#shut up jazi
enhypens-hoe · 3 months
b.n.d. ugh👙 - sim jaeyun
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⋆。゚☁︎。𐙚 summary: Your neighbor who is still kind of new isn't so subtle about his glancing. He's attractive but he's a creep. Jake won't give up until you want him, good thing you don't want him... right?
pair: neighbor!jake x neighbor!femalereader
warnings: cursing, creepy/perv jake? (not a stalker just has a massive crush) smut, + more coming
★ starring: twices' Sana, staycs' Isa, newjeans' Hanni, lesserafims' Yunjin + more
series: 80’s love
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"Are your eyes gonna fall out sim?" You yell out not even bothering to look behind you. You know the boy has been staring out of his window even before your friends got here. Your friends just laugh as you just continue to look at your magazine mostly unphased but a little annoyed.
Turning your head still sitting in your chair you see Jake walking away from his window. You huff looking back at the paper staring at it blankly before slamming the magazine shut.
“Your little boyfriend looked like he was going to rip our eyes out for looking at you in a bathing suit.” Sana laughs picking up a grape and popping it in her mouth. You roll your eyes shaking your head. “Don’t pay attention to Jake Sim he can’t keep his eyes to himself.” Hanni informs the girls.
“Yeah literally, you know how our bedroom windows are right across from each other?” mhm your friends say in unison “Well he and his friends were literally looking out of his window into mine while I was changing out of my gym clothes.” your friends collectively throw out some oh hell no and ouuu’s after you finish your sentence.
ring ring…. ring ring… ugh are my parents seriously calling again? you think to yourself jogging inside to pick up the phone. Isa turns up the music outside as Yunjin throws herself in the pool and Sana paints her toenails with Hanni.
What you don’t know is that Jake is watching your every move, biting his lip as your ass recoils while you jog inside.
“Hello?” you speak into the house phone. “Hey” wait no… this better not fucking be “Jake Sim? How did you get my number?” he just laughs playing with his phone cord.
“You know you’re such a fucking weirdo Jake. You don’t even hide how desperate you are.” you tell him trying to sound calm but inside you’re fuming. “Who said I was trying to hide it? Oh, and can you wear this bathing suit again? It makes your ass look really good. The one you wore yesterday covered too much” your jaw drops and before you can reply the line beeps letting you know that the brat hung up.
Slamming the phone back on the rack you walk outside, and all attention is turned to you. “Who was it? Why is your face red” Yunjin questions you popping her head out from the pool, goggles clinging to her wet hair. “It was nothing come on let's see who can swim the fastest” you quickly reply.
ugh Jake Sim is gonna be the death of you…
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jazi’s note: hey guys so this teaser isn’t the best either but i hope it gets you excited for me to release this one-shot too!! reblogs, comments, and likes are very appreciated!!
taglist: @sunkislove (open)
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@enhypens-hoe 2024 - do not steal copy or translate
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sfnewsvine · 2 years
Coroner Backlog Delays Funeral for Teen Brothers Killed in Oakland NBC Bay Area
The household of two teenagers killed at a home social gathering in Oakland earlier this month needed to delay the funeral on the final minute as a result of autopsies aren’t accomplished. Alameda County Sheriff’s Workplace Coroner’s Bureau mentioned the delay in beginning the boys’ autopsies is because of a scarcity of medical doctors. “It feels actually soul crushing,” mentioned Melani Garcia, the boys’ cousin. “For us, having a funeral in a well timed vogue is likely one of the most significant steps in therapeutic and shifting ahead. And I really feel like we cannot correctly do this.” It has been greater than two weeks since brothers 15-year-old Angel and 17-year-old Jazy Sotelo Garcia had been shot and killed. Alameda County Sheriff’s Workplace Sgt. Erik Bordi mentioned the coroner’s bureau has been backlogged for a 12 months and the current spike of violence in Oakland has solely made it worse. “I have been right here 10 years. I’ve by no means seen it shut to love this,” Bordi mentioned. “There’s a nationwide scarcity of pathologists, that coupled with a rise in murder deaths, violent crimes, overdoses with fentanyl — it is simply resulting in a backlog.” Out of 35 pending autopsies, 13 are from homicides. Additionally including to the delay is most pathologists should be flown in from different states. The household of two youngsters, killed in a home social gathering on Oct. 2, are pushing again the funeral due to a backlog on the Alameda County’s coroner’s workplace. Velena Jones takes a better have a look at the story. Typical autopsies are accomplished in a single to 3 days. In Alameda County, that timeframe is now two to 3 weeks or longer — one thing Bordi mentioned is out of their management. “I might find it irresistible if I might bump everybody up the checklist so all households might get their funerals achieved on time,” Bordi mentioned. “However then it’s not truthful to a different member of the family, so it has been very tough.” A delay grieving members of the family mentioned solely provides to their ache. “I simply can’t cease considering of the truth that their our bodies are simply laying within the morgue once they may very well be laid to relaxation appropriately,” Garcia mentioned. The Alameda County Sheriff’s Workplace mentioned the boys’ post-mortem is scheduled for Thursday pending any problems. Supply hyperlink Originally published at SF Newsvine
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doberbutts · 4 years
C/P from a group regarding inclusivity in the dog world, an interesting discussion I had to comment on:
I am a black balanced- LIMA- trainer. I have stated, in the past, that being militant regarding +R training is a problem rooted in racism as well as furthering problems that disproportionately affect disadvantaged groups. For some examples:
Cost. Already stated higher in the thread, but dog training costs money and so does higher education. I have a dog that needs to be trained. Which will I do: buy a choke chain for $10 at my local Walmart, or sign up for dog training classes at PetSmart for over $100? A clicker might only cost $1 but no one knows how to use them.
Time. Balanced/heavy handed board-and-trains might be several thousands of dollars, but people really like the idea of their dog being perfectly behaved in two weeks. Petco's training classes are structured for it to take AT LEAST eighteen weeks for you to get to CGC, despite being 10% of many board and train facilities' cost. If my dog is screaming in its crate while I'm out and I'm in a rental, I cannot wait however many weeks it will take for +R to get that behavior to stop.
Perception. I am a black person with a doberman. I am viewed as dangerous with my well behaved, quiet dog at a strict heel. Now try that same picture with my dog pulling, lunging, barking, acting a complete fool. Knowing that most dog owners do not know how to train the dogs they have, and knowing that most PoC are well aware of how a badly behaved dog makes them look to other people, can you really be surprised that someone wants results as cheaply and quickly as possible?
Complications. So you have a young GSD who's a bit of a punk with other dogs and you need to contact someone to fix the problem. Well, PetSmart and PetCo both say that they can't take a dog with aggression issues, so your cheaper options are out. Now what do you do? You want your chihuahua to be nicer to strangers that come into your home, but the local trainer says they don't have the insurance to handle bite risks. Now what? While us in the industry know how to locate someone who IS capable of handling these more complicated problems when the easy options are out, most people don't even realize that other options exist.
Ignorance. This is both regarding the owner AND the trainers giving advice. In an area with incredibly strict BSL laws, I had a client once with a pit bull who I can only describe as happy-aggressive. He was so happy to see people that he would lose control and start landing several level 3-4 bites if he could reach them. The owner had asked her family for advice and they told her to get an E-collar. She went to PetCo for an E-collar and was told by the trainer there that E-collars are exactly the same as using a taser, and thus she should buy dog training, except her dog was aggressive so she couldn't buy dog training there. Would you believe this woman, ignorant and feeling out of options, started using her taser on her dog? To this day I'm impressed she didn't kill him doing that before someone gave her my number. The kicker is that this woman didn't even seek out this dog, her kids brought him home and she felt too bad for him to give him to a rescue because the laws in the area called for him to be euthanized. The family was black, in a mostly-black area, and the trainer who gave her such shockingly disingenuous advice was white.
