#sge prequels
heyo-428 · 6 months
The feeling when something you really loved is over and the fandom slowly dies<<<<<
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discjude · 22 days
Hi prequel community. If I said that I think the reason why there were only two prequels compared to the three that the other parts of the series got (3 TSY books and 3 TCY books) AND the reasons why Rhian's eye colour changes miraculously from Rise to Fall from green to blue (I think he's described as having green eyes in Rise? someone might have to correlate me on that) is because in Rise he's supposed to parallel TSY Sophie (green eyes, doubtfully good, multiple boyfriends) and then in Fall he's supposed to parallel Japeth (blue eyes, fratricidal, insane, gets cool one liners) how would you react to that
#the brackets make this unreadable im so sorry#but like you've got to hear me out on this right. right.#im cooking something I dont know what it is but its being cooked#the downsides ive spotted here is that I don't know if Rafal goes from TSY Agatha --> TCY Rhian that is a problem#but I might've just not spotted it#there's def some rhian sader in rafal cause of the whole “idc if you're evil and I'm the One (true king) we can still rule together”#and the whole Getting Murdered#I didn't pick up much of Agatha in him in Fall but the Sophie parallel was DEFINITELY there for Rhian#and “the One” being introduced as a parallel to “the One True King” makes way too much sense#this is also a convenient explanation for the wrong eye colours (though that also doesn't apply to Agatha. applies well to TCY twins though#is “cool one liners” solely a japeth trait? no. did he get the best ones? absoLUTELY. “welcome to hell then” okayyyyy go off#submitting this for peer review#there's so many little observations I have about prequels that I don't want to make full posts about#for example how the school masters' colours in the movie are the rise + fall ones#but whatever#sge#tsfgae#school for good and evil#the school for good and evil#fotsge#rotsge#sge prequels#japethposting#if anyone spots any more parallels that I missed pleaaaassseeee tell me I need to build a case file for this#rafal mistral#rhian mistral#oh also this was accidentally inspired by a wisteriaum post so thank you 4 that#MORE TAGS oh my god sorry I just remembered that Rhian gets described as serpentine/snakey a LOT in Fall that's def something
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starryskiesahead · 7 months
I imagine Rafal makes this face every time his brother falls in love with another Hot Pirate-Looking Guy:
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rebel--hearts · 2 years
so i think a crucial part of sophie's character is her need to be loved. it's a fundamental part of her motivations throughout the series and it informs so many of her actions
i think stefan and honora are possibly Not the best or most loving parents, and i think she was old enough when vanessa died that she can remember what it felt like to have a parent who really adored her - it's very telling that when rafal tricks her into kissing him at the end of awwp, the ruse he/evelyn use is to disguise him as vanessa and tell sophie that this would bring vanessa back to life! sophie just wants her mom back in her life 😭 which makes it so much worse when it's revealed in book 3 that vanessa was a terrible person
anyway. i think she's just absolutely desperate to be adored and to be somebody's most important person! because she's very much Not the favourite child (i actually think this one might be book canon - stefan prefers the two younger boys (jacob and adam?) over sophie, partly for Vanessa Reasons and partly because ✨ sexism ✨) (please take this with a pinch of salt bc i haven't read the books in almost a year)
her driving force in the first trilogy is just to find somebody, anybody, who loves her - tedros, agatha, rafal - and then cling on to that person for as long as she possibly can. she's desperate to keep tagatha apart, because for the last... decade or so? idk the timeline is weird - anyway, agatha's been one of the few people who cares deeply about her, and she is absolutely terrified of losing that!
anyway, the point of all of this is: she desperately wants to be important to people, which feeds into what im dubbing her Princess Complex. i think she also feels the need to be important in general - which is explored in the movie, with vanessa telling her she was destined for greatness - and, of course, ruling a kingdom is a good fast way to be important.
she's scared of being irrelevant, imo, both wrt the people in her life and the world in general: she's afraid people will stop loving her, and she's afraid of not making any impact on the world.
this is completely incoherent i suspect, im just in a sophie mood today, but one final thought: she's desperate to be loved, and that makes her an easy target for men who want to take advantage of that! (RAFAL IM LOOKING AT YOU)
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the-real-dev · 2 years
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cecenyss · 1 year
The thing I don’t like about the whole “ugh good always wins” complaint in the school for good and evil is that if evil did win, the readers would just call them good. History is written by the victors, and all that; it’s kind of what happened with the Schoolmaster
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bellatrixnightshade · 6 months
Okay so uh if there was ever a movie or a show about the SGE prequels, I would like it to be a musical one.
I don't know why, but an SGE related musical would be fun. Not just already existing pop songs but original songs too.
