sneezykinkythoughts · 5 months
Cw: snot
Here's a close up of my nose being induced because I was itchy
Please excuse my crusty nose, the skin is shedding because of the cold weather and the fact that I blow my nose frequently
I like how my nostrils react to the stimulation :)
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silentsneezes · 2 years
i was on facetime with my boyfriend earlier today and i sneezed and he just kept talking abt how cute it was and i absolutely melted <3
how it went:
“bless you baby! i forgot you sneeze like that. it’s so cute- you need to sneeze again dont you?”
“k’stch! ngt!”
“bless /you/! you’re so cute <3i don’t know how you even make them that quiet. when i sneeze i feel like it just happens, you know? im not in control of it.”
I WAS PANICKING SO MUCH <333 how does one reply to that without seeming like they have a sneeze kink
#iwasSOflusteredhearinghimtalkabouthissneezes #snzkink #sneezestory #stiflestory
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theophan-o · 3 years
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A month ago, my Dearest Friend has gifted me a set of the brand new colour pencils. They are oil-based, and really working with them reminds to some extent painting with oils/oil pastels. I cannot tell publicly the brand, but they are worldwide known and available, I think:-)
@perplexingly, I have followed your advice and clothed him in purple-red outfit:-)
@sneezestories, @wrazliwosc-w-bagatelkach, green will be next time, because I have still some watercolour techniques to try and there is a lot of greens, whole palette of them:-)
Dear Bohun-Loving Souls, enjoy!
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My friend @sienkiewiczowna makes great videos on youtube about Bohun and Dany. They are very inspiring for me, that's why I keep creating fanarry for this couple. Here is one of them.
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harringtonmcnuggies · 9 years
So I just sneezed and the person I was on the phone with goes. “That sounded cute at first like a little kitten and then it turned to a cry/scream of despair.”
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my sneezes are usually a really big production
they break the sound barrier and i lose control of my limbs for about a second and they propel me forward
it's horrible
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sneezykinkythoughts · 1 month
Took the bus to go to work
Faced a sneezy mother fucker
He sneezed 14 times in the space of ~15 minutes
And he had the nerves to have the most powerfully loud sneezes, it bleeded through my headphone
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sneezykinkythoughts · 1 month
I sneeze so much at work
For context I'm a housekeeper in an hotel, I go check if the rooms are well donc and I put extras in them for birthdays, honey moon. Things like that
I don't know if it's the smell of the perfum in the rooms, if its because it's cold or what but every single day I sneeze when I get in a room
And each time the sneezes are so loud and uncontrably strong
Thank god I'm not in the front desk
Also I have a little story about a sneezy client I got on the phone, you guys want to ear about it ?
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sneezykinkythoughts · 21 days
Almost three hours into my shift and i sneezed a couple of times
There could be so many reasons, the shity weather, the cold to warn environment, the dust
I just know that my nose is itchy and bothering me
(I sneezed typing this)
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My boyfriend: I'm fine
Pollen rates: very high
Also my boyfriend: sneezing his head off, itchy nose, wet eyes, leacky nose
This stubborn can't assume his allergies are REALY bad, I would have wish we weren't long distance just to take care of my sweethear
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sneezykinkythoughts · 2 months
I was on a vidéo call with my partener when I needed to blow my nose.
I turned my phone so he could not see me doing it since for vanilla it's gross and the convo went like this:
- why are you turning your phone away ?
- I need to blow my nose, I guess you don't want to see that lol
- but I do
- *brain stops* what ? 😃
- no I'm kiding I don't, do as you please love
I don't know if this men is blinded by love or if we have a little something in common if you know what I mean
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sneezykinkythoughts · 3 months
Not really snz but kinda
I am going to spend august with my boyfriend at my place for once and above all of that we are going to be all alone !!!
I am so happy we are going to have a taste of what our lives will be when we move in together !
And this sweetheart still has a bit of allergies during the summer so I will have the chance to bless him and take good care of his tickly nose ☺️
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sneezykinkythoughts · 3 months
I may not look sick but man I feel shity.
Called my so with the cam on, he did NOT notice I am sick.
My throat is on fire but I cough only when I'm laying down, my voice is raspy only when I wake up and when I'm sleepy. My nose is not so runny and I sneeze times to times but not when he can hear me.
How the hell can someone be sick and feel bad but at the same time the symptomes are not bad ???
Like what ? If I tell sometimes I'm sick there is no way they will belive me.
I am still figuring out how I am going to tell him (because I hate admiting I'm sick, I need others to notice and ask me so I can admit it) but boy this is going to be hard.
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My man stifles his sneezes when I'm around him, but lets them out when we're on a call that's the sweetest thing in the world.
He doesn't want to let out his sneezes when I'm with him because he's afraid they'll spray on me and contaminate me (even if it's allergy sneezes)
But it's okay honey you can let out your big man sneezes I don't care, I just want you to sneeze normally without hurting yourself.
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sneezykinkythoughts · 2 years
I was on facetime with my boyfriend and he suddenly sneezed straight into his pillow, I didn't know how to react it's been a while since I saw him sneeze. I was so embarrassed i only said "bless you" and he responded "thank you my love" I'm so lucky to have him :,)
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sneezykinkythoughts · 7 months
A guy in my classes just had the most powerfull sneeze in front of me.
This mf sneezed on another of my classmate.
I can't bare this.
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