#sims 3 ronan household
foreverasimmer · 2 days
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Blake snuck into school and stole the test answers for tomorrow! She also left behind her art. Somehow she wasn't caught!
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blushedtrait · 22 days
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behind the sims ☁️ Hi, everyone! I'm Karin (she/her), a twenty-something sims addict living in the southeast Asia! I've been playing sims since the sims 3 and my obsession has never stopped. I absolutely love taking pretty pictures of my sims and wanted to share my love with all the fellow simmers on here! I am wcif friendly, so if you see anything that you like, feel free to send an ask and I will try my best to provide the link for you. Thank you so much for stopping by my little corner of simblr 🤍
my content ☁️ my posts | lookbooks | my townies | interiors
current households ☁️ Ronan | Valentine
helpful resources ☁️ resources (wip) | wcif | answered asks | my dof settings
others ☁️ reblogs
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simssub · 7 months
it happened!! it's CEDRIC'S LAST BIRTHDAYY!!
but simssub, you say, aren't he and Julianna twins? isn't it both their birthday? and i am in the unfortunate position to tell you that in the word of sims 4, pregnancies STOP YOUR AGING, so Julianna is two pregnancies younger than Cedric at this point
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but it's okay; even though she's not aging up, she's still celebrating!
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all the non-household family members were invited, of course, so Julianna and Cedric got to celebrate with Danny and Katrina, as well!
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and good news! Cedric is as much a silver fox as his father before him!
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Sylas is still a young adult, due to vampirism, so they ARE exactly what Bella was most afraid of in New Moon. Sylas is still as into Cedric as ever, so I guess SyCed and Bedward are just built different.
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Julianna's age up will be happening after her twins' birthday, so. next big event on the schedule is Serena and Ronan's birthday, aka, start of gen 3!
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coriel-muroz · 2 years
Huntsville Revived #328
Astra was an adult now. She and Skye would have to figure out what that meant in terms of their living situation.
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Kaylynn, the maid they hired, was not impressed with the state of their home. She kept exclaiming at every speck of dust and mumbling about how badly the place needed a deep clean.
“You did very well to hire me, Ms. Skye, Ms. Astra. This home needs professional help. I am very glad to be here.” Kaylynn truly didn’t believe that it was people who were messy, but houses that couldn’t take care of themselves. And she liked taking care of those houses.
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Kaylynn was a particular fan of Ronroneo, and other cats.
“Who is the sweetest boy who has kept this house rodent free? You are!” she pronounced as she cuddled him.
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Ronan and Barish dropped by for another visit. Ronan was fascinated by the comfort with which Skye and the other Huntsville Aliens interacted with Humans. Barish was now their leader, but he had had to prove himself and was perhaps the only Human Ronan had ever trusted.
“Aren’t you hungry, Ronan?” Barish called.
“Have you seen this documentary?” Ronan responded, ignoring the question, “It’s about the Huntsville Anti-Alien Act.”
“I haven’t,” said Barish, “That was the law that essentially made Aliens here into criminals?”
“That’s right,” Skye said. She had hated that law.
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“Humans in Huntsville protested until the Anti-Alien Act was reversed,” he said to Barish in amazement. The Humans in  Desert Valley were more than happy to see Aliens segregated from them. “It barely lasted 6 months.”
“It did still happen,” Skye reminded them as she packed up some food for Ronan to take with them. He and Barish could not stay too late that night.
“It does show, though, that having allies among the Humans will make us all safer,” Barish told his friend.
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“Thank you for having us, Skye,” Barish held her hand gently. He had not yet told Ronan or the others about his feelings for Skye.
“You are always welcome.” Skye said it to both of them, but gave Barish a wink that implied he was especially welcome.
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“Barish is a good man,” Astra said.
“Oh?” Skye should not have been surprised that her daughter had noticed the connection growing between them.
“Daniel was a good man. And Barish is a good man.” It was high praise indeed from her daughter.
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“Is there a good man that you want to spend time with?” Skye asked.
“Hmmm.” Astra thought about the question for longer than Skye had expected. “Not yet.” was the long awaited answer.
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As Skye relaxed in her bed before sleeping, Ronroneo dreaming at her feet, she felt so much hope. Yes, she had entered her twilight years, if you considered 54 twilight years...which as an Alien she supposed she had to...but the community was growing. They were able to vote! She had never voted before. And she had a crush!!! Which was a pretty silly thing for an old woman to be excited about, but she was none the less.
