#skin specialist in mumbai
renewderm125 · 29 days
Unlocking Beauty and Health: Your Comprehensive Guide to Dermatological Treatments in Mumbai
In the bustling metropolis of Mumbai, where life moves at a frenetic pace, it’s easy to overlook the importance of self-care and wellness. Amidst the chaos of daily life, our skin and hair often bear the brunt of environmental pollutants, stress, and other factors. Fortunately, Mumbai is home to a plethora of highly skilled dermatologists and specialists who offer a wide range of treatments to rejuvenate your skin, restore your hair, and enhance your overall well-being.
In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into some of the most sought-after dermatological treatments in Mumbai, from chemical peels to hair loss treatments, and introduce you to some of the best practitioners in the city.
Chemical Peel Treatment:
Let’s start with one of the most popular skin rejuvenation procedures – chemical peels. Chemical peels are non-invasive treatments designed to improve the appearance of the skin on the face, neck, or hands. By applying a chemical solution to the skin, dermatologists can exfoliate the outer layers, revealing smoother, more youthful-looking skin underneath.
In Mumbai, chemical peel treatments are offered by a number of experienced dermatologists who tailor the procedure to suit each patient’s unique skin type and concerns. Whether you’re looking to reduce acne scars, diminish fine lines and wrinkles, or simply achieve a brighter complexion, a chemical peel can help you achieve your goals.
Hair Loss Treatment:
Hair loss can be a distressing experience, impacting not only one’s physical appearance but also their self-esteem and confidence. Fortunately, there are several effective hair loss treatments available in Mumbai, ranging from topical medications to advanced surgical procedures.
Among the most innovative treatments is Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy, which harnesses the healing properties of platelets found in the patient’s own blood to stimulate hair growth. This safe and minimally invasive procedure is offered by skilled dermatologists and has shown promising results in both men and women struggling with hair loss.
Best Dermatologist in Mumbai:
When it comes to entrusting your skin and hair to a healthcare professional, it’s essential to choose a dermatologist who is highly qualified and experienced. In Mumbai, there are several renowned dermatologists who have earned a reputation for their expertise and dedication to patient care.
Dr. Alisha Shah, founder of SkinSolutions Clinic, is widely regarded as one of the best dermatologists in the city. With years of experience and a commitment to staying abreast of the latest advancements in dermatology, Dr. Shah offers personalized treatment plans tailored to each patient’s unique needs.
Skin Specialist in Mumbai:
In a city as diverse as Mumbai, where people have varying skin types and concerns, the expertise of a skilled skin specialist is invaluable. Whether you’re dealing with acne, hyperpigmentation, or rosacea, a qualified skin specialist can provide you with the guidance and treatment you need to achieve clear, healthy skin.
Dr. Sameer Dhawan, founder of Dermacare Skin Clinic, is a leading skin specialist known for his comprehensive approach to skincare. With a focus on evidence-based treatments and a compassionate bedside manner, Dr. Dhawan has helped countless patients achieve their skincare goals.
PRP Hair Treatment Cost:
One of the most common questions patients have about PRP hair treatment is regarding its cost. While the exact cost may vary depending on factors such as the extent of hair loss and the number of sessions required, PRP therapy is generally considered to be a cost-effective option compared to surgical hair restoration procedures.
On average, PRP hair treatment in Mumbai may range from ₹5000 to ₹15000 per session, with most patients requiring multiple sessions spaced several weeks apart for optimal results. It’s important to consult with a qualified dermatologist to determine the most suitable treatment plan for your individual needs and budget.
Body Contouring Doctor in Mumbai:
In addition to skincare and hair treatments, many dermatologists in Mumbai also offer body contouring procedures to help patients achieve their desired physique. From non-invasive treatments like CoolSculpting to surgical options such as liposuction, there are various techniques available to sculpt and tone different areas of the body.
Dr. Naveen Chandra, founder of Sculpt Clinic, is a renowned body contouring doctor known for his expertise in cosmetic dermatology. With a focus on safety and natural-looking results, Dr. Chandra utilizes the latest advancements in body sculpting technology to help patients achieve their aesthetic goals.
