supcrmight · 5 years
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Sam stop tormenting Ann!!! u_u
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explodie · 4 years
@smashkick​  /  ???
IT HAPPENED AT THE END OF CLASS  --  Katsuki stood up, turned to Deku’s desk and said,  “Nerd  --  c’mere.”
     There’s an odd second or two when Katsuki’s hand hovered over Deku’s collar, reminiscent of all the times he dragged the poor boy to the middle school roof, but he stops himself and starts walking instead.  Shatter any illusion you might have that you can get out of this, Deku.  It’s happening.
     Where they eventually wound up was at the door to Katsuki’s room, which he unlocked and kicked wide open.  There wasn’t much to see  --  a sleek modern desk with a laptop atop it, a TV with a PlayStation attached, and a bedframe with various books and manga at its head.  Of interest, there was a lone All Might figure atop his trophy case and Katsuki had his hero briefcase open and all his gear laid out 
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     “Y’just gonna keep standing there?  Quit wastin’ my time and get your ass inside.”
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katsubi-archive · 5 years
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  ‘  You don’t even drink respect wahmen juice do you. disgusting.   ‘                                                          / @smashkick​
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crepitvs-a · 4 years
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DEKU.  A  NAME  that  you  hated  hearing,  a  person  you  hated  seeing.  you  stared  with  your  crimson  eyes  while  the  other  stared  back.  you  had  not  just  stared  at  each  other  like  this  for  a  while,  for  YOU  had  blamed  the  other  for  your  decisions  to  turn  like  this,  (     a  villain   ).  your  face  turned  the  color  of  wrath  as  you  didn’t  attack     :     you  weren’t  that  stupid  to  attack  in  broad  daylight.                   /                       @smashkick​           *
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briilliance1 · 4 years
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Santarozu supports Krampusuraka and will provide coal and a sack for the bad bakukiddies and monobabies in the world 
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writingalaxies · 4 years
@smashkick​ || [ ★ ]
The air was HEAVY. Between how their meeting with all of the pro heroes went, and then Aizawa - sensei’s talk with Midoriya afterward - not to mention the entire mission at hand and the stakes involved there, there was a lot to consider. A lot to take in and suss through, manage the information and figure out the best way to solve it. Kirishima had unintentionally gotten himself involved in everything that night that Tamaki - senpai had been shot with that quirk erasing bullet by a guy that Kirishima had later taken down. But truly, at the time, he didn’t even know the whole scope of everything going on, how intense it all truly was, and how deep and far it all went. But he was prepared to take it head on, as he sure Midoriya was.
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“Hey man,” Unlike when they made their way TO the meeting area, their ride back to the dorms was much quieter, heavier in the wake of everything that happened. But Kirishima nudged Midoriya slightly, expression rather placid for the red head’s usual spunk. “I never met Eri - chan,” He starts out, however from the sounds of those at the meeting, the only ones who have were Mirio - senpai and Midoriya, no wonder they were both so down in the dumps. “But that doesn’t matter, we’ll get her out of there no matter what, alright?” He held out a fist toward the other, along with a reassuring smile.
“We’ll save Eri - chan, I promise.”
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asakishi · 4 years
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     ❝Nice to see that you haven’t changed all that much.❞ A small chuckle was made after the youth stopped talking, fondly reminding Riku of just how excitable Izuku tended to be. Even knowing that some time had passed, it was something of a relief to find that the boy was still the same in his ever present zeal. In all actuality, that energy of his seemed more--confident. A stalwart presence, rather than shaky or ridden with anxiousness.
     Riku looked him over once, folding his arms across his chest with a plain enough smirk. ❝And still pushing yourself harder than ever too, I see. I hope you give yourself a break once in a while, at the very least.❞ Striking blue eyes were downcast for a moment, before turning them back to the boy’s freckled face as he offered a minor shrug. ❝No mission to speak of. Not really. Just... wanted to see you again, I guess. ...Truth be told, there was a couple of close calls on my end since we last spoke.❞
     ‘Close calls that never end. And never will.’
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iceablaze-blog · 4 years
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@smashkick​ sent,  ❝ This isn't what I had planned. ❞
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          ❝  nobody  plans  this  kind  of  thing.  ❞
          when  something  goes  wrong.  no  one  expects  everything  to  go  to  shit  so  easily,  Shouto  thinks  as  he  wipes  a  stray  trail  of  blood  from  the  corner  of  his  mouth.  wow,  this  really,  really  wasn’t  his  day.  could  he  start  over?  return  to  waking  up  that  morning,  cold  and  alone  and  out  of  the  way?
          no,  that’s  not  how  that  worked  either.
          ❝  so  what  are  you  going  to  do  about  it?  ❞
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supcrmight · 5 years
@smashkick​ replied to your post
.-.. — …- . / -.– — ..- / .- -. -.. / – .. … … / -.– — ..-
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.. / .-.. --- ...- . / -.-- --- ..- / .- -. -.. / -- .. ... ... / -.-- --- ..- / -- --- .-. .
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katsubi-archive · 4 years
smashkick replied to your post
   i no longer stan
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disgusting, i knew you were a judgemental shit
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gamenu · 5 years
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         “Hehe, calm down, Kiddo! I’m here by my own choice.” {/A bright smile, golden eyes shone as she looked to the young hero. The one who had so boldly jumped to save her, then stood by her for hours afterwards to make sure she was stable. Even going as far as to offer refuge to her when discovered she had nowhere to stay. Of course most of her time was explaining everything to him and how she was able to work and function, and how people with ‘quirks’ were an essential oddity and rarity where she hailed.
          The concern on his face was rather touching, and all she did was just shake her head to ward off his worries.}
         “I was tryin’ somethin’. I wanted ta see if I could retrace my steps an’ pinpoin’ a world ta land in, insteda playin’ musical chairs wi’ wha’ever was around me. An’ I did i’! I was able ta find ya, an’ come here!”