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Peaceful, she grabbed the most recent novel she had borrowed from the library.
And thus we come to the end of Spring - Days 4-7 for Skye, Astra and Ronroneo.
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mlek13 · 6 years
Year 4: Year End Review
I’m always excited for the end of the year so I can look at stats! And make graphs! And this time I can start using my points system!  (If I ever stop fiddling with it.) It’s gotten to the point that I have an Excel file with 6 pages of information.  Lots of numbers and graphs under the cut!
Year 4 End of Census
Royals (1 household, 9 sims total)
3 elders (2 female, 1 male)
2 adults (1 female, 1 male)
1 young adult (female)
1 teen (female)
1 toddler (male)
1 baby (male)
4 cats (2 female, 2 male)
1 dog (female)
1 small pet (womrat)
- Change from previous year, -1 sim, 0 new pets, 0 new households (*There should only be 1 Royal household in the kingdom.  Members of the Royal family that start their own households are classified as Nobles*)
Gains: - 1 new sim was added by marriage - 2 sims were added by birth. 
Losses: - Four sims born to this household graduated and/or moved to their own households.  Of those, three of the four remained in the main kingdom and one moved to the subhood kingdom.  (*Royal sims who establish new households are considered Noble class or otherwise take on the class of their spouse.*)
Nobles (7 households, 44 sims)
[Burgos, Cade, Durden, Beamont, Elover, Cadeking, Rocade*]
(*Still playing with names for the households, technically the last four are Burgos, Burgos, Cade, Royal*)
5 elders (2 female, 3 male)
18 adults (8 female, 10 male) (*This includes 3 adult males living on the university lot.)
6 young adults (5 female, 1 male)
2 teens (2 male)
6 children (5 female, 1 male)
2 toddlers (2 male)
5 babies (3 male, 2 female)
8 dogs (3 female, 5 male / 7 large, 1 small)
1 cat (male)
1 small pet (bird)
- Change from previous year: +17 sims, +6 pets, +4 households - Average change: +2.4 sims/household
Gains: - 13 sims were born into Noble households - 6 sims moved into noble households by marriage.  Of those, 3 were previously members of the Royal family, 2 were nobility from a neighboring kingdom, and 1 was a townie.
Losses: - 1 sim died from old age - 1 sim emigrated from the kingdom, then died from illness.
Merchants (9 households, 29 sims)
[Carpenter, Farmer, Potter, Tavern, Collin, Fancey, Laughlin, Hanby, Vijayakar]
6 elders (3 female, 3 male)
13 adults (8 female, 5 male)
4 teens (1 female, 3 male)
2 children (2 female)
3 toddlers (3 female)
1 baby (male)
5 dogs (1 female, 4 male / 3 large, 2 small)
- Change from previous year: +10 sims, -1 dog, +1 household - Average change: +1.1 sim/household
- One household was lost this year as its last remaining member passed away.  - Two new households were added.
Gains: - 5 sims were born to Merchant households - 2 were added by marriage - 7 sims (2 families) immigrated to the kingdom
Losses: - 4 deaths, 2 from old age and 2 from illness.
Peasants (7 households, 28 sims)
6 elders (2 female, 4 male)
13 adults (4 female, 9 male)
4 teens (3 female, 1 male)
4 children (2 female, 2 male)
1 baby (female)
7 dogs (4 female, 3 male / 3 adult, 4 puppies)
6 cats (3 female, 3 male / 3 adult, 3 kittens)
- Change from previous year: +1 sim, +5 dogs, +6 cats, +3 households - Average change: +0.14 sims/ household
Gains: - 6 sims were born into this class
Losses: - 1 sim was taken by the social worker - 4 sims died from illness or pregnancy related starvation this season, two were elders and two were adults.
So, lots of new changes.  New households were added all around, except for the Royal class, of course.  The new Noble and Peasant households were added as the second generation of the kingdom reached adulthood and branched out on their own.  The new Merchant households were from immigration (sims I moved in from the simbin.)  Half of the growth in the Merchant class this round was added from immigration and that caused the spike in growth rate shown in the graph below.  Without these new sims the Merchants growth would have been more consistent with past years.