I mean the prequels have Peter Pan and pirates, villains, and twin angst, so why not?
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rosellemoon · 3 months
In honor of the great Walrus vs. Fairy debate, I must ask the SGE prequels fandom:
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anobody277642 · 2 months
About: I’ve been a fan of The School for Good and Evil (SGE) since around 2018. I literally love the fandom with all of my soul, and cant go a single day without thinking about it. Out of all the fandoms that I’m in, it’s my definitely my favorite.
I’ve been on Tumbler for a year or two now, and scrolling on here has become one of the things I look forward to most, haha.
While this is an SGE focused blog, it will delve mainly into the prequel series. (Rise of The School for Good and Evil and Fall of the School for Good and Evil). I think the prequels have so many easter eggs and details, I also think some characters in the prequels were little explored. But to be honest, Rafal and Rhian are kind of the whole reason. I love their dynamic and relationship so much. I’ve fangirled over Rafal since book 3. So you can imagine how estatic I was when the Soman announced the prequels.
Ever or Never: Honestly? I take both qualities, but I seem to be more of an Ever.
I’ve had an SGE blog in my head for a while now, but never took the chance to do it. Instead, I’ve just been looking at other people’s blogs and commented here and there. Thanks to those bloggers I now have the inspiration to do this myself. Ib: @liketwoswansinbalance @rosellemoon and @maraneedscoffee. I’m sure there’s more so please let me know if I missed you!
So incredibly excited to join the SGE community here on Tumblr!
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liketwoswansinbalance · 2 months
Sources of Conflict, Secondary Characters, and Agency in SGE
The supporting cast of the prequels is awful as far as them as human beings with the barest shreds of common decency goes. I'm tempted to say they have no restraint. They are madmen—take the Pan for instance—unlike the Coven, Agatha (not that she's a side character), and even book one Beatrix, who all have some ethical standards and rationality to them. Really.
The brothers are the only "Good" characters, possibly along with Kyma, Midas, and Rufius, albeit, about two of these three don't have the most major impacts on the plot. (And classing either of the brothers as moral is a stretch by itself.)
Literally everyone is against them, if we're operating with protagonist-centered morality. The brothers have a solid relationship, and external factors tear them apart. It's a man vs. society/world conflict with them.
And, nearly all the supporting characters, the jerks in particular, enter the narrative by themselves. They are out for their own personal gain. Aladdin fits this description, to a point; he's on a fine line. And, Vulcan, Marialena, and the Pan definitely fit without question. They are invaders. I'd add pre-reformation Hook to the list, but to be fair, Rafal "recruits" him by kidnapping/human-trafficking.
In contrast, the main series cast of secondary characters are mostly decent people, which makes for a completely different atmosphere, however hostile the Schools may be with Evil Rhian at their head. These side characters were simply trying to live their lives, have a normal school year. Then, Sophie and Agatha arrive, and their appearance creates a major disruption.
Things don't go on as they normally would because they are meant to overhaul the status quo while Rhian and Rafal were meant to uphold it, which is an interesting juxtaposition by itself. The creation twins and the destruction twins. Both forces/freaks of nature, the pairs. Inevitably leading to upheaval and uproar. They're forces of order and chaos, plain as day.
Nearly all the supporting characters in the main series are ambivalent and are dragged into the plot/tale by the sheer force of Sophie's drama. She's the prime mover, with the magnetism of a black hole. She's the will of Man, the engine for conflict. The supporting cast is just trying to stay alive and exist alongside our all-consuming protagonists. They're not truly out to get anyone until they're offered the chance to leap at, until they're given any kind of motivation to take offense. They revolve around Sophie and Agatha and the tale, while the prequel side characters revolve around themselves and their own desires.
The main series' supporting characters aren't active agents in their own stories—unlike Marialena, Vulcan, and Aladdin, all with indisputably ulterior motives—they're along for the ride: the Coven, Tedros, even poor Agatha... The story revolves around Sophie and her decisions/actions. The conflict stems from them, her and Agatha.
Meanwhile, in the prequels, the conflict arguably stems from a wide array, a multitude of sources, and the brothers themselves are only one factor or source of conflict among all the rest. Rhian and Rafal are along for the ride in everyone else's games (the Storian's included). And the brothers are both active and reactive.
Their decisions matter, sure, but the determining factors are often out of their hands. For two immortal School Masters who would/should probably have control over a lot of the Woods/the future of civilization under usual circumstances, they sure don't have much agency on an in-narrative, plot level.
Look at Rhian, even on a lesser, personal level: his soul seems to override his self, sort of, and he ends Fall as if he's been possessed by his own inherent Evil. That's the most obvious example I can point to.
