#she got her own bike when she moved to Bludhaven and loved it
alvindraperzzz · 9 months
Headcanon that Tim taught Cass how to drive. He didn’t want her to learn through the simulator the way he did, so he took it upon himself to show her the ropes.
Big mistake.
Cass drives like a bat out of hell. She cuts corners, she power-slides, and she has no concept of a speed limit. She gets frustrated when the car can't keep up with her reflexes (re: turning, braking, getting from Point A to Point B by the shortest route possible), resulting in multiple near flips, fender benders, and driving over sidewalks while trying to drive as the crow flies.
Once she gets the hang of it though, Cass loves it. Tim refuses to ever get in a car with her again unless someone else is behind the wheel.
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batarella · 4 years
The Commander - Part 6 (Arkham Knight x Reader)
Let me know what you guys think! Still love you all for the response. 
He knew it was late when he awoke. He never felt so well-rested in years. The Knight peered his eyes open. The second thing that greeted him was the smell of greasy burgers being unwrapped from thin plastic.
“Mornin’,” Commander Y/N said. She took out a burger from a paper bag and set it on the table. “I got us burgers.”
“Mmm.” The Knight closed his eyes again. “What time is it?”
“Two in the afternoon. I woke up an hour ago.” The Commander sat on the desk and took a bite. “Didn’t you go out again last night?”
The Knight groaned into his pillow and propped himself up, leaning against the bed. “Hand me one.”
The Commander grabbed a burger and threw it at Jason. He caught it, then took a large bite out from the bun. He was starving. “Looks like you needed the rest more than I did,” the Commander said. “You snore like a pig.”
The Knight glared at her.
Y/N grabbed another burger. “I don’t think I’ll ever sleep like that in my life.”
“Tell me about it,” the Knight finished his burger, extending his arm for another one. “But we leave for the cave tonight, then take the jet back to Venezuela.”
“Sure.” The Commander handed him the box. He slurped his fingers. “Did you hear anything from Slade?”
“Nope. Nothing from Crane either.”
His voice was still groggy and tired. He sounded like sex. “What do we do until then?” The Commander asked.
“We stay here. Or you can go out if you like.”
“Are you going out?”
“No.” The Knight laid on elbow above his propped-up knee. He looked up at her. His hair was an absolute mess. “I can't believe you abandoned this place for so long. Where’d you go?”
The Knight finished his second burger, then dug into the fries. “I’m not telling you anything about me.”
“I’ve seen you naked.”
He stopped chewing, slowly turning his head to her.
But then the Knight stared at his fries, looking like he was thinking of something to say. He scooched over to the right and placed his hand on the floor beside him.
“Sit here. That desk is as old as I am. It’ll break under your weight.”
The Commander jumped off the desk, then nonchalantly sat right at his side. She ate her burger silently.
He looked normal. He didn’t look like some maniacal supervillain. Like any young boy she’d meet if she were normal as well. And his hair, he still hadn’t bothered to fix. She just wanted to run her fingers down them like she used to.
He took a bite. “So you’ve slept with me the most, huh?”
“Fuck you.”
The Knight smirked. That was such a first. It was like Gotham brought out the humanity in this guy.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you smile before.”
He looked at her. And he wasn’t frowning. There was still a slight curve in his lip as he looked at her up and down. “Likewise, kid.”
Y/N returned his expression, then looked down. “Thank you for the day off.”
The Knight didn’t say anything back. He’d finished his fries, then he set the box down on the space between them. He propped both his elbows up his knees and laid his head against the side of the bed.
“I lied to you.”
She threw the plastic from her finished burger. “Hm?”
“I don’t regret what we did.” His voice was that same low he’d speak in when he was hesitating to speak. Y/N didn’t know what to tell him. She looked in front of her, biting her lips. The air seemed colder all of a sudden.
Could she lean in? Kiss him? Do it just one more time? Will that make the time between now and a few days?
It won't. This side of him was different, something she wanted to just look at and last. It didn’t have to be something so sexual for her to air out her stresses. Sitting on the floor, eating fries and greasy burgers with him. It was enough.
“Me neither.”
She ended up going with him to get smoothies.
They didn’t bother with the bikes. They just walked. And the Knight didn’t bother with his armor under his clothes either. He paid for the drinks and walked slowly back to the apartment.
“This is positively horrible.”
“The good ones are a drive away. I never said my neighborhood was any good.”
“I should have known,” she looked at the green slime in her cup. “You got it from a man that used a cardboard box to store his ice.”
“And I stole from him everyday as a kid.”
There. Finally. Another from his past. She had to bite her lip not to make it so obvious.
The Knight still kept his cap and hoodie on. He was so afraid anyone would see the mark on his face. Frankly, Y/N never gave it a second look. She looked away from him before he’d notice.
“How much time do we still have?”
“It’s almost four.”
She continued sipping into her cup, trying not to gag. “It’s refreshing not having five hundred men to worry about for a day.”
“Slade’s hired new recruits. More experienced. Said they didn’t need much training to begin with.”
“Can we talk about something else other than the militia?”
The Knight frowned. “We’re not here on vacation.”
“I’ve grown used to this,” she finished the drink until a large block of ice half the cup’s size was left. She threw it out. “I don’t think I’ve ever taken a brake.”
He looked at her, then threw out his own drink. “Commander.”
He stopped walking and looked up at her standing on the curb, and him right at the edge of the road. Y/N craned her head down, taking a step forward.
“How much money did I promise you?”
She shrugged. “Ten thousand.”
The Knight took another step. “No one will survive in Gotham after this. Not after what Crane has planned.”
Y/N nodded. “I understand.”
“A number of my men will be captured and interrogated. The Militia Commander will be the first one to take down on their list. I’ll give you fifteen when we get back. And when all this is done, you go to Bludhaven. Take your uncle with you if you have to and change your name. Promise me you won't look back.”
There were car sirens from afar. But all she could stare at was his face.
