#self dx discussion
transmasc-wizard · 9 months
throwing myself at the foot of a therapist's chair saying Please pretty please explain to me what these symptoms are caused by
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mintyfizz · 11 months
oh Jesus christ, i.
questioning having another mental illness but not committing to it due to suffering insomnia.
just kind of giving the benefit of the doubt, 'oh haha just pathologizing/medicalizing, can't be too sure unlike the PTSD'
and then suddenly realizing something huge in my past like as if i just turned to the next chapter in the book of my life on why I'm fucked up.
like of course it would make sense, for that to cause that. i feel like i know myself so much better.
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spellscarred · 11 months
An Autistic Poll For Personal and Professional Research
I work in mental health, and a topic was touched upon, while talking to my other autistic friend, that I'm interested in and I never really properly thought about or looked into. The question I want to find an answer to is as follows:
As an autistic person (professional- or self-dx), do you have a certain bed time you have to adhere to or risk insomnia symptoms such as not being able to sleep or unable to sleep through a night (waking up every x amount of hours)?
Please reblog so I can reach a wider sample size, if you will! (Yes, allistic people can reblog as well.) Feel free to discuss or share in the replies or in tags.
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letters-to-rosie · 8 months
another fic idea: the timebomb Howl's Moving Castle AU
Ekko's Moving Treehouse!
blatantly inspired by @redrum-alice's FANTASTIC artwork and developed in collaboration with @lullabyes22-blog, because I've been fawning over the art since it was posted and I just knew there had to be a way this could work because it was so cute and the potential just jumped off the page for me
(you've probably seen it but go look at it if you haven't it's so good)
me and Lullabyes have both read the book and seen the movie, so we combined a lot of ideas from both versions, and this is the result so far:
so Silco is the Witch of the Waste lol
Jinx's curse turns her eyes pink (and they stay that way, like Sophie's hair turning white!)
our girl is on a journey of ✨self-discovery✨ and to find her family. Silco does not understand why and just wants her to come home for dinner lol
instead of happening upon Ekko, Jinx goes looking for him because she heard there's a wizard wandering around who helps people
Ekko's castle is a treehouse, and the roots walk!
Jinx: "What a stupid way to treat a tree!" DX (a book line lol)
Jinx keeps arguing with the curse and it weirds Ekko out but she's just arguing with Silco lol
Ekko is a big grump because he gave his heart away to protect it after so much loss 😭
Jinx does not clean his house. she just redecorates. she draws on everything, including the Wall of the Fallen, and Ekko is thisssss close to strangling her at all times but he's promised to help
Jinx: "Ya gotta inject some levity into this narrative!" /casually breaks 4th wall
Silco's henchpeople keep showing up and Ekko fights them off but they're just trying to get Jinx to come back for dinner
Silco: "Discover? What are you discovering? Gold? Dinner's getting cold!"
at some point Jinx will have to cut up Ekko's clothes mwahaha
Ekko has the Slime Meltdown™ because Jinx breaks his hoverboard and he needs to be airborne and free or else there's no point in living
Heimerdinger is Madame Sullivan/Suliman, Ekko's old magic teacher who tells Jinx she's a witch like in the book 🪄
he even has the intro that makes him appear all spooky at first before his furball nature is revealed
maybe instead of giving life to things she animates machines???
they have a cute breakfast scene in Ekko's treehouse where Jinx eats real fruit the first time
Vi leaves a flare lit for Jinx all this time, and Ekko helps her find it
we didn't discuss this, but I think it would be interesting if Vi was Turnip Head, trying to communicate through Jinx throughout the story and maybe pushing her into situations that she doesn't really want (which has to do with how we're imagining the ending; Vander could also be Warwick instead and serve the same purpose???? wait I'm cooking here)
I also want Ajuna to be Michael/Markl lol
the end of the story sees Jinx decide to be true to herself; even though she knows that Silco and Vi both love her, she's gotta do her own thing
despite being super annoying lol she helps Ekko live in the moment and get his heart back, and they fall for each other and it's mushy as hell okay
"She's like very decorative lichen growing on his tree and he can't get rid of her, so by the story's end she's just become part of the natural treescape."
and at the end they keep traveling in the treehouse to see the world and help people and so Jinx can come into her witch powers
probably would be easy to insert all the war themes
Jinx coming into her own and being cute, Ekko learning to love again after this woman just barges into his life, family themes, romance, what more could we want???
