#selias drables
salsasvault · 2 months
okay i know for a fact you have drafts your hiding something for us pretty please 🙏🏼
okay fine was debating posting this but
“Shh shh, okay, okay honey I got you.” You sway side to side rocking an almost 5-month-old in your arms. Trying to soothe her proved to be a harder task than you anticipated.
Your sister recently had a baby, and with the recovery and almost no alone time with her husband she all but begged for you to babysit.
You were somewhat reluctant, but with Simon on leave, and a soft spot for your niece, you thought it wouldn’t hurt to take care of her for a couple nights.
So here you were, at four in the morning, a lightly fussing baby in your arms as you heat a bottle in the kitchen. The city surrounding you provides just enough light to illuminate your apartment.
The gentle hum of the microwave proved to help both of you.
Busy with your task you didn’t hear the sound of the door clicking open, or the footsteps that followed.
All Simon saw upon entering was the sight of you with a tiny baby in your arms.
His heart stopped in his chest, he’d only been gone 3 months, sure longer than normal but not long enough to produce-this.
Flabbergasted he did the math, retried it, and thought of every possibility but it all came to a grinding halt at the sound of your voice cooing to an almost smaller version of you.
You looked so perfect, rocking her just right, grabbing the bottle, testing the warmth, so incredibly attentive to her needs.
With you busy it seemed the baby had noticed him.
Wide eyes, the same color as yours looking back at him. Her fussing stopped for a second, entirely enamored with the strange man standing almost in the shadows.
The lack of babbling or crying caught your attention, turning your head toward whatever had encapsulated her-
“Simon! You didn’t tell me you’d be home early.”
Setting the bottle down, baby still in your arms, you made your way over, half hugging him.
It took him a second before he was wrapping his alarms around you and the 5-month-old.
“Didn’t know myself-who…who’s this lovie?” Thumb going to touch her cheek, you turn, looking at him, realization coming to you.
“My sister Si, remember she had a baby a few months ago, this is her.” Your voice slightly goes up in pitch toward the end, directed toward the baby.
“Gave me a scare.” The baby grappled onto his finger.
“I bet.” You snort in laughter.
“Strong grip on this one.” He laughed lightly.
“Oh yeah, you're a strong girl aren’t you.” You redirect your attention, and Simon can’t help but stare.
“Yeah, you are.” You kiss her face and look back toward him. “You like Uncle Simon don’t you, yeah you do look at that smile.”
His heart warmed, he hadn’t been referred to as uncle in a long time. He couldn’t help but think, think about what this would be like. 
He’d never given it much thought, always assumed he’d be a shit father, but the way you were so in your element.
He’d give everything to see you happy, and your niece already resembled so much of you, what would your baby look like? A baby made from the two of you.
His mouth opened before his rational could catch up.
“You want one o’ these?” He almost facepalms right there.
“One of these?” You immediately burst into laughter.
“You know what I mean.”
“I know.” You look back down at the baby in your arms and smile wide.
“I-“ You pause, “I think so.” It sounds unsure, and as you hold her in your arms you can’t help but warm to the idea more.
“You know what, I think I want one of these.” You beam up at him.
“Then let’s go make one of these ‘eh.” 
“Simon! Not in front of the baby!” You jokingly cover her ears, both of you retreating toward the kitchen.
“Wha’ s’not like she knows what I mean.” You smack him, just for good measure, and your niece laughs in response.
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salsasvault · 3 months
do you have any fluffy drabbles to post 👀 i’m craving some fluff
i think i know who asked this LOL but i do have something that i wrote up, i wasn't going to post it but since you asked 👀
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“Hey just got back.” You slide off your shoes, setting your bag down on the side table next to your front door. Walking further into the living room you round the couch.
“You’re a little late.” He gives you a pointed stare, not serious but just the slightest bit displeased.
You lean in toward him, eyes wrinkling at the reading glasses he wears.
“Mhm-“ Peck
“Told you I’d be late-“ Peck
“before leaving-“ Peck
“so you wouldn’t worry” Peck
“M’always worrying.” He pulls you in by the collar of your shirt.
“I know.” You give him that look.
The look that Simon thinks is between adoration and understanding, you’d always had the uncanny ability to simply know when it came to him. He's not sure how you do it.
You give him one final quick kiss, before standing.
“What are you thinking for dinner?” You call out while walking into the kitchen.
“Dunno, s’up to you.” He goes back to whatever random book he’s picked up today.
“I don’t feel like picking.” You browse the cupboards searching for something. 
You open the fridge, take a look, and close it with a sigh, continuing your scavenging, brows furrowed in the lightly frustrated way Simon loves.
“Which is why-“ He stands from where he is on the couch, walking toward you, into the kitchen.
“I went out and,” He grabs a hold of your waist, stretching over you to open the highest cupboard, the one that you don’t think you’ve ever opened or will open.
“Got this.” He holds a a white plastic bag stuffed with takeout boxes and from the smell alone, you recognize it to be your favorite takeout spot from across town.
“You said you didn’t know what to get!” Your face beaming with a smile Simon could only compare to the sun.
“Mhm, I know, if I said I’d already gotten something you’d be cross you weren’t involved in the decision, but also knew if I didn’t have something you’d be cross and hungry.” He leans in, bowing his head to kiss you.
“You know me freakishly well.” Your face bears a content smile.
And he makes a noise of approval.
You both walk toward your kitchen table with you tucked under his arm. Both wondering how you ever got so lucky.
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salsasvault · 2 months
Executioner!ghost who’s seen so much death, is sure he has more blood on his hands than the entire Kings army. With the amount of vile criminals he’s come across he’s certain the world he lives in is dammed, himself included. That is, however, until he meets you, a common maid, who somehow remains untouched, pure enough to be an angel in the flesh, meant to be his salvation.
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