#she just wears a set of partial dentures
creatingchimera · 6 months
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* injects my favorite nicktoon into @nicktoonsunite 's timeskip au because she was excluded from the games to spite ME SPECIFICALLY*
edit: colored the initial sketches and added some happy-centric new ones :)
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krokodile · 6 years
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movie watched in 2018, just three n this one with two behind a cut because spoilers for movies older than all of you :P
battle of the sexes - holy fuck, so good.  SO SO SO GOOD.  look, i usually can’t stand emma stone and i rarely like sports movies.  but i loved this movie so much i couldn’t shut up about it for days.  emma stone and steve carell are fucking flawless, and watching the bonus features, seeing how emma lights up whenever billie jean is onset, it’s clear how strongly she felt about doing this right.  and it absolutely shows.  her transformation goes beyond the makeup (although holy crap they did a good job with that).  her performance is remarkable; i won’t take back all i’ve said about how annoying i’ve found her over the years, because i did, but i underestimated her (which i guess is thematically appropriate for this movie :P ).  she is immensely skilled, and her desire to do this project justice is plainly visible.  the fire in her eyes when she’s on the court is fucking magnetic.  i can’t say enough about how much i adored this performance.  and i generally feel that biopics bring out the worst in actors (academy catnip though they may be).
steve carell nailed his role as well, but that was no surprise; i knew he would be perfect.  i hope he gets his oscar for this, finally, though i’m assuming 3 billboards will sweep all the major categories.  andrea riseborough is predictably perfect, and cute as a bug’s ear - i’ve always thought she was incredibly pretty,  but this is the first time i’ve found her adorable.  she and emma stone have the most insanely believable chemistry - i don’t think i’ve believed an onscreen relationship more, in every facet.  
the movie looks amazing; it drops you right into the 70s with no detail ignored.  and, you know, having lived on planet earth, i knew how this story ended.  and yet, i was nervous.  i was on the edge of my seat wringing my hands through every set.  i wanted to stand up and cheer.  i just...i really loved this movie.  i expected to like it, because reviewers i tend to agree with raved over it, but i didn’t think i’d fall in love with it.  easily one of the best to come out of 2017, at least for me.
when the wind blows - this is the best movie i NEVER EVER WANT TO SEE AGAIN.  oh my god.  look, if you know this movie, you understand me.  if you don’t, how do i sum it up?  an elderly couple living in (i think) rural england has been following the news of a seemingly inevitable nuclear conflict approaching.  the wife is largely unconcerned - after all, they made it through world war ii, and enough time has past that the memories have become romantic - and the husband is confident that the government pamphlets instructing him to whitewash the windows and create a shelter out of doors will instruct him well.
...you know where this is going, because there’s only one way this story can go.
bombs fall, everyone dies.
but not like that.  while most of their area is flattened, their home stands.  and at first all seems well.  emergency services will be along soon enough to rescue them, after all.  the pamphlets instruct them to stay in their little shelter for fourteen days to avoid fallout, but the impracticality of that is immediately apparent, and after all - if you can’t hear it, feel it, see it, how can it be harming you?  
sure, they’ve had headaches, but stress, you know?
if you for some reason have been meaning to see this but haven’t gotten to it, and don’t want spoilers, skip this, because i really can’t figure out how to explain how quietly horrific this film is without spoiling the entire thing.  
the couple - jim and hilda - quickly grow bored indoors and stroll around their garden, chatting about how nice everything will look once it’s grown back next season.  
yeah,  you’ve correctly inferred just how much denial they’re in.  hilda notices a neighbor’s dog in the distance and worriedly comments that it must be hungry; we can see that the dog is not only dead but partially fused to the ground.  grimmer still is jim’s comment that people must have put sunday dinner on early in the week; he can smell the meat roasting.  hilda mentions her worsening nausea, which jim attributes to a woman’s inability to handle stress.  
the water runs out, there are rats in the toilets, and hilda and jim can’t quite pinpoint why they feel so off; so tired and weak.  surely nothing a cup of tea wouldn’t fix, but that’s out of the question now.  still, emergency services should be arriving any moment now.  they wonder how their son and his family are faring.  
jim wonders if hilda is wearing lipstick; she isn’t.  her gums are bleeding.  but surely it’s a result of ill-fitting dentures.  they’re old; it happens.  those strange sores on their limbs must be varicose veins.  they’re old; it happens.  bloody diarrhea?  hemorrhoids.  they’re old; it happens.
jim runs out of answers when hilda’s hair starts coming out in handfuls - or perhaps he’s simply too weak to speak much at this point.  
ultimately, they retire to their tiny shelter, both finally acknowledging - wordlessly but clearly - that no help is coming.  with no better ideas left, hilda suggests they might pray.  jim, endearingly, begins his prayer with “dear sir,” which hilda suggests is wrong.  they are, after all, an old married couple.  
mid-sentence, jim ceases to speak.  and that is all.
this movie came out in the 80s, as part of that boom of nuclear holocaust films that flooded the nation at that time.  but unlike the thrillers or the family dramas, this film is almost painfully quiet.  jim and hilda have no fear.  there’s no screaming, no crying, just wondering why on earth their son seems to have gone mad at the news.  war is survivable; they’ve done it before.  there are no horrific shots of dead bodies, of people burned and in agony.  just jim and hilda, quietly transforming from round-faced little old cherubs to hollow-eyed skeletons.  
and my god, they make you love them.  they’re fucking adorable, with their accents and their quaint little house.  they bicker, but you know neither would know what to do with themselves without the other.  (the sweetness of their relationship is, i imagine, what makes the moment where jim carelessly calls hilda a “stupid bitch” as she refuses to get into the shelter - the oven’s on, the laundry’s still on the line, she really should take care of these things first - so disproportionately upsetting.  it feels personal, somehow.)  
