#so i'll probably have to go to the store again on thursday as usual just to buy like. some vegetables and fruits. only got bananas
mildmayfoxe · 3 months
tricked myself into braving the grocery store this morning by envisioning in great detail the amazing breakfast sandwich i could make if only i had everything bagels extra sharp cheddar cheese and breakfast sausage patties and then came home and made the breakfast sandwich. dreams can come true
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ares-athena · 2 years
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Movie Night
Paring- Robin Arellano x fem reader (Ares) Finney Blake x male reader (Glen)
Summary- Sleepover movie nights are one thing with a friend. They're a complete other when both friend's crushes are invited. An invite did more good than harm.
Warnings- nothing really cute
Glen and I were going to the Grab n' Go before heading to my place. It was Thursday and we luckily had a four day weekend. We would be at my house mostly. Walking in there were the usuals. Three kids from our school, vance hopper, and his goons. "I'll get snacks you get drinks." I said. "Works for me." Glen replied. "Try not to ruin Vance's game again. I don't know how many more times I can save your ass." I told him. He just flipped me off.
Walking the snacks, I knew glen liked the baked pringles. Fucking weirdo. I got his cheetos. I also got my favorite bbq chips. I also got a small container of oreos for us both. When I made it to the candy isle, I ran into a very familiar face. Robin Arellano. I didn't dislike him at all, quite the opposite actually. I had a major crush of him since like 4th grade. I knew Glen has liked Robin's best friend Finnsy since the 6th grade. Very rom comy if you ask me.
"Hey Ares." Robin had noticed I was in the isle. "Hi." Hi, really I sounded like a fucking dumbass. "Let me geuss. You and Glen having a movie night." "How'd you know." "You get him the same snacks every week." That was true. Glen did come over quite often since our other friends were mostly busy on weekends and lived too far away. "And let me guess another tutoring session with Finney." I said grabbed Glen's starburts he liked, which got me closer to Robin. "Yeah, I'm not the best student." "Well, if thats all your doing I'm sure the four of us can have a movie night. I rented texas chainsaw massace, halloween, psycho and nightmare on elm street." "That Ares is a very tempting offer. We're in." Robin and I had gotten the rest of our snacks together. There was so much candy the four of us would pass out trying to eat it all. And Glen was definitely going to kill me for inviting his crush to movie night. "Where's Finney? I thought you two were attached at the hip?" "I could say the same for you and Glen but Finn's getting sodas." "So is glen."
Speaking of, they both showed up. Telling both Finney and Glen the plan of movie night we were all in agreement. Robin and Finney would stop by their houses and take their things and would come to my place. "Your folks won't mind?" Finney asked me. "Nah, my moms never there and if she are she's sleeping." "Awesome we'll be over later." Robin said him in Finney walking away together.
When me and Glen got to my place he was a wreck. "DUDE!" He yelled at me. "ITS NOT MY FAULT I SWEAR!" I yelled back. "SO YOU DIDN'T INVITE THEM BOTH TO MOVIE NIGHT!" " Ok maybe its a little my fault." "No fucking shit." "Hey, you like Finney this is perfect for no." "No it's not, He probably doesn't like guys." "Hey, dont say that. I'm sure he likes you." "Anyway look at you and Robin getting along." "The store was nothing." "Nothing my ass. He likes you." "No fucking way. Have you seen how he looks at you. He hangs off your every word." "No he doesn't. He just listens when I talk." "Sure." Before we could continue talking someone knocked on the door. It was already 5. When I went to open it, I saw it was Finney and Robin.
"Hey. Come on in." "Nice place." Robin said. Him and Finney put their stuff in the corner of the room. "You've been here before Robin." I told him. Glen had put the movie in. Both Glen and Finney were the first to sit. They were both talking together. Doesn't like guys my ass.
"Start it, I'll get the snacks." I said. Glen started Psycho. "I'll help." Robin said. Getting up to follow me into my kitchen. "Just curious." He started as I put the popcorn in mircowave. "Hmm." I relpied as I started it. "Are you and Glen like together?" "What. Like Glen in the living room Glen." "Yeah. Do we know another Glen." "I guess not. To answer your question no. No we are not. We both like other people." I said. The microwave went off. Before turning I saw what I think was a smile on Robin's face. Maybe, just maybe he did like me back.
We had now finished Psycho and Halloween and just started nightmare on elm street. I got us all blankets and pillows a little bit ago. Sometime ago Glen and Finn fell asleep. Glen's head tilted onto Finn's shoulder. Again, Not like guys my ass. I had started to feel tired. Robin and I were still sitting close to the tv. At some point my head feel on Robin's shoulder. "Ares." Robin said my name. I assume to see if I was asleep. "Yeah." "You said you liked someone. Do I know them?" "Yeah, You know them pretty well actually." "Oh" He went silent for a moment. "Is it Finn?" He asked. I smiled at that. Him trying to figure this out was funny. "No, you know him a little better than you know Finney." He went silent again.
"It's me, It's it." "Yeah, It's you Robin." I picked my head up to look at him. A look of... relief was on his face. "That's great because I like you too." "Wait really?" "Yeah I've liked you for a while now." "That's good to know." "Can I hold you?" Robin asked me. "Yeah." Robin held me in his arms. It was sweet. He was sweet. Never ever would I have thought one of Glen and my movie nights would end like this. This was just perfect.
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shiningstages · 1 year
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So, (if it gets approved) up until May I'll be going back to work more days at my retail job! This is just to help me save up bunches of money again for whatever Big University and Life put up for me come summer. I've scheduled my days off for Thursday and Saturday (the days my dad usually has off so we can hang out), but my store is also probably getting less hours into the new year (even though it's been so busyyyy) so I may have an extra day off here or there. I'm still gonna try my best to write bunches, especially since I've gotten so much energy for it as of late, but I just wanted everyone here to know in case my activity dips in the new year!