Best Doctor for Psoriasis in Mumbai:
Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune condition that causes red, scaly patches to appear on the skin, often accompanied by itching and discomfort. Managing psoriasis requires a multifaceted approach, including topical treatments, systemic medications, and lifestyle modifications.
Dr. Riddhi Shah, founder of Psoriasis Care Clinic, is a leading expert in the diagnosis and treatment of psoriasis in Mumbai. With a deep understanding of the condition and a compassionate approach to patient care, Dr. Shah provides comprehensive treatment plans tailored to each individual’s needs, helping them achieve long-term relief from psoriasis symptoms.
In conclusion,
 whether you’re seeking to rejuvenate your skin, restore your hair, or address specific dermatological concerns, Mumbai offers a wealth of options when it comes to dermatological treatments. By entrusting your care to skilled practitioners who prioritize patient safety and satisfaction, you can embark on a journey towards improved health, confidence, and well-being. Remember, your skin and hair deserve the best – so don’t hesitate to seek out the expertise of the top dermatologists and specialists in the city.
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dermatologistexpert · 2 months
Transform Your Skin with Expert Treatment in Powai | Inurskin
Discover radiant, healthy skin treatment in Powai with Inurskin. Our skilled professionals offer personalized skin care solutions tailored to your unique needs. With advanced techniques and premium products, we strive to enhance your skin's vitality and beauty. Visit our website now to schedule your appointment and unlock the beauty of healthy, glowing skin with Inurskin.
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samikshak · 1 year
Dr. Rashmi Mittal
Dr. RASHMI MITTAL is a renowned and experienced Dermatology in Mumbai. She brings with her an experience of 25+ years and has been associated with some of the best hospitals in Mumbai. A dedicated compassionate doctor who handles many challenging cases with the latest cutting edge technology. She offers patient-friendly scientific advice to your problems while maintaining the highest professional and ethical values.
Address: Ayushi's Skin Clinic, ROYAL SANDS, A/501, behind Infinity Mall, Shastri Nagar, Andheri West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400053
Clinic Timings: Saturday 10 am–1 pm Sunday Closed Monday 10 am–1 pm Tuesday 10 am–1 pm Wednesday 10 am–1 pm Thursday 10 am–1 pm Friday 10 am–1 pm
Phone No.: 9324718382
GMB Link:
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auroskinclinic · 1 year
Dermapen4 — Step-by-step Guide on Micro needling
The aging effect on the skin is a common problem in the cosmetic world. With age, the skin starts losing its elasticity and becomes loose. As a result, fine lines, wrinkles, etc., occur. Therefore, people opt for various methods to resolve the issue of aging. As a result, this has made the anti-aging market reach $58.5 billion by 2020. However, the efficiency and effectiveness of these methods are still not 100%, except for a few. One such latest technology is micro needling which has been proven effective in resolving the signs of aging and scars or body marks. Know more about microneedling by the best skin specialist in Mumbai.
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hazel51 · 1 year
Consult The Best Dermatologist in Mumbai.
The demand for top-quality dermatological services is on the rise, and a lot of people will put in significant effort to consult with the best dermatologists in India. A dermatologist, of course, attends to cases of skin defects in a bid to help patients regain healthy skin. But that’s not all; it is also within the scope of a dermatologist’s job functions to treat or manage conditions affecting the hair and nails – they are somewhat connected to the skin, by the way. Top dermatologists – like those at The Esthetic Clinics – are always staying up-to-date with the latest advances in the field, and this is despite the wealth of experience and knowledge that they might have garnered over the years.
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So, what does it take to qualify as a dermatologist in Mumbai?
The journey to becoming a top dermatologist in the mold of renowned Dr. Rinky Kapoor of The Esthetic Clinics begins with a step – and that’s enrolling in an accredited medical school to obtain an MBBS degree. The individual will then proceed to study a dermatology course for about 3 years before going for the residency to practice as a dermatologist under the supervision of an already established dermatologist. All of these can take a minimum of 10 years to complete, and the dermatologist can back up your license – which is the permit to practice – with a Board certification. Furthermore, an already licensed dermatologist can go for some fellowship programs to further hone his/her skills, or gain more knowledge on the practical front. Along with Dr. Rinky, Dr. Debraj Shome has consistently trained several dermatologists and cosmetic doctors alike through their detailedly designed fellowship program.  