Available dogs. It's something I've spoken about before, but if you KNOW you are dealing with a population that is frequently forced into poverty, why are we surprised that most are not getting pedigreed purebred dogs with nice genetic temperament? They rescue, but with the rising rescue costs of 400-600$ in some areas, many just get the free dog from a friend's litter or pay a hundred or so for a dog they saw on craigslist or whatever. Then we consider the breeds of these dogs- majority of the "pet overpopulation" is going to be chihuahua types and pit bull types, both of which can be weird with dogs and humans if genetic temperament and socialization is poor, and we put them into the hands of someone who doesn't actually know what they're doing. Here in New England a lot of dogs are imported from the South or even from other countries, and they're sick or shy or aggressive and are going home before any of these problems are even remotely close to being fixed. Now I have clients who are spending all of their money making sure their dogs are healthy and are at their wits' end because this dog they love so much is attacking their neighbor's kids.
Speaking as someone who doesn't use +P on my dogs outside of an NRM until they're over a year old, and only if that's required (outside of emergencies), yes, it's true, the majority of pet dogs are perfectly trainable with +R ideals IF they are mentally stable IF they are in capable hands IF there are no additional complications IF the person is willing to invest the time and money into these things. But many times people seek out dog training AFTER the dog has an ingrained bad habit, and the person needs that habit to stop NOW.
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ofelvesandmusings · 7 years
That mental illness feel: I've wanted to be dead for a while, but I won't actively try to achieve that status. I just wouldn't do much to stop it from happening, either.
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selisekinsolving · 5 years
It was just after ten bells and she had replaced her typical chamomile tea with a small black coffee from The Keg. With her appointments done for the day, Selise settled into the paperwork covering the surface of her desk, the topics ranging from patient file updates to inventories and ordering. With Cherysa out of the office, she was back to a one woman operation, but that wasn’t why she had been staying late.
Every jingle of the bells on the door had her looking towards the visitor with hope that she’d see Chery staring back at her, even if it was really Fox. Time was running out to get Cherya back to normal without any negative side effects from Fox’s magic.
If Chery is still alive.
Selise’s nose wrinkled as she took a sip of the bitter drink. She should’ve told Jazi the full story, but even she didn’t want to believe it, not to that degree. If Fox wanted something more than just a chance to gloat, he wouldn’t get rid of his only bargaining chip and she suspected he wouldn’t have hurried out of the office as fast as he did if he truly just wanted to rub it in her face.
The bells rang and she looked up quickly. Terah quickly rushed through the door that Nick was holding open. The young Draenei’s horns were barely visible over the edge of Sel’s desk before she pulled herself up into a chair.
Selise offered a small smile in response, but looked up at Nicholas. “See anything?”
He shook his head and shut the door. “No.”
“Where’s Corny?”
Selise frowned and looked back to Terah. “He’s helping clean up.”
“Is he doing a bad job?”
“No, why?” The words were barely out of her mouth before Terah had slipped out of her seat and made a beeline for the hallway. “Terah, stay out here please.”
“It’s faster with more people.”
“I’ll be done in a few minutes.”
“You said that yesterday.” Terah was a pro at pouting when she wanted to and she wasn’t wrong.
“I know, but I need to finish this first.” Selise glanced at Nick.
“If you actually change that thing’s name to ‘Corny’, I’ll give you more than a few minutes.” He replied and pulled out a chair by the desk.
Selise rolled her eyes and Terah started to protest almost simultaneously from where she had refused to move away from the hallway. Nick didn’t comment to intervene and she wasn’t entirely surprised; she had a suspicion she was outnumbered.
“Ten minutes,” Selise said. “Then we can go, but if you make me come down the hallway to get you, it’s going to take longer.”
There was a moment of debate. Terah rocked back on her heels and looked down the hallway curiously towards the faint sounds of movement. She let out an exaggerated sigh and came back to the original chair she had sat down in. Pulling herself up she looked over the surface of the desk and then over to Nick who had brought over one of the books from the waiting area. Neither things looked interesting.
“What are you doing?”
“Writing down what I did today.”
Apparently that wasn’t the right answer. “But you do that at home!”
Selise could feel her patience starting to wear thin. Her explanation came out in a harsh tone. “Today I’m doing it here.”
“So you won’t have to do it at home?” The excitedness in Terah’s question made Sel bite back her annoyance. She looked up to see Terah staring at her expectantly. As soon as she nodded, the child’s expression broke into a large, bright smile as she attempted to contain her fidgeting and keep her butt in her seat. “Okay!”
Selise forced her attention back onto the file in front of her and wrote out another summary, which only took the better part of three minutes. When she stole a glance back up across the desk, Terah was preoccupied with a flickering ball of Light in her hands.
Nick gave her a knowing look and she sighed. Setting the pen off to the side, she tucked the loose papers back into their files and stacked them neatly before getting to her feet and gathering her things. By the time she turned back around, Terah was already halfway to the door.
Selise drew out the process of getting her coat and gloves on, checking on Cor in the back, and making sure everything was secure for the night. Upon locking the front door, she followed the two down the front steps, but paused and gave another look around the area, a frown tugging at the corner of her mouth.
“She’ll show up eventually, luv.”
Nick’s statement drew her back to the present and she nodded, moving to join him.
@laivindur @cherysaamberstill
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flushthethrone · 3 years
(Southern Vangard) Episode 274 - Southern Vangard Radio
BANG! @southernvangard #radio Ep274: COVID-19 Edition 56! Don’t fret Vangardians, we’re back to finish up 2020 properly. It goes without saying - this COVID-19 ish is real ya’ll. Doe had to shut things down for two weeks after it hit his entire household - this isn’t the type of thing to take lightly and power through, and as you know, family is always first here at Southern Vangard Radio. Thankfully, everyone is recovering well, and it’s back to Meeks & Doe rap shenanigans this week. We have a few WORLD EXCLUSIVES from our interview session guest this week, MAYHEM of EMS, who has a banging new album dropping Dec 29 with production duo SOULSLICERS - you can check a preview of the interview at the end of the mix until the full drops on Thursday (yeah, we’re even dropping on Christmas Eve, go figure). We also have a dope mid-mix interview with our good friends Señor Kaos & Illastrate, who have a new album out now called “KINGS OF VICE”, stream / cop it immediately! Quit ya’ horsin’ around now, press play and giddy up ‘cause it’s that #SmithsonianGrade #TwiceAWeek #WeAreTheGard // southernvangard.com // @southernvangard on #applepodcasts #stitcherradio #soundcloud #mixcloud #youtube // #hiphop #rap #undergroundhiphop #boombap #DJ #mixshow #interview #podcast #ATL #WORLDWIDE #RIPCOMBATJACK
Recorded live December 20, 2020 @ Dirty Blanket Studios, Marietta, GA
@southernvangard on #applepodcasts  #soundcloud #youtube #spotifypodcast #googlepodcasts #stitcherradio  #mixcloud #SmithsonianGrade #TwiceAWeek #WeAreTheGard
twitter/IG: @southernvangard @jondoeatl @cappuccinomeeks
Talk Break Inst. - "Hurrwegoh" - Ohbliv ft. Bradford Thomas
"Hallelujah" - Mayhem [of EMS] X Soulslicers ft. Red Pages ** WORLD EXCLUSIVE **
"Fam Business" - Mayhem [of EMS] X Soulslicers ft. Don Streat & Baltimore S.O.N. ** WORLD EXCLUSIVE **
"Blur" - Mayhem (of EMS), A.F.R.O [prod. Sqreeb]
"No Fake Love" - Teflon [prod. Jazi Moto, cuts DJ Eclipse]
"Caviar & Sardines" - Big Tone ft. Quelle Chris & Denmark Vessey
"Daydream And Eat" - Moka Only
"Train of Thought" - Dug Boogie ft. Supastition
"Covid Canceled Christmas" - King Magnetic x Tone Spliff ft. Tom Sav
Talk Break Inst. - ""Then I Found You" - Ohbliv
Interview Inst. - "Give It Up" / "Oh Joy" - Illastrate
"Stupid Moves" - Senor Kaos & Illastrate ft. Notorious Grizzz
"Rap Phenomenon" - Sixman ft. J Scienide
"Take Two" - Tha Joint [Joey Golden & Jonathan UniteUs] ft. Slot-A, Since9ine6ix & Philmore Greene
"Tropical Forest For The Trees" - CrossLakes
"Glowing Mic" - Gang Starr
"Empty Place" - Balt Getty & Chino XL
"Chain Swangin" - The Hidden Character aka ??? x Mr. Rose
Talk Break Inst. - "Talk To Me" - Ohbliv
"The D.O.C." - Murs & DJ Fresh
"Ameenah39s Van" - Conway
"Disposal" - Asun Eastwood x Wizdome Bunitall ft. Estee Nack
"Motion Picture" - King Bliss & Finn ft. Raz Fresco & Rigz
"Olympic Stamps" - DJ Muggs ft. Cappadonna
"Hell Or High Water" - Ransom & Nicholas Craven ft. Flee Lord, Rome Streetz, Eto & Rigz
"Pharoah Chain" - Planet Asia & The Musalini [prod. Vanderslice]
"Study Da Champ" - Rigz & Futurewave ft. Vinnie Paz, Daniel Son & Mooch
"Bodies In The Hudson" - Cousin Feo x Lord Juco [prod. Big Ghost Ltd.]
