#slbu lore
shadows-story-abyss · 2 years
Thought I'd start by posting the timeline. Because why not. Also some vague stuff about what's in each bit. Very vague. I'll prolly elaborate sometime.
(It looks like shit btw lmao)
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Descriptions under here bc L O N G (actually there's just loads)
(Omitting unused arcs bc. Well. They're unused. Yehaw.)
Main Arcs
Arc 4:
The one where we start now. Has the initial development of Shawtons relationship plus the obvious Arc 5 setup segment of the SMUDs release and the (temporary) planetary divide
Arc 5:
Yay demon snake time (also angst and the beginnings of the Glitch lol)
Arc 6:
Fluff. I mean also more characters and plot development. But fluff.
Oh also some Corruption setup (which could also be part of Dream idk which part it'll be in but Dream and Legend kinda split this one in two)
Arc 7:
Wooooo more demon snake but with added 💫spice💫
I mean also. The defining point of Everything Is Fucked™
Oh and Zero kicks off here too
Arc 8:
More fluff. This is the last of the fluff tho. Only pain from here on out.
Arc 9:
Interdimensional playground :3
Glitch. My dude. My bro. Calm the fuck down-
Arc 10:
Titan pain. Family drama. Mind control.
All the good shit.
Arc X:
X marks the spot! Or uh. The end in this case.
OH and the Imaginatrix is formed. Corruption setup :)
(Corruption was initially intended as a sort of... sequel. Vex was added in after SABA was released)
Corruption Arcs
A narrated summary of events between Shadow's death and the Corruption's uprising
(Includes how Vex turned into... that. And how the Imaginatrix develops into the last stand)
Phase 1:
Set the stage! Basically just a buildup to everything cracking off.
Phase 2:
Infiltration time. Also N.A.O.M.I holds a fucking GRUDGE man fr-
Actual nightmare fuel :)
Phase 3:
Action move shit.
Also A N G S T
Side (??) Arcs
Memories: Newton:
Angsty emo kid
Memories: Shadow:
Some very uncomfy childhood trauma
Who wants to be a god anyways?
Throwback to my edgy 14yo writer days
Demon snake has a heart you know
Or, well... grows one.
Demon snake do the time travel thing but also EVIL SHADOW
Oh, and a nice little nod to Corruption
War of Haeven:
Well SOMEBODY pissed the gods off by existing huh
Reversal (corruption):
Some sneaky lore
Void (corruption):
Wanna know what happens when the necessary evil decides he wants to be a good guy?
Void Zero (corruption):
The good ending of the Void
Good ol role reversal
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Thinking about the world expansion I did of Bunkum in SLBU and how super epic it is but also what was I on how did I come up with that
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shadows-story-abyss · 2 years
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shadows-story-abyss · 2 years
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Hey lbp/saba peeps how long til I make an lbp/strange magic crossover because IN CANON LORE all the characters are like. Literally the same size. Would anyone want one of those.
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Sleepy vacuum
(Full version and lore under the cut)
⚠️ The full version depicts it being underwater, and murky water at that. I want it to be known that that is the intended look.
⚠️ In the description of lore, there is some very unsettling concepts of death and disease. Please tread carefully
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So. In the future in my timeline (the one with edgy melty noodle man) there's this whole thing about some of OC Shadow's released Power getting corrupted and turning itself into a kind of disease - which Vex then becomes the sort of catalyst of when he absorbs the Glitch (I think I made a post about it before but I can't find it so I'm not entirely sure lol - either way he's just a disease ridden rat now and no I won't take it back) and that's when it becomes noticeable and stuff, starts having effects on everyone and kinda brainwashes them.
Because of this Corruption disease thing, the Interstellar Junction gets shut down - nobody travels anymore - so N.A.O.M.I gets brought down to Craftworld.