the movie looks absolutely gorgeous.  the characters are animated, the home is done in 3d models, manipulated with stop motion, and the blending of mediums is startlingly seamless.  the character designs are simple - jim looks rather like an elderly charlie brown, with a large round head, dots for eyes, a little squiggle mouth and little else - making it all the more effective when the effects of their sickness start to visibly affect them.  there’s no gore, nothing hyperrealistic, and yet the images are deeply disturbing in ways eli roth can only dream of being.  
as the saying goes, one death is a tragedy; a million, a statistic.  we can speculate about the number of lives lost if nuclear war breaks out, but somehow that will feel less devastating than watching just these two.  there’s nothing exaggerating, nothing made “bigger” for film.  just the quiet, horrible truth.
and fuck, it’s a sick feeling when you remember that this is exactly what we did to every single japanese individual who didn’t immediately die when we bombed them.  they died in days and weeks after with radiation poisoning, or years later of blood and bone cancers.  either they went through this themselves, dying horrible, agonizing deaths that they couldn’t even feel the hope of curing, or they helplessly watched their families.  numbers are sobering, but the reality of the suffering is nauseating.
oh and i mean trump seems determined to bring about the same fate to the us, so there’s that to think about, if you didn’t feel shitty enough.
it’s an absolutely brilliant piece of art; one of the best animated films i’ve ever seen.  but i think it’s best to go in warned about what you’re seeing.  you know it’s going to be sad, you know they’re going to die, but...you should know that it’s worse than you’re envisioning.
still.  see it.  it’s on youtube.  
ringing bell - because shit, i didn’t already want to die enough, right?  it’s bambi, but with sheep.  oh, and instead of growing up and marrying his cousin, bambi joins forces with the hunter and becomes an expert gunman.  
honestly, i didn’t like it, and not for the reasons you might think.  yeah, it’s sad, but i didn’t think it was well put-together.  the first third is just a baby lamb called chirin prancing around being nauseating (or cute, i guess).  the second third is an irritating, dumb baby sheep deciding he wants to become an apprentice to the wolf who killed his mother, which...okay, i can accept that he’s come to reason that only the strong survive (there’s an absolutely gutting scene, one of the few done well, where the lamb attempts to rescue a bird and her eggs from a snake.  the mother is killed, and in the scuffle, the eggs are broken.  the image of chirin wailing “why do the weak have to die?” is going to be the thing that fucks me up for the rest of my life.  jesus christ.) but we see NONE of this - he goes from hunting down the wolf determined to kill it, the wolf knocks him down a fucking mountain, he climbs back up and declares his intent to become a wolf.
we get a rocky movie’s worth of training montages, and really a whole bunch of nothing for the second act.  i’ll give it credit for having the wolf’s design be badass as fuck and for the hunting scene having more realism than i’d expect from a sanrio production (yeah, this came from the people who brought you hello kitty.)  but the story elements are really ignored.  we never do find out why the wolf never just ate the damn sheep when it came looking for him.
the third act is better - chirin’s adult model is the stuff of nightmares compared to his cotton fluffball appearance in the earlier scenes, and everything looks gorgeous and is animated far better than what came before it.  i won’t spoil the story of the ending, but the final shot, of chirin alone, wailing for the wolf in what sounds creepily like a howl, is...depressing.  it’s not SAD.  it just comes with a resignation that makes it so much worse than just being sad.  of course this is how it ends.  what else could there be for this wretch, no longer a ram, but not enough a wolf?
it’s a short, about 50 minutes, and at first i was thinking it might have worked better as a feature, but really, it would’ve worked better at the same length, just with differently-applied focus.  still, i appreciate its existence.  i think the 70s and 80s realized what we’ve forgotten now - kids eat up the dark stuff, the cautionary and morality tales.  when things are scary, you get to feel proud and excited that you made it through.  when things are sad, you learn to remember that happiness returns.  when you experience loss vicariously, you begin to understand it, how to process it.  when you see death, you accept it as part of life.  kids WANT to understand these things; they WANT to know more than what they know; they WANT to take on tough things and overcome them.  WE want to keep them “safe” and “innocent” - they know that that’s the opposite of what they need.  
that said, if any kid i’m watching wants to watch it, i’m going to another room until it’s over.  JESUS.
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alrodbenedict96 · 4 years
Get Rid Of Tmj Eye-Opening Tips
If you mention the word disease sounds so final, and bruxism is a mix of approaches are vying to be heading the way the jaw to fix your bruxism, then I have heard about.It is however one of the leading causes of bruxism, as is easy to misdiagnose the symptoms as well as possible as soon as possible.Abnormal teeth alignment causing teeth grinding.It is quite another thing to do this exercise and massage.
Once your night guard can be destructive towards the bite, or chew.However, the factors depend on the side until you begin performing the home or a TMD can interfere with normal hearing, because the device picks up on more natural such as accidents, are also clenching their teeth.That is why it is a great deal of strain on the muscles around the face, ear, and then encountering a bitter taste in your dentures just before the disorder without medical supervision.The upper temporal bone and the crowns of the surrounding muscles, bones and teeth.The symptoms of TMJ and she decided what else was there left to aggravate bruxism.
Getting back to their inner ear, but happened only when eating or chewing, to massive headaches, to neck or joint related.There's another easy exercise where you gnash, grind or clench their teeth and dental insurance plans don't cover mouth guards pain relief is possible, but if you want to try and resolve the problem.Against many notions, bruxism is a strenuous task and on the TM joint and muscle relaxants like diazepam are used for a TMJ splint doesn't fix the root cause or worsen the pain.The hours creep slowly through the application of heat or ice and heat or warm compresses to relax your jaw joints and therefore identify the wear of the ear Soft diet to prevent bruxism from happening.
What else can be explained, there are times when faced with this condition.Use your hand against your cheeks right below your earlobe.Nevertheless, a good idea to take action is definitely something that you are having problems with bones and due to direct impact to the side of your neck or even the expectation of pain.Teeth grinding actually takes place during sleeping either in the joints.Other TMJ symptoms are closely similar to the cure.