"C4" - Shady Ray & G4 Jag ft. Flee Lord
"9/11" - Harbor Kidz [Jamil Honesty x Squeegie O] [prod jprbeatz]
"John Woo Flick" - Falconcrest [prod. Manzu Beatz]
"On Repeat" - ROT [Revenge Of The Truence]  [prod. ThatBlessedGirl]
"Back Streets" - Davillins ft. Eddie Kaine [prod. Wavy Da Ghawd]
Talk Break Inst. - "What We Gonna Do" - Ohbliv
#SouthernVangard #DJJonDoe #EddieMeeks #Ohbliv #BradfordThomas #Mayhem #EMS #Soulslicers #RedPages #DonStreat #BaltimoreSON #AFRO #Sqreeb #Teflon #JaziMoto #DJEclipse #BigTone #QuelleChris #DenmarkVessey #MokaOnly #DugBoogie #Supastition #KingMagnetic #ToneSpliff #TomSav #SenorKaos #Illastrate #NotoriousGrizzz #Sixman #JScienide #ThaJoint #JoeyGolden #JonathanUniteUs #SlotA #Since9ine6ix #PhilmoreGreene #CrossLakes #GangStarr #BaltGetty #ChinoXL #TheHiddenCharacter #MrRose #Murs #DJFresh #Conway #AsunEastwood #WizdomeBunitall #EsteeNack #KingBliss #Finn #RazFresco #Rigz #DJMuggs #Cappadonna #Ransom #NicholasCraven #FleeLord #RomeStreetz #Eto #PlanetAsia #TheMusalini #Vanderslice #Futurewave #VinniePaz #DanielSon #Mooch #CousinFeo #LordJuco #BigGhostLtd #ShadyRay #G4Jag #HarborKidz #JamilHonesty #SqueegieO #jprbeatz] #Falconcrest #ManzuBeatz #ROT #RevengeOfTheTruence #ThatBlessedGirl #Davillins #EddieKaine #WavyDaGhawd
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risrielthron · 7 years
Gathering the Doctor
(Written with @selisegraves)
Continued from here...
Cherysa looked up at Jazi with concern at her words, her eyes going wide as she realized what her sister was saying.  "Let me help you get back to bed first." The shattered remains of the mug forgotten for the moment as she set the rag she had been using to clean up back on the counter.
Jazi wrapped her sister in a hug, "It will be alright.  But yes, that seems like a good idea." Soon Jazi was propped up in bed slightly annoyed and slighly amused at her sister, "Go on Chery, I'm not dying. Please just go get Dr. Graves. She should be in Stormwind, contact Marian, she said she would help transport the doctor here. Its all planned Chery. You know what to do." Cherysa was a bundle of nerves. She'd seen animals birthed before but this was her sister, and the only family she had left. She took a deep breath and then left to Jazi's office finding the communication stone of her sister's friend. "Marian, its Chery. Jazi thinks its time. Can you come get me and." There was a fizzing popping sound and Marian stood behind Cherysa. "Come on girl, don't dawdle. Outside so I can make us a portal to Stormwind. And get that doctor out here for Jazi." Cherysa blinked at the woman and followed the fast moving Gnome outside. Within moments the mage had drawn the necessary runes about the porch and looked at Cherysa, "Well get the gryphons. You'll need them to get back. I can get you to Ironforge but back here you'll both have to fly."
Cherysa moved to the stables as the woman ordered her about. One of the stablehands saw her coming and brought out two gryphons having seen the commotion at the house. "It will be a'righ' luv." They patted her hand as they handed the reins over. Returning to the house, she nodded at Marian who immediately began chanting and within moments the two women and gryphons stood in Stormwind.  "Go get your Doctor. I'll be waiting here, gotta prep for the Ironforge trip." She winked and shooed Chery away. Cherysa let out a breath and headed toward the Dwarven District and Selise's office, leading one gryphon as she rode the other.  She dismounted and left the two there knowing Jazi had trained them to stay.  She straightened her shirt and knocked nervously at first and then a second time a bit stronger.
‘World Leaders Urge Calm’ read the headline of the paper that had been tossed to the side of Selise’s desk. It seemed like Stormwind was ignoring that directive. While very few serious injuries came through her door that day, the office was still a buzz of activity; coffee burns here, a brief loss of consciousness there, and general accidents of the busy denizens turning their gaze skyward instead of on their surroundings.
“Look here.” Selise held up a finger to direct the young woman, whose name she had honestly already forgotten, to stare past the small light she was holding up. She watched the reaction of the pupils and their relative size to one another. Then something bumped into her leg. Cor stared up at Selise and offered out a small letter to her. She glanced down, but just as soon as she did, she heard knocking at the office door. The politeness was appreciated, but she was considering getting a sign, or taking Grant up on his offer of being a professional door man.
“In a moment, Cor. Get the door please.” She looked back to her patient and smiled. “You’re all set. Everything appears in order. If you get a headache that doesn’t go away or start to feel dizzy or nauseous, come back in.” The woman gave her thanks and Selise turned to walk her out, but stopped, noticing that Cor was still hovering. “The door?” She rose a brow at the familiar. The patient left the small room and Cor shook his paper at Selise again. She sighed and looked more closely at the writing as he seemed reluctant to give it up completely. He held it up towards the doctor’s face and pointed a glowing finger at the page. The knocking at the door came through stronger.
“Yes, yes. I’ll help you take care of your friend’s plants. The door.” She turned back to quickly clean up the room and eavesdrop on what she could hear of her nurse checking in the patient in the next room. After a few moments, the door swung open and an arcane familiar stared at Cherysa. It bobbed backwards out of the way and made an airy, sweeping gesture with its hand towards the waiting room.
Cherysa stood at the door trying not to bite her nails as she shifted nervously out front,  the elemental bobbing had her blinking again but then she looked past and saw the flurry of activity within, she took a deep breath and asked, "Can I see Dr. Graves?" unsure if the creature would respond.
Cor continued to stare blankly at the woman. He again motioned to the waiting room.
With a sigh and nod, Chery entered and stood uncertain who to talk with. But a woman passing by with a clipboard in hand and so she asked,  "Is Dr. Graves here?"
The string of bells on the door jingled as Cor shut it behind Cherysa. He quickly bobbed away again, his blue glow disappearing down the hallway. The woman with the clipboard looked to Cherysa and flashed a polite smile. "She is indeed, what brings you in?"
"My sister, Jazi.  She thinks she's in labor. She sent me to fetch the Doctor if she can come to the house."