“I will,” she said. “I promise.”
They were going to the Batcave.
It was dark, though the streets were far from empty. They sped off into the outer city, crossing the bridge into the suburbs. They’d reached miles of empty land. Hillsides and forests. The Commander just trailed behind him.
They drove up a hill, the road empty and silent, until they stopped where there stood a cave, dark and barren on the inside.
“Come,” he grappled to the bushes at the side of the cave’s opening. “We have to wait ‘till he comes out.”
There were no stars, just as Y/N remembered her home city would be. She thought of how she felt the first time she saw a field of stars above her in Venezuela, how she spent an entire night just staring at them.
But what she hasn’t seen was the view.
“It’s breathtaking, though,” she said. “The city you hate so much.”
“I don’t hate Gotham as it is,” his robotic voice echoed into the silent field, “I hate how it’s fallen submissive under him.”
“He’s never killed, hasn’t he? That’s why he’s a hero.”
“He’s delusional,” he said, “He should be out by now.“
Then there it was. The Batmobile. Almost exploding out of the cave’s opening, tires screeching as it landed on the concrete road and sped off. They waited until it was out of their line of sight, then they grappled out of the bushes at the higher grounds to land right into the cave’s entrance.
It didn’t shock her how much it was actually loaded with security.
“Don’t worry. Its security systems have only been upgraded twice since I’ve last been here.” He pulled out his hacking device, “Shouldn’t take me more than ten seconds.”
She stared in awe, both at the Knight and the cave, before the sensors suddenly disengaged.
“Eleven seconds. Not bad,” she said.
They walked in, “We only have a few minutes.”
Then there it fucking was. The Batcave. She knew it was something, but she had no idea what to expect. The Batwing was there. She had seen it fly over her house once or twice. There was another Batmobile parked beside it, looking like a few marks down from his current car. It was larger than two stories, and it looked absolutely magnificent.
Batman’s computer was at arm’s reach.
They dropped down onto the floor, making it more and more unrealistic the more she stepped further inside. The man had more suits than he’s ever even worn.  The Knight, however, didn’t waste time admiring the Batcave. He walked straight to the computers.
Until something caught his eye.
“Well, I’ll be damned,” he murmured under his breath.
Y/N turned to see what he meant, but it turns out he was only staring at a displayed suit inside a glass case. “I think that used to be his sidekick’s. Robin.”
He didn’t answer, and instead continued to look at it. He didn’t move, or even take a second to look away the moment it caught his attention.
He pressed the button to raise his visor. He still didn’t say anything. His eyes were dark and hooded, and he took a step closer to the glass case.
She could feel something was off. Something she didn’t think to look for. Whenever the Knight grew angry, she never actually got to see his face. He had his visor for that. And now, he was there, looking at the suit like it struck something within him. The Commander looked down at his feet. Standing against the glass was a picture of Batman and Robin, smiling. The Knight was looking at the picture as well.
The Commander walked closer to him, standing behind his back. The Knight didn’t seem to notice her. She wanted a closer look at the picture.
And when she did, she regretted it.
No. no. no. no.
Commander Y/N stepped back, and just as the Knight pulled his arm way back.
He stopped. The glass would’ve broken, and it would’ve triggered something in the cave. Fuck.
She had no idea what to tell him. Commander Y/N looked just as distraught, though hers was in fear and he was in his lowest, depressive state. She stepped back.
“Wait outside.”
“Commander.” The slight crack in his voice pushed her another step back. He didn’t scream. But she obviously didn’t want him to. “Wait outside.”
He’ll be fine. He has to be. But Crane was right. There was something that triggered him in the cave.
The Commander grappled up where they came in, not even turning back. Then it dawned to her.
Fuck. Fucking hell. That was him. In the picture.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
And she knew it. She just knew it. Then suddenly she felt horrible, somehow because she knew because she found out, not because he was ready to tell her. The Knight never would’ve told her. Never to the Militia.
And he knew. Just from the look of her face when she’d realized it. He’d probably kill her. Or leave her in Gotham. She knew too much. Fuck. This was the end of her.
The Commander leaned against her bike. How was she going to face him now?
Should she fess up? Tell him exactly how much she knew?
No. That’s how he’ll decide to kill her. The Knight was a ruthless, cruel man. She’d somehow forgotten that overtime. This was the man who assembled an army, dragged out anyone in his way, killed like no one could see him, and was planning to take control of an entire city. Whoever the man she thought he was until this point on, he didn’t exist.
The Knight walked so quietly out of the cave,
She kept her silence. Speaking would only do her so good. Commander Y/N kept her head down and picked up her helmet. She couldn’t even look at him.
The Knight kept his visor off. His face hadn’t changed. “It’s done.”
Y/N knew he was mad, but he was trying to hide it.
Say something.
“I’ll let Deathstroke know.”
And at the sound of her voice, so carefully picked out. He almost flinched. The Knight exhaled, smoke coming out of his mouth. His movements were so slow she could count the seconds. Then his head turned to her.
Her helmet dropped to the floor when he grabbed her face and kissed her.
 Taglist: @sarcasmismyfirstlove @damned-queen-of-gotham @idkmanicantenglish @wunderstell @birdy-bat-riya @get-loki @everyday-imfangirling @comic-nerd-dc @multifandoms916 @icequeen208 @offendedfishnoises @egdolan @xemiefx @arkhamtoddler @elsenthal @mythicbitchx @supremehaunter @ burning-alive
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ellana-ravenwood · 5 years
Batfam moments I think about a lot and wish we'd have more stories of...
1. Bruce Wayne learning how to "dad" and making SO MANY MISTAKES. But we see him evolve over the years, and slowly getting used to it. He will always have communication problems, and have moments when he's a total jerk. Let's not forget he's only human, and we all have bad moments. Buuuuut, he’s the kind of father to go make a detour to buy his kids their favorite dinner (and yes, all of them, like before he comes home to Wayne Manor, I can see him go to différent take aways and bring back their favorite food haha). 