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whats-the-story-tc · 2 years
this past thursday, i had an unusually busy day. i met a friend for coffee, and eventually, the topic of K came up, whom i ended up speaking quite a lot about. cut me some slack here, it had been two weeks, i missed the man.
my road home almost always includes passing by my school, and so it happened again. but this time, i noticed someone very tall with very silver hair in the schoolyard, surrounded by little children. my mind was telling me i got it wrong, but i went with my instinct, and kept looking, until i realised i very much saw it correctly: it was K, whom i don't think i've ever seen with kids that little.
suddenly i was very excited about doing groceries at the nearby store right after, and even though i was carrying a massive weight on my shoulder and i thought i might fall over, i passed by the school again, just to see if i could catch him on his way home. well, i couldn't, no matter how long i stood there, so i just checked the parking lot for his car (yup, still there), then fucked off home.
i had an email waiting for me when i arrived, that i could go pick up some stuff i ordered. i was exhausted and about to drop dead, but immediately took that as a sign. i got this email now because i have to get going right away. now is my chance to run into him, i have to take it. and so i headed right off.
i reach the crossroad i usually cross. a car is coming. my heart probably skipped a beat, maybe several when i saw the license plate. however, my eyes darted to the backseat instead of the front this time, and saw K's sad eyes looking back at me, trying to figure out who i might be, from a timid little girl's face. oddly enough, from this angle, she looked eerily similar to me when i was her age. it might be wrong, but i got a little excited to finally "meet" her after hearing about her so often.
when i finally look at him, K is all wide grins and glasses and waving at me behind the steering wheel, as if it had been at least half a year instead of two weeks since he saw me last. i think he may even have said something, but i haven't heard it from the music i was listening to. he lets me cross, and we both glance back at each other, before continuing on our individual journeys.
honestly, i think i could've cried. a leftover of the V era is that i'm always afraid that K is displeased with me, or i'm bothering him with being all too affectionate and he doesn't actually like me, but time and again, he proves my anxieties wrong. it honestly means the world to actually see it on his face that he's happy to see me, and he doesn't leave me guessing.
i'll save this little moment of happiness in my heart until i see him next. i already can't wait.
~ S ♡
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yuuana · 6 months
Music Monday #232: ATEEZ - Crazy Form  release: December 2023 genre: Kpop, pirate dance-pop, EDM cw: flashing bright lights, sharp camera cuts violence: revolution, guns, police, drinking
Of course today was always going to be my favorite pirates, from the moment they announced their comeback, so once again tossing my own rules in the bin. Because I can. And because I'm hopelessly in love with ATEEZ.
Note that the flashing starts early and aggressively, so if you have a visual trigger, the whole video is going to have to be a pass.
Honestly, I was not expecting THE WORLD it be over so soon - we only got the two episodes (well, three if you count Paradigm) before this, after all. So watch, we'll probably get like TREASURE series, where the final episode (also a full album) was followed by three more episodes. XD Considering the story they're telling is still barely half told, well....
Korean pirate dance pop may or may not be a valid genre, but it's one ATEEZ is intent on populating with their music, as the pirate vibes ebb and flow through the whole of THE WORLD EP.FIN: WILL. Once again, Crazy Form is placed in the third spot, part of the rising action of the album's musical and emotional arc. Heavy drum and bass pair with Latin syncopa and lyrics that, like the preceding track, Emergency, are filled with defiance against oppression and a willingness to fight for what's right.
The music video is, of course, packed to the rafters with lore, bright lights, attitude, and high degree difficult dancing. At about fifty-split between performing and storytelling shots, there's a lot to take in, maybe too much for even the dozen or so viewings I've done just since Friday. XD It's bright and crazy and sure it's the start of a war, but it's not all serious, as evidenced by the comic book panels in the middle.
Of course it's not an ATEEZ review if we're not talking about lore, am I right? Given the teaser at the end of the Bouncy MV, it's not a surprise to see this piece of the story follows shortly after that one. The pairings have switched up and the members are still more working as separate (though coordinated) cells, presumably still trying to fly under the radar ... until Jongho "blows" it. What exactly is the point of having a holographic projection of the airship? Are we ever going to find out how exactly the chromer got broken or what that means for the crew that broke it? Who knows! As per usual, every time we think we have answers, ATEEZ turns around and pulls a well actually on us.
THE WORLD EP.FIN: WILL is out now on all the digital platforms, plus available for physical purchase in a wide selection of store-specific variants, including vinyl (which I want, even though I have no way of playing a record, but they look so pretty).
Want to see Music Monday deep dives more often? Sponsor a song selection! For the low, low price of one (1) KoFi, I'll write up the song of your choice. ANY song of your choice. Yes, even that one that's been played to death. Yes, your obscure faves too. With sponsors, I can stop skipping weeks and falling further and further behind in the releases! Sponsor a current CB for the next open Music Monday slot or sponsor a throwback for a Thursday feature! But seriously, if you've been enjoying my selections and analyses, we (me and the foster kittens) would love a KoFi in thanks. DW | Twitter | Mastodon | Bluesky | Ko-fi | Patreon | Discord | Twitch
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mondaysjournal · 10 months
8/5/2023 - Gravity
Hi princess. It's probably obvious by now, but did you know that I'm incredibly, deeply, insanely in love with you? I'm always thinking about how much I just want to kiss you and how happy you make me. Life has been kind of boring here without you, but it's okay because you're less than three weeks away. It's really exciting!
I don't know if I did anything too interesting in the past week...on Thursday, I did manage to win a game with chun-li, which was also the first time I ever played that deck. It turns out that it's very difficult to deal with a hullbreaker horror when you have dozens of treasures from smothering tithe and you drew 16 cards from a blue sun's zenith. And I ended up applying to an urban designer assistant position on Friday. I don't know how far I'll make it in the process, since I don't have any actual experience doing stuff like architectural drawings in CAD or creative suite...but we'll see. It's fine since I already have a job, and maybe a position in planning will open up eventually. It would be cool to get this, though. You'll be the first to know if I do.
Today I went to fall river. Traffic wasn't horrible, and it wasn't as hot as previous weekends have been, though it wasn't as nice as ipswich was last week. I got there somewhat late, so I didn't really cover as much ground as I usually do. Of course, the first thing I did was go to the game store, but before that I had to take some pictures of the area around where I parked:
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I think that was their city hall, or something like that.
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These guys were squawking at each other for a bit in a very noticeable way.
