustling in the trailer before the door opened, revealing Taron in a pair of black and gold hot pants, a gold jacket that was left unzipped so I could see his entire torso and chest, and heeled shoes with gold tips and gold wings on the side. I wasn’t sure where to look first. My eyes naturally lingered on his chest, his coarse chest hair a welcoming sight, but I couldn’t help but glance lower at his thighs in those hot pants, too. Not to mention the bulge -
“Shit,” Taron breathed, a panicked look in his eyes. “Sorry, uh, I didn’t expect...I thought it might’ve been someone from the set. I’m just...uh...”
“In costume, I would assume,” I said, trying to pretend like I was looking at his shoes and not another area lower on his body.
“Yeah,” he said. His face was starting to turn bright read. “It’s for a scene later on...way later on. I’m - I was early today, so they already put me through costume and makeup.” He cleared his throat and ran his hands through his hair. “Do you, um, do you want to come in?”
I nodded, unsure if I could even form any words. He stepped aside to let me into his trailer. He still looked flustered by my sudden appearance, which I thought was cute.
“Don’t be sorry, by the way,” I told him. “I don’t mind this eye full that I’m getting. Quite the opposite, really.”
That only made him more flustered, and I couldn’t help but smirk at that reaction.
“You’re a lot like your dad,” he commented. “He said something similar while we were filming Kingsman a few years ago.”
“We Furnish-Johns have good taste in men.”
I sat down on the couch of his trailer and he sat across from me. I tried not to be too obvious with my gawking, but it was hard not to look at him. God, was he ever attractive. And here he was, sat next to me, practically naked, and all flustered because I had caught him this way. I felt like I should be feeling a similar way, but knowing that I was the one who had made him feel that way just made me feel so cocky instead.
“I didn’t think you were on set today,” I told him. “I showed up and didn’t see you or Jamie or Richard.”
“We’re filming a couple smaller scenes later on to end the day. Dex wanted to film all of the flashback shots of your dad before he was Elton John today, just to get that out of the way.”
“You got here really early for that. It’s not even noon, and your scenes are this evening papa said.”
Taron shrugged. “I got the wrong call time.”
I raised an eyebrow at him. “By over 12 hours?”
He shrugged again, but didn’t offer any further explanation.
I took a deep breath, once again willing that cockiness to stay long enough so that I could say what I wanted to say without losing my nerve. “Remember the first day on set where we talked about the first time we met, and you made a point of asking me about my crush on you.”
Taron nodded. “Yeah. You made it seem like you didn’t feel that way anymore.”
“Yeah, I did. Because I thought I would scare you away if I admitted that I did still like you that way.” I was moving towards him now, closing the already smaller space between us. “That I do still like you that way, if you get what I’m saying.”
We were so close that I could feel the heat radiating from his body. He was looking down at me in a way that I could only ever dream of having Taron Egerton look at me like. It was like the movies I had seen him in, except this was real life and the person he was looking at was actually me.
“I think I understand,” he said. “But just in case, is it okay if I do an experiment just to be sure?”
I giggled. “Yeah, that’s okay.”
He placed a finger under my chin and tilted my head back until I was looking up at him. He leaned forward at an agonizing pace before his lips finally pressed against mine. It felt like the entire world around us paused in that moment. I had to restrain myself from getting onto his lap and deepening the kiss, even though I wanted to so badly. I wanted to spend the next few hours in this trailer with him, not even letting him leave to go film. I wanted to be tangled up with him and never let him go ever again.
The kiss ended far too soon. When Taron pulled away, I tried to chase his lips to pull him back to me. He chuckled at my eagerness, allowing his lips to press against mine for a quick peck.
“Let me take you out before we get too hot and heavy,” he told me. “I want to take you on a proper date.”
“I guess we should do that before I jump your bones,” I teased. “But you do still have quite some time till your call time. If you’d like company while you wait, I wouldn’t mind staying here with you for a while. Especially if you’re going to be dressed like that the whole time.”
Taron’s face turned red again as he looked down at himself, almost like he forgot what he had been wearing. “Might be too tempting for you.”
“It definitely will be. But I will respect your virtue and not try to deflower you in your trailer.”