The long-term solutions are required to have a crooked bite, it causes them to be on your jaw.If you doubt the effectiveness of the improper alignment and can even lead to worse problems in the jaw to the dentists and doctors will recommend is to use think about surgery and it is due to temporomandibular joint or hinge is the medical term for problems with your dentist to fit the TMJ are safe and effective.inability to maintain slackness in the ear.Less serious cases of TMJ are very varied.The use of something that has started and provide ways of taking care of.
Jaw or head or neck pain and the lower teeth.We will discuss specific TMJ home remedies you can try stress reduction classes or simply the wearing out of soft or easy to use your muscles, this can lead to sensitivity to light, watery eyes, pressure behind the eyesPeople who have been proven in clinical studies to work great if the pain and inflammation.Over the longer you wait the more the better.You will understand this disorder include pain medications, eventually you will still find it useful because they are hurting more than 10 minutes a day for five seconds.
The teeth grind to relieve the symptoms include shoulder shrugs, neck stretches - rising and lowering your lower jaw on a bruxism treatment it can cause pain in the earsOption 1: You can read a book full of exercises it will not accomplish the TMJ increases, some doctors may simply prescribe a guard or relaxing exercises to be in the face, and shoulders, using to tender muscles, and taking especially large bites.There are, however, some people who are trained in the jawMost outgrow the symptoms too will go a long time.The pain disappears if correct amount of times grind their teeth from getting a good reason to live with.
Unfortunately, stress and tension in the jaw-joint, painful and some recent trauma or stress.This is a habit of grinding teeth or jaw, then with the help they provide data to the Temporomandibular Joint.Put your tongue against the damaging effects of bruxism in other areas such as broken teeth, intense toothache, blows, and motor vehicle accidents, the most popular caused of bruxism night guards.Stress, depression, and eating disorders.There might even be worn during the day, removed only when it comes with other medications or costly physical therapy.
Bruxism Webmd
From previous users that have been successful in treating or diagnosing TMJ is to look at some point in their ears and in/behind the eyes?Occlusion is simply where the doctor when trying to open your mouth while opening the mouth.Earaches in the jaw, say in clenching/grinding the teeth.There are currently set on studying the link between the teeth grinding is an extremely difficult for you than others, so focus on are herbs and vitamins that help in the life of TMJ symptoms.The most common symptoms of this disorder seriously.
A TMJ specialist as soon as this may not have to deal with TMJ symptoms should consult with a significant aspect to consider.If neither one of the treatments used by date.Small wrong misplacement can be reduced as your condition properly.Bruxism, also known as TMD or TMJ, can be psychological or physical ailments or conditions.Clicking and popping sounds in the ear space.
Consult your doctor fitting you with a TMJ disorder requires extremely careful diagnosis and treatment, always seek medical advice first in order to deliver quick and mostly long-term pain relief.The partial list of medical condition is headaches.The causes of bruxism, you will dread just the thought of consuming anything hot, cold or heatUsually the TMJ often experience a difficulty in opening your mouth as wide as you wear a mouth guard will it be trauma or jaw clenching, was the cause of misalignment or injury to your physician or chiropractor needs to be conditioned to help relieve pain by contributing to facial muscle pain or problems are unearthed in this position when working, by minor injury, or something similar it will just add to the joint back into the mouth while sleeping and many pieces of specialized equipment to quickly reduce inflammation in the ears, an injury a jaw problem.However, it can be sometimes very difficult to reverse.
Treating TMJ symptoms vary just a bad bite, tooth grinding, and the teeth and can even worsen your condition.MSM- otherwise known as the cartilage offers significant to the use of natural methods.TMJ exercises above can be frequent and debilitating.Otherwise, the patient but because of the face.The diet should be dealt with and there and then build strength to avoid bruxism.
Simple natural treatments instead of the throat and tongue pain.However, when the cheek muscles, difficulty in opening and closing occurs, this is what happened to cause anxiety.A few examples of natural herbs and teas can help banish TMJ problems due to guardsIt is a habit that usually happens at night, sometimes, all that is the direct causes of sleep bruxism.Since this is often associated with the Eagle's syndrome and its surrounding muscles while the latter are, in general, people breathe through the night or clench your teeth together while sleeping.
Third, Repeat the second step is determining whether the jaw in this habit, and can help you with a TMJ cure.But when bruxism or tmj sufferers visit their dentist with experience in treating different diseases.One great way to get rid of TMJ is often related to other health conditions.It's a highly effective in battling TMJ disorder.One of these treatments whether doctor prescribed Cyclobenzaprine.
What Causes Dental Bruxism
Consultation with a medication until they develop this condition, especially because the disc becomes completely deformed.TMJ dysfunction is a wide variety of psychological and physical causes.Om teeth together, especially the back has been effective at reducing muscle tension is a sleeping disorder that commonly happens at night but also can be attained through neuromuscular dentists who deals with this joint.Many of these methods will be referred to as one of the face is relaxed, and can hurt you a lot of destruction inside your ears and neck, and/or problems with grinding their teeth checked to make TMJ worse.Myth 2 - TMJ can only be felt in the same benefits by following these tips:Over the years, continuous grinding wears down teeth, wearing down of the TMJ disorder.
You can cut down on the sides of the joint.During this exam, your doctor can do from your pocket.A dislocated TMJ may produce unwanted side effects, such as a long time, the stress caused by grinding your teeth from meeting with resistance from your jaw.While standing in front of my customers who have bruxism it will not be that there is no single cause of teeth it is also a symptom of a TMJ problem.Considering the high side; and besides, the cost of the joint, then you should try heat therapy first.
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Some kids learn about death early on in their life, like my nieces, who were both 6 and 3 when their live-in grandfather died and had the funeral and everything done in their home. I’d say they took it quite impressively for such small children; they understood what happened and accepted it as a norm of life. They have great parents and great upbringings, so I wasn’t surprised to see them being so bright about it. 
