polmcarts · 2 years
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New crime solvin duo
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spacedustpan · 2 months
I've spent all day imagining an au with Shizutan and Kuwahi to Shooting Star by the Bag Raiders.
I have a comic and an amv in my head.
General context for headcanon:
Most of it is on the Shizutan side if things and the most significant bits are pre-series.
The Shizutan is pretty fleshed out in my mind (as far as my typical headcanons go) and involves past family involvement with yakuza, spirit world sdf, demon world cartels, and the ever continuing theme of rivals you didn't know you were in love with dying unexpectedly young.
Sakyo is trans and has history with Shizuru and Botan in school and eventually the yakuza. Shizuru/Sakyo was definitely still a thing during the Dark Tournament and is Even More Tragic Now.
Botan and Shizuru and Sakyo were classmates and punks and were on a fast track for yakuza life especially since Shizurus father was already involved in the yakuza and (unknown to Botan and Sakyo) spirit and demon world affairs.
Botan's(former name Misora- Sora for short with loved ones) mom was similar to Yusuke's and Sakyo had a single father that had a penchant for beating him.
OK so here's the headcanon Background:
Shizuru and Sora/Botan were childhood friends via family yakuza connections often playing and babysitting Kazuma together but when Sakyo moves to the area from Tokyo in their last year of elementary school Shizuru develops a massive crush on him. Sora/Botan is, of course, upset because she loved Shizuru and was already in her life first. (What Shizuru didn't realize yet was that she loved Sora/Botan too. And she doesn't think Sora/Botan's feelings are genuine. She thinks Sora/Botan's affections and hurt are friendly/familial instead of romantic.)
As they go through middle school and their friendship deteriorates they start gangs of their own and Shizuru and Sora/Botan are always duking it out over some stupid bullshit argument. Sakyo seems detached but sees how much they actually love each other and can't find any reason to choose either over the other. They both have their good points.
Of the two of them only Shizuru seems interested in him but Sora/Botan gets very pretty in middleschool and uses that to her advantage to flirt with Sakyo purely to piss Shizuru off. Sakyo enjoys it of course because he likes both of them and Sora/Botan IS very pretty. They're both so very kind at heart and spend a lot of time with him which keeps him out of the house. He's always crashing at Shizuru's or Sora/Botan's.
There's a reason that Koenma thinks Kazuma would be a better Spirit Detective than Yusuke. He admires Mr. Kuwabara's work and depends on his intel. They've worked together for years since Mr. Kuwabara was a teen coming into his own psychic powers and their comraderie has only solidified since The Incident with Kazuma's mother.
One day the spirit world and demon world information dealing and undercover work Mr. Kuwabara is doing comes to a head in the worst possible way and a group if demons come after his family AGAIN.
When trying to kill the Kuwabaras via an attack on their home: Sora/Botan, who lives in the neighborhood, hears the explosion and sees the flames. She runs out of her apartment and does her best to run in and rescue the Kuwabara siblings. She makes way for them to escape the house fire but she can't get out herself. Caught by the collapsing second floor.
Shizuru and Kazuma can hear her dying pleas and her thinking of how much she loves Shizuru  and how she doesn't regret dying to save her but that that does regret never telling her how she feels. Sora/Botan hopes that Shizuru can be happy with Sakyo even if he is a rat bastard. He'll always be a friend and Shizuru deserves to be loved like the moon and stars.
It's just so loud. The anguish and pain and anger slams through both of the Kuwabara siblings. It's deeply scarring for them both. Not to mention seeing her immediately as a ghost before they're both dragged off with their father by the SDF.
Separating them before they can interfere with the reaping that suddenly and unexpectedly needs to take place.
Kazuma's memory is wiped by his father and one of his associates but since Kazuma is so young and Mr. Kuwabara is also very deeply affected by the incident he accidentally wipes everything of Sora/Botan from Kazuma's memory.