Now there was this.. Bunker thing that got made - not the same as the Collector's Bunker, but similar. (This part of the story, and this entire infection thing, was based on a dream I had because it was so fucked up and twisted that I was just like FUCK THAT'S SO COOL and then it was a thing, then like 1-2 years later SABA comes out and my brain is all like "HEY LOOK FUNNY JESTERMAN let's break him like you break everything else" and now here we are-)
Anyway so this Bunker, it was designed to keep the infection out (think Horizon Zero Dawn for a good analogy on that), and the Negativitron was built kinda into it to power it and run it and stuff because it is immune to the disease. This is also where N.A.O.M.I ends up, the two of them work together to run it.
Until the Corruption gets in. And with the Corruption inside, Vex could find it and take the Negativitron's power. Which is... not good at all.
So when Vex got there, everyone inside said Bunker was... Well there was no saving them anymore. So N.A.O.M.I, and Neg, collectively decided on the best course of action.
She flooded the place to trap Vex and essentially cut the head off the Corruption (I tried to think of better wording but. No.)
Now this didn't work, since he escaped, but he never got to the Negativitron. He also lost all control of the Corruption down there, too. So half a win, if you can even call it that.
I have some... terrifying shit planned for that place (I guess now it's a tad more obvious as to why I don't like to sleep much)
A N Y W A Y -
The Negativitron is fine. It works with the Imaginatrix, as a sort of archive of knowledge - particularly types of power and stuff about dimensions that's VITAL to the way the story ends.
N.A.O.M.I is... sort of fine. As an AI, she can't exactly... she's more of a spirit now. Some Black Mirror shit going down. Creepy to think about.
Aksjzkxndkddbdhdkdbfkffbf sorry- my explanation skills are decidedly lacklustre so if this makes no sense then uh... Well maybe that's a good thing.
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Thinking about the fact that Corruption Vex is scared of water
Like. Will actually freeze up at the sight of anything bigger than a puddle.
Why? N.A.O.M.I. Also Glitch. Also he's not very waterproof. I dunno I reckon he'd prolly try his best to keep out of the rain too, dunno how much fun watered down Uproar would be for him-
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So I'm still playing with other dimensions and evil Shadow
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But look I added Vex! Prolly gonna change the colours on him though I'm not sure how I feel about them... but they do need to be different same as Shadow's red instead of blue, it's a whole lore thing that certain powers have different colours in each dimension (so main is blue, zero is red and the other one's green).
Another concept for zero Vex is that he has Johnny's power stones braided into his arms, so if ever he's not wearing that coat they'll shine though whenever he uses his abilities!
... yeah I'm still working on it.
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It's lore time nyahahahaaaaa-
(I drew this like 3 years ago man and the photo is bad bc I'm too lazy to take a new one)
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Aight aight so what you see here is one lightbulb man with his wings device thing that he made and also a special suit of armour. And yes, yes he can pull some of the metal sheets from the wing pack to use as swords. Because I wanted to make him an adorable badass.
Aaaaanyway, WAAAAAYYYYY after the events of all the games, and after most of the events of my story, Newton and a few others created a kind of.. Avengers-but-on-a-way-bigger-scale group to keep the Imagisphere safe.
They called it the Imaginatrix.
So the suit of armour, he designed and created it, and has made like hundreds of them for everyone else who joined. They have electro-or-whatever-it-is shields (something he figured out how to weaponise thanks to meeting his decidedly more evil parallel self some time before this) that can be used in a variety of ways. He modified his own one to account for things like the Glitch (power-mad evil-as-shit corrupted alter-ego he developed after the Titans, which then absorbed some of OC Shadow's Power and became both his greatest weapon and his greatest enemy), but most of them are pretty generic. I mean there's differences for certain characters, obviously, there's no "one size fits all" in the Imagisphere... But the general idea is the same.
But that's not what I was thinking about... I'm not gonna dwell to much on it in this post but there's some design choices in here that I purposefully re-used for a certain something recently. Everything ties together perfectly ¬w¬
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Aight aight so story stuff.
Vaguely-Newton-related story stuff. EXTRA DIMENSIONS. Because apparently I can't make this thing confusing enough...
Aaaanyway I posted a bit of him before but I.. Never did a full colour version of him???
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Anyway here's a redraw! Of an old thing... I never originally posted... because I was embarrassed about my interests not really existing online.
