#she’s like an old sick feral cat who hates hates hates other ghosts
little-pondhead · 7 months
Idea I don’t wanna write but has been eating my brain for days:
Contrary to popular belief, Danny cannot get along with every spirit he meets, even after a round or two of fighting. Sometimes a spirit is too old, too physically far gone, too corrupted to see sense. Spirits like these are sick. They hoard curses like it’s gold and haven’t seen the green sky of the Zone in centuries. These spirits become the worst kind of ghosts; ones that are barely hanging onto their sanity by a thread and who actively seek to harm the living.
These are also the spirits that won’t respond to the King, no matter who it is. As such, it is the King’s duty to hunt down these spirits and either get them help by returning them to the Zone, or exterminate them.
Well, Danny is now the King. And the next ghost on his list is the Spirit of Gotham City.
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