#shanaruto asks
team7-headquarter · 6 months
Medical nin Sasuke is a top tier AU for sure
Anon, I hope you don't mind me adding some of my headcanons / thoughts because YES IT IS:
I'm begging to watch Sasuke reanimating someone with a controlled electric pulse.
We all know about the sharingan abilities to easily memorize and catch even the littlest of details, right? It'd be perfect for a medic nin who has to identify all types of wounds in the middle of chaotic battlefields. The efficiency would be around 90%.
Sasuke has amazing chakra control too and it deserves to be talked about more.
It is perfectly plausible that in some other universe where Sasuke wasn't as heavily manipulated as the canon verse, he'd seek to reform the system from within by pushing forward the medical agenda in a world full of mindless violence. I bet he wouldn't feel half as powerless if he could save lives with his medical ninjutsu.
Sasuke can become a medic nin out to rebel against the people trying to control him. He could go "I wish I was powerful enough to stop Itachi before he went too far AND knew how to heal my parents before they died".
He could have become interested in medical ninjutsu during his fight with Haku. Faking death? Going for the vital points with brutal efficiency? All awesome stuff.
Sasuke is so similar to Tsunade. Both left the village because they were disappointed and hurting. They lost their brothers, saw the people most important to them get killed, felt betrayed by someone they trusted— and how interesting I'd be to parallel Orochimaru and Itachi search for power, when both of them later help Konoha survive.
He's fight with Itachi would have gone a lot differently. Itachi is sick and wants to die and is manipulating Sasuke further, but what if Sasuke refused to allow it to happen and managed to save him? I love the trope where characters live to pay for their own mistakes instead of "dying to redeem themselves". The character development is worth it all!
He's very observant, more than Naruto or Sakura. He thinks critically, works under pressure, is not afraid of blood or doing what must be done...
He's a field medic through and through. If he wanted to bring back the honor of the Uchiha clan, becoming a medic sounds like a good idea. Do I need to remind everyone that one of the worst nightmares of Naruto was the asshole of Kabuto? And how he was such a pain in the neck because he was a medic nin?
Way to turn around and spit into the Uchiha curse of hatred too. The Sharingan is a gift of love— of love and grief. It's a tool to be used so you won't lose anyone like that again, so you can protect your loved ones. It'd shut up Black Zetsu and his Uchiha manipulation.
Honestly I think it would have been great to create a plotline where Kakashi is too busy seeing himself in Sasuke, it hits him like a truck the moment he becomes aware that he is more than Rin in so many ways.
Sasuke turning to be more like Mikoto than like Itachi or Fugaku!!!!!!
I have so many ideas for this au. Giving Sasuke the power to heal doesn't change who he is at his core, but it influences who he becomes. I'm not saying he won't be bitter or angry— Tsunade and Chiyo were two of the best medic nins around and they were drowning in vices.
It depends on who his mentor could be and he won't be a worse fighter, but!!! Idk, there is a different type of strength in healing...
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team7-headquarter · 3 months
your amazing meta and incredible analysis made me finally sit and start reading the manga. i just finished Naruto Classic!!!
AH THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST COMPLIMENTS I'VE EVER GOT. I'm really glad you like my posts.
Now, tell me about what you think Naruto Classic! I love to hear the opinion of people who have the manga freshly read because most of the time it makes me notice things I've never noticed before.
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team7-headquarter · 6 months
It would've been really, really funny if Shippuden had a trans character happen without mentioning anything, you're so right about that!
Which character do you think would be the best choice? Mine would've been….. Kabuto, maybe? He just has the range for it I think and saying Orochimaru feels too cheaty lol! Like, why can't we have another villainous female scientist like Karin y'know? I feel if that did happen we'd get to see more than one interaction between the two, at the very least.
Second choice would be Itachi, because like Kabuto, he'd be a prime candidate for World's Worst Eldest Daughter Syndrome™.
Honestly any option can be super funny, imagine you reach the time skip and everything is the same with Rock Lee except she got eyelashes and she/her pronouns and that's like all that changes. Even the crush on Sakura stays the same.
Gai would be the most supportive adoptive dad of a trans kid like you know he'd give entire speeches about Rock Lee blooming or The Power of Youth.