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This was Game King. It was a very large store, with lots of space that seemed to be dedicated for WH40k stuff. There was a good amount of interesting product, like old duel decks in japanese, old playmats and deckboxes, some foreign language singles, though I didn't get them. I just got a japanese magic origins pack and an LTR set booster. I got an alhammarets archive and a mithril coat, so I about broke even. After that, I got some chinese food for lunch, but I didnt realize they didnt give me any utensils until I was already gone, so I went to another chinese food place to get them, and then sat down at a park to eat it. There was this tree:
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And to the left of me, the park looked like this:
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After I was done eating, I decided to go and actually see if I could get close to the river. There was an overlook that wasn't very far from the park that I went to, though it wasn't entirely easy to actually get down to the river. It was still on a lower elevation, as shown here:
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Some guy in one of the many cars that were parked in the area noticed I was looking for a way to get down, and he pointed out this path to me, but said he wasn't really sure about it. It was not exactly the safest path, but there were enough footholds to go down and get back up. I almost decided not to go down, but then I thought about how much I wanted you to see this, and kept going.
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And then I finally was at the river.
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The grass there is actually pretty tall, so I didn't go past it to try and actually touch the river. But I did get some good views of it.
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It was a pretty long shore, being a river and all, but I decided to just keep within this small area for the few minutes I was there.
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I stood on top of a rock and managed to get a picture of this guy hanging out.
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And then I decided to take a short video so you could hear the wind and the waves, like I did.
I didn't get to see too much in town, but that's fine. This was enough for me. I don't know if I'll go back any time soon, but it wasn't bad at all. Soon we'll be able to go wherever you want, so I hope you get some ideas for little trips like this. I am so excited to see you again and share life with you.
I love you so much.
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
Watch "Simon and Garfunkel - Bridge Over Troubled Water (Live in Madison Square Garden, NYC 2003)" on YouTube
And we did send it back to the song and to be Sung and this is what it came out like it's a beautiful song and everybody loves it and it says I'll leave my body down to form the bridge and it's horrible because it's also Trump and his son singing this and it's kind of what we're doing I don't know why get away and I know why they're doing it sort of they need to weaken them and these guys have a big plan huge trucks and stuff can go over it I saw the ratings yeah I'm looking at it I have to know it's going to be a bone of contention which is good
Tommy f
I can't believe that I'd be nice to say something after I was an a****** day all month all year I'm on a roll but still this is a giant bridge and towards the end of this thing I'm starting to look at it like we need it cuz we do people can't get here and I'm a damn idiot and it's a bonus contention it's a way of trying figure stuff out now I follow it you coming here normal and you're going to be okay so I'm going to try and do that and when it opens which should be tomorrow sometime and I know the paving takes more than a day to cure even the high early so it'll probably be towards Wednesday Thursday more towards Thursday cuz I have all these stores and shops to put in and now they want to put a crazy ass restaurant on top it spins around it's like a mile or two wide or more it's going to gigantic the outer ring will move it's going to be crazy as hell I can't believe it but it is so huge it deserves Justice like that it's so giant and if this kid's design next door I have to take all this s*** back I said so I'm going to suck I get cherry season again some money because don't worry Charlie Manson I got the insane side covered no just kidding that's you... It's making me laugh I guess I got a spot but not sitting right next to him or in the bar near him or the eatery near him kind of makes sense
Trump Sarah okay I address this message and this is me Sarah and I want to say something too he was nice to me tonight a little bit and I mean CAA but usually is lately has been saying go away You're terrible like him just take him with you and get out of here and see what he's saying what a nightmare he is I can't stand you anymore and we're trying to keep the secret and I saw in the movie seems like right there and he followed me after I downloaded it and was saying you jerk and Austin to get something he's going to try and use me because I took the opportunity it doesn't make any sense but that's what he's doing it makes sense because it says downloaded no he doesn't have a way in but I had to weigh in now I get that I started moving out and he's going after me and it makes sense to him now cuz I didn't get out of there fast enough keep saying go in the tank go in the tank I didn't go in the damn tank and blew the place up and he's dead and he's a Mac that was amazed he says don't be too amazed that the suit helmet closed since way down and it blew up but he's thinking the tanks are above that where he fell into and it's not water but it's like mesh and I suddenly figured out something that guy is Tommy yeah so it's good to know
That was Sarah and it's worth posting now
Thor Freya
We need this moment okay there's people who are saying that to Thor and Freya and they see who it is clearly now and it is Tommy f and his clothes so silly nasty people they talk way too much to bother us all day and night it looks like it's going to rain possibly tomorrow so he has to check it and 20% might be too much
I have something in the air it's up in the air
Zues Hera
True too some people can't get here all the time it's a hassle and it doesn't have any money at all this is terrible I got to tell people to get ready it's always a nightmare
We're going to get ready too this is horrible I don't want to spend a dime not a penny and it's going to talk to him back we have to get by the damn secretary or try not to yell and scream she's going to start some s*** if we allow it and I don't want it allowed of course he doesn't want it
Thor Freya
We don't want it to happen and we're not doing it it's not legal what she does and we want to brought to Justice and they are going to actually start arresting these people tonight
Frank Castle hardcastle
If you heard how hard they were screaming for you to get hurt you would not believe how bad it would be out there tonight they are screaming stuff about these Bridges which are going in right now the first one the 20 mile bridge is going in and we made it happen too we did a lot of work and our son and daughter Zeus and Hera did a lot of work and a bunch of it okay they initialized it came up with the idea and the kind of Coach still on pushed along but we did a ton of work to get it to work and to protect it and attracted ton of idiots right now there's a huge pile of idiot that are heading there it's like 10 million again they already spent 10 million octillion and it's like 10 million octillion half is clones and half are warlock and they're going to get blown away and say they intend to keep sending waves until it's down and we're going to keep getting rid of them it won't be any of them left if they keep sending waves there but that's fine that's what it's for I guess no it's just a bridge huge number is okay giant numbers of these idiots. And they're screaming and yelling here and tons and tons of Max are up they're calling for more and more and they're coming here and they're opening their crevices thinking they could stop them and they just take ships around and they try and run here and they go into the crevasse it's another 10 million octillion so far tonight it's going to be over 100 million octillion then they only have that much left and really once these ships go up there it all done they're going to get slaughtered and they're going to keep on doing stupid stuff too it's almost over for them
Right now they don't have the power to see what's going on and they won't. We hear they're a huge ships getting ready to evacuate and we hear that 500 spaceships are moving into the cities and they're going there like 20 miles an hour like 10 miles wide or 20 miles wide so 3 hours to get there the speeding up now and still going to slow down and causes too much wind so they're going to get there and probably half an hour at most cities and that's 500 cities and then a 500 more and probably about 1500 cities tonight and 1500 cities tomorrow and it's going to continue and they'll start the city thing and they'll start dying tonight they'll start dying Big Time fights a war in the city the reason why they're in the outskirts and suburbs is to fuel up at big huge depots and there's only a few of them and they always can go to a few places in each area and we'll see what not there we're not running those big depots those are empire stuff for Mac stuff
Thor Freya
Oh s*** I remember this it's these idiots we're at our fuel
Why are we going to sit here or not
Tommy f
Great so I get to die and I'm actually Tommy f which is true this is no the door closes yeah fascinating math and I already he already figured it out like 4 years ago oh he's trying to escape and I said I think you saw it or something
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myfearless-love · 3 years
The Wildest Place You Run (5/?) - Not Far Now
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I'm sorry for the delay: traveling and vacation made it impossible to post, but in turn, you'll get two chapters this week (including this). This one is a bit shorter, but you'll see why in the next chapter (spoiler alert: too many action).