He buried his face in his hands. “Oh my God! What have I gotten myself into here?”
“Something pretty great, if you ask me.”
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you-me-we-04 · 1 year
Here’s my (very dumb) pitch for Mamma Mia 3, it's Harry's wedding there is just one small very very tiny issue no one can work out who Harry’s marrying and at this point, they just feel weird asking. So much like the first film, three men are running around a greek island while Sophie, Sky, Cher, Tanya, Rosie, Bill, and Sam try to work out their connection to the plot, I mean their relationship with Harry. So let us meet the potential Grooms: 
First up we have Elijah Thatcher played by Taron Egerton, at first, he seems the most likely to be the groom despite the age gap since he seems very close and connected to the wedding and is really stressed out about the wedding. However, we later find out the reason he is so stressed about this wedding is that he is the stressed-out wedding planner, and let's just say Harry’s Groom is a bit of a bridezilla
Then we have Peter Beckett played by Hugh Laurie an American lawyer who is very close to Harry, he also knows a lot about the other dads and Sophie, and he also has the habit of flirting with Harry, in truth while he and Harry did have a fling back in the day, they are now simply best friends and he’s the best man. The reason he flirts with Harry is that he enjoys getting a reaction out of Harry's actual partner. 
This actual partner is Nathaniel Hawthorn played by Hugh Grant a music professor at Cornell, they push each other buttons but at the end of the day, they still love each other. At the start of the film, they think he is the wedding planner since he seemed a bit too into the table setting. But he actually just enjoys getting a rise out of Elijah, who at this point is considering a career change.  Hijinks, misunderstandings, and ABBA take place before the reveal but in the end, the reveal is simple with Nathanial asking if Sophie would walk down the aisle with him, since he's kinda either step-dad 1 or dad 4 plus he knows it will mean the world to Harry, she agrees they hug and she welcomes her new dad to the family.
We end the film with their wedding it's big, it’s fun, and it goes perfectly much to the joy of Elijah's mental health, Peter gets a killer best man speech that ends in him and Nathaniel hugging it out. Just as the night is coming to an end, all seems to be going well Bill finds his boat has been stolen by none other than newlyweds. Harry yells something about being spontaneous, while Nathaniel yells about going on the honeymoon of their dreams. As they sail off into the sunset.
We close with Elijah and Bill sharing a drink and rethinking the life choices that got them here. We then find out Cher knew who the groom was the whole time and just found the whole thing very funny hence why she told no one.
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venting402 · 6 months
in my opinion taron can pull it off. Like this man looks like a father just give him a beer and put him behind a grill and dad jokes will flow out naturally
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bihanspookies · 5 months
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First of all thank you to @fizzygator for making my girl come to life. Y’all this girl has come a LONG way lmao. She started off as an oc in a fanfic I wrote years ago in high school and her personality and overall characterization has changed (for the better 💀).
Name: Alora De Toro
Age: 29
Birthplace: Manhattan, New York (Earthrealm)
Race: Half Edenian (Father)/Earthrealmer (Mother, Spain)
Birthday: June 23rd, Cancer
Hair: Auburn
Eyes: Gray/blue
Skin Tone: Tan
Distinguishing Features: Dark circles, long slender and sharp nose
Languages: English and Spanish
Height: 5’9
Build: Lean with muscle and flexible
Scars: Over her mouth from Mileena, under her right eye from Kano, top of right shoulder to elbow from tarkatan blade, puncture wound on left side of stomach from kytinn stinger, left thigh is mangled bc of tarkatan bite
Piercings: One on each lobe and two on each cartilage
Tattoos: None
Clothes: Wears a lot of either sleeveless or loose fitting clothing since her body temps always warm
Family: Kyro (Father deceased), Taron (Older brother alive), Elena (Mother alive)
Nicknames: Bullhead and ChAloraform (Taron), Little Love (father), Dulcita (mother), Killer (Alex @chadillacboseman), Red (Kano)
Ring Names: Herculean Bull, Crimson Snake
Likes: Gardening, her greenhouse, her hair, her pet rat Michi, winter, painting her nails dark colors, her stuffed bear that Kyro gifted her as a baby
Dislikes: Invasive bugs, onions, being talked to when she’s already upset, people chewing with their mouth open, being in debt to Kano
Flaws: Reserved, guarded, tends to prioritize missions over everything else, loner most of the time (practically lives in her greenhouse), blunt
Fighting Style: MMA/street fighting
Powers & Abilities: Enhanced strength and high pain tolerance
Personality: She’s usually blunt, straightforward but can be funny when she wants to be while also being ornery and sarcastic, mostly in a deadpan manner. She carries out her orders with little to no questions, just wanting to get it done so she can be alone. Usually level headed, hard to anger but when she is she tends to be more aggressive. The longer it goes on the more chaotic and brutal she can get, getting tunnel vision to complete her mission no matter what. She’s plagued with nightmares of being forced to fight for Shang Tsung and Shao Kahn and her dad being killed. She’s always on high alert and can be tense if she’s in an unknown environment or situation, but knows how to hide it well.
