rewildandgrow · 1 year
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planetarybound · 1 year
I want to get some Sativa and Indica to experiment with. And other stuff.
I also want to experiment with: Blue Lotus, Sinicuichi, and all these other entheogens. I saw all these witches brews that you make into teas on Etsy that seem interesting. Blue lotus is supposed to relieve anxiety and I'm not sure what else. Sinicuichi; I've read people have experiences where the "Sun opens" and everything is bathed in golden light, and that music sounds enchanted. There are also all of these other blends that diviners, psychics, mystics, and shamans supposedly use in their practices. Seems so interesting to me. 😁
There's also a temptation to take a look at some low-dose experimenting with Dextromethorphan. The full dissociative experience is out of reach with my living situation.
Then there's Salvia Divinorum… I took a look at the Salvia extracts and read a trip report, and, uh. The *fear* keeps me away. I remember vividly the way I felt last time I went there, and the timeless eternity I felt during the totally alien visions created by that... Nope, not ready for that. Though I was dumb, and jumped from small hits of 10x extracts right into giant hits of 80x extracts with very little set and setting preparation, mental preparedness, or foreknowledge. 😬
The sense of having a totally new reality-tunnel, hell, a whole new universe coming out of a salvia trip seems enticing though. Everything seemed so magical and enchanted, there was so much wonder to be had in everything that happened, seemingly. But maybe that was just madness. Maybe I just end up becoming deranged or something again. The living situation here makes it as out of reach as the high dose dissociative tripping anyway.
If I get some Salvia it's going to just be the weakest stuff I can get, and I'm only going to tiptoe into it. 😬
Meh. I'm just going to take it easy and go with the weed and the teas for now. I want to see if I can overcome the anxiety I get on weed, and use it to be able to just relax and enjoy things again. 😌
Right now it takes willpower to force myself to try to enjoy any kind of recreation. I don't get immersed, and it doesn't seem to hold my attention for long. 😒
Also succeeding at dry January so far, a big change from the 6-7 nightly shots I was up to back in December before we all caught Covid here. 😌
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Sun Opener aka Sinicuichi tincture Aids in astral travel and lucid dreaming, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, sedative, anti-spasmodic, vasodilator, improved memory, divination, access to ancestor knowledge, muscle relaxer, heightened state of relaxation and euphoria, aids in fertility Offers a tender and loving spirit; is superior for those looking to connect with their ancestors. Known as a trance divination catalyst. It allows “access to memories you didn’t even know you had”. Consuming a sun tea made with sun opener provides clear and vivid memories of past events, a relaxed state, slight euphoria, and enhanced color awareness, oftentimes depicted as “seeing in gold”. Sun Opener contains lythrine, known to possess diuretic properties, & heimidine, known to possess anti-inflammatory properties. Sun opener also contains sedative properties. Cryogene, found in sun opener, is a known anti-spasmodic and tranquilizer. Short term use of sun opener is reported to improve memory. Due in part to its effects, Sun Opener is correlated with the sun; it is also referred to as the Elixir of the Sun. (at Galveston, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CosnGSdOO8Q/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gdbunit · 7 years
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entheognosis · 5 years
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In the mid-19th century, a 16th-century Aztec statue of Xochipilli was unearthed on the side of the volcano Popocatépetl near Tlalmanalco. The statue is of a single figure seated upon a temple-like base. Both the statue and the base upon which it sits are covered in carvings of sacred and psychoactive organisms including mushrooms (Psilocybe aztecorum), tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum), Ololiúqui (Turbina corymbosa), sinicuichi (Heimia salicifolia), possibly cacahuaxochitl (Quararibea funebris), and one unidentified flower. 
 Gordon Wasson, Richard Schultes, and Albert Hofmann have suggested the statue of Xochipilli represents a figure in the throes of entheogenic ecstasy. The position and expression of the body, in combination with the very clear representations of hallucinogenic plants which are known to have been used in sacred contexts by the Aztec support this interpretation.
Wasson says that in the statue's depiction Xochipilli "is absorbed by temicxoch, 'dream flowers', as the Nahua say describing the awesome experience that follows the ingestion of an entheogen. I can think of nothing like it in the long and rich history of European art: Xochipilli absorbed in temicxoch.  -Wikipedia
The photos are from my visit to the Aztec Hall in the National Museum of Anthropology, Mexico City. Depicted are Xochipilla, The Prince of Flowers and his consort, Xochiquetzal. 