I agree with Kabuto and Itachi, because it would be hilarious yet so angsty. It'd add extra flavor to Itachi's many issues as an Uchiha heir and it'd be totally expected from a disciple of Orochimaru, in Kabuto's case.
If we're talking about canon, then the best option is probably Naruto. He was so fond of his sexy jutsu, I think making him more visibly genderfluid would have been amazing. Totally horrendous in the sense that it implies Naruto figured out his gender identity while traveling with pervert Jiraiya but well, it makes sense if he changed changed on his journey.
Ino would have been cool too. Maybe he never had a crush on Sasuke, maybe it was all gender envy. It'd have been cool to explore because then Shikamaru would have to face the fact boys can act crazy too, it'd totally erase the "boys like girls better when they are skinny" argument and it'd give an extra twist to Ino's rivalry with Sakura. I'd prefer Ino's design to go back to the short hair era, so it wouldn't look too much like Deidara.
Tsunade would be interesting, but only if they revealed in Shippuden she was born a boy and that's why she constantly uses chakra to change her appearance. Listen, she's figuring out a way for top surgery and implants, medical ninjutsu is not quite there but she will find a way, okay?
Idk, I think there's a million ways to play it out with almost any character... I kinda can't decide on a "best option" dkjekdjfjfnfn
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team7-headquarter · 6 months
I'm not the anon who sent the Sakura and Sasuke Final Confession scene ask, but please, PLEASSSSEEE don't ever apologize for the length of your posts!
It's always so delightful to see your analysis of Naruto and why the characters act the way they do. Especially when so many individuals have a very, shall we say… set in stone… position they take in regards to the manga. With your interpretation of the text, I think you give every character a sort-of kindness and good will to explain them as people; which is incredibly refreshing to see when so many fans aren't especially forgiving to the characters!
Please know that all your posts, big and small alike, are very valuable! ^v^
Ahhhhh, thank you!!!!!!!!!!
I'll always be biased because Naruto is the manga I grew up with! For me, in a story portraying war and violence between humans it is very important to never forget the humanity part.
Most characters in the Naruto manga don't think they are doing bad things for the sake of doing bad things. They have dreams and goals, things that justify their actions in their own eyes. Think about the Akatsuki duos: Sasori and Deidara were motivated by art, Itachi and Kisame are motivated by the corruption of their governments, Kakuzu and Hidan are motivated by money and religion, etc etc.
It makes me very happy to know someone enjoys my interpretations, as flawed as they are heheheh
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team7-headquarter · 1 year
Hi, I'm writing a Naruto fanfic and I'm interested in how you think it feels to like activate sharingan willingly for the first time. Like, you go through the shock of acquiring it and all that, but then you go back home, you look into the mirror and try to activate it at will so you would know how to do it in the next battle. I can't find this anywhere online, so I just made something up. Like, do you need to gather some chakra and then release it? Or is it more primal like blinking for example?
Hmmm, I'd have to re-read the manga to give you an accurate description, but let's see what I think:
The activation is second nature 'cause it reacts to an specific stimulus instantly. It's a mechanism of self-defense, hm, something more like how our systems release adrenaline in response to danger.
Later, the user can learn to control it with training. However, it still develops from pain, sorrow, fear. You can't get a Mangekyou Sharingan by simply training for it. That means that even when it can be used willingly, it's still a genetic response that depends on the level of emotional involvement of the user.
If I had to guess about the mechanics of it all, I'd say it works like focusing your vision on a distant point or trying to read in the dark. Your eyes react to your command according to the capabilities of your body. It might hurt after, you might get a migraine, it's tiring to the muscles and the nerves just as much as any other exercise.
Since we're talking about a peaceful activation after the initial awakening, I'd say it feels more like a strained or tiring type of blink. One that can be accompanied by a rush of the painful memories that caused the manifestation of the sharingan.
Let's make a descriptive demonstration and agree that character X is facing himself in the mirror of his house. He activates the sharingan for the first time since he got it, wanting to practice with it before his next battle, just like you said.
First, he'd find it is easy to do. Genetically, he just has to blink and there, red eyes are staring back at him in the mirror. The next thing he notices is that his reserves of chakra are quickly dropping. The Uchihas have evolved to own a level of stamina that can maintain the sharingan for longer than a none Uchiha can, yet it still takes a considerable amount of chakra. Especially for a beginner.