History: Her father Kyro once resided in Edenia as a guard for the Empire but left once Shao Kahn reigned terror and merged their realm with Outworld and it was too late to help. He fought until the last minute, managing to escape along with a few other Edenians and made his way to Earthrealm, specifically New York. There he found work doing odd jobs under the table and it was on one job that he met Elena, a psychiatrist from Spain who needed a new desk put together. It wasn’t long that they dated and soon enough married, with Kyro eventually telling Elena the truth of his past and where he came from. Soon she was pregnant with Taron and it was 5 years later when they had Alora.
Alora was born prematurely and had to be kept under close watch but doctors told Kyro and Elena the odds of her surviving were very slim, so Kyro in a moment of weakness decided to go back to Outworld and search for Shang Tsung to beg for his help, knowing that the sorcerer shouldn’t be trusted but Kyro was desperate to save his child. Elena pleaded with him not to go but as time went by she was running out of options and couldn’t risk it anymore. Kyro returns to Outworld and finds Shang Tsung who more than happily agrees. Kyro was so engrossed in saving his baby that he didn’t truly think about the fact that the sorcerer didn’t ask for anything in return. Once the sorcerer was finished, Shang Tsung bid them farewell but not before giving Kyro a certain look, one that struck a chord of fear in him.
As Alora grew up, her parents would notice how she had an unusual amount of strength for someone her age. How she seemed to pick up certain objects with ease that any other child would have trouble doing so, how as a baby her grip was like iron. It fully came to light when at age 7, when Alora and Taron (12) were roughhousing. They were outside in the backyard, messing around when suddenly Taron screamed out in pain, tears streaming down his eyes. Elena and Kyro ran out to find Alora holding his limp hand, arm broken in several places from her own strength.
Shang Tsung’s magic had given Alora an abnormal amount of strength to save her life. Not only that but it also gave her a high pain tolerance along with better resistance to certain elements. Her parents, figuring it had something to do with his magic, could only warn their daughter to be more careful and cautious and keep a watchful eye on her.
It’s later that same year when Alora (7) suddenly falls incredibly ill. She was in the hospital, hooked up to machines but doctors couldn’t figure out what exactly was wrong with her. Eventually they were told that her heart had become weak, an unexpected decline in her health. Once again Kyro makes the gut wrenching decision to go back to Shang Tsung and ask for help. Kyro was surprised when the sorcerer was waiting for him in the hallway, a sinister smirk on his lips. It was then that Kyro realized that it was all an elaborate plan in the making, Shang Tsung purposefully having his magic run out when Alora reached a certain age. The sorcerer promised to heal her only if Kyro swore to return back to Outworld with him and serve under Shao Kahn. With a heavy heart he agrees, keeping a smile on his face as he watches Alora’s color slowly return to her. He pulls Elena to the side, explaining the situation and bids her a tearful goodbye while hugging and kissing his children for the final time. Before Elena can even get a word out, Shang Tsung pulls Kyro into a portal, leaving her alone with her children.
Later on Elena tells her children the truth of their father and where he came from, showing them a notebook that they kept full of information and knowledge that Kyro has shared.
