#sldkjhf thank u for sending me so many slkdjhfsdkhfj
loserchildhotpants · 1 year
questions for fic writers 1, 2, 15, 16, 23, 37, & 41 (if you want)
questions for fic writers
What fic of yours would you recommend to someone who had never read any of your work? (in other words, what do you think is the best introduction to your fics?)
Hmm. I guess it depends on who's asking! I've written like... 200 fics???? I think maybe Seeing Wolves (Where There Are No Wolves) on my loserchildhotpants account is a good introduction to like... my writing style? I guess? And it covers my most used tropes; slow burn, mutual pining, love confessions, eventual smut, etc etc.
That said, I think What Used to be Mine on my someonetoanyone account is probably a better example of what my writing has transformed into.
2. Go to your AO3 "Works" page, to the side bar with all the filters, and click the drop-down arrow for "Additional Tags." What are your top 3-5 most used tags? Do you think they accurately represent your writing habits?
On my loserchildhotpants account the top 5 Additional Tags are: Fluff (111), Angst (91), Tumblr Prompt (71) [I'm not gonna count this one tbh], Romance (60), Humor (54) and First Kiss (5)
On my someonetoanyone account the top 5 Additional Tags are: Mutual Pining (12), First Kiss (9), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (9), and Love Confessions (8)
and yeah, these are all p accurate - on both lists, the next one on the list would've been 'pining' lmao so a p accurate depiction!
15. What's your favorite AU that you've written?
Tbh my favorite AU that I've written isn't up yet -- I'm posting it in ~2 weeks and I don't wanna spoil it here, but... it fucks. This AU fucks. I'm so proud of it. It'll be on my someonetoanyone account - check back in w me then lol
16. What's an AU you would love to read (or have read and loved)?
So, first, I'm not big on AU's typically. I'm a basic bitch, i like canon-divergence best of all, and I don't usually stray outside that until I'm like, running out of things to read in the canon-divergent tags lol that said, a canon-divergent AU i NEVER get sick of (for my current fandom - destiel) is time travel fuckery. Older!Dean going back in time, meeting his younger self, or interacting w early seasons Cas, or Older!Cas going back in time and meeting Stanford Era!Dean, Stanford Era!Dean getting plonked into later seasons canon and meeting Cas at all -- it's delicious to me.
23. What's a trope, AU, or concept you've never written, but would like to?
Oh, so many. I'd like to try my hand at omegaverse (i've only read a handful in my LIFE that didn't feel weirdly transmisogynistic and over-the-top sexualized to the point that it had an opposing effect where it was suddenly sexless to me? I feel like i could mASTER IT AND GET IT RIGHT i just have no plot ideas yet lol), sex pollen something or other I'd love to do, I'd love to do a time travel fic of my own, I'd love to write a djinn dream fic, amnesia fic, murder husbands fic -- i wanna do all the things!!!
37. Promote one of your own "deep cut" fics (an underrated one, or one that never got as much traction as you think it deserves!) What do you like about it?
On my loserchildhotpants account, I think June is the one I was most proud of that didn't get much feedback. And it's got all the hits for the reddie fandom! Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Mutual Pining, Love Confessions, First Kiss, it's Richie-centric and i was really proud of the pacing and imagery of June :( the only person to ever point out June to me was my friend Grace, and it made me SO happy to know at least one person remembered June by name and that it came to mind as a favorite ; _ ;
On my someonetoanyone account, I think So Tirelessly maybe deserved some more love ; _ ; i love writing endverse!destiel and i plan to write more of it in the future, but this fic was short and bittersweet and i enjoyed writing it. i was like 'oh yeah, this one's a banger' and then it didn't really draw attention lol
41. Link a fic that made you think, "wow, I want to write like that"
how do u expect me to stop at one
In a destiel rec that will shock absolutely no one, sobsicles' 'let's take a drive' changed my brain chemistry forever and tbh i had a Crisis after going through their entire AO3 bc i was like 'oh what is the point of writing actually when sobsicles is out there doing the damn thing this well i should just be quiet' sdkjfhskldjhf genuinely an amazing fic and writer
In a johnlock rec that WILL shock someone, 'The Quiet Man' by ivyblossom - it's 157k words and i could. not. put. it. down. and why is this shocking? it's in First Person POV and i usually can't handle First Person POV bc it personally gives me the cringe (godspeed to everyone enjoys it, i mean no offense, it's just not personally for me) but this fic Changed My Life and genuinely made me rethink how and what I write.
And in a final, spicy and unpredictable thorki rec that no one asked for, 'Find A Home,' by Aria and filiabelialis is... incredible. Listen, when you open the link, you'll see it's 107k words, DO NOT BE INTIMIDATED, GO READ IT, IT'S LITERALLY INCREDIBLE AND SUCH A GOOD CHARACTER STUDY SDJHFKSKDJHF PLSSSS
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