#skdlfksjfj awkward teen boys u are just so very silly
cerealmonster15 · 1 year
omg kiss prompts ... 4 for oakworthy could be so so real i think :D or 1 for some of your twisted wonderland guys. biased because a bunch of fleeting kisses is my ideal of all time (me <- guy who has done it irl and will do it again because its CUTE)
HI since someone already gave me exactly Prompt 1 For My Twst Guys i will give you OAKWORTHY. thank u. i wanted to write them for so long but i got scared and needed the push LOL.
Summary: Hermie and Normal run lines for the school play together. Hermie INSISTS that they are NOT going to practice the kiss part, but…
Prompt 4: An accidental brush of lips followed by a pause and going back for another, on purpose.
[SORT OF spoilers if you havent reached roughly ep34. Not really plot spoilers but hermie's attitude might not make sense if you arent that far]
[Link to Ao3] [Prompt List] [EDIT: LINK TO FANART INSPIRED BY THIS FIC!!!]
“This doesn’t mean anything,” Hermie said, arms crossed firmly across his chest after handing Normal his script. “And remember- we’re NOT actually doing the kiss. Just lean in to mime it so we can still get the pacing right. Got it?”
“Uh, r-right,” Normal said as he took the script from Hermie and looked it over. “I, uh, kinda got it the first three times you told me, Hermie.”
Oh. Huh.
“...Well, I just don’t want you to get the wrong idea. This is a strictly professional practice,” Hermie continued as if he wasn’t trying to cover the blunder of overcompensation. “I’m only asking you because I know the others would complain. You’re simply the least difficult option, and I’m not going to let a few inconveniences get in the way of getting my roles.”
“Right, yeah, I understand,” Normal nodded, his head remaining slightly bowed as he looked over the script. “I’ve been keepin’ up with doing my homework and updating my fanfiction the whole time, too, so I get it. And I’m still happy to help! So, uh, let the show begin…?”
Hermie sighed, and the two began the scene. 
Really, Normal wasn’t the worst rehearsal partner in the world. He honestly put a lot more passion and enthusiasm into reading for his character than most would if they weren’t trying out for a role themselves, and Hermie couldn't deny potential where he saw it. Sure, Normal wasn’t great either- he leaned a bit TOO far into passion and definitely oversold a few lines, and had a tendency to stumble over his words when he got too excited and started talking too quickly, but it was clear it all came from a place of genuine enthusiasm…
As Hermie put it once before, Normal really was the heart of the group.
He cared. And he cared to a fault, really. Hermie didn’t understand how one person could burn so much energy towards caring about other people - what they said, what they did, what they thought of him, how they were feeling… It was all exhausting to Hermie, but to Normal, it seemed to be second nature.
Hermie leaned in on cue.
Normal mirrored him, leaning in and pausing about halfway as previously discussed.
Hermie, lost in thought and used to committing to his roles 100%, did not pause. In fact, he hadn’t even realized his own blunder until he heard the soft and surprised gasp escape the lips that his own had just bumped into.
Normal was looking at Hermie with wide eyes, and backed up a few inches moments after their lips brushed together. “I-I’m sorry, Hermie!” He said, anxiously fidgeting with the script in his hands. “I thought I stopped far back enough- Did I go too far!?”
Hermie remained frozen in place, his own eyes widening in surprise as he looked up into Normal's flustered face. He said nothing for a moment, watching, processing…
“...Hermie…?” Normal asked quietly after a few beats of silence. “A-are you alright? I swear, I really didn’t mean to-!”
Normal’s anxious prattling was cut off by Hermie’s lips gently, yet intentionally colliding with his again, Hermie’s hands moving to cup the sides of Normal’s face.
Hermie thought Normal’s eyes couldn’t have gone any wider than they already were, but that was apparently a lie, as when he pulled away again, Normal had the most bug-eyed expression on his face that Hermie had ever seen in his life.
“Wh- Buh- Hermie?! Wha?! Hermie!?” Normal sputtered, face flushed as beads of sweat began to form on his brow.
“Yes, that’s my name. Don’t wear it out.” Hermie responded plainly.
“I-I thought… You said you didn’t wanna do the kiss! And that time was DEFINITELY you that leaned forward!”
Hermie huffed a sigh in response. “I’m aware, Normal…” He could feel a grumpy pout forming on his face and his heart hammering in his chest… Yeah, it didn’t make sense, but…
Well, Hermie didn’t want to think about the details. Not now.
Right now, all he wanted to do was… Practice…
“I changed my mind,” Hermie shrugged. “So… Let’s do that again, from the top. All of it.” Hermie eyed Normal as he spoke, gauging to see if perhaps the poor guy would be too overwhelmed to continue.
But, in typical Normal Oak fashion, Hermie was met with a strange mix of bewilderment yet determination. 
“...Uh, yeah. Yeah! Let’s keep… Practicing…!” Normal said with what he probably thought was a confident smile.
Hermie elected to ignore the fluttering in his chest at such an awkwardly endearing sight, and started their scene again from the top.
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