10-16 Elena enrolls Alora in anger management and MMA classes, noticing that the leaving of her father changed her, her daughter becoming more angry. As time goes on she’s excels past her peers to the point that she enters tournaments, remaining undefeated against her opponents and most of her wins coming from K.O’s. Deciding that it wasn’t enough, she finds and starts fighting underground, gaining more money and better notoriety. It’s at a certain underground fight that Kano approaches her, who had been watching her fight for quite some time and brings up the idea of fighting more dangerous people, more thrill than this and promising more money than she could get from these tournaments. At first she brushes him off, calling him a weirdo until he brings up Outworld, and to her horror and surprise her father. Frozen in her tracks, the notebook left by Kyro burning bright in her mind as she looks at Kano. She makes the hard decision to leave with him, only leaving a note on her bed for her mother to find and then leaving with Kano the next day.
Kano brings her to the Koliseum, putting her through weeks of fighting, giving her money and thrill as promised. Every day she would ask where Kyro was, where were they keeping him, how did she even know if he was still alive. Kano would brush her off, claiming that she’d seem him soon.
She had been fighting mercilessly, absolutely beating her enemies into a pulp. She had even been in a match against Mileena who left her with the gracious gift of a deep cut across her mouth from her sai but not without the repayment of a few shattered ribs. She fought viciously, drenched in blood, exhausted but ready to fight her final opponent and get the day over with.
Her blood had stilled when her father stood across the arena from her, years of fighting aging him and battle scars adorning his body. They refused to fight each other, ready to receive the beating that usually came when denying the emperor of something. An ultimatum was given: fight until one man remained or be killed.
After a few moments of painful silence, Kyro got into his fighting stance and gave his dear daughter a fearful and sorrowful nod. At first Alora held back when they fought, wanting to savor the moment of seeing her father after 9 years, taking in his features before the end came. But eventually her father pushed her to not hold back, to fight because her life depended on it.
With hurtful eyes he lands a kick to her stomach, sending her across the arena. She collapses to her knees, claiming she is unable to fight, secretly hoping they would put a stop this. With Kyro as the winner the match is done and they think they are safe for another day until Shang Tsung and a few of his experiments appear behind Kyro. Before Alora can even speak a word out, Shang Tsung grabs Kyro by the collar of his torn shirt and Alora can only watch in horror as the sorcerer takes his soul from him, his screams of agony tearing through Alora’s ears.
When her fathers body hits the ground she goes into a blind fit of rage and lunges forth, Shao Kahn’s minions attempting to hold her back but they were no match for her strength. Alora takes down the sorcerer and beats his face in, her fists pounding him to a pulp. It isn’t until Kano is hauling her away that the bloody sorcerers body transformed into someone else, revealing that he had used his magic to create a decoy and had gotten away. Kano tells Alora that because she lost the match she owed him money, forcing her to enlist in the Black Dragon and if she refused he would go find her mother and brother. Still fueled by the image of her father dying, she lashed out against Kano who took her down and cut her under the eye, leaving a permanent scar.
Now at age 29, Alora is the silent cold hearted muscle, having paid off the debt owed but too fearful to return home for the fact that Kano could still very possibly find her and her mother and brother. With the money she gets from missions she secretly sends it to her family, along with updates on her and to not look for her.
Alora hopes to one day be free of the Black Dragon claws, dreaming of returning to her mother and brother and finally putting her dark past behind her.
Fun Facts:
- She finds solace in her greenhouse, spending most of her free time in there tending to her garden and allowing herself to forget the life she lives currently
- She has a pet rat named Michi
- Claw machine and classic arcade games are her guilty pleasure
- Whenever she’s on a mission in Outworld, she likes to spar with Reiko since they have the same fighting style
- Is a heavy drinker but can handle her liquor extremely well
- Switches in between Spanish and English when she’s going off on somebody
- As much as she loves her father, she harbors immense guilt, blaming him for everything that happened. She wishes that he would’ve just let her die as a baby rather than seeking out Shang Tsung, ultimately sealing his fate and hers years to come.
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does anyone else remember a few years ago, taron’s dad sold a story about him to a low level publication like the sun or something? it may have been pre rocketman… it was just basically some pictures and him saying he’s a proud dad and that Taron and Emily are really in love or something like that? I just tried looking for it and can’t find it but I remember thinking that was pretty scummy of him.