As Cherysa spoke, the nurse finished jotting down notes from the patient she had been speaking to ahead of her. "Stratford! Yes," she recited without more than a second's thought. "Just a minute." She turned and headed towards the hallway, her chipper voice still audible for a few moments before dissolving into muttered conversation in the hall. "Doctor G! Your house call..." In the meantime, the man in the waiting room fixed Cherysa with a look that clearly said ‘I was here first’. Selise stepped into the front room a few moments later, her hand wrapped around the strap of a medical bag that was already over her shoulder. Her eyes scanned the room before landing on the woman who matched the given description. “You’re here for Jazimina?”
Cherysa turned as Selise used Jazi's full name, "Yes. She said I should come get you. I have a mage and gryphons..." She trailed off then looking a bit sheepish she added, "I'm Cherysa, Jazi's sister."
Selise offered out her hand for a brief shake. “Doctor Graves, pleasure to meet you.” The arcane familiar came bobbing back up to the two and Selise looked down and shook her head. “Stay here and help Inge. Call Doctor Evans. Get communication established with the Cathedral in case any severe trauma comes in. Tell Nick where I am. The comm’s on.” Selise rattled off the instructions calmly and then looked back to Cherysa. “Shall we?” Cor didn’t seem phased by the influx of information and simply headed back to disappear down the hallway once more.
Cherysa shook the doctor's hand and smiled in relief. She led her to the gryphons waiting just outside, "Marian said she would be ready to teleport us to Ironforge and then it should be a short flight to the house from there."
Selise followed Cherysa outside, the large object in the sky immediately drawing her eye. Her gaze lowered towards mage district for a moment, then refocused on the woman in front of her. “Marian?” she questioned and stepped cautiously up to one of the unfamiliar gryphons.
"An old military friend of Jazi's,  Gnome mage and a bit of a bossy little thing. Best to just do as she says. " She shrugged and walked up to the two gryphons, one who nudged her playfully, "These are Jazi's, trained by her. You'll be safe." Cherysa said proudly as she offered over one of the reins.
Selise accepted the reins, looked between the bird and Cherysa, and then nodded. “Lead on then.”
Cherysa waited until Selise was on her gryphon before leading the two toward the Mage District.  Her eyes caught her first real sight of the entire planet and she gasped before regaining her senses to direct the gryphon to land where Marian waited.  The Gnome was pacing back and forth in front of runes drawn in the ground. "Come on, come on, I have things to do. " She grumbled under her breath, "She got you that mana hound, be nice." Marian looked the doctor over, "You the doc? No trouble with portal travel?" She asked as she waved them toward the center of her circle.
Selise led her gryphon forward at the gnome’s hasty instruction. “That’d be me…” She glanced down at the runes on the ground before giving Marian a quick study. “Not usually.”
As Selise and Chery entered the circle, the mage began chanting once more with a quick nod of acknowledgement sent Selise's way.  "Tell Jazi and Dunn congrats, I'll be by later with some gifts." She offered as the magic swirled around the women. Within moments the two and their gryphons stood just outside Ironforge.  Cherysa shuddered as she saw the planet once more and then looked to see if Selise was ready, "Its about a twenty minute flight from here. Ready?"
Selise regretted leaving her coat behind within the first sixty seconds through the portal. She settled her grip on the reins lower, closer to the bird’s feathers. Cherysa’s reaction sent her back into her own thoughts and she did her best to avoid the sight of the large planet in the sky. “Yes. I’ll follow.”
Cherysa led them into the sky and towards Jazi and Dunn's house. The air was cold for a bit before it shifted to warmer climes. Green fields and trees came into sight as the two traveled. Cherysa looked back at Selise often but quickly turned her attention toward they way they were headed. It didn’t take Selise long to realize that the bird needed very little guidance. It followed its companion almost on its own, allowing Selise’s thoughts to drift once more. She caught Cherysa looking back a few times and smiled reassuringly. She wasn’t going anywhere.
Soon she motioned down toward what appeared to be a large ranch dominated by a rather large building surrounded by sectioned off fenced in areas, a few single story houses and one medium sized two story home facing the stables.  She guided her gryphon down, though it seemed to know the way and soon was landing outside the two story house.  "Here we are, hopefully Dunn is home now. Come on in. Jazi's in the room downstairs here towards the back." Cherysa held the reins of her gryphon as a stablehand came forward to take the two birds from the women.
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brian-wellson · 7 years
♛ :A time when mercy was requested but not provided ♜ :Post-kill actions, thoughts, or emotions
Hi Jazi! I tagged you in a post which references the *opposite* answer. Silly word like “not” just kind of messes everything up…
♛ :A time when mercy was requested but not provided 
– I think this happens far more often than he would like to acknowledge. There was a moment when a squad of which he was a part had been tasked with performing some diplomacy. *Somehow* (OOC, it’s actually for the same reason I had answered your question incorrectly… I missed a word – one word – in the RP), Wellson ended up drawing and executing a dwarf in the Badlands. Indeed, for the kills over which he feels remorse, he used to add a single knick from his dagger onto his calf. He’s since stopped doing that, and turned to other things.
♜ :Post-kill actions, thoughts, or emotions
– Three different kills, I think… maybe four, but he hasn’t done that yet… It would largely depend on the moment. One: In the recent past, he has apologized to people that he has killed (or seriously injured); if he has the time, he will shut their eyes, or something similar. Two: If the person was someone with whom he had an issue (eg.: who had been plotting against him, who was in an active physical altercation at the time with him), he would experience a bit of a rush. He might also show a decided lack of respect toward the corpse. Three: if he (may or) may not be hunting humans out of ritual, then he would, more likely than not, make it as quick a death as possible, be respectful toward the body – perhaps even revering it as a holy vessel, say several prayers over them.
Thank you for such an interesting question. I think discovering a character’s motives is one of the most important things that we can do as writers; acknowledging that motives may change over time is also quite important. In Wellson’s case, his motivations have morphed tremendously since the assassination attempt on him.
(( @jazimina, @selisegraves ))
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Seeking advice for a shitty friendlationship.....
So it’s 3 in the morning and as per usual, I’m doing anything but sleeping.
I have found myself caught up in my feelings and not really sure of what to do.
Let me begin this long winded story about a boy and my stupid feelings about him and maybe someone out there in wide tumblrverse can help advise me or just tell me that I’m being a fucking moron.
First off, I’m Jazy. I’m a 22 year old lass from Indiana
I met a kid named Joshua roughly 8/9 years ago. We went to the same school and shared a mutual best friend. When we met he was just some dorky chubby kid with a weird sense of humor.
After about 2 years of pining and mutual best friend matchmaking we decided to give a relationship a go when I was roughly 15. Things were swell, because we went to the same school and had several of the same friends and as stated prior, shared the same best friend, we saw each other quite frequently. Things were really good for a couple months.Then as good things always do, came to end. I had received an IM from him asking if he could call because we needed to talk. As a child with terrible anxiety, my heart immediately sank. He called and gave me the news that he would be moving away to live with his aunt and uncle roughly 40 minutes away and likely wouldn’t make it back every weekend. I took this really hard. And at that juncture we decided to part ways.
After a few weeks once he was finally gone, we found ourselves still talking consistently and he eventually convinced me that we could make the long distance work(Yes, I am aware that 40 minutes away is hardly long distance but when you’re from two very poor families with limited transportation and it’s your first real love, it feels like an ocean between you) And things were okay for another few weeks before I started to get little bugs in my ears telling me that long distance was a sham and that we would never work, and let’s face it. I was very impressionable at that age. Even our mutual best friend at the time(Her names Brii, in the event I just name her without telling who she is later on.) And I promptly broke things off again.
After that there was some bad blood, his friends that were still at my school started being very nasty to me and it took a lot out of me. We didn’t see any of each other for quite some time after that. A good year or so I think. 