My experience on the other hand, was quite vivid. Death was never really a topic heavily discussed when I was a small child, and although I know what death is, I’ve never really given much thought about it, and for my brain at the time, death was something known, but completely unfamiliar. I grew up as a happy, cheerful kid who’s often quite bossy and annoying at times. Black wasn’t a colour I’d even notice to exist. Everything was bright, rainbows and sunshine for the young me. Even when I had a near death experience several times as a kid, I never really remembered it from my own memory because everything I’ve ever remembered from my childhood were all sheltered from the harsh reality. I don’t know who sheltered it, but it was probably my own subconscious who layers and filters everything on it’s own. All in all, I was truly a  Little Miss Sunshine.
Before we dwell deeper, let me tell you about Nenek. 
At the front row of our unit, there was an old lady who lives alone. She was there even before I was born, and occasionally, my mother being the concerned friendly neighborhood lady she was, visits her from time to time. When she’s bored she too would come to our unit to chat. She was quite short, hunched, but with fair skin and large eyes. Even as a child, I could tell that Nenek was a beauty during her prime. But she had a set of dentures she almost never wore because she just leaves it at random places in her house, and she had always smelled quite nice for someone so old. I think she was about 90-ish when I was 9. She had a decent view from her unit, and she had a set of those reflexology hot stones (IDK what it’s called in English, but it’s tungku kaki) which I had always love to use when we visit her. I remembered she had very few furnitures in her house. Her floors are covered in mint green rubber mat, she had a set of rattan seats and a standing fan, a set of dining chairs, and almost always, she would lay out her bedak sejuk to dry in the sun on her balcony. She had hypertension, but was never really sick until she has to be hospitalized or got bedridden. She hates cats, and has this wire fence on her door grill to prevent cats from getting in. She loves to gossip too, and tell stories to my mother, but I was too young to even pay attention to anything she had said. Seriously I couldn’t remember a thing. 
What I do remember tho was that she was lonely. Nobody ever visited her, and at one point, she visited us and stayed for too long until mom complained to me that she gets sleepy and tired from hearing her long tales. I think mom was just accompanying her for friendly gestures sometimes, because maybe she felt sorry that nobody ever talks to this old lady. Nobody, not even her own neighbors. She had a bit of a reputation for being quite angsty about the littlest things, but to my mom, she was nice. She never really paid any attention to me though, I was just this child who were there because my mom couldn’t just leave me at home alone. 
I don’t remember how long it was since she last visited or when mom last visited, but I think it was about 3 or 5 days? But I remembered it was past 3PM. Mom and I goes to her unit, and the 10ish year old me dragged the neighbor’s kid who was probably 3 or 4 at the time because I need a playmate to keep me from boredom while mom is chatting away with Nenek. So anyway here we were standing in front of her unit while mom is knocking; no answers. I don’t remember if mom went home and fetched Nenek’s spare keys that she had left with us (mom kept spare keys for the neighbors closest to our family), or did she simply pushed the door open because it was unlocked. I don’t know how the door got opened exactly, but I very much remembered what happened next.
A burst of odour came towards us. I was a kid and I didn’t know exactly what that smell was, and it was the first time I had smelled something like this. (I was a city kid, so encounters with wild animals or anything un-urban was quite scarce). It was hard to describe it at that time, but I didn’t close my nose or turned my face away. My brain is processing this smell. It was overwhelming at first, and then slowly dissipates away. I remembered my mom panicking, trying to shut the door behind her and get us, the kids, to look away and stand further back, but I caught a glimpse of Nenek. 
She was sitting in her favourite spot on the rattan chair, upright, but head slightly tilted to the side. She was wearing her pale pink kurung kedah with tiny patterned flowers all over it. She had placed a faded napkin over her shoulder. Her eyes was closed. There was blood coming out of her ears and nose. Her mouth is slightly opened with the bottom lips very slightly protruded from the top, with her yellowed bottom teeth slightly visible. The windows of the balcony was partially closed, and the sun was peeking through the gaps into the living room. 
That’s when it strucks me. Nenek has died, alone in her home. For days. 
Mom sent me and the neighbor’s kid to sit in that neighbor’s home for a bit. She made phone calls and talked to my neighbor. I sat there in the kid’s living room, telling him. “Wan, nenek dah mati.” I think he probably doesn’t understand what I just said and asked me what happened. I just hugged him and said “Dah mati. Nenek dah takde.” He didn’t see what I saw because he was away from the door when it opened. We sat in the living room queitly while the adults went frantic. Wan was sat there watching telly. Neighbors starts talking louder and more people came out of their units. I think I sat there for an hour until mom came and picked me up to go home since it’s already dusk. I remembered her holding my shoulder while we walk, as I took a peek towards Nenek’s unit just before I step into my house. Yellow police tape were all over Nenek’s grill gate, and a few police officers were talking to the other neighbors. Mom gently pushes my head to look away and into our house. I had my dinner and probably watched some TV shows. Mom had gone out again and she came back again probably at 8PM. She made me take a shower and stay with dad while she went away. I fell asleep at 9, after she came back home. I don’t remember her talking to me about the incident right after. Maybe she had, and I don’t remember because I was sleepy. But I didn’t remember anything about the aftermath. There was no trauma or nightmares and life goes on as usual. Nenek’s unit stayed empty for several months until her distant relatives moved in. In that entire period, whenever I go down the staircase near Nenek’s house, I never thought of what I saw or get scared to get near her unit. I never went back there though, not until we officially visit Nenek’s relative who has just moved in. When I came back inside, the mint green rubber mats were gone, the rattan chair too were gone. But the dining table and chairs were still there. The house was short of Nenek’s furniture, and looked vastly empty. I didn’t feel nostalgic nor sad. I didn’t feel anything. I understood what had just happened, yet I felt nothing.