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bell-system · 2 months
Its been said before (and probably more eloquently) but I do think any discussion about how self-dx is "problematic" is meaningless until the systems under which diagnosis exists stop being ableist, racist, fatphobic, etc-- I would much rather, for example, that a person identify with the plural community and then later decide that they're a singlet, than have more parts of the plural community face trauma, oppression, prejudice, humiliation, etc from doctors just to 'prove' they're 'really plural'.
Setting that to the side-- I'll get back to it later-- the current process of medical diagnosis itself often includes people who are ostracized from parts of the plural community online.
The main schism between people who are anti self-dx and those who are not (at least as far as plurality goes...) is that those who are against self-dx have a misguided belief that there is a criterion for diagnosis that a patient must have early childhood trauma-- a criterion not present in the DSM in the first place. Though the 'early childhood trauma' theory of dissociation is the most supported and most likely theory for disordered, diagnosable plurality, that doesn't mean that that theory will in all cases be correct, in the same way that a similar chain of events could happen to two people and leave one traumatized for life and the other fine after a few months.
Its true that in many cases, disordered plurality has potential correlation with traceable traumas from early childhood, but that doesn't mean that all cases of even disordered plurality specifically come from trauma (and, of course, since disordered plurality comes often with memory problems, even if there IS a trauma it is likely the memory of it is obscured or inaccessible, and the people who are now experiencing plurality-related distress may not believe that trauma exists), and this is something reflected in the fact that the DSM only looks for current symptoms and experiences, and does not question the traumatic history of a patient whatsoever in screening for dissociative disorders.
Its provable that non-disordered forms of plurality exist (integration - both into a single being, and the more modern definition of the memory gaps and conflicts that cause distress being reduced), whether those forms come after a period of disordered plurality, or if, in some cases, a collective never experiences a clinically significant amount of distress, its scientifically and anecdotally recognized that these forms of being exist.
It is also true that many forms of plurality (even forms that do cause significant distress) are difficult or impossible to discover or diagnose. In many cases, the dissociation experienced by nature is intended to hide/conceal itself as a form of protection, which categorically makes it significantly more of an ordeal to discover-- and even more of an ordeal to have clinically recognized to the degree of an official diagnosis.
Going back to my original point about the system of diagnosis, its also objectively true that massive parts of medical institutions (psychologists and psychiatrists, doctors and other health practitioners, and insurance companies) have implicit and explicit bias against so-called "rare" or "severe" disorders, behaviors, and experiences. Even if there were a hypothetical person who fit EVERY criterion for DID in the DSM, and experienced a provable trauma at an early stage of development that could be connected directly to their experience of dissociation, and was conscious of their dissociation, there's still many cases where they would be completely reasonable to not pursue a diagnosis-- because of prejudice in the medical system, fear of reduced chances of employment, societal ostracisation, a lack of safety in their situation of living, the desire to not be institutionalized-- I could go on.
The truth is; we don't know enough to say for certain the cause of plurality in every or even any case, and it seems much more valuable at least to me to create a community built on a basis of curiosity about different modes of existence than it is to create one functioning on a system of suspicion and gatekeeping.
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itsc · 2 months
my parents have been watching a show about an autistic woman and my mom brings it up whenever we discuss tv. but she talks about it as if she is explaining autism to me, as if we are both unfamiliar with the concept. do you think she remembers the conversation we had in 2014 where i listed the autism diagnosis criteria that led me to self dx and her response was “well what does that mean if that all applies to me too!?” i know the word neurotypical it’s ok you don’t need to define it.
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fierceawakening · 1 year
Like here is the thing about “you don’t choose whether you are mentally ill , but you do choose to be an asshole.”
Sometimes mental illness has the symptom of irrationality.
Take my cousin. Does he talk about the government threatening everyone because he chooses to be an asshole, or because paranoia makes him believe certain things that take a reasonable concern (most governments DO hide unethical things they do) and distort it into something unreasonable and illogical (Joe Biden specifically wants X group to suffer intensely)?