        {/There’s a certain joy in her voice. She’s elated at her little discovery. Of course...she’s going to leave out the fact she had actually been unconscious in a forest for about three days due to fatigue. All it took was a bit of cleaning up with a nice enough stranger, and here she was!}
         “How ya been, Deku?”
( @smashkick )
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anivoicehero-blog · 5 years
smashkick started following you
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He smiled at Midoriya, offering a melon popsicle. He’d gotten two from the vending machine on accident and didn’t see anyone else around to take it before it began to melt. He didn’t HAVE to, of course, but it would just go to waste.
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herohalf-aa · 6 years
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magicsp3lls · 6 years
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          “-- Oh, hello, Deku-san!”
“It is rather late, but... I didn’t have a chance to go find dinner! I kind of got caught up in a game with Iida-san and Tokoyami-san. I hardly sleep, anyway, so it’s okay!“
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plagued-yakuza · 6 years
This is what they send his way now? A green-haired brat in a cheap mask, trembling in bright red shoes as he swears to defeat him? Doffy laughs, openly, mockingly, enough to expel all air from his chest, leaving him a painful, short-breathing mess, curled over to the side with the ache of his belly muscles. This is hillarious. Those heroes are great - he wants to kill a bunch of them more, just to see if they’ll keep showing up like this weird kid, ready to beat him in honorable one-on-one duel. He won’t be able to help himself if they do. 
“Save your breath, kiddo.” His own comes in sharp, heavy intakes, the glean of his sunglasses a dark golden beneath the setting sun. It brings the pink of his feather cape forward, eclipsing the kid on the dark purple shadow cast by Doflamingo’s tall, imposing figure. “I’m sure you have a lot of heroism pep-talk to do, but I don’t care. You ain’t beating me and we both know it!” The smugness drips from his voice, his tongue darting one last time over his dried lips. The only sign of what’s coming is the subtle glint of his strings against the light of the dying sun.  
“Would you happen to be a friend of Toogata?” The question sounds like an ordinary question, a casual mention of a mutual acquaintance, not the dangling of his war prisoner’s fate in front of his next adversary, a taunt of confidence and self-assured cruelty. “I wonder what he’d think about having a new companion. That, or I give you to one of my employees to break. Or maybe, there’ll be even use to you, kid, if you manage to not die.” 
“It all hangs on how entertaining you make it for me.” Doffy is smiling, grinning like a madman, as he never quite feels so alive as much as when he is ready to pull the strings and uravel the world around him in his own image. “Are you ready?”
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implosiveexplosive · 6 years
He is a boy driven by impulses  --  a living grenade that’s slowly recognizing that deadly explosions requires hefty damage control afterwards.  His grenadiers come with a fail-safe  --  a one-two mechanism so that he can’t ignite them by accident.  Katsuki Bakugo does not come with the same fail-safe.  The only thing between him and an explosive reaction was the trigger itself.
     It was always the split-second decisions that ruin him.  It always involved the shitty nerd, somehow  --  no matter how hard he tried to convince himself that Deku was hardly a blip on his radar, he watched Deku just as often as Deku watched him.  That split-second comes with two realizations:  One, the villain that Deku thought he incapacitated had enough energy left to lift a gun at Deku’s back.  Two, Deku had his eyes trained on another villain  --  he had no fucking clue what was coming.
     Katsuki’s body began moving on its own.
           “----  DEKU...!”
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The major difference between him and Deku was that he never thought of using his reflexes and quirk for the sake of something that wasn’t his hotheaded pursuit of victory.  Using them to save people was practically unthinkable.  Explosions were never designed to save lives  --  they were designed to end them.  There was no other option:  With both his hands propelling him forward with full-blast explosions and his legs the only limbs directing his trajectory, he had nothing to push or pull Deku out of the way with  --  he could only barrel into him at full-speed to shove him away.
     There hadn’t even been enough time or thought for him to say more than Deku’s name.  Three seconds filled with three earsplitting bangs  --  two of them had burst forth from his own palms, but the third sent a jolt of pain running through his core.  The black of his uniform was enough to hide the bloodstain, but the blood filling his lungs and coating his mouth wasn’t as easy to hide.  With punctured lungs, stinging arms, and ringing ears  --  he manages only one step forward before he falls  --  barely stopping himself from landing onto Deku by bracing himself with one hand against the hero’s shoulder.  (  Even now, with the energy draining from him, his pride wound up being what drives him.  He’d rather use Deku as support than collapse into his arms pathetically.  )
      The glove he brings up from his chest into his vision was covered thickly in blood.  Despite everything,  he laughs  --  a dry, throaty sound that took up more breath than he had.  Somehow, he feels like he’s won  --  something reflected in the bloody, crooked smirk on his face.  Deku’s expression didn’t seem to tell the same story, though he could barely see it through the haze fogging up his vision  --  threatening to engulf his world in darkness.
      Not yet, he thinks.  Not before he gives Deku what for.
      “Dumb...ass...”  He wants to give Deku an earful, wants to scold him for being so damn careless.  With the baton that All Might passed, you have to be fucking careful, dumbass.  That desire would have to be left unfulfilled  --  there were only syllables left in him, and he used them as best he can,  “Go... fucking win.”
     His hand moves on from its futile attempt to close his wound to reach forward.  It must have been some kind of effort to sock Deku in the dumb fucking face one last time, but it’s all he could do to scrape his bloodied hand across his cheek, leaving a streak of red that connected the corner of Deku’s lip to his dumb freckles.
     A reminder, because he seems to have forgotten the most important lesson they both learned from All Might:  “Smile, De...ku--...”
     And he crumbles.
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