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This season saw a decrease in the total number of sims within a class for the first time.  The number of Royals dropped by one, but that decrease was due to some of the Royals marrying into the Noble class. Those marriages also contributed to the increased growth among the Noble class.  (In the future I may add those two classes together when making a graph like this.)  As the second generation Nobles reached adulthood this year, married, and started having children, a dramatic increase in growth was seen.
Meanwhile, the Peasants have seen a decrease in their growth rate, due to an increase in deaths and a reduction of births.  Many of the adult Peasants are still young, so hopefully more births next year will raise growth for this class again or at least counteract the expected decrease as the first generation ages.  The lack of young women in this generation has me a little concerned.  This class may need to marry in some new sims to turn things around, especially as the upcoming generations are going to become more interrelated. 
(Interestingly, in years 2 and 3, Nobles and Peasants were equal to each other in population and growth, which just makes their divergence even more prominent.)
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Something interesting I’ve noticed from my graphs is that the proportions of each class has been constant up until Year 4, now I’m seeing a noticeable shift.
The Royals started at and are currently 8% of the population.  (Years 1-3 they were 12-13%.) The Nobles have seen a huge recent increase, going from 24% at the very start of the kingdom to 40%.  (They were steadily at 31-33% during years 1-3.)  The Peasants and Merchants have both decreased from the beginning of the kisngdom to the current point.  The Merchants were 23-24% in Years 1-3, down from an initial 36% but they seem to be on the rise again in Year 4.  The Peasants alternated between 32% and 33% throughout the kingdom’s history, until year 4 when their proportion decreased.
The upper classes (Royals and Nobles combined), Merchants, and Peasants each made up roughly a third of the population at the beginning.  Now, it’s nearly half upper class and half lower class.
I wanted to do a graph with age distribution, but I couldn’t get quite what I wanted (not without a lot more work involved), but I managed to do this instead:
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My Royals are decreasing in total numbers and I expect them to decrease further as the elders pass on and my young adult and teen marry into the Noble class, but I’m not concerned about the numbers for his class, just that Princess Rosalin is able to produce an heir . . . So far she has two sons, not producing a daughter could be a game changer.  As she’s getting older and with her history of failed pregnancies, it doesn’t look hopeful.
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The Noble class is on a steady increase.  With so many young adults (newly graduated and at university), I would expect their numbers to continue increasing in the upcoming years.
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The newly added households have helped break the stagnant population size of the Merchant class.  An influx of new adults should also help increase growth, if I can get them to start having more children.  This class has always struggled with birthrate. I’m seeing more of the youngest age groups now than in the past, so that’s promising.
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The Peasants, on the other hand, were steadily having new children in the beginning years and now they’re seeing a decline in births.  There are a lot of adults and some younger sims coming up that will have children in the future, but for this class, as few sims are reproducing, sims my have difficulty finding someone appropriate (that’s not too closely related or the necessary gender) to have children with.
I’ve been attempting to keep an accurate timeline of events so that I can keep track of ages within the kingdom.  For the third generation I’m trying to remember to age up toddlers and children when I get the one day until their birthday message to have more sensible ages.  I think I’m going to start aging up the lower class sims at 8 days to adulthood like I do the upper classes.  I’m still deciding if I’m going to give them those 8 days back during adulthood.  It might make sense for them to age prematurely.
In Memorium:
This was a bad year for deaths as I played with a sickness mod for part of the year and as my first generation sims were aging.  Sadly, we had to say goodbye to the following sims (*ages are approximate*): - Lisha Peasant (63) - Libby Peasant (63) - Marshal Farmer (64) - Amalia Smith (65) - Ronan Pederson - Emmaline Peasant (34) - Teagan Peasant (1) removed by social services - Nolan Durden (32) - Phaedra Tavern (67) death by old age - Briana Peasant (31) - Samantha Burgos (70) death by old age - Caroline Carpenter (70) death by old age
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bedazzlecat · 4 years
Let’s Play Street Kids, Pandemic Edition.
