#seed & sickle oracle
binary2step · 10 months
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Well damn
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oleanderandsalt · 1 year
you did a tarot reading for me over discord, and i wrote a little review. it's in third person so it's a little weird to send in ask. but here goes:
I got a great reading from Elowen, it matched my situation perfectly, she was actually a little surprised at how spot on she was! Besides telling me stuff I already knew (but she didn't), she gave me some good advice based on the cards. She took pictures of the cards (beautiful cards, the seed and sickle deck), and explained each card individually before tying it all together, being clear about what cards contributed to what in that summary.
Thank you so much for the review!! (And no big deal, formatting is a Plague when ur moving something from one location to another, I totally get it :D )
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spiralhouseshop · 8 months
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New in the Spiral House Shop!
September 29, 2023
The Long Hidden Friend by John George Hohman Edited and Illustrated by Gemma Gary
Magic: A History: From Alchemy to Witchcraft, from the Ice Age to the Present by Chris Gosden
The White Deer: Ecospirituality and the Mythic by Melinda Reidinger
Real Alchemy: A Primer of Practical Alchemy by Robert Allen Bartlet
Visual Alchemy: A Witch's Guide to Sigils, Art, and Magic by Laura Tempest Zakroff
How to Deal: Tarot for Everyday Life by Sami Main
Small Magics: Practical Secrets from am Appalachian Village Witch by H Byron Ballard
The Seed & Sickle Oracle Deck by Fez Inkwright
Crafting a Daily Practice: A Simple Course on Self-Commitment by T Thorne Coyle
The Gorgon's Guide To Magical Resistance edited by Laura Tempest Zakroff
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delightingintragedy · 2 years
Hekate Correspondences According to Hekate Liminal Rites by Sorite d'Este
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Goddess of: Crossroads, thresholds, boundaries, transitions, dreams and nightmares, oracles and divination, life and death, the restless dead, witchcraft and herbalism/poisons, protection, childbirth, the heavens, sea and earth.
Epithets: Chthonia (earthly one), Dadouchos (torch-bearer), Enodia ('of the wayside' or 'of the crossroad'), Kleidouchos (key-bearer), Kourotrophos (child's nurse), Phosphorus (light-bearer), Propolos (companion), Propylaia (the one before the gate), Soteira (savior), Triformis (three bodied), Trioditis (of the three ways), Brimo (angry/terrifying), Nexichthon (she who breaks open the earth), Prytania (invincible queen).
Symbols: Keys, torches, the moon, lunar crescent diadem, bronze/brass (her sacred metal), iron (particularly nails), bronze or golden sandals, virgin, garland/wreath, scorge, whips, sickles, swords, knives, wands, things done in threes, the strophalos, white, black, red, and saffron yellow.
Animal Associations: Lions, (black) dogs, horses, cows/bulls, hydras, snakes, bats, and dragons.
Plant Associations: Rue, laurel, cumin, sesame seeds, cornels, asphodel, maidenhair, rushes, galangal, verbena, sage, hedge-mustard, purple honeysuckle, cassidony, field basil. mandrake, hulwort, dittany, saffron, nose-smart, lion-foot, greenbriar, camomile, black poppy, alcua, all-heal, white hellebore, aconite, oak, ebony, garlic, and cypress.
Deities She's Worshiped With: Demeter and Kore (Eleusinian mysteries), Poseidon, and Hermes.
Deities She Absorbed: Brimo, Despoina, Enodia, Genetyllis, Kotys, Kratais, and Kourotrophos.
Deities She's Syncretised With: Artemis, Selene, Mene, Persephone, Physis, Bendis, Bona Dea, Diana, Ereschigal, and Isis.
Offerings: Dogs, goats, lizards (this can be something in their shape), incense and fragrances, resins like frankincense, myrrh, and storax, wafers and cakes, barley cakes, honey, vegetables, first fruits, flowers, fish like sprat and mullet, wine, milk, blood, oil, water, raw eggs, bread, cheese, and cheesecakes.
Types of Magic Historically Attributed to Her: Rejuvenation of the old, control over weather, necromancy/raising the dead, purification, love/binding/relationship destroying magic, invisibility/to move unseen, shapeshifting, control over animals, herbal/poison magic, and divination.
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starsambrosia · 2 months
The Citadel, a fantasy oracle. By: Fez Inkwright (also the creator of the seed and sickle deck)
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I asked Hermes to guide me in drawing the showcase cards and...yeah this is his deck now 😭/pos /af
I lov him so much, ohoho and and guess what???
My love, @discountprophet , has the same deck! Were devising scheemes with Hermes on a tabletop game, i am pumped as fuck i cannot wait :D
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sixthwater · 1 year
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Hello all! I was finally able to do the pac I wanted to do! So, today we will be looking at shadow traits that you might be unaware of, and some advice as to how you can healthily integrate them into your life. Hopefully this will be helpful to those that read it! So let's get into it.
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(Left → Right / Pile 1 → Pile 4)
Decks Used: Horror Tarot, Abadoned Oracle, Tarot Familars, claves astrologicae, Seed & Sickle
Disclaimer | Pinned | Paid Readings
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Pile One
Cards: X of Wands, II of Swords, Strength Rx, Judgement, King of Wands (The Hanged Man), The Cyclist Rx, The Beast, The Curse
You try to carry everything on your back, very resistant to relying on others or asking for help, whether you realize it or not. When you weight the pros and cons of a situation, subconsciously you’ve already decided that in the end you’re just going to solve the issue yourself. Strength in reverse usually stands for a lack of willpower or can point to insecurity. The inability to rely on others around you and showing off the bravado (KoW) or exerting yourself beyond all means (ToW) can be thrown into a warped mindset of what strength and resolve means. I don’t think you’re doing this on purpose (re; the topic of this pac) but it’s probably sourced from past wounds or traumas that made you believe you can’t rely on others or were shamed into relying on yourself. There’s also this idea that going through these trials are going to empower you or make you a better person in some way. Like people who have those ‘been through the fire and flame’ stories but they turned out okay, and life doesn’t have to be this way. Sort of like ‘who am I if I can’t even handle this’. There’s a possibility of overworking yourself as well or being apart of grind/hustle culture because there’s a lot of skeletal/bone imagery and I know this is a horror deck, but there’s actually not a lot of skeletons in here. So you might be prone to working yourself to the bone in order to prove a point to yourself or others. With The Hanged Man sitting at the back it’s interesting because usually that means a change in perspective or taking a breather but it’s like your decision making just circles the drain? The man is caged up, so it feels like the perspective can only go so far out before your decision is made, and even in the Two of Swords the person is buried already, so ‘the grave is made’, right? So you’ll ponder what paths to go down but ultimately they all end up leading back to you dealing with everything alone, even though that doesn’t have to be the solution. Under that we have the Queen of Swords and she comes off as more independent and sharp in this deck, kind of like the gaslight girlboss energy, you handle shit alone. With your oracle cards, there’s definitely a feeling of being shamed or punished over something in your past and now there’s extreme fear if you don’t have complete control over the outcome. Some earth energy (Virgo, Capricorn) and a little bit of air but I can’t pinpoint it honestly. Sisters Are Doin It For Themselves and Do It Like A Dude started playing. It’s repeating everything I said so I won’t go into much detail, but looking at the imagery there’s a lot of stuff going on around the head, and then the last guy is tied up; think the eight of swords. The Curse deals with feeling trapped or having constant misfortune. Meanwhile the other two cards deal with underlying aggressive thoughts but the mental landscape is a bit of a hell. The only thing that stands out is The Cyclist can sometimes be a bit of an escapist, which lines up with The Hanged Man. It tells me that you’re a bit more aware of the source or issues surrounding this, or someone has pointed this out to you but you don’t really have a grasp regarding how to control it. Really all of this is coping with not having people lash out at you for things out of your control, for the most part, but it’s manifesting negatively since it’s having a bad influence on your health and mental, so let’s move on
Cards: IX of Pentacles Rx, II of Swords Rx, VII of Wands Rx, The Devil, Last Quarter Moon, 1st House, Basil, Wisteria