Or like, remembering exactly what they’re into lately and looking stuffs up on the internet to get up to date. I bet sometimes they’d talk about a band or video games and Bruce would be like : “Oh yes, I particularly like the battle mode of this blahblahblah” and they’d all be stunned haha.  I think he has a special way of loving. It’s not always obvious, out there right in your face, but it’s most definitely there. 
His children are his strength (as shown in many stories... In more stories in fact, that the ones that exists where he's a total dick to them). And he cares for them in his own way, which can sometimes appear cold and such, while it's just that he doesn't always know how to react. Like. We have to remember his background, it's not really surprising he has communication problems and such things. But he cares... So much. 
He's thé kind of dad that goes out of his way to please his kids, even if said kids don't even notice the small things he does for them because ya know, hé just does it and they're used to it and it's only as they grow up they truly realize how out of his way he went for them etc etc. À discreet , pure and différent way of loving. He knows them, hé truly does. “You don’t even know me !” one of them would say after a fight, out of anger, and he would answer : “I do.” confidently, and they’d be like : “PROVE IT THEN !” and Bruce would enumerates everything he can think of about them. Favorite color, favorite meal, favorite book, favorite tv show, hobbies, crushes, fears etc etc...Anyway. Yes. 
I just want scenes of him slowly learning how to be a father, and not being the best about it all the time, yet trying his best and it’s obvious he does. We forget sometimes what he went through, and what it truly means for him to adopt and take care of those kids. We forget often that he became Batman, mainly because he does not want any other kid to experience what he went through. Bruce as à father is far from perfect, and hé makes shit tons of mistakes, but he tries, and hé loves them deeply. I think that's why I really hate canon lately, they turned him into à mindless brute who genuinely abusés his kids. It's so, so, so bad, and goes against decades of stories. It's written by people that think "edgy" is à personality trait and what people nowadays love (which is totally false). I'm pretty sûre that for all the canon examples of him being à jerk to the Batkids, I can pull out about ten times more examples of him being à good dad. Again. He's flawed because he's human, and he's difficult to understand at times... But no one will ever make me believe he doesn't love his children with all his heart.
2. Young Jason being super surprised that Bruce is actually a very good cook because he always pictured filthy rich people never doing anything themselves...and Bruce being like : “You know, I was mostly raised by Alfred. Of course he would teach me basic house skills.” while flipping expertly the food in the pan. Alfred one day telling the kids something like : “Everyone always think Master Wayne is a bubbly idiot who cannot work his way around a house, but this is very wrong. He has been changing his own sheets ever since he was 7, and his parents already made sure that he would know what house work is, so he could treat the servants right by seeing how difficult it can be. When his parents died, I took care of him, and there was a long moment he would follow me around everywhere, maybe in fear that I would go, too...During those moments, I taught him a lot.” And then just Bruce showing à few things to his own kids, as à parallèlism to how him and Alfred were (and still are) ❤️.
3. A direct follow up of the one above, Bruce teaching his kids all kind of stuffs. How to play piano, how to fall without hurting yourself, how to cook, how to fight, how to ride a bike for those who didn’t know etc etc...A perfect mix of totally normal domestic stuffs, and of night vigilante stuffs. I bet he’d make up “escape games” for his kids on boring Sunday afternoons, because it’d develop a lot of their skills needed to be Robins (or whoever) AND is fun. I think the reverse totally works too, the kids teaching him things. Like, how to play that video game, how to use slang without sounding like an old man, how to paint his nails, blahblahblah. Just moments together, because they spend so much time with each others like, come on. They have hobbies too. And care about each others enough to want to know about it, and share stuffs etc etc. Growing together, ya know ?
4. More crossover moments with the entire family, not just one or two character : John Constantine being there to ask help for a thing (or not asking help but Bruce wouldn’t let anyone “tamper” with Gotham without him being there so...haha). Zatanna coming around to teach the kids some magic (just like her dad did with Bruce...not “real” magic but like, escape magic and all), or something. Green Arrow making à courtesy visit with his wife, son, and sidekicks. The Superfam and their strong bonds with the Batfam being shown more, and not always in that “rival” way. And like, all of them, not just one or two characters at a time. Sunday lunches at the Kent farm, gaming nights (to which Bruce is dragged to), friendly compétitions, blahblahblah.
5. “Baby” Dick having nightmares in the middle of the night of his parents’ death, and Bruce always being there. How Bruce understands and is always around for him. And reassures him. And on that note : I’m sure most of the kids have nightmares during the night, and Bruce becomes better and better over the years at soothing them. Oh also, if Dick, after he goes and lives in Bludhaven comes to sleep at Wayne Manor for any reasons and has a nightmare, Bruce will just automatically go to him...awkward and cute scene ensues haha.
6. Cass’ first words to Bruce. A very emotional scenes because...it’s the first time she speaks. And it’s clumsy and she’s not sure of herself, and her voice trembles a little. But she’s talking. I’m not sure what her first words would truly be, but most definitely something that touches Bruce. That move him. That make him realize how much he loves that kid.
7. Bruce taking Jason to a baseball game (pre-death Jason) for his birthday because that’s what the kid wanted as à gift. And then later, them going to a game once again after their reconciliation. A very big parallel between the two scènes ya know, as Bruce reminisces. Both end up with Jason hugging Bruce because his favorite team won. In the first scene it’s little 8/9 years old Jay excited and is all cute. In the post-death scene, it’s a grown up Jason who had been angry at Bruce for so long and finally forgave him, and who hugs Bruce without even realizing he does it, because he’s just happy...And it ends on Bruce’s face smiling like, he finally got his boy back.
8. Tim and Damian bonding. I hate it when they're only represented as hating each others 24/7. They had à rough start, sure. But they grew à lot... I just wish we could see them more actually learning to be brothers, accepting each others etc etc. Now of course they'd bicker. Like any siblings. But I bet they'd have à lot of common intérests and such. That they'd like to tease each others, but would genuinely like hanging out and all. 