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Giuliana Doran
Giuliana has been in foster care her whole life. She’s never really known her parents, and things have been pretty rough. She got pregnant and had twins and had to give them up. She was sent to a home for girls but that place... she doesn’t want to think about that place... So now she’s here. She really doesn’t know how to accept love, but she finds herself being like a mother to the others here. Giuliana doesn’t know she is part of an ancient bloodline of witches. Kleptomaniac and Freegan. Spellcraft and Sorcery
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Esmerelda doesn’t want you to know her last name. Her dad is someone super important and rich and she can’t stand him, his money, or his demands. She lost her mom to cancer and suddenly a man she barely knew was trying to force her into a mold she didn’t want to be in. She’s a bit of a hippy. A white girl with dreads. Freegan and Adventurous. Outdoor Enthusiast
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Tessa Hawthorne
Tessa is the neighborhood thot. Her mom went to jail for drugs and was served an eviction notice the same day, and Tessa is just surviving the best way she knows how. She’s really sweet and a good friend though, and has a smile that will melt your heart. She is confident in herself. Tessa is secretly a witch that loves to collect crystals. Self Assured and Romantic. Collector
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Avery Valdes
Avery, ran away when her mom was taken by ICE. She didn’t want to get put in a cage, so she ran to the city and hid in the streets, blending in with neighborhood kids and going to school like a normal kid. No one seeming to notice that there’s an extra kid in the class for some reason. Kleptomaniac. Social Butterfly
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“Sonny” is secretly an alien. He’s a specially bred genius dedicated to the purpose of observing human life and behavior, particularly how humans treat the least among themselves. So he must live the life of a human child in abject poverty and get to know who humans truly are. Genius. Whiz Kid
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Travis Bruner
Travis is... well, just a bit of a psychopath. He ran away because he hates authority and doesn’t really have a good home life. He’s into hard drugs and will do whatever it takes to get them. His softer side shows sometimes when he’s painting or gardening. Mean and hates children. Public enemy. 
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Ronan Ambrose
Ronan recently got turned into a vampire and accidentally fed on his little brother. Terrified that he is becoming a monster, he went to this warehouse to avoid people, but suddenly finds it full of other teens, who he can’t help but feel drawn to in their suffering and in his hunger. Good and a loner. Good Vampire.
I’ve done some trial runs on Twitch on a Let’s Play, available on Facebook to see here, but I’m starting over with a new save, creating a situation in the city of San Myshuno in the Spice District at the Old Salt Factory, long fallen into disrepair and disrepute. This dystopian Let’s Play features 7 starting Sims, which include 5 teenagers and two children. I’m going to describe the starting scenario and the characters.
During the 2020 Pandemic of Rabid Rodent Fever, 7 runaways find shelter in the abandoned factory. Some of the children are a bit... different. They all have some low level skills from the trial run. None of them are related. Gameplay begins in the fall (more challenging to try to get through winter) in an industrial footprint (due to the grossness of the build). 
Find me on Twitch, Youtube, and the Gallery with username: Bedazzlecat
These kids are poor. They can’t get up front jobs/careers. They can make money by selling things that they make or by collecting.  Also tips from musical instruments or odd jobs.  They spend their money on frivolous things because they’re kids, and they have no clue about budgeting, saving, or earning. To make this as true to the theme as possible I have set up rules to keep them limited in how much money they’re able to make and how fast. 
They can grow anything they can find to plant. There’s already a mushroom plant and a trash plant on the lot. Maybe a carrot. Once they reach level 5 gardening they can buy any seeds they wish. I will never make them garden. They will have to take care of it autonomously, that includes any seeds I set on the ground. I will only make them harvest. Fishing allowed. They can only sell things they make from the ingredients or sell them on a vendor table. They mainly are using it for food.
I’ll occasionally take them to other parts of the city to use certain facilities or maybe even attend a festival, but they’re not allowed to go to other worlds. They’re allowed to have crafting items they can keep in their own inventory. Woodworking, candle making, fabrication, and juice making can only be done on public lots that have these items.   Spellcasters are allowed to travel to the magic realm to work on their training or to get ingredients.
Roommates allowed if there are  the beds for them.
There will be one prostitute and one drug dealer in the household. Prostitution will only be Friday and Saturday night and with limited clientele of 3. Later on, I might get her to take out a loan. Drug dealing is a little harder, so he’ll have to find a drug dealer that I’ve placed in the neighborhood to work under him, then he’ll have to build the skill and clientele and maintain his supply.  (There will always be a streaming censor in place.)
They are allowed to buy from vendors anything they can afford. 