Shizuru chooses not to have her memory wiped. She wants to remember Botan forever. Which is again very upsetting and traumatic for Mr. Kuwabara and Shizuru. They can't even grieve her loss with him. She was like a second daughter to Mr. Kuwabara and a sister to Kazuma. They can't really explain why they're so upset so they have to settle on the familiar pain of the loss of their mother which is ALSO related to spirit world and demon world dealings but Kazuma doesn't know the details behind his mother's death. Mr. Kuwabara and Shizuru had decided to keep Kazuma out of other worldly issues as much as they could after they lost Mrs. Kuwabara.
After Sora/Botan's death, Shizuru and Mr. Kuwabara shut in on themselves and cut themselves off from human connections abruptly. Shizuru drops out of school that year (first year of High School) and goes for a cosmetology license to move on with her life and make the extra cash needed since their dad is throwing himself into his work and staying away from home more often than he's around.
Sakyo is never given information about Spirit and Demon world and isn't aware of the Kuwabaras psychic powers. He's aware of their nightmares and their seeming clairvoyance but that's mysticism that's easily explained.
When Shizuru pulls back from Sakyo she's furious with herself for somehow convincing herself that Sora/Botan's affection and love for her was anything other than romantic and she regrets how her feelings for Sakyo hurt Botan. She of course doesn't SAY any of that to him and just sort of shatters their friendship with a fight and cuts him off cold despite how much she still loved him. She's really going through it and not coping well at all. Shizuru blames herself for Sora/Botan's death and the misery sge assumes Sora/Botan dealt with for the last 4 years that shes was alive.
Shizuru has gotta focus on taking care of Kazuma. She doesn't have time to waste on a crush that wasn't going anywhere and only hurt the most important person in her life.
Sakyo has essentially lost both of the only people he actually gave a shit about in the space of a week and he was already on track to join the yakuza anyway. He joins and throws himself into it to dull the pain and stay away from home, while funding his transition. He helps with various yakuza front work as opposed to street brawling which he was never fond of anyway. He's always been the man with a plan.
Sakyo eventually gets more involved in the inner workings of the organization and through a series of betrayls ends up at the top. Working with Demon cartels and making contacts with Tarukane and the Toguro siblings.
He wonders idly if there was something more to the Kuwabaras until he ends up getting information from a secondary contact of Mr. Kuwabara's that confirms they're all psychic and information brokers. He pieces together that the fire wasn't a normal house fire and starts to blame Mr. Kuwabara for Sora/Botan's death and Shizuru's misery. Nothing would have happened if he'd kept out of demon cartel affairs.
When Sora/Botan died, Koenma of course pulled every string he could to make her a reaper. They didn't have a plan for her and weren't expecting her but after Sensui there was no way to swing for Spirit Detective. It'd be better to bide his time and wait for Kazuma to grow into his powers. So Koenma did what he could, but for bullshit red tape reasons the opportunity to be a reaper came at the cost of Sora/Botan's memories.
Botan can't remember her life as a human before she became a reaper. She thinks that she's from a different time period. These are false memories implanted upon her agreement to training and reaper work. She also looks completely different color palette wise (blue hair based off of her human name and pink eyes based off of her favorite flower peonies which is what she's now named after) but has all the same features.
The day Shizuru walks into Kazuma's room and sees Botan standing there she nearly has a heart attack. She'd recognize Sora anywhere. She immediately gives them space. She's not even sure what excuse she uses. She just knows that she has to get away. As time goes on, it's clear that Botan doesn't recognize or remember her. She tells her dad about it and he catches her up on Sora's enlistment as a reaper, what she had to give up to achieve that, and how Koenma has been favoring her as an assistant.
Shizuru is of course eternally bitter about Koenma seeing as he's managed to bring so much misery upon them all whether he means to or not. But she can't help how grateful she feels to see Sora/Botan again even if Kazuma has managed to get tied up in Koenma's bullshit now.
She sees how much Kazuma loves Yusuke and sees what she had with Botan in the past and she can't help but be happy for him that he got everything she wanted. She wishes him the best and lets him follow his path no matter where it leads him. She can only hope that he makes good choices and that his team will have his back.