Maybe the sight of the sharingan can act as an emotional or psychological trigger to the user. A reminder of what he went through to adquire it. Maybe he can not notice the strain of maintaining the sharingan activated due the flashbacks going through his mind. Either way, you need to imagine a sand clock is being turned. Once the chakra levels are low enough or the physical capability of the user can stand it anymore, the sharingan will deactivate be itself. The user can do it before it happens too, in order to activate it again later that same day or simply because he doesn't one to get too tired.
Something to think about is the initial shock of seeing the world through a sharingan, now that there's no battle to be fought. Make the character think about how much clearer he can see now, or maybe he thinks he looks different with red eyes. Does time slow down? Does the enhancement of his optical capacity give the illusion of any other sense also becoming sharper? How many tomoes does he have? Does he forces the tomoes to spin? Iw he surprised by it?
Consider the lineage of the character. Best genes means it could be easier for him. Consider too the personality, since the sharingan is so tied to the feelings and emotions of the user. It can vary from one character to the other, so don't be afraid to explore the possibilities!
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team7-headquarter · 1 year
Hey shan do you think does Sakura Haruno is uselss
I think Sakura is
Tumblr media
Hm, I think she's far from useless, being honest. But I also love the useless narrative around her in the manga because it really gives you perspective of how violent is the shinobi world, how certain things and people are seem as useless because they don't fit in certain categories.
It's also a warning for me, usually. I don't engage much with people who think Sakura is useless or Sasuke is just evil or should have died.
My reasoning is simple:
Sakura is just a normal kid first and then a normal teenage girl. Most of the criticism she receives in Naruto Classic is due her being... a kid, honestly. A normal one without an superpowered clan/family or kekkei genkai, an angsty traumatic event in her life when she was a kid, some crazy backstory and social context forcing her to be a prodigy, etc etc. Even when she's smart, talented, correctly follows orders and is constantly trying to help her friends, she simply lacks the advantages of the other kids. No one really cares about her developing her skills until Tsunade, in the late Classic. She actively tries to help Naruto and Sasuke by acting like a sort of human shield, since against most opponents she lacks the training, heritage and experience to do something more. She's often criticize for doing the boring but much necessary work that Naruto and Sasuke can't do (is her presence what allows them to take so much protagonism).
But does it make her useless?
Maybe less appealing to the readers that focus on the action aspect of the manga (it's a shonen after all), but she doesn't lack function or impact in the narrative. In fact, she's the character closer to the readers the closest to a reader pov. A normal girl, with a normal childhood, who chose to face her world by becoming an active member of the "war zone" that is the shinobi world. Truly 12 years old and ignorant, immature, Naruto Classic is her big traumatic event. Like the Uchiha massacre was for Sasuke, like being a child reject was to Naruto.
If you take to Shippuden, it's even more evident.
Sakura is a medic nin (one of the most skilled in the entire shinobi world), she has the prestigious background to make other characters gape (she's Tsunade Senju's student), an angsty reason to try and push forward as a shinobi, she even gets the respect of many powerful characters, marking her as someone that should be recognized as great.
What makes her seem useless?
'Cause most of her development gets ignored, her fights get dismissed, her participation in big big events (and the meaning of her words) are twisted beyond recognition, same tale as always. There is of course a lot of misogyny from some fans, there are fans that simply doesn't like her (that's okay, we all don't like some characters for no reason!), hell I personally can't watch the Classic without cringing at her actitud, it's so hard to watch.
My point is, she's simply less intersting to some. Naruto and Sasuke have deeper, flashier, more violent stories, packed with action and fighting. Sakura story is about maturing, silent hard work that makes her a prodigy in a shinobi branch that the manga doesn't really show much (healing), about coming from a disadvantaged background and constantly feeling like you'll never be able to catch up with those who were born in talented families, her story is about finding someone who bets in your future, about learning how to believe in yourself and get some confidence, about why you don't have to be exactly like others to fulfill a good role in your life.
Take what Sasori says in the manga panel you attached to your asks:
“Women like to do... useless things, don't they...”
He's not directly criticizing her ability as a shinobi. What he's doing is criticizing her values, the ones she shares with Chiyo.