Can't find the link either, although I remember looking at it quite recently, but I did find screenshots:
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There is so much to comment on here. Please do your worst 😂 god, scummy IS the right word for this fella.
* Arctic Monkeys' When The Sun Goes Down starts playing in the background *
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cuppachar · 2 months
I just did a binge (re)watch of 'The Smoke' with a baby Taron Egerton and now I really want to write a whump-found-family-redemption-hurt/comfort-fic where Kev basically becomes Asbo's pseudo dad.
(so depressed that there's none for me to read already
What do you mean there's no fics where Kev witnesses or deals with Gog's terrifying psycho-pathological physical and coercive control over Dennis/Asbo?)
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This boy did not get enough hugs in this series
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simphq · 1 year
Hi so im posting my storys from wattpad to here x wattpad: 3mily_xx
Taron Egerton Imagine! Pt1
Dating Taron does but doesn't feel like a relationship. Get what i mean? Anyway heres some bullet points on  what dating Taron would be like!
⚠️Im British so some words may be different for you⚠️
• Life as a actor means working non stop and having very little time to yourself,but when you and Taron have time to spend together  it usually involves a day in bed.Cuddling up with one and other and watching a film of your your choice,you would also get you and Tarons fav takeout!
•You would visit the sets that Taron is working on which means meeting new people and making a-lot of friends!
•You and Taron have similar friends like Richard madden,Jamie Bell,Sofie Cookson ect!
•You and Taron have alot of different nicknames for each other!
Tarons nicknames for you:
•cariad~ welsh for love/lover
Your nicknames for Taron!
•Hubby~if/when ur married
•There is always music playing weather its some songs from 70's or 80's. Or David Bowie or Elton John or even The Beatles,Taron and you always sing along.And of course Dancing that may or maybe lead to a make out session.
•When Taron is alway filming your feel a little sad and alone,But Taron makes sure to call or text you when he can telling you c everything thats he has been doing and sending pictures of his costumes!(Some make you burst out laughing)😂
•Taron is a family man! He loves his mum,step dad and little sisters and They love him too! His sisters adore you and look up to you lot.When you and Taron visit you spend lots of time with them all, weather thats having walks along the beach on a warm summers day or playing Mario cart with them in the winter, or drawing one and other You all have so much fun and Taron adores to watch you laugh and play with his younger sisters. It Makes him want to start a family with you but he knows not is not the right time!
•Taron and you always make each-other laugh
•When his mum calls him she always asked how you are and wants to speak to you! She think of you as a daughter.
•Taron trys to teach you welsh even though you can't remember most of it! You can remember and pronounce some things for example
•Rwy'n dy garu di~I love you
(Authors notes)
Hi hope you enjoyed what ever that was lol, I can do a part 2 if wanted just let me know in the comments! Requests are open and thank you for reading! :D
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lasudio · 2 months
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StrangeSpot, Round Thirty Three: Wheels
The mass 4t2 default-ening gave Helen a mohawk that looks just like the one Daisy had. She decides to keep it, in honour of her sister.
Taron has a change of heart about lycanthropy and reaches out to Lily for the cure. They both agree Jill, their dad's ex-girlfriend who cheated on him with their brother Marco, will make good cowplant milk for Taron's cure. What Taron doesn't realise is Lily thought the same of Marco when it came to curing her lycanthropy... yikes.
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euphternal · 4 months
podcastin’ w the taron family AU 🎀🎧
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haiii, this is AU of dad!taron/taron x y/n with being presence on all platforms of social media. streaming their at-home family podcast with happiness n peace along with extras n bts 🎀
if you wanna request anything into this AU or talk about this, feel free to send them thoughts through my inbox <33
taglist: @thelvrsera , @stilessbaseballbat , @nuggets-and-french-fries , @humilityshown , (let me know if you wanna be added to the taglist!!)
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1. podcastin’ w the taron family 🎧
2. inbox ask one
3. inbox ask two
4. inbox ask three
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thelvrsera · 3 months
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I do not write smut (I’m 17).
please be respectful and patient when it comes to requests!! I don’t have much time between school and work, so it’s hard to write from time to time.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion here!! Please do not think your opinion is better than anyone else’s (it’s an opinion for a reason).