Basically, my point is that, unlike Sophie, unlike even Sophie and Agatha as a duo (and they are mere, seemingly powerless Readers), Rhian and Rafal do not orchestrate the events of their own plot nearly as much. You'd think the brothers, as aware of their genre and the workings of their world as they are, would have the advantage, but no.
They aren't the "authors of their own misfortune," at least not entirely. It doesn't matter how much claim free will seems to have. (It doesn't have much, considering we have a non-negotiable prophecy in play at all.) It doesn't matter how much the narrative claims they have free will (it doesn't really claim that to begin with). They're both far more beholden to the yoke of fate than Sophie and Agatha could ever be.
The dynamics in these pairs of twins are similar, on a small scale, but how they interact with their plots is different. Therefore, Man/free will/choice wins in the main series, and Pen/Fate wins in the prequels.
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abeehiltz1159 · 7 months
there’s a lot of emphasis on eye color in sge. I may be the only one to have noticed it but since I finished the prequels it’s been something I think about a lot
Rhian’s eyes are blue and Rafal’s eyes are green. In the main series, green typically represents Evil (in book 3, there was a lot of emphasis on green lighting in the castles), and Sophie’s emerald eyes are a key characteristic of hers. Tedros’s eyes are blue, representing Good (the boy’s towers in the Good castle are blue).
Green means Evil and blue means Good. But there are moments where Rafal and Sophie do something Good or something in the name of Good, even if some people consider it Evil (using black magic to save their closest friends, taking the Storian to the heart for someone they love). There are times where Rhian and Tedros did something Evil, or something they thought was Good but wasn’t (declaring war on Evil, hating others, stealing power [mostly concerning the Storian]).
brown I feel represents somewhere in the middle, like they’ve meddled in both sides. Agatha knows tons of dark/Never spells because of her time helping Sophie with her studies in their first year, and Fala (Rafal in disguise) used the Circus of Talents to expose his brother’s plot to cheat. He even declared himself “Fala of Good” as his nationality. They have each been both the victim and the aggressor, usually in the name of love for someone they care about.
in general there’s TONS of emphasis on appearance in this series, especially eye colors. Being ugly is an Evil trait and being beautiful is a Good trait, but throughout the whole series — including the prequels — the characters have flipped things around, and it’s awesome, it’s one of the several things I seriously love about this series
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heyo-428 · 7 months
So I said i’m a comment on a post I would share my Rafal playlist with you all and I want to preface this by saying some of these songs are based off my own interpretations of his character or personal headcanons.
Tagging the sge prequel fans bc obvi
@liketwoswansinbalance @thescarlettshrimpernel @harmonyverendez @discjude @rosellemoon
The songs with reasons are all below the cut!
Look What You Made Me Do - Taylor Swift
- Do i need to explain?
Mastermind - Taylor Swift
- “No one wanted to play with me as a little kid
So I've been scheming like a criminal ever since
To make them love me and make it seem effortless
This is the first time I've felt the need to confess
And I swear
I'm only cryptic and Machiavellian 'cause I care”
Also the last line, reminds me of the scene where he’s talking to the students and getting them to hell him fight against Rhian he says something like “if i’ve gone to far it was to protect everyone”
Sign of the Times - Harry Styles
- Idk reminds me of his death
- And “we never learn we’ve been here before” makes me think of the fact he got stabbed by the Storian in Rise and Fall and the symbolism it holds.
Mercy - Shawn Mendes
- “I’m prepared to sacrifice my life” is when he jumped in front of Rhian in Rise
Bad Habit - Steve Lacy
- “I wish I knew you wanted me”
Idk it’s giving James X Rafal yk
People I Don’t Like
- Fits his personality lmao
Murders - Miracle Musicsl
- “All for nothing at all” IS HIM DYING IN FALL LIKE “oh i did all that for rhian and got nothing in return”
Gilded Lily - Cults
- Same as above “Haven’t I given enough?”
- Also, “Always the fool with the strongest heart”
Christmas Kids - Roar
“You’ll change your, and change your mind, and leave this fucked up place behind, but I’ll know I’ll know.” Rhian killing and taking his identity and Rafal being the only who knows :(((
Heather - Conan Gray
- Another James X Rafal one but “But you like her better, I wish I was Heather,” BUT MAKE IT KYMA BECAUSE APPARENTLY JAMES AND KYMA ARE A THING? (Where did Soman find that one? Up his ass?)
Another Love - Tom Odell
- Him not being able to show sympathy for anyone else really because he’s wasted all his time and energy on Rhian
If I Killed Someone for You - Alec Benjamin
- Since Rafal had changed who he was for Rhian to be good I thought this was fitting since the point of the song is “I killed a part of myself for you, am I enough now?”