Retrograde by Cartel seems to fit this section. You probably could’ve guessed this advice but: you need to fold in on some of your beliefs, trust people, and try out some different avenues when it comes to problem solving. There’s nothing wrong with being a powerhouse or being independent; but when you struggle to go to those around you it can be detrimental to relationships and also yourself. It’s kind of silly because they’re basically showing you one of the ‘marry for money’/lack of independence cards in this scenario, so it’s like…yes. Go rely on people. You don’t need to always go out and study fifteen different topics to solve every issue that comes to you, maybe Suzy can solve this problem because she already knows enough about it so you have one small thing off your plate today. She won’t kill you. You need to really give yourself some time to go through all problem solving or just toss it and start over because it’s not helpful for you right now. You can slowly ween yourself off in ways that you just break up the task and you still do a little bit but you need to get to a point where someone else helps you. Completely. It’s okay. That’s why we all exist together on this planet, we cannot solve everything on our own, there’s a reason why we are all different and excel at different things or have our own little quirks. Even these shadows of ours can be useful to us sometimes. It would be recommended that you take a closer look at yourself and whatever issue(s) caused this and figure out your trauma response. Even if it’s not a trauma response, something is making you go to drastic measures to prove yourself to only you at this point. If journaling is beneficial to you, break it down step by step (issue > your feelings > your reactions > how you act today > work backwards > etc). If not, pay attention to when this attribute jumps out. Why did it do so. What caused it. What were you feeling. Trivial events might trigger us and we won’t realize it until hours later, it happens more often than we realize. At my old job I had a SV who reminded me of my mother and I didn’t realize why I clashed with her so much until I realized her interactions with a CW of mine (who reminded me of my younger self) triggered me every time. If someone you’re not so fond of have particular characteristics and someone else happens to do them, you might be reacting out of protection without realizing. You’re just being encouraged to do some self-reflection so you have an idea of what’s upsetting your internal balance. it’s also to gain more self-control and understanding of yourself. So in this case, The Devil is pointed more towards obsession with yourself. Besides that, be more open to assistance, take paths you don’t usually travel down, dip your toes into the energy of The Fool a bit more, but like…mentally. Absolutely try to embody the energy of The Empress during this time though, take care of yourself more.
Songs: Sisters Are Doin It For Themselves (ft. Aretha Franklin) – Eurythmics, Do It Like A Dude – Jessie J, Retrograde – Cartel, Lucid Dreams – Juice WRLD
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Pile Two
Cards: The Lovers, Queen of Swords Rx, Six of Cups, IX of Pentacles Rx, The Star (The Empress Rx), Ink, Blasé, Blessings Rx
Okay before I even pull cards the energy is very excited to get going lol Exact opposite energy of Pile One. There is a feeling…there’s a rush of different messages, the oracle will pinpoint it but someone is very heavy here. Right now there is a mourning of an ex or ‘what could have been’, and constant verification for the situation? Checking transits or readings to see if things will change or if you were right about the person, that’s what a lot of this energy feelings like. Moving on from that, in general it feels like a big open wound, I feel like I got this energy before in a previous reading so welcome back? With The Empress as the overall energy, especially with its imagery, it’s a very heavy feeling in a sense that you know it’s looming but you don’t feel like you have anything in your power to stop this insecurity or fear. Or control? Over this fact. Anyway the cards — there’s just a lot of strong emotion here. We don’t have The Devil, but we do have a lot of cards speaking towards feeling strongly and then The Lovers, which deals with feeling passionately to the point of obsession and the lesson is to learn balance over time. While The Queen upright in this deck speaks to being more cold and harsh, in reverse it speaks to lashing out in fear to cover up for what she lacks. The main issue here is that you guys are very sensitive, which is never a bad thing, but considering the combination it’s like you suck up issues that hit you and then they bubble and boil within you. If you can’t come to a solution it eats you alive and you obsess over it, not in a mercurial way but you’re just easily affected by the external world. Using Abbott Elementary as an example; Gregory (although pretty dry) obsesses over the principal position in the beginning. When he finds out it was compromised he basically spirals for almost two episodes and doesn’t know what to do with himself until he gets guidance. That’s what this energy feels like. You just feel things deeply. It feels like Scorpio or Pisces — or hey maybe you have Saturn in Pisces since that’s relevant soon hiiii~. So there’s a constant need for reassurance or looking for guidance and feeling lost and frustrated. Again there’s a small split where there’s some of you who are very/easily affected by love. I’m not feeling the hyper independence like Pile One, it feels more like scarred by previous relationships or worried by not having had a relationship and if it’s something about you, and it results in this ‘but look I have such and such so I’m fine!!’ mindset, when under the surface it’s eating you alive. Okay oracle cards…interesting. Had to pull one more and we got Viewing in reverse. Shufflemancy is also very strong right now. This is going to be a bit difficult to explain but; you have tumultuous energy and right now you’re aware you’re out of balance but you’re not sure how to get back in tune with yourself. It feels a bit like you’ve given up because it’s a bit hard or there’s no point. Yeah this feels a bit Plutonic/Scopionic. You are constantly going within or doing shadow work but you feel like you’re not seeing any changes within your life that reflect that — or you may not even be aware of it since shadow work is usually related to intense murky changes and sometimes that’s just…not always the case. So it feels like straight apathy and an attempt to make drastic changes to your life in order to bring some excitement back but it’s not doing anything and you’re running out of ideas on how to fix the issue or the hole in your chest that you can’t seem to reach? It doesn’t feel like you’re doing anything extreme or dangerous but like maybe changing jobs, moving, getting tattoos — things like that. I think we’ve laid the groundwork down so let’s get to the integration.
Cards: VII of Wands Rx, The Sun, X of Swords, V of Wands, Sagittarius, Cancer, Feverfew Rx, Buttercup
Beautiful. You need to see the darkness before you can see the light. What I mean by that is you need to purge whatever emotions you’re feeling right now before you can get back up and face another day recharged. It’s difficult to try and keep throwing darts in the dark to see if something will work when you’re running on empty. Sometimes you need to just go for a walk without any destination in mind, sit at the beach and take a breather, or literally just cry it out in bed for an hour or two. That’s okay. Let things go so that you can enjoy something for a minute. You need to nurture yourself first so you can get back up in the first place. Since I mentioned you seemed very sensitive, you guys might be sensitive to the music you listen to as well. Unfortunately there is some truth to that. Songs like Sweet Thing by Rufus & Chaka Khan would be very beneficial for you during this time since they’re soothing and there’s nothing to throw your mood up or down, just to stabilize it. There’s also a small message of reaching out to those you haven’t spoken to in a while. For this one you’re probably going to have to sit on it for a minute to figure out who it is, I always have to. That’s the point. The main message is to get in contact and to share some warm words and converse with them, sharing this energy will not only energize and soothe you, but them as well. It’s not supposed to force you to get socializing, but it’s to remind you that there are people out there that care about you, even if you aren’t always talking. It’s also reminding you to keep those you don’t always speak to in your heart as well. Reciprocal energy, basically. It helps a lot more than you think. Besides that, when you have the energy again, you need to know when to pick your battles and have a little fun. Don’t take things too seriously. Your lessons really is about balance and figuring out your internal alignment. Five of Wands usually talks about disagreements over petty stuff, I also see it as siblings bickering. This combined with Sagittarius? You need to balance out that sensitivity of Cancer with the light-heartedness of Sag. These are conflicting energies so I chuckled a bit when they both came out, but again: balance. It’s okay to feel, but don’t drown in it. It’s okay to be a little crazy and take some risks, but don’t have your life revolve around it so you can ‘feel’ something when you’re actually shunning all of your emotions away in the process. Ultimately you shouldn’t give up on your resolve or that resilience (know you love seeing that word) that’s gotten you this far. That’s not the point, but you do need to figure out when to pull from…which tank? If I were to give you a visual, I will not be using two wolves. Let’s say you have a sensitive highly reactive tank and a risky move first think later emotionally depleted tank. You have to figure out how to have a give and take between them, is how you can integrate this shadow and not feel like you’re being dragged throughout life. Trust me, it’s a lot easier said than done, but you learn with baby steps. Especially when you turn them into metaphors or visuals like that.