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02. WORKS IN PROGRESS (updated 03/13/24)
9-1-1 WIP’s
a family to love *AU* (dad! evan buckley x mom!reader) | the science project (eddie diaz x reader) | two boys, one question (eddie diaz x reader)
secrets left unspoken (eggsy unwin x reader) | the good the bad and the chosen *SERIES ON HOLD* chapters 1-5 (jimmy keene x agent!reader) | end of beginnings (taron egerton x author!reader) | begin again *AU* (dad! taron x mom! reader) | he said, she said (taron egerton x reader)
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9-1-1 ☕️
| evan buckley, eddie diaz |
| eggsy unwin, jimmy keene, dennis “asbo” severs, ethan kopek |
| the good the bad and the chosen, begin again, a family to love |
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9-1-1 taglist : @that-general-simp , @oliverstarksbae , @whizzie123 , @oliviah-25 , @tryingfears , @meyocoko
main taglist : @nuggets-and-french-fries
taron egerton taglist : @euphternal
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Name: Alioth Comet Starshine
𝗚𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿:  Genderfluid (accepts any pronouns but most go by He/they)
𝗔𝗴𝗲: ??? (as old as the world but says its 20)
𝗕𝗶𝗿𝘁𝗵𝗱𝗮𝘆: ???
𝗦𝘁𝗮𝗿𝘀𝗶𝗴𝗻: ???
𝗛𝗲𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁: 678 cm (usually adjusts it so he is only 198 cm to go to class)
𝗘𝘆𝗲 𝗰𝗼𝗹𝗼𝗿: Blue Purple with Space shimmer
𝗛𝗮𝗶𝗿 𝗰𝗼𝗹𝗼𝗿: Dark blue
Species: Celestial Dragon Deity (Part Alien blood as well)
Based on: Aurelion Sol from Lol, with influences of Wanderlust from Just dance
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𝗗𝗼𝗿𝗺: Legothŕylos @fullplaidponydreamer​
𝗦𝗰𝗵𝗼𝗼𝗹 𝘆𝗲𝗮𝗿: fourth year
C𝗹𝗮𝘀𝘀: 4-C
𝗢𝗰𝗰𝘂𝗽𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻: Deity, Student
𝗖𝗹𝘂𝗯: Dance Club
𝗕𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝘀𝘂𝗯𝗷𝗲𝗰𝘁: Dance
Homeland:  Space (lies that its Tarons parents space station however)
Sexuality: Gay (currently)
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𝗗𝗼𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗻𝘁 𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗱: Left
𝗙𝗮𝘃𝗼𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗲 𝗳𝗼𝗼𝗱:  Macaroni , Chicken Nuggets, Astronaut food, Meteors
𝗟𝗲𝗮𝘀𝘁 𝗳𝗮𝘃𝗼𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗲 𝗳𝗼𝗼𝗱: bloody food, eggplants,
Likes: Dancing and inspiring others to dance, the planets and constellations, Lights, Disco music,
𝗗𝗶𝘀𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲𝘀: Beelby, Swans, his crown, Conflict between others, using him,
𝗛𝗼𝗯𝗯𝘆: practising any dance he can get his hands on, smithing, magic practise, Floating,
𝗧𝗮𝗹𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀: being cryptic about things, memorization,
𝗣𝗘𝗥𝗦𝗢𝗡𝗔𝗟𝗜𝗧𝗬 and Backstory:
Alioth was born around the same day as Beelby but while Beelby got used to Hell, Alioth was raised a little spoiled and praised by his people... his mother an Alien godess he mainly lived with her in her palace while his dad was always on a mission but came back once in a while to teach him magic and much more... He was loved by many but always curious about the planets and especially that one with many species on it that always danced and had this joy of life.. even if that world had hurt... he wanted to see it closer... Eventually he was said to be crowned as the crown prince of the Celestial realm however... many didn't approve of hits naive brat taking the throne and so they used his curiousity by letting a swan princess curse his crown... since then he could never take it off yet was never worthy to get the throne... His mother still loved him so she granted at least his wish and let him travel the world...