As always, a huge thank you to my beta and artist @thejollyroger-writer for correcting my mistakes and making kick-ass art for chapters 5 and 6! Check it out above!
Vampires, Werewolves, Mages, and Elves. For centuries, they kept their existence a secret, but the constant rebellions against the strict laws of the Guild had led to a terrible tragedy. In an open clash, it became apparent to humans just what kind of monsters lived among them. Emma Swan loses the love of her life in the first battle of the war. A few months later, while still trying to process what happened, a mysterious and terrifying figure worms his way into her life. But the man is hiding far more terrible secrets than he reveals to her, pulling them both into a horrible situation...
Chapter: 5/? - Not Far Now
Fandom: Once Upon a Time
Rating: M
Relationships: Killian Jones/Emma Swan
Read on: FF.net or AO3
Words: ~2k
Previous parts:
Ch 1 II Ch 2 II Ch 3 II Ch 4
The next morning she woke up on the couch, curled up, leaning her head on the armrest. Someone, probably August, had covered her with a blanket and left her there. She was used to it, he often disappeared without a word, and he was the only one she couldn't hold it against.
She sat up slowly, and it took her half a minute to discover she was alone.
She scrambled out from under the quilt and slipped out into the kitchen. Her neck was throbbing, she was cold, and she still felt exhausted despite the few hours of sleep she'd gotten. Her day had started out shitty.
(There were many recurring things in her life that she would've preferred to avoid.)
As she glanced at the clock to see it was ten in the morning, her eyes caught a yellow note on the fridge, adorned with David's almost illegible scrawl.
I'll be home late. Take care of yourself!
Sighing, she crumpled the paper in her palm and tossed it straight into the bin beside the kitchen counter. She opened the refrigerator and was disappointed to find it contained only a few cans of beer and a slice of moldy cheese.
Furious, she slammed the door and marched up the stairs to change and grab some money. She had to go shopping.
She was already shuddering in apprehension.
Going back outside and among strangers… Great.
She tugged on her black jeans and pulled on a thick, hooded black sweater. Before Neal, she'd never worn flashy or bright colors and after his death, she'd relegated almost all of her more colorful clothes to the back of her closet.
She didn't have much money, being unemployed at the moment. David was supporting her now, which she simply hated. She had been looking for vacancies for a long time, but with her limited experience and lack of a college degree, not to mention the impending apocalypse looming over their heads, her chances of finding something were pretty low. And David was against it anyway; she had no idea why, though, and he never told her the reason. So she had to make do with her limited savings, which was becoming increasingly annoying as David had completely forgotten about the household in the last two months.
She put a small amount of money in her back pocket and her keys in the pockets of her sweater, along with her phone. She put her hair in a ponytail, her curls bouncing with each step she took. She fixed her eyelashes with a swipe of mascara.
She tucked her gun into the waistband of her jeans; after all, one could never know what might happen. She concealed it with her sweater, making it invisible to anyone.
Fog was spreading through the gray streets, the sky covered in black clouds, an ideal time for a short walk through the city center. There were hardly any people on the streets. On weekday mornings, everyone was either at school or at work, with only a few retirees strolling the cobblestone sidewalk.
Emma stuck her hands in the front pockets of her jeans and sketched out her tasks for the day in her head, but the list was pretty short. Shopping was her only agenda today, so she began to think feverishly about what to do with the long hours ahead of her.
She arrived at the tiny little corner store without any plans. She could get everything she needed here. She hated supermarkets.
When she was done shopping, she didn't head home, but to the nearby library. Inspiration came to her somewhere between choosing which can of food to buy. She needed some good books and a quiet place among normal people. Among relatively normal people.
It wasn't five minutes before she was wandering among the bookshelves in the pleasantly heated room, browsing the selection.
No one disturbed her, and at that moment, it felt very good. She continued to hunt for books peacefully, and after a while, she returned to the cashier with a small stack. The young woman behind the counter treated her kindly like she did anyone else, and that was a really strange feeling. Strange, but heartwarming. Maybe she should go out more often and fill out some more job applications. Then she could even live a relatively normal life.
She was already halfway home when her phone started ringing. She rolled her eyes in annoyance and dropped her packed bags on one of the nearby benches. She dug out her phone and looked at the caller ID.
"I'm almost home, I just went shop-"
"Where are you exactly?" he gasped into the phone.
"Near the park on the avenue. Why?" she asked suspiciously. "What is it again?"
Before answering, he repeated her location to someone, then she heard the sound of a door slamming shut. "Elves," came the curt reply. "Dark Elves."
"David, stop talking in riddles!" The icy fingers of fear zigzagged through her spine. She had already had the opportunity to meet with one Dark Elf and she had no desire to repeat the encounter.
"Over the past few months, the Vampires and Werewolves have been plotting against us. They have realized that they cannot defeat us with brute force alone. They've been lurking in the shadows for the last few months, looking for a few allies, and they've found the Dark Elves. Some are already in the city and…" he took a deep breath. "The point is, don't move from where you are now, Emma. Killian will pick you up shortly."
Before she could ask anything, David ended the call. She stared furiously at her phone for a while, then pocketed the device just as it started beeping incessantly. She groaned and fished it out of her pocket again. It seemed she would have to replace it soon, the battery was almost dead, despite it being half full mere moments ago.
