#since i think wev had enough star wars hate loll
tskumoyuuma · 4 years
ok I'm seeing a lot of hate for tros but lemme just go over everything I can think of rn that I either liked or loved cause I really did enjoy this movie (long post alert)
the absolute best thing about the movie for me was def the trio scenes. this has literally been all iv wanted from this trilogy was the three of them interacting n tros fucking served it all up on a silver platter. every scene w the three of them in it filled me w such joy, we really shouldv had this from at least tlj if not from the ending of tfa. the final hug scene ? them squeezing each other tight cause they didnt kno if they wer gonna see each other again, the sheer emotion of having all three of them be there n ALIVE, especially after finn had sensed rey had died. the tears, the way they just seem like they wanna pull them tighter despite it being physically impossible. I could go on about this scene for fucking days man, i was crying in the theater
another thing I liked .. was actually the whole palpatine plot thread. i was skeptical at first cause really wer bringing in palpatine ? but i think they actually made it work, especially theme wise. rey is the granddaughter of palpatine, n he says the dark side is in her blood. but rey refuses to bow to hatred, refuses to give in because blood n family does not define u. but the family u make for urself ? that's what matters.
now the last line of the movie. rey talking to the old women asking for her name. the hesitation as she looks to the distance to see luke n leia smiling at her. the confidence when she says "Skywalker". fucking killed me. fit perfectly w the found family theme that was built up. she denied her "roots" as a palpatine n chose for herself to be a Skywalker, to bare the name of her real family, the one that supported her n helped her grow to be the person she is. that shit is my fucking jam.
now I gotta talk about kylo ren. going into the movie I thought I'd be angry if they tried to redeem him. but as I watched, I found myself actually liking what they wer doing w him. yea he goes to the light side, but it didnt feel that forced. there was still hesitance. but the fact that rey healed him instead of killing him, how he heard his mother's dying breaths, that changed him. u can see that. the whole han scene was really good because it mirrored hans death scene, except when he aims the lightsaber at han, he instead throws it away, like he shouldv done back then. he knos what he has to do now because it's the only thing he can do to make up for it. he knos from this moment that he has to die so rey, so good can live. n that's what he does. his ending was perfect for his character that echoed Vader / anakin really well.
now, briefly, I do have to mention that the kiss scene ? bad. ruined the mood until the celebration scene n we got that hug. n rest of that scene outside the kiss I could even live w cause they have an understanding of each other now n they do share a bond. but making it romantic w a kiss ? a kiss that rey initiates ? felt Really out of place. if they wer gonna be anything it was gonna be familial so it would fit the whole fucking theme of the film. but nah, sure, have them kiss, whatever.
ok back to the positives jhdgju. another scene i Loved was when all those ships came out to help the resistance. n the fact that theyr not just more resistance fighters, that theyr just people who wanted to fight, made me tear up honestly. cant really explain it, but it filled me w such hope, n that's what star wars should do I think.
other little things I liked wer the defected stormtroopers since I'd been waiting to hear if there wer more people like finn n thankfully there wer, chewy crying over leia was really heartbreaking, the visuals also wer a real treat, n honestly I just really like this movie. the more I think about the more satisfied I am about it (which was the exact opposite of how i felt after tlj loll). anyway, my thoughts r that if u just cut out the kiss, just go from the hug to rey waking up to ben dying, then I wouldnt have anything major to complain about really. there r minkr things of course as there r w any movie, but I really believe tros wrapped up the sequel trilogy really well, n its prob the best ending we couldv hoped for
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