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botanicalguides · 5 years
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141e-2 · 6 years
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Seattle Sinicuichi Smoker via /r/streetphotography https://ift.tt/2OiKmhr
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santoproducts · 7 years
This plant was called ‘Sinicuiche' [or sinicuichi] by the Aztecs and is still used by Mexican shamans as a trance-divination catalyst. (Jim DeKorne, Psychedelic Shamanism
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yestheydo · 7 years
Listen/purchase: III - Endosimbiosi by Light Item
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juandiegoyogaymtb · 7 years
Dieta preparatoria Ayahuasca
Hay varios medicamentos que no van bien con la Ayahuasca. Al contrario que con la comida y la bebida, que posiblemente tiendan a producir malestar en diversos grados, mezclar Ayahuasca con fármacos puede causar problemas muchos más graves, dependiendo del medicamento. Si estás tomando un medicamento, asegúrate de comprobar su compatibilidad con la ayahuasca. ¿QUÉ COMIDAS Y BEBIDAS SE DEBEN EVITAR? Las siguientes comidas y bebidas contienen altas cantidades de tiramina. Carne que no sea fresca -sobre todo el hígado. Carnes procesadas como las salchichas, la mortadela, el pepperoni, el salami, etc Extractos de proteínas Suplementos dietéticos de proteínas Queso añejo Cualquier pescado que no sea fresco o que haya sufrido alguna forma de tratamiento (por ejemplo, ahumados, fermentados, encurtidos o pescado seco, etc. ) Levadura en cualquier forma Salsa de soja y pasta de soja fermentada Tofu fermentado Tofu de soja fermentada Sopa enlatada, caldo o sopa de hormiga con extractos de proteínas. Sopa de Miso Chucrut Fruta golpeada o madura. Frutos secos incluyendo, pero no exclusivamente, las pasas y los higos. Aguacate y guacamole Cualquier bebida alcohólica y sus variantes no alcohólicas (por ejemplo la cerveza sin alcohol). Productos lácteos que no hayan sido refrigerados o están cerca de su fecha de caducidad. Pasta de gambas Porotos Aspartamo Grandes cantidades de cacahuetes Grandes cantidades de frambuesas Grandes cantidades de espinacas Grandes cantidades de chocolate Cafeína ¿DURANTE CUÁNTO TIEMPO HAY QUE EVITAR ESTAS COMIDAS Y BEBIDAS? En general, debes tratar de evitar estas sustancias durante 24 horas antes y después de tomar Ayahuasca. ¿QUÉ FÁRMACOS HAY QUE EVITAR? El siguiente tipo de medicamentos no son adecuados para su uso con la Ayahuasca: Otros IMAO ISRS (cualquier inhibidor selectivo de la recaptación de serotonina) Alcohol Antisicóticos Supresores del apetito (pastillas) SNC (depresantes del sistema nervioso central) Anfetaminas (incluyendo metanfetamina y dex, variantes) Antihipertensivos (medicinas para la presión alta) Medicinas para el asma, la bronquitis y otros problemas respiratorios Antihistamínicos, medicamentos para los resfriados, problemas de sinusitis, fiebre del heno o alergias (Benadryl, Benylin, Chlor-Trimeton , Compoz, etc. ) Drogas y hierbas que se debe evitar: Actifed Amantadine hydrochloride (Symmetrel) Amoxapine (Asendin) Benadryl Benylin Bupropion (Wellbutrin) Buspirone (BuSpar) Carbamazepine (Tegretol, Epitol) Chlor-Trimeton Clomipramine (Anafranil) Cocaina Ciclobenzaprina (Flexeril) Cyclizine (Marezine) Desipramina (Petrofrane) Dextrometorfano (DXM) Disopiramida (Norpace). Doxepina (Sinequan) Ephedra Efedrina Flavoxato clorhidrato (Urispas) Fluoxetina (Prozac) Ginseng Imipramina (Tofranil) Isocarboxazida (Marplan) Kava Levodopa (Dopar, Larodopa) Loratadina (Claritin). Maprotilina (Ludiomil) Meperidina (Demerol) Metilfenidato (Ritalin) Nortriptilina (Aventyl) Cloruro de oxibutinina (Ditropan) Orfenadrina (Norflex) Parnate Paroxetina (Paxil) Phenergen Fenelzina (Nardil) Procainamida (Pronestyl) Protriptilina (Vivactil) Pseudoefedrina Quinidina (Quinidex) Salbutemol Salmeterol Selegilina (Eldepryl) Sertralina (Zoloft) Sinicuichi St John Wart Tegretol Temaril Tranilcipromina (Parnate) Antidepresivos tricíclicos (amitriptilina, Elavil) Trimipramina (Surmontil) Yohimbina ¿DURANTE CUÁNTO TIEMPO SE DEBEN EVITAR LAS DROGAS Y LAS HIERBAS? Entre 24 horas y 6 meses antes y después de tomar Ayahusasca, según el tipo de droga. Consulta con un médico para obtener más información acerca de la combinación de fármacos con inhibidores de MAO.