Build buy will only be used to get something out of the inventory if they find it or are awarded it for some reason.  I will not sell burned furniture from the inventory for money. This is a glitch and they should be worth nothing. They can be recycled, however. If there’s a fire and they get the automatic insurance to replace the item, then it can be replaced. Any other furniture or decor that is found that is repairable or in good shape can be sold from build buy or used in the household. As much as possible I want to avoid selling directly from the inventory but try to make money through Plopsy or vendor tables. There’s a short list of what I will allow the household to buy from build/buy: Generator, Cauldron, Hot Pot, wash tub, clothesline, insect farm, easel, knitting basket, yoga mat, sticker storage box, and the fireplace from Eco Life
I will never make them go to school or do their homework. They will do it on their own if they can but that’s up to them.
I will only click to auto solve for their needs. I will not tell them what to cook, or how much. Because the game glitches, I may have to tell them to actually eat what they cooked or found in the dumpster.
They already have their wardrobe set to have very few articles of clothing. They’re allowed to buy t shirts from vendors, or they can buy one article of clothing at a time for $100 Simoleans deducted.
I won’t tell them to clean but I might clean up dishes or trash myself to generate trash in the dumpsters to dig through. If they earn responsibility points it is up to them to do it themselves. I won’t make them do laundry, but I may put it in their inventory if it gets to be too much on the floor.
Lot traits are “teen neighborhood”, “off the grid”, and “reduce and recycle”. I tried it with cursed and it’s not the right vibe. The house as it is set up from the gallery will turn the neighborhood smoggy after about a week of trash accumulation. I keep the option open to change the lot type for story purposes, like if I want a pet I'll change the lot to attract a stray and add it to the household instead of adopting through the service.
The warehouse is full of mice. If one of the sims has a level 5 handiness score a a mouse hole can be deleted for 1000 Simoleans deducted each.
If they want electricity they can buy a generator or they can get a fake ID to get the power turned on but they then have to pay the bills. They can’t use wind or solar unless they find it in the trash for some reason.
Heat can only come from fire pits on this lot. No fireplaces, central air, or ceiling fans. 
Debug junk and trash piles cannot be removed, but they can be put in the inventory and taken to a public lot to be recycled, but only 3 debug items per trip. Keeping it real.  
Rabid Rodent Fever has been introduced to a family in the game.  If the rabid rodent fever gets too bad and I see it in the neighborhood, the warehouse will be locked down and everyone will stay inside or in the fence for 1 sim week. No going to school, and no social visits. If someone in the household catches any kind of sickness they’ll have to quarantine in a room locked in until they get a moodlet saying they’ve beaten their cold or whatever. Medicine and all kinds of cures allowed. If any sim from the household dies, I will add another teen or child to the household, like a passing teen from the neighborhood, or perhaps someone from the gallery. No EA townies and no adults though. I have aging turned off. I may decide to age up one or both kids if someone dies in the household.
Holidays may be observed as best as they can. They can only decorate with what they can find from rummaging for decorations or something they make. They can only rummage for decorations on a holiday that requires decorations. No holidays have been added or removed. Gnomes can be sold and so can seeds, but it’s better to get the seeds. Think of it as the good will of nature spirits taking pity on their misery.
I won’t interfere in neighborhood action plans. If they’re annoying, that’s life. Kids don’t vote, so why would they have any say over how the adults choose to run things? Stupid adults. We're starting with 7 in case I want a pet or someone gets pregnant.
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foreverasimmer · 5 days
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Jade retired!
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foreverasimmer · 9 days
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Com3t's first steps!
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foreverasimmer · 27 days
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Blake's prank on Jade was a success! Though Jade wan't very happy.
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foreverasimmer · 4 days
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Jade sketched this for Chris. She's so proud of her son!
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foreverasimmer · 8 days
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It's Jade's birthday!
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foreverasimmer · 1 month
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Wondering what Chris is doing at work......dumpster diving...really?
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foreverasimmer · 10 days
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It worked! Alastair thought the abduction was cute and spent the night.
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foreverasimmer · 10 days
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Alexa thought it would be romantic to abduct her boyfriend....will it work?
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foreverasimmer · 11 days
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Leslie spent the night!
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foreverasimmer · 11 days
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Blake went on a date with one of her classmates and she had her very first kiss!
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