But that wasn't the only problem with the device. The signal dropped dangerously, then the thing just shut off altogether. Sultry magic swept through the city. Emma looked up in confusion. Around her, several elderly people pointed to the sky and shook their heads in incomprehension.
Emma looked up as well.
There were almost entirely black clouds floating in the sky, shrouding the entire city in shadows.
So the Elves were really here.
She picked up her bags, slipped her right hand under her sweater, and reached for the handle of her gun. She wouldn't be able to do much against Elves with it, but at least it made her feel a little better. Nervously, she scanned the deserted street. She had never longed this hard for Killian's arrival. Correction, she had never longed for him, period… Until now.
When she thought about it more carefully, she'd never talked to him for more than five minutes. Truth to be told, she hadn't even had the chance. Killian just came and went. He showed up in the most unexpected places, at the most stressful times, and disappeared just as quickly.
Barely a minute later, a black Porsche Panamera stopped in front of her, leaving dark skid marks on the asphalt. She jerked back, startled, and managed to land on her ass in a not very graceful way.
The car door swung open and Killian stared at her, impatiently at first, then noticed her sprawled figure on the ground. A strange smile slid across his face, but she couldn't place why it felt so different. "It's more comfortable in here, lass," he said, patting the seat beside him.
Emma staggered to her feet with an annoyed huff. She considered staining the seat cover with her muddy jeans in retaliation, but she didn't want to be childish. She was about to dust off her clothes as best she could with a tissue when something grabbed her waist and yanked her into the car. The door slammed shut on its own, and Killian stepped on the gas.
"Was that you?" she growled when she finally managed to get herself into a more decent position. At that moment, the seatbelt flew through the air in front of her and snapped into place on the edge of her seat.
"And that too," Killian nodded grimly, focusing on the road.
"Don't you dare do that again! Or at least, warn me next time!"
She really wasn't used to someone practicing magic on her. It wasn't exactly painful or uncomfortable; in fact, the touch of Killian's magic was lukewarm and pleasantly eerie, but it still scared the shit out of her.
Finally, she raised her eyes to him, and only now realizing why his previous smile seemed so strange. His face looked completely different. There was not a drop of eyeliner on him, and his stubble was completely gone. He looked so young that way, but she had to admit, she liked his bad boy look better.
Either way, he was a pretty good-looking guy.
And she really needed to stop thinking now.
"What the hell happened?"
"To my face?" he smiled compulsively. "I had to shave because they couldn't stitch up the wound," he replied lightly, as if it was just a usual Thursday for him.
"Wound? Stitch up? But shouldn't you be supposed to heal…?"
Before she could finish her question, Killian turned his face fully toward her. There was a fresh, red scar starting at his temple and extending to the line of his lips.
"Jesus…" she gasped.
The sight of his handsome face disfigured by the scar shocked her greatly.
"Wounds inflicted by Elves don't heal on their own or fast like any other," he shrugged and looked at the road again, but she could see the bitterness in his eyes that she just couldn't place.
She sank as low as she could into the seat, peering at him timidly, then glanced out the window. The city was dark as if it was already night, and she knew for a fact that this was the work of Elves. This way, the vampires could walk around the city without fearing the sunlight.
It was comfortably warm in the car, yet she huddled as a shiver ran through her. She watched the city pass by silently and then she realized…
"Killian, we left the—" she began in alarm, but he seemed perfectly calm.
"We're not going to your house," he replied nonchalantly, not taking his eyes off the road, for which she was very grateful because they were going much faster than allowed.
"Then where?" her eyes widened in shock.
"To the Guild. It's safer there."
"And David? What about him? Where is he now?"
"Calm down, Swan, he'll be there too," he assured her, then gave her an uneasy sideways glance. "It's going to be alright."
Calm down.
It was easy to say but much harder to do. Especially for her, who could get upset over any little thing, no matter how ridiculous.
Despite the low roar of the engine, she could hear the wind outside blowing louder and louder, tearing cruelly at the scrawny branches of the weak trees on the side of the road. Lightning zigzagged through the sky, and the car shook in another gust of wind.
She shuddered in her seat and made herself as small as she could. Only now did she realize what the presence of the Elves meant, and she was scared to death, if she was honest. There had been no example of them interfering in battles on this earth for hundreds of years.
"It's not far now, love, we'll be there soon," Killian encouraged, and she looked up at him again, expressionless, feeling unspeakably miserable.
His face was practically split in two, and he was the one comforting her? She scoffed at herself.
"Okay." She couldn't say anything else, just slumped in her seat and crossed her arms in front of her chest. A shiver ran down her spine, causing goosebumps on her skin, and she felt like her head was being held in a vice. She knew what that meant. She had just enough time to cling to the edge of the seat, and the vision came unstoppable…
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standingatsinai · 2 years
22 Feb 2022 / 21 Adar I 5782
B"H! B"H! B"H!
Yesterday I was offered a job with the organization (I'll call SC) I interviewed for on Thursday last week! The job (I'll call R) I interviewed with on Wednesday was the job I truly wanted though, so I called them and left a message saying that I was offered a job with SC but would prefer to work with R, so if that was a possibility I would appreciate if they were able to get back to me before I signed a contract with SC.
They called me back within literally less than 2 minutes and said that they actually did plan to offer me a job and would be happy to send me a contract early. I'm so thrilled to be offered 2 jobs in the same day - only 10 minutes apart from each other!
The interesting thing is, despite not being a Jewish organization, the organization I plan to work for has a Hebrew name. The staff there mispronounce it, which I have just decided to go along with lol, but it's a Biblical word and I really don't think it's a coincidence that I was offered my first full time job in the sector I plan to build my career in with an organization that has a name from the Torah.
As I understand it, it has a Biblical name because it was founded by Catholic nuns, but it has been a non-religious not-for-profit organization since 2009.
Not only have I had that happen, but I also had the most amazing Shabbos too.
Even though the congregation has been so lovely to me, I've had trouble making actual friends there because most members are either much older than me or much younger than me.
But at Shacharis service this Shabbos this woman M approached me and asked about me because she'd never seen me before, and I told her who I was and that I wasn't Jewish yet but that I hope to convert. She was so thrilled to listen to my story and told me that she was having a big Havdalah celebration at her house that evening and that she'd love for me to come.
I've only ever been to a Havdalah celebration once, and it was in 2017.
It was so beautiful and this one was even more so, and oh my goodness, the songs! I cannot describe the feeling. I don't even understand the words yet but they felt so elevating in my soul.
