#secret life session 4 spoilers
eluminium · 7 months
Why Impulse decided to try and get people to give hearts to Skizz.
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antevault · 7 months
please? 🥺
transcript under cut:
Etho: I kinda assumed you meant, like, take one of the memes and convince people it’s your task, kind of thing?
Martyn: …No, okay—
Etho: —I don’t know if that’s quite what you meant…
Martyn: No, I don’t think it was. I was—
Etho: [emphatically] Oh no.
Martyn: Okay, wait wait wait wait wait—
Etho: Would you say that’s a good task, though?
Martyn: …
Martyn: [indecisive] Uhh… Eee…. Oouughh….
Etho: [small, desperate] Please?
Martyn: You know what? Go on. Yeah, go on. You can have it.
Etho: YEAH!
Martyn: Go on. Go on!
Etho: I love you, Martyn! You’re the best!
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fountainpenguin · 7 months
Wheezing at Cleo accidentally smacking Etho with her diamond sword and he yelps and crouches and then he's just "Ohh I'm sorry, I'll do the dishes, I'll do whatever you want, no more, no more-"
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silly-soup-drinker · 7 months
Ok but like
Jimmy just blatantly did not complete his task correctly this session. He is definitely gonna have to reroll for a hard task next session. Which, considering he's now red is gonna be VERY interesting 👀👀
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samgatinho · 7 months
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my sincerest reaction to session 4 desertduo interactions
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bitter-goodbyes · 7 months
I just finished the most recent session of Secret Life (session 6) and OMG GRIAN AND ETHO???????
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lordgriandreamslayer · 7 months
I just got to Joel's POV and??? THERES NO WAY THAT WAS RANDOM RIGHT???
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haebe-doesart · 6 months
// secret life spoilers
Tango wakes deep in the stomach of the Dungeon's wiring—really? That's where he last slept?—and screams.
It's mostly frustration, partly embarrassment.
The scream doesn't even have the decency to echo; it's absorbed by the wool criss-crossing the cavern. The torches shine impassively, flames aglow in the perfectly still air. Tango is sick of dying so meaninglessly, so uselessly. Just once, he'd like to go down fighting.
"Whatever. I knew it was coming," he tells no one. If there's a silver lining, it's that he's alone. There is no Scar lingering too close, the scent of blood on his breath. There are no red names lurking in the walls, or—earlier still—yellow names giggling and speculating. Being able to talk freely, even if it is to himself, is quite relieving. "I knew something like this was gonna happen."
The anger is already fading. The disappointment will stay till the end of time.
Tango grits his teeth; his ankle throbs when he tries to stand. Void, Ultra Hardcore takes a while to wear off. Not even when he was getting mauled daily by ravagers in Season 7 did respawns hurt this much. There are bruises on his arms from endlessly hefting a shield, and his ears ring with the crackling of Wither skulls and the sonic booms of the Warden. Tango thinks he might not be able to face the Deepfrost citadel for a while.
The redstone-spaghetti that he calls a ceiling wobbles as he stands, pulling hard on the cave walls as his legs give out. It takes him a moment to find his rockets, another moment to breathe as he finds them where the Secret scroll was—not that he needed it, really; Win Secret Life? That was the plan, buddy, and it was doomed from the beginning of the session.
His elytra trails dust as he takes off, the overhead swoop as it unfurls unfamiliar after weeks of walking. He lands clumsily on the highest perch, scrapes his arms as he pulls himself to his feet. The blood wells, bright red, and Tango feels a brief jolt of panic—no, his hearts are fine. They're regenerating, albeit slowly since he hasn't eaten in a while.
Hasn't been much time to, has there? Amidst all the chasing and running and hunting, Void, the hunting—
Tango won't forget the feeling of hounds baying at his heels any time soon.
Everything feels different in a world where mistakes are final. Where every tiny hit, every careless blow is set in stone. Stone, like the constant, judging presence of the Secret Keeper, and doesn't that just make Tango want to take to the statue with a stack of TNT and some flint and steel.
He had better go hand in his task, hadn't he? He's failed. Tango laughs to himself, tries to store that joke to tell when the rest come back. It won't be long, if that's any comfort, but they'll have battles and betrayals and blood to spill, unlike him. Tango might look for Mumbo, but even he died in action, early death or otherwise.
The worst thing is that he isn't even mad he lost. He's mad because he's gone.
Just. Like. That.
Burnt from under his feet. Moss and smoke in the air, Scar shouting, a duel in the distance—he envies the loser of that fight, if only because they have a killer to name, a revenge to seek, something apart from his own damned stupidity to blame.
Tango grumbles a bit more, pulls the lever that reopens the Dungeon. There's always next season.
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fishiecomics · 7 months
How do they get more and more pathetic each week? /pos
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inaris-mage-of-storms · 7 months
It's been two days and all I can think about is Jimmy dropping a "hello petal" at Martyn. I'm. Sir. You can't do this to me.
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mixx-exists · 6 months
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And in our time of need, the man, the myth, the legend appears.
So glad he's feeling better :)
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fountainpenguin · 6 months
Heavily amused by Scar listing "People confessing their love for each other" as "Really weird things I've heard on this server."
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lucasluvia · 7 months
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Martyn has survived over 4 sessions on red now, meaning he's been red for over half for Secret Life episodes now.
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isjasz · 7 months
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Doodles before I have to go to class!! This session is amazing oh my god HAHASDHhas
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lixettzunderscore · 6 months
Secret Life Session 9 Doodles!! (Spoilers?)
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i'm nearly a week late, but here, the last entry in my secret life doodle extravaganza :v;
(general thoughts on the season, doodle recap and links to past sessions under the cut!!)
so uh, that finale huh? was rotating that in my head for like a solid 24 hours after i saw it, ngl--
watching this season was super fun!! i'm kind of sad it ended, watching all the episodes and doodling silly moments has been the highlight of my weeks over the past two months, but also i very much need a break so i feel a bit relieved too- managed to get every session this time around, which was an improvement from my limited life doodles!
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here's the count of how many times i doodled each character! keep in mind that all versions of the characters count, including the lil chibi heads, so some numbers might seem larger than expected :0 (if you'd like to see similar stats for the limited life doodles, please let me know!! i counted them up a while back :D)
(session 1 doodles)
(session 2 doodles)
(session 3 doodles)
(session 4 doodles)
(session 5 doodles)
(session 6 doodles)
(session 7 doodles)
(session 8 doodles)
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