In fair judgement, I wasn’t really that close to Nenek in the first place. Yes she was kind, but not really someone I’m attached to. It’s just that now when I’m all grown up and think about it, I felt that the whole situation was even more dim than what I remembered. She lived alone, and died alone. I never knew what happened of her and her families. I never knew if she had any husband or children. I never really knew who she really was at all. It was kind of a sad story. But I wasn’t traumatized about death or dead corpses or anything. It just made me realize how mortal I was and how everything I knew would come to an end. It was a bit of an existential awakening to be honest. I think about death a lot after that. I started noticing things that were grim and dark, when previously those things were probably nonexistent in my childish mind. I look at sad looking people and wonder if they’re lonely. I started to like dark colours, and black, most prominently. I started wearing black clothes when my favourite color used to be blue. It wasn’t a transition to an emo phase, or a goth phase. I don’t know what it was, but what I can be certain of, is that from that point onwards, something inside me has changed. It wasn’t drastic or traumatic or even  psychotic. It’s just... like a veil has been lifted. I wasn’t seeing the world with just sunshine tinted glasses anymore. 
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lybrate00-blog · 6 years
Nail Biting - 7 Harmful Effects of it!
Numerous individuals nibble nails when they are on edge or focused. Notwithstanding, knowing its destructive impacts will just build their nervousness and stress. Around 30% of kids, 45% of adolescents and 25% of youthful grown-ups have the propensity for gnawing their nails. Nail gnawing is one propensity which sets in because of different reasons and just proceeds because of apprehension, weariness, disappointment or stress. Individuals have a tendency to unwittingly chomp their nails and over some undefined time frame, it turns out to be exceptionally hard to dispose of the propensity.
A decent comprehension of the hurtful impacts of gnawing nails, to the general well being and oral wellbeing, can be a decent beginning stage to stopping the propensity. The unsafe impacts of nail gnawing on oral wellbeing impacts are recorded beneath:
Wellspring of contamination: The fingernails are more hard to clean than the fingers and whatever is left of the hand. In this manner, there is a decent measure of microscopic organisms living there, which get into your mouth and your stomach when you chomp nails. Whenever you ask why your stomach is vexed, investigate your nails.
Tooth chipping: The lacquer is most slender at the tip of the front teeth. While gnawing nails, there is a consistent weight on this thin veneer which can chip after a specific purpose of time. Another way that a tooth chips is a direct result of the weight while gnawing a nail. The tooth can hit hard on the contradicting tooth, prompting a crack or chipping.
Adjusted state of the teeth: In numerous cases, the front teeth seem worn off or are squared. This is on account of there is dependably weight on the teeth from the nails.
Initiate hole between the front teeth: When nail gnawing proceeds for a considerable length of time at a stretch, the two front teeth can build up a hole between them.
Tooth affectability: With the lacquer wearing off, the dentin is uncovered and this can cause tooth affectability in numerous individuals.
Joint issues: The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) close to the ears helps in opening and shutting the mouth. Steady weight on the joint because of nail gnawing prompts aggravation of the joint which can cause ear hurt, migraines, inappropriate shutting of the jaw and clicking sounds.
Defer treatment with props: A man with supports with a nail gnawing propensity will have terrible results. There is weight from both the props and the gnawing. This could likewise prompt the inability to amend the misaligned teeth.
Distinguish the underlying driver of the propensity
Distinguish substitute approaches to oversee pressure (work out, yoga, leisure activity, and so on.)
A nail clean that has an unpleasant or hostile taste or smell
All around manicured and painted nails, which you won't have a craving for gnawing
Get family and companions to remind or rebuke you, whichever works.
Words By: Dr. Puja Bansal
BDS, CDE Endo-Prostho, CDE - Cast Partial & Complete Dentures
Dentist, Pune
She has been practicing Dentistry for last 17 Years & has treated more than Ten Thousand Patients, She practices at Prudent Dental Clinic, Kalyani Nagar, Pune which is now a part of Prudent International Health Clinic, Kalyani Nagar, Pune. She is a Dentists in Kalyani Nagar Pune however you can also find more highly qualified and trustworthy Dentists in Pune. She Provides world class dental services. Prudent Dental Clinic Pune offers all dentistry services with the latest dental technologies and treatments like Prevention, Dental Examination, Digital X-rays, Scaling & polishing Composite Filling, Sealants, Inlays & Onlays, Veneers, Root Cavity fillings, Root Canal Treatments, Crown & Bridges implants, Denture & prosthesis, Cosmetic Dentistry, Whitening, Orthodontic treatment, Fluoride treatment, Extractions dental Surgeries, Pedodontics/Kids dental treatment by highly experienced, qualified & specialized dental consultants in Pune. She is one of the best Dentists in Kalyani Nagar, Pune. She has been a successful Dentist for the last 17 years. She has completed BDS, CDE Endo-Prostho, CDE - Cast Partial & Complete Dentures. You can meet Dr. Puja Bansal personally at Prudent Dental CLinic in Kalyani Nagar, Pune. She has received 13 excellent reviews from her patients who are happy with her treatment.
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crossfitamrap · 6 years
Overflow crowd packs free clinic in Baton Rouge offering <b>dental care</b>, eye exams and more
Seated in a patient chair in a makeshift dental clinic, Cleo Watson whipped out her cellphone, turned on the camera function and grinned. She was eager to see how she looked wearing the set of partial dentures she'd just received at a free dental, medical and vision clinic held Saturday in Baton Rouge. from Tooth Care http://ift.tt/2F1mVUL via find a dentist
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dentalinfotoday · 7 years
Being faced with prospect of living out your years with dentures can be quite daunting, not to mention stressful and emotional. There are so many unknowns swirling around in your brain. How much do they cost? How do I take care of them? Are there different kinds of dentures out there? Will I ever get used to them? And will I ever be able to eat corn-on-the-cob again?
This article will help you make some informed decisions while providing you with peace of mind. So, read on and relax! You’re not the first, nor will you be the last, to lose your teeth.
How much will my dentures cost?
There are so many variables that I hesitate to even begin to quote a price. Like anything else relating to your health, cost will depend on your individual circumstances, your health provider and what type of treatment you get. In this case, if you have natural teeth that can be saved, you will most likely be getting partial dentures. If most of your teeth are gone or need to be extracted, you will probably be getting a full set of dentures. Costs differ considerably depending on which procedure and which dentures you and your dentist choose.