“Choosing to be an asshole” only makes sense if the person is generally rational. If their illness affects their ability to reason in itself, it can’t be that they weigh their options and choose the meanest one. That’s not how that works. That implies they aren’t fully able to weigh the options properly!
And THAT is why I think it’s not necessarily ableist to talk about how these things affect others around them. Because dealing with someone who’s bring fundamentally irrational ACTUALLY IS draining and exhausting.
Because discussions literally get nowhere. When we have discussions, we do it with the assumption that each party will change their mind a little or at least be willing to compromise. The time invested in discussion isn’t wasted because each person understands that the other has a point, or at least a point of view.
But if someone is irrational, that goes out the window. There’s no guarantee that the other person is willing to negotiate, or is even CAPABLE of experiencing negotiation as non threatening.
I remember once I had a discussion with someone on here who said she had NPD (of course I have no way of knowing if she had a diagnosis or a careful self dx or just a suspicion or, you know, maybe lied.) And she was trying to get me to be less “ableist” by saying “my grandiosity isn’t about wanting to lord it over others. It’s that I am so perfectionistic I can’t bear the thought that the truth is I’m not perfect, so I tell myself I AM perfect to forestall that pain.”
And I was just like…
That’s understandable! Yes! I too am self destructively perfectionist and it causes me great pain also! That makes you sound less scary and more relatable than the stereotype. Yes! All that!
But if you literally mean that you actually cannot bear to think of yourself as imperfect and have to immediately assert that your interlocutor is the one in the wrong: that is a conflict waiting to happen. Because sooner or later if we continue to interact, I’m going to eventually be disappointed by something and point it out, simply because we’re both human.
And if your response to that is that you are perfect, and cannot have erred, then your response isn’t going to be an apology or an acknowledgment. It’s going to be lashing out a4 me for pointing out that you’re imperfect, because you can’t tolerate that thought.
Which is going to mean that I’m going to find the interaction draining, most likely. Because I went into it expecting that you can “choose not to be an asshole” and be rational, where you can’t because from what you’re saying, “you messed up” is a berserk button that kicks you into irrationality.
THAT’S why I dislike discourse on here about severe mental illness. Because everybody talks like “choose to be an asshole” is a thing, without recognizing that cognitive distortions are ALSO a thing, and can skew that choice if they’re severe enough.
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aspd-culture · 8 months
self-dx ASPD culture is meeting the criteria but not having been diagnosed with a conduct disorder when you were a kid because you were just considered a brat so now you can’t be diagnosed.
I mean, a diagnosis would probably hurt me way more than it would help, but I’m still mad it’s not an option.
Fun fact! You do not have to have *been* diagnosed, you just have to have qualified for a diagnosis. That is a super common misconception due to the terrible wording of that criterion in the DSM-V.
You can be "retroactively diagnosed" by discussing your childhood openly including things you hid or lied about at the time. They may want to check with your parents, but if you're a legal adult or emancipated, you have a right to refuse that.
Plain text below the cut:
Fun fact! You do not have to have *been* diagnosed, you just have to have qualified for a diagnosis. That is a super common misconception due to the terrible wording of that criterion in the DSM-V.
You can be "retroactively diagnosed" by discussing your childhood openly including things you hid or lied about at the time. They may want to check with your parents, but if you're a legal adult or emancipated, you have a right to refuse that.
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 10 months
a question from a self dx autistic- is it possible to be autistic and never have meltdowns or shutdowns? I don't even mean rarely. I've never had a shutdown or a meltdown in my entire life. I relate to a vast majority of other autistic traits, however, and I've taken my fair share of legit autism tests and they all came back with overwhelmingly high scores. Sorry for the unnecessarily long ask, but I was just feeling a bit of imposter syndrome because of it and I was wondering if you could help.
Hi there,
According to one article from Physc Central:
The Autistic Self-Advocacy Network recognizes meltdowns as a common externalized behavior, particularly among autistic children and adolescents. Although older autistic individuals may also experience meltdowns, not all autistic people have them.
Here is a Reddit thread discussing the matter if you’d like to hear others opinions
Link to Reddit Thread
Here is another excerpt from another article discussing it:
"Not all autistic people experience meltdowns and shutdowns, though they are very common," begins Dr.
Jessica Myszak, licensed psychologist, and director of The Help and Healing Center, whose practice is mostly autism assessment for adults.