Also Tim is à very understanding sweet person, hé might be annoyed with Damian at first... But he would be amongst those who get it, ya know ? Who gives him time/à chance ? Like Bruce at first did everything wrong with Damian. He was harsh and violent and used intimidation (things Damian was too used to...) thinking he needed that to get Damian to lose his old ways (until he realized how wrong he was and apologzed and took à gentler way...ah that was good shit right there, Bruce acknowledging it all and trying to be better... Not like this current canon Bruce who's an asshole and never suffers any conséquences of it...). Well I think Tim would be more understanding and realize... Damian is just à kid. And Tim is à big brother now ? His older siblings were there for him, it's time for him to be there too. Know what I mean ? So yeah. I wish we'd have more of them actually being brothers and bonding.
 Same for Dick and Jason. I wish we had more of them together before Jason's death, and after too... They've been brothers for à long time, their relationship from start to Jay's death to him coming back... Is so interesting. Also, same goes for Cassandra and any of them.
9. Tim getting genuinely interested about Wayne Enterprise, and going to work with Bruce. Asking à million questions and mimicking à lot of B's mannerisms. Dick never showed much intérest in the company, and Jason could've been à great "heir " to it all had he not die and all... I don't think neither Damian nor Cass would care much. But Tim ? First canonically he is interested. But even so, he's just that "type" of kid ya know ? I bet he'd be very excited about the charity side of it all, and find novel ways to to make the world a better place. After all Tim is thé only one of the Robins to not have à tragic background (at least at first, after je was also hit with loss and pain... ) when he first became Robin, and who helped Batman and all completely selflessly. Because it was the right thing to do, and for no other tragic reasons.
10. Damian learning/enjoying really normal basic things gives me life ? Like the boy grew up in such à specific environment, there's so many things he must've missed...Disney movies marathon, vidéo games, just having fun without any other purpose than to have fun (no training), knowing what it is to feel safe and warm... You know. I wish we'd just see Damian understanding and learning things he was just never given, that are just... Nice. Of course being Batman's son means his life can never be completely normal (and I'm not sure he could fully adapt to à normal life... People always seem to forgét the deep traumas he went through during his childhood, which is why he was how Hé was at first...aaaah Damian came à long way), but you know, hé can still expérience so many new things, with his siblings and all ? With his father who tries really hard ? With Alfred ? Just. Seeing truly Damian have that character development without backtracking on it all the time (you know how in canon stories he's à total brat, then gets better, then back to à friendless brat who hates everyone and so on and s forth :/). Seeing him wanting to become better, and actually having à nice évolution.
When I'm sad, I like to headcanon scènes about the Batfam, stuffs I wish we could see etc etc haha. Here's just à few I thought about today. I just.. Love them so much, love to share my love for them, and néed to escape current canon a lot haha. Anyway. Here we are.
PS : Sorry for any typo, I wrote this on my phone, and since I'm French, the autoccorect is changing almost every English words to French ones and I might've missed à few mistakes it made ( which drives me crazy haha. And is why I only put 10 "scènes" and not more... Ah, for another post ?).
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dibs4ever · 5 years
Come Back (Pt. 2 of 3)
They found him.
Batgirl and Red Hood we’re taking on the West side of Bludhaven when they found him in an old storage shed. Spade had left him there, whether it was out of mercy or to leave him there to die slowly and painfully they didn’t know. But they found him unconscious but alive. His pulse was slow and his breathing was rapid, he was beaten pretty up pretty bad, lying in a pool of his own blood. They had to phone in Red Robin and Spoiler who were searching the East and south side of Bludhaven. Robin and Batman were searching the east and west sides of Gotham and Cass was on the South side of Gotham with Wally. Even Catwoman had been keeping an eye out.
Barbara radioed the family to tell them they had found him while Jason loaded him onto the sidecar of his bike. They reached Leslie’s office before the rest of the family. “Barb” Jason grunted as he slung Dick over his back “He’s gon be fine” he assured
Barbara nodded, quickly going underneath Jason’s other side to help him with her husband.
Leslie was ready for them and quickly brought them into her office. Once Dick was in the bed Leslie turned, taking notice of Barbara in her Batgirl suit for the first time. “You went out in your condition?”
Jason furrowed his eyebrows “Condition?”
Barbara shook her head “Lee, I was not going to just sit back and let everyone else look for him”
“I still don’t recommend it” Leslie shook her head and stepped forward to the supply cabinet
“Leslie, I’m fine, I’m hardly along at all,” Barbara said as she ran her hunters through Dick’s hair. She couldn’t do it too much given it was matted together with dried blood.
Jason looked between them “Wait, are you PG?”
Barbara sighed “Jay not now”
“You and Dickie made another rugrat?” Jason persisted
Leslie has stepped forward to evaluate Dick, waving Barbara out of the way she stepped beside Jason “Don’t make me say it outloud. I just found out and Dick doesn’t know yet.”
Jason smiled “So I know before Dickie? Where y’all trying or was this one a whoops like Nathan?”
She rolled her eyes “I wouldn’t trade Nathan for anything.”
Jason shrugged “I wouldn’t either, I love my nephew but he wasn’t on purpose. So give me details about the new kid”
Barbara shrugged “Not much to say. Dick and I weren’t trying but we weren’t not trying”
Jason nodded “Meaning?”
“Meaning, we weren’t tracking my ovulation or only having Sex when an app told us to. We were just not using any source of protection and if it happened it happened. We Nathan to have a sibling.”
Jason nodded “Well congrats honey I’m sure Dick will be over the moon when he wakes up. But hey” he put his arm around her shoulder “No more batgirl stuff, can’t risk something happening to my niece”
Barbara laughed lightly “It’s probably not a girl, Dick says there hasn’t been a Grayson born female since his great great grandfathers sister and she died before producing any children”
Jason shrugged “Well that doesn’t mean-“ he was cut off when Leslie stepped forward.