Probably the best part is that she introduced me to all these Israelis there that were my age who were on exchange here through a Zionist organization and we were all chatting and it felt so amazing to make connections with people my own age.
We were talking and I mentioned that I had been trying to find a way to learn Hebrew but I couldn't find anywhere that was doing classes.
They are currently teaching Hebrew classes and offering private Jewish study (both for free)!!
The insane thing is...Not only had I not been in actual services at Shul in a couple of months (!!) because of my health, but M doesn't even usually attend services there, and not only that but she doesn't always hold Havdalah dinners at her house, and not only that but those Israelis don't even usually attend when she does! Everything just happened to align, and again, I really do not believe that to be a coincidence either.
What happened at the end of last year where I got a health flare up and D was so rude to me (funnily enough, despite her extremely hurtful words, I got a job at R - a place she herself used to work!) because of it making me believe I would not be good enough for this sector, and then losing my bookstore job in early January, and then the people I housesat for being weirdly cold have all really taught me a huge and important lesson about fully trusting HaShem. I made a post on 3 Shevat saying that I was "praying HaShem has a plan with this in store for me" while I cried my eyes out on the train home from work after losing my job. It seems right now like this may be it.
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fullyellowsun · 3 years
Park Village | 8
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I do not own the gif, credit to the owner.
Constructive criticisms are welcome! This is in Korean so for those of you who can read Korean and English, go ahead! I will post a full English version link to the Wattpad story in the masterlist! (Juyeon/주연 could be you.)
I miss EXO so much…
Pairing: ok, ok, i'll tell you, it's baekhyun x juyeon/you
Genre: kpop idol’s relative!AU
Word Count: 1830 words
Description: Juyeon is invited to a sleepover with EXO and it gets a little heated.
I go to the store to pick up a sleeping bag and a few other things and I buy snacks because I don't want to come empty-handed. I pack a backpack with clothes and my toiletries. I just continue to watch videos while waiting for Chanyeol.
"Juyeon, you ready?"
"Oh, 오빠, you're here? Let's go!" I grab my stuff and run to the car. He just follows. "You don't need to pack?"
"No, I live there, remember." He laughs. We get there and enter in the dorm because Chanyeol had the key. We head upstairs where the boys were just talking and playing video games.
"Hi Juyeon! I heard yesterday was quite a party." Sehun says knowingly. I glare at Baekhyun and he just shrugs. Chanyeol just gives me a "I-told-you-so" look.
"Yes... it was." I say in a sassy tone. Sleeping bags were already laid out on the floor and snacks were everywhere. I throw over my bag of snacks to the people sitting on the couch.
"고마워!" They say as they open up the bag. I lay out my sleeping bag and just watch them play games.
"Awww... can we do something else other than watch you guys play games?" Kai whines.
"What should we do then?" Chanyeol asks.
"I don't know, you find a game."
"How about we play a game where we each write a punishment, we put it in a bowl and we each have to choose one and do it. Oh, and we'll include king and servant." He says. The boys playing games turn off the TV and bring out a paper, pencils, and a bowl.
"What''s king and servant?" I ask.
"The king gets to tell the servant what to do." I nod and start writing a punishment. I think. Hmm... it would be fun to see someone do a girl group. I write that down and put it in the bowl. The others do too. "주연아, you choose first." Chanyeol said. I take a paper and pass the bowl around. We were sitting in a circle. After everyone chose their papers, I open mine and laugh.
"Who wrote this?" The others looked at me confused.
"What is it?" I show the paper to everyone. 'Do a sexy dance on Juyeon' is what it said.
"Aww... I was hoping I would get that one." Kai said. I give him a weird look.
"You wrote it?" He nods. "Sooo... what am I supposed to do?" I laugh. "I can't really dance on myself."
"Then dance on one of us." Kai says obviously wanting me to dance on him.
"Uh, yeah, no thanks."
"Awww... you're no fun." Baekhyun says.
"You too?" He nods.
"Just like, dance on the chair or table or something." Chanyeol says. I get up to get on the table and Chanyeol just averts his eyes. "I can't watch..." I shrug and begin. There was no music so it was kind of awkward but I just did my best to make it as 'sexy' as possible. I do what most people would consider sexy. I flipped my hair and moved my butt. Chanyeol closed his eyes the whole time but  the others were in awe. After I finished, they clapped.
"Thanks but I don't think I'm that good." They give a thumbs up.
"You were the best. You should definitely do more dancing." Sehun says.
"Okay, let's move on." I laugh at Chanyeol who couldn't look at me. "Oh, it's me." He looks at his paper and looks around. "Who wrote this?! I am NOT doing this."
"But you made the game!"
"What is it?" I ask. I peak over to see what it says. I laugh again. "Hah! Yes, you totally have to do it. Come at me."
"What is it?" Suho asks.
"I know what it is... how come Chanyeol gets it?" Baekhyun says giggling.
"You wrote it? Wh- I- Ho- I'm speechless." Chanyeol says.
"I wanted it... 깹송(kkaepsong)." Baekhyun says sadly.
"Ahhhh... what is it!" Kai whines.
"주연에게 콜하게 고백하세요." I read off. The others look at Chanyeol jealously.
"Do I have to do this?!"
"Yasss... you have to do this! I want to see it!" I say. Chanyeol glares at me. He gets up and grabs me to get up. He grabs his guitar and starts singing.
"I think you're cute, you may think I'm not, my feelings for you couldn't stay mute, I like you. I wanna ask you out on a date, but will you say okay? Meet me at Starbucks next Thursday, I'll wait." He sings trying not to cringe. I clap.
"와... I would totally go out with you if you weren't my cousin." I say.
"I totally could've done better." Baekhyun rolls his eyes and mumbles. He opens his paper and immediately smiles and giggles like his usual self.
"What does it say?" I ask. Chanyeol looks over and rolls his eyes.
"Who keeps on writing these? This is my cousin!"
"What does it say?" I ask again.
"주연에게 섹시하게 고백하세요." Baekhyun reads out excitedly.
"Again? Who keeps on writing these?" I say. Baekhyun gets up and pulls me up with him. He pins me to the wall.
"Hi Juyeon, remember me? Baekhyun?" He says in a raspy voice.
"Uh... yes?" I say feeling helpless.