Fast Forward to what I believe would be October 2012. Things with Brii had been rocky(for reference they always were and would remain until the end of our friendship in Dec 2012.) We had been hanging out regularly and she had texted me and said she had a surprise and would be over soon. She showed up and Nana had let her and she came down to my room, with Joshua and in that moment my heart leapt. I haven’t seen him in ages and let’s be real. He was lookin’ damn good. We all hung out and had a good time. He was in town for a few weeks and had apparently wanted to see me. Sometime to understand about Josh is when we first knew each other was very straight edge. No drinking, or smoking. Fuck, it was hard to get that boy to say more than hell as a swear in his youth. But here he was dropping all kinds of shits and damns with the occasional fuck here and there and it was wonderful. We kept in touch here and there for a bit, but he had a girlfriend back home and I wasn’t crossing that boundary.
Between Oct. 2012 to MidSummer 2013 my life was shit show. I’d lost my best friend to her shitty controlling boyfriend. My dad had died. I wasn’t coping well with my mental illness, fighting the medication. Inevitable dropped out of high school 9 credits shy of my diploma. Total shit show. Then out of the blue in September of 2013, I start receiving messages from Josh, saying that he’s back in town for while and wanted to see me and so forth and such which, to which I would agree. We hung out a couple of times and just enjoyed each other company, reveling in our past relationship, talking of how we missed each other. That kind of thing.
He was still friends with Brii so he could go see her and her boyfriend and then visit me. Then a night or two before he was supposed to go back, he wanted to see me. It was like 10 oclock at night. I told him I was unsure but if he wanted to come over he could. He’d come over and we’d sit on the porch for a while before deciding to go for a walk. He’d be nervously fidgeting and I would pretend not to notice. we didn’t go far, just a couple of blocks to a park nearby. We sat on a hill that overlooked the football field of the school I attended elementary. When he started talking about how much he still liked me and wanted to work this thing out between us. That he would be moving back to the city soon and really wanted to be together(Inserting here, at this juncture, I was told he had been broken up with his girlfriend at home and therefore didn’t know that I was being a scuzzy human) He woo-ed me with his words and instantly I fell for it. I was ecstatic. I thought I was actually going to get him back. After a few minutes we got into a pretty heavy makeout sesh when we then tried to make a voyeur of me to which I shut down. I was not about to fuck this guy in a park in the middle of the night. So we headed back to my house hand in hand, stopping here and there for his to shove me against a tree or a bridge and kiss me hard. He left the next day and we chatted very briefly for the next two or three days, I got my nose pierced and had sent him pictures.
After a few days I get this long winded message from him talking about how he was going to get his girlfriend a promise ring and he wanted to be with her forever and talking about how much he loved her, and he thought that I deserved to be the first to know. I was gutted. absolutely fucking gutted. My heart crumbled. I voiced my outrage. My Hurt. The amount of betrayal I was feeling. He apologized once and then promptly blocked me on facebook.
I assumed that would be the complete end of the Jazy/Josh saga, but god fucking damn it if I wasn’t ridiculously fucking wrong.
Fast forward a year later. I’m out at a friends and I get a message from none other than Joshua. It’s a brief but sturdy apology and an invitation to see him and talk. I told him I didn’t trust him and that I was still angry for what he had done. He understood but insisted, said something a long the lines of that I had “scared him” that night when I was so prepared to just fully envelop myself with him. I caved and we met up, walking around a different park. He was looking good, thinner. Happier. He talked about how much he’s thought about that night over the last year and how things with that girl didn’t last long after we had spoken last. He was apparently really into drugs and drinking now, which should have been enough to frighten me off, but I was naive. I told him I forgave him and that I accepted his invitation for friendship. 
Probably two days later I get a series of messages and some phone calls from him asking me to go to a friends house with him. that’d itll be fun and he wants to make everything up to me. After several hours of convincing I decided to go to this friends house with him, only to end up being trapped over there for a series of days. His friend was big into drugs at that point, lived with his parents and his girlfriend. Josh and I would crash on the couch for 3 nights, when Josh had had too many pills or too much booze. He would always get affectionate in those hours though. Wanted to hold my hand, and play with my hair. Gave me kisses frequently. It was a heavenly feeling, even if I knew at that point that it wouldn’t last.
After that I didn’t hear from him for a few months, he chalks this up to “he loses track of time and doesn’t realize that it’s been months when he only thinks it’s only been a few days.” He would get ahold of me here and there just to chat but I don’t think I actually hung out with him again until Valentines Day 2015
My friend Lisa and I had been planning for her to come over and us to get drunk that night for atleast two weeks in advance. We were both single, full of sorrow, and just needed to be drunk. So that night Josh had gotten ahold me and asked to come over, I had agreed. And he came over, very nervous. We had chatted briefly before Lisa got there and then we sat in a coumbaya circle in the middle of my living room killing a bottle of tequila and a bottle of rum. Throughout the night he would grab my hand and whisper sweet nothings into my ears and he got hot so we had gone outside. He kept trying to saying something before inevitable vomiting all over his shirt. We went back inside, I put him to bed, put his shirt in the wash and went to check on Lisa. In between checkin on lisa and him, he kept trying to get me to come cuddle and and talking about how glad he was he got to spend time with me and whatnot. He planned on coming over and asking me to be his valentine, I guess. The next morning after his shirt was clean he skeddaddled. We had hung out another time at the same friend’s house once he got out from under his parents and he and his girlfriend had their son, we had gone over with the intent to just hang out and spend time with them which ended in us all getting drunk. Josh kept trying to be sweet and hold my hands and kiss me and I kept refusing him, when finally confronted with why, I told him because it wasn’t right anymore. It wasn’t fair for him to love me when he was fucked up. To which we went back into the living room, Josh cuddled a bottle of vodka, cried for ten minutes and then passed out.
Didn’t much from him until late that year, I had my own place, my pregnant sister was living with me. I had heard from him here and there. Halloween of that year I got a call that he was in the hospital, he had had a really bad blood clot from his leg move and shut down his lungs. They found out he had Factor 5(genetic Blood clotting disorder which earlier in the year had claimed his mom) I visited him in the hospital and tried to keep in contact with him after that to little avail. He would come by a few weeks later and crash in my bed. And then he kept crashing in my bed. Then he started bringing clothes and his playstation over and that was okay, he was a good cuddler and I loved spending the time with him. He wasn’t taking care of himself like he shoul’ve, not taking his medications, drinking and doing other shit all the time, it was nerve wracking for me. Shortly after Christmas he had come by and taken all his things and left. I tried more than once to get ahold of him looking for some kind of explanation and got nothing. I ran into him in April of 2016 and we got coffee and talked some more. He had put a little weight back on and looked like he was doing good. He would come over to meet my sisters baby. And then would come by quite frequently for about two weeks before I finally told him if he just wanted to stay there he could. I didn’t mind. I loved having him around. Loved it. He would go to work, I would go to work. we’d come home to each other and just cuddle and watch movies. It was never a sex thing, I feel like I need to clarify that because so many think that’s what it was. And it wasn’t He would get drunk from time to time and want to fool around and of course, I’d shut him down.
We would go on drives and I would try to put into words the way he made me feel. To be fair, we weren’t dating. He nowadays, “thinks they’re a dumb waste of time” He would come home every now and again and talk about the girl he fucked, and I’d pretend I wasn’t hurt by this. As the time went on, things got complicated, my sister ended up leaving, I ended up losing my really good job, and we were being evicted. I broke this to him and he took it very personally, mind you he had never paid for anything living with me. Never even offered to. So he got really angry. I remember one of the last drives we went on before I left, we started to get into an argument and I yelled that I wished I could do anything besides love him, because it was nothing but misery. His response was something along the lines of “don’t love me, I’m barely even human”. The last week was nothing but fights. Lots of yelling. Lots of me crying. And the last thing I said to him was that I never wanted to talk to him again. In July of 2016, I moved 2 hours north to live up by my mother and try to start over. All contact with Joshua ceased.