“He has a collapsed lung, bruised chest, Broken ribs, a concussion and several wounds that will need stitching. I’ve already administered some. I’ll finish up now. I’m going to keep him asleep for a while.”
Barbara nodded
“Barb” Leslie spoke “Get your kid and go home for a few hours. I’m sure Alfred is ready for a break and you want to see your baby. Dick will just be sleeping for at least another 10 hours. He’s going to be fine”
Barbara shook her head “I’m not leaving him.”
“Barbie, she said he’ll be fine come on. I’m sure the mini Grayson is missing you like crazy” Jason attempted to lighten the mood
Barbara shook her head “No, Nathan is fine. Alfred takes great care of him. Nathan loves being at the Manor”
Jason held his hands up and looked at Leslie “I’m not making her do anything” with that he walked out of the office, his bike could be heard starting up as he sped off.
Barbara did end up going back to the Manor in the morning to spend time with Nathan, but she went back as soon as he went down for his nap. Jason drove her, saying it was because Barbara hadn’t had enough sleep and didn’t need to drive. But everyone knew he wanted to see his brother.
“Where is he!” Barbara said as soon as she entered the room.
“I moved him to a more comfortable bed, but Barb, just a warning he’s....on some pretty strong painkillers” she followed after Barbara who was rushing down the hall. Jason following close behind.
She entered the room, Dick sitting with the bed inclined. She quickly rushed over hugging him “Don’t ever scare me like that again” she whispered
Dick chuckled “Are you my nurse, your beautiful. “
“Dick that’s Barbara,” Leslie told him
Dick tilted his head “Barbara? Oh my best friends my Babsie” he laughed
“And your wife,” Jason said
Dick’s eyes widened “My Wife! Wow I’m married to Barbara Gordon....or I suppose it’s Grayson now. I’m the luckiest man alive”
Barbara chuckled “Yeah? Well ready for some more news Boy Wonder. Not only am I your wife I’m pregnant.”
“Pregnant!! I got you pregnant. Wow, that’s amazing.” A goofy grin played on Dick’s face
Jason covered his mouth trying not to laugh “Ready for some more news Dickie? Not only did you get her pregnant once you did it twice. You have a two-year-old son.” Jason pulled a photo of Nathan up in his phone.
Dick smiled at the picture “Oh that’s right!! Nathan my little mini-me, except he has a birthmark on his butt just like Babs and cute little freckles on his nose “ he reached over booping Barbara’s nose.
Jason looked over at Barbara “You have a birthmark on your butt?” He cocked an eyebrow.
“And you have a selfie on your phone of you holding my toddler while the two of you are making a fish face?” Barbara smirked
“Touché, “ Jason said as he slid his phone back into his pocket. “This is a silent agreement that we don’t speak of either of these realizations.”
Dick began to groggily sing “Havin my baby, what a wonderful way of saying how much you love me” he pointed at Barbara “The seed inside you,baby do you feel it growin? Are you happy in knowin that you're havin my baby!”
Barbara looked over at Leslie “Exactly how much pain killers is he on? He’s singing cheesy 70′s songs”
Leslie shook her head “Don’t worry I’m lowering it way down tomorrow and by day 3 when I hope for him to go home, he’ll be on almost nothing.” she looked around Barbara at Jason “Are you recording this?:”
Jason held his phone out and chuckled “You really think I’d miss out on this blackmail? Of course, I’m recording.”
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nightwingswing · 6 years
The family’s girl: Interlude [Jason’s Date] (chapter 7)
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Hello my lil’ wings!!
This chapeter is an interlude about the readers and Jasons date in chatper 7. 
For some reason this part of the chapter was erased, so i re-wrote it and published it as an interlude.
Im very sorry for this mistake! But in compensation, their date is described in detail!
Part1 Part2  Part3 Part4   Part5 Part6 Part7 [INTERLUDE] (we are here) Part8 Part9 Part10
Tags: @hamsterforlive @plethora-of-things @wonderlace19 @totallovelesson @crazyfreckledginger   @algentforthewin  @lastbeliever @redbird-97  @superawesomegeek  @blackcat995  @cutiedaij @electra-writes33 @conspiracy-teen @redbird-97
If you want to be tagged in this or any of my fics, feel free to message me anytime! ❤ ❤
And dont forget to vote who will the reader go to the Wayne gala with in the Part 9
¡Now enjoy!
You were officially screwed.
Who knew the youngest Wayne was capable of falling for someone? In a couple of days?
Worst thing?
He was possessive.
To make the scene worse.
Tim had decided to come every. day.
Super great.
“Seriously Drake, (y/n) has a better taste than you regarding clothes, so let her choose what she wants.” Damian glared at Tim, who had been holding a rather ugly dress.
“Excuse me? This is all the rage!” Tim exclaimed.
“Sure, makes designers rage, that’s for sure.” Dami scoffed
You looked at them an amused/done expression on her face.
“Boys, please…”
“But! Have you seen his taste in clothes?! You deserve so much better!” Damian exclaimed.
“Im going to try this one I choose. “ You changed quickly, the red dress hugging your form nicely. You smiled at your reflexion and went to see the boys.
When the two saw you they stopped fighting, they blushed and Tim smiled at you.
“You look beautiful, (y/n).” Tim praised you. Damian blushing scoffed.
“She looks beautiful every day.”
“Awwww” you coed and hugged Damian. “ I knew you liked me!” Damian plushed you away, blushing.
“Of course I do. If not, I won’t put up with Drake and you.” Dami looked away.
“Anyway, why are you buying a fancy dress?” Tim asked.
“..I got a date, remember? With Jason? He invited me to have dinner.” Tim eyes widened and Damian broke one of the mannequins.
“Dami?” You asked looking at him.”Why-“
“I didn’t like the outfit it wore”
Tim mentally raged on Jason and his stupid bad boy charm, and his stupid leather jacket.