Songs: The Glamorous Life – Sheila E., I Just Don’t Care That Much – Matt Maeson, Call My Name - The Unlikely Candidates, Pure Love – Hayley Williams, Semi-Charmed Life – Third Eye Blind, Move – Little Mix
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Pile Three
Cards: Page of Cups, Ace of Swords Rx, The Tower, IX of Pentacles, VII of Cups Rx (King of Pentacles), The Plant Rx, The Viewing, The Specimen Rx, The Cat
You tend to get ‘lost’ easily. It’s like trying on different hats before realizing it doesn’t fit or you don’t like it. I can’t help but notice the Page of Cups is stuffed in this box and the figure in the Seven of Cups popping out of a cup looks like the figure on the Nine of Pentacles. There’s a lot of…being lost in the woods, or trying to have your feet fit shoes that are way too big or small for you. Your view of what you are or where you want to go feels clouded but it’s fueled by wanting to be secure. Which is understandable. However at the same time you undermine that because you’re constantly changing hats, or at least you want to be and that leaves you either feeling emotionally unfulfilled or with a tight customer service smile. With this specific Tower it’s like you’re pretty well aware that something needs to change but you want to make sure all your ducks are in a row before it falls, which is not the point of the card. It also feels a bit like you make sure you’re just safe enough to get away without any scars, which still isn’t the point of it being upright because it’s supposed to make you understand why it got taken away in the first place. I haven’t pulled the oracle cards this early for anyone else but I’m curious. Okay yeah I figured. Fueled by stability and security but you’re blocking yourself from going after either a passion or fulfilling whatever life mission you’re put here to do. Considering the current state of the world, it’s not so easy to say ‘oh just go do what you wanna do’ because we do have bills, unfortunately for our guides or ancestors we do have to hit certain requirements before we can throw caution to the wind. Anyhow, pretty sure you’re at least aware that you’re not where you need to be. Not sure if you know what your specific path is, but you know what you’re doing isn’t it. You could be avoiding it due to a fear of failure, rejection from society or parents, any sort of external reaction, or you’re just simply not ready yet — but if you’re wondering why your life might be fluctuating or giving your so much resistance this might be partially why. As someone who also needs to have some sort of stability, I’d never tell someone to just quit and go for it, but you should give some thought as to what’s holding you back or some thought as to what gets you excited. What would you not mind waking up in the morning to go do. For example, I had a former job surrounding kids that for the first time in my life, waking up at 7 AM was not a problem, I was actually excited to go to work. You need to figure out what that is for you if you don’t know what it is yet. You are someone who is not made to just have a job, sort of like Pile Two but the energies are significantly different. With these cards, The Tower is making a bit more sense. Some of these talk about external issues causing friction, and there’s a figure hiding Within a fully intact tower while there’s a storm going on outside. So absolutely I wouldn’t be surprised if one of the issues stated before is what’s holding you back. However, you should keep in mind that you have The Viewing (dealing with ancestry guidance) and The Tower here — even though this is a shadow integration reading, it’s going to happen sooner or later. Hopefully you don’t take this tone as scolding, I’ve dealt (still dealing actually) with this same issue and it’s not easy at all. Speaking of which, let’s get moving.
Cards: II of Swords Rx, Page of Swords, The Devil Rx, II of Wands Rx, Virgo, New Moon, Dandelion, Buttercup
Simple messages, ‘Just stop caring and don’t give up on your dreams’ thank you thank you so simple. In a way, they’re right. They’re not saying to throw out all of your precautionary tendencies, but you might think too much. Worry too much about the world around you and how those might react to you. In some capacity, it’s reasonable and necessary, in others it’s really not. Some people need to fall away or they’re just not relative to what you’re doing so why do they matter. I’m under the assumption that a good majority of you have been wanting to do something for quite some time so I’m going to speak from that perspective. You need to loosen up and let your worries go. Sometimes it’s better to move first without thinking, which should balance out the qualities you already have. If you don’t have every single aspect figured out, that’s okay, laying down the most important groundwork will be good enough for you to land on your feet and you can figure out the rest. However you have a tendency to flit around so you don’t have to make big or bold decisions, which is what they want you to stop doing. The Page of Swords holds a key and besides being innovative and energetic, this points to you already holding the answer but being afraid to open that door. You have Virgo here which stands for organization, planning, details, etc. Dandelion basically is repeating everything that I spoke of in regards to making a move, not standing there twiddling your thumbs. Whatever you’re thinking of, I think you sort of got started or you have the idea in your head but you’re scared of taking the plunge. Look back at it and loosely plan it out. If you need to step away sometimes and come back, that’s fine, but you either do it or you don’t. What you’re doing needs your full commitment; not in a sense that you immediately go full time but you can’t just half-ass it. I’m sounding like a mom because I used to get this message. You need to be consistent if you go through with it because you’re clearly passionate about it. If it’s not perfect on the first try, it’s fine. If people have critique’s, it’s fine. Hell if people don’t like it, as long as you’re not spreading hate speech it’s fine! You’ll never know if you don’t try right? Flowers never bloom if they’re not cared for Pile Three. Are you going to care for your dream or no, it’s all in your hands. I’m not sure if this’ll be a completely different path since this isn’t really an energy check, but in some sense you will gain some emotional satisfaction and sense of wholeness within yourself. I also notice that you really didn’t want to give any songs during the entire process. It could be that some of you’re really not sure where you’re going, which is completely okay. You could try checking out some readings regarding careers or life missions, or if you’re able to just try out a bunch of hobbies to see which ones bring you joy. However most of these cards point towards implementing your plans and they’re all active, so I think that’s only a few of you. I believe in you Pile Three.
Songs: Where Did The Party Go – Fall Out Boy, How Far We’ve Come – Matchbox Twenty
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Pile Four
Cards: Page of Pentacles, The Fool, X of Cups Rx, Justice Rx, King of Wands Rx (Ace of Cups), The Infant Rx, The Egg Rx, Blessings Rx, The Madwoman
A feeling of abandonment that you try to avoid facing. The fact that I want to avoid getting serious is kind of confirming the overall energy here but I’m going to try to not get affected by that. The energy feels like when early childrens TV always had that one episode about the kid who acted out in class and everyone thought they were just the class clown for no reason but they had their specific explanation behind it. You tend to either act out or do reckless things but I don’t think you realize how it effects those around you? Like you’ve experienced instability within your life so when you throw yourself into more or do something ‘a bit funny’ and others are annoyed or worried and frustrated with you, you’re confused as to why it’s a big deal. There’s also a small feeling of not fully — it’s like offering promises or commitment but getting cold feet at some point or not really being there? It feels like the Aquarian stereotype, full stop. I’m sure a good amount if not all of you have experience an unstable, or unfavorable at the least, childhood and that has resulted in you closing your emotions off from people. What I mean by that is you will be social you’ll be open and engaged, but people don’t really know you. They wouldn’t be able to name what moves you what your biggest fear is — things like that. It’s a form of self-protection. This causes friction because those who think they’re close to you will feel slighted when you don’t reciprocate that energy, and I mean you won’t necessarily feel any need to soothe them, so you can come off as very selfish or like you’re prioritizing yourself. It also feels like you’re looking for something or someone to help heal broken pieces of you, not in a worrying way, but in a sense that we’re all looking for our soul family. I think you can sometimes be a bit too dependent on this idea, while also holding parts of yourself back? Why is this another Scorpionic pile and why are you so complicated to explain lol. It’s part: you’re looking for people who understand you because your background is harsh and difficult to explain, you’re looking for people to be yourself around, you’re looking for deep connections because you never really got those. All of this, mixed with the natural self-defense of holding yourself back, makes it seem like you’re only trying to use people when you know more about them than they do you. Which obviously makes you feel some type of way so you shut down on them. Yes. Sometimes it’s a bit of just needing to feel intense emotions so you simply just do something risky. In general, there’s an imbalance but that can be stated for any shadow reading? Oracle time. Okay the first two just shot at me hi. Yeah, there’s an avoidance of facing issues stemmed from childhood. The first two cards speak of being unfavored, but after a hard search the solution to their problems can be found. Blessings also speak about falling out of favor with people. It’s kind of just repeating what I said and I don’t want to sound like a broken record. Madwoman speaks to the reckless behavior but makes sense as to why I wanted to add She’s A Rebel so badly. Infant and Egg also speak to children being abandoned & creations not being able to be contained, again. Same story different cards, so let’s move on to helpful messages.