I hope these sources can help. Thank you for the inbox. I hope you have a wonderful day/night. ♥️
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narcissism-positivity · 3 months
This blog supports all mood disorders, with a focus on NPD and those with similar traits. Everyone is welcome to follow. We’re chronically ill and caregive for our disabled wife, so tips on Ko-Fi are very appreciated but never required. <3
We’re very slow at sending messages because of our disabilities (low vision and memory loss in this case), I promise it is Not because we don’t want to talk to you!! We welcome all messages and asks.
We’re pro self-DX, support all plurals and do not tolerate ableism of any kind. Posts will try to include image descriptions, if not they’ll be tagged “needs image description”.
This account is moderated by @witch-crip-is-this, a 27 yr old system with NPD. However, we’re always looking for more mods if folks are interested!
We welcome all good-faith asks about mood disorders, but will limit or spread out via queue the amount of vent/trauma posts. We typically run on one-post-per-day queues.
Tags under the cut:
“Npd education” (for learning about npd!)
“Npd stigma” (often cross tagged with “narc abuse mention”)
“Npd culture is”
“Npd advice”
“Npd positivity” (you’ll find little discussion of npd stigma here)
“Pd positivity” (for general personality disorder posts)
“System speaks” (for our more personal posts or additions)
Crashing? Come get supply (a self-esteem boost or positive interaction!)
“Narc supply:receive” (for getting supply, don’t feel shy about asking!)
“Narc supply:ask” (for giving supply to someone else)
We’ll try to tag any traumatic discussion with relevant triggers like “trauma” or “narc abuse” (which doesn’t exist but discussions about the stereotype are important), please let us know if you want any particular topics tagged!
Have a lovely day xox you’re fantastic!
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Basic info | 𓎟✧ 𓈒╭ ⋆ ˚。
We use they/it collectivly, however if an alter tells you they use xyz pronouns, use those prns if you know they are frotning.
We are a DID system, with an unknown headcount(as of now).
A collective name for us is seven, but it probably wont really be of use.
We have other mental illnesses and disorders we do not wish to discuss, and we are also chroniclly ill.
Frequent fronters | 𓎟✧ 𓈒╭ ⋆ ˚。
Ray - he/they/it/fox/frog/rain/cloud/fog/blue 🌫
Mike - he/they ☁️
Rain - they/them 🧵🧷
Basil - he/they 🌱🌻
Catastrophe - they/neon/kandi/she 🌈✨️
Anon signoffs | 𓎟✧ 𓈒╭ ⋆ ˚。
🌺🎨 (🌸🤞)
Tagging system | 𓎟✧ 𓈒╭ ⋆ ˚。
#╭°• system ask game ✧𓎟
#˚。 e╭ ﹕anon 。。 
#╰ fronter ⋆ e╭
#╪ reblog things ★ (this one is our usual reblog format, ex. "Gender hoard")
DNI | 𓎟✧ 𓈒╭ ⋆ ˚。
Anti self dx
Nsfw/gore/$h/€d blogs
BYI | 𓎟✧ 𓈒╭ ⋆ ˚。
We might be a little weird, due to autism
We also might not respond for long periods of time, we are really busy with tests and things.
Another thing, if we text dry or smth, we are probably low on spoons and we apologies in advance.
Other blogs | 𓎟✧ 𓈒╭ ⋆ ˚。
@rays-lonely-haven : the host's blog!
@the-coining-stars-guild : a coining blog where we take requests!
@anti-endo-stars-meetup : a community type blog inspired by @/anti-endo-haven!
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sparky-x · 3 months
Hey guys. No art today, but I’m here to talk about an idea for a Sonic Reboot that I conceptualized.
It was originally titled Sonic Neoverse. This was made to, well, fix many of the problems plaguing the franchise. I had this 2 years before Sonic Frontiers came out/announced. Most of the events and characters were lifted from the games, and comics, but with a few major adjustments. Keep in mind that this topic will be in two parts. In Part 1 I will be discussing about the characters in the reboot, and then I will talk about the world and setting in Part 2.
Let’s start with the face of the entire franchise, Sonic the Hedgehog!
Sonic’s personality would be a mix between Adventure, Toon, and a bit of modern.He Would have his family back. It is composed of Aleena, Manic, and Sonia from underground. Because he had two separate moms, I did some alterations and made Bernie the hedgehog Aleena’s daughter. 
