#secrets of the void
braxiatel · 6 months
I’m sorry to Grian but going to Mumbo - the guy who is known for constantly giggling - to try to fulfil his task of telling bad jokes no one will laugh at is probably the funniest thing he could have done.
He saw his special little guy and all reason went out the window. He had to hang out with mumbo right now immediately doing well at his own series be damned
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wisefoxluminary · 6 days
Holy shit!!!
Ant-Man what are you doing here?
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hellixo-dev · 4 months
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hoolyelina · 6 months
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Secret Keeper
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cjskribblez · 5 months
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pechrpeach · 5 months
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Void Burns - Lizzie
(Finale countdown pt.2)
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tokenducks · 5 months
No one came to her party
No one noticed she died
And when they did, they didn’t mourn her, they celebrated Jimmy’s survival
When her death is discussed it’s in relation to canary’s curse and Scott’s survival and Joel’s future avenging
Ignored and outshined in life and death. All alone falling through the empties of the void.
She died as she lived, in shadows.
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psymachine · 10 months
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probably this joke has been done before, but--
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neobora · 1 year
a definitive guide to actually fulfilling your desires
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"i affirm and persist all day long but nothing is working!!"
"i ignored the 3d for a week straight and did xyz whenever i could but nothing happened"
stop forcing yourself to work for your manifestations. you can do tons of methods and challenges and still see zero change in the 3d. why? because states manifest. it‘s that easy.
now, when you affirm and visualize on loop to get your desires without success in what state do you find yourself?
in a state of lack. you are affirming to GET. you should never feel like you have to WORK for your manifestations.
"Ideas are impressed on the subconscious through the medium of feeling. No idea can be impressed on the subconscious until it is felt, but once felt - be it good, bad or indifferent - it must be expressed. Feeling is the one and only medium through which ideas are conveyed to the subconscious." - Neville Goddard (Feeling is the Secret)
THE ONLY THING YOU HAVE TO DO IN ORDER TO GET YOUR DESIRES IS TO FEEL LIKE YOU HAVE THEM. FULFILL THEM MENTALLY. read that again. you have to FEEL like you already have them. nothing else. everything else will follow.
"The subconscious never fails to express that which has been impressed upon it. The moment it receives an impression, it begins to work out the ways of its expression. It accepts the feeling impressed upon it, your feeling, as a fact existing within itself and immediately sets about to produce in the outer or objective world the exact likeness of that feeling. The subconscious never alters the accepted beliefs of man." - Neville Goddard (Feeling is the Secret)
isn't that amazing? you can genuinely have or be ANYTHING, yes, anything, just by feeling. and it will ALWAYS be expressed into the outer world as long as you fulfill it in the inner world ( -> your imagination).
now how do we go on about this?
first of all you need to actually realize that YOU ARE THE ONLY CREATOR. the only cause. everything you see in the 3d is dependent on your beliefs and ideas. you do not have to be anything you don’t want to be. you are consciousness moving through states. read that again. engrain it into your beliefs.
i recommend doing this meditation by edwartart. it really helped me realize that i don‘t actually need to see anything in the outer world, but can instead just experience it in my imagination. and as we learned earlier, "once it is felt, it must be expressed."
this is also why you really shouldn’t care about your 3d. you dont have to ignore it, but you should never identify with the outer world. you are pure consciousness. live in your imagination as much as possible, as imagination is reality. thoughts manifest -> the dominant feeling manifests.
and instead of consuming even more posts about manifesting, go try it out. you dont even have to meditate, just close your eyes and remove the outer world from existence. then be the person you want to be. experience living as that person. you‘ll soon realize that it‘s incredibly easy to manifest and you‘ll also automatically stop caring about the 3d when you reach the state of fulfillment.
and don’t say you "cant get into a state". once you get rid of that mental blockage and ALLOW yourself to feel and experience it‘s genuinely SO EASY. don’t force it! if it doesn’t feel good you’re probably imagining something you don’t really want. try imagining your heart‘s desires. imagining is so fun. do it whenever you can, when you’re waiting for the bus, taking a break etc.
read this post again if you need to. actually understand it.
now go live in your imagination. fulfill all your desires mentally and you‘ll soon realize the 3d automatically catches up without you having to lift a finger. the life of your dreams is literally just waiting for you to experience it!