Cards: II of Wands, III of Swords, Queen of Swords Rx, Strength Rx, Sagittarius, Aries, Bracken, Chamomile
Be vulnerable. Easier said than done, but that’s how you need to work with this. The strongest card I think you have here is Chamomile with Strength. It’s asking you to rely on any bonds that are already there and solidified. Who do you feel most comfortable with? I’ll rephrase that even to who knows the most about you? Have you thought about being vulnerable with them or are you willing to break down a few more walls. I’m also being called to tell you to let yourself seek out music as a safe space. There might be some artists that have music that reaches parts of your soul that some people just haven’t been able to yet. Now obviously I don’t mean lean on them in a parasocial way, but finding these artists or songs would be very helpful at some points to help soothe or make sense of some emotions. You also just generally need to face your wounds and be okay with…not being okay. Also small signs of going to therapy or something like it? Maybe not literal therapy but if there’s something that’s very therapeutic to you or if you have something that could help break down these issues, then do it. It’s like you need to make connections between your actions and your childhood, I think you’re just simply not aware as to why this is manifesting the way that it is. There’s also a possibility that there will be someone coming in to help you through this, and you need to get better at opening up. Regardless, the same advice applies; don’t clamp up, be honest. This isn’t to say like…spill your whole biography or anything. But like…if you’re not close to someone don’t imply it, if you do feel close to someone, let them know, etcetc. Aries and Sag are known to be very blunt. One without thinking and one without caring. You need to take on those energies when it comes to these issues. It’s funny because I think you overthink without…intending to? It’s precautionary measures. Like I said, you protect yourself before others can hurt you, which is a form of overthinking in a way. Which is not what these two signs tend to do. This is very random but tea and nature might also just help to relax you a bit. Green Tea, not black. Make sure you get sunlight as well. Walks at night are nice but the sun vitalizes you and changes your perspective (something something science). All in all, you need to be proactive with yourself in regards to your background and your emotions, and you need to work on being more vulnerable with people over time. Baby steps.
Songs: Just One Yesterday – Fall Out Boy, Give Me Novacaine/She’s a Rebel – Green Day, Bitch, Don't Kill My Vibe – Kendrick Lamar, Hard Place – H.E.R.
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vexxandra · 1 year
mini pac : small things for this week
ive been having a hard past few weeks, and sometimes its best to focus on the small things. in this pac, well be looking at some things to focus on this week to hopefully make your day a little better :)
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pile uno: justice rx, ten of swords, two of swords, mistletoe
the cards came out very satisfyingly and very clean so i assume that what you need to focus on is imminent also to you, or at the very least, its very clear. pile one, you have to learn to let go, and stop looking at things so over analytically and logically. theres so much air here, paired with the mistletoe card leads me to believe that you guys are pessimists, or realists who in reality like to view the world through dark tinted lens. you guys like to look for and find the worst possible way things could go wrong and fixate on those possibilities. it may be difficult pile one, but try to let loose. if you have long hair, a suggestion id make to you is to let it down, or stop tying it so tightly. also opt for clothes that are a little less formal, and a little more comfortable! of course, these are just suggestions, and you are by no means obliged to follow them !
little afternote: omg! i just realized that this mistletoe card (seed and sickle oracle deck) has two swords on it as well! so pile one, this is a super, super prominent sign that you should try to let loose this week! a little at a time goes a long way.
pile dos: the magician, four of swords, two of wands rx, wisteria
the cards came out... interestingly. definitely, lool. anyways, i feel the sense that you at the same time a workaholic but also someone who likes procrastinating. cause with the magician and the four of swords i immediately got the vibe that you have some very priority projects that are taking up a lot of your time, but in the meanwhile, some very important things are being left in the dark. im seeing your relationships with people, but it could also be basic things that are not getting done, such as painting a room, or cutting your hair, or even getting enough sleep. this week, pile two, please take some time for yourself. put that important project on hold, and focus on the small things. im seeing going for a walk, or maybe watching a comfort movie. just something thatll ease your mind, and give you a break. for some of you, get some sleep!!!!!!!!!!!!
pile tres: page of swords, seven of pentacles, the sun rx, rowan
a heavy emphasis is coming up about relationships, but mostly family and close friends. i also see you being urged to create new relationships with people that interest you, or maybe rekindle old flames with people whom you once knew. whatever the case, this week, take time for the people you love. whether they be family, or friends that just as good as, spend quality time with people that are most dear to you. strengthen your bonds, and a weight will be lighted from you.
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mariathearcane · 1 year
I’ve rotated my tarot/oracle decks to my *spring* collection! These give all the floral and new beginning vibes. Which one is your favorite?
Source | https://www.instagram.com/mariathearcane/
Tarot of the Drowning World @kahnselesnick
Botanical Inspirations @usgamesinc
Alice & Wonderland @insighteditions
Seed & Sickle @liminal_11
The Herbalcrafters Tarot @usgamesinc
La Flora Tarot @lafloratarot
Tarot de Carlotydes @carlotydes
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witch-of-the-creek · 9 months
I’m putting together a wishlist of cartomancy decks I wanna get, and posting partly for organizational purposes and partly in case anyone has suggestions or disclaimers about the decks on my wishlist
1) Seed and Sickle Oracle by Fez Inkwright
2) The Green Witch Oracle by Arin Murphy-Hitchcock and Sara Richard
3) Botanica Occulta Tarot by Larisa Kramar
4) The Citadel: A Fantasy Oracle by Fez Inkwright
5) Wild Medicine Herbal Deck by tamed wild
6) The Pacific Northwest Tarot by Brendan Marnell
7) Hidden Waters Tarot by Ana Christina Tourian
8) The Octopus Tarot by Luna Charlotte
9) The Bottanical Deck by Jessica Bott
10) Midnight Sky Tarot Deck by Wandering Moon CO.
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oraclekleo · 6 months
Heyy!! I would love to have a free reading too if possible thankyou so much!>33 🤍🫂
My initials-Jk
Zodiac-capricorn-☀️ Virgo-🌙 Taurus-✨
My current aesthetic: (suddenly I'm really drawn to this aesthetic as well) 🫶🏻🤍
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I'll love to choose oracle-1 🤍
Why question is regarding my career I'm really confused in what path to go and what to choose that will provide me with financial stability and soul stability as well! Like will i really be able to succeed that well I dream about..
I hope you got my question!! I'll wait for the answer if I'll be Lucky enough to have a turn! Either ways of I get a chance or not I'm really greatful-🫂
Hello, Jk!
Thank you for participating in my tarot game.