“It’s the hair and the jacket, right?!” Tim shake you. “I thought our kiss mean something!”
“What’ Timmy of course it meant something! But our date isn’t like that! Im sure someone like Jason has a lot of girls on his feet!”
“You sure?” Tim pouted.
“I am” You got out of Tim’s hold and started walking to the changing room. “And anyway, I’m not your girlfriend” Tim bite his lip and Damian smirked at him.
“Such a coward, Drake”
“Shut up, demon”
Jason was gonna get it tonight.
“HEY HEY HEY! TIMBO WHAT YOUR DEAL?!” Jason tried to block all of Tim’s punches.
“WELL, I LIKE HER SO WHAT?” Jay blocked a fierce punch from Tim .
“SHE’S MINE!” Tim kicked Jason.
“WHAT GOING ON OVER HERE!?” Batman growled.
“LANGUAGE!” Batman growled at his sons. “now what the hell is going on?!”
“shit, who was talking to him?”
“Oh look, Scarecrow is on the loose!” Tim yelled. “lets go!” They turned their communicators off so Batman couldn’t hear and the robins disappeared.
“…” Batman batglared at his computer.
You were getting dressed for your date when Damian knocked on you door.
“Come in!” You smiled at Damian who stiffened when he saw you “Ah, Dami, could you help me with the zipper?” He zipped it up and you turned around. “You need something?”
“Why are you going out with Todd?” Damian asked.
“Well, he asked me out so we could know each other’s better.” You smiled and the boy frowned. When he opened his mouth to say something a bike’s Clackson was heard.
“Oh that must be Jay! I called Tim to look out for you, I’ll be back in 2 hours. Please don’t break anything!” You hugged a blushing angry Damian and opened the door.” Tim come in! I’ll be back in 2 hour! Please try to not break anything” You kissed Tim’s cheek and ran outside.
Jason whistled at you as you walked to him, he gave you a spare helmet and you sat behind him on his bike.
“Where to?” You asked.
“To my favorite (f/f) restaurant” Jason said.
“Oh, I love (f/f)! “
Jason speed up while Tim and Damian observed by the windows, they glared at his brothers back until it wasn’t visible anymore.
“We are following him, right?” Tim smirked
“Dam right” Damian smirked.
You and Jason were eating (f/f) peacefully, laughing and meeting yourselves better.
Jason liked what he saw.
He liked it a lot.
“Why did you decide you we’re coming to Bludhaven?”
“oh, well…”You bite you lip, shyly “ I wanted to get as far as possible from home”
“Why?” Jason held your hand and you blushed.
“….” You sighed “I wanted to show my parents than I can live on my own. That I’m older”
“You think that’s childish?” You sighed.
“No…I can relate somehow. There was a time I wanted to overcome the shadow of another” Jay looked away.
“Did you did it?”
“…” for a moment, he looked pained.
“No need to tell me, really” You smiled and Jason smiled back.
“Thanks” Jason moved his chair so he could be closer to you.
Jason and you talked and laughed for an hour, ignoring the two jealous birds stalking you two.
“Do you want me to show you something?” Jason smirked.
“What?” You asked curious.
“My favorite place when I was a kid.” You nodded and followed him.
Jason and you entered a dirty barely illuminated alley.  He held your hand the whole time in as he pointed at a fire escape.
“Follow me, (n/n)” he smiled as he let go of your hand, you felt his warm hand leaving yours as he jumped on a fire escape.
“Come on, (n/n)! i know you can do it!” he smiled at you as he held his hands out for you.
 You ran to the fire escape and grabbed his hands, he smiled at you wide and pulled you up, without leting your hand go, the two of you run up to the stairs to the rooftop, giggling the whole time. 
The two of you laughed harder as an old lady opened her window to yell at both of you.
“KEEP QUIET, VANDALS!!!!!OR IM GOING TO CALL THE POLICE!!” She screamed. “this younglings!!!” she huffed as she closed her window.
 Once you two where up, Jason and you sat on the groud laughing softly, He was looking mesmerized at your cute soft laugh and happy smile.
“Now” he said as you looked at him. “Close your eyes, i want to show you the best part.” he smiled
“Okay!” you smiled, closing your eyes. He covered your eyes to assure you wouldnt peek.You blushed as you feelt his big, calloused warm hands covering your eyes.
He felt your eyelashes tickle his hand as his heart beated faster.His hands become sweaty as his cheeks burned red. He pulled his hands away of your face, not wanting you to notice how nervous he was.
“Keep your eyes closed” He whispered in your ear, making the hairs in your back stand in pleasure. 
“O-okay” you smiled shyly as he helped you up. 
He let go of your hands and set his jacket on the ground.
“Still,no peeking (n/n)” He smiled as you pouted
“fiiiine!” he held your hands again and guided you to the jacket.
“Sit and lay on your back” he said with a soft voice as with his help, you did as he said. Without opening your eyes, you laid on your back on the leather jacket, you felt a warm body lay next to yours. Jason laid in the cold unforgiving ground as you layed secured in his jacket, he smiled at your profile and his pinky rubbed against yours. 
“Open your eyes now” Jason whispered, still looking at you with warm cheeks and a sweet smile.  you uncovered them:
Your mouth hanged open in awe as you smiled, looking up at the sky of Gotham, illuminated by the multicolored lights of the neon bars. The colors fly around, like the artic sky, the most powerful starts shine betwen the magenta, blues and greens. In the far distance the yellow light of the batsignal shined brightly.  The loud sound of traffic blocked by the height as you gasped as the bright meteor shower started.
“It’s beautiful…” You awed. 