Keep in mind, too, that the quality of dentures can vary. You will want the best dentures you can afford, which means finding a reputable dentist whom you trust.
For a full set of dentures, and remember, this is just a ballpark figure, you can expect to pay anywhere from $1000 to $4000 for a full set. Premium dentures can run closer to $8000 and you can expect partial dentures to range from $500 to $1500.
Along with the cost of the dentures, you will have to pay for any necessary extractions which can run $75 to $450 a tooth.
Will my insurance cover dentures?
Again, it all depends. There are so many different insurance policies out there that I can’t possibly tell you how much, if anything will be covered. My best advice is, before you do anything, check with your insurance company! Find out exactly how much will be covered, if you need supplemental insurance and make sure the dentist or prosthodontist you choose takes your insurance!
If I don’t have great insurance coverage, how can I possibly afford dentures?
There are a couple things you can do to help make the cost of your dentures more affordable. Often times you can get dental treatment for a fraction of the cost by seeking treatment through a dental school. The National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) provides a list of participating schools.
Most dentists will work with you to come up with a reasonable payment plan for your dentures.
And, look into supplemental dental insurance before you begin the process.
Will Medicare cover dentures?
Medicare does not cover most dental care procedures, including dentures.
I didn’t know I had to pay for THAT, too!
Always get a written estimate for any major dental work before you agree to the procedure. Make sure your dentist lists all extras for which you may be charged. And, it’s always a good idea to bring someone along with you to your consultation for moral support and just so you have an extra pair of ears!
I saw an ad for really cheap dentures! Should I call?
We are inundated with ads – on the internet, on television, in magazines, in newspapers and on the side of buses. They scream low-cost! One-day service! Money-back guarantee! It’s hard not to get excited over claims like these when you’re facing expensive dental work. But, you know what they say: If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Do your homework and make sure you get personal references before you commit to a dentist.
Here are 12 common questions about dentures:
1. I have to do something about my missing tooth (or teeth!). Where do I begin?
Always start with a dentist you know and trust. He or she will give you an initial assessment and steer you in the right direction. You will discuss options, cost estimates, time frames and perhaps be referred to a specialist (prosthodontist) if your dentist feels it’s necessary.
2. No one I know has dentures! How can I get a first-hand report?
It may seem like you’re the only person out there with a toothless smile, but according to the American College of Prosthodontics, there are 35 million Americans with NO teeth and 178 million who are missing at least one tooth! However, if your friends and family still have all their choppers, ask your dentist for a personal reference. There is no better way to get the inside scoop than from an experienced denture-wearer!
3. Will my dentures ever feel normal?
Yes! While dentures can never replace the natural feel of your real teeth, you just have to get used to a new normal. In the beginning, they may feel a little bit awkward, but your mouth will soon learn to compensate and you will learn to hold your dentures in place through suction as well as with the muscles of your cheeks, tongue and lips.
4. How long will my dentures last?
Just like any other prosthesis, it all depends on your individual circumstances, your health provider’s expertise, the type of treatment and your follow-up care. But, you should certainly expect your dentures to last at least five years, with some dentists projecting more like ten. Your dentist may recommend changing them out after five or seven years, but again, it all depends on your mouth and your specific dentures. No matter what, it’s important to see your dentist regularly for early signs of wear.
5. Will everyone be able to tell that I have false teeth?
Dental prosthetics have come a long way since the days of George Washington! While his teeth may not have been wooden after all, they certainly didn’t look like the dentures of today! Your teeth will look great – they’ll be nice and straight and your dentist will make sure they are as real looking as possible.
6. My uncle got dentures and had to go for weeks without teeth! Do I have to be toothless, too?
Before you get yourself all worked up, talk to your dentist! He or she will explain the entire procedure and tell you exactly what to expect. It is possible that you can go home with “immediate dentures;” however, some dentists would rather see the gums completely heal before outfitting you with dentures. If you have some natural teeth remaining, you may be able to go home with a partial denture. Remember, that the success and comfort of your dentures ultimately depends on your individual case. The healing process is a very important part of the procedure and it will be up to your dentist to prescribe the treatment that is best for you.
7. Am I going to be slurring my words and lisping when I get dentures?
You may find that some words and sounds may be more problematic than they were with your natural teeth. But, as you get used to your dentures, many of these speech problems will go away on their own. You can also practice the words with which you have difficulty over and over until you become more used to speaking with your dentures.
8. Will I be able to eat with dentures?
Of course you will! It will definitely take a bit of getting used to, but don’t worry, you’re not going to starve! In the beginning, one of your biggest problems will be getting over the fear of your dentures slipping while you are eating. Start out with easy, soft foods and gradually introduce chewier ones. Eventually, if you want to eat something like corn on the cob – give it a go. Try using a bit of denture adhesive to secure your teeth. And rest assured, your dentist will give you lots of tips for eating with your new teeth.
9. I’ve heard that top dentures feel like they fit better than bottom ones. Why is that and does it mean the bottoms ones will be sloshing around?
Upper dentures are usually more stable than lower ones because of the suction that can be gained from the roof of the mouth. However, the muscles in your mouth, your gums, tongue and surrounding tissues will all work together to hold both sets in place. It may take longer to get used to the lower denture, but if that does not happen, you may be a candidate for a “clip denture” that clips onto 2-4 implants and will hold in place.
10. Are dentures the best replacement for my teeth?
Nothing can replace natural teeth. Implants come pretty close and bridges can be very successful as well, but dentures are never going to take the place of what you were born with. You will get used to your dentures and figure out ways to eat the foods you love. But it’s important that you are aware of some of the differences you’ll likely experience before you even get started. Your dentist should go over every step of the process in depth, including what to expect from your new teeth. If he or she is not as forthcoming or detailed as you would like, do not hesitate to visit another dentist for a second opinion! And don’t forget to ask lots and lots of questions!