I get what you mean, I’ve been there several years ago. Sometimes the career we dream about the most isn’t in our cards. Sometimes what we love is not supposed to become our job. I love writing but I have never pursued a novelist career. Instead I’m an ordinary bank employee and writing is my dear hobby. And you know what? It’s actually good. I used to feel remorse about it but I don’t anymore. I actually feel blessed and I’m happy that the universe didn’t grant me the wish of becoming a novelist and it pushed me towards this job. Maybe I’m not famous or super rich but I can provide for myself and I still enjoy writing, it never became a source of stress for me. So yeah! The struggle is real when you try to balance the financial and soul stability.
Anyway! Let’s get to your reading. You have waited long enough. 🙂 I attach your cards in case you could see any other message that was meant only for you to see and I am not allowed to interpret it.
Cards: 28. Protest - Start a revolution, 34. Voyage - You already have all the answers (Believe in your Own Magic Oracle), 32. Oleander, 24. Basil, 50. Mandrake (Seed & Sickle Oracle)
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The cards are pretty clear in your reading. You might be feeling lost and wandering around seeking for answers and finding none but that’s the problem. You try to seek guidance and clues outside while you should focus on yourself, your soul. You already know answers to all your questions deep within. You know what you need to do, you only keep fussing around, instead of becoming your own mentor on your life path. You might be tempted to take shortcuts on your journey but ask yourself whether you should take them. You might be at a rough part of your path but that shouldn’t stop you from progressing or make you feel hopeless. Big change is just around the corner and all you need to do is to invite it into your life. Watch out for signs and use your intuition. You might need to stop waiting for others to improve your life and stand up and revolutionise it on your own. What is it that you truly want from your career? Seek the answer within yourself. And when you have the answer, make preparations and then act in a direction to achieve your goal. You can’t ever reach a destination when you don’t know what destination you are heading to. So if you feel confused, just take your time to clear your mind up. Make the pros and cons lists if that helps you.
Thank you so much for requesting the reading!
I'm always grateful for any feedback.
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oleanderandsalt · 1 year
Currently contemplating setting up pay-what-you-want readings on my ko-fi for the couple of decks I'm less confident with (they're new and I haven't read with them much so I don't know The Vibes quite as well yet) so keep an eye out for a post about that sometime this week probably!
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coinandcandle · 1 year
do you have any recommendations for non-tarot oracle decks?
This came right after the other ask but I'll put in my suggestions here as well!
Maia Toll's Herbiary, Bestiary, and Crystaliary decks.
Seed and Sickle oracle
Season of the Witch decks
The Wild Unknown deck
These are all ones I've used that I like, if anyone has others they recommend please feel free to drop them in the replies or a reblog!
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thewrathfulwitch · 7 months
This is a festival that is celebrated before the plowing of the fields is done. Offerings were made to Demeter to ask for her blessing on the plowing and seeding.
This festival took place at Eleusis. The beginning to this rite starts with a plague that affects most of Greece. The Delphi Oracle orders a tithe to Demeter on behalf of all of Greece, which resolved the plague. So every season, there would be great offerings for the blessings to occur.
During Proerosia, it is common place to make a sacrifice to Pythian Apollo since it's a nod towards the Delphi Oracle kickstarting the rite.
Read the Homeric Hymn to Demeter with me as we go about this season, as all of Demeter's rites are connected to the agricultural year.
Let us take a moment to honor Demeter, the maiden Kore, and the Horai (the Seasons) for our harvesting season.
The Fumigation from Storax. O Universal mother, Ceres [Deo] fam'd
august, the source of wealth, and various nam'd:
Great nurse, all-bounteous, blessed and divine,
who joy'st in peace, to nourish corn is thine:
Goddess of seed, of fruits abundant, fair,
harvest and threshing, are thy constant care;
Who dwell'st in Eleusina's seats retir'd,
lovely, delightful queen, by all desir'd.
Nurse of all mortals, whose benignant mind,
first ploughing oxen to the yoke confin'd;
And gave to men, what nature's wants require,
with plenteous means of bliss which all desire.
In verdure flourishing in honor bright,
assessor of great Bacchus [Bromios], bearing light:
Rejoicing in the reapers sickles, kind,
whose nature lucid, earthly, pure, we find.
Prolific, venerable, Nurse divine,
thy daughter loving, holy Proserpine [Koure]:
A car with dragons yok'd, 'tis thine to guide,
and orgies singing round thy throne to ride:
Only-begotten, much-producing queen,
all flowers are thine and fruits of lovely green.
Bright Goddess, come, with Summer's rich increase
swelling and pregnant, leading smiling Peace;
Come, with fair Concord and imperial Health,
and join with these a needful store of wealth.
Orphic Hymn to Demeter Eleusinia, trans. Taylor
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abookishdreamer · 2 years
Character Intro: Demeter (Kingdom of Ichor)
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Nicknames- Mom by Persephone
Miss D by Liri
Demi by Iasion & the others
The Harvest Queen, Mother of Food by the people of Olympius
Age- 33 (immortal)
Location- Eleusis, Olympius
Personality- Demeter has an introverted temperament. She’s kind, generous, and nurturing. She’s fiercely dedicated and protective of her daughter. She's aware of her tendency to be a bit overbearing at times. She's recently single after ending a long term engagement.
Being the goddess of the harvest and agriculture, she has many powers & abilities. They include photokinesis, chlorokinesis, vitakinesis (healing), limited toxikinesis (as it relates to poisonous plants & fungi), atmokinesis (on par with Zeus), zoolinguism, limited geokinesis, taphokinesis (rot/decay manipulation), and being able to shapeshift into her sacred animals.
Much like most of the people in Eleusis, Demeter is vegan. She made the move there shortly before giving birth to her daughter. There, she founded a small agricultural college.
She's the only "A-list" god in the pantheon not to have a neighborhood inspired by her in New Olympus. She lives a very low profile life, not interested in the glitz and glam.
Her go-to drink is blackberry mint tea infused with hibiscus. She also likes aloe vera juice, coconut water, lychee juice, ginger ale, carrot juice, white wine, orange juice, mineral water, and Asteria's matcha tea. Her usual from The Roasted Bean is an olympian sized iced green tea. When she drinks coffee, Demeter likes it with a bit of cream & brown sugar.
Demeter is the one of the few goddesses not to have a glamour doll collectible (by choice).
She's well known in the pantheon for her delicious vegan chocolate black bean brownies!
Demeter is a very skilled swordsman! She has an Imperial Gold sword crafted by the three blacksmithing cyclopes as a gift as well as adamantine sickles! She’s also informed in many styles of fighting- her favorite being capoeira.
A go-to that she likes getting from The Bread Box is the lemon edamame & avacado sandwich (on wheat bread) along with a kale citrus salad (drizzled with a red vinaigrette dressing).
She’s responsible for most of the supply of Olympius’ crops (as well as sending crops to the Underworld) & overseeing the production on all farms. The crops are then sent out to different establishments. Demeter is also the owner of a very successful hair care company called Glory’s Crown. The products are 100% natural and vegan & are very popular with millions of girls & women in all the realms! Her favorite go-to products to use are the sulfate free aloe & olive oil shampoo and conditioner & the almond and castor oil loc elixir.
She also makes homemade creams/lotions (she doesn't sell them), Demeter just does it for fun! Her beautiful dark skin is supple soft thanks to her homemade vanilla almond body butter. Demeter also makes homemade floral soaps that she gifts to neighbors.
Demeter loves snacking on white grapes and sunflower seeds.
In the pantheon Demeter's really good friends with Hera (goddess of women & marriage), Hestia (goddess of the hearth), Leto (Titaness of demurity & motherhood), Argía (goddess of holidays), Nárkosi (goddess of sedation), Epione (goddess of soothing pain), Theia (Titaness of sight & heavenly light), Livádi (goddess of meadows), Elpis (goddess of hope), Alectrona (goddess of the sun & morning), Nyx (goddess of the night), Asteria (Titaness of falling stars, astrology, magic, necromancy, & nocturnal oracles and prophecies), Erebus (god of darkness), Agathodaemon (Daemon) (god of vineyards, grainfields, & luck), Paean (goddess of physicians), and Damia (goddess of naturalness). She was also good friends with Pan (god of the wild, satyrs, shepherds, & rustic music) before he dropped off the grid. Outside the pantheon, she's also good friends with Iliana & Cyrus (Liri's parents). Demeter has had a falling out with former longtime employees & friends Eunostos (goddess of the flour mill) along with Eunostos' sister Promylaia. Demeter still has a good working/personal relationships with most other agricultural dieties like Karme (demi-goddess of the harvest) and Pherusa (goddess of substance & farm estates).