“I know...” Jason blushed as he still looked mesmerized at the lights dancing on your beautiful skin. He coughed, tearing his gaze of your beauty so he wont be caugh.  “Its where I hided and came to relax when I was younger. here...I felt safe, felt free, felt like the stars and the lights sang me Gotham’s lullaby….* he sighs, remebering his childhood. the night he spends crying on the same spot, hugging his legs and letting Gotham’s light ease his fears. “You are the only one who knows about it.” Jason blushed looking at you, your face illuminated by the lights.
“I’ll keep as a secret!” You smiled, looking at his blushing face. “I promise” Jason smiled back at your closed eyed smile.  You grabbed his hand and he blushed even harder. “This will be our safe haven” your (e/c) eyes twinkled, as the light reflected on jason’s icy blue eyes. His smile became warmer as his heart beated almost like it was goign to explode.
“Yeah…ours” Jason smiled, looking up at the sky, his hold on your hand tighten.
He swallowed the butterflies in his stomach, he was afraid...
he had just fell in love with (y/n) (l/n).
Jason gave you a ride back to your home, you two decided to meet again next week to go to the movies. And that you could anytime go to his secret haven as it was yours too.
You gave him a kiss on the cheek as goodbye and entered your building. Once inside you let the blush and the silly smile free. Jason had make you all tingly.
You opened your door to find Damian sitting in the dark, he turned on the light as you entered the apartment.
“Where were you?”
“umm, out?” You closed to door and turned the lights on, then walked towards your room. Damian followed you.
“You said 2 hours!”
“You were out for 3!”
“oh Damian, I’m so sorry! Did Tim leaved an hour ago? Have you eaten!?”
“He leaved half an hour ago and yes. I cooked as Drake can’t even do an omelet.”
“Can I do something to make it up to you?” You hugged him.
“…Take me to the zoo”
“AND you take me to eat on the new vegetarian place.”
“Now, go to sleep, (y/n).”
“Okay…good night, dami” You kissed his forehead and he quickly kissed your cheek.
“Night, (y/n).” He opened his door and closed it behind him.
You smiled at his cuteness and closed your door, you changed into your pajamas and fell face first on the bed, you hugged your pillow.
Now you had even MORE conflicting feelings.
You felt your eyes closing from the tiredness of the day, your muscles relaxing and you fell asleep.
The last thing you saw was a mop of black hair setting next to you on the bed and hugging you, their head buried in your neck.
Oh snap.
It was Damian.
If you wake him up he’ll be all ashamed you found out and he will be angry.
On the other hand
If you pretended you were sleeping until he wakes up you’ll be late for your classes.
To be, or not to be: that is the question
Maybe you could wake him up AND preted you are asleep!
Thank you!
Softly you kissed his cheek and kicked him, when he started moving you turn your back to him and pretend you were asleep.
He woke up, looked as if you were asleep and leaved your room sneakily.
You smiled when he closed the door and high fived the air.
Your plan has worked!
You quickly got up, showered and brushed your teeth.
You prepared a quick breakfast for Dami and when you saw him enter the kitchen you bid him goodbye.
Damian started eating and contemplating how to ask you to come to his father’s gala next week.
He was cleaning his dishes when someone come in thought the windows. Damian glared and grabbed the broomstick, ready to kick the ass of whoever dared to enter HIS house-I mean (Y/N) house!
He sneacked up to the living room, and prepared to attack when the figured turned around.
[Continue reading in Chapter 7]
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nightwingswing · 7 years
“The family’s girl” (Batfam x reader) Part7
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Hello my lil’ wings!
So how i promised in the response to @cecedot  here it is the part 7 of “the family’s girl”! And also @redbird-97  and @hamsterforlive  who messaged me and gave me encouragment to update!
Wednesday is my last day of college, so i’ll publish more stories this week!
tagging @cutiedaij @hamsterforlive @plethora-of-things  
If you want to be tagged ask or message me anytime!
Part1 Part2  Part3 Part4   Part5 Part6 Part7(here we are!)  Part8 Part9 Part10
You were officially screwed.
Who knew the youngest Wayne was capable of falling for someone? In a couple of days?
Worst thing?
He was possessive.
To make the scene worse.
Tim had decided to come every.day.
Super great.
“Seriously Drake, (y/n) has a better taste than you regarding clothes, so let her choose what she wants.” Damian glared at Tim, who had been holding a rather ugly dress.
“Excuse me? This is all the rage!” Tim exclaimed.
“Sure, makes designers rage, that’s for sure.” Dami scoffed
You looked at them an amused/done expression on her face.
“Boys, please…”
“But! Have you seen his taste in clothes?! You deserve so much better!” Damian exclaimed.
“Im going to try this one I choose. “ You changed quickly, the red dress hugging your form nicely. You smiled at your reflexion and went to see the boys.
When the two saw you they stopped fighting, they blushed and Tim smiled at you.
“You look beautiful, (y/n).” Tim praised you. Damian blushing scoffed.
“She looks beautiful every day.”
“Awwww” you coed and hugged Damian. “ I knew you liked me!” Damian plushed you away, blushing.
“Of course I do. If not, I won’t put up with Drake and you.” Dami looked away.
“Anyway, why are you buying a fancy dress?” Tim asked.
“..I got a date, remember? With Jason? He invited me to have dinner.” Tim eyes widened and Damian broke one of the mannequins.
“Dami?” You asked looking at him.”Why-“
“I didn’t like the outfit it wore”
Tim mentally raged on Jason and his stupid bad boy charm, and his stupid leather jacket.
“It’s the hair and the jacket, right?!” Tim shake you. “I thought our kiss mean something!”
“What’ Timmy of course it meant something! But our date isn’t like that! Im sure someone like Jason has a lot of girls on his feet!”
“You sure?” Tim pouted.
“I am” You got out of Tim’s hold and started walking to the changing room. “And anyway, I’m not your girlfriend” Tim bite his lip and Damian smirked at him.
“Such a coward, Drake”
“Shut up, demon”
Jason was gonna get it tonight.
“HEY HEY HEY! TIMBO WHAT YOUR DEAL?!” Jason tried to block all of Tim’s punches.