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eamour · 1 month
inner self and outer self.
life is an expression of SELF. it’s a reflection of who you are and what you have within — in IMAGINATION. but where is SELF? does SELF only exist on the inside? can SELF also exist in the outside?
the inner self.
inner self · lives in the world of imagination, feels limitless and free, thinks life happens from them, believes they are in complete control and in charge of their reality, only accepts desirable things for the way they are and changes things they don’t want, knows that they create everything around them, …
the outer self.
outer self · lives in the world of senses, feels limited and restricted by the facts and rules of life, thinks life happens to them, believes that they cannot control or change their reality, accepts things for the way they are, thinks that they cannot create anything, …
your true self.
the truth is, you are only one being feeling yourself into believing you are two beings — the inner and the outer self. the outer self however is an illusion. it’s a physical expression, an embodiment of the garment that’s worn mentally by the inner self. you are always living in the world of imagination and therefore always the inner self. moreover, there is only one world (imagination) and one self (inner). you can only ever be your inner self. you cannot not be your inner self.
inner over outer.
anything you feel to experience on the outside actually is first experienced on the inside. life doesn’t happen to you but from you. the same way your outer self reacts to your creation, it is your inner self who does. it's your inner self who feels as the outer self doesn’t exist and cannot feel on its own. so stop believing that your outer self AND your outer reality exist independently.
inner change.
oh and because of that, because you only truly exist in the world of imagination, you can only ever fulfill your inner self MENTALLY. fulfillment and satisfaction of self can only take place INTERNALLY within your mind. again, the medium through which we shift is FEELING. the FEELING of BEING and HAVING.
the only self.
"there is no other to please, you only please yourself." — aphrodite apprentice.
you need to understand that there is nothing outside of you. everything on the outside exists on the inside and has therefore been imagined once. nothing is not yours because you are everything and vice versa. there can’t be no other god or creator in the world — YOUR world — of imagination
i am ness.
before you are anything, you ARE. before you claim yourself to BE anything, before you state to HAVE anything, you say "I AM". you can never escape your own "I AM", your awareness of BEING and HAVING. you may forget who you are, where you are, why you are, when you are, what you are, you won’t ever forget that YOU ARE. you can never stop being aware of something no matter what. and with that awareness, you declare yourself to be the one and only creator as there is no other conscious creator outside of you. that’s what your "I AM" is. that’s your "I AM-ness".
your i am.
your purest and truest self is consciousness — unconditioned, pure consciousness. your inner self, without the occupation of any state and any garment, is faceless and formless awareness that hasn’t been defined yet. you are awareness unattached to any concept and any conviction of self. all you are is imagination in which all things exist infinitely and where all things are entirely possible. that is who you are. awareness of SELF. the sense of SELF.
and you are ?
hereupon, you can be whoever you want to be and have whatever you want to have. it’s up to you how you wish to "condition" your awareness. we assign meaning to our states, we rate and evaluate them, we distinguish between "good" and "bad".
with love, ella.
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braxiatel · 4 months
I think the best solution to the “Grian fans making everything about Grian” complaint isn’t to shame the Grian fans but rather that the rest of us who have other faves should simply become more abnormal about them
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wishfulfilled · 1 year
some neville goddard quotes i find helpful:
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“You are already that which you want to be, and your refusal to believe this is the only reason you do not see it.”
“I know of no clearer definition of the means by which we realize our desires than to EXPERIENCE IN THE IMAGINATION WHAT WE WOULD EXPERIENCE IN THE FLESH WERE WE TO ACHIEVE OUR GOAL.”
“The best denial is total indifference. Things wither and die through indifference. They are kept alive through attention. You do not deny a thing by saying it does not exist.”
“By imagination we have the power to be anything we desire to be.”
“To reach a higher level of being, you must assume a higher concept of yourself.”
“Although you may now seem to be what you do not want to be, all you need do to change it, and to prove the change by circumstances in your world, is to quietly assume that you are that which you now want to be, and in away you do not know you will become it.”
”Man must firmly come to believe that reality lies within him and not without.”
”Whatever the mind of man can conceive and feel as true, the subconscious can and must objectify.”
“As soon as you succeed in convincing yourself of the reality of the state sought, results follow to confirm your fixed belief.”
