#shyloh moores
junebuggeryy · 2 years
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whenever i power down on art, i just kinda. default to making elaborate clothing designs until my soul’s rejuvenated 
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So, with rumors that Runaways might start filming next month and having already gotten itself a working title, I bet we’re all interested to see who gets cast. I thought it’d be fun to make a fancast list based off everyone and my own suggestions and ideas.
This is a new and improved, rewritten list since the other one was getting too long and all over the place. Thanks to everyone who has sent me suggestions for it and I hope you don’t mind me crediting you once again, but you guys are so awesome :’)
I’m open to even more suggestion but I’m basing this fancast list off of the casting for Spider-man Homecoming, which seems to have 19 to 21 year olds playing the teenagers, so I’m not looking for anyone older than 22 for the older kids, no matter how perfectly they fit the role (sorry Mae Whitman). 
For Molly, no one older than 11, and for Klara, no one older than 15, because I’m willing to go with someone older for Klara (mainly for personally reasons regarding her backstory)
Anyway, let’s start of with Alex Wilder:
Jacob Latimore (Age 20)
Jaden Smith (Age 18) by @marvelvsmarvel
Shameik Moore (Age 21) by @cinematic-disaster
Trevor Jackson (Age 20) by @queerweiss
For Nico Minoru:
Ayami Nakajo (Age: 19) 
As you can see, I’m in serious need of some suggestions for Nico, but moving on, we have Karolina Dean:
Allie DeBarry (Age 22) by @queerweiss
Lili Reinhart (Age 20)
Sydney Park (Age 19)
Madison Lintz (Age 17) by @ailaikmonti
For Chase Stein:
Leo Howard (Age 19)
Callan Mcauliffe(Age 21)
Gavin MacIntosh (Age 17) by @macintoshapplepie
For Molly Hayes:
Stella Allen (Age 11) 
Afra Sophia Tully (Age 11)
The few picks I have for Gertrude Yorkes are:
Abigail Breslin (Age 20) 
Shannon Purser (Age 19)
Lacking a lot of choice for Victor, but I do have:
Blake Michael (Age 20) 
For Xavin (Male & Female):
Sydney Park (Age 19) 
Mica Burton (Age 22) by @queerweiss
Khylin Rhambo (Age 20)
Shameik Moore (Age 21)
And for Klara Prast:
Shyloh Oostwald (Age 15) by @strixobscuro
Scarlett Estevez (Age 10) by @strixobscuro
Millie Bobby Brown (Age 12) @ailaikmonti
Ruby Barnhill (Age 12) by @the-nerdy-obsessions
Again, still open to any suggestions, and thank you all so far, for your awesome ideas!
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juevestecnologico · 7 years
Loveland workshop: Girls can rock technology - Loveland Reporter-Herald
Loveland workshop: Girls can rock technology Loveland Reporter-Herald Helena Spoon, 9, left, Whitney Nguyen, 9, center left, Shyloh Moore, 10, center, Dasia Richardson, right, and arts program specialist Sarah Milburn, right back, react as the light bulb they built turns on Friday during a Girls Tech Rock workshop at the ...
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junebuggeryy · 2 years
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im not coloring these.
happy hearts day
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junebuggeryy · 3 years
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“Come closer,”
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junebuggeryy · 3 years
☠ Shyloh Moores?
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this funeral home is full of black mold
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junebuggeryy · 3 years
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have a seat, a cup of tea
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junebuggeryy · 2 years
if you're still doing them, ⚡ for Xeno, Shyloh, and The Puppet Doctor?
⚡ What mythological god would you associate with your OC?
Ah jeez my knowledge on this subject is not super robust. Will do my damndest! I'm gonna be basic and maybe stick mostly to Greek/Indo-European mythology, since that's what I'm most comfortable with probably misinterpreting.
- For Xeno, I think I'm going to put xer down as Hephaestus, for the man's associations with metalworking and technology, and for the fact that xer main role in any social circle is one of constant weapon smithing. Xe doesn't work from a volcano, but xe does forge these things underground, while cloaked in acid and the heat of radioactive decay- which can burn the skin off you all the same.