Meet... Well, Newton. All the other characters call him Newton (or various nicknames revolving around the word "creep"). In my notes and stuff, I refer to him as Parallel so that I can differentiate the two versions - which is important for the purpose of not getting confused since they do end up meeting each other.
Uhhhh this is getting kinda long so more under here - plus another element of his design which is... uh idk what to tag it but I think that good old body horror favourite of mine will cover it.
Now Parallel. He's an emotionless husk, having been continually enslaved by the Titans for a good 20 years, and having corrupted them using Vex's powers - which he stole (I feel like there's a lot of this "power stealing" that goes on but I swear it's not so simple as that--).
Compared to Newton, Parallel is incredibly cold and quiet. Doesn't talk much at all. Nor does he leave his fortress much (yes it's the same one but much more weathered, patched up again and again, and the Lagoon is more like a wasteland at this point), preferring to leave all the dirty work to his armada of machines.
In his dimension, his timeline, he was never defeated. The Shrines were never opened, and the Shadow from this world lost. She's... not existing. She put up quite the fight, though. The marks on his face, that was her. She also took something from him, having been cornered into using her CURRENTLY UNCONTROLLABLE powers.
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Quite the explosion, I'm telling you. He tends to not take off his coat or glove, not wanting to show "weakness" as he calls it - it's far from it. It's engineered to store and wield Shadow's power, which he took from her because it was the only way to win against her (she'd just keep reviving otherwise)
Anyway eventually he figures out other dimensions exist, and finds away to travel between them and shit kicks off.
But I've been rambling long enough. Also sorry for always doing links to other stuff in these things, just me tryna keep everything together.. aksjsksjd so much stuff-
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Heya, I've been seeing your art of your LBP AU, and it looks super cool! I'm really curious to know what it's about?
Firstly, thank you! I'm so glad you think it's cool!
Secondly, asking about the whole thing?? Bold move mate, I can talk about this thing for hours, it's a clusterfuck of 4 years worth of ideas, there's so much to it I could be here all day...
So it started as a self insert to cope with shit - LBP3 was literally my life and I saw so much of myself in Newton that I kinda just... Heh. Enter OC Shadow.
She's a character I've had TONS of versions of over the years - this is the one that I use most though (but I added the others in somewhere ajsjskdjd). The main premise of the story is that she has a Power to balance and control the universe.. it only she knew how to use it! The Power is as old as time and gets passed down to certain individuals through the generations - usually in the Haeven (the immortal/demimortal realm; angels, demons, fallens, reapers, etc it's a whole thing) but APPARENTLY it either saw something in her worth fucking up the universe for OR it was bored as shit (the latter me thinkses)
This out of control Power led to a disruption of the balance. Shadow was experimented on growing up because of her abilities, and as a result ended up creating Vex who shares her powers - but also (as currently unknown to him) has the ability to Corrupt anything. Every major villain (with supernatural powers) has something unique that separates them from the rest. Vex and his Corruption power, the S.M.U.D (demon snek thing) being able to absorb and use any type of power it wants (Vex figures this out a bit later but he's not made for it so he go melty)
I mean I have 21 different note folders, 20 of them to categorise stuff I write into their respective story arcs - 12 main timeline arcs and 8 side stories that are JUST as important to the timeline but they're like different perspectives.
For example, the Psychoverse (as I call it) is an alternate dimension to the main one where Newton and the Titans were never stopped. It technically appears in the 9th main story arc, but it has a side story with all the shenanigans that happened before leading up to that (it's hella dramatic).
I also have a side story about Newton's past! It's very... metaphory. Also angst. Emo teen Newton is mean (also headcannon he didn't always have the prestige accent! He trained himself into it, but he goes back to the old one when he's drunk it's kinda funny)
Anyway so yeah I'll stop rambling on this tangent (ugh tangents why do I always aksjskbddj). This thing is a gigantic clusterfuck of literally every genre. There's cutesy shit (Shawton ship hhhhhh I love them they're so cute together), comedy shenanigans, soap-opera level drama, horror and gore, action...