I’d be lying if I said there wasn’t the occasional I got too drunk and tried calling him but never got an answer, because that’s true. In that spanse, I tried dating this cool guy names James. He was sweet and kind of dim, but he was good to me. And even when we first met and he knew I was healing from Josh, he knew that competing with Josh in my heart wasn’t a contest. Yet he still tried to love me. Obviously it didn’t work out, we’re still friends and I know I was unfair to him.
Okay, present time, almost. A month ago I get a phone call from him. I reluctantly answer, I mean, it’s Josh I have to right? He proceeds to go on about how he stalked my instagram and saw I was back in the city and was offended that he hadnt heard from me. And I told him its probably because I said i never wanted to see him again. Either way, he wanted to hang out. So we went for a walk on the canal, he came over. We made food. Then we went for a walk around the circle. We stopped and sat down and he started getting really up in his feelings and started crying. actually started crying and apologizing. I guess while I was gone he had started seeing a girl. It’d been brief but he really cared about her, and she broke his heart. He kept asking if thats how I felt everytime he left. And if it was, why did I keep letting him come back? I didn’t have an answer. We left it at that and parted ways for the night. Much to my surprise when he showed up at my door the next night. We hung out jsut about every day for 2 weeks. Then after that it was always he needed to go somewhere or I had to pick him up somewhere, so the next time he was at my house my roommate had no qualms telling him that I wasn’t a fucking taxi service. He took this offensively and insisted he didn’t think I was such. We’ve hung out here and there since then, never talking about things until the other night we were out driving and I noticed he was being overly flirtatious. More so than just Josh being an ass, flirty. When i confronted it, he asked why we’d never slept together and I told him I don’t sleep with people I don’t date. Which is true, I personally think of it as a special thing and therefore am not promiscuous. He then went on a tangent about how it would happen one day that the tension has been building for years, that he’d “trick me” one day, and he laughed as he said this. I didn’t get it until he said he knew my conditions. At that moment, I saw red and just yelled, “I hope you don’t think that’d I’d be stupid enough to accept a dating advance from you only for you to fuck me then break up with me.” He just kept laughing and agreed. At which point I had to pull the car over. My face was hot and I was shaking, so i got out of the car and walked for ten minutes. I came back and he acted like it never happened. Has only even mentioned it once since then when he was drunk and we were at a friends house. 
I just don’t know what I’m even doing anymore. Am I stupid for sticking around through all of this? Should I tell him to go fuck himself and to leave me alone for the rest of our lives? Has anyone else ever dealt with something/someone like this? How did you cope? What did you do?
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doberbutts · 4 years
Winding down for bed and just witnessed Creed deliberately place his bone near Fae and then nudge it towards her and rest his head on the pillow she was on just wagging his nub watching her investigate it. When she was satisfied after sniffing it and backed off, he took it back to resume chewing.
Before that she was play bowing every time he got near her to entice him to play, but she is still too fragile for me to allow it, so it's nice to see Creed coming up with a compromise and sharing something he values so highly with her.
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doberbutts · 4 years
These two lines keep pinging around in my head and really resounded with me. I am not a breeder and don’t want to be, but as someone who supports responsible dog breeding I feel it’s also my duty to educate myself on the ins and outs of the dog breeding world and.
Fae’s breeder has a resolute opinion that their job as a breeder of companion dogs is to strive for the goal of breeding dogs that one has to take to the vet as little as possible.
An aspiring breeder of working dogs on here (cannot remember username- if you’re reading this let me know and I will tag you!!) has stated they feel their job as a dog breeder is to make things easier for them as a dog trainer.
I find both statements admirable.
By this point everyone knows that the vast overwhelming majority of dog owners are “pet people”. Like it or not, in the modern age, any dog’s primary usage is to be a companion. For most dogs, the days of simply being a tool to be taken out and used when required and then put away are gone. For better or for worse, dogs whose sole purpose is to work are a dying breed.
Everyone wants a healthy pet. No one actually enjoys preventable vet visits. The vets don’t enjoy it- they’d rather your animals be healthy and happy. Tiki’s specialist’s farewell to me was “I say this lovingly, but I hope we do not meet again.” This woman makes a living off of treating dying dogs. She is good at what she does, one might even say she enjoys certain aspects of her job... but I’m sure she’d also rather a day when her services are no longer required, and she no longer has to witness the heartbreak of the owners as their dogs’ bodies stop fighting. The owners don’t enjoy it- spending a lot of money fighting a repetitive or losing battle is hard enough when you don’t have an emotional attachment to a positive outcome. Dogs are our families, our friends. It hurts us when they hurt. It hurts us when they die. Especially if it’s too soon, or an ugly death, or something that could have been prevented with a little forethought. The dogs don’t enjoy it- think of all the dogs that have become resentful of the vet or even car rides in general because of the amount of repetitive and occasionally painful care. They cannot understand that the vet is a friend and does not want to hurt them. All they know is that’s the place they go when they’re hurting and in distress, occasionally to experience more hurt and distress.
Someone breeding responsibly should be striving to prevent this as much as possible. To do otherwise, to ignore the health concerns simply so they can chase a ribbon or a trophy, is reprehensible. Everyone wants the dog that they have to take in yearly for a physical and boosters and then not have to worry about anything else until the dog is like 18 and already on death’s doorstep.
But everyone also wants a well behaved pet. While different people have different ideas of what that means, some of these ultra intense working dogs simply will never be that ideal of a well behaved low effort pet. Your choice as a breeder of these types of dogs is to either:
never sell to pet homes- Creed’s breeder does this, all of her dogs are only sold to people who will work them, because they cannot be in the majority of pet homes or they will turn into monsters.
either breed control back into your intense dogs or dumb down the intensity to make them easier to handle, while risking giving up the podium you chase in the mean time
And this ties back to two revolving conversations with myself that I always have on here.
Is it okay that a breed has lost its working purpose, as long as most of the temperament and appearance and what makes the breed special is preserved in pet-oriented homes?
Even breeders of pet dogs should be verifying temperament and obedience potential, because everyone wants a well behaved dog.
As I continue to work with Fae, I am continuously impressed and astounded with just how much she’s willing to learn and push through and grasp compared to the majority of puppies that come through my training ring. Some of these puppies are responsibly bred, but not with the idea of breeding nice companions. It seems that somewhere along the way, we forgot to breed for the ideal that most people want in a dog- an easily trained, well behaved companion dog that’s at least willing to tolerate the presence of others as neutral if not outright friendly.
IDK just... this idea that dogs are dogs are dogs seem to have permeated every part of the dog world and I admire those who have taken the time to at least try to breed for better, even if others disagree with the way they do so.
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doberbutts · 4 years
On Crate Training
Let’s be real here, there are about to be a lot of puppies in my house. A frankly ridiculous amount of puppies. Way too many puppies.
And so, the blog gets to be topical regarding my current situation.
I maintain that a crate is the best tool for a new dog someone could possibly have. Besides the obvious use- having a contained place for the dog to be- there are plenty of other reasons to crate train a dog. Many surgeries and injuries will require the dog to be contained, usually kenneled or caged. Travelling in a car is safer in a crate, and if you fly with anything besides a service dog, the dog will need to be contained somehow there too. If dogs aren’t getting along, or if someone needs a break from someone else, a crate’s a great tool to manage that issue. It can cut down on potty training problems and destructive behavior. Finally. a crate can keep your dog safe in situations where they will be unsupervised for long periods, which is great for people who work or attend classes.
And a lot of people who crate train puppies will retire the use of a crate after the dog is a certain age! Some dogs will always be safer crated- these are dogs who are destructive or aggressive but are contained and safe within their box. But some dogs will be able to go crateless and never see it again. Creed, for instance, is crateless in my room and is generally only crated in the main house if he has aggravated his shoulder injury, if he’s overly hot and needs to cool down (or just after eating for bloat prevention), or if we’re switching around dogs who don’t get along or who resource guard. This is the way it’s been for him since he was about 2.5 years old, and would have likely been sooner if we did not live with a dog that was less than half his size but still wanted to eat his face.