- For Shyloh, I'm-- real stuck on, because her relationship to death is simultaneously all encompassing, but also removed from any sense of afterlife. I think, actually, I'm going to attach her to Morrigan, of Celtic fame- or, at least, one of her sisters- for her ties to nature and fate, and for all around being Kinda Terrifying. It may be odd to attach Shyloh, who is mostly a passive and polite person, to a war goddess- but the only reason Shyloh has not gone to war is because she's so far managed to get her way. I hesitate to think what would happen if someone stood between Shyloh and her strong will.
- The Puppet Doctor actually has a symbol pulled from Greek mythology! It's based from staff of Hermes, otherwise known as the Caduceus, otherwise known as "that symbol that's regularly mistaken as representing medicine", which is fitting because The Puppet Doctor is a biblical hack.
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That being said, I don't actually think The Puppet Doctor and Hermes have much in common. Conversely, I actually think The Puppet Doctor has a more Faustian quality to him? He's a silver tongued angel who makes deals with people, deals that costs them some integral part of their bodies or personhood- whether that's as abstract as a soul, or as material as a lung. Which I guess means I'm making the argument that ol' Dr. Puppets is Satan???????? Boy that's a fun thing to realize mid-paragraph.
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junebuggeryy · 3 years
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on her way to a date with a colony of lichen.. . ... .
(wasn't sure which color scheme i liked better)
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junebuggeryy · 2 years
📦 for Shyloh, Lorna, Ginger, and Xeno.
📦 What are some "most likely to..." that can apply to them?
Shyloh is most likely to make a service worker cry by asking them what starts out as innocuous questions but get increasingly more intense until said service worker is analyzing their whole relationship with mortality, and then she leaves a 4 star review because the food was "Okay I guess"
Lorna is most likely to reenact that gif of someone giving a peace sign and then vanishing into thin air, but specifically as her go-to strategy in politely turning down those who flirt or express romantic interest in her direction. No words, just peace signs.
Ginger is most likely to start a cult if left alone in a playground, but this has less to do with anything supernatural and is more about her being a weirdgirlboy aged 9.
Xeno is most likely to publish a 500,000 page AO3 mega-crossover with an obnoxious amount of capslock tags and the most buckwild nonsensical plot synopsis imaginable, plus dedicated section to discussing the multiverse mechanics presented as a side for said fic, and have not spell-checked or beta-read literally any aspect of it.
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junebuggeryy · 2 years
So I've read your stories on Toyhouse and I loved them! I haven't been able to stop thinking about them since and how you write Shyloh, I think she's a really interesting and unique character, and I loved that I could understand her thought process; even though she thinks in such a different way you can see the logic behind it and follow it! It's impressive!
And the descriptions of all the fleshy stuff was great and visceral!
Can't wait for more!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! !!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
im going to be completely honest and say i had actually forgotten i’d put anything up there at all, and this message caught me by the most delightful of surprises
which is to say THANK YOU??? SO MUCH???? aaAA AA A A?? ? ?? ?
I’m glad you enjoy Shyloh! I’m glad you enjoy my poetic goop! She and her moldy moral compass have been fascinating to explore. She’s one of those characters that gradually became a worse and worse person the more I got to know her. It's somewhat of an accident that she became the character with the most public drabbles available? I do feel like this is in part because the two (connected?) pieces I did of her are reasonably quick and self contained- they get in, say what they need to about her, and get out.
...Related, but this is also a reminder to myself that I have approximately 80 pages of Xeno content that I'm sitting on. Releasing any of it feels a little weird to me because- looking back- those 80 pages are the early spark of me discovering Xeno as a muse, and not necessarily xer most fleshed out, most realized self. Don’t want to get too far off topic in this ask- but I could probably talk more about those 80 pages if people are interested? Still, it is somewhat odd to note that the more I have of something, the less of it makes it out into the world.