"Oh, you do? That's good. I hope you remember this too." He gets close to my ear and I could feel his breath. "Beach. You. Me. Next Thursday. 3PM. Got it?" I just nod. "Good." He moves his face from my ear to face me again. He then leans in about to kiss me.
"Cut!" Chanyeol says before he gets too close. I turn away blushing and the others look at Baekhyun jealously.
"So, how'd I do?" Baekhyun asks me.
"Uhh... I think you accomplished the dare but if that's how you ask out a girl... I don't think you'll the most positive responses from me specifically." The others laugh at him.
"Do you remember me?" I mock him. He looks down embarrassed. "I'm definitely going to remember that. Suho 오빠, just open your paper." He opens it and shows it to everyone.
"King? Oooo, you're lucky, you don't have to do a dare." I say jealously. "종인오빠, open yours!"
"Girl group dance... which one? Who wrote this?" I raise my hand.
"역시 the main dancer of the group gets the girl group dance dare." I clap. "Do 살짝 설렜어." I laugh. He gets up sighing and I turn on the music. I probably should've let him learn it first because he danced the feel of the dance but not the actual dance. I sigh getting up and start dancing. He watches me and dances more confidently, copying my moves. I continue to dance and didn't notice Kai stop and watch me. When I finished, I noticed everyone staring at me. "Uhh... how come I'm the one doing your dare?" I look at Kai staring at me. I wave my hand in front of his face. "Hello? You there? 종대 오빠... just open yours." He nods. He whines.
"Servant." He says sadly. 준면오빠 cheers. 경수 opens his paper and laughs.
"A pickup line contest for Juyeon."
"I'll give you a chance to think." I say without giving them a chance to protest.
"Do I have to!" Chanyeol asks.
"Yes! I need to see this!"
"Okay, I'm going first."
"좋아!" I say excitedly.
"I'm no mathematician but I've been told I'm good with numbers. Wanna give me yours to prove it?" He says embarrassed. I clap.
"Totally would NOT give you my number but nice try."
"It's fine... I don't care, I don't want to win this competition...  this is the only competition I don't want to win. It's disgusting."
"I wanna go next!" Sehun raises his hand and puts it down embarrassed after everyone stares at them.
"Sure." I say. "I can't wait to see what our maknae has to say."
"Okay... I'll go." He starts to walk towards me slowly and I move back until I hit the table. He puts his hand next to my body so I couldn't move. "Baby, I'll treat you like my homework. I'll slam you on the table and do you all night." He says staring at me intensely. I try not to laugh and look at hike seriously in the eye. He gets up embarrassed and gives me space. "Did it not work?" I laugh.
"Our maknae has grown up!" I say laughing. "Also, if that's the only thing you can say in confidence, might as well just do your real homework. You gotta be confident!" I grab his wrist and get in the same position as we were when he said the pickup line. "Okay, now what's your next move?" He stays there frozen, blushing.
"주연아, don't make me do this!"
"Come on! Just follow your instructions. Slam me down..." I maneuver myself to be flat on the table and I move him on top of me so he's pinning me to the table. "And do me all night. But not me... someone else." He blushes. I stay there waiting for him to get off but he stays there. "Are you not tired? Why don't you like get off so other people have a chance and I don't end up sleeping on the table."
"Oh, sorry." He gets up. I point at him and look at him with stern eyes.
"Confidence. Who's next?" Chen, D.O., Xiumin, Kai, and Suho all try to win me with common and simple pickup lines. Baekhyun walks up to me after they finished.
"My biology teacher told me that the lips are the most sensitive part of the. Wanna try it out?" He gets close again like the last time and I assumed he would stop him but he just kept getting closer until his lips touched mine. I stand there frozen, unsure of what to do. I push him away.
"What are you doing?! (뭐하는거야!)" I say. I look over. No one say it. Chanyeol 오빠 was in rhe bathroom and the others were talking and not paying attention. Arghh...
"I asked if you wanted to try it out!" He said still pinning me to the wall.
"I didn't respond! That was my first kiss! I'd rather have it with someone I actually like. "
"You don't like me?"
"Well yeah but not like that!" He steps back a little but hurt.
"Ouch... but that's okay... it's not like I like you like that either. It was for the dare. I'm trying to win here."
"Oh..." The rest of the boys do their dares but the only thing I could think about was his 'pickup line'. I couldn't go to sleep because of it. I also avoided him for the next few weeks too. Why am I doing this? It was just for the game... nothing else, right?
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shawnpetermuffins · 5 years
Disney Daze
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A/n: This took forever to write just because of who I am as a person and I had like 0 motivation. But I'm back and ready to write. I really like this concept, so I hope the story does it justice.
Summary: They call it the happiest place on earth. Shawn and y/n think other wise.
Warnings: fluff and lots of it, slight mentions of smut.
Shawn looks down at you, his girlfriend, his hands tangled in yours. She's beautiful, he thinks to himself. You're standing next to him, sunglasses shielding your y/e/c eyes - they're his favorite place to get lost. You've been together for two years, and he'd been touring the majority of that time, so when he finally got some "time off" he took you with him to California.
Of course you had hoped it would be just the two of you on this little adventure, but would never admit that because he wants to see his friends too. And lucky for you, you're good with his team, so having them tag along wasn't all bad. Except for when Shawn got a little more handsy than he usually would and the guys would point it out by making more sexual jokes than you'd like. Neither of you are shy about the aspects of your relationship by any means; his friends and team use that against you though and love to make fun. They don't mean it maliciously, though and you both know that.
"You're undressing her with your eyes, Shawny boy," Teddy said, pulling the bill of his cap over his eyes. "I don't blame you though."
You laugh and fix his sunglasses while he pushes his hat back in place, "Oh Teddy, you're making me blush. I don't think your fiance will approve." You say just loud enough for Emily to hear. She was able to take a break from her busy filming schedule to join you guys.
"Oh, I approve. You're a cutie."
You shake your head, "Oh, you've got major competition now, bubs."
He hummed and pulled you closer. "They can look all they want. As long as I'm the one undressing you later tonight."
"Play your cards right and you just might get lucky," you said, wrapping your arms around his torso while you walked, making you both kind of slow down a little because the angle was all wrong, but neither of you wanted to let go. He hummed and kissed the top of your head.