If you’re really not comfortable with crating, you have two other options: xpens, or gating off a puppy-safe puppy-proof room and hoping your flooring and walls withstand the wrath of a bored and sad dog while you’re out of the house.
Something I did with Tiki, which I don’t commonly do with dogs, was hook an xpen to her crate so she could decide to go in there if she wanted, or she could hang out in the bigger “freedom” of her xpen. Tiki was a special case, because she was very sick and also had no ability to control her bladder for longer than an hour or two, so she needed access to her potty pad while I was at work and also needed the option of sleeping in a bed right next to a space heater so she could be warm. I’ll probably do something similar with Fae until I know her schedule, though I ended up not liking that I had gotten lazy regarding taking Tiki out (especially at night in the winter) and thus her outside potty training had taken longer than it needed to because I was heavily relying on her just going on the pad.
Mocha, my parents’ chow mix, seems to be claustrophobic and will panic and injure herself against the crate no matter how much we tried to make the crate a safe place for her. She’s also not comfortable with any sort of restrictive training device, being restrained, or being confined to other tight spaces like a bathtub or a closet or under a piece of furniture. As a result, we completely dog-proofed a room in the house for her, took off her crate’s door so she could still have the option of laying in it without scaring herself if she wanted, and left her to it during her young puppy years. If your dog truly won’t crate train, this is always a fine alternative if you have the ability! We had also tried this with Queenie, my childhood german shepherd, but she destroyed the flooring and door of that room, so when she passed and we had to renovate it for Mocha, we ended up having to fix a lot of that damage. YMMV- Queenie was incredibly noise sensitive and would panic and hurt herself in thunderstorms or during fireworks.
In any case, no matter what avenue you end up choosing, a few things to keep in mind are:
make it a positive place! This is not a place to be put as a punishment, but somewhere the dogs should want to go. I almost exclusively feed my dogs in crates until they’re old enough to be crateless. As a result, the dogs see me get their food bowls out of their crates and run in wagging their tails because they know food’s about to come. They get special crate-only toys and treats and beds too, so if I hand Creed a kong while he’s out he’ll go looking for a crate to hide and enjoy his treat without the other dogs bothering him.
make it a safe place! Unless the crate is more than big enough for it and both dogs get along with absolutely zero tension, I treat crates like personal bedrooms. My dogs are crated separately and they know which crate to go in without having to be directed. Dogs don’t bother you while you’re in the crate, and they can’t get you in there. If your dog wants to stay in their crate, don’t drag them out.
make it cozy! If the dog can be trusted with a bed, give them something warm and soft to lay on! In the summer, put a cooling mat in there! If your dog likes privacy, cover it so it’s nice and dark and comfortable. If your dog likes to feel like they’re part of the household, put the crate uncovered where there’s a lot of people that hang out (our dog room is right between our office and our living room). Some people like giving their dogs things like calming scents/oils/sprays/toys, or they play music or white noise, or they put a hot water bottle in with the dog (I don’t do this with weaned puppies), or they use one of those heartbeat snuggle toys (I also don’t do this with weaned puppies).
make it fun! Look up crate games and practice a few of them! Put going in and out of the crate on a cue, or throw a treat or toy in there and play crate-fetch, or play the in-out game, your choice. Make the crate a good and fun place to be, so that your dog understands that it’s not bad to be in there.
make it fair! Like all tools, it’s possible to misuse or overuse a crate. People who work 10+ hours a day for instance should look into other options- perhaps a dog room or xpen, or hiring a dogwalker/dogsitter to come by a few times a day to let your dog out, or figure out a schedule where you can come home between classes or shifts to do it yourself. I had a brain injury a few years ago and was confined to my bedroom for much of my recovery, and I definitely began to resent that my world was so restricted. Imagine how your dog feels, restricted to a small box for a large portion of their day. There’s only 24 hours in a day, if you’re out of the house for 8 hours and also asleep for 8 hours, that leaves a third of the day (but probably less with commutes etc) for your dog to have some “out” time. If you’re out or asleep for any longer than that, it’s even less. People who work 10 hours, with an hour commute, and also sleep 8 hours, leave their dog with just 4 hours of “out” time per day. It’s little wonder why these dogs hate their crates or why they’re wild when you are home.
tough it out! Don’t fall into the common trap of letting the puppy out of the crate every time it squeaks. Don’t fall into the common trap of only ever putting the puppy in the crate when you’re about to leave. Don’t fall into the common trap of yelling at your puppy for being sad that you locked it in a box. These are all things people tend to do when crate training and they all make this take much longer than they need to.
A roommate just got a standard poodle pup they’ll be showing in conformation, and we’re going over all of this even with this puppy. Right now he’s hanging out and having a nap in his crate with the door wide open. He was crated due to being unsupervised, and then the door was opened and he chose to stay in there and go back to sleep. That’s okay! If he decides he wants to leave, he can. He’s learning that we won’t bother him while he’s in there (outside of emergencies of course), but also that that’s where he goes if he can’t be watched, even if he can still hear and see his owner. He has some puppy-specific treats and toys in there, and the door’s open so of course the established adults would really like to steal them, but we’re enforcing that that’s not allowed either.
So now we have two established adults just hanging out and leaving him alone (even though both would really like to play Squish The Puppy) and the new kid in the house sprawled out in his open crate being left to his own devices. Dogs are den animals, and the two adults that are hanging out are used to this type of training. That’s his den, so they’re not invited in there, so they leave him and his stuff alone.
And, eventually, he might join the established adults and be crateless too when he’s old enough and knows some house manners. Right now, though, it’s an important tool to both keep him safe and also show him that he’s allowed to ask for a break from us just like we might put him in there so we can have a break from him.
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doberbutts · 4 years
I was known in my family as a "B and C student" but keep in mind that a B was 95-88 and a C was 87-80 so technically if I was in a real school environment I'd've been a "A and B student" and it also means my failing chemistry grade of 79 (my school skipped D altogether- if you got lower than 80 you failed and had to retake and got 0 credit) would have been an average grade in a regular school and maybe I wouldn't have felt like such a worthless stupid student as a kid.
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doberbutts · 4 years
Acting smug online about something you have no experience in is literally one of the fastest ways for me to know I will not like you.
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doberbutts · 5 years
The more I fix things with Tiki's health, the more I pour money into her vetting and nutrition, the more sleepless nights I spend comforting her as she coughs and wheezes so hard it shakes her whole little body, the more enraged I am that people throw around the word 'neglect' and 'abuse' when they actually mean 'disagrees with my ideals'.
I am fixing an actual neglected dog. This is not just me saying she was neglected- this is my vet casually using the word 'neglect' to refer to how she was kept prior. This is the previous owner's vet saying they were dishonest and neglectful by whiting-out an old dead dog's records and using that paper to falsify Tiki's. This is every source on Tiki's problems reminding me that they might have loved her, but they didn't give her the care she desperately needed. How hard is it to just feed your fucking dog?
A few years ago someone wrote a callout post saying I neglect Creed because he has cropped ears and a docked tail. I abuse Creed by using corrections with him. My happy, healthy, thriving dog. The dog that I owe my whole life to. The dog I've gone hungry for, in order to feed. The dog I've thrown myself in front of, to stop something from injuring him. The dog I've spent thousands of dollars at the vet to be told that I was overreacting and could have treated him at home, when I barely had a few bucks left over to pay my own bills.
And it makes me so unbelievably angry to remember that post as I coax Tiki into letting me dose her with her life-saving medications. As I continue to pour as many calories into her as possible so she's no longer malnourished. As I sit at the vet anxiously waiting for the updated xrays. As I dedicate every moment I'm with her to helping her combat the problems that never should have been allowed to get this bad in the first place. As I check her breathing in the middle of the night to make sure her airways are as clear as possible. As I continue to think, thank god you landed with someone who knows how to fix this.
Before you start pointing fingers and shouting abuse and neglect, maybe actually think about what those words mean. They apply to one dog. Not the other.