Anyway I'm going to take this chance to point out that Shyloh has a "Live Laugh Love" sign on the wall of this piece, and go
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-but also before I do that, I did decided to sneak a couple more story scraps I've got lying around to toyhou.se so she's not the only spotlight, and then hit post on this ask. cheers!
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junebuggeryy · 3 years
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i literally only made these to fill out memes
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junebuggeryy · 2 years
⚙️ For anyone other than Xeno and Roxanne because their stances are pretty clear. Also 🕷️ for Ginger or Shyloh?
⚙️ What are your ocs thoughts on science & art? Which do they give more importance to? how much value do they place on each?
[the sounds of Roxanne and Xeno thwapping against the glass]
Prism is- an odd case. Zi is an artistic soul, and places immense emphasis on aesthetic- However, if you asked hir, zi would say zi sides more with science than with art, with objective fact over fabrication. In some ways, this makes sense- zi understands most things through wavelengths of light, and the best language to describe the minutia of that is scientific.
This gets muddier when you realize hir idea of what qualifies as hard fact is- pretty heavily distorted? Zi has a habit of treating hir own beliefs as objective truth, and only accepts new ones when it aligns with hir preconceived notions. Zi sees hir own beauty as an indisputable fact, an involuntary sensation zi inflicts on everyone around hir. Aestheticism is not a personal choice or up for debate, its hard fact. Hir view of the world is simply more correct than other peoples.
In summary,
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🕷️ What is their biggest fear? Do they have any irrational / mundane fears?
Ginger is, in actuality, scared of pretty much everything. She is a small, chewable treat in a world full of animals and teeth, and doesn't know how to cope with it except by behaving like a wild animal. The world is already big and confusing when you're 9, it's only moreso when you've been in the mouth of violence.
Shyloh, on the other hand... Shyloh is harder. She's not fearless- fear can be a perfectly healthy thing to foster. Fear keeps you careful, keeps you aligned. For Shyloh, fear is something that distinguishes her from the hivemind of fungi she is tapped into- the rot doesn't feel, it only consumes.
If Shyloh were honest with herself, she would say a few things scare her. Formaldehyde, bleach walls, the syringe smile of a bargaining God. Those she will admit to- but she won't admit to being scared of death.
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junebuggeryy · 2 years
🤥 I need to know whos the worst liar
oh god, it's somewhere between Shyloh and Raini, but for completely opposite reasons.
Raini is a nervous stormcloud full of tells. Her hair will have sporadic weather patterns and have cycled through all 4 seasons before she manages to get her story straight. This is especially relevant, because she technically needs to lie while interacting with humans. She's never sure what things are "normal girl" things, and what things are "I grew up in an interdimensional commune" things, and therefore will find herself lying that she doesn't know about that Very Obvious Secret Magical Thing, such as forks, or sailor moon.
Shyloh just straight up doesn't believe in lying. Completely apathetic. She's deadpan enough that she could conceivably be a good liar, maybe, possibly, but she is loyal to material and will abandon any sense of social grace in a lack-of heartbeat. Unless she has very good reason to want to be committed to a lie, she'll either say "I do not wish to share that information," or, like, get bored halfway through and tell you what's up.
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junebuggeryy · 3 years
🖊 Shyloh's current house was condemned for all the mold and such in the walls that was making people sick and probably making the building structurally unsound. Also, Roxanne has at one point spent 6 hours straight in an art supply store without realizing it. She has likely also been forcibly removed from at least one art store.
Yes yes yes yes yes definitely!
Roxanne specifically gets emotional over the "pen test" notebooks in the inking aisle of any art store. Even if most of the pages are dashes, anonymous doodles, and "add me on snapchat!", something about the collaborative yet uncoordinated nature of them makes it feel special. Then security gets called because it's 9:00 and this lady wont take her religious experience outside the Blicks.
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junebuggeryy · 3 years
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[rattles in fungus] 🍄
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