She's a medic nin, she's a girl fighting to protect lives, someone who worries about the well-being of her friends and comrades, someone who risks her life for others.
Sasori, on the contrary, kills people to turn them into puppets, he has no regards for human lives, apparently doesn't care about anyone else but himself, tries to reject his family bonds (and any other bond, really), is selfish and sell centered...
That fight was never only about physical abilities. Chiyo and Sakura truly beat him by showing him he still cares, he misses his parents, he has a heart that loves others, he's human even when he tries and change his whole body, he's still capable of pain even when he tries to outrun it by becoming "immortal". It makes sense that Sakura, one of the most human girls / characters in the whole series, is his natural opponent.
You see what I mean?
When Sasuke says "you're annoying", he refers to her values too. What annoys him is her emotions, which he finds probably ignorant. She talks while she doesn't know, but it touches him anyway and he can't simply ignore it. He finds her annoying, he finds her emotions annoying, because he cares and it makes him care.
And there are many other examples, many other instances. At this point it'd say that Sakura's arc is one of the most complex 'cause: a) not many get it right, b) it's messily written by Kishimoto, c) it is a bit off in terms of fitting the narrative.
Sorry for writing much, but I wanted to explain the reasoning of my answer. In short, no, I don't believe Sakura Haruno is useless. It's just easily to believe that than try to understand her.
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team7-headquarter · 6 months
Hi the tags anon again
I just wanted to clarify that I didn't mean your answer was anti sakura and/or sasusaku but the question from the anon came across as that. I wasn't talking about your answer at all (hehe i trust your answers without needing any tags). I don't even want the anon who asked that question to feel like their opinion is wrong (I mean *I* think it is but they needn't care about that). With tags everyone can enjoy the fandom experience by avoiding what they want to avoid.
thanks :)
Ohhhhh, get it!!!!
I'll definitely use them from now on!!!! Let me add them to the other posts too.
Thanks for the input!
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team7-headquarter · 6 months
Hi could you please put some anti tags if you feel like the asks have somewhat triggering language against certain characters. e.g. the last ask seemed to be a bit anti sakura and/or anti sasusaku
it certainly left a foul taste in my mouth even if your answer was not anti anything (tldr you are good the ask was definitely biased a bit)
I follow you because I like reading your takes but I don't want to experience the vapid naruto fandom takes through your askbox
The ask is not even finished, sorry!
I'll use the tags, but the second half of the ask was actually about how people misinterpret most of Sakura's confession and why her feelings made him think of himself and how he loved his family!
Even though she loves him romantically, Sakura's speech was actually not a romantic confession. Sasuke already knew she loved him, everyone did, so to confess again would be pointless. Kakashi understood it better, knowing it was not about romance, but about Sakura not wanting Sasuke to do something he could never recover from.
If Sasuke killed all the bijus and the kages, there was not going back. It is like the Uchiha massacre only in the sense that it is a drastic decision that can't be undone. Sasuke could never go back to his family, he could not laugh with them again.
So when he says the thing about chains of the past (depending on the translation), he is talking about how those feelings are connected through time to his own tragedy, or even how that's what ties Sasuke's present bonds to his past bonds.
So yeah, it was a building moment in Sakura and Sasuke's relationship (friends, romance, whatever your take is). It shows how deeply they care for each other, aside from romance. After all, Team 7 were comrades first, friends later on, until they ended up becoming a found family (they think of each other as family, both implicitly and explicitly)
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team7-headquarter · 6 months
Is it me or did the villagers never actually apologize to naruto for the way they treated him?
I think the story implies in the Pain arc that they regret their ways aka treating him so bad, so it's one of those things that the reader has to accept for the sake of the narrative.
But yeah, I think people never apologized for that.
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team7-headquarter · 6 months
hey, love your blog!!! just wanted to ask who your top 5 favourite naruto characters are right now? 🤭🤭
Thank for the love!!!!!
Since saying my favs are Team 7 feels kinda like cheating, I'll name my next favorite 5 characters so far, since I'm rereading the manga so I'm kinda forming new opinios, okay?
Oh. The order of the names mean nothing, btw. I'll just mention them as it goes.