What are the subspecialties in dermatology?
A dermatologist may choose to major in one or more subspecialty area(s) – although there are those who practice as general dermatologist. The major subspecialties in this field are thus discussed below:
Paediatric dermatology: As the name already suggests; dermatologists in this area attend to infections or defects affecting the skin, hair, and nails of children.
Dermatopathology: The specialists in this subfield have acquired skills and knowledge in dermatology and pathology, and they are well-versed in using skin biopsy to solve pathological concerns. Also, dermatologists in this category can conveniently diagnose skin cancer.
Cosmetic dermatology: Cosmetic dermatology primarily revolves around improving the appearance of the skin. The cosmetic dermatologist is, therefore, a specialist who is equipped to use a range of (cosmetic) procedures to bring about a positive change in aesthetic outlook. Some of these procedures include cryotherapy, laser treatment, dermabrasion, dermal fillers, and Botox to mention just a few.  
Mohs surgery: There are dermatologists who are able to perform specific surgical protocols – like Mohs surgery which is a subspecialty on its own. This is basically about using a microscope and some other relevant tools to excise cancerous tumors from the skin. 
How should you prepare when going to see a dermatologist?
Having gotten an insight into what the dermatologist’s work – and qualification – is like, you should know what to look out for when going to see one. But then, what do you need to do on your end? Well, it is presumed that you are going to the dermatologist’s office to communicate a medical concern so you should be ready to provide or prepare the following:
Your medical history
A list of the symptoms you are having
The medications you’re taking
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kdahinmumbai · 1 year
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Whether you are dealing with a stubborn skin condition or simply looking to enhance your natural beauty, our skin professionals are right here that will help you look and feel your best. Contact us nowadays to schedule an appointment and take one step closer to sparkling skin. If you are searching out skin specialist in Borivali west, Borivali Gujarati Seva Mandal is the perfect location to avail this service.
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theskindoctorr · 2 days
Revolutionary Facial Rejuvenation: Exploring HIFU Treatment in Mumbai.
By The Skin Doctor
As we age, our skin undergoes a series of changes that can affect its texture, tone, and overall appearance. Fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin can make us look older than we feel. While there are numerous cosmetic treatments available, not all of them are effective, safe, and suitable for everyone. One innovative solution that has gained popularity in recent years is HIFU (High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound) treatment. In this blog, we’ll delve into the world of HIFU treatment in Mumbai, its benefits, and why it’s gaining traction among those seeking non-invasive facial rejuvenation.
What is HIFU Treatment?
HIFU is a non-surgical, non-invasive cosmetic treatment that uses high-intensity ultrasound energy to stimulate collagen production, improve skin texture, and lift the facial structure. This revolutionary technology targets the deep layers of the skin, stimulating the body’s natural healing process to produce new collagen and elastin. The result is a more youthful, radiant, and refreshed appearance.
How Does HIFU Treatment Work?
The HIFU treatment process is relatively simple and straightforward. During the procedure, a handheld device is placed on the skin, emitting low-level ultrasound energy that penetrates deep into the skin tissues. This energy stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, which helps to:
* Improve skin elasticity and firmness * Reduce fine lines and wrinkles * Lift and tighten the skin * Enhance facial contours * Refresh and rejuvenate the appearance
Benefits of HIFU Treatment
So, what makes HIFU treatment in Mumbai so popular? Here are some benefits that have contributed to its growing popularity:
Non-invasive and painless: Unlike surgical procedures, HIFU treatment is non-invasive, requires no incisions, and is virtually painless. No downtime: There’s no need to take time off work or daily activities, as HIFU treatment has minimal recovery time. Natural-looking results: HIFU treatment stimulates the body’s natural healing process, resulting in a more natural and subtle appearance. Long-lasting results: With proper maintenance, HIFU treatment results can last for several months or even years. Customizable: HIFU treatment can be tailored to address specific concerns, such as facial sagging, fine lines, or texture.