Aaaaaaa sorry this is so long 😅 I hope my ramblings made enough sense! If you wanna know more I post a lot in my AU tags but there's not much way I can think of to sum it up quickly...
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Just a lil sketchy doodle of some shit cracking off
Do I post this...?
Yeah fuck it why not
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Written in my uh. Kinda note-y way? Idk. When I wrote most of this I wasn't necessarily intending to share the written versions...
Gonna post this shit. Under here. Before I uh. Cringe myself out I guess?
Oh also. Neo is Johnny, Faye is Shadow.
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Vaguely related lore-y/general stuff in case anyone's interested prolly not
I wrote this back in 2018 so it's like. Really fuckin bad lol
Johnny (or Shade, as he's known by most because of his artificial power project) is the only family member Shadow had any decent relationship with
For 14 years she thought he was dead, and he had no idea if she'd managed to get away
Shadow's natural hair colour is white, but her powers make it blue. When her powers fade, so does the colour. There are only three times in the whole timeline where this happens! (And the timeline is uh. Very long. For reference, the Corruption timeline takes place like... 150~ years after this?)
Johnny also has naturally white hair, though his is dyed black with streaks left for the colour of his artificial power (green). His fades when he moves too far away from any of his sources
In both the Corruption timeline and dimension Zero, this colour effect also happens with Vex - the blue from attaining the full power in Corruption, and in Zero his glow is dulled if an artificial power source is moved too far away
Uh that last one made no sense probably, might make a Zero post. Maybe.
But speaking of Vex, his powers would also weaken a fair amount at times when Shadow is using full force - because they have to share
Oh also on the colour thing! Newton gets to be shiny blue too!! Only once. Though he does get to go all sans undertale every time he uses the Glitch (or the Glitch uses him)
Ahah I went on a tangent sorry- I haven't talked about any of this in a while 🥲
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Dooble from the other day lbp2 era Shadow my beloved
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AU related headcanon of how Newton got his Airship:
He didn't make it himself, it's actually an old one that Captain Pud had before that broke and was replaced with the shiny gold one in the game.
When he was little (and actually had a fairly decent relationship with his dad) they used to mess about tinkering with it together whenever he was home, and Newton would also do so on his own once he'd got a grasp on what everything did.
As time went on and the two grew more distant (there's some relevantly irrelevant shenanigans that went down that drove them apart), he would continue to work on repairing it alone - often he was at his happiest there, and it became something of a coping mechanism for the pressures of being a celebrity fuckup (y'know, kicked out of the popit academy, being decidedly sub-par compared to his parents, etc...)
Anyway eventually he managed to completely fix it and get it flying again, and that's when he decided to leave Stitchem Manor - after, of course, talking Captain and Nana Pud into letting him take the old ship (and after painting it in it's entirety)
And that's... basically it.
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Hellooooo more AU Vex because I did a thing and I wanna share it and some other stuff bc it looks cool- (kinda just the comet scene but. Him.)
Also a bit loredump-y, sorry...
⚠️ lowkey body horror / possible eyestrain(?) ⚠️
Alright so LAST time I posted some of him doing his spoopy detatchy thing it ended up being somewhere it shouldn't have been so imma put a couple other little doodles and shit I did of him in here too...
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Mostly just I was practicing some facial expressions. I like to think that even with everything he went through, everything that made him this way, he's still a cocky bitch who acts like he's just always living his best life (most of the time).
Also and I've prolly mentioned this before he can't shapeshift anymore, not really, because he's pretty much liquefied on the inside and that's just too much matter to have to change - too much energy. So he keeps it small, only changing his hands into stuff, and relies more on his more summony abilities (like canon Vex summoning monsters and items and extra hands and shit)
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Sorry it's kinda dark (literally can't even see the background I made rip) and I suck at scenery and shit but like. Yeah. It looks cool imo--
He's basically just being contortiony to do hefty spoops.
(Absolutely yes I'm adding it twice again for the tumblr filters making him terrifying wowzers and uh rainbows)
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M'kay buhbai--
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