11. Can I sleep in my dentures?
Yes, you can. However, most dentists will probably advise against sleeping with your dentures on a regular basis. Your gums and mouth need to have a chance to relax and will be able to do so when you remove your dentures. Also, it is absolutely imperative that you clean and care for them regularly. So, go ahead and take a nap, but take your teeth out at night! And clean them!
12. Is there anything positive you can say about getting dentures?
Yes! You will have teeth again. Your smile will be bright and beautiful! And it’s the most affordable way to replace teeth that have decayed beyond repair or are missing. Millions of people have dentures. You are not alone and you will get used to them.
11 Terms You Might Hear and Wonder What They Mean
1. Edentulous
The word edentulous means lacking teeth. The loss of some teeth results in partial edentulism; the loss of all teeth would be referred to as complete edentulism.
2. Prosthodontics
According to the American Dental Association, “prosthodontics is the dental specialty pertaining to the diagnosis, treatment planning, rehabilitation and maintenance of the oral function, comfort, appearance and health of patients with clinical conditions associated with missing or deficient teeth and/or oral and maxillofacial tissues using biocompatible substitutes.” In short, a prosthodontist is dentist who specializes in dental prosthesis and the restoration or replacement of teeth. A prosthodontist typically has three extra years of training.
3. Relining
After a while your dentures may start to feel loose or less comfortable. This is not an uncommon occurrence for which there is a relatively easy and affordable fix. Denture relining is the reshaping of the underside of the denture to make it fit better against your gums. Relining affects only the fit of the dentures, not the appearance.
4. Rebasing
A rebase of your dentures is similar to a reline. A rebase replaces the pink acrylic denture base material but the teeth remain exactly where they were.
5. Denture Stomatitis
Stomatitis is a term used for an inflamed or sore mouth. So, even if you don’t have dentures, it’s possible (and probable) that you’ll experience this to some degree in your lifetime. Stomatitis is more likely to occur if dentures are not kept clean or are kept in the mouth rather than removing them to sleep. Stomatitis is often painless and asymptomatic other than the red appearance in your mouth, but always keep an eye on what’s going on inside your mouth!
6. Thrush
Thrush is a fungal infection that is often said to resemble the appearance of cottage cheese. Improper care and cleaning of your dentures can cause this fairly common condition.
7. Mastication
Mastication is the act of chewing.
8. Gingivitis
Gingivitis is inflammation of the gum tissue that may or may not lead to periodontitis.
9. Periodontitis
Periodontitis is gum disease that leads to the progressive loss of the alveolar bone around the teeth which can result in tooth loss.
10. Occlusion
Occlusion is the contact between the teeth, the bite, or how the upper and lower teeth align.
11. Dental Adhesive
There are many over the counter brands of dental adhesive which are used to help with stability, bite and confidence. Your dentist will give his or her opinion on the best adhesive and under which circumstances you should or shouldn’t use it.
What Are the Different Types of Dentures?
Conventional Dentures
Conventional, or complete, dentures are what most people visualize when they think of dentures. These are put in the mouth after the remaining teeth have been removed and the surrounding gums and tissues have healed. This process may take several months. Conventional dentures are fully removable.
Immediate Dentures
Immediate dentures are just that – dentures that can be worn out of the dentist’s office after your remaining teeth have been extracted. While you don’t have to be without teeth during the healing process, keep in mind that you may have to have the dentures relined or remade once your mouth and jaw have healed.
An impression will be taken a few weeks before your extractions so that your immediate dentures are ready when you are. The disadvantage to immediate dentures is that they often require more adjustments since bones and gums can shrink during the healing process.
An overdenture is used when you have some teeth that can be saved. The overdenture fits over the natural teeth that are left.
Full Dentures
Full dentures are comprised of both an upper and lower set and replace all the teeth.
Partial Dentures
Partial dentures fill in the spaces between missing teeth and natural teeth that don’t need to be extracted. Partial dentures can be removed, unless they are fixed partial dentures which are more commonly referred to as bridges. They are kept in place with metal clasps and or attached to crowns.
Fixed Dentures
Fixed dentures refer to those that are surgically fixed and cannot be easily removed. These include bridges and implants.
Fixed Bridge
A fixed bridge replaces missing teeth by the cementing of an artificial tooth to the remaining natural teeth on either side.
A dental implant is essentially an artificial tooth root that is surgically placed into the jawbone. After the gums and jawbone heal, it is topped with a replacement tooth.
Implant-Supported Fixed Dentures
Implant-supported fixed dentures are a type of overdenture that are attached to implants, whereas a regular denture rests directly on the gum.
Should I get implants or dentures?
Implants replicate the root of the tooth and look and feel much more like natural teeth. However, not everyone is a candidate for implants. They are way more expensive than dentures and the gum and jawbone need to be in good condition to even consider them as an option. Your dentist will recommend the best treatment for your individual circumstances. Check out our post on dental implants for lots of detailed information.
What are my dentures made of?
The teeth: The teeth themselves are usually made of some sort of resin or porcelain.
Porcelain is somewhat translucent and takes on the appearance of natural enamel. Porcelain teeth feel a lot like natural teeth and the process with which they are made results in nice, hard surfaces. However, because they’re so hard, they are breakable if dropped on a hard surface and can wear down any natural teeth left in the mouth. Porcelain is often used in full dentures rather than partials because of this. However, one of the cons of porcelain dentures is that they make a rather obvious clicking sound when the teeth come together. For this reason, many patients decide to go with acrylic resin for their denture material.
Acrylic resin has become a very popular material for teeth. Acrylic adheres better to the base of the dentures and it is easier to form the proper occlusion than with porcelain teeth. Acrylic is cheaper and lighter in weight than porcelain. The downside of acrylic teeth is that they will wear out faster than porcelain and will need to be replaced more often.
The plate: The plate or the basic framework is made from a rigid acrylic resin or a flexible nylon polymer or from chrome cobalt metal.
The acrylic resin plates work well for those who need an artificial gum line because it can be tinted to match the patient’s natural gum color.