Demeter was an official mentor to Despoina (goddess of the arcadian mysteries, frost, winter, & shadows).
She personally respects & admires Gaia (goddess of the earth) and the established agricultural deity Eubouleus (god of the swine & ploughing).
Demeter will decorate her long dreadlocks with hair cuffs and wires. She's also fond of silk wraps, updos, & floral print headbands.
Her favorite makeup product to use is the Olmorfia lip gloss in the shade "Scorched Chocolate," a deep brown color. Demeter will usually line her lips first with a brown lip liner.
Some of her favorite meals include butternut squash risotto, sweet potato pie, coconut ginger chickpea soup, green bean casserole, and Iasion's homemade vegan pizza. She also likes Hestia's honey roasted corn!
She was gifted with the asparagus shaped jeweled Diamond Ave. clutch from Paean.
Demeter was in a long term relationship with a mortal man named Iasion, whom she calls "her greatest love." They met at a Cornucopia festival when her daughter was still young. He was the first person Demeter trusted to tell about her and her daughter’s godly identities. She ended things when some time after accepting his marriage proposal. Her other former lovers included Mecon (a mortal man) and Karmanor (demi-god of the harvest).
Her pastimes include gardening, yoga, aerobics, swimming, aromatherapy, cooking, sunbathing, kickboxing, acupuncture, surfing, reading, knitting, weaving, hanging out with her friends, painting, and most importantly- spending time with her daughter.
"There's nothing more powerful than a mother's love for her child."
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sixthwater · 1 year
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Hi everyone! So this pac originally was supposed to be about your shadow traits, but instead it wanted to be about current circumstances and some advice, and I can't really argue with the cards. So here we are. As always whatever doesn't resonate leave it, and remember that your circumstances are special to you. Also, this time around the songs seemed more like messages to you than for you? With that being said, let's get into it:
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(Left → Right / Pile 1 → Pile 5)
Decks Used: Archetype Oracle, Horror Tarot, Abandoned Oracle, Tarot Familiars, Woodland Wardens, The Seed and Sickle Oracle
Disclaimer | Pinned | Paid Readings
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Pile One
Cards: Prince Rx, Poet Rx, VIII of Swords Rx, Page of Wands, Justice Rx, The Hanged Man Rx, King of Cups, The Beggar, Backstabber, The Cat Rx, THe Viewing Rx
Before I dive into this, I want to point out some imagery. With the VIII of Swords and Backstabber, there’s a feeling of being defensive and feeling like you can’t relax. The Queen of Swords did pop up in reverse but it didn’t want to come out. Prince is also showing his back but he’s not fully leaving his guard down either. Thought that was something to note before I explain my thought process.
There’s an energy I can’t ignore where problems seem to be attracted to you, almost constantly? If you’re familiar with Resident Evil, the doll on the Page of Wands looks eerily similar to Angie; who is very annoying and constantly provokes the protagonist up until she “dies”. Which brings me to another point; there’s an emphasis on speech or words. Emotions too. Like someone who knows just what to say, when to say it or how to say it to upset someone. There’s a lot of mercurial energy going on here. It mainly feels like a wounded animal though when they’re trying to find an escape to go into hiding so they can heal or lick their wounds? “Can toss it out but can’t take it”. There’s an emotional/mental landscape where it’s coming from a lack mindset and it’s worried about things being pulled from under them or it’s used to being attacked, so when things feel too comfortable or someone makes a light jab, it gets met with a punch. You have — so you’re aware or you have an inkling of what’s good for you and what needs to leave, and it kind of feels like ancestors would be giving you hints as well if you’re doubting yourself, but there’s an inkling of you feeling better because it’s either routine or you have some piece of control over the situation. Not necessarily control over the people around you, but it’s like ‘I could leave for a better situation but these people come to me for help and it makes me feel better, so I’ll put up with the anxiety and feeling on edge’. Absolutely feels internally like the dialogue between Seymour and Audrey II during ‘Feed Me’. Within the song, Seymour comes off as a sensitive kind person while Audrey II is aware of this and preys on it, manipulating his wants/desires in order to get what he wants while feigning friendship and loyalty. You can free yourself of this so let’s see how we can do that.
Cards: Guide, IX of Cups, III of Cups, II of Cups Rx, Temperance Rx, The Badger and Gingko, The Snail and Huckleberry, Apple Rx, Hops Rx, Basil Rx
Okay I was getting some very specific pissed off ex songs as well as you having a pretty decent intuition but I guess the first few cards confirmed it.
You got a lot of introspective cards so listen to me: go fucking take a break. Go mind your business. I’m not gonna keep repeating the messages that keep coming through audio wise cause I’m pretty sure whoever this is for already gets the message, but in general, you guys need to take your mind off of this and re-engage with what brought you joy the first time. For those that were dating: what were you doing before being couple’d up? Did you enjoy roller skating (I know roller rinks are out of date but idc they’re fun <3)? Did you go to parks? Pottery classes? Amusement Parks? Go do that shit again! Go hang out with your friends if you can, or go to meet-ups and meet some new friends! You need to realign yourself and in a weird way, be okay with chaos again. It can feel disorientating when people exit your life like this because it seems like only one side is messed up, but I assure you that it’ll be okay in months time and you’ll understand that they didn’t stay here for your benefit. It’s funny because a song with a very different meaning came on but there’s a particular line: I know what it's like staying up all night nursing wounds. You need to let these emotions out and not in the ‘I’m fine fuck them’, like legitimately just express how you feel. If you’re upset that’s fine, if you miss them that’s fine. Holding any of this in just prolongs the process, and that’s not fair to you. You need to treat yourself like royalty and make yourself feel better, go treat yourself to some unhealthy desserts if you feel like shit it’s okay!
For those that don’t resonate with the romantic relationship message, it’s a sign to not make these relationships the center of your universe. It’s okay to be giving and engaged within these relationships but listen to your intuition. If you feel like you can’t relax, look into why. Be okay with understanding that not every person you want to be friends with might be on the same level as you — you never know who you’ll end up being best friends with. You and them should enjoy each other for who you are. There’s an emphasis on trusting your intuition though and not sitting in your head, it tends to get you in trouble. Things will constantly be changing in your life and even when you have constant friends, your lives will change individually but that doesn’t mean the care you have for each other changes. I think you guys really crave stability, which is fine, but the lack of inner stability is what throws you guys off of your game. As soon as that’s achieved, I think everything will be a bit brighter!
Songs: Guilty Pleasure - Cobra Starship, Feed Me (Git It!) - Little Shop of Horrors, B.S. (ft. H.E.R.) - Jhené Aiko, Mad IQs - I Don’t Know How But They Found Me, Harenchi - CHANMINA, The People I Know - Eric Hutchinson
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Pile Two
Cards: Hero/Heroine Rx, Page of Pentacles Rx, The Egg Rx, Ink
Escapism and very shut off currently. It’s not like I was blocked from accessing your energy, but when I went to pull from the tarot deck, it didn’t want to hand me anything as you can see. So it could be a depressive episode for some or using something to ‘check out’ for others. There is also a young feeling to this pile? You may not literally be young, but there’s no sense of self or sense of true identity here. I remember watching a video a while back about how people clung to aesthetic to identify themselves but they couldn’t truly explain who they were beyond being ‘y2k girlboss apple music’ and forced themselves to stay in that box and I think that’s happening here. There are qualities that are fantastic for storytelling or artistic endeavors, I can’t ignore that because they're very strong, but they’re not being utilized. It reminds me a lot of myself right after high school; a fear of new responsibilities, new chapters, a ‘new pond’ as Paramore put it lol. If you’re more sensitive to these things I’m not surprised that you cave in on yourself and hole yourself up in your room or in your head, in turn skipping out on a lot of real life responsibilities that run your life into the ground. In another sense, there could also be bravado that is found when people try to make up for their fears — not letting people see what’s beneath the mask. Like Eddie? From Stranger Things if I remember anything about his character. The person on the Ink card is covered in tattoos and it stands for being rebellious and not fitting in and I don’t usually take it this way, but she looks regretful and in pain instead of being comfortable with herself. There’s not much else to say because I think there’s much more to be found in your healing.