Many more Taylor Swift songs but I didn’t want my playlist to be a ton of Taylor Swift. I can’t think of some off the top of my head right now.
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discjude · 5 months
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good morning sge community
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starryskiesahead · 7 months
Rafal would dress like a vampire and act grumpy to everyone but deep down you know this guy has a heart of dark chocolate: Bitter but also really sweet
I feel like that’s one of the only sweets he’ll really like, Rafal’s not fond of sweets, his brother Rhian would be more into sweet things like milk chocolate and caramels. Fala isn’t really into sweets and candy, though he might have dessert on special occasions.
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harmonyverendez · 3 days
Which SGE book is your favourite?
Also who is your favourite character?
I have to say Rise / Fall of the school for good and evil. Is amazing to see the prequel book and how It shaped the future/ current timeline of the school for good and evil series.
Now my favorite character is Rafal and Rhian Mistral.
I'll be lying if I said Rhian wasn't my favorite 😍😘
He's such a babe.
Who's your favorite character? And which SGE book is your favorite?.
And thank you for the ask.
- HarmonyVerendez ♥️
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ananad1 · 2 years
More SGE Movie Thoughts
So one whole person asked for more of my thoughts on SGE and since my Midterms are now over I can give them....
This time around I watched the movie with someone who had not seen it yet, but had read the books (my dad, yes he was coerced into reading them but that is beside the point).
I think that the amount of time between Agatha and Sophie going back to Gavaldon and Sophie coming back to life was way too long. It takes away from them immediately disappearing in front of all the other students and no one, especially Tedros, getting to say goodbye. Tedros had plenty of time to try and convince them, or at least Agatha, to stay. He just stood there not doing anything until they were gone and then was all upset. Like sir you had a chance too bad so sad now.
Some one else mentioned this and I 100% agree that having the girls continue to have magic in Gavaldon makes it too confusing in terms of how they figure out something is wrong in the future.
In the book we do not see anything else at the school, or Gavaldon for that matter, which is important because in the second book the girls learn that right after they left everyone tried to go back to their schools and the girls were thrown out of Evil and the boys were thrown out if Good. In the movie we see them all together at the end and there is no noticeable shift in the castles.
Th blue forest remained being called the blue forest, but it wasn't remotely blue, which is not an impossible task, but if they weren't even gonna bother why not change the name to 'the practice forest' or something similar.
I'm still mad that the Nevers never got to even go into the forest or do any forest group type thing.
I brought up the blood magic being unnecessary before, but some other people have talked about how they didn't like it in the books or barely remembered it in the books (4,5,6) and it was important for those books, but in the movie it helped to establish a Sophie (girl) is only evil because Rafal (man) is controlling her or convincing her to do these things for him. Which is a problem that is often run into with evil women in movies and shows.
I still don't understand how they cut Sader, I have to bring him up again because my dad reminded me that in the new prequel that came out this year, his family plays a major role. Without him nothing makes sense, he predicted Sophie and The fall of the barrier between the worlds and so much more. Without his help, guidance, and general existence so many characters would be left in the dark. He was also like the only teacher Agatha originally liked.
Chaddick was also never pointed out by name, he has credits on IMDB so I know which one he is, but he is supposed to be Tedros' best friend and he is majorly important in books 4, 5, and 6 wether you like what happened with him or not (which I though it was an interesting parallel to the girls and I actually liked it fight me).
On a good note the actor for Reaper was wonderful and even though they did not include the scene of him running out of birds to behead so he goes after Sophie, he was great.
Again someone else brought up how different Tristan looked, honestly the first time around when Gregor dropped his sword at the beginning I assumed it was Tristan. I'm not sure of there is a second movie if they can pull of the Tristan/Yara switch and how well they would do it if they try.
I know I said the beginning School Master fight was fine, but the more I think about it the more I realized that in the books it is described as a war and way longer than a sparing match gone wrong. Also they never officially mark Rafal as dead and in the books everyone know one of the brothers is dead, but not who actually died.
I will never not be mad about them giving Lesso Evelyn Saders in love with Rafal trait, it just makes me so upset. Also on the note of Lesso if she is from Gavaldon and seems to have only ever been at the school, how are they going to explain Aric if they do another movie, cause if she's in love with Rafal I don't see that happening. Aric is like important for every book after though.
I'm sure I can come up with more, but this is what I've got for right now.
@atrenchcoatfilledwithbeees Since you are the one who asked I'm tagging you in this, but let me know if you want me to take you off.
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