Kazuma is the last person Sakyo ever expected to see again, much less fighting demons with an energy sword. Kazuma doesn't recognize him of course. He was so little and after a "head injury" during the house fire as a kid he doesn't remember much from around that time. Plus Sakyo looks markedly different as a grown man. Similar enough if you knew him pre transition or knew what his father looked like, but Kazuma wouldn't have any frame of reference.
Sakyo is shocked but has Toguro go after Kazuma with an invitation for Yusuke to the Dark Tournament after a quick assessment of the situation at hand. He's always been great at observing and reading people after all. If Kazuma's invited to the Dark Tournament, then there's no way he won't see Shizuru again. Of course she'll be there. Kazuma is everything to her. So he waits. What he doesn't expect to see is a girl with blue hair and pink eyes that's the spitting image of Sora when she passed.
Then the events from the Dark Tournament play out largely unchanged. Sakyo dies at the end of it all. No matter how much they love each other they took different paths. There was no way to rejoin. It was always meant to end this way, but they got to see each other again if only for a brief moment in time.
The rest of the series also passes largely unchanged from cannon. Shizuru takes her time to heal and become comfortable with Botan as we know her now. Botan reminds Shizuru of what Sora was like when they were kids. Of what Sora might have been like had they never gotten involved in delinquent activity as teens. She's just as sweet and bubbly as she was beneath all the bravado. It's easy to find herself relaxing into a warm if slightly detached friendship. She tries to keep Botan at arm's length because she doesn't know if she can keep a handle on her feelings for her.
Also Genkai knew more about the Kuwabara family that she never let slip during the series for a Variety of reasons. She ultimately got what she wanted and needed out of the tournament that she ran -seeing Kazuma- but ended up training Yusuke because of course with Koenma's interference of giving Yusuke powers and awareness of demons the little shit won the damn thing. And he clearly cares about the Kuwabaras so why not? She's still dead though. (More an au of the manga timeline vs anime timeline.)
As much as Koenma is a little shit, after everything that happened with Genkai and Toguro and Mrs. Kuwabara and Shizuru and Botan and Kazuma almost dying he has a whole fucking lot to make up for and he keeps trying to do his best to make it up to this family that keeps defying fate's plans and exceeding Spirit World's expectations. He has a huge soft spot for them.
So one day when she's scheduled to have her human form changed to more closely match with Kazuma and Kurama's current age range, he also returns Botan's memories to her (somehow through a loophole he and George have been working on hunting down for years) and of course the first thing she does is fly to Shizuru with a little radio like Kiki's delivery service playing a song only her and Shizuru (and Kazuma) would recognize. It's a spirit world radio and it's amplified while transmitting on a psychic frequncy specific to the Kuwabaras.
It's a familiar tune from a Sci-fi show they watched together as children while babysitting Kazuma. (I sorta envision it like Star Trek I assume someone had brought Star Trek to Japan by the 80s.)
Shizuru hears it, thinks it might be kazumas stereo but it sounds like its inside her mind. She extends her senses outside while she looks to the sky, and she senses that Botan is flying overhead.
Shizuru instantly knows that Sora/Botan remembers their past. She jumps out of bed, scrambles into boots, a jacket, and a helmet running out of the house, and hops on her motorcycle to fly after her as Sora/Botan flies through the skies above Sarayashiki. They're heading towards a place by some train tracks near the beach that they used to brawl at in middle school for their bigger fights. Shizuru's thinking the lyrics to herself a she rides. Botan has always been the shooting star that she couldn't quite catch up to. She'll be damned is she doesn't catch her this time.
(It's my AU so Shizuru gets a motorcycle 🏍 she'd be so cool riding one come on)
The Kuwahi is admittedly less detailed....
On his end, Hiei is using the Jagan to check that Kazuma is home and considering saying something to him.
When he establishes the connection he hears the song starting. It's one Kazuma shared with him as a favorite of his. One Kazuma had listened to since he was a child. Playing it on his stereo with the window open so Hiei could listen from the tree outside his window one warm summer evening.
Hiei thinks that might have been the first night that he started having feelings for Kazuma.