HIFU Treatment Cost in Mumbai
One of the primary concerns for those considering HIFU treatment in Mumbai is the cost. While prices may vary depending on individual circumstances, here are some general estimates:
Best HIFU Treatment in Mumbai
When searching for the best HIFU treatment in Mumbai, it’s essential to consider factors such as:
Qualified practitioners: Ensure that the practitioner has the necessary training and experience with HIFU treatment. State-of-the-art equipment: Look for clinics with the latest HIFU technology and equipment. Personalized consultations: Opt for clinics that offer personalized consultations to tailor the treatment to your specific needs. Hygiene and safety: Ensure that the clinic maintains high standards of hygiene and safety.
Face & Neck Lift HIFU Treatment in Mumbai
One of the most popular applications of HIFU treatment in Mumbai is the face and neck lift. This non-surgical facelift helps to:
* Lift and firm the facial structure * Reduce sagging skin and jowls * Improve definition of the jawline and neck * Refine facial contours and features
HIFU treatment in Mumbai has revolutionized the world of facial rejuvenation, offering a safe, effective, and non-invasive solution for those seeking a more youthful and radiant appearance. With its numerous benefits, including natural-looking results, minimal downtime, and long-lasting effects, it’s no wonder HIFU treatment is gaining popularity. If you’re considering HIFU treatment in Mumbai, be sure to consult with a qualified practitioner to determine the best course of treatment for your individual needs.
About the Author
The Skin Doctor is a renowned dermatologist and skincare expert with years of experience in the field of cosmetic treatments With a passion for staying at the forefront of the latest beauty trends and technologies, The Skin Doctor is dedicated to providing insightful and informative content to help readers make informed decisions about their skincare and beauty routines.
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drkhatry · 3 months
Skin Treatment In Mumbai
Are you longing for glowing, flawless skin? Look no further than Dr. Khatry's Med Aesthetic Clinic, your premier destination for aesthetic excellence in Mumbai. Situated in the vibrant neighborhood of Powai, our clinic offers a comprehensive range of skin treatments tailored to address your unique concerns and unveil your natural beauty.
At Dr. Khatry's Med Aesthetic Clinic, we understand that each individual's skin is unique, requiring personalized care and attention. As a leading aesthetic clinic Mumbai, we pride ourselves on delivering exceptional results through advanced techniques and cutting-edge technology.
Our team of experienced professionals, led by a renowned skin specialist in Powai, Dr. Khatry, combines medical expertise with artistic flair to provide tailored solutions for all your skincare needs. Whether you're seeking to combat signs of aging, treat acne, or rejuvenate your complexion, we offer a wide range of skin treatment in Mumbai designed to address your specific concerns.
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From dermal fillers and Botox injections to laser skin resurfacing and chemical peels, our aesthetic clinic Mumbai provides the latest non-invasive cosmetic procedures to help you achieve the radiant, youthful skin you desire. We prioritize safety, efficacy, and patient satisfaction, ensuring you feel confident and comfortable throughout your skin treatment in Mumbai.
Our commitment to excellence extends beyond the treatment room. At Dr. Khatry's Med Aesthetic Clinic, we believe in fostering long-term relationships with our patients, providing ongoing support and guidance to help you maintain healthy, beautiful skin for years.
Whether you're looking to refresh your appearance or address specific skin concerns, Dr. Khatry's Med Aesthetic Clinic is your trusted partner in achieving your skincare goals. Experience the difference of personalized care and superior results at our aesthetic clinic  Mumbai. Contact us to schedule your consultation today and take the first step towards radiant, rejuvenated skin.
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skin-care-in · 3 months
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vivaaestheticclinic · 2 years
Why Do This To Your Skin
This wedding season it's your time to shine. Say NO to Painful and Unsafe parlour procedures. Glow with Viva Aesthetic Clinic.
Get Viva Signature facial & Viva Laser hair reduction for a glowing face and lustrous skin.