DAN KATO: I know no one really cares about him because he was just a backstory love interest to Tsunade. Yet, for me he's full of potential. His trademark jutsu is dangerous... He's a ghost guy! How cool is that!!! And he genuinely loved Tsunade, accompanied her in her grief, stood by her side, inspired her and prioritized her over Konoha, at the end of the day. I can't stop making aus for him in my head... It's getting troublesome...
HAKU YUKI: At this point it is obvious that my favs aside from Team 7 are the ones that died waaaaay too soon and we couldn't quite enjoy as much as I wish we could. For me, Haku is one of the most important characters in the whole manga. His ghost haunts Naruto and all his actions and decisions. The Land of the Waves arc is my favorite and Haku is one of my favorite antagonists too. You can say Zabuza and Haku are the blueprint of the whole "talk no jutsu the antagonist until they self-sacrifice", which is not a small thing to say. Anyway, I love Haku!!!!!
TSUNADE SENJU: they gave us a woman president who is an alcoholic, uses her skills to substitute the non-existent plastic surgery, it's the most accomplished doctor of the whole world, has the strength to make any man crumble with a single punch, is totally obsessed with betting even when she's a classic cringefail... Just tell me, HOW can I not be obsessed? She's a war veteran, she's an older daughter, she's a princess, they blew to pieces her little brother, her lover died as she tried to heal him with her arms deep in his open wound, she basically adopts people and supports her and trains them to be their best versions, she was cut in half, she has an awful short temper, never fell in love with anyone else because she was faithful to her one and only love. I can keep going.
INO YAMANAKA: in truth I'm a total sucker for girl rivalries and friendships, but I also get so mad because Ino is so misunderstood!!!!!! Ino is the one member of the Konoha 12 that stood up against bullying when she was still just a child. She lost her father in the middle of a war and took up the leadership without complaining. She lost her sensei and had to watch him die because her while she applied her medical ninjutsu. She has an amazing trademark jutsu that captured even Obito for a while, she is cunning and bold and she's just unapologetically in her femininity. She will try to seduce her target, so what? She wants and wants loudly, she dreams big, she loves with all her heart. Ino is my special girl <3
SHISUI UCHIHA: This one is super recent, I'll have to admit. Like with Dan, it's completely based on the potential of the character. He had such a powerful sharingan and such an interesting personality. The manga barely mentions him, so there's plenty of room to play around with his characterization and the "what ifs". I also like his design a lot, it is like a male version of Kurenai! Also, it was either him or Obito on this list, because I've been thinking about Obito a lot. But yeah, I guess the funny Uchihas have my preference lol.
It's a weird list. Hm. Hope that's good enough for an answer...
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team7-headquarter · 6 months
Hey you've been popping up on my "for you" section of tumblr for this past week. I watched the original naruto series but never got to finish the whole thing- i never watched shipudden. But i know how it ended. And your posts make me want to watch it to properly finish naruto (esp your manga posts when team7 fought kaguya).
So...how many nights do you think it'll take to binge?
Genuinely... Not idea. I'm more of a manga reader type because it's faster. I can easily read 5 to 10 chapters a day, way more if the only thing I want to do is enjoy the story and not analyze or publish screenshots.
The manga has 700 chapters, but I'm not sure about the anime. I like the fillers occasionally, but they can make me lose sight of the story. There are also many differences between the anime and the manga, subtle ways that shift the narrative, but shift it nonetheless.
Do you plan to watch only Shippuden or would you rewatch the Classic first and then follow with Shippuden? Rewatching can be tiring, but in my opinion it is better to refresh your memory or you will reach the timeskip with distorted versions of what happened in the genin days...
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team7-headquarter · 6 months
also, naruto and hashirama are special cases. one doesn't need to be a medical ninja to regenerate because medical ninjutsu is to apply to others, not to one's own body (except sakura and tsunade who have done it).
naruto can self heal because it's an ability kurama has and he benefits from it as the jinchuuriki host. otherwise kurama died too. not too sure about regenerative abilities but it does heal at least fatal injuries.
hashirama on the other hand could heal because he had an incredible amount of chakra. it's never stated he was a medic, but he got sage mode and sage mode has recuperation abilities. the reason behind his regenerative jutsu is unknown.
however it was that skill that inspired tsunade to create creation rebirth, the regeneration (not healing) technique she and sakura use. it's possible thanks to the massive amount of chakra their seals have stored inside.