After his parents disappeared, the Oracle of Delphius sent the triplets to their respective adoptive parents. Sonic’s caretaker would be Longclaw much like in her movie incarnation.
Knuckles may at times not be the guardian of the Master Emerald because……. The Echidnas from Archie would be present in the neoverse; therefore, Knuckles is no longer the last of his kind. Locke, Knuckles’s Father will be the one to look after the Master emerald.
Amy Rose would be drastically different in Neoverse. I turn Amy Rose into a tomboy in this version. I also had her like a female counterpart to Sonic similar to how Batgirl is a female counterpart to Batman. Changing her would mean getting rid of her Piko Piko hammer. I have to come up with many alternative weaponry for this new version of Amy from dual blades to axel’s disc weapons from Kingdom Hearts. The latter that I kind of gone with to coincide with her ‘surname’.
Silver the Hedgehog would be a lot smarter and wiser in Neoverse unlike his original incarnation (‘A well thought out strategy’).
Shadow the Hedgehog would be the same as he was in Sonic Adventure 2 but he’ll later have a personality like Jak from Jak and Daxter.
E-102 Gamma? Well, I’ve had him rebuilt by Rotor and teamed with the Freedom Fighters along with Big the Cat and Amy. It was to match the main cast of Sonic Adventure DX. and since Cream was part of the Freedom Fighters in Archie, Team Rose had been merged with it.
The freedom fighters would return in the neoverse having a massive role during eggman’s invasion of Mobius. Most of the characters like Tangle from IDW, Tekno from Fleetway, and scrapped characters like Tiara Boobowski would be brought back in Neoverse. Talking about an all-star franchise….. that would never be realized as the Sonic Franchise is as good as it is. 😔😔😔😔😔
Every original Sonic media had to have some new things right? Well the secret is that the entire Sonic Neoverse all started with remaking Sonic 06. By that, I mean the one character everyone seemed to dislike, Princess Elise.
What I did with Elise was that she was going to be much more serious and warrior-like than her original self (In a natural way). Unlike her original counterpart, She has a deep hatred for the humans/overlanders especially when Eggman attacked her kingdom. Elise in Neoverse is now a Mobian Sphinx, a mythical lion with wings and can shoot energy blasts. She’s also physically strong given that her lion race were warriors. I will discuss more of Neoverse Elise’s history for part 2.
With the heroes said and done. Time to talk about the villains of the neoverse starting with Dr. Eggman
In Neoverse, Dr. Eggman was formerly a GUN member when he fell into his own Retro-Orbital Chaos Compressor. It corrupted his mind making him hostile toward the Mobians, and during the Overlander war, he joined the opposing faction. When the war was over. He overthrew King Acorn and launched the attack on Mobius. At one point he retired from his quest and hid for 2 years. After he decided to get back on his quest again after learning that the creature (Chaos) was a powerful creature.
All of his henchmen from Metal Sonic to Dingo would be in the Neoverse.
Time for some other villains beside Eggman himself.
Starting with Zavok. Instead of being, well, generic, I’ve turned him into a massive manchild who would fly into fits of rage when he doesn’t get his way.
I saw the Zeti or the deadly six as Bowser Koopalings knockoffs, so I did some adjustments to make them standout. The Zeti would be more reptilian with a primitive, cavemen-like personality.
Mephiles and Iblis would return and both would fuse into Solaris like in the original instead Solaris would be along the lines of Darksied from DC.
Ifrit from Sonic Rivals would join a reborn Mephiles’s team. The two along with Iblis would become a more powerful Solaris.
Remember Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric? Remember its antagonist, Lyric the Last Ancient? Well, I’ve made him a member of the order of Ixis, a group led by Ixis Naugus. He specializes in necromancy. When he was accidentally revived by Eggman, he used parts of the doctor’s aiding Egg Pawns to create a temporary body similar to his original counterpart.
Now for everyone’s hated villain, Infinite the Jackal. Rather than a generic shadow wannabe, He would have been a disgruntled scientist from Soleanna. ‘wrongfully’ rejected by Elise (due to his poor research). Infinite would later join Eggman in his effort to overthrow Elise.