Cards: Guide, Shape-Shifter, II of Swords, King of Wands, Ace of Cups Rx, Knight of Cups Rx, The Spider and Passionflower Rx, Foxglove, Bramble Rx
You feel like a person who is more sensitive to the music you listen to. Watch your moods for the next week or so and what music you’re listening to and see if they correlate (more irritated or upset when listening to heavy or loud music, susceptible to downward spirals when listening to things like florence, etc). Also some of you might get some smaller messages within Pile One but I don’t think you guys cross over much, I’m just getting a few of the same songs. Now I advise you to pay attention to my disclaimer because this is a general reading: but this is really giving me the feeling of an unstable home that is incompatible with your emotional state. There’s a general supportive message coming in that there’s a choice to make (whether literally or just mentally/emotionally) that will put you in a better spot. So either distancing yourself a bit from others who are demanding and don’t give you the same respect you give them, or quite literally moving — it’s going to be a bit different for all of you. You need to be more confident in yourself and the abilities that you have within, the ones that you’ve gained thus far. There are two things but you have to stop letting everyone take a piece of you when they don’t deserve it and be wary of those who have ‘crooked smiles’ (lying to your face). You are stronger and more capable than you seem and you can go further than you believe, but someone / something at some point has imprinted in your head that it’s not possible. So now you’re stuck in that mindset. Owls are known to be intelligent creatures, same with Cats. You got both of them; I don’t really care how you perceive yourself, but your entire spread is screaming that you’re insanely capable and the only thing stopping the change of mindset is possibly a depressive episode you’re currently in, and then self-limiting beliefs. Which is a lot easier to type out, and it takes work, but you can do it. I’m repeating myself because I know you don’t believe me lol. It’s not a sense of being naturally gifted, but if you want something, and you work hard at it, you’ll make that dream come true. You don’t give up and you put your heart into everything that you care for. Whatever choice you make, the most important decision is to make sure that you are safe and that it lets you shine, because you deserve to be happy.
Songs: Drugs in California - Transviolet, 1901 - Phoenix, Blinding Lights - The Weeknd, Sorry About Your Parents - Icon for Hire, Next Year - Two Door Cinema Club, Dangerous - Set It Off
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Pile Three
Cards: Goddess, King of Pentacles, Ace of Swords, The Hanged Man, King of Wands Rx, The Sculpture, Twisted, The Elixir Rx
Okay, (I’m) being really wishy-washy and hinting at stuff because this feels pretty personal and also pretty mature. So.
You have a specific bond that you either rely on for comfort instead of facing your own emotions, or they know they have you wrapped around your finger (or vice-versa, this pile was very muddy the first time around). Here It Goes Again is kind of putting that in bold print. That or there’s a reliance on those types of relationships, since there’s signs of openness to them in some other cards. It reminds me of how people turn to different things for stress relief; this is your stress relief. However there’s usually a period where the person will review the issue or their emotions, and there aren’t any cups here. I remember that being the first thing I tried to figure out. There’s signs of being very smart about how they approach people or the situation, an ability to be in charge of themselves or the situation – having a grasp of everything, and like…a combustive charm? Once again this could be either you in charge or this situation is harming you instead. I want to learn towards the latter due to how all the piles turned out. Anyway, the energy of leading people on or being able to use them because someone understands the dynamics of the relationship. It’s a little difficult to figure out the main chess player when we have Goddess, Sculpture, and then two Kings. There’s a few other ways this can play out too. Like what, being on onlyfans, being a sex worker, hell just being a really good type of model? Those things could be beneficial in all areas except emotionally and spiritually in a sense that it’s draining you and breaking you down over the course of time. The themes of people not understanding boundaries or treating you as if there’s an established relationship when you’re working and that’s it. It could even be that these ‘Kings’ are people enacting their response to how naturally sensual you are, but that’s out of your control if you don’t realize it, but the songs aren’t necessarily pointing to these? If the previous messages don’t resonate but some other things do, I’d watch out for hidden admirers that try to be subtle about gaining your attention / pining. So with the pretty direct messages from some of these cards combined with others, and the songs, I’m more inclined to go with my initial message.
Cards: Slave, V of Swords Rx, Ace of Cups Rx, Knight of Pentacles, King of Pentacles, The Magician Rx, The Goat and Willow Rx, The Frog and Lotus, Blackthorn Rx
Yeah, I figured the previous pull was mighty specific. OH! Stronger Than You? A song about being balanced and you have? Messages about finding balance within your life again?? That’s actually so cute I love that. This is another pile that’s pretty cut and dry, and I think it just needs more encouragement than anything. So there’s an ending that needs to happen, somewhat. It’s kind of like when you’re playing tug of war and you decide the smartest move to win is to just let go of the rope and let the other team fall forward? That’s what it feels like a bit. Ah yeah lol I figured it wasn’t a complete ending. There’s going to be some indecision and a feeling of being uncomfortable about this entire thing because it’s something you’re both used to and it’s like, ‘well what now we’ve already done it’. For others, it’s a sense of not leaving your job or workplace (cause even on a lower field, waitresses get harassed), but trying to fight for more respect or better boundaries somehow. Overall, I have a feeling that there’s going to be a tower moment, or just in general this is dampening your spirit. For a small percentage of you, it might have not been as mature as the cards made it but those were just from one side or thoughts that weren’t acted upon, and they won’t be. You’re pretty sure of who you are and I think this situation has thrown that a bit out of whack, which isn’t bad, but it’s time to do some fine-tuning. The wolf on the Knight card looks a bit solemn but it’s resting in solitude, and eventually returns to the King card in a ‘pack’. As opposed to loudly fighting for yourself and what’s right, your version is letting things fall where they may and if it’s not for you, it’s not for you. I believe Just Be Friends sums up this entire ‘healing’ process, for the first group. A way to regain composure is to just float within the sea and let it bring you back to shore — the universe will make sure you’ll get there safely and things that are aligned with you will come with.
Songs: So Predictable - Set It Off, Lost In You - Three Days Grace, Here It Goes Again - OK Go, Not The Way That I Do - Fantasia, Beez In The Trap - Nicki Minaj, Just Be Friends - Dixie Flatline
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Pile Four
Cards: Samaritan, Knight, VII of Cups, IX of Swords, VIII of Wands Rx, The Emperor Rx, The Viewing, The Disguise
You do too much to help others, it backs up, and then there’s an ugly emotional release of feelings you’ve been trying to put to the side and ignore but they’re authentic and it’s okay to not be selfless all the time. It reminds me of Pisces or Saturn in Pisces. Pluto in Sag is stretching it to be honest. The mindset behind your actions leans more toward feeling like there’s always a judgment day right around the corner, or karma is looming over you and you should be doing these things or you’re a terrible person. That ‘terrible person’ though is just maybe not being able to say yes all the time, or giving the clothes off your back for any and everyone — which is normal. The thing with people who are selfless or considered martyrs is that they go through a lot of tests and figure out how and when to give themselves the way that they do. They’re never a modern day savior and they do say no, pretty often actually lol. It’s the message that people get drawn to the energy of givers and they come to understand that with time. You on the other hand either got scared into this mindset in your early years or there’s a fear of peer review, kinda like cancellation but it feels more personal. I’m assuming family because my cat was drawn to The Viewing and didn’t like it too much. The thing here is that you feel compelled or pushed to put on the act of being okay with not being selfish, but there’s resistance, and eventually with it all bottled up it explodes and either during arguments or simple requests you might come off more cold than you mean to or bring up issues from the past because it’s been sitting in your chest for so long.