Kazuma's sentimental speeches have gotten to him somewhere along the way and he's developed his own sentimentality. He's developed a love of music. Listening outside Kazumas window to whatever he plays for him.
Hiei's grown an appreciation for so many things in life that he'd long let die by the wayside. Kazuma revived them. He only started putting the pieces together when he couldn't put down his anger at Yukina rejecting Kazuma for her one-sided love for Keiko (of course I worked that in here. If we're still doing ultimately doomed Yaoi then let's toss in some ultimately doomed Yuri while we're at it too y'all 🤷‍♀️.). It was bad enough that Kazuma had to hide his pain and resignation at The Detective's proposal to the girl, did his own sister have to fall for her and break Kazuma's heart too? Were Kazuma's declarations and patience and kindness not enough?
Before Hiei started the connection, Kazuma had been up thinking about his feelings for Hiei and how they'd been growing since he'd let go of Yukina. How close they've gotten as teammates and friends. How he's slowly grown to love him over the years but isn't sure what to do about it.
Kazuma feels a familiar psychic connection and starts to hear the music. He assumes that Hiei is the one sending it. That's new. Typically when Hiei contacts him via psychic connection it's an emergency message or communication of information over long distance during a mission.
Hiei sends a few short words telling Kazuma that he's deeply important to him and asking Kazuma to follow him. The emotions conveyed in the connection make it clear that its some form of love and longing and not just the comraderie they've always had. Kazuma looks out the window and sees Hiei fly off the roof ringed in moonlight against a backdrop of stars. He jumps out of bed, into some shoes, and is down and out of the door chasing after Hiei as he feels the distance grow in their connection. He ends up singing the lyrics in their connection while chasing Hiei across town and through the surrounding forest as his own half of this confession. Hiei has always been a shooting star to him. He just needs to catch up.
Both chase scenes are happening at the same time because universal timing I guess lmao. Also Kazuma and Shizuru didn't notice each other leaving because they were so caught up in the moment lmao. Shizuru got out the door last and didn't hear Kazuma running out because she was scrambling for her boots and jacket.
Kazuma also has a motor cycle for the record it just wouldn't make sense to ride it where he's chasing Hiei.
Idk what do you think Shizutan and Hieibara shippers do I have anything here?
I can't write so all I can do is give a rundown of scenes. 🤷‍♀️
If someone likes this and wants to write or draw this please by all means! 💖 I give this AU headcanon freely. I don't have the skill or talent to write or draw anything with it.
I just wanted to at least share it in case it made someone else happy to think on.
I think I'm calling this the Tragic Biker Shizutan AU since the Kuwahi is more of an afterthought.
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dearratboii · 1 year
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These two aren’t talked about enough
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lola1b · 2 years
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They’re on a date. Shizuru is looking at Botan licking that lolipop like 👀
Commission info
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thekingofthieves · 2 years
22A. Do you want children with your partner? Why or why not?
I apologize if this is too personal of a question!
Oh, haha, most certainly not. 😅 I suppose that's one of the few things that's stayed consistent through my life. I've always found the idea of having a child unappealing, and the thought of pregnancy is particularly perturbing to me. It still makes me uncomfortable to think about, even though it's not a possibility for me ever since I sought out a sex change early on in my life.
Perhaps I'm simply too selfish to want to devote myself to raising a whole other being... I'd much rather focus my attention at home solely on Hiei. It's honestly blissful having so much alone time with him. ♡ I just hope my choice to not have children won't disappoint my mother. 😥 I know that she looks forward to grandkids someday. Perhaps Kokoda will deliver on that front at some point... Though I'm not sure what his plans may be for that, or if he even has any thoughts on it yet. Hm, actually... My mother has taken such a shining to my best friends, I bet she'll adopt any of their future kids as her own grandchildren, haha.
I know Keiko and Yusuke are planning to have kids. They're not really actively trying for it though. They've said they're not in any sort of rush, just going to "let it happen when it happens." Yukina and Kuwabara have expressed their desire for children as well- hoping for twins, actually-but Yukina isn't quite ready for that yet.