“As soon as man assumes the feeling of his wish fulfilled, his fourth dimensional Self finds ways for the attainment of this end, discovers methods for its realization.”
“Through your ability to think and feel, you have dominion over all creation.”
“Capture the feeling associated with your realized wish by assuming the feeling that would be yours were you already in possession of the thing you desire, and your wish will objectify itself.”
“You are that which you believe yourself to be.”
“Everything we do, unaccompanied by a change of consciousness, is but futile readjustment of surfaces.”
“Humanity is a single being in spite of its many forms and faces, and there is in it only such seeming separation as we find in our own being when we are dreaming.”
“As soon as we succeed in transforming self, our world will dissolve and reshape itself in harmony with that which our change affirms.”
“That is; you say silently but feelingly to yourself, “I AM.” Do not condition this 'awareness' as yet. Just declare yourself to be, and continue to do so, until you are lost in the feeling of just being – faceless and form- less. When this expansion of consciousness is attained, then, within this formless deep of yourself give form to the new conception by FEELING yourself to be THAT which you desire to be.”
“It does not matter what it is you desire to have done, or whom you select to do it. As soon as you subjectively affirm that it is done, results follow.”
“Failure is always due to an antagonistic auto-suggestion by the patient, arising from objective doubt of the power of medicine or relic, or from doubt of the truth of the theory.”
“Imagination and faith are the secrets of creation.”
“You have nothing to do but convince yourself of the truth of that which you desire to see manifested.”
“Our subconscious assumptions continually externalize themselves that others may consciously see us as we subconsciously see ourselves, and tell us by their actions what we have subconsciously assumed of ourselves to be.”
“Do not question the how of these things appearing, for no man knows that way.”
“Become indifferent and begin to feel yourself to be that which would be the solution of the problem.”
“You do not visualize yourself at a distance in point of space and at a distance in point of time being congratulated on your good fortune. Instead, you make elsewhere HERE, and the future NOW. The future event is a reality NOW in a dimensionally larger world and oddly enough, now in a dimensionally larger world is equivalent to HERE in the ordinary three dimensional space of everyday life.”
“Every dream could be realized by those self-disciplined enough to believe it.”
“Life does not care whether you call yourself rich or poor; strong or weak. It will eternally reward you with that which you claim as true of yourself.”
“The reason most of us fail to realize our desires is because we are constantly conditioning them. Do not condition your desire. Just accept it as it comes to you.”
“Creation is finished.”
“The reason men condition their desires is because they constantly judge after the appearance of being and see the things as real – forgetting that the only reality is the consciousness back of them.”
“Begin now to mentally see and feel yourself as that which you want to be, and feast upon that sensation morning, noon, and night.”
“Consciousness is the one and only reality.”
“Instead of trying to change others through argument and force, let me but ascend in consciousness to a higher level and I will automatically change others by changing myself.”
“Because consciousness is the only reality I must assume that I am already that which I desire to be. If I do not believe that I am already what I want to be, then I remain as I am and die in this limitation.”
“Assume the feeling of your wish fulfilled and continue feeling that it is fulfilled until that which you feel objectifies itself.”
“The future dream must become a present fact in the mind of him who seeks to realize it.”
“Feed the mind with premises that is, assertions presumed to be true, be- cause assumptions, though false, if persisted in until they have the feeling of reality, will harden into fact.”
“That God exists in us and we in him.”
“The Bible gives it as three days; the duration is three days for responsein this world. If I would now assume I am what I want to be, and if I am faithful to it and walk as though I were, the very longest stretch given for its realization is three days.”
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alienssstufff · 4 months
ppl are saying the SL Winner is associated with the Void (Abt the Sun Star Moon etc symbolism) and ily— gonna expand on that and say he is the sky, the vast, the heaven everyone is trying to get their good (and bad) tasks to reach.
For the first in a Life Series the winner gets to live longer. When the winner ends his season, he ends it with gratitude and optimism for the future as the guy is granted freedom - an open, infinite sky :]
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blinkpen · 6 months
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speaking as gently as possible to unsuccessfully mitigate how all the other noises happening right now are so so terrifying
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rhodeisland-resorts · 6 months
[ InTheLittleWood fell out of the world ]
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Zoomie zoom-in
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daily-property-police · 6 months
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Day 313
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