Nowadays he arrived at HSA for two seperate reasons... one to learn as many dances as possible and find foot in the business... and secondly for revenge...Beelby, who was a student at his school he met Millenias ago... the Origin demon broke into the celestial realm in secret and stole one of his fathers horn disgracing the family even more than they already were... so he also came here to meet him again and either take that horn back or take something as precious to him.
Alioth seems friendly, approachable and Cheerfull but that is not really all he is... can be very serious and duty focused thanks to his status but also at times a little full of himself... he has quite the confidence in himself and his talents as well when it comes to talking to people like Beelby he likes to do it the passive aggresive way. He cherishes every bond he gets...
As he arrived in this world he was said to be a candidated to be arranged Marriage to Miss Gabrielle Ravenor but after fighting her he gave up on his home... he could have defeated her with ease but didn't cause he wanted her to be free and slowly realized Men fascinate him far more so he wouldn't be happy in a relationship with her. Since then they are close friends... as well as he helped many dragons in her kingdom with sicknesses as well as learned smithing from her. He also has rumors surrounding him that spending time with him causes good dreams.
May be a bit forward about approaching someone he has fallen for but he does try his best to not be forcefull.
Unique Magic:
With the touch of his hands you will get a constellation tattoo on your skin and he can force you to dance any dance on his command without ever having to learn it before hand... either you mimic his moves or he will think about how you dance with him and you follow it to a perfect degree.
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Date Night Part 1/2
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Title: Date Night
Pairing: Taron Egerton X Reader
Word Count:
Warning: None, it's just cute. Swearing...I'm Canadian, it's gonna be in there
Summary: Taron takes the reader on her dream date. It's messy, but who could resist his sweet, clumsy awkwardness. It's the effort that counts, after all.
Author's Note: I had a disastrous first date with my (now) boyfriend, but his effort to improve things throughout the evening made me fall entirely in love with him. This is inspired by that evening. Enjoy <3
Taron had just returned from a morning shoot. The new movie was an action-packed story, so he returned to his rental exhausted with a body full of bruises. He was more torn down this afternoon because of the early morning jump-start, so into his bed, he jumped.
The sunlight sneaking past the hem of the curtains was almost gone; Taron was still in sleep heaven, dreaming of nothing he would remember when he woke.
His phone on his bedside table lit up, the notification sound melting into a soft clang in his dream sequence. The time read 5:28pm, and the notification below was from Y/N.
'Hey Taron, just got home from work. I might run a little late. Can we move the date to 6:30 instead of 6? I'm so sorry for the last-minute text.'
Taron stirred in bed. The sheets now comfortably lie on his chest. His eyes are too heavy to open wide, but that dreamland has been abandoned. After a few seconds of silence, a stretch or two, and a huff of contentment and relaxation, he opened his eyes to look around.
Noticing the darkness outside and the time on the hotel clock he jumped out of bed, picked up his phone and blurted out that four-letter Anglo-Saxton word in a repetitious trail.
"FUCK! Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!"
He darted for the shower leaving the phone on the bed with 5 notifications.
'All ready. Let me know when you're on the way' 6:24pm
'Is everything okay? Are you getting my messages?' 6:42pm
'Are we still on for today?' 7:32pm
'It's okay if you need to cancel, but can you, at the very least, communicate' 7:38pm
'I guess it's cancelled. I'll talk to you when I talk to you.' 8:00pm
The last text appeared while he was already in the shower. That's 2 hours later than he was supposed to go on the date. This was a mess, and he still needed to start the date.
He finished his military shower in 3 minutes and started throwing on the clothes he neatly hung beside the dresser labelled 'Date Night.' Dressing as quickly as possible he picked up his phone and called her while squeezing the device between his shoulder and his jaw so he could pull up his pants. The phone rang until it transferred to voicemail.
Once again that cuss left his mouth, “fuck”.
As fast as the traffic would let him, he drive through every single kilometre with great anxiety. First dates are nerve racking to begin with. Being two and a half hours late without any communication is as bad as it can get.
On the way, as he stood waiting for a red signal, he spotted some potted flowers outside a hardware store. Her voice flooded his mind, remembering their conversations on bouquet gifting.
“Don’t get me wrong, I love flowers. But why kill it? Where did this tradition begin? Who looked at flowers and thought ‘Hey! Flowers! Imma murder them, stuff ‘‘em in plastic and hand a collection of dying flowers to the first lady I find.’ Gimme flowers, but let them live you know.”