At this point I'm just speculating for the fun of it, so let's see.
The first thing that caught my attention is how you said that medical ninjutsu is to be applied to others and not oneself —with few exceptions.
Again, I love how the exceptions murk the whole picture. If self-healing is possible from the medic nin point of view, then how do you categorize each action? How do you separate what is and what is not? What are the rules?
I'm not asking the manga to give me all the clues, because the story is not about medical ninjutsu. That's what fan theories are for.
Nevertheless, I'm here wondering about the history of medicine in the Narutoverse. From the mortality rate of the Warring States Period, I get that medical ninjutsu was not really a thing or it wasn't very advanced —at least not to the point of being significant against all the violence of their time. Given that Hashirama was the exception even among the Senjus, I'd dare to say that it was his status as a reincarnation of Asura which made him so powerful and gave him the crazy abilities.
Not so farfetched when you remember that in the Narutoverse, death is rarely the end of the users' abilities. I'm specifically talking about Hashirama's cells, okay? The rate of his regeneration technique could only be compared to either Naruto's kyubi jinchuriki skills or Tsunade's seal. Like you said, it is probably an effect of having such great chakra reserves. In Naruto's case, I dare to say it also has to do with being an Asura's reincarnation, since he was able to regenerate Kakashi's eye from zero after receiving his powers from the Sage of the Six Paths. With Tsunade's it seems to be a matter of mimicking the perfect chakra control of her grandfather, the same way Sakura would mimick Tsunade's later. That without accounting for the fact that Mito Uzumaki used to have a rhombus mark on her forehead too, which could be also part of the inspiration behind Tsunade's seal.
I love the mystery behind the stories of some Naruto's characters, lol. Anyway...
It reminds me of Chiyo, when she explained to Sasori that her technique to transfer life-force from oneself to a dead person to bring them back to life was not medical ninjutsu. It probably has to do with the fact you're not healing anymore. It's cool, really, how often the best medical shinobis end up using their knowledge to create a sort of battle technique.
I guess I'm just validating all your points, but I'm the type who needs to explain their thoughts while they're thinking. Sorry sjhdjdjdbdbdh
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team7-headquarter · 7 months
Hypothetically what if karin would become the jinchuuriki (or the one of the 10 tailes, if we just act like the ending was a genjutsu) would that change the dynamics of the story? Her relationship to her team etc?
I have given this a lot of thought, even before I got this ask. Mainly because I'm always thinking 'bout what of the girls got the crazy powers and what if they were the protagonists of the story.
The first thing we need to acknowledge is that, as a character, Karin is way more cynical than Naruto ever was. Of course, that's because she was just a "common" kid, her parents were no one special in particular. However, the aspect that defines her character the most is her Uzumaki kekkei genkai, where a bite of her flesh guarantees healing to the person biting. She was physically abused and she was sexualized in ways Naruto never was. Karin as a girl suffered a different type of discrimination, the same as Karin as a survivor of a genocide that had no home, not really, so she was a refugee.
All these aspects are really important.
Naruto was rejected and isolated by Konoha, but being from Konoha was still part of his identity (in fact, that's how the manga started). He sexualized himself as a weapon against people. Like the Sage of the Six Paths would later tell him, aside of the kyubi, Naruto didn't get most of his parents' skills. Don't forget that the only reason Naruto had half as much freedom is because Minato was the one who sealed Kurama in him. Previously, the kyubi jinchuriki had to stay within a giant seal and they had to use the Uzumaki chains to keep the kyubi at bay, right?
While Iruka was the one who set Naruto on the hero path, Orochimaru was Karin's "saviour".
Do you get where I'm going?
Hypothetical scenarios where I see Karin Uzumaki somehow becoming the jinchuriki of the kyubi:
Minato and Kushina stay alive for whatever reason, which means they don't have to seal the kyubi in him and instead, Karin is selected as the next jinchuriki for her abilities and the fact she can learn to use the Uzumaki chains.
Something goes reeeally wrong, Naruto dies or is incapable of keep being a jinchuriki and they have to seal the kyubi in Karin.
