onenatroll · 5 years
OMG! How did I miss this! You are absolutely spoiling me with both the cozy couple and the hidden shachou!!!!!
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Happy New Years @onenatroll !! I hope you like my @yugiohsecretsantaevent gift! I really loved your prompt and I had many ideas but I dont have the time xox .I’ve planned to redraw a scene from season 0 but with fluffy jackets because how hilarious would that look? this isnt that lol but I hope you like these drawings instead!
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onenatroll · 5 years
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Sorry this came out so late @i-can-and-i-want! Wasn’t in time for the festivities but I hope you have a great 2019!! (and thanks for giving me an excuse to draw Takeru and Yusaku ^ ^)
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onenatroll · 5 years
omg nat you're alive! Happy new year :D *goos you over
Anon...how mysterious...
Happy new year!!! Here’s to a 2019 basked in glorious shachou and neon pink filopodia 🐙🐙🐙
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onenatroll · 5 years
ive loved your art for ages now. do you have plans to move your work to other platforms and/or do you already exist on other social media in case tumblr deletes you in its "mature media" panic? id hate to miss out on future works.
I have a twitter @spicytunatroll that I use to post random doodles that don’t really warrant a Tumblr post. Tbh you’re not missing much unless you also know about my nsfw side blog, which I’ll migrate over >.>
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onenatroll · 5 years
Hello! I was looking for the dj Ochiru de Harada but I can’t find it in English on any page and you are the only ones that scanned it 😭 Did you upload it in English to some other page?
Oh man this was ages ago! I don’t think the other person posted it online (Tumblr was broken for me back then and I don’t think it went anywhere?) but I still have the files if you want to just shoot me a PM and I can send them to you...?
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onenatroll · 5 years
Are you still going to post art here? Or on some other site?
This blog yes, but the nsfw side blog and all future content on it will be migrated to twitter instead. 
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onenatroll · 5 years
Is daily-pharaoh on hold for the time being ?
It’s on hold till I have more time, sorry about the misleading title! It’s named as such because I tend to update it in bursts (read: spam) as opposed to...well, legit daily blogs that keep a steady stream of updates.
Besides, I don’t really want to hog the URL all to myself, especially during the current hiatus, so please feel free to PM me if you are interested in a daily pharaoh blog and want the URL?
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onenatroll · 6 years
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Cat’s Tarot Team is proud to announce our list of participating artists for Equivalent Exchange - An Fullmetal Alchemist tarot deck!!
Artists have been very hard at work on their cards and merch for the past 2 months and we’re all very excited to show you the final product!
Artists previews will begin being posted on Nov. 15th and will be shared on this blog so make sure to be on the lookout for them.
Kickstarter begins Dec. 1st!! More updates will come out as we get closer to the date.
Artist links can be found below the cut:
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onenatroll · 6 years
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Additional Character: +50% base price
Backgrounds: simple ones (gradients, flat washes, patterns etc.) are included, but I may charge an extra 50%-100% of the base price for more complex/detailed ones.
Other things that may incur extra expenses include especially complex character designs or composition.
▼Keep Reading▼ for details if you are interested! Or treat me to some hot choco on Ko-Fi instead if you like my draws :9 (sorry I’m not big on coffee u.u)
Slots Filled: 3/3
Wait List: 0
Send an email to [email protected] with as much of the following information as possible:
The type of commission you’d like to order
Reference images
Pose/mood/expression/inspirational prompts/any elements you’d like to see, such as a specific set of colors or patterns like stripes and hearts
Don’t worry about going overboard with your description! The more info you provide the more it helps ^ ^ Alternatively, you can choose to leave things up to my own interpretation and I’ll do my best to fill in the blanks.
I will get back to you within 48 hours (if not, PM me to check spam). Once we agree on a price, I will send you an invoice. Payment is upfront, in USD, and Paypal only. I will start working on the commission after it has been paid in full.
☆ You are also welcome to talk to me through PM! Though I still prefer emails for log keeping reasons.
All commissions are for personal use only.  Under no circumstances can you redistribute them under your own or another individual’s name, nor can you sell them for profit. I reserve full rights to my works.
I have the right to refuse the commission if I am uncomfortable with the subject requested, or if I feel it’s beyond my skill level. I don’t draw mecha or extensive machinery; there are many artists much better suited for the job.
I do not do refunds after I have started working on your piece. Please only consider commissioning me when you are ready!
Thank you for reading!!
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onenatroll · 6 years
saw your atem painting on my dashboard and instantly follow bc holy cow thats so gorgeous!! thank you for existing ahhhhh
Ooooh thank you so much!!!✨✨✨ I’m still really proud of that piece ^ ^ 
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onenatroll · 6 years
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onenatroll · 6 years
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onenatroll · 6 years
🙏 blessed are your revolvers and the joy they bring
It’s a joy to draw him too despite his dumb mask (THERE I said it!!!), thank you for your kind message ^ ^!!!
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onenatroll · 6 years
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Slowly getting the hang of that stu- I mean stylish mask 
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onenatroll · 6 years
Hi! Hello, you wouldn't happen to have a twitter would you? Would love to RT your amazing art there too ;3;
@spicytunatroll is my twitter! Though admittedly it's not very well kept at all compared to tumblr. Do feel free to poke me over there if you don't mind the occasional spam retweets I do ^ ^;;
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onenatroll · 6 years
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slay me with those heels
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onenatroll · 6 years
Hi! I just wanted to say your art is stunning! I know you said requests are closed, I’m just curious - do you ever open commissions and if not, have you considered it? o:
Thank you so much!!! ^u^ Requests are closed because I still have a small backlog to work through; I will open it up again on some other special occasion, but there’s no telling when that���ll be ^ ^;
Regarding commissions, the short answer is yes, I do take commissions now! I haven’t made a post about it for various reasons so all communication has been through PM so far, but I will make one soon (I feel like I’ve said this to people quite a few times already…I’m sorry, I’ll stop procrastinating and seriously get to it).
Though this does bring up a good question I’ve been wondering for a while: what kind of commission would you like to see me offer? My style varies quite a bit from anime-esque flat colors to something that’s more rendered or anywhere in between. Do you want super polished works? Or something more rough? If I list all of them as different options there would be way too many to count and not really worth the effort to put price tags on, or is that just my opinion? Should I go with that anyway, or settle for something more flexible that’s open to negotiations?
Feedback and suggestions would be lovely and very much appreciated🙏🙏🙏
Have another oekaki in the meantime
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