Like & Comment below if you need any questions to be answered. Love Yourself❤️
Feel free to contact Dr. Deepam Shah as he is one of the best Dermatologist in Mumbai
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renewderm789 · 4 months
Mumbai's Beauty Odyssey: A Deep Dive into Top Skin Specialists and Innovative Skin Treatments
In the vibrant city of Mumbai, where dreams are as diverse as the people who call it home, the pursuit of flawless skin takes center stage. Your skin, an exquisite canvas reflecting your inner vitality, deserves nothing short of the best care. Mumbai is a haven for skincare enthusiasts, featuring a wealth of accomplished skin specialists and a spectrum of advanced treatments. Join us as we embark on this beauty odyssey, unraveling the expertise of Mumbai's skin specialists and delving into the intricacies of transformative treatments, from the enchantment of PRP hair treatment to the rejuvenating allure of chemical peeling, the precision of laser hair removal, and the sculpting magic of body contouring.
The Radiant Quest: Navigating Mumbai's Elite Skin Specialists
Begin your journey towards radiant skin by seeking the guidance of skin specialist in Mumbai. These professionals, each a maestro in their own right, cater to a diverse range of skincare needs. Whether you grapple with acne, pigmentation, or the subtle signs of aging, Mumbai's finest skin specialists are ready to curate a personalized skincare regimen tailored to your unique concerns. Schedule a consultation and open the door to a world where your skin's true potential is realized.
PRP Hair Treatment: A Symphony for Luscious Locks
Embark on a journey of hair revitalization with Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) treatment, a natural marvel that breathes life into lackluster locks. Dive into the intricacies of PRP hair treatment cost in Mumbai and explore how practitioners harness the healing powers of your body's platelets to stimulate hair growth and enhance texture. Witness the transformation as your hair is infused with newfound vitality, exuding confidence and radiance.
Chemical Peeling: Mumbai's Skincare Alchemy Unveiled
Step into the enchanting world of chemical peeling treatment, where the alchemy of skincare unfolds. Explore the diverse range of peels available in Mumbai, each promising to unveil a revitalized and luminous complexion. Understand the investment involved in chemical peeling treatments and discover how they effectively address concerns like fine lines, pigmentation, and uneven skin tone, leaving you with skin that radiates a youthful glow.
Laser Hair Removal: Precision Redefined for Silky-Smooth Skin
In a city where time is a prized possession, laser hair removal emerges as the epitome of precision for achieving irresistibly smooth skin. Uncover the intricacies of laser hair removal treatments, unraveling the technology that powers this transformative solution. Explore reputable clinics in Mumbai that offer this sophisticated approach, bidding farewell to unwanted hair and embracing a newfound sense of freedom and confidence.
Sculpting Beauty: Body Contouring Wonders in Mumbai
Redefine your silhouette with the wonders of body contouring treatments available in the heart of Mumbai. Whether your desire is to eliminate stubborn fat or accentuate your natural curves, immerse yourself in the world of non-invasive procedures and surgical options. Understand the costs associated with these body contouring marvels and allow Mumbai's experts to sculpt the beauty you envision for yourself.
In the heart of Mumbai, where dreams are as vast and diverse as the city itself, taking care of your skin becomes a captivating odyssey. From skilled skin specialists to cutting-edge treatments like PRP hair treatment, chemical peeling, laser hair removal, and body contouring, the city unveils a myriad of possibilities to enhance your natural beauty. Prioritize self-care, consult with the experts, and embark on a transformative journey towards radiant and healthy skin in the dynamic metropolis of Mumbai.
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dermatologistexpert · 4 months
Layering for Healthy Skin Dermatologist-Backed Winter Skincare Routines
Elevate your winter skincare with Inurskn, your trusted partner for dermatologist-approved solutions in Mumbai. Our expert guidance ensures your skincare routine aligns with the unique needs of your skin. From hydrating products to personalized advice, Inurskn is committed to helping you achieve healthy and radiant skin throughout the winter months.