Emperor Metallix would return in a saga based on the Metal Virus arc. About that along with the Zombots? Stay tuned for part 2.
Mammoth Mogul would also return along with Ixis Naugus, who would have ties to only Sonic’s missing parents but also the Phantom Ruby from Sonic Mania………..
Some people were unaware that in the Archie reboot era, Dr. Eggman had Egg Bosses, a group of robotic used Mobians who controlled each of Sonic’s world’s regions. These guys would now work for Mammoth Mogul rather than Eggman. Like their original incarnations, they are assigned to the regions of Mobius for global domination. Some members like Nephthys the Vulture and Thunderbolt the Chinchilla would be excluded from the group.
Nephthys would be among the heroes along with being the leader of the Midesta Freedom Fighters (AKA The Desert Raiders From Archie). I based Thunderbolt off of a particular Sonic fan who wants to ‘merge dimensions’…….
Great Battle Kukku/Battle Lord Kukku would be a greedy corporate boss who tried to deforest Coco island so he could build an amusement park. He would do the same to the Babylon Gardens.
Lord Mordred Hood from Archie would become Amy Rose’s worst enemy. Why? We shall find out in part 2.
Now lastly the final two villainous groups. That is The Nocturnus Clan, and the Dark Legion from Archie.
 That one point, because of the similarities these two had, I decided to mix the two together, that means Imperator Ix may be Dimitri’s ancestor. Dimitri himself would be Enerjak like his Archie Counterpart. Kragok would be the legion’s leader and Dr. Finitevus would return as a member of the clan.
Most of the characters I’ve reimagined seemed to be a lot better than we think though the other half remained the same as they were. I have intentionally left out major details of the Neoverse characters like Ixis Naugus. These will all be explained in part two.
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Self dx StPD culture is wanting to tell your parents and discuss it with them, but they have really ableist/sanist attitudes towards psychosis, and so you’re not sure it’s a good idea to bring up that you’re schizospec :/
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fazkins · 8 months
no proshippers, period. I don't care if what you're requesting isn't proship, if you are a proshipper then please leave. this blog isn't a "safe space" for you.
we are double friendly. each person is allowed, of course, to be uncomfortable with doubles, but calling a double "fake" is unnecessary
no requests will be fulfilled if you're like a.. zoo, racist, map/aam, stuff like that. just please be a decent, normal human if you come here
i will edit to add more as i see necessary, but for now, this is probably fine <3
we WILL do:
name/pronoun suggestions
art/animation requests (mostly fulfilled by evi)
writing prompts
timeline questions/discussion
self-care kits
honestly just most kin related stuff.. anything you can think of we're willing to give it a try!
non-fnaf related things! willing to try all medias ^^
media we're familiar with
(but we will still do media we're unfamiliar with! /gen)
what we WONT do:
anything in support of proship or any sort of bigotry
anything meant to engage in hate speech or to belittle anyone else
anything meant to engage in "syscourse" or anything similar of any matter to any degree
shipping of any child-characters in fnaf + other media (the two younger afton siblings, the missing children, charlie, etc)
will also edit later on to include more if necessary!!
📼👁️ anon, 🔴🐼🕹 anon, 💜🐰💛 anon, 🔑 anon, 💄🌠 anon, 🎸🕹️anon, 🔧💜 anon, 🔪🌈 anon, 💥⚙️ anon, arr anon, mwk anon, monstermangle anon, 🌠🌌🔮 anon, Dx. Douxie, 🍊🏹 anon
soos's intro post
evi's intro post
fizz's intro post
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drdemonprince · 1 year
I know you've talked about this before but I still want to ask your advice or thoughts about my situation. First, I'm having a hard time in my relationship and it's at the point that I am thinking going to couple's counseling or therapy or something is the only option. For context, this is a big decision for me because for a long time I have not considered it as an option, due to my lack of trust/faith that I'd be able to find someone in my area with availability covered by my insurance or that we could afford, that understands all of our intersections and stuff. Both me and my wife have been to therapy before, in the past and separately (not for relationship stuff) and it was meh. not great not terrible. Our intersections include: interracial (i'm white, she is Black), legally married, neurodivergent (i am DX-adhd, she is self-dx autistic. i ID as neurodivergent), both transmasculine nonbinary lesbians on T, polyamorous, anticapitalist and critical of psych (i don't really know the right word but i'm a follower of you and jesse meadows). i want a kid someday but she's not so sure. we both identify as disabled, from a mix of physical things and mental things. we're in a liberal and very white region. we are struggling to talk to one another and interact without blowing up in fights, we need help. but i don't know if i can trust anyone to give us advice or to help and also understand who we are and our different backgrounds. i don't know how honest we should be? what kind of keywords or descriptions we should keep an eye out for when searching for a professional? what are your thoughts? any advice or tips? i want to be careful (there's definitely no interest or need to do autism diagnosis for either of us. we know who we are and prof-dx will not do anything for us accommodation-wise) and i want to repair our relationship.
