#shout out to my brain for editing ‘wolfwood’ so many times it ceased to sound like a proper name
kosmiccarma · 10 months
wolfwood who is the protector eldest child adult
wolfwood who uses leashes for all the younger kids that he has to protect watch over when they get monitored for outside playtime
wolfwood who is the one to call roll and do a headcount and keep his own head on a swivel to keep all of his babies ducklings in a row
wolfwood who is the one to break up fights before they get too physical and endures the wrath of sharp kiddie teeth and jagged nails and spitted insults and small bodies overfilled with gumption and heartbreak
wolfwood who is the one to fetch ms. melanie for boo-boo plasties and rub away the hurt and maybe if the waterworks are used impressively enough he’ll give a quick kiss to make the pain fade away in an instant the kids swear it’s magic
wolfwood who is the boy that cares too much he swears it’s never enough
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