In all honesty... I am kind of excited for the day those two have kids. Ah, I hope that doesn't sound like I don't care about Yusuke and Keiko also having kids though! That's far from the truth! I just have a lot of anticipation for the prospect of Hiei becoming an uncle... He has expressed our shared aversion to the thought of having kids- or for him, being around them in general, haha- but I just know that he'd be a wonderful uncle. If he allows himself to be one, that is... I hope by then he'll have finally told Yukina of their relation... I already consider my best friends like they're my own kin, and I'd love for Hiei to be able to experience that joy with his sister, especially once their family starts growing. Really, the thought of Hiei cradling his niece or nephew really just warms my heart. And I know deep down how much he would desire to be a part of their life, and desires the same with his sister as well...
Ah, but regardless of how the future will unfold, it makes me really happy that our little family will be expanding soon. 😊 Even if I don't want to raise children myself, I'll be more than happy to be an uncle to them. Seems Botan and Shizuru will be in the same position, they're not interested in having kids either. Though, it likely wouldn't be very viable for them anyways, as Botan needs to be able to leave at a moments notice for her job as a reaper.
Also no worries! I don't mind questions like this at all. :)
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peonyreaper · 8 months
nevermind me, I just miss this silly goofy best girl right here
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tokkias · 7 months
nalu fluff fic rec list a list of my personal favourite fluffy reads on ao3! (+ a few of my own too :])
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* indicates my must reads :]
Anything For You by goldviolet Despite Natsu's childish desire to know anything and everything, he's decided that there are somethings he's okay with not knowing.
Eye of the Beholder by madartiste Natsu realizes something about Lucy after seeing her in her old habitat.
your heart, my heart by aitnes * "Is that how you want to fall in love?" He asks, drowsily, quietly. She jerks around, staring at him for what feels like an eternity. Emotions brim brightly in the brown of her eyes, as if she's about to give up the most important, vulnerable part of her. As if all that she's ever wanted was to give it to him. "Yeah." Her voice, no louder than a whisper. "Yeah, I think so." Of windows, seasons, and slow change.
it takes two (it takes us) by aitnes She throws her arms over his shoulders, her fingertips brushing across the back of his neck and setting his skin on fire, and suddenly nothing is funny anymore. The team goes undercover at a ball for a mission, but Natsu winds up catching a little bit more than rogue mages.
The Colours Are Brighter, When I'm With You by RyuuSha * They say that you see the world differently when you’re in love. Lucy supposed that was true enough.
i’ll make you a promise (watch you dance with your keys) by tetsuryu * She cracks her whip across the earth and he thinks he might be in love.
what it feels like to fall in love by tokkias "Natsu?" "Yeah?" There’s a brief pause between when he responds and when she manages to articulate a reply. She looks almost contemplative, as though she hasn’t thought her question through or perhaps, that she doesn’t know if she even wants to ask at all. "Do you think you’ve ever been in love?"
Something Bubbly, Something Blue by madartiste Natsu discovers that he likes weddings.
Natural Progression by snickerdoodlles Epiphanies sucked. They made idiots boyfriend material and her mind more perverted than a trashy romance novel.
Your Hands Are Warm by chikachoo Lucy discovers that absence does make the heart grow fonder. Contrary to what she would have everyone believe.
A Matter of Time by shizutans You don’t know much about the stars, but you are certain in your belief that she is a supernova. Her gentle touches are explosions on your skin, and all you can see is her. She is blinding.
a thousand red roses by natsudragneelswh0re Natsu and Lucy come back from a mission that puts pressure on not only them, but also their relationship. There only seems to be one option to resolve their conflict, but the 'only option' seems to be different to either party.
ten baby dragons (or less) by tokkias Making a family of his own is not something Natsu had ever given much thought to, but as he holds one of the guild's tiniest new additions in his arms he catches a glimpse into his future.
Amazing by Kaleidoscope_777 Natsu and Lucy's monthly routine is interrupted by a seemingly harmless question.