He took a sharp right and into the store, picking up the best 6 inch Hibiscus Braid they were selling. He careful placed it into his car securing it with the seatbelt. It’s been a disaster date so far, he couldn’t afford another mishap.
Responsibly speeding on the road, Taron finally made it to her house. He parked in her parent’s driveway and rushed to the front of her door. He rang the doorbell and waited there, expecting the worst. Her father opened the door.
“Oh I thought you cancelled your date” dad asked, now sceptical of the boy he was once impressed by.
“I’m very sorry sir, I know I should’ve called and told her I was running embarrassingly late. I’m very sorry for showing up late. I know I have no right to call on her. I just want to see her and explain and then I’ll leave. I promise” he rambled.
Y/N, overhearing their interaction came down the stairs and towards the door where her father was standing.
“It’s okay da, let me talk to him.”
Her hair and makeup was still done but she opted for a comfortable sweats, a tee and an unzipped hoodie. She wasn’t angry, just disappointed. He still thought she looked absolutely beautiful.
His heart was racing to look at her. What could he possibly say to make things right? She waited for him to start talking, a soft look resting on her face. Somehow it made things worse for him.
"I'm so incredibly sorry--"
"Stop apologizing," she interrupted. "You said you wanted to explain..." she started, prompting him to continue.
"I made this perfect plan for our date, and I still do if you want to go on this date with me." He began rambling again but changed courses when her body language shifted. "I was sent home early today because it was already an extremely physical day and insurance and all that. I had already picked the outfit and made the reservations and all the plans, so I decided I'd take a nap until my alarm went off. Except I didn't wake up with the alarm and raced over as fast as possible. On the way...Oh, wait" He stopped himself, ran to his van, and pulled out the plant he had purchased for her. He presented it to her as sweetly as he could. "I remember you saying you don't like murdered flowers, so I got you a potted one instead."
Between his nervous ramble and the potted plant, she was starting to forgive him, not that she would let him know.
"Look, I know my lack of communication was childish and rude, and you are under no obligation to forgive me, but you should know that I really like you and want to get to know you better. I know you've had a tough week, and I just wanted you to have one fantastic evening. I have been thinking of you for days ever since we talked that entire night. I love talking to you, and today I just hoped to keep talking to you...forever. I know you said to stop apologizing, but I am sorry."
She hadn't said anything; she kept her eyes on the plant he had gifted her while he rambled away.
"I'm sorry again." He mutter as he began leaving. He sat in his van and began driving away. Just as he backed out of her driveway and onto the street, he received a notification.
'If the reservation has been made, we can't not show up, can we?'
His heart skipped a beat as he saw her name. Looking up to see the look on her face, her soft smile while hugging tightly the plant he gifted her warmed his heart.
'Reverse the car and wait a sec. I'll be right down.'
She sent the text and reentered her home with the plant still in hand.
He backed the car and waited inside. He debated whether or not to leave the engine on to heat the car. It was of course the coldest time of the year so he left the heater on.
In less than 20 minutes he noticed the porch door swing open and out she came in a beautiful maroon dress and a (fake) furry cover. He jumped out of his car and ran to open the door for her.
“You look beautiful,” he smiled. A cliché line, but he truly meant it. He watched her as she sat in his car and adjusted the bottom of the dress.
"Aren't we on a tight schedule?" She looked up at him, still staring at her.
He immediately closed the door and ran to the other side of the car to join her inside.
“You look absolutely beautiful” he said, holding absolutely still.
To his surprise this made her laugh. “Are you gonna take me on this date or are you gonna keep flirting with me on this driveway until I blush myself to death?”. She let her urge to reach for his hand and gently touch him win.
He smiled again, grabbed her hand and kissed it.
“Let’s get out of here”. He said driving away.
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Spoke to my boyfriend about our date to write this more from the man’s perspective. Let me know if you want me to do that more often.
I was originally going for only a quick thing but it would have been too long. I’ve already started on Part 2 so the next one shouldn’t be too far away.
Let me know if you want me to explore any other ideas (smut welcome lol)
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