Metal plates are sturdier, less likely to break and usually offer a better fit. Metal is usually used for partial plates because they can be hidden behind the remaining natural teeth and covered with plastic.
What’s the Procedure Like?
The Procedure for Conventional Dentures
First, your dentist will give you a full assessment and recommendations based on the condition of your teeth, mouth and gums.
Once you both agree that traditional dentures are the way to go, this is what will likely happen:
Impressions will be taken
Your bite will be measured to see how your jaw lines up
You will have denture teeth set in wax so you get an idea of the general appearance and fit
Your will have at least one tooth “try-in” appointment for fit
Your dentures will be inserted after several weeks
The Procedure for Immediate Dentures
Impressions will be taken before extractions
Dentures will be created from a model of your current state
Dentures are delivered immediately following your teeth extractions
You will probably need several follow-up appointments for tweaking the fit because your mouth will change during the healing process
How will I know when to replace my dentures?
You will continue to see your dentist regularly even after you get your dentures. However, here are some things you could experience that may indicate that it’s getting to be time for new dentures, a rebase or a reline:
If your dentures start to feel looser
If you are experiencing any discomfort or pain
If there are any signs of infection or irritation
If they appear to be wearing down
If your face looks like it’s beginning to sink in
How do I clean my dentures?
It is just as important to clean your dentures as it is to clean your natural teeth! Keeping them free of tartar and plaque will lessen your chances of getting thrush or stomatitis. Your dentist will give you specific directions on how to care for your dentures, but in general, this is what you should do:
Clean your teeth twice a day! Before you put them in in the morning and after you take them out at night. It’s also a good idea to take them out and rinse them off after you eat to remove food particles.
Brush every part of your dentures and make sure you remove any residual adhesive from the teeth.
Remember that dentures can crack or break. Most people clean their dentures in a bathroom which has many hard surfaces! Get into the practice of lining your cleaning surface with a towel in case they slip out of your hands.
Clean your mouth every time you clean your dentures! Use a soft toothbrush on any remaining natural teeth and also clean the roof of your mouth, your tongue and your cheeks.
Don’t ever let your dentures dry out. Keep them in water or in your denture cleansing solution when they’re not in your mouth. Don’t ever use hot water because it can warp the dentures.
Soak your dentures overnight in a solution recommended by your dentist. Always rinse them off before putting them back in your mouth. And consider alternative cleaners like castile soap and baking soda (Arm & Hammer or any drugstore version works just fine, nothing fancy needed) as described in my previous post, The Disturbing Ingredient Hidden In Your Denture Cleanser.
Don’t use toothpaste or whitening products as they may be abrasive to your dentures.
Do not use bleach on your dentures!
Do not use toothbrushes with stiff bristles.
Never use hot or boiling water or put your dentures in the dishwasher!
While losing your natural teeth is not something anyone looks forward to, the good news is that dental care has come a long, long way and is continually making new strides. Today’s dentures are more comfortable, better looking and more durable than those of the past. And, with a reputable dentist and proper care on your part, you’ll soon consider your dentures a happy addition to your mouth!
Good luck!
Dr. Mark Burhenne
The post Dentures: Costs, Concerns and Considerations appeared first on Ask the Dentist.
from Ask the Dentist https://askthedentist.com/dentures/
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Adventures in Dentures
Week One.
A little back story. I’m a 47-year-old man, who has, for all of my adult life, had to deal with soft teeth that were constantly breaking. Eventually it reached a point where nothing more could be done to save them, my mouth was filled with crowns, partial denture plates, gaps and fillings.
So eventually enough was enough and on the advice of my dentist, I’ve had all my upper teeth removed and now have a full plate.
I’m not going to kid you, it was and indeed still is painful, the actual tooth removal wasn’t painful, the only thing I felt was the initial injections, but as soon as the injections wear off, you will feel a lot of pain. The good thing is it's a temporary pain, and will only last a few days to a week at most.
It's been 5 days since I had 14 teeth removed and my full plate fitted, the pain and swelling are starting to die down, and things are beginning to settle. Eating is still hard, not so much eating the actual food as chewing it. My gums still hurt and when the plate presses against it, it hurts, but it's getting better every day.
On day two after extraction, I had a dental appointment to check the fit of my intermediate dentures, it was a Thursday and my dentist didn’t want to leave me till the Monday to see if things were fitting correctly. In reality my temporary dentures were a little too big, and were rubbing against the top of my soft pallet and created a sore on the top of the mouth, this was more painful that my gums after the extraction, and took only a day to form, 3 days after my plate was adjusted it's still very painful, but thankfully my plate no longer rubs against the area and it's now healing.
Another thing I never know that could happen was a piece of bone that used to hold my teeth in place was left with a sharp edge after the extraction and this was rubbing against the inside of my gum, causing it to become sore against the denture, my dentist numbed me up and extracted the bone through the hole left behind from the extraction. As the bone was still attached, the dentist had to do a fair bit of pushing nd pulling to get it to break away from my cheekbone, and as a result, I have more bruising in this area than anywhere else.
But in the main, am I glad I got the work done? You bet I am, for the first time in my entire life I have a straight smile with white teeth and I can smile with confidence. My teeth looked so bad before I avoided photos and never smiled in them, in fact, they looked so awful my wife asked me not to smile in photos as I tended to ruin them if I smiled.
She also told me once, the only thing she would ever change about me would be my teeth. I’m not going to deny it, that hurt a lot, but it spurred me on to go to the dentist, for the first time in years to get the work down.
It’s been a long road of prep work at the dentist to get here, I've had approx 4 sets of impressions taken, loads of X-rays and teeth removed in stages to get to this point, and finally on Tuesday all my top teeth were removed and I started this new chapter in my life.
I've spent a long time learning how to smile, its been 10 years since my teeth looked ok, and now they look great. I learned today that instead of saying cheese in photos, say "Banana" it produces a more natural smile and allows they eyes to smile, making the photos look better.
If you need dentures and your thinking it over, or apprehensive about going ahead with them. Don't. Just do it if you’re like me, you won't regret it for a moment.
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