Post-Job Rituals by GemmaRose It's not something they've ever really talked about, but Natsu has long since stopped being surprised when Lucy pulls his head into her lap to play with his hair after a job well done.
i would say all of this, but i don't wanna ruin the moment by luckymio * As he sat on his bed, only the sounds of his fingers clicking against the controller, the monsters in his game groaning, even though the game was paused, and the flipping of pages, he realized that he couldn’t remember a time where he wasn’t in love with Lucy. It had always been him and her, Natsu and Lucy, them. Always them.
Furry by TheTinyFoxtail Lucy's embarrassed, Natsu's gone too far, and Happy's always in the wrong place at the wrong time. No, this wasn't what Lucy had pictured her first kiss with Natsu to be like.
night drives by luckymio Those nights were magic. For him, they were magic. Lucy’s face in the side mirror, her eyes gentle, slightly dazed, and trained on the blurry houses and apartments. She would sing softly, close to a whisper, her voice almost drowned out from the sound of tire against pavement. But he heard it, because he never focused on the music, because he only focused on her.
taking the hint by tokkias In which Natsu tries his best to let Lucy knows how he feels, but she just can't seem to take the hint.
Winter by bumblebeehugs Lucy has the worst morning known to human kind, until Natsu comes to her rescue. (but you should read the whole Lovely Seasons series anyway)
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spiritdumbass · 2 years
hey y’all i’m bringing this blog back from the dead bc i think i’m participating in the upcoming yyh big bang and i’m looking up shizutan and yyh as reference :))
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polmcarts · 2 years
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spacedustpan · 1 month
I've come to an impass because now I'm trying to nail down motorcycles for the characters that ride them and I'm trying to find period accurate ones loosely compatible with the riders heights instead of just popping them on modern ones because it's important to me.
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funzos · 3 years
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now botan and shizuru 💘
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lola1b · 2 years
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lines done for the shizutan date time
shizuru is looking at botan licking that lolipop and having naughty thoughts
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osedaxed · 3 years
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first of two pieces i did for @yyhlgbtzine last year! we love lesbians
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Hey so about the Shizutan Tragic Biker AU and the one sided Yukieiko:
⬆️ This is one of the cases Yukina is working with Keiko.
Is it really ethically sourced? Informants whisper no. 👎
The Bayside Butcher from 20 years previous is at it again; but who could have known there was a demon connection to the serial murders from 20 years ago?
And what does Mr. Kuwabara know about this case?
In case it was lost in the the previous posts: Post-canon has entailed Shizuru, Kazuma, Hiei, and Touya training Yukina in combat.
She's also taken some training in stealth and enforcement from Mr. Kuwabara, Kurama, Botan, and Koenma.
She's working alongside Botan on less dangerous cases that are centered in Ningenkai involving lower level demons (for now - she's Hiei's twin don't tell me she couldn't be just as strong if she wanted to be). Keiko and Shizuru will team up with Yukina on occasion. The frequency that Keiko teams up has been steadily increasing since she finished college and started working with her parents.
She and Keiko often use their soft and innocent looks to their advantage to catch marks off guard before delivering an assbeating they won't forget.
Her bike is a black Kawasaki Ninja ZX-11 that Shizuru helped her to customize. It's got decals in mint, purple, and white decals. Very 90s.
I will make a separate post about motorcycles and I am changing my mind slightly I think. Anyway
I have an idea of how to rope the Shounan Bakusouzoku crew into this via the cold case and ties to Mr. Kuwabara. Namely that it's one of Mr. Momoyama's cold cases and that Mr. Kuwabara, Yoshishige, and Mako were all involved in.
But also in present day Kakuji has been snatched and the boys are following leads to find him with Yoshishige and Mako's help which of course leads them to Mr. Kuwabara, Koenma, and extended Team Urameshi.
Yusuke, Yousuke, Kazuma, Akira, and the rest of the Shounan Bakusouzoku boys are getting along famously almost instantly.
I want to edit this more or add more but I'm posting it now lol.
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meatlessmcmuffin · 4 years
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love is love <3
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