To stop Obito and Madara, they had to seal a tail beast in Karin because the other jinchuriki died. This is more of a "we need to put this in a safe place to prevent Obito from stealing it"
An Otsutsuki decides to swap the characters abilities for whatever reason.
The Uzumaki clan never falls and Karin grows up in Uzushiogakure or Konohagakure as the next in line to be jinchuriki.
Konoha lost the nine tails and Karin ends up becoming the kyubi jinchuriki for whatever reason.
These are just some possible scenarios, okay?
In some variations, Karin is a nukenin (rogue nin) while being a jinchuriki, which shifts the dynamic of the story to prioritize the opposition to the corruption of the Hidden Villages. This elevates her to be more like Sasuke's equal than Naruto, in truth. She is, of course, more of a target and has less support, which spells disaster all around.
In other variations, she is part of Konoha and she shares the Uzumaki burden with Naruto. This one can shift to Karin leaving the village like Sasuke, or staying and changing her view of the world even if only a little. Naruto and Karin wouldn't have been as lonely growing up together and hey, it'd have been interesting to see Karin competing with Ino and Sakura, right?
As for the shift in Team Taka's dynamic, I believe Sasuke and Karin could have a closer friendship maybe, but the dynamic would be basically the same. They don't care that much about the skills of the other, because it's the personalities what rules their team dynamic. She'd participate more on the fights and have more protagonism, tho.
The major change would be the dynamic of Kurama and Karin and what it'd entail.
For once, I can see the craziness of Jiraiya trying to teach Karin. We're talking about the Pervert™ of Naruto and one of the most sexualized women of the entire manga. Yet, we all know how strong Konan is and she's a student of Jiraiya, so there you have that. I also think Kushina and Karin are an interesting duo, so why not believe they would have a relationship like Mito and Kushina? Or that Kushina could be the sensei of Karin genin team?
Now, if Orochimaru is her sensei... I don't know what he'd do with a jinchuriki for a student. The possiblities of that one is endless, but as a rogue nin, hiding with Orochimaru could be Karin's best option. If she had participated in the attack to Konoha in the Classic, who says the Sound and the Sand wouldn't have ended Konoha right then?
So many options, so many cool things about the jinchuriki Karin aus!
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team7-headquarter · 1 year
Positivity spam incoming: ☆ put this star into the inbox of your favorite blogs. it’s time to spread positivity!
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team7-headquarter · 1 year
May I just say how much I love and appreciate the way you talk about Team 7 as a whole? It's like a breath of fresh air! All too often in the main Naruto tag, I'll find so, sooooo much dislike for the three of them for different reasons--usually involving whatever ship someone thinks is better than another.
It's tiring how they speak about these characters so aggressively, especially Sakura... I know it's silly to let your day get affected by comments on the internet, but I can't help feeling a little sadder seeing that. Thankfully, I get to read your nuanced perspective of Team 7's relationship and it gets better. I hope you have a good day/night wherever you are! ^v^
This ask genuinely made my day 😭💝🌟🌼🥺
Being honest, I started this blog exactly because all I could find about Team 7 was negative stuff. I grew up watching Naruto, which made me much compassionate towards others and encouraged me to try and always share my joy, however small it was at times.
Eventually I grew tired of the hate wars in the main tags and decided it was time for a Naruto re-read and rewatch. It couldn't be all that terrible if it helped me become a better person, right?
Everyone is free to dislike or hate any character they want to dislike or hate, it just happens to be that the way I see Team 7, my interpretation of the story as a whole narrative, could never make me hate them. They don't have to be perfect or morally white and black for me to love them. In fact, I love them for being so so flawed, annoying at times, capable of terrible crimes, ignorant but hopeful, and so full of love, of the desire to make a better world, even when they don't know the way.
I'm glad you like this blog, I'm glad you enjoy my posts and even more glad that you shared this with me. Anon, I wish you the best of lives, the softest of sleeps whenever you are tired and a belly always full of food and butterflies.
Thank you so much for sharing this with me! 🦋
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team7-headquarter · 1 year
Hello Team 7 HQ i like team 7 and i made a sasuke art (not others)
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I'm always grateful to receive Sasuke drawings uwu. You can call me Shan, btw!
Thank you so much for sharing this with me 🥺🥺
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