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doberbutts · 4 years
 Okay so this is going to get long and more than a little bit tmi but it’s a post summing up some strides I’ve made regarding my own transgender journey and I wanted a place to talk about it and maybe help some BabyTrans figure themselves out along the way so I’m putting it under the cut but it’ll go here >:V
Anyway long story short my insurance settlement from my car accident finally figured itself out and I found myself suddenly $30k richer and immediately spent about $10k of that digging myself out of a very deep debt hole I’ve been wallowing in for a while so now I have some actual financial stability plus have some money to throw at some things that would probably make my life a bit better.
And since I have the money to throw at some things, I bought myself a few new binders and also a packer. Binders because my old one was literally disintegrating- part of that is my fault, washing binders in an industrial machine on high heat plus throwing it in the dryer means your binder falls apart faster than it should. Remember I’m from the very end of Ye Olden Days of transmasc products, which means previously most binders lasted a year at most. My binder made it 2.5 years before giving up and becoming a sports bra instead. I’ve learned from my mistakes and treat my binder(s) much more gently now, plus I have more than one so I can rotate them out and not wear the same binder 8-12 hours daily for 2.5 years and kill it doing exactly the same shit.
For reference sake, I’m 5′10′’, 180lbs, 36C bust, and fit a XL from gc2b. Which is who I bought both my previous binder and my current set from. They are low cost, lightweight, well made, and LGBT-owned and operated which makes me super into buying from them instead of some of the other companies offering something similar.
Being that I am biracial and finding something my skintone is always somewhat... interesting... I followed the internet’s suggestion and went with PeeCock for the packer. I’d bought a zip binder from them a few years ago and actually found that to be the most comfortable binder I’ve ever used in the history of ever, but I will say the durability of zip binders is low compared to pull-over binders in my experience, as the zipper exploded one day when I bent down to pick up a small dropped item. I’d had the binder and was rotating its use with my pullover gc2b for about 6 months when this happened, and was in public when I went from flat chested to big uncontained tiddies in the span of seconds. Not great. I’ve been told that probably means it was a little too small for me, but PeeCock is a company based in Singapore, and their sizes like most East Asian clothing do run quite a bit small (I was a XXL in PeeCock sizes when I wore a size L gc2b binder) so there’s not really a lot of wiggle room for me to go up in size. Additionally their sizing taps out at XXXL so anyone who’s bigger than me in the chest/torso is a bit out of luck for their binders. A shame, because that zip binder was so comfortable I fell asleep in it forgetting I even had it on more than once.
Anyway. Since I did like that binder even though we had the wardrobe mishap, and the internet had pretty good reviews on the PeeCock packers because they are multifunctional and actually make correct skin tones for black dudes, I got one. Since money wasn’t an issue I did get the most recent model which was not cheap (~$300) and so far I like it a lot. I got so used to wearing it that when I take it off to clean it, it actually really bothers me. The weight of it is... comforting, in a way.
HOWEVER I did see a bunch of reviews about how I would be super likely to pee on myself the first time using it and then used it and went “wow I don’t have any idea what you guys are talking about this is easy” aaaaand... then peed on myself by accident. Gotta control your stream or things are going to overflow and you’re going to be really sad. And wet. And stinky. Thankfully I had the forethought to practice at home before actually doing this at work/public restrooms but be warned. Being that this is my first one I can’t say if this is common with all packers however I told several of my transmasc friends that do pack and use STP about this experience and they all assured me they did the exact same thing on and off for the first couple weeks and most of them do not have the same brand. We’ve yet to have a repeat at least?
Plus there’s a little attachment rod so I can use it for sexy times with the boyf and also feel what I’m doing to him so there’s that too. 10/10 A+ experience would recommend. The packaging warns you to be careful how you pack because of the way the silicone works, and your partner cannot be on top or ride you, so keep that in mind if you’re considering it. Cleaning is pretty straightforward however and packing feels correct and natural as long as you follow a few rules:
I’ve discovered that whatever size you consider a perfect fit? Unless you like really relaxed fit for your pants, you’ll need to go a size up. I wear tighter clothing and usually skinny jeans at that, and my exact perfect size has been 34/32 for some time now. When packing I need to go up to 36/32 because otherwise wow that crotch is way too tight. I can’t sit down in one of my pairs of jeans and I’m legit sad about it. I also can’t have anything in the pockets of a different pair of jeans or else I have the same tight crotch problem. I went up a size in underwear and that was more comfortable, so I ordered new pants from online and I’ll see if that helps as much as I’m expecting it too.
Speaking of underwear, ymmv, but I genuinely did not expect this. Jockstraps? Super comfy, super durable, and super convenient. Additionally unlike boxers or even briefs, I don’t need a special packing-specific design to be comfortable in one. I never wore one before and honestly this doesn’t even feel like wearing underwear. They’re really just a banana hammock anyway so that’s probably a large part of it, but honestly I would definitely recommend trying them if you haven’t yet. I do have a few pairs of packing briefs and boxers, as well as normal briefs and boxers, and I’ve been alternating between the various types of undies to see which ones I prefer, but I already know my decision so I bought several because I can. One word of advice, though... if your pants ride down understand that your entire butt will be out. I don’t wear low rise pants because they draw too much attention to my waistline and make me super dysphoric, but those that do, watch out.
Jockmail is highly rated and multiple transmasc websites recommend them for packing and I can absolutely see why. Usually the waistband of my underwear irritates my skin and so I was dubious because Jockmail stuff- being that it’s for athletic wear- has a minimum waistband of about 2in... but it’s actually more comfortable and less irritating, rather than the other way around. They also have briefs, boxers (more like short shorts), and boxer briefs, which I also have of the same brand, but... not as comfy. Once again Jockmail is a Hong Kong company so like all East Asian clothes, they run small. I’m a M in most men’s clothing sizes... I am XXL in Jockmail. I also had purchased a brief harness from PeeCock (goes by inches for waist) as well. (Also where I discovered you need to go a size up- I bought a 34in waist brief from PeeCock and it’s a tad tight. I bought a 36in waist brief from Jockmail and it’s perfect. I have been buying 34in waist things for the past few years now- I didn’t suddenly gain 2 inches at the waist, I did suddenly gain a need for a deeper crotch)
If you look down your body from above it will be super obvious that there is a dick there and you will go “oh god I look like I have an erection”. I have been reliably informed that it is actually not true and if you pack correctly a bulge will be there but not so obvious that it looks like you have a raging hardon the whole time. Better to look in the mirror, rather than down your tummy.
(Additionally I voiced my doubts to my boyf who immediately reminded me that most people don’t spend their time staring at someone’s crotch and as long as I wasn’t constantly messing with mine, no one was likely to notice even if I did have an obnoxiously obvious bulge. He then gave me some tips on how to let it hang if I wanted a “natural” look, and when we walked around while I had it on he made sure to check in on my mental health. He’s cute y’all.)
Some (cis) guys will have a specific leg they like to let things hang against. Some switch it up. Some are okay with it hanging straight down provided there’s not a lot of squish happening. Find what feel comfortable and needs the least amount of adjustment for you, and then stick with that. For me, I’ve found straight down or off to the left feels better- a friend of mine prefers off to the right, another straight down only, etc. Also can depend on the size- some (cis) guys I know are a bit smaller down below and are more comfortable with straight down than those with larger weiners.
If you pack you probably need to shave. I was very uncomfortable until I shaved. Now I feel much better packing. So trim that jungle or else you might feel a pinch every few minutes when a hair gets pulled.
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And there you have me this morning before I got dressed. As you can see, both fit very nicely. I’m not particularly happy with my stomach or feminine hip set but eh, I cover those with layers and no one bats an eye.
At this point it’s figuring out the whole hormones thing, yelling at my insurance to cover certain surgeries, and... fixing some minor details with my wardrobe... and I’m feeling way more confident than I was a few years ago.
Anyway if anyone has questions feel free to hit me up
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