"Where to first?" Josiah asked, but you two weren't paying much attention. You were so caught up in the proximity of each other that you couldn't focus on anything outside of your arms length - which just so happen to still be around each other. "Carsland it is!" He said after some discussion from the group. "Maybe we need partners. I'll be with y/n!" He exclaimed. That caught Shawn's attention.
"Over my dead body. She's my partner."
"Oh, so you can hear?" Andrew teased. "Good to know." He patted Shawn's shoulder. "Come on. We're going to Carsland."
"Wasn't Niall supposed to come with us?" You asked as you made your way deeper into the park. "Should we have waited for him at the entrance?"
Shawn shook his head, "He got tied up at the studio. Said he couldn't make it."
You got stopped only a handful of times on your way to the Cars, and that's probably the least amount he's ever been stopped in public with you. But neither of you minded the interruptions.
Shawn took you on nearly every ride - Radiator Springs Racers twice because he wanted to ride in both cars, took you into every store, begging to buy you something even though he'd already bought you more than you needed at the first store you went to. "They all have the same stuff," you shrugged, taking the change from his hand so you could do the penny press. "Really, bubs, I don't need anything else. I just want to make the pennies." You know he rolled his eyes from behind those glasses that covered his beautiful eyes far too well.
"There you guys are!" Teddy exclaimed when she finally found you in the corner of the shop. "Figures I'd find you making out in a corner."
"It's hard to make out when his hat literally hits my forehead every time he leans down to kiss me," I point out. Shawn chuckles and rests his hands on my waist.
"Why were you looking for us? We haven't been gone five minutes. We would have caught up." Shawn mumbled as we walked out into the blinding California sun.
"You've been gone twenty minutes. We started thinking you finally got mobbed." Finally, you giggled, as if it was an event that everyone knew would happen eventually. "Figured we would have to send out a rescue team here pretty soon."
"Well we're fine. No need to worry."
It was nearing three when you guys made your way over to the Disneyland side of the park.
"Look, babe!" You nodded to your right. "It's Belle!"
He hummed, "there's not a long line. You want to take a picture?"
"Only if you take one with me."
"Course I will. Josiah, will you take our picture?"
"That's what I do, man." He took Shawn's phone while we got in line.
"God, you're fucking beautiful," Shawn muttered to himself when he looked through all the photos you've taken together today. You and the team were all sitting in a shaded area, rehydrating after having walked for hours upon hours. You and him, however, didn't seem to be slowing down. He had managed to take you on another few rides, except for the really tall ones like splash mountain; you were on the verge of tears when he suggested it. So instead he took you to ride the tea cups - three times. He was currently rewatching the video he took of you spinning the cup around, giggling and just genuinely having a great time. He loved seeing you this way. Carefree and vibrant. It wasn't often that you let this side of you out and he knew that, making sure to bask in every moment where you didn't have a single care in the world.
Your chin rested on his shoulder, water bottle nearly empty in your hand. "Have I told you yet that I think you look very handsome today?" You pressed a soft kiss to the shell of his ear and heard him take in a breath.
"No. But thank you." His hand found your free one and he brought it to his lips for a quick kiss, and even though you wanted to keep your hands joined, his were starting to clam up and they were way too hot for you to hold them comfortably. "And have I told you yet that I'm so desperately in love with you?"
You thought it over, "Only like three times since we sat down," you teased.
"Haha, very funny." He booped the tip of your nose. "I'm still gonna tell you again. I love you. I mean it. I really, really do."
You hummed and leaned in to press a quick kiss to his cheek "I love you, too, rockstar." His hand rested on the back of yout head and he smoothly brought you to his lips, kissing you nice and slow, a soft gasp eliciting your mouth when his teeth sunk in your bottom lip.
"Hey!" Andrew threw an empty water bottle at the two of you, "We're in public! Keep it in your pants, maybe?" He said as you separated from your boyfriend, your face feeling hot.
Shawn shook his head, laughing, placing his tattooed hand on your thigh. "They're never allowed to come anywhere with us ever again."
"Definitely not," you agreed.
The walk back to the car consisted of Shawn running around aimlessly with you on his back and you laughing uncontrollably into his shoulder.
"Why were we never that cute?" You heard Teddy ask Emily when Shawn set you down and just as quickly picked you back up bridal style and once again started running around like a maniac.
"It's ten o'clock! Calm down, eh?" Andrew suggested.
Shawn ignored him and placed a chaste kiss on your neck. "Come on, Andrew. You never been in love before?" He asked, finally putting you back on the ground, but keeping hold of your hand and spinning you around once, pulling you back to his chest so that you were walking - stumbling, would be a more accurate description - synchronously.
Once back to the hotel, you all went separate ways. Andrew and Josiah went up to bed, Teddy and Emily went to the bar, and you and Shawn went to the pool after changing into your bathing suits. "Hey," he whispered into your hair while you walked casually against the edge of the pool.
Your eyes fluttered open to look at your beautiful boy. "Hmm?" Your hands found purchase in his curls.
He reached out and grabbed the back of youd thighs, and you wrapped them around his waist. "Thank you for today." He pressed a soft kiss to your temple and slowly started trailing them down to the base of your throat.
"I had fun," you managed to breathe out before his teeth grazed your collar bone. "Oh," you moaned softly.
"You looked beautiful today. Couldn't take my eyes off you." His kisses trailed even lower and his hands slipped under the strings of you top.
"Really?" You giggled. "I hadn't noticed."
"I want you," he murmured into your chest, slickly untying your top.
You squealed and hit his arm, "Babe! We're in public!"
He looked around at the completely empty poolside, "Oh yeah, people are definitely gonna say something." His hands cupped your breasts and your eyes closed at the contact.
"Shawn, please," you said into his neck.
"You wanna go to the room?" He asked, his left hand inching it's way to your bikini bottoms.
You gulped and nodded when his fingers met your unexposed skin. "Now, please."
Breathing heavily, he pressed a gentle kiss to your lips as climbed off him. "Thank you, baby. So good to me."
You could only hum in response. Catching your breath, you found his hand and played with his fingers for a little bit before you felt yourself growing more and more sleepy. "I love you," you muttered, rolling onto your side.
"I love you," he said back, curling his arm around your waist. Laying beneath the sheets, with his arm wrapped around your naked body, you knew there was no place on earth you'd rather be.
A/n: this took so long, I'm sorry. My next fic will be up Wednesday or Thursday though, I promise.
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