This advice is more or less advice I've covered before, but I will personalize it a little bit to your situation.
If I were in your situation, I would hop on over to Psychology Today's therapist finder, and use the advanced search options, and filter for couple's counselors who have identified themselves as competent in issues of racial identity (I think that's the tag psych today uses for it, or whatever the equivalent is), and LGBTQ issues. You can also put in your insurance info and filter for that as well.
From the list that pops up, scan through and look for people whose profiles and bios sound like they have potential, and come up with an initial list of say, three to five options that sound promising. Oversample, if you will, from therapists who are Black. I think it's really hard to discuss racial intersections in a relationship with a white therapist. Very very few of them are even remotely competent or even comfortable discussing the topic.
Then, reach out to those 3-5 therapist and really grill them. Ask them what they know about neurodiversity. Ask them about their therapeutic style. Ask them about how critiques of capitalism and principles of anti-racism and queer liberation inform their practice. Ask them about what their work with couples looks like. Tell them about a few of the specific issues you and partner face and ask whether they have expertise in those (for example, if they are experienced in working with couples who aren't on the same page about having kids). If they do not have answers or are defensive about even being asked about the work you will be paying them handsomely to do, kick em to the curb. They work for you. You shouldn't hire someone who won't do the work you want to do or who will do it shittily.
If none of the initial 3-5 are remotely good, start over. You may not find any who are good. This is because psychology was not created to serve either of you. Anyone who would be a good therapist for you would be an exception to what psychology is and is built to do. So as you continue your search, have conversations about what will happen if you cannot find a couple's therapist. I'd give it three rounds of searching, and maybe at least two attempts with an actual counselor if you can find any that seem remotely bearable.
But that's only if both you and your partner are fully invested in this process. If your partner is already checked out or disinterested or they don't feel good about any of the options, do not make them go. That can get really nasty really quickly, especially when only one person in the relationship is a person of color and they're the one who doesn't want to be in the room.
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ukftm · 8 months
Hi, I'm afab non binary and have been trying to access hormones blockers, and potentially t (though the blockers are more urgent to me because of issues around my period). I'm trying to figure out how I can get the blockers (and hopefully t). Sorry if this is a stupid question, I'm just kind of new to this stuff. The GIC waiting list is way too long (though I have self referred there, but I don't think I can wait that long), so I was wondering: Can a GP prescribe hormone blockers, or do I have to go through a specialist? If so, does that specialist have to be an endocrinologist, or would it be easier to go to a private gender care supplier like GenderGP for the blockers?
Also, if I need a gender dysphoria diagnosis for the blockers and t, how do I get the dx (as in, who do I go to?). Sorry for all the questions, I just feel like everything I read is giving me different answers and I'm really confused. Hope you have a good day!
Hi Anon,
GPs are very reluctant to do anything without it coming from a GIC. So you are very unlikely to get prescribed anything for gender related care without a referral from the GIC.
If you are having medical issues with your t.o.m then you should discuss this with your GP as they may be able to prescribe you something to help with that.
If you can afford to go private this is always a quicker route. But with more people accessing private care, the waiting times are also increasing. But if you can afford it, being on both an NHS and private waiting list can be a good option.
In terms of a gender dysphoria diagnosis, this will come either from the GIC or the psychologists that you may see as part of your referral to the GIC from your GP. The process is very dependant on where you live and what your GIC will arrange while you are waiting for your first appointment. From personal experience, I was referred to my GIC by my GP but I saw 2 psychologists while waiting and they gave me a GD diagnosis before I got my first appointment with the GIC.
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