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planetarybound · 1 year
I'm not sure if I want to try Sinicuichi, I read that it gives a lot of people muscle cramping and no other effects... And that you have to put it in some water and let it sit in the sun for 24 hours for it to "capture the sun". At least, not now.
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bizzareplants · 9 years
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My flowering Heimia salicifolia, also known as the Aztec Sun-Opener or Sinicuichi. 
Sources say “use of H. salicifolia for shamanic purposes by native peoples of Central America and Mexico has been described. In the method of preparation commonly used, fresh leaves are collected and allowed to wilt. The leaves are put into a cup or jar, cool water is added, and the mixture is placed in the sun to brew and ferment for at least 24 hours. It is said that during the fermentation process, the knowledge of the sun is embedded into the potion, creating the "elixir of the sun."      
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elephants-are-purple · 10 years
Bought some Sun Opener (aka Sinicuichi). It should be on the mail in a few days. Can’t wait to try it. It’s supposed to be very relaxing and helps open the mind. There is also reports of auditory hallucinations. I am so looking forward to rolling a fat ass joint and smoking it. I am going light candles and put on some awesome music.
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matt-0 · 12 years
Elixir of the Sun
The traditional for heimia salicifolia is to have the dried herb placed in a jar or bowl of cool water and set to ferment in the sun for up to 24hrs.
I just placed mine outside, preparing for a Sinicuichi Sunday!
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drugusersbible · 7 years
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List of drugs sampled:
CHEMICALS #Psychedelics #1P-LSD #1P-ETH-LAD #2C-B #2C-B-AN #2C-B-FLY #2C-E #2C-I #4-ACO-DMT #4-HO-MET #5-MeO-DALT #5-MeO-DIBF #AL-LAD #AMT #BK-2C-B #Changa #DMT #LSD #LSZ #Stimulants #2AI #3-4-CTMP #3-FPM #4-FA #4-Me-TMP #4F-EPH #4F-MPH #Amphetamine #Caffeine #Cocaine #EPH #HDMP-28 #Hexen #IPPH #Methamphetamine #MPA #NM2AI #PPH #Pipradrol #TPA #Anxiolytics #Sedatives #Alprazolam #Clonazolam #Diazepam #Etizolam #Pyrazolam #Alcohol #GHB #Heroin #Morphine #Poppers #Dissociatives #3-MeO-PCMo #Diphenidine #Ephenidine #Ketamine #MXE #MXP #N2O #Empathogens #Euphoriants #6-APB #MDA #MDAI #MDMA #MEAI #Mephedrone #Methylone #MNA #Mexedrone #Cannabinoids #5F-AKB48 #AM-2201 #AM-694 #JWH-018 #JWH-073 #Nootropics #Aniracetam #Citicoline #Armodafinil #Modafiendz #Noopept #NSI189 #Phenibut #Picamilon #PRL-8-53
BOTANICALS #Ayahuasca #Cebil #Chaliponga #FlyAgaric #HBWS #Iboga #Magic-Mushrooms #Shrooms #Truffles #Ololiuqui #Salvia #SanPedro #Shirodhara #Sinicuichi #Yopo #Betel #Coca #Ephedra #Guayusa #KolaNut #Wormwood #Yohimbe #BlueLotus #Catnip #Damiana #Imphepho #IndianWarrior #Kanna #Lavender #Maconha #Marihuanilla #Mulungu #Passion-Flower #Skullcap #Valerian #WhiteSage #WildDagga #WildLettuce #Catuaba #Celastrus #Oneirogenics #Calea #Tarragon #Mugwort #Ubulawu #Diliriants #Nutmeg #Cannabis #Kava #Kratom #Mapacho #Opium #Rapé #SakaeNaa #Tobacco
Further information: www.DrugUsersBible.com
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find-the-real · 13 years
Ordered some Mugwort, damiana, and Sinicuichi from ebay...
Mugwort is supposed to make lucid dreaming happen easier... Damiana is something I've tried before... and Sinicuichi is supposed to make you remember things that happened years ago MUCH easier.
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