Cards: Detective, Trickster, V of Wands Rx, VI of Swords, The Emperor, X of Pentacles Rx, The Crow and Dogwood, The Skunk and Magnolia Rx, Rose
It was kinda stubborn to give cards for a moment, but it’s pretty repetitive and. Blunt lol. Carve your own path. Figure out your own Philosophy and Beliefs in life. You need to re-evaluate how you’ve been taught to look at things or walk through life and see what works for you and what doesn’t. What makes you happy and what brings you stress. You’ll find that you can view life through brighter windows after this process, but it’s going to be a heavy one. There’s ties to family or close friends, habits formed from these beliefs, possibly reinventing parts of your life — this isn’t something where you’ll just wake up tomorrow and your life is suddenly perfect, but it’s worth the struggle. You won’t have to feign confidence and when you go back to doing acts of kindness or maybe it’s things like going to church and stuff like that; it’ll be authentic. You won’t feel forced and you’ll be able to enjoy them whole-heartedly. Because it’s your choice, you’re in control this time. Now obviously this isn’t like ‘yeah let’s pick up ideals that are hateful’, that doesn’t fly here (remember, your reader belongs to a lot of minorities <3), but it’s just the idea that you were forced to abide by a lifestyle that doesn’t let you be ‘free’ in a sense, and it’s become suffocating after some time. I wouldn’t say there’s a lot of innerwork like another pile, but more so personal research. There’s a bit of resistance which can be attributed to the fear of relationships being destroyed which is completely understandable, and this might depend on the personal situation for the lot of you? If this is religious and the family/friend strongly believes in it, it might be a deal breaker. If not, there might be ways around it, there are certain beliefs or politics that are difficult to discuss lightly (a reason why they say you should always discuss it before long term commitment lol). Best of luck pile four, there is always a community for you.
Songs: Between Two Lungs - Florence + the Machine, Better Not (feat. Wafia) - Louis The Child, Red Wine - Follies & Vices, Chains - DBMK, American Idiot - Green Day, Riptide - Sick Puppies, Ashura-chan - Ado
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Pile Five
Cards: God, The World, The Magician, X of Swords Rx, III of Cups, Revenge Rx, The Madwoman
This gives me the energy of the popular person within school or a community. Like a passive Regina George? It’s someone who has quiet control over the crowd, and they adore them for pretty valid reasons. There’s a charming energy, good with words, very funny and like a pretty contagious energy. It’s like a warm glow is drawing people in. However there’s not a lot of control over their power despite being somewhat aware of this control, and it sometimes gets to their head. Like if it’s a tradition to wear uniform except for on Tuesdays, but pile five didn’t want to do that, then the community would bend to their will and that would be the new norm. It’s that sort of energy (I’m using ‘they’ instead of you because that example seemed pretty tropey). The issue here is that the line is really blurred here. So either you’re being viewed as such by someone within your social circle, or this is legitimately an issue, because Gaston played while I was taking this in. So on one hand there’s a feeling of a stroked ego with nothing to balance it out. It’s different from confidence. Even though we have camaraderie and celebrations showing up, there’s a strong feeling of detachment. Like finishing up the chapter and moving onto the next thing, doesn’t necessarily have to be exciting. You feel like you have the world in the palm of your hand almost because the creature is seen quite literally engulfing the world, meanwhile The Magician is portrayed as a Scientist. On the other hand, it’s a sign of this chapter of your life ending. The people (or someone) you’re interacting with right now have a light insecurity regarding you? So it’ll come to a close but it won’t be that heartbreaking and you can bring in better or deeper bonds very easily if you try. So yes the characteristics are there, different forms for different people, but you have more surface level friendships than deep bonds. The mingling can be legitimately fun but with this sort of ‘kid on top’ energy that can change the playing field at the drop of a hat, if you’re unhappy with something or someone, then this affects everything or everyone else even if you don’t realize it. However with Revenge being reversed, I think there’s…so it could be either there’s the potential to do so and if you get really riled up you choose to do so with the wrong people or at the wrong time (like those who are harmless get trampled by those who don’t question you) or it’s the surrounding energy that’s reminiscent of the seven of swords. Those who might lurk in the background and while they admire you, they can’t help but be jealous even though they don’t act on it. It could be the result of how you move and act around others that inspire this.
Cards: Addict Rx, Queen, IV of Swords, Temperance, The Elk and Ash, Cornflower, Clover Rx, Wisteria
It’s interesting because Friends by Flight of the Conchords came up earlier and I didn’t want to put it down but I put a pin in it and I couldn’t understand until now. Especially with the combination of cards that you have. As I said earlier, there’s a difference between confidence and arrogance, and clearly either these are qualities you hold or you’re being viewed as such. Something is going to happen soon in your life that’s going to change the playing field for you. I’m not quite sure what it’ll be in particular, but I’d have to imagine it’s either a crumbling of the relationships you have around you or the people that engage with you suddenly flock somewhere else or they turn against you — if you’ve seen any sort of 90s movie or TV show with this trope, you know what I’m talking about lol. When this happens, you’re going to take notice of the people still left around you. That or you’re going to accidentally hurt someone close to you, like an actual friend, and you’re going to have to go through a period of mending that relationship as well as going within and balancing out yourself. I don’t see this relationship being destroyed? I mean I’ve had quite direct songs come through and all cards point to reliance, so there’s a chance to make sure no major harm is done. You need to figure out where the line is between being confident or proud of yourself for some, and for others it’s just…listen if someone’s insecurities get projected onto you the most you can do is review your actions and if there’s no legitimate harm done, there’s not much you can do but treasure the ones who stay with you, because they’re meant for you, at least right now. I feel like I’m coming off a bit harsh so it’s not that I think you’re doing this on purpose in a sense that you’re grown and you know better, I think this is more like…naivety to be honest? Young folk shit. Which, you do a lot of embarrassing and regretful shit when you’re young, as long as you learn then it’s just how life goes. The main message for you is to find that balance and retain it. Don’t feel like you have to go into hiding to make up for any of the bad things that you’ve done (there’s a difference between being a little shit online and doxxing someone, you know?). Running off and living in remorse doesn’t exactly fix the problem lol. It sucks for a little while, but with time it gets better and less painful. Communication is fun, self-review is tough but it’s good for being a better person in the future and they’ll thank you for it, also probably clown you a bit.
Songs: Lying Is the Most Fun a Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off - Panic! at the Disco, Gaston - Beauty and the Beast, Don’t Dance - Simon Curtis, Someone To Save You - OneRepublic, Anything 4 U - BANKS
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gefdreamsofthesea · 1 year
Here are some questions I ask myself when thinking of buying a new deck:
Do I have a deck that already fills this niche/serves this purpose/is very similar to this other deck I already have?
And if so, why am I not using that deck/why do I need another deck like it?
This is how I've stopped buying animal decks (with one exception) because I have the Animal Kin Oracle, which is my favourite animal deck, and I like it the best out of my current animal decks.
I don't need more food-based decks because I have the Food Healing Oracle and I love the photography in that deck (okay there's a sequel deck, and also I love the chocolate deck I have).
Lately I've been asking myself "Do I need more decks that imitate Danielle Noel's style when I have almost all of Danielle Noel's decks that are actually by Danielle Noel?" No, but I love that twee hippie space pastel aesthetic.
Now if I could convince myself I don't need more plant decks because I have the Seed and Sickle Oracle that would be great.
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