“WELL, I LIKE HER SO WHAT?” Jay blocked a fierce punch from Tim .
“SHE’S MINE!” Tim kicked Jason.
“WHAT GOING ON OVER HERE!?” Batman growled.
“LANGUAGE!” Batman growled at his sons. “now what the hell is going on?!”
“shit, who was talking to him?”
“Oh look, Scarecrow is on the loose!” Tim yelled. “lets go!” They turned their communicators off so Batman couldn’t hear and the robins disappeared.
“…” Batman batglared at his computer.
You were getting dressed for your date when Damian knocked on you door.
“Come in!” You smiled at Damian who stiffened when he saw you “Ah, Dami, could you help me with the zipper?” He zipped it up and you turned around. “You need something?”
“Why are you going out with Todd?” Damian asked.
“Well, he asked me out so we could know each other’s better.” You smiled and the boy frowned. When he opened his mouth to say something a bike’s Clackson was heard.
“Oh that must be Jay! I called Tim to look out for you, I’ll be back in 2 hours. Please don’t break anything!” You hugged a blushing angry Damian and opened the door.” Tim come in! I’ll be back in 2 hour! Please try to not break anything” You kissed Tim’s cheek and ran outside.
Jason whistled at you as you walked to him, he gave you a spare helmet and you sat behind him on his bike.
“Where to?” You asked.
“To my favorite (f/f) restaurant” Jason said.
“Oh, I love (f/f)! “
Jason speed up while Tim and Damian observed by the windows, they glared at his brothers back until it wasn’t visible anymore.
“We are following him, right?” Tim smirked
“Dam right” Damian smirked.
You and Jason were eating (f/f) peacefully, laughing and meeting yourselves better.
Jason liked what he saw.
He liked it a lot.
“Why did you decide you we’re coming to Bludhaven?”
“oh, well…”You bite you lip, shyly “ I wanted to get as far as possible from home”
“Why?” Jason held your hand and you blushed.
“….” You sighed “I wanted to show my parents than I can live on my own. That I’m older”
“You think that’s childish?” You sighed.
“No…I can relate somehow. There was a time I wanted to overcome the shadow of another” Jay looked away.
“Did you did it?”
“…” for a moment, he looked pained.
“No need to tell me, really” You smiled and Jason smiled back.
“Thanks” Jason moved his chair so he could be closer to you.
Jason and you talked and laughed for an hour, ignoring the two jealous birds stalking you two.
“Do you want me to show you something?” Jason smirked.
“What?” You asked curious.
“My favorite place when I was a kid.” Jason and you entered an alley where he jumped on a fire escape. You grabbed his leg and he pulled you up, he grabbed your hand and the two of you go up to the stairs to the rooftop. The two of you laughed as an old lady opened her window to yell at you two. Once you two where up, Jason covered you eyes and helped you up, he asked you to keep your eyes closed and he set his jacket on the ground.
“Sit and lay on your back” You did as told and you felt Jason lay next to you.
“Open your eyes now” Jason asked and you uncovered you eyes.
You were looking at the sky of Gotham, illuminated by the lights. Colors flying around, the loud sound of traffic blocked by the height.
“It’s beautiful…” You awed.
“Its where I came to relax when I was younger. I felt safe, felt free….You are the only one who knows about it.” Jason looked at you, your face illuminated by the lights.
“I’ll keep as a secret!” You smiled “I promise” Jason smiled back and you grabbed his hand and he blushed. “This will be our safe haven”
“Yeah…ours” Jason looked up again, smiling and his hold on your hand tighten.
Jason gave you a ride back to your home, you two decided to meet again next week to go to the movies. And that you could anytime go to his secret haven as it was yours too.
You gave him a kiss on the cheek as goodbye and entered your building. Once inside you let the blush and the silly smile free. Jason had make you all tingly.
You opened your door to find Damian sitting in the dark, he turned on the light as you entered the apartment.
“Where were you?”
“umm, out?” You closed to door and turned the lights on, then walked towards your room. Damian followed you.
“You said 2 hours!”
“You were out for 3!”
“oh Damian, I’m so sorry! Did Tim leaved an hour ago? Have you eaten!?”
“He leaved half an hour ago and yes. I cooked as Drake can’t even do an omelet.”
“Can I do something to make it up to you?” You hugged him.
“…Take me to the zoo”
“AND you take me to eat on the new vegetarian place.”
“Now, go to sleep, (y/n).”
“Okay…good night, dami” You kissed his forehead and he quickly kissed your cheek.
“Night, (y/n).” He opened his door and closed it behind him.
You smiled at his cuteness and closed your door, you changed into your pajamas and fell face first on the bed, you hugged your pillow.
Now you had even MORE conflicting feelings.
You felt your eyes closing from the tiredness of the day, your muscles relaxing and you fell asleep.
The last thing you saw was a mop of black hair setting next to you on the bed and hugging you, their head buried in your neck.
Oh snap.
It was Damian.
If you wake him up he’ll be all ashamed you found out and he will be angry.
On the other hand
If you pretended you were sleeping until he wakes up you’ll be late for your classes.
To be, or not to be: that is the question
Maybe you could wake him up AND preted you are asleep!
Thank you!
Softly you kissed his cheek and kicked him, when he started moving you turn your back to him and pretend you were asleep.
He woke up, looked as if you were asleep and leaved your room sneakily.
You smiled when he closed the door and high fived the air.
Your plan has worked!
You quickly got up, showered and brushed your teeth.
You prepared a quick breakfast for Dami and when you saw him enter the kitchen you bid him goodbye.
Damian started eating and contemplating how to ask you to come to his father’s gala next week.
With him
He was cleaning his dishes when someone come in thought the windows. Damian glared and grabbed the broomstick, ready to kick the ass of whoever dared to enter HIS house-I mean (Y/N) house!
He sneacked up to the living room, and prepared to attack when the figured turned around.
To be continued!
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