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amiskinandhairclinic1 · 5 months
Best Dermatologist in Kandivali - Best Dermatologist in Mumbai
At AMI Skin and Hair Clinic, their team of highly skilled dermatologists is dedicated to providing personalized and effective skincare solutions tailored to your unique needs. Whether you're dealing with acne, aging-related concerns, or specific dermatological conditions, Their clinic, known as one of the Best Dermatologist in Kandivali and Mumbai, combines cutting-edge technology with a patient-centric approach. Read more - https://www.amiskinhairclinic.com/services/best-dermatologist-in-kandivali
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hazel51 · 2 years
Best Skin Specialist in Mumbai
Medicine is quite a broad field of study with numerous specialty areas – dermatology being one of these. Dermatology is primarily concerned with conditions affecting the skin – and the nails and hair by extension – and the doctor that diagnoses and treats these conditions is known as a dermatologist. A dermatologist is equipped with the knowledge and skills to treat common skin problems [such as rashes, acne, wrinkles, and so on] to the most complex ones [e.g., skin cancer, psoriasis, pigmentation disorders, etc.], as well as nail problems and hair loss. Looking for a Best Skin Clinics in Mumbai to take care of a skin problem? You need not look further than The Esthetic Clinics where highly respected dermatologist, Dr. Rinky Kapoor currently leads a team of experienced professionals in the field of dermatology. 
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Training and qualifications of a dermatologist in India
Dermatologists go through rigorous education and training as they spend up to 10 – 12 years traversing through different institutions of higher learning. The cumulative years spent in training are broken down as follows:
Five-and-half years in medical school to obtain an MBBS degree
3 years for dermatology course
About 2 years to practice under an experienced dermatologist. This is most likely going to be as a resident dermatologist in a teaching hospital
License to practice is then given after the dermatologist has been taken through a series of examinations. That said, a dermatologist may proceed to become Board-certified as he/she looks to give his/her qualification further boost.
Dermatologist in Mumbai
Subspecialty areas in dermatology
Beyond being a dermatologist, a professional in this field may choose to focus on one [or even more] of the following subspecialty areas:
Cosmetic Dermatology: Cosmetic dermatology encompasses the area of dermatology that is hinged on helping patients improve the appearance of their skin, hair, and nail. Some of the specialists may also register as cosmetic surgeons. Laser therapy, chemical peels, Botox, cryotherapy, etc are among the procedures these professionals are vast in performing.
Dermatopathology: This aspect combines dermatology with pathology. The specialists here usually adopt different methods of skin biopsy to resolve issues surrounding pathology. The expertise of a dermatologist with knowledge in this area is needed when carrying out diagnostic examinations for skin cancer.
Mohs Surgery: Mohs surgery is a dermatology subspecialty area that entails the removal of cancerous tumours from the skin with the aid of a microscope. This requires some level of skills, and Dr. Debraj Shome is one of the best Cosmetic Surgeon in Mumbai of The Esthetic Clinics is one of the few gifted hands in India that have excelled in this aspect.
Paediatric Dermatology: Paediatric dermatology is simply concentrated on treating skin, nail, and hair problems affecting children.
Preparing for your first consultation with the dermatologist
Being well prepared for your first appointment with a dermatologist will go a long way in ensuring that you do not leave anything out. So, as you look towards the dermatologist running diagnostic tests on you, you should consider taking the following steps:
Have a list of the symptoms you have been observing
Put your medical history in perspective
Take along the drugs or medications you are on
Go with the reports of the previous lab tests you had
Wear light clothing
Avoid using make-up while going on your first appointment
Do not hesitate to relay your concerns to the dermatologist while on your first appointment. Plus, you may even ask about his/her qualifications and experience.
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samikshak · 7 months
Dermacos Skin Hair and Laser Clinic
Dr. Shilpa Sankpal, ('M.B.B.S.', 'D.V.D') is one of the reputed doctors in Raigad, India Specialist/Center: - Dermatologist, Trichologist & Cosmetologist Experience : 15+ years Dr. Shilpa Sankpal's clinic offers these services: -General Dermatology -Skin Care -Laser Treatment -Hair Care -Cosmetic Surgery Doctor provides In-Clinic and Online (Audio/ Video) Consultations for which Appointments can be booked online easily via clicking on the Website or Appointment link. Doctor